Software Engineering Dissertation Project Proposal 6002: Blood Bank Management System

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Blood Bank Management System

Table of Contents

Problem Statement......................................................................................................................3
Proposed technique to solve the current problem.......................................................................4
Research Objectives....................................................................................................................5
Scope and limitation of study......................................................................................................6
A) Stakeholders.......................................................................................................................6
B) Data....................................................................................................................................7
C) Processes............................................................................................................................8
Literature review.........................................................................................................................8

Project Identification and Selection........................................................................................9
Project Initiation and Planning................................................................................................9
Analyzing System needs.......................................................................................................10
Designing the Proposed System............................................................................................10
Feasibility Study........................................................................................................................10
Technical Feasibility.............................................................................................................10
Operational Feasibility..........................................................................................................11
Economical Feasibility..........................................................................................................11
Project Description....................................................................................................................11
Resources required....................................................................................................................12
Languages used to develop...................................................................................................12
Software Required for Developing.......................................................................................12
Expected output and outcome...................................................................................................13
Time plan for implementation...................................................................................................13


A blood donation is a process whereby a person voluntarily has blood drawn to be

used for future transfusions when in need at hospitals for treatment procedures that require
them. Donation may be of whole blood (blood drawn directly from the body) or of specific
components of the blood; such as red blood cells, white blood cells, plasma, and platelets.

Blood bank is a place where blood bag that is collected from blood donation events is stored
in one place. The term “blood bank” refers to a division of a hospital laboratory where the

storage of blood product occurs and where proper testing is performed to reduce the risk of
transfusion related events.

Blood banks play an important role in the process of collecting blood and other
procedure such as managing blood stocks, approving blood request, updating donations and
updating available blood types. Blood banks usually use manual system in managing their
works. They are using manual process in keeping the records of blood donors, recipients, and
blood donation program and blood stocks. This manual system of management is vulnerable
in encountering problems especially in managing the donor’s record it might be unsafe
because of human errors and disasters. It is also a hassle to those who are in need of bloods to
manually search and match donors in case of emergency. To address this problem, Blood
Bank Management System is going to be develop. This system would serve as an online
process for any blood transaction.

Problem Statement

At present, the public can only know about the blood donation events through
conventional media means such as radio, newspaper or television advertisements. There is no
information regarding the blood donation programs available on any of the portal. The current
system that is using by the blood bank is manual system. With the manual system, there are
problems in managing the donors' records. The records of the donor might not be kept safely
and there might be missing of donor's records due to human error or disasters. Besides that,
errors might occur when the staff keeps more than one record for the same donor. There is no

centralized database of volunteer donors. So, it becomes really tedious for a person to search
blood in case of emergency. The only option is to manually search and match donors and then
make phone calls to every donor. There is also no centralized database used to keep the
donors' records. Each bank is having their own records of donors. If a donor makes donation
in different hospital, no previous records can be traced except if the donor brings along the
donation certificate. Hence, the donor is considered to be a first-timer if they make blood
donation in a new place. Without an automated management system, there are also problems
in keeping track of the actual amount of each and every blood type in the blood
bank. In addition, there is also no alert available when the blood quantity is
below its par level or when the blood in the bank has expired. Also, if there is a
shortage of blood in any way, it is very difficult to inform people to get blood in case of an

Proposed technique to solve the current problem

There are two types of process in the existing system: the blood donation process by
donors, and the blood request process by hospitals. In both processes, an administrator is in
charge of managing the blood inventory in the blood bank. Blood Donation Process by
Donors When a new donor comes to donate blood, they are required to fill out their personal
information during the registration process before making a donation. After the donation, the
donor is given a donor identification card with their name, blood type and a barcode to be
used as a reference for future donations. The barcode is used to retrieve the donor’s record
containing their personal information, medical history and donation information, including
blood results. Only blood bank administrators have the authority to access the donor’s
records, since the system is only available for their use within the organization. This makes it
difficult for donors to make changes to their personal information within the system. That is,
for donors to update their personal information, such as their phone number, mailing address,
or e-mail, they cannot update the information by themselves, but have to contact the blood
bank center to update their information.

