Appl. Environ. Microbiol.-2011-Latorre-3676-84

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APPLIED AND ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY, June 2011, p. 3676–3684 Vol. 77, No.

0099-2240/11/$12.00 doi:10.1128/AEM.02441-10
Copyright © 2011, American Society for Microbiology. All Rights Reserved.

Increased In Vitro Adherence and On-Farm Persistence of Predominant

and Persistent Listeria monocytogenes Strains in the Milking System䌤

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Alejandra A. Latorre,1* Jo Ann S. Van Kessel,2 Jeffrey S. Karns,2 Michael J. Zurakowski,1
Abani K. Pradhan,1† Kathryn J. Boor,3 Evin Adolph,1 Sharinne Sukhnanand,1
and Ynte H. Schukken1
Department of Population Medicine and Diagnostic Sciences, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York 148501;
Environmental Microbial and Food Safety Laboratory, ANRI, USDA-ARS, Beltsville, Maryland 207052; and
Department of Food Science, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York 148533
Received 14 October 2010/Accepted 20 March 2011

Dairy farms are a reservoir for Listeria monocytogenes, and the reduction of this pathogen at the farm level
is important for reducing human exposure. The objectives of this research were to study the diversity of L.
monocytogenes strains on a single dairy farm, assess strain dynamics within the farm, identify potential sources
of L. monocytogenes in bulk tank milk and milk filters, and assess the adherence abilities of representative
strains. A total of 248 L. monocytogenes isolates were analyzed by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE).
Combined AscI and ApaI restriction analysis yielded 40 PFGE types (strains). The most predominant strains
were T (28.6%), D (22.6%), and F (14.9%). A high level of heterogeneity of strains among isolates from fecal
(Simpson’s index of diversity [SID] ⴝ 0.96) and environmental (SID ⴝ 0.96) samples was observed. A higher
homogeneity of strains was observed among isolates from milk filters (SID ⴝ 0.71) and bulk tank milk (SID ⴝ
0.65). Six of 17 L. monocytogenes isolates (35.3%) were classified in an in vitro assay as having a “low adherence
ability,” 9 (52.9%) were classified as having a “medium adherence ability,” and 2 (11.8%) were classified as
having a “high adherence ability.” The L. monocytogenes strains that were predominant and persistent showed
significantly better adherence than did strains that were only sporadic, predominant, or persistent (P ⴝ
0.0006). Our results suggest that the milking system was exposed to several L. monocytogenes strains from
different sources. Only 3 strains, however, were successful in persisting within the milking system, suggesting
that some strains are more suitable to that particular ecological environment than others.

Foods contaminated with Listeria monocytogenes can be con- of finished products, such as ice cream and smoked fish (36,
sidered a threat to public health. Even though healthy adults 47). However, one of the routes from which L. monocyto-
may develop only a mild illness when L. monocytogenes-con- genes may initially enter food processing plants (and subse-
taminated food is consumed (42, 43), listeriosis in more sus- quently colonize the plant environment) is through raw ma-
ceptible people, such as pregnant women, the elderly, and terials (47). Hence, the control of L. monocytogenes at the
immunocompromised individuals, may have serious conse- farm level to prevent the entrance of the pathogen into the
quences (1, 16, 31). Several outbreaks of listeriosis have been food chain through raw animal products, including milk, is
linked to dairy products. These products include pasteurized warranted.
milk (1, 8, 16), butter (33), on-farm-manufactured fresh cheese Listeria monocytogenes is nearly ubiquitous on dairy farms
(7), and Mexican-style cheese (31, 34). (39), and its presence in milk and milk filters has been fre-
Unprocessed, raw milk from dairy farms is the starting point quently reported (29, 37, 46). Listeria monocytogenes has been
in the production-consumption chain; therefore, a reduction of isolated from many locations within dairy farms, including fe-
bulk tank milk contamination with L. monocytogenes is impor- ces (32, 39, 40), animal drinking water (29, 37, 40), feeds or
tant. Although pasteurization destroys pathogenic bacteria and feed components (37, 39), and milking equipment (29, 30). A
makes milk safe for consumption, the presence of L. monocy-
potential link between animal production systems and human
togenes in bulk tank milk may represent a risk of contamination
listeriosis cases exists, as was suggested by previous studies that
for milk processing plants and the subsequent postpasteuriza-
described the presence of L. monocytogenes ribotypes (39) or
tion contamination of milk. It was reported previously that
pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) types (3, 17) from
persistent L. monocytogenes strains in food processing envi-
farms that matched those observed for isolates from human
ronments have been responsible for the cross-contamination
listeriosis cases.
This study was a continuation of a series of studies con-
ducted on a New York State dairy farm with a previously
* Corresponding author. Present address: Department of Pathology
and Preventive Medicine, College of Veterinary Sciences–Universidad identified high prevalence of L. monocytogenes in in-line milk
de Concepcion, Av. Vincente Mendez no. 595, Chillan, Chile. Phone: filters and bulk tank milk samples (29, 30). In addition, the
(56) 42-208823. Fax: (56) 42-273201. E-mail: presence of an L. monocytogenes-containing biofilm on milking
† Present address: Department of Nutrition and Food Science and
equipment surfaces was previously suggested to be a likely
Center for Food Safety and Security Systems, University of Maryland,
College Park, MD 20742. reservoir of L. monocytogenes and a potential source of bulk

