Getu Marketing Strategy and Plan

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GM Clean Energy and Fuel

Efficient Technology Developer

and Disseminator Plc

Marketing strategy and Plan

Contact person: Getu Alemayehu
Mobile: 0911570672
December, 2017
Bahir Dar-Ethiopia


MOBILE: 0912902525
Table of Contents
1.1 The Business ................................................................................................................................. 1
1.2 The future ...................................................................................................................................... 1
Financial Goals ............................................................................................................................. 2
Nonfinancial goals ........................................................................................................................ 2
1.3 The Market .................................................................................................................................... 2
The Finances ................................................................................................................................. 3
2.1 Business overview......................................................................................................................... 3
2.2 Core competencies and sustainable competitive advantage .......................................................... 4
2.3 Situation analysis .......................................................................................................................... 4
2.4 S.W.O.T. analysis ......................................................................................................................... 5
2.5 S.W.O.T. activity sheet ................................................................................................................. 6
2.6 Product Description....................................................................................................................... 6
2.7 Production process ........................................................................................................................ 7
3.1 Market position ............................................................................................................................. 7
3.2 Anticipated demand ...................................................................................................................... 7
3.3 The marketing strategy (marketing mix)....................................................................................... 7
3.3.1 Product strategy ............................................................................................................... 8
3.3.2 Distribution strategy ........................................................................................................ 8
3.3.3 Promotional strategy........................................................................................................ 8
3.3.4 Pricing strategy ................................................................................................................ 9
3.3.5 Value to customer ............................................................................................................ 9
3.3.6 Growth potential ............................................................................................................ 10
3.3.7 Sales/marketing personnel ............................................................................................. 10
4.1 Vision statement .......................................................................................................................... 11
4.2 Mission statement ....................................................................................................................... 11
4.3 Goals/objectives: ......................................................................................................................... 11
4.3.1 Financial Goals .............................................................................................................. 11
4.3.2 Nonfinancial goals ......................................................................................................... 11
4.4 The Market .................................................................................................................................. 12
4.4.1 Unique selling position .................................................................................................. 12
4.4.2 Customer demographics ................................................................................................ 12
4.4.3 Key customers ............................................................................................................... 12
4.4.4 Customer management .................................................................................................. 12
4.4.5 Competitors ................................................................................................................... 13
4.4.6 Market research ............................................................................................................. 13
4.4.7 Market targets ................................................................................................................ 13
4.4.8 Environmental/industry analysis ................................................................................... 14
4.4.9 Marketing strategy Milestones ...................................................................................... 15
5.1 Marketing budget [2018] ............................................................................................................ 16
5.1.1 Monitoring/measurement activities ............................................................................... 17
Glossary................................................................................................................................................. 18

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List of tables
Table 1: s.w.o.t Analysis ............................................................................................................ 5
Table 2: S.W.O.T. activity sheet ................................................................................................ 6
Table 3: Product description ...................................................................................................... 6
Table 4: Sales/marketing personnel ......................................................................................... 10
Table 5: New entrant Competitors follow up sheet.................................................................. 13
Table 6: Milestones .................................................................................................................. 15
Table 7: Marketing budget ....................................................................................................... 16
Table 8: Monitoring/measurement activities............................................................................ 17

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1. Marketing Plan Summary
1.1 The Business
Business name: GM Clean Energy and Fuel Efficient Technology Developer and
Disseminator Plc
Business structure: Private Limited company
Business location: Bahir Dar, Kebelle 10
Date established: October, 2014
Business owners: GM Clean Energy and Fuel Efficient Technology Developer and
Disseminator Plc
Shareholders: Getu Alemayehu, Melaku Getachew, Zelalem Woyuima and Betsiha Tizazu
Relevant owners’ experience: Getu Alemayehu, Melaku Getachew, Zelalem Woyuima and
Betsiha Tizazu are academician at Bahir Dar University. In addition to this they starts their
own business since 2014 on the area of producing and providing different energy efficient
Injera biogas stoves and composite Injera Mitad for rural areas of Ethiopia. The other
members of the company have Business experiences and develop team work which is very
important for the success of the Business. The company is working since 2014 in designing,
producing and marketing energy efficient stoves and composite Mitad.
Products: the products that the company providing are energy efficient Injera biogas stoves
and composite Injera Mitad.

