IS 813 - Symbols For Welding PDF

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a Bi Cw yor pepovnelion beisce igie 1S #819 1906 Indian Standard SCHEME OF SYMBOLS FOR WELDING ( First Revision } First Reprint APRIL 1992 UDG 621-791-052 : 00362 w HYOERABAD No Nous Lanna see Hes CALL Wo... @ i © Copyright 1988 BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS MANAK BHAVAN, 9 BAHADUR SHAH ZAFAR MARG NEW DELHI 110002 Ge 10 Decumber 1988 HYGERKBS STHEB i 18 1 B43 » 1986 Link ee CALL NOrn ee Indian Stan on SCHEME OF SYMBOLS FOR WEL ( First Revision ) Welding General Sectional Committee, SMDC i Chairmen Rupreseting Sunt D.$. Homavan DAH Secheron Electrodes Put Lid, Indore Members Smut 8. Janes (Alternate to Suri. 8. Honavar ) Sant R$, Agoanwat ‘Auociation of Indian Engineesiag Induntry, New Delbt Stewarts & Lloyds of India Lud, Calcutta Directorate General gf Employ ment and Trainiog, New Delhi ‘ BEE Bacar ste ay Puls Electrons sndblectied Led, Bowbay @ suai. Baueanoman Hindustan Shipyard Lid, Vinnkbapasnam ; eat Ave ( Aaa) sant Basegee Tadian Oxygen Lad, Caleta “SEED (Alaa) ab National Test Howie, Celeutt. ‘Snag ky Le Bawos (Alina) suntSr K Bonmae (M,N. asus & Co Pvt Ltd, Calcutta ‘Set Be Caoem ( Allene ) mat B'S. Caovoney SteeLutbonty otaa Ld (Bokaro Sts Plat), Bokaro Ste} Derorr Diaoron (Cunuica) RDSO, Mistry of Railways Toonxow Paooverion,, Exonwses "Faorony, Map Inreoaat Cosc urna) gant §. 5.0: Centra! Boilers Board, New Deli Sunt C. R, Gross ‘Maband ron & Steel Works Ltd, Bombay ‘Saar D,B. Momante ( Altrnats) sant. P, Kazeon Departiment of Atomic Energy, Bombay ‘Sunt L. Me Tovant( Altenate) Da §, Prasnns Re Sami j. & Naw Larsen & Toubro Ltd, Bombay of Technical Development, New Delhi Directorate Ge Saat N. Mewwoouray ‘Sinn HS, Docent ¢ Altemate) 'D. Pane ‘Dalmia tossitute of Scientific & Industrial Retearch, Rajgangpur Adiiniy Naew ( Alterate 1) Sir V. Rawous ( Alrnaté IL) 1M Bou, Watchandnagar Tadestrios, Walebs 'G, De Arr ( dlurnate) Patents Engineers Tadia Lid, New Delhi ‘Ravitararnmeay Binoy Lid, Madras Rasumeaee Todlan Hume Pipes Co Lad, Pune 13M Raxvant ( Alienate) Da ¥: Raxcaswance Steel Authority of India Ltd ( Research and Development Ceatre Yor Iron and Sted}, Kashi Da §, K,Gnocomvay ( Alienate) Sant. Mapears ReDDy Bharat Heavy Place and Vestels Led, Visakhapatnam ‘Sunt MG, Nanawasts Rao (Alternate) Reraramwratier Barat Heavy Electricals Lid, Hyderabad ‘Sint Ravan Kosean ( Alteraie | Shar Vi Suavseasaraavana (alterna 1) Rernyamesyeive Jenop & Co Ltd, Gateutea Sante. ov Prajeete & Development India Lid, Dbanbad ¥ of Defence ( G1) snerS' 1. Rey Mi (Continued pote?) © coprin 1008 BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS ‘This publication is protected wader the inion Copyright Act (XIV of 1957 ) aad production in whole or ia part by dnv means excep! with weitten permission of the publishor shall be deemed to be ap infringement of cone | tinder the said Act. 18+ 813 + 1986 Indian Standard SCHEME OF SYMBOLS FOR WELDING ( First Revision ) 0 FOREWORD 0:1 This Indian Standard ( First Revision ) was adopted by the Indian Standards Institution on 24 January 1986, after the draft finalized by the Welding General Sectional Committee had been approved by the Structural and Metals Division 0.2 Welding cannot take its proper place as an ~eaginecring too! uniesy suitable means are provie Gea tor coaveying the information required for welding from” the, desigoers to. the operators. The smbols described in this standard: provide the means of pacing om drawings the information concerning type, Hizey position, et, of the welds in welded jaime, With a view to avoid confusion rnd ‘misunderstanding, it is very essential that nly standard symbols are used by all designers Gnd fabricators, However, all information reqoi- rad