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Ethics of student

Group #10
Amtul Kafi (Group leader)
Eman Serwar
Anam Shahzadi
Amreen Fatima

BSIT – 1st Semester

University Of Okara
City Campus

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Ethics of students
This project report is ethic of student .ethics are well founded standards that make the actions right
and wrong. It helps categorize different values such as integrity discipline and honesty among
others and apply them in daily lives. Ethics in education are applicable on both the instructors as
well as the students

Table of Contents
1. Introduction...............................................................................................................................2
2. Code of ethics for students core values.....................................................................................2
a) Integrity...............................................................................................................................2
b) Respect................................................................................................................................3
c) Open mindedness................................................................................................................4
d) Discipline............................................................................................................................4
e) Tolerance.............................................................................................................................5
f) Team spirit...........................................................................................................................5
g) Sense of responsibility.........................................................................................................6
3. Student responsibility towards the members of the university..................................................6
4. Responsibilities toward professor .............................................................................................7
5. Meet deadlines...........................................................................................................................7
6. Do not be late ............................................................................................................................7
7. Student responsibilities toward the university itself .................................................................7
8. Make sure you respect the dress code.......................................................................................8
9. Do not organize events without permission...............................................................................8
10. Outside the institution................................................................................................................8
11. Ethics important for students....................................................................................................8
12. Summery....................................................................................................................................9
13. Conclusion...............................................................................................................................10
14. Reference.................................................................................................................................10

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Ethics of students
Ethics of Students
Ethics are learning the differences between right and wrong. You
learn right or wrong from the example set by the school, home,
government etc. Ethics refers to the specific values, Standers, rules
and agreement’s that people adopts for conducting their lives. The
standard one lives by to do the right thing in every daily life. You learn
right or wrong for examples set by the home, school, government etc. With ethics education student
learn and start to think the cost for every action that their willing to take. Ethics behavior is value

Code of Ethics for students – Core values

This section aims to presents broad values and ethical principles, supported our analysis of 10
ethical codes from different universities all round the world. Indeed, we noticed that albeit Codes
of Ethics for college kids may differ from an establishing to another, there are 7 values that appear

a) Integrity
Students with integrity will exercising to earn their degrees during a fair and honest way by
fixing the hours to review and complete assignments. When a student intentionally cheats through
university, this integrity is compromised and therefore the reform the value of the degree and the
morals of the individual are reduced. This lack of trustworthiness then follows you into the
workforce and may affect your professional goals. Nobody wants a doctor who cheated to need
his medical degree to perform a life or death surgery on them or a nasty engineer to create bridges.

Integrity is important in all areas of life. Integrity for students are as follows:

 Come to the class on time and do not leave.

 Read and do all assignments.
 Pay attention in class, do not believe troublesome.
 Be respectful of other in class do your own work
 Do your work own

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Ethics of students
b) Respect

Respect Your Teachers. Teachers play a crucial role within the lives of scholars. Apart from your
parents, they also shape your lives by imparting knowledge to you and help inculcate good morals
in you. Teachers can really affect the lives of the many children, especially once they leave an
honest impression on them.

Consider having just one rule out your classroom respect. Students are going to be expected to
respect you, one another, themselves, their work and property. Show reference to students by
lecturing them by name during a calm voice. Speak to students within the same way you expect to
be spoken to by them.

If you want to get success in life, you need to respect your teachers. We have disregarded all these
moral values and then claims that nature is doing wrong with us. We have become dishonest,
selfish, unkind and scornful, we neither know about compassion nor rights of others, and even we
have forgotten the teachings of Islam on moralities.

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c) Open-mindedness
Being an open-minded means, you have an enthusiasm to emphasis to other ideas and opinions
and consider the possibility that you simply are wrong or may change your own perspective.

Open-mindedness can advance mutual understanding, which accommodates the right of students
working beneficially and cohesively toward achieving common goals, despite intense

d) Discipline
The word “Discipline” meaning a learner. Discipline means tearing to obey certain rules. In a
student life, discipline is extremely important for better education. Education becomes incomplete
without learning discipline. Classroom discipline helps students to concentrate to the teacher well.
A disciplined student can achieve success.