1.2 The future

Vision statement
By modern technology providing quality energy efficient Injera biogas stoves and composite
Injera Mitad products for rural market, creating welfare for the community, establishing an
integrated, sustainable and profitable leader biogas stoves and composite mitad making
industry in in Bahir Dar city. We establish and maintain everlasting relationship with
customers of our products, suppliers including stake holders.
GM Clean Energy and Fuel Efficient Technology Developer and Disseminator Plc is a
manufacturing company dedicated in converting cattle wastes into commercially viable
Biogas stove and composite mitads using different inputs. We intend to make enough profit to
generate a significant return from our investment and to finance continued growth and

continued development in quality products. We will also maintain a friendly, fair, and
creative work environment, which respects diversity, new ideas and hard work.

During the next five years, GM energy seeks to achieve the following financial and
nonfinancial goals:
Financial Goals
 Obtain financing to expand manufacturing capabilities, increase distribution, and
introduce a new product lines.
 Increase revenues by at least 50 percent each year.
Nonfinancial goals
 Introduce a new product lines.
 Enter new geographic markets
 Develop successful and strong relationships with retailers.
To meet this goal we try to reach the target customers through retailers, attend at farmers
meetings and give a brief description about our products, show demonstrations at rural
kebelle level. Create linkage with the regional, zonal and woreda energy offices to promote
the products.

1.3 The Market

Target market:
The target market for energy efficient stoves and composite mitad are the rural community of
Ethiopia particularly Amhara region who have cattle’s. Households who can afford to pay
about 2,645 are the target customers for our products. Current the target customers are rural
households who live in amhara region. However, one future goal is to target customers from
other region of the country. It creates welfare for the rural community in terms of health,
environmental protection and better life.
Marketing strategy:
GM introduces a new product, the innovative energy efficient stove and composite mitad,
using penetration pricing, extensive advertising, and expanded distribution in order to
increase our revenues and growth rate. We will be create linkage with energy offices at each
level and introduce our products and make agreement with them to show demonstrations at

rural kebelle levels in collaboration with keblle extension agents and Health extensions who
are living with them to solve the problems of the rural community.
The Finances
The company will sales a single biogas stove with composite mitad at 2,645 Birr and the
company plans to produce and sale 700 biogas stove with composite mitads. The total sales
forecast will be 1,851,500.00 birr at the first year and production capacity will grow by 50%
starting from the second year. The estimated growth of sales price and cost of raw materials
are similar. To produce and sale the planned quantity of products we strongly promote our
products through Radio programs, show Demonstrations at rural kebelles, attend at farmers
meeting and promote through extension workers at rural areas by making agreement with
energy offices at any level. The estimated promotional cost including other costs is birr
383,800 and this cost will be covered from our equity and from grant funds.
2. The Business
2.1 Business overview
Biogas is a clean, sustainable alternative energy source to biomass. It is a combination of
gases (methane and carbon dioxide) produced through the anaerobic breakdown of organic
matter (e.g., animal or human waste, food waste or plant material) ultimately creating energy.
Biogas energy can be used for cooking, heating, electricity and even transportation. Biogas is
also considered favourable from a financial perspective as it has generally low capital
requirements, especially when compared to “conventional centralized power systems”
(Mwirigi et al., 2014; Karekezi, 2002)

GM green energy is established in 2014 and owned by three shareholders at Bahir Dar city
Kebelle 10. The company produce energy efficient stoves and composite mitad which solves
the rural community problems. The raw materials are available locally. Our company main
work is producing and providing different energy efficient Injera biogas stoves and composite
Injera Mitad for rural areas of Ethiopia. GM Clean Energy planned to manufacture and sell
1750 efficient Injera biogas stoves and composite Injera Mitad for Amhara Region from 2018
to 2019 for the first phase of mass dissemination.