for welding is not couveyed by the symbols More. ‘Te iss therefore, ‘often necesary, even when the standatd symbols have been wed, to Indicate on the drawings, reference to standard specifications for welding procedures and/or 1. SCOPE La This standard prescribes the rules to be applied for symbolic representation of welds on Geawings giving information concerning type. Size, position, welding process, ete, for welds in ‘welded joints. i Ld The tcheme does not include the use of thickened lines, hatehing and such other means: Tor indicating the welds themselves on the drawings, as itis considered that users will be in the best position to judge whether such additions fre desirable to meet their particular needs. 2, TERMINOLOGY 2.1 For the purpotes of this standard, the defini- tions given in IS; 812-1957 shall apply. 3. GENERAL 3.1 Welds may be indicated in accordance sith the genera recommendations for technical drawlbge, However, forthe purpose of stm alion ti aavisabic to adopt, for usual welds, She wimbelic representation’ described. in this sandard. ry of terms lating to weld od cutting welding procedure sheets giving details of the tools, materials, processes and other requirements for welding. 0.3 This standard was first published in 1956. Amended version of the standard was issued in 1961. It is now being revised to bring it in line with other international standards published on. the subject. O4 This standard keeps in view the practices being followed in the country in this field. ‘Assisiance has also been derived from the follow- ing standards issued by the International Organi zation for Standardization ( ISO 1S 2553-1984 Welds — Symbolic representar tion on drawings ISO 4063-1978 Welding, brazing, _ braze welding and soldering of metals —List of processes, for Tepretentation’ on. 3.2 The symbolic representation shall give ly all necessary indications regarding the je weld to be obtained, without. over- ing the drawing with notes or showing an view. 3.3 This symbolic representation includes an ‘elementary symbol which may be completed by: a) a supplementary symbol, b) a means of showing dimensions,or ¢) tome complementary indication ( particu- larly for workshop drawings ). 3.4 In order to simplify the drawings as much as possible, it is recommended that references be nade to specific instructions or particular specifi cations giving all details of the preparation of edges to be welded and/or the welding procedu- ret, rather than showing these indications on the drawings of the welded parts. IT there are uo such instructions, he dime sions relating to the preparation of the edges (0 be welded and/or the welding procedures can be close to the symbol. 151 813 - 1986 TABLET ELEMENTARY SYMBOLS (Claas 4.1.2) = a Danouariox Tnzgernarion Srupoe Lr 1 { Butt weld betwee (Che rained edges beiag celts vam me 2 | Square butt weld AS 3 | Single-V but weld, 4 | Single-bevel butt weld, ESD 5 | Single-V butt weld with brond root face 6 | Singie-bevel bute weld with broad root face 7. | Single-U buss weld ( par | Stogles bute weld Pics CESS 9 | Backing run; back or bucking weld 10 | Files weld “Fut welds between plates with “edges ( symbol welds (symbol 2) with soe weld thick aot compleiely peovirated are symbolised ar aquare butt hanes shown ie Table 4 (Contmutd ) 181813 - 1986 TABLE 3 EXAMPLES OF APPLICATION OF SUPPLEMENT ARY SYMBOLS (Glaus 432) Damtonation Invosenarion Sranor Flat ( flth )single-V bute weld ZZ | V Conver doubleeV butt wald | | | | ZS | X con wa re ee SN y wore wariow “arom ctl 00 on al Wels onme aroiwsice fo) Weldon tne other sor Fro. 2. T.Jonr were One Fruer Wat 7 15 1813 + 1986 - vam 7 7 i Ve bi To be welded 2) Tobe wetoes on fom tne other we the stow se Fio. 5 Position oF Syunot Acconoina To THz Rerenence Linz 