Research Objectives

The goals and objectives of the Blood Bank Management System are as follows:

 To provide a means for the blood bank to publicize and advertise blood
donation programs.

 To allow the probable recipients to make search and match the volunteer donors, and
make request for the blood.

 To provide an efficient donor and blood stock management functions to the blood
bank by recording the donor and blood details.

 To improve the efficiency of blood stock management by alerting the blood bank
staffs when the blood quantity is below it par level or when the blood stock has

 To provide synchronized and centralized donor and blood stock database.

 To provide immediate storage and retrieval of data and information.
 To support searching, matching and requesting for blood convenient for

 To provide a function to send an e-mail directly to the donor for their user account and
the hospital, the availability of the blood bag.

The system that is going to be developed is Blood Bank Management System

(BBMS). This is a web-based database application system that is to be used by the blood
banks or blood centers as a means to advertise the nationwide blood donation events to the
public and at the same time allow the public to make online reservation and request for the
blood. The system keeps the record of all the donors, recipients, blood donation programs,

rejected bloods. For internal works and activities intranet is used and for interaction with
public internet is used. This system also has the ability to keep track of the donor's donation
records and the blood stocking the blood bank. This project intends to computerize the blood
and donor management system in a blood bank in order to improve the record management
efficiency due to the grown size of records of data.

Scope and limitation of study

The system is used for maintaining all the process and activities of blood bank management
system. The system can be extended to be used for maintaining records of hospital, organ
donation and other similar sectors. While developing the system, there shall be space for
further modification. There shall be a proper documentation so that further enhancement
becomes easy.

As a whole the system is focused to work with blood bank management system and on
additional modification it can be also used as management systems of similar organizations.

A) Stakeholders

1) System Owner: The Blood Bank 2)

System Users:

 Administrators: has full privilege on the system's functions

 Staffs of Blood Bank: has privilege on the system's functions as assigned by the

 Public: can view the blood donation events and donate or can make requests for
donation (Donor and Recipients fall under this category)
B) Data

1.Data about Donor and recipients

 Donor/ Recipient Id

 Name
 Date of Birth  Sex

 Blood Group
 Address
 Contact Number
 Email Address
 Diseases (if any)
 Blood Id
 Event Id

2. Donation program

 Organizer
 Event Id
 Date of Donation
 Venue
 Volunteers
 Amount of blood collected3. Blood
 Blood Id
 Blood Group
 Date of collection
 Expiry date4. Staff
 Staff Id
 Name
 User Name
 Password

C) Processes

 Login The system provides security features through username-password matching

where only authorized user can access the system with different authorization level.

 Advertisements of blood donation event This function allows the blood bank staff to
publicize the blood donation events online. The public can view the venue and time of
the blood donation programs to be held.

 Donor Profile Registration This allows healthy public to register as volunteer donor.
 Online Request for fresh blood This allows the probable recipients to make online
request to the donor. After the request has been filed donors are matched and the
request is sent via SMS with necessary details.

 Blood Stock Management The blood bank staffs can manage the blood stock starting
from the blood collection, to blood screening, processing, storage, transference and
transfusion through this system. Each process or work-flow can be traced from the
database. The system will also raise alert to the staff whenever the blood quantity is
below its par level or when the blood in stock has expired.

 Donor/Recipient Management The records of all donors/recipient and their history are
kept in one centralized database and thus reducing duplicate data in the database. The
record of donation is maintained by the system.

 Reporting The system is able to generate pre-defined reports such as the list of donors,
recipients, staffs, the blood quantity in the bank and charts.

Literature review

There are three systems that have been selected as benchmark for the development of
BBMS. They are the Blood Bank Sri Lanka (National Blood Transfection Service) (NBTS) at , Lanka Hospital Blood Bank & Asiri Blood Bank .