The company is mainly focused on clean energy and environmentally friendly technology
which is locally innovated to reduce the GHG emission, fuel consumption, increase economic

level of low income rural areas and create job opportunities. The technology has two
components, namely Injera Biogas Stove and Composite Mitad.

Injera is staple flat bread of traditional Ethiopian food that everyday eaten by the people. It
accounts for over 50% of all energy consumption in Ethiopia, and over 90% of all household
energy consumption. Injera biogas stove together with composite Mitad use biogas instead of
fuel wood for Injera baking, and thus drastically reduces fuel wood consumption.

The company plans to disseminate Injera biogas stoves together with composite Mitads for
700 biogas users during the first year and then will be increased by 50%. This project wills at
least 61,763,356.2kg wood will be saved. This when converted into money saved for
customers, will be a minimum of 86.5million ETB and also a minimum of 8,235hectares of
forest will be saved from being deforested and burned for Injera baking. Regarding GHG
emissions, the company will reduce CO2 emissions by 123,527 tons; CO emissions by12, 843
tons; CH4 emissions by 667 tons; and a significant amount of particulate matters.

2.2 Core competencies and sustainable competitive advantage

GM seeks to use its core competencies to achieve a sustainable competitive advantage, in
which competitors cannot provide the same value to consumers that GM does. Already, GM
has developed core competencies in (1) producing and offering a high-quality, branded
product whose image is recognizable among customers; (2) creating a sense of community
among customers who purchase the products; and (3) developing a reputation among retailers
as a reliable manufacturer, delivering the requested number of products on schedule. The
firm intends to build on these competencies through marketing efforts that increase the
number of products offered as well as distribution outlets.

By forming strong relationships with customers, retailers, and suppliers of inputs and other g
services, GM believes it can create a sustainable competitive advantage over its rivals. No
other company can say to its customers with as much conviction “Go Play Outside”!
2.3 Situation analysis
The marketing environment for GM represents overwhelming opportunities. It also contains
some challenges that the firm believes it can meet successfully. a SWOT analysis of the
company conducted by marketers to highlight GM’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and

The SWOT analysis presents a thumbnail sketch of the company’s position in the
marketplace. In just three years, GM has built some impressive strength while looking
forward to new opportunities. Its dedicated founders, the growing number of brand-loyal
customers, and sound financial management place the company in a good position to grow.
However, as GM considers expansion of its product line and entrance into new markets; the
firm will have to guard against marketing myopia (the failure to recognize the scope of its
business) and quality slippages. However, building strong relationships with consumers,
retailers, and suppliers should help thwart competitors if they emerge.
2.4 S.W.O.T. analysis
A SWOT analysis will help in analysing those factors, which play an important role in
making the marketing decision.
Table 1: s.w.o.t Analysis

Strengths Weaknesses

 Availability of Secured target market  High rental costs of workshop

 Technical skilled man power  Shortage of working capital
 Innovativeness of the business  Location of the business
 achieved several markets with quick

Opportunities Threats

 Government policy for the energy sectors  Price fluctuation

 Availability of grant fund to innovative  Expensiveness of the promotion to reach
ideas the target market
 New market opportunity  New entrant competitors on the area
 Currently no competitors

2.5 S.W.O.T. activity sheet
Table 2: S.W.O.T. activity sheet
S.W.O.T weakness/ Activity to address weakness/threat Activity completion
threat date

High rental cost of Request land by investment from the city February, 2018
Workshop Administration/ identify another location
for the work shop

Shortage of working Facilitate from the grant that i was got/ January, 2018
Capital request working capital from Banks

Location of the The business location that we are working March,2018

Business is not appropriate for customers. Especially
selling shops must be opened near to the
Bus station

