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1. Draw up a list of the different festivals celebrated in your locality.
ANS. Different types of festivals celebrated in our locality are:-
i) National Festival :- such as Independence day, Republic day and Gandhi Jayanti are celebrated by all.
ii) Religious Festival :- such as Christmas by Christian, Id by Muslim, Diwali by Hindu.
iii)Other Festivals:- such as Pongal, Guruparv, Bihu..etc.

2. What do you think living in India with its rich heritage of diversity adds to your life?
ANS Living in India with its rich heritage of diversity adds to our life are:-
i) Eat different types of food.
ii) Celebrate different festivals.
iii) Wear different types of clothes
iv)Learn different languages.
v) Follow different cultures.

3. Do you think the term “unity in diversity” is an appropriate term to describe India? What do you think Nehru is trying to say
about Indian unity in the sentence quoted above from his book The Discovery of India?
ANS Yes, the term unity in diversity is an appropriate term to describe India.
Pandit Nehru in his book the discovery of India tried to say that:-
i) India’s unity is not as such which imposed from outside it is deep within us.
ii) Tolerance of belief and customs were practiced and every variety acknowledge and encourage by all.

4. Underline the line in the poem sung after the Jallianwala Bagh massacre, which according to you reflects India’s essential unity.
ANS The blood of Hindus and Muslims flow together today reflects India’s deep unity and love for the Country without any religious
discrimination in this poem.

Flow chart
Our culture

Festivals Music &Dance Art& Architecture Food clothes

____________________ ____________________ According to

Folk Classical ________________________ land form and
National Religious regional ___________________________ climate
Painting craft work
Independence Garba Hindustani
Day ( Dance ) ( Music) Cave Basket Monument Grain _______________
Baul Kathak Painting Making (Rice) Spices
Diwali Bihu (music) (Dance) miniature stupas Vegetables (cloves) light clothes in
Temples ( Potato) hot climate

Fruits sweet Woolen cloth

( Apple ) (Kheer) in cold climate

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