It helps the students to stay motivated. By staying motivated students achieve all the impossible
things and walk towards to their goal. Good discipline is important for the scholars to finish all
their assignment works.

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Ethics of students
e) Tolerance
Tolerance is often seen because the willingness to easily accept feelings, habits, or beliefs that are
different from your own. Tolerance means the thanks to see the earth from the attitude of others,
not just your viewpoint.

Tolerance plays an important role in our lifestyle in our society. Never before have we had
numerous opportunities to connect and communicate with different cultures and languages.

Our society has become progressively multicultural, augmented by the aspirations of migrants,
transnationals, displaced peoples, Tensions arising from religious, cultural and linguistic
difference are increasing, but tolerance an efficient and sustainable way of ensuring our youths
understand diversity and that is why this value is so present in codes of ethical student conduct.

f) Team spirit
Team spirit are often defined as when the members of a group want the team to succeed. Solidarity
improves the facility of individuals to work together and boosts morale.

In a tutorial context, this is often an opportunity to make friends and talk with others. Each student
can benefit on a private level from teamwork. A team of students must actively hear each other,
articulate ideas and use genuinely positive condemnation to be effective.

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g) Sense of responsibility
Responsibility is during alone amongst one in every of one of the traits of our character which
suggests that a private is in a position to reply for his actions, is during a position to need some
duties and to face certain consequences of the actions which can occur.

People are not born with a sense of responsibility, it is something all should promote in themselves,
and it should become an area of one’s personality. Responsible people are often trusted, and this
benefits both the person and thus the people counting on the responsible person.

All these values are the rationale why an ethic of Conduct has relevancy for any academic
institution. To make sure that every student is aware of what he can and what he cannot do,
Students are likely to stay to and practice the Code of Ethics on a tutorial level. The followings
parts aim to summarize how the values we talked about are represented inside every student code.

Student responsibilities towards the members of the University

The code of ethical students defines the rights and students’ responsibilities. These rights and
responsibilities are at the idea of the connection between members of the university community,
and students. It has been spoken to provide a clear statement of the University’s expectations of

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Ethics of students
students in respect of educational matters and personal behavior. Students have responsibilities
towards professors, university employees and other students.

To establish a perfect agreement between teachers and students the University should recognize
and value the range of student experiences and expectations, and is dedicated to treating students,
both academically and personally, during a good and transparent manner. All students, in return,
are required to suits the requirements set down during this Code of Conduct. This is often how the
code familiarizes to the range of students.

Responsibilities towards professors

In China, professors enjoy the complete best social status. Next are Greece, Turkey and South
Korea among countries where students have the absolute best respect for his or her professors
during a ranking conducted in 2013 by the Varley GEMS Foundation, a world educational
foundation. France occupies an average position reliable with this survey conducted with 1000
adults in each of the 21 countries studied.

This study discloses cultural differences in how the role of Professor is perceived by Students, says
Professor Dolton, Professor of Economics at the University of Sussex and Dean of Research at the
center for Economic Performance of the varsity of Economics in London. It includes some results,
which can seem unexpected: Finland, often perceived as a model of high quality recruitment and
standing teachers, is within the second half of the rankings, in 13th place, in conjunction with
Germany (16th) and Japan (17th) among the lowest ranked countries.

In order to work out a perfect cohesion within the University, students have obligations towards
their professors. Same rules are initiate in most university codes of conduct.

Meet deadlines
It is important that students return their assignments on time so as that the teacher respects his
program and does not fine other students.

Do not be late
Punctuality could also be a principle that has generally written into the principles of the Codes.
However, there are differences within the opinion of punctuality between countries because of the
difference of cultures.

Student responsibilities towards the University itself

We have seen within the previous section that students have certain responsibilities to possess
towards university members who include teachers, students generally, but also all supervisory or
maintenance staff. It seems that students even have responsibilities regarding the university itself.

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By this is often mean behaviors to be held within the institution and when the scholar is delivered
his university outside he has responsibilities outside the institution.