Expensiveness of The target customers for the products are February, 2018
promotional cost the rural community which needs
appropriate promotion campaign to reach
with them. Most of the rural community
listening radio. So to promote through
radio the cost is high. So we need to reach
to the rural community through Health
agent and development agents by dealing
with the regional Health and Agriculture

Price fluctuation To maintain the price fluctuation we need January, 2018

to do in purchasing input materials at the
right time. Make agreements with suppliers
in a sustainable manner

2.6 Product Description

Table 3: Product description

Product/Service Description Price

Injera Biogas stove and Biogas is a priority area for the Ethiopian Government, 2,645
Composite mitad aiming to reduce carbon emissions and provide access to
clean and efficient cooking and lighting solutions in rural
areas. Clean and sustainable energy solutions like biogas
through a market-based approach with impact at scale.

2.7 Production process

The production process of the products injera biogas stove and composite Mitad is shown
below in the diagram.

3. The market
3.1 Market position
The products in the market are sold in monopoly even intensive promotion is mandatory to
create awareness for the target customers.
3.2 Anticipated demand
The anticipated demand is 700 customers for the first year and will grow by 50% starting
from the second year.

3.3 The marketing strategy (marketing mix)

The following discussion outlines some of the details of the proposed marketing mix for GM

3.3.1 Product strategy
GM currently offers a line of high-quality energy efficient injera biogas stoves and
composite mitad. Over the next five years, GM plans to expand the product line to include
customized product items. This strategy will keep the concept fresh and prevent it from
becoming diluted with too many variations.
3.3.2 Distribution strategy
Currently, GM is marketed through regional and local retailer and directly to the rural
household scattered along the Ethiopian regions particularly priority is given for Amhara
region market. So far, GM has been distributed through energy sector chains. GM obtains
much of its information about overall industry trends in different geographic areas and at
different types of retail outlets from its consumers.

Over the next three years, GM seeks to expand distribution to retail throughout the nation,
focusing next on the whole Ethiopian regions. The firm has not yet determined whether it
would be beneficial to sell through a major national chain as these outlets could be considered

In addition, GM plans to expand its sales by offering the quality products at rural kebelle level
by making agreements with energy offices and using extension agents as promoter of the
products who they are living with the rural community. Eventually we may be able to place
Regardless of its expansion plans, GM fully intends to monitor and maintain strong
relationships with distribution channel members.
3.3.3 Promotional strategy
GM communicates with consumers and retailers about its products in a variety of ways.
Information about GM the company as well as its products is available via the website, direct
mailings, and in person.

The company relies on personal contact with retailers and customers to establish the products
in their stores. This contact, whether in-person or by phone, helps convey the GM message,
demonstrate the products’ unique qualities, and build relationships. GM sales representatives
visit each store two or three times a year and offer in-store training on the features of the
products for new retailers or for those who want a refresher. As distribution expands, GM

will adjust to meet greater demand by increasing sales staff to make sure it stores are visited
more frequently.

Sales promotions and public relations currently make up the bulk of GM’s promotional
strategy. GM staff works with retailers to offer short-term sales promotions tied to event and
contests. In addition, Getu is currently working with several marketing ways to offer GM
items on a promotional basis. Because GM also engages in cause marketing through its
contribution to environmental programs, good public relations have followed.

Non-traditional marketing methods that require little cash and a lot of creativity also lend
themselves perfectly to GM. During the next year, the company plans to engage in the
following marketing efforts:
 Create a GM event, in which several employees take turns driving around the country
to campgrounds to distribute promotional items such as GM stickers
 Attend rural community meetings, events, and workshops to create awareness to
customers of our products.
 Promote the products via radio which is appropriate to reach to the target market
 Make agreements with Energy offices in creating awareness’s to the customers and
distributing products.