Published ahead of print on 25 March 2011. tank milk contamination (29, 30) for this farm.


In previous studies conducted on this farm, a useful but sumptive Listeria colonies were further analyzed as described previously by Van
limited understanding of the molecular ecology of L. monocy- Kessel et al. (46) and Latorre et al. (29).
Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis typing. Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis was
togenes was gained. Particularly, little information was avail- performed for one L. monocytogenes isolate from each positive sample according
able regarding the bacterial sources of bulk tank milk contam- to CDC protocols (

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ination, sources of L. monocytogenes infection for cows, and _protocol%20.pdf), with modifications (29). Restriction digestion was carried
potential reservoirs of the pathogen on the farm. In addition, out by using AscI restriction endonuclease as previously described (29). Diges-
tion using ApaI was completed by using the ApaI restriction enzyme from New
although the presence of an L. monocytogenes-containing bio-
England BioLabs (Ipswich, MA) as previously described (29) or ApaI from
film in milking equipment was previously suggested, no link Roche Laboratories (Roche Diagnostics, Indianapolis, IN) according to the
was made to the in vitro adherence ability of isolated strains. A standardized CDC protocol. Analysis of DNA band patterns was conducted by
potential difference in adherence abilities between predomi- two independent observers using visual inspection according to criteria described
nant, persistent, and sporadic strains isolated from the farm previously by Tenover et al. (44). Dendrograms were generated with Bionumer-
ics 3.5 software (Applied Maths, Saint-Matins-Latem, Belgium), using a similar-
would further support the biofilm-in-milking-system hypothe-
ity score value of 100% (29).
sis. The objectives of this research were therefore to study the Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis types (i.e., strains [44]) that were repeatedly
diversity among L. monocytogenes isolates, assess strain dy- found in any sample type (bulk tank milk, in-line milk filter, fecal, environmental,
namics within the farm over time, identify potential sources of or milking equipment samples) were defined as being “persistent” strains (if they
L. monocytogenes strains in bulk tank milk and in-line milk were found in at least three different samplings). Groups of closely related
persistent strains (i.e., 2 or 3 bands of difference between them, as described
filters, as well as assess the adherence abilities of representa- previously by Tenover et al. [44]) that were found in at least three different
tive L. monocytogenes strains in vitro. To accomplish these samplings were classified as being “persistent groups.” The strains that were the
objectives, we expanded PFGE typing and analysis of L. mono- most frequently identified (more than 5 isolates having a particular PFGE pat-
cytogenes isolates compared with our previously reported work tern during the study period) were defined as being “predominant” strains.
(181 new isolates, plus 67 in our previous studies) (29, 30). Strains with PFGE patterns that were unique or only rarely found on the farm
were classified as being “sporadic” strains.
Moreover, in our previous studies, a major emphasis was given Multiplex PCR serotyping. One L. monocytogenes isolate from each strain
to L. monocytogenes strain dynamics within the milking system. (n ⫽ 40) was serotyped as described previously by Doumith et al. (12). This PCR
In the present study, L. monocytogenes isolates from all posi- technique grouped L. monocytogenes serovars according to a serotype complex,
tive fecal and environmental samples as well as isolates from allowing the distinction and separation of serovars 1/2a, 1/2b, 1/2c, and 4b (12).
Microtiter plate biofilm assay. The adherence abilities of 17 representative L.
the milking parlor, bulk tank milk, and milk filters collected
monocytogenes strains were determined by using a microtiter plate assay (2, 9, 21,
during a 4-year period were analyzed by PFGE in order to 35). One L. monocytogenes isolate from each of the three most predominant
investigate strain dynamics in space and time. In addition, strains (T, D, and F) was selected for the assay. The remaining strains were
multiplex PCR serotyping was conducted in order to further selected based on their classification as being predominant, persistent, nonpre-
characterize L. monocytogenes strains present on the study dominant-persistent, or sporadic, with the goal of including diverse but repre-
sentative strains (Table 1). The microtiter plate biofilm assay was conducted as
described previously by Djordjevic et al. (9), with modifications. Briefly, a loopful