It can be seen here that the website for blood bank in Sri Lanka is not already
operational. We find this to be a huge shortcoming. This is the first website that comes up
when you do a Google search for blood bank in Sri Lanka, so we see this as a very
shortcoming. However, you can register through the websites of Lanka and Asiri Private
Hospitals, but they are not reserved for blood banks.

And also where a person or hospital cannot request the blood bag or blood stock from
the Blood Banks through their websites. Therefore, they cannot know how many times that
they have donated their blood. As for the donor, they cannot know their blood screening result
for each time they donate their blood. Without having this function in the system, the donor
cannot monitor his or her health condition. This will make the donor become unaware of their
health condition.


Project Identification and Selection

In this project, I aimed to develop an online blood bank system which will focus mainly on
managing the donor’s blood information. Anyone who is interested in blood donation can
donate the blood at the hospital or blood donation centers.

Project Initiation and Planning

To begin the project, we have gather user requirement of this system and prepare the scope
and objective. The results from this phase are scope and limitation, objectives, cost and
benefits, feature of the proposed system and user interface design.

Analyzing System needs

I have studied and identified problems of existing system, then I will develop data flow
diagram for the existing system. We also develop data flow diagram (DFD) and entity relation
diagram (E-R diagram) for the proposed system.

Designing the Proposed System

Based on the analysis phase, we converted E-R diagram into relational database model and
created data dictionary and DFD and user interface are designed in this process.

Feasibility Study

The feasibility study is performed to determine whether the proposed system is

viable considering the Technical, Operational and Economical factors. After going through
feasibility study we can have a clear-cut view of the system’s benefits and drawbacks.

Technical Feasibility

The proposed system is developed using Active Server Page, VB Script and HTML as
frontend tool and Oracle 8 as the back end. The proposed system needs a Personal Web
Server to serve the requests submitted by the users. The Web browser is used to view the web
page that is available within the Windows operating system itself. The proposed system will
run under Win9x, NT, and win2000 environment. As Windows is very user friendly and GUI
OS it is very easy to use. All the required hardware and software are readily available in the

Hence the system is technically feasible.

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Operational Feasibility

The proposed system is operationally feasible because of the following reasons.

The customer is benefited more as most of his time is saved. The customer is serviced at
his place of work.

The cost of the proposed system is almost negligible when compared to the benefits gained.

Economical Feasibility

As the necessary hardware and software are available in the market at a low cost, the initial
investment is the only cost incurred and does not need any further enhancements. Hence it is
economically feasible.

The system is feasible in all respects and hence it encourages taking up the system design.

Project Description

The process of managing the blood bag that is received from the blood donation events
needs a proper and systematic management. The blood bag must be handled with care and
treated thoroughly as it is related to someone's life. The development of Web-based Blood
Bank Management System (BBMS) is proposed to provide a management functional to the
blood bank in order to handle the blood bag. Although there are several blood banks in Sri
Lanka, none of them are interconnected. Therefore, I propose to set up this web-based
management system to meet the blood needs of all government and private hospitals in Sri
Lanka. Other hospital may have different ways and approach of handling blood bag. The
technology platform in implementing this system uses J2EE programming environment with

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Java and JSP, using MySQL for SQL database and HTML5, CSS and JavaScript for web
Resources required

In order to develop this proposing Blood Bank Management system there are certain
specified software’s and tools are needed. Following will be the required tools and
software’s needed.

Languages used to develop

• Java - Develop the basic Blood Bank Management System.

• Jsp / HTML - To develop the web-based for the system.

Software Required for Developing

• Netbeans - to code C# windows based system.

• MYSQL workbench- Database system for the windows based system.

Expected output and outcome


With the proposing solution the expected out come from this project is to ease the day to day
work and to create a systematic process to manage Blood Bank.

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The basic output from this project is a fully optimized, user friendly, interactive solution for
the problems faced by the Sri Lanka blood transfusion service.

Time plan for implementation

References (2020). [online] Available at:

[Accessed 17 Jul. 2020].

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