DD-WRT Setup

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Documentation for setting up DD-WRT

Hard Reset 30/30/30

Configuration changes

● Setup -> Basic Setup

○ Change the following in Network Address Server Settings (DHCP)
i. StartS IP Address
ii. Maximum DHCP Users
iii. Static DNS 1 & 2
iv. Check DNSMasQ boxes
○ Change Time Settings
i. Time Zone -> UTC-07:00
● Setup -> DDNS
○ DDNS Service -> set to custom
○ DYNDNS Server -> updates.dnsomatic.com
○ Set username and password to opendns/DNS-O-Matic
○ Set Hostname -> all.dnsomatic.com
○ Set URL -> /nic/update?hostname=
● To prevent users from using their own DNS servers, intercept DNS port with the
○ Administration -> Commands
○ Commands ->
iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i br0 -p udp --dport 53 -j DNAT --to $(nvram get lan_ipaddr)
iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i br0 -p tcp --dport 53 -j DNAT --to $(nvram get lan_ipaddr)
● Wireless -> Basic Settings
○ For ath0(2.4 Ghz) set network mode to NG-Mixed
○ Set SSID
○ For ath1(5 Ghz) set network mode to Mixed
○ Set SSID
● Wireless -> Wireless Security
○ For both ath0 and ath1, change security mode to WPA2 Personal
○ Set WPA Algorithms to AES
○ Set WPA Shared Key
● Wireless -> MAC Filter
○ Edit MAC filter list and add all mac addresses
○ Enable Use Filter
● Services -> Services
○ Under DHCP server change
i. Used Domain to LAN & WLAN
ii. Set LAN Domain to ourhome.net
iii. Additional DHCPd Options ->
iv. Add static leases for all devices
● Access Restrictions
○ Define policies
i. Night - Deny access for IP range 40 thru 59 from 00:00 to 06:00

Useful Links

Setting up DYDNS for OpenDNS - https://www.dd-wrt.com/wiki/index.php/OpenDNS

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