Make sure you respect the code

In some countries, clothing may be a component that should be mentioned in students’ codes of
ethics. In France, it is less the case when leaving high school. However, it is best to possess an
appropriate outfit, appropriate to an academic institution. That has to say, the code of the scholar
must meet the standards of decency. Consistent with the Larousse dictionary, decency is “what
should be done or said during a society”, it is a living knowledge.

Do not organize events without permission

At an equivalent point that postings cannot be avoided permission, events cannot be prepared
without the permission of the institution or university in question. It is about the safety of everyone,
respect for others because organizing an event means “monopolizing” a neighborhood and maybe
making noise.

Outside the institution

The application of ethical codes is not limited to internal use at the institution. Students are
representatives of their university outside of the university and must therefore behave within an
equivalent way.

Ethics important for Students

Teachers play a very important role during a student's life. Students should obtain academic
integrity and responsibility as practice self-discipline. Ethics in education helps control the
education system and ensures that this practice positively contributes towards human welfare.

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Ethics of students
Ethics refer to specific values, standards, rules and
agreements that people adopts for conducting their
lives. Integrity is main perspective in student life.
Students with integrity will work honestly in future
life. Nobody wants a doctor who cheated to get his
degree to perform a life or death surgery on them.
Open mindedness can advance mutual
understandings to achieve specific goals. Discipline
is a main ethic of student life .it helps student to stay
motivated. By staying motivated students achieve all impossible goals in life. Tolerance is an
effective a sustainable way of ensuring our young people understand diversity. Team spirit
improves the power of people to figure together and boots morale. Responsibility means an
individual is in a position to reply for his actions and is in a position to require his duties.

In order to determine an ideal cohesion within the university, students have obligations towards
their professors. Some rules are found in most universities. Students should submit their
assignments on time and after that not to bother the teachers by giving lame excuses. Behaviors to
be held within the institutions and when the student is bought to represent his university outside
he has responsibilities outside the institution. And students must behave in same way outside the

To make a strong bond between student and teacher the university should recognize and value the
diversity of student’s expectations. Make some those type of activities that confidence of student
increase in every field of life. The professors should organize presentation of every student to
motivate them and in this way their morale value will increase. The dress code of students must
meet the criteria of decency. Don’t celebrate events like birthday parties or other events without
facility permission. In conclusion ethics education is very important because it could create
awareness of values and increase student’s personality

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Ethics of students
As for sake of conclusion, ethics education of sensitive graduates in creation of ethically is
important because it could create awareness of the attitude and values that support human behavior
among the students. By learning to think critically, assumptions about questions, make decisions
informed, and use reason, students can develop the skills necessary to function as socially and
ethical responsible citizens. There are main five ethical principles that inform the work of student
life professionals are; these are the main assets, Autonomy, prevent harm, and do well, justice,

Ethics deals with the certain considerations and norms. Ethics sets out rightness and wrongness
actions or behavior. Codes of ethics serve as a standard by which all members of profession can
judge the parameters is basis for self-regulation and of behavior. Ethical values or a code is to
listen of principles, values and urge based on desired conduct and born in the lore of healing
professions. When you are in your institution, do respect yourself and others. Do keep quiet and
clam during lecture and pay full attention. Do have a positive attitude and don’t give up do work
with inspiration and become determined. In students, must have integrity. Should be no
compromise with your principles for any reason. Character is the most important factor in the
student. Honesty and truthfulness are the corner stone of teacher student relationship. Student have
a professional conduct, trustworthiness, maintenance of confidentiality, remunerative conduct.
Don’t do unlawful acts, alcohol, drug and tobacco use or possession. Ethics studies that moral
behavior in humans and how one should act.


 Almasa CINDRAK, M. G. (2020, 5 TUE). Retrieved from Codes of Ethical Student

Conduct: Best Values and Responsibilities:

 ED Direcet Retrieved from Ethics in Education

 Ilyas, T. (2018, 8 3). Retrieved from



 Alligrasgreen. (2011, 7 15). Retrieved from


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