3.3.4 Pricing strategy

The products are going to be marketed to the domestic market for rural households and any
other customers. The price to be charged must therefore be affordable and minimum. The
price may initially be set at a level which covers input and operating costs plus margin for the
profit. to produce a single product the cost of inputs is 1,200 birr. So the price for a single
product is 2,645 birr including the operating costs. The charge varies depending on the cost of
inputs to produce each product outputs. Our sales strategy involves continuing informal
surveys of our customers about their preferences and needs, and keeping an open mind about
3.3.5 Value to customer
As per our market survey, the result shows that the products that we produce are considered
as necessity goods which solve environmental, health and economic issues.

3.3.6 Growth potential
The designed promotional campaign leads our company to expand our production and sales
by 50% annual growth. Because if we create awareness about the products for the target
market; the sales volume become increased rapidly.
3.3.7 Sales/marketing personnel
Table 4: Sales/marketing personnel
Job Title Name Responsibilities

Marketing Manager Will be assigned Design strategic issues to expand sales volumes
for the company products by maintaining the
expectation of customers regarding our products.

Sales officer Will be assigned Promote products, provide after sales service, sale
products both for retailers and customers.

Purchaser Will be assigned Purchase input materials which are used in

production process of our products on time.

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4. The Future
4.1 Vision statement
By modern technology providing quality energy efficient Injera biogas stoves and composite Injera Mitad products for rural market, creating
welfare for the community, establishing an integrated, sustainable and profitable leader biogas stoves and composite mitad making industry in in
Bahir Dar city. We establish and maintain everlasting relationship with customers of our products, suppliers including stake holders.
4.2 Mission statement
GM Clean Energy and Fuel Efficient Technology Developer and Disseminator Plc is a manufacturing company dedicated in converting cattle
wastes into commercially viable Biogas stove and composite mitads using different inputs. We intend to make enough profit to generate
a significant return from our investment and to finance continued growth and continued development in quality products. We will also maintain a
friendly, fair, and creative work environment, which respects diversity, new ideas and hard work.

4.3 Goals/objectives:
During the next five years, GM energy seeks to achieve the following financial and nonfinancial goals:
4.3.1 Financial Goals
 Obtain financing to expand manufacturing capabilities, increase distribution, and introduce a new product lines.
 Increase revenues by at least 50 percent each year.
4.3.2 Nonfinancial goals
 Introduce a new product lines.
 Enter new geographic markets
 Develop successful and strong relationships with retailers.
To meet this goal we try to reach the target customers through retailers, attend at farmers meetings and give a brief description about our
products, show demonstrations at rural kebelle level. Create linkage with the regional, zonal and woreda energy offices to promote the products.

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4.4 The Market
4.4.1 Unique selling position
Our product is unique and innovative in which the product has not competitors in the market. The product is design for the rural community to
solve the problems of clean energy by providing cost effective products and develop the living styles of the community. Even there were not
competitors in the market; we are dedicated in marketing to reach to the target market.
4.4.2 Customer demographics
The demography of our customers are women who were married from age 18-65 and living at rural area of Ethiopia. Our products will solve the
need for wood and minimizes health problems caused by fire woods during food preparation. Most of the users of our products are uneducated
community and there living styles are not yet improved. So injera biogas stove and composite mitad will minimize the problems of the rurl
women in terms of health, living style and energy.
4.4.3 Key customers
The key customers for our injera biogas stove and composite mitad are the rural households who can afford to pay birr 2,645 and who have
cattle’s. From the rural households more than 60% can be our potential customers. We will be distributing products through retailers at rural
kebelle level or through extension agents and health extension workers. We will also show demonstrations at kebelle level how can our product is
4.4.4 Customer management
We are not sale only the products that we produce; but we provide after sales service to our customers to make them loyal for our products. We
will provide technical training services, installation services and maintenance service when it is needed. We need to live for our customers and
they become feeling like family. Even if there is any defect in our product we replace the products without additional costs.