7. COMPLEMENTARY INDICATIONS 7.0 Complimentary indications may be necessary Inorder to specify some other characteristics of Welds as given in Tel, To2 and 7.3. = === 71 Peripheral Welds — When the weld is to TTS bealvaround a par, the symbol is e circle, as shown in Fig. ( 7.2 Field or Site Welds — A flag is to be used Pio. 6 Exaupces of THe PRincrete {fo indieate the Beld or site weld, as shown in Fig. 9. «filet welds, there are (wo 7.3 Indication of Welding Process — If to itiiedee dimensions (see Fig. 73. required, the welding process may be symboliged methods ee ene a ore thall always be by a number written between the two branchet herelns gn ofthe value of the corresponding ofa fork, atthe enc of the reference ine eros from the reference line, as shown in Fig, 10. Simension, Thromt length thickness Z ‘ease of plug or slot welds with 7.3.1 Nuraerical, index numbers identiing wee Ben tne dimension at the bottom each process of welding, brazing, braze, wutog beveled eoget ich sal be taken into. con- and soldering to be used for symbolic repressnsstion sideration: Of welds on drawing are given in Appendix B. 6.2.4 In the 9 151 B15 = 1986 (xu Qe cae pom os | 6 =| (9) seviemmunp sp {a)xu p aoe sat pews | o (a) pu > ponves | or ta pula Sears eras) am antes wear on woanutieg | 18 15 1813 - 1986 pe x zz=av2 a> ote Fig, 7 Mutuons oF IxpicatiNo Diwensions ror Fitzt Weis 4 Fic. 8 INDICATION oF Prarpumnat WaLp Fro, 9 Inpicatiow oF Firtp on Srrz Wei a Fig, 10 Inpication or WeLoimo Paocass APPENDIX A - ( Clauses 4.4 and 5.1.1) EXAMPLES OF USE OF SYMBOLS Al, Typical examples of ute of the elementa ged sapbiamentary eyrboln tee given te Tools Sto 8, ‘The representations shown are given ‘map for explanation and are not obligncory. Nore — For the sake of uniformity amoog the 2 figures given in this Appendix, the relative position of lew are these provided by ‘he first bogie projet Ieiouta be uadertood, however, that tard ve, bece wird witaout Vabed but as 2 bane projection “ih Wo. be judice to the principle Feauirement, uie"of fie fellowes. ‘ym emvert wequinwt | SASS =~ ‘ satpe peste: 181813. 1986 (mea 7 é Jee) _df | FARE] Pe} rf ° Hau ; ~ © - ouenyoqueds 1 i! as Yt at YS a X aN iD RSa3S85S | ERY re a rt CZ er wu ; i Ez > xs my K ae u S| | Al (esi rie — STORIWAS AUVININTTA 40 ISM 40 SATAWYKA_$3TAVE 1S: B13 - 1986 prem wees, eae veneusreaa | 1S IS 1813 - 1986 = Sa cl ct fiat f awe oD Cy npenddy pos ye) STOUWAS AUVLNANTA 40 SNOLLYNIGMOO JO STIAWYXS 9 T10VL oat ‘piveg — B1OAWAS KUVINGWITE 40 SNOLLYNIGINOD 40 SATANVICS 1S 813 - 1986 oo «NX vm pve Op vosumusessany is Pht — SIOUNKS AUVININATS 40 SNOLLYNIGNOD 40 SITANYX_ 9 TTUVL 2 ci 181 813 - 1986 in; I>D fof : ff ° STOUNAS AUVLNAW1UANS ANY AUVININGTA 10 SNOLLYNIINOD 40 SHANNA £3 Cv npetiy e's 81D) | Ss +FE +h Popumuesoiiow re aE 49335 wouervoauins 181 813 - 1986 APPENDIX B ( Clouse 7.3.1) B-l. The various processes and the correspon~ ding index numbers for welding, brazing, braze Sielding snd soldering of metals, for the purpose Of symbolic representation of welds on drawing? fre as given below: i u mt ne 3 4 us nB \2 1 122 3 131 135 136 1 tt 149 13 18 el 185 a 2 221 225 23 24 25, 29 291 31 3 ‘ARG WELDING Metalare welding without gas protec: tion Metalsarc welding with covered elec ‘rode Gravity-are welding with covered clee- rode Bare wire metal-are welding Flux cored metal-are welding Coated wire metaleare welding Firecracker welding Submerged-arc welding Submerged-are welding rode ‘Submerged-are welding with strip elec: trode Gashielded metal-are welding MIG welding ‘MAG welding: metal-arc welding with nor-inert gas shield Flux cored metal-are welding with non- inert gas shield wire elec Gavihielded welding with nomconsum- able electrode TIG welding Atomic-hydrogen welding Plasma-are welding Other are