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Level 2

4 Cells, human reproduction and heredity

Unit 4 Unit test

Name: ____________________________ ( ) Total marks: 50 marks

Class: ____________________________ Time: 35 min

1 Attempt ALL questions.
2 Write your answers in the spaces provided on the Answer Sheets.

A True or false questions (5 marks, 1 mark each)

Write ‘T’ for a true statement and ‘F’ for a false statement.

1 Animal and plant cells have some structures in common.

2 Both a tadpole and a sperm consist of a single cell.
3 As we grow, the number and size of cells in our body increase.
E 4 The intrauterine device avoids pregnancy by preventing fertilization.
5 The X and Y chromosomes are only found in sex cells.

B Multiple-choice questions (10 marks, 1 mark each)

1 Which of the following is the image of the word ‘pod’ under a light microscope?
A qob
B pod
C boq
D dop

2 Which of the following structure(s) can be found in an onion skin cell?

(1) A nucleus
(2) A cell membrane
(3) Chloroplasts
A (1) only
B (1) and (2) only
C (2) and (3) only
D (1), (2) and (3)

New Mastering Science -1- Unit test 4.Level 2 (Trial)

© Oxford University Press 2018
Level 2
4 Cells, human reproduction and heredity

3 Which of the following statements about the nucleus in cells is/are correct?
(1) The nucleus contains materials that determine our trait.
(2) The nucleus often appears as a dense structure under the microscope.
(3) The nucleus is always located in the centre of the cell.
A (1) only
B (2) only
C (1) and (2) only
D (2) and (3) only

4 The diagram below shows some changes that happen in a human cell.


Which labelled processes indicate cell growth and cell differentiation?

Cell growth Cell differentiation

E 5 The pyramid below shows the levels of organization of living things.

Living thing





Which of the following combination is correct?

(1) (2) (3)
A organ tissue system
B tissue organ system
C system organ tissue
D tissue system organ

New Mastering Science -2- Unit test 4.Level 2 (Trial)

© Oxford University Press 2018
Level 2
4 Cells, human reproduction and heredity

Directions: Questions 6 and 7 refer to the diagram below which shows the human
male reproductive system.


6 Which structure is NOT a part of the reproductive system?

A Structure A
B Structure D
C Structure E
D Structure G

7 Which structure(s) is/are responsible for producing the substances found in

A Structure H only
B Structures A and E only
C Structures A, B and H only
D Structures B, C and H only

E 8 Which of the following birth control methods can provide protection against
sexually transmitted diseases?
A Sterilization
B Rhythm method
C Contraceptive pills
D Condom

New Mastering Science -3- Unit test 4.Level 2 (Trial)

© Oxford University Press 2018
Level 2
4 Cells, human reproduction and heredity

9 The photo below shows a pair of twins.

Which of the following statements about them is/are correct?

(1) They have the same blood group.
(2) They have the same genetic materials.
(3) They were developed from two fertilized ova.
A (1) only
B (3) only
C (1) and (2) only
D (1), (2) and (3)

10 A student draws the graph below to show the distribution of blood groups among
the students in Class 1A.
Distribution of blood groups among students in Class 1A
Number of students5




Blood group

What mistake(s) did the student make in drawing the graph?

(1) The labels on the horizontal axis are wrong.
(2) The bars should not be coloured.
(3) There should be gaps between the bars.
A (2) only
B (3) only
C (1) and (2) only
D (2) and (3) only

New Mastering Science -4- Unit test 4.Level 2 (Trial)

© Oxford University Press 2018
Level 2
4 Cells, human reproduction and heredity

C Fill in the blanks (10 marks, 1 mark each)

1 When we observe onion cells under a microscope, we usually add a few drops of
a solution to the cells to make them easier to observe.
2 If an ovum is not b , the thickened c will break down. Tissues and blood
from it, together with the ovum, will pass out through the vagina. This process is
called d .
3 During labour, the muscles of the e and the abdominal wall contract strongly
and continuously to push the foetus out of the body.
4 In humans, each body cell has f chromosomes. In sex cells, the number of
chromosomes is g of that in the body cells.
E 5 The diaphragm and the condom are often coated with h to kill sperms.
6 Height is an example of i variation whereas whether the thumb can bend
backwards is a j variation.

D Questions (25 marks)

1 The diagram below shows a light microscope and the cells observed under it.

A cell P


0.025 mm

a Using the letters provided, state which parts of the microscope are
responsible for
i producing a magnified image. (2 marks)
ii adjusting the amount of light entering the microscope. (2 marks)
b What is the actual length of cell P shown by the arrow in the diagram?
Show your calculations. (4 marks)

New Mastering Science -5- Unit test 4.Level 2 (Trial)

© Oxford University Press 2018
Level 2
4 Cells, human reproduction and heredity

c The magnification of the eyepiece used for observing cell P is 10X. What is
the magnification of the objective? Show your calculations. (2 marks)

New Mastering Science -6- Unit test 4.Level 2 (Trial)

© Oxford University Press 2018
Level 2
4 Cells, human reproduction and heredity

2 The table below shows the distribution of pulse rates of students in a class.

Pulse rate
Number of students
(beats per minute)
66–70 5
71–75 7
76–80 10
81–85 9
86–90 5
91–95 2
96–100 1
101–105 1

a Draw a graph on the Answer Sheet to show the distribution of pulse rate in
the class. (7 marks)
b Give TWO other variations found in humans which also a similar
distribution as the pulse rate. (2 marks)

E 3 DNA carries genetic information. There are four kinds of bases in DNA and they
are paired up.

a Label ONE of the bases on the DNA in the diagram on the Answer Sheet.
(1 mark)
b Write down the base pairings found in DNA. (2 marks)
c Three base pairs forms a genetic code. Describe how the codes work to
determine our traits. (3 marks)

- End -

New Mastering Science -7- Unit test 4.Level 2 (Trial)

© Oxford University Press 2018
Level 2
4 Cells, human reproduction and heredity

Unit 4 Cells, human reproduction and heredity

Unit test
Answer sheet

Name: ____________________________ ( ) Marks: _______/50

Class: ____________________________

A True or false questions (5 marks, 1 mark each)

1 __________ 2 __________ 3 __________ 4 __________ 5 __________

B Multiple-choice questions (10 marks, 1 mark each)

1 __________ 2 __________ 3 __________ 4 __________ 5 __________

6 __________ 7 __________ 8 __________ 9 __________ 10 __________

C Fill in the blanks (10 marks, 1 mark each)

a ______________________________ b ______________________________

c ______________________________ d ______________________________

e ______________________________ f ______________________________

g ______________________________ h ______________________________

i ______________________________ j ______________________________

D Questions (25 marks)

1 a i ______________________________________________________________

ii ______________________________________________________________

b __________________________________________________________________





New Mastering Science -8- Unit test 4.Level 2 (Trial)

© Oxford University Press 2018
Level 2
4 Cells, human reproduction and heredity

c __________________________________________________________________



2 a

b __________________________________________________________________


3 a

New Mastering Science -9- Unit test 4.Level 2 (Trial)

© Oxford University Press 2018
Level 2
4 Cells, human reproduction and heredity

b __________________________________________________________________


c __________________________________________________________________




- End -

New Mastering Science - 10 - Unit test 4.Level 2 (Trial)

© Oxford University Press 2018
Level 2
4 Cells, human reproduction and heredity

Unit 4 Cells, human reproduction and heredity

Unit test


Detailed marking scheme are

provided in the complete version.

New Mastering Science - 11 - Unit test 4.Level 2 (Trial)

© Oxford University Press 2018

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