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4.4.5 Competitors
Our business is expected to fill the already existing gap in the local market. Currently there are not any competitors on the areas. But if there will
be new entrants in the Future; we are ready to handle better market share by following, gathering information and designing better strategy
against competitors as show in the table below. There are various reasons to handle better market share against our competitors
 Price will be minimum
 Quality of products
In addition, the business has therefore to be efficient and attractive in all dimensions i.e. time, cost, quality, and price to win the competition.
Competitor details will be handled as shown in the table.
Table 5: New entrant Competitors follow up sheet
Competitor Established date Size Market share (%) Value to customers Strengths Weaknesses

[Competitor name]

[Competitor name]

[Competitor name]

4.4.6 Market research

We will conduct market survey about customer satisfaction level on our products in terms of quality, price, and applicability issues. Customer
feedbacks are organized and analysed every six months to design better marketing strategy and to make customization in our products
4.4.7 Market targets
The target market for energy efficient stoves and composite mitad are the rural community of Ethiopia particularly Amhara region who have
cattle’s. Households who can afford to pay about 2,645 are the target customers for our products. Current the target customers are rural

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households who live in amhara region. However, one future goal is to target customers from other region of the country. It creates welfare for the
rural community in terms of health, environmental protection and better life.
4.4.8 Environmental/industry analysis
The early years of implementation of biogas in Ethiopia were not solely focused on small-scale domestic biogas; institutional and large-scale
digesters were also deployed. A common characteristic was that the experiments were conducted on an isolated manner without proper means to
up-scale the technology. Biogas was first introduced in Ethiopia by Ambo Agricultural College around 1957 to supply the energy for welding
agricultural tools. During the 1970s, two biogas plants were introduced by the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) as pilot projects to
promote the technology.
This analysis of Ethiopia’s complex socio-ecological system focuses on economic, social, environmental, political, and financial forces as well as
boundaries to the successful adoption of biogas technology. Here we analyze the country’s major economic indicators, as Ethiopia is one of the
most rapidly developing countries in Sub-Saharan Africa with ambitious aims for sustainable development. We briefly discuss current
renewable/clean energy projects and initiatives, public health issues as a result of the continued use of biomass for cooking in rural areas, review
most recent studies on this topic, and key organizations involved in the biogas diffusion process. The stakeholder analysis also serves as a
conceptualization of the organizational & institutional linkages in the system as they work toward successful dissemination of biogas digesters
and energy efficient/biogas cook stoves in rural areas of Ethiopia.

Biogas is a clean, sustainable alternative energy source to biomass. It is a combination of gases (methane and carbon dioxide) produced through
the anaerobic breakdown of organic matter (e.g., animal or human waste, food waste or plant material) ultimately creating energy. Biogas energy
can be used for cooking, heating, electricity and even transportation. Biogas is also considered favorable from a financial perspective as it has
generally low capital requirements, especially when compared to “conventional centralized power systems” (Mwirigi et al., 2014; Karekezi,

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4.4.9 Marketing strategy Milestones
Table 6: Milestones
Marketing activity/milestone Person Date of expected Cost (birr) Success indicator
responsible completion

Print advertising, online advertising, website Marketing February,2018 40,000.00 Sales volume growth by 10%,
advertising Manager awareness’s created for

Radio media advertising Marketing June,2018 65,000.00 The rural community aware about
manager our products, customers utilized the
products effectively, sales volume
increases by 20%
Open sales office at appropriate site and assign General March,2018 35,000.00
Distributors sales volume growth,
distributors of our products Manager
created employment opportunity
and increment of our production,
sales volume growth by 10%
Participating rural community extension events and Marketing May,2018 65,000.00 [What indicator/ measurement
establishment of demonstrations at kebelle level. manager and result will need to be met before this
sales officers activity is considered a success?]