(1-␮l inoculating loop) of isolated colonies was grown in 10 ml Trypticase soy
broth (TSB; BD, Sparks, MD) at 32°C for approximately 18 h, and 100 ␮l was
MATERIALS AND METHODS then transferred into 10 ml TSB (21) and vortexed. After vortexing, 100 ␮l of
Study farm. The study was conducted on a New York State dairy farm. each diluted culture was pipetted into each of 8 wells of a 96-well polyvinyl
Detailed information regarding the characteristics of this dairy farm was previ- chloride (PVC) flat-bottom plate (BD Falcon, Franklin Lakes, NJ). Plates were
ously reported by Latorre et al. (29) and Pradhan et al. (41). Briefly, the farm has covered with a PVC lid (BD Falcon) and incubated at 32°C for 48 h. The cultures
approximately 330 lactating cows. The cows are milked three times per day, and were removed from the incubator, and the plate wells were washed three times
the milk is transported to a milk processing plant for pasteurization before with 150 ␮l of sterile distilled water (2, 21), air dried for 45 min, and stained with
distribution to consumers (29, 30). 150 ␮l of 1% crystal violet for 45 min. After staining, wells were washed three
Sample collection. Environmental and fecal samples were collected between times using 150 ␮l of sterile distilled water (2, 21). The microtiter plates were
February 2004 and April 2008. Environmental samples were collected every 3 inverted, tapped on a paper towel to remove excess liquid, and allowed to dry.
months and fecal samples were collected on a 6-month basis according to the Dried plates were stored at room temperature (35) until the quantitative assay
sample regime and protocol described previously by Latorre et al. (29). In-line was performed. High-biofilm-forming L. monocytogenes FSL-J2-035 and low-
milk filter samples were collected weekly between April 2005 and the first week biofilm-forming L. monocytogenes FSL-N1-250 (9) were used as control strains
of June 2008. Three additional milk filter samples, 2 in October 2004 and 1 in on each plate, as was a TSB control (blank) (8 wells for each of the controls). All
January 2005, were collected. Bulk tank milk samples were collected every week plates were prepared in duplicate, and the overall experiment was repeated three
starting in February 2004 until March 2008. In-line milk filters and bulk tank milk times.
samples were collected and transported to the laboratory as described previously To quantify the remaining crystal violet as an indicator of the adherence of
by Latorre et al. (29). Three samplings of the parlor environment and milking isolates, 150 ␮l of 95% ethanol was added to each of the wells to solubilize the
equipment were carried out in May 2007 and in January and February 2008, as stained biofilm. Plates were covered with a PVC lid and incubated for 1 h at room
previously described (30). temperature. After incubation, the crystal violet solutions were mixed with a
Bacterial analysis. Bacterial analysis for the detection of L. monocytogenes in pipette (⬃10 times/well). Immediately after mixing, the optical density of the
environmental, fecal, in-line milk filter, bulk tank milk, and parlor/milking equip- solutions was read directly from the flat-bottom PVC plates at 595 nm using a
ment samples was conducted as previously described (29, 30, 46). Briefly, fecal Powerwave XS microplate spectrophotometer (BioTek, Winooski, VT)
and environmental samples were weighed, diluted with 1% buffered peptone equipped with the software KC Junior Win (BioTek). The average optical
water (BD Diagnostics, Sparks, MD), and pummeled (BagMixer; Interscience density at 595 nm (OD595) of the ethanol extract was calculated for each of
Laboratories, Inc., Weymouth, MA) as previously described (29, 30). Milk (250 the L. monocytogenes strains and controls. For each plate, the average of the
␮l) and milk filter extracts (250 ␮l) (29) were plated directly onto modified blank control was subtracted from the average of each L. monocytogenes
Oxford medium agar (Difco Laboratories, Detroit, MI). For the enrichment of strain. The test strain/positive-control strain ratio (S/P ratio) was calculated
Listeria spp. from all samples, 5 ml of filtrate or 5 ml of milk was added to 5 ml by dividing the average OD595 of each of the L. monocytogenes strains by the
of double-strength modified Listeria enrichment broth (BD Diagnostics, Sparks, average of the high-biofilm-forming control (FSL-J2-035) in every plate.
MD) and incubated at 37°C for 48 h. After incubation, the broth was streaked (10 Listeria monocytogenes strains were classified as having a “low adherence
␮l) onto modified Oxford medium, and plates were incubated at 37°C and ability,” “medium adherence ability,” or “high adherence ability” if the average
subsequently scored at 24 and 48 h for presumptive Listeria colonies (46). Pre- S/P ratio of the three experiments was between 0 and 0.28 (the average of