welding processes Carbon-arc welding Rotating-are welding RESISTANCE WELDING Spot welding Seam welding Lap seam welding ‘Seam welding with strip Projection welding Flash welding Resistance butt welding ‘Other resistance welding processes LHF resistance welding GAS WELDING Ony-fuel gas welding Oxy-acetylene welding 2 312 313 32 32 322 4 a 2 8 “4 441 48 a7 48 7 721 722 3 * 75 781 782 188 6 n 8 781 782 st au 912 913 out v15 916 917 (Oxy-propane welding ‘Oxy-hydrogen welding Air-fuel gas welding Aireacetylene welding Air-propane welding SOLID PHASE WELDING: PRES- SURE WELDING Ultrasonic welding Friction welding Forge welding ‘Welding by high mechanical energy Explosive welding Diffusion welding Gas pressure welding Cold weiding OTHER WELDING PROCESSES ‘Thermit weldi Electroslag weiding Elcerosag welding with non-consumable Electroslag welding with consumable nozzle Blectroslag welding Induction welding Light radiation welding Later welding Are image welding Infrared welding Electron beam welding Percusion welding, Stud welding ‘Are stud welding Resinance stud welding BRAZING, SOLDERING AND BRAZE WELDING Brazing Infra-red brazing Flame brazing Furnace brazing Dip brazing Salt bathe brazing induetion brazing Ultrasonic brazing 151 813-1986 918 919 08 924 93 oF oat 942 943 one 5 46 Resistance brazing Difasion brazing Friction brazing Vacuum brazing Other brazing processes Soldering Infraered soldering Flame soldering Furnace soldering Dip soldering Salt bathe soldering Induction soldering 987 m8. 919 951 952 953, 954 96 97 97 972 Ultrasonic soldering Resistance soldering Diffusion soldering, Flow soldering Soldering with soldering iron Friction soldering ‘Vacuum soldering Other soldering processes raze welding Gas braze welding Are Uraze welding IMo? Bureau of Indian Standards BIS is a statutory institution established under the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 1986 10 promote harmonious development of the activities of standardization, marking and quality Eertitication of goods and attending to connected matters in the country: Copyright Bis has the copytight of alts publications, No part of these publications may be feprodueed ‘any form wit permission in writing of BIS. This does not preclude the free use, in the course of implementing the standard, of necessary details, such as symbols and sizes, type or grade designations. Enquiries relating to copyright be addressed to the Director (Publications ), BIS. Revision of Indian Standards Indian Standards are reviewed periodically and. revised, when necessary and amendments, if any, are issued from time to time. Users of Indian Standards shou!d ascertain that they are in postession of the latest amendrients or edition. Comments on this Indian Standard may be Fent to BIS giving the following reference: Doc : No. SMD 14 (2124) Amendments Issued Since Publication ‘Amend No. Date of Issue Text Affected BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS Manak Bhavan, 9 Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, New Delhi 110002 ‘Telephones : 331 O1 31, 331 13 75 ‘Telegrams : Manaksanstha (Common to all Offices ) Regional Offices: Telephone Centéal : Manak Bhavan, 9 Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg "ann 613 ‘NEW DELHI 110002 far 1375 Bastern : 1/14 C. I. T. Scheme VII M, V. I, P, Road, Maniktola 37 86 62 CALCUTTA 700054 Northern : SCO 445-446, Sector 35-C, CHANDIGARH 160036 $338 43 Southera : C. 1. T, Campus, IV Cross Road, MADRAS 600113 235 02 16 Western : Munakalaya, E9 MIDC, Marol, Andheri ( East ) 6 32.92 95 BOMBAY 460093 Branches: AHMADABAD, BANGALORE, BHOPAL, BHUBANESHWAR, COIMBATORE, FARIDABAD, GHAZIABAD, GUWAHATI, HYDERABAD, JAIPUR, KANPUR, PATNA, SRINAGAR, THIRUVANANTHAPURAM.

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