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5. The Finances
GM clean energy plc will be performing these marketing strategies. To perform the marketing activities effectively and efficiently Budget is
needed. The company will sales a single biogas stove with composite mitad at 2,645 Birr and the company plans to produce and sale 700 biogas
stove with composite mitads. The total sales forecast will be 1,851,500.00 birr at the first year and production capacity will grow by 50% starting
from the second year. The estimated growth of sales price and cost of raw materials are similar. To produce and sale the planned quantity of
products we strongly promote our products through Radio programs, show Demonstrations at rural kebelles, attend at farmers meeting and
promote through extension workers at rural areas by making agreement with energy offices at any level. The estimated promotional cost
including other miscellaneous costs is birr 353,800 and this cost will be covered from our equity and from grant funds.
5.1 Marketing budget [2018]
Table 7: Marketing budget
Item Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Radio advertising 20,000.00 20,000.00 25,000.00
Print advertising 15,000.00 10,000.00
Online advertising 8,000.00 7,000.00
Social media 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00
Events 15,000.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00
Marketing/ 17,000.00 25,000.00 29,000.00 27,000.00 17,000.00 22,000.00 12,000.00 2,000.00 27,000.00 2,000.00 12,000.00 2,000.00
promotion total
Research 25,000.00 25,000.00
Travel 2,300.00 2,300.00 2,300.00 2,300.00 2,300.00 2,300.00 2,300.00 2,300.00 2,300.00 2,300.00 2,300.00 2,300.00
Postage 350.00 350.00 350.00 350.00 350.00 350.00 350.00 350.00 350.00 350.00 350.00 350.00
Administration 6,500.00 6,500.00 6,500.00 6,500.00 6,500.00 6,500.00 6,500.00 6,500.00 6,500.00 6,500.00 6,500.00 6,500.00
Other total 9,150.00 34,150.00 9,150.00 9,150.00 9,150.00 9,150.00 9,150.00 34,150.00 9,150.00 9,150.00 9,150.00 9,150.00
Total 26,150.00 59,150.00 38,150.00 36,150.00 26,150.00 31,150.00 21,150.00 36,150.00 36,150.00 11,150.00 21,150.00 11,150.00

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5.1.1 Monitoring/measurement activities
Table 8: Monitoring/measurement activities
Marketing activity Date of review Monitoring methods Review outcomes
Print advertising, online March,2018 Conduct customer survey, Check customers and stalk holders weather they know our
advertising, website comment review from the products or not and in what means they were aware. In addition
advertising website, questionnaire and how much volume of products are sold due to this promotional
interview strategy will be evaluated and based on the findings from the
evaluation make correction action for the next year.
Radio media advertising July and Field survey and interview will Check whether the advertising message is clear or not, the media
November,2018 be conducted weather the radio is reachable or not and the customers who buys our products are
advertising is addressed or not get the information from this advertisement or not. And also
to the rural community evaluate how much percent of our sales is performed from this
Open sales office at May,2018 Observation and interview Evaluate performance of distributors based on their purchase
appropriate site and orders, by observation of their shops and interviewing distributors
assign distributors of our and retailers about the product feature, quality and price issues as
products per the information’s gathered from their clients.
Participating rural September,2018 Develop Information gathering To know the number of the rural community awareness and their
community extension form and disseminate in each willingness to purchase and use our products. To customize
events and establishment rural kebelles through extension products based on their needs.
of demonstrations at agents
kebelle level.

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Channel – a way of delivering something to its destination, whether it is a message to be
communicated or a physical product to be delivered.
Contract – a legally enforceable agreement made between two or more parties. A contract may
be a verbal contract or a written contract (or may be partly verbal and partly written).
Demographics – the characteristics of a segment of the population, e.g. customers.
Market position – refers to the position an organisation, product or service has in the market,
usually in relation to its competition.
Milestone – a goal or objective with a target date.
Mission statement – is a statement outlining how an organisation intends on achieving its vision.
Social media – a group of technology including Blogs, online networks (e.g. Twitter, Facebook,
MySpace, LinkedIn) and online collaboration tools often used to expand your network/market
reach or collaborate on a large scale.
Unique selling position: a characteristic of a business or a product/service that sets it apart
from the competition.
Vision statement: an inspiring statement that expresses an organisation's main ambitions/goals.

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