TABLE 1. Representative strains assessed to determine their in vitro adherence abilities by a microtiter plate biofilm assayk
Strain Strain predominance Duration of strain persistence (no. of Mean S/P
Isolatea Strainb Serotypec Sourced
characteristic(s)e (no. of isolates)f times of isolation)g ratioh

QMP-L1-070 T 1/2a Milk meter Pred/Perst 71 February 2004–February 2008 (55) 0.30

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QMP-L1-021 D 1/2a BTM Pred/Perst 56 April 2005–June 2008 (39) 1.36
QMP-L1-030 F 1/2a MF Pred/Perst 37 September 2005–August 2006 (28) 0.31
QMP-L1-065 U 1/2a Milk meter Pred/Perst 8 April 2005–January 2008 (4) 0.26
QMP-L1-002 J 4b Fecal Pred/Perst 8 April 2005–April 2008 (5) 0.68
QMP-L1-023i O 4b Fecal Nonpred/Perst 2 April 2007 (1)j 0.22
QMP-L1-001 I 4b Flies Nonpred/Perst 4 June 2004–April 2008 (3) 0.46
QMP-L1-003 A 1/2b Fecal Nonpred/Perst 4 May 2006- February 2008 (3) 0.20
QMP-L1-122 Q 1/2b Fecal Pred/Nonperst 7 April 2007 (1) 0.25
QMP-L1-102 W 1/2a Flies Sporadic 1 July 2006 (1) 0.52
QMP-L1-080 B 1/2a Water Sporadic 1 January 2005 (1) 0.19
QMP-L1-153 AM 4b MF Sporadic 1 November 2006 (1) 0.26
QMP-L1-073 P 1/2b Fecal Sporadic 2 February 2004 (1) 0.35
QMP-L1-103 V 1/2a Water Sporadic 1 January 2007 (1) 0.54
QMP-L1-109 C 1/2a Water Sporadic 2 April 2007 (1) 0.54
QMP-L1-251 AN NT MF Sporadic (new) 1 May 2008 (1) 0.34
QMP-L1-241 AJ NT Fecal Sporadic (new) 2 April 2008 (1) 0.31
FSL-N1-250 NA NA Fish-processing plant Low biofilm former NA NA 0.28
FSL-J2-035 NA 1/2b Animal (goat) High biofilm former NA NA 1.00
The Quality Milk Production (QMP) identification or Food Science Laboratory (FSL) designation is shown. Listeria monocytogenes FSL-N1-250 and FSL-J2-035
were provided by M. Wiedmann, which were used as low-biofilm-producing and high-biofilm-producing (9) controls, respectively.
Strain designation based on PFGE type (combined AscI and ApaI restriction analysis).
Serotype complex.
Sources were bulk tank milk (BTM), in-line milk filters (MF), or other sources.
Characteristics of representative L. monocytogenes isolates used in microtiter plate biofilm assays: predominant and persistent strains (Pred/Perst), nonpredominant
and persistent strains (Nonpred/Perst), predominant and nonpersistent strains (Pred/Nonperst), sporadic strains, and new sporadic L. monocytogenes strains found in
the last sampling on the study farm (New). The future recurrence of the latter isolates is unknown.
Number of isolates found during the study period.
Time period and number of sampling dates in which the strains were isolated.
Mean strain/positive-control strain ratio across all 3 experimental repetitions.
Isolate QMP-L1-023 (strain O) is classified as persistent because it belongs to a “persistent group.”
Strain O isolated in one sampling date. Strains belonging to the persistent group (M, N, O, and Z) were isolated in 6 samplings between February 2004 and April
NT, nonserotypeable; NA, not available.

low-biofilm-forming control strain FSL-N1-250), between 0.28 and 0.56 (twice was observed among L. monocytogenes isolates obtained from
the average of the low-biofilm-forming control), or ⬎0.56, respectively. different farm sources. The most predominant strains were
Detailed information about the L. monocytogenes strains used for the micro-
titer plate biofilm assay is available at the Pathogen Tracker website (www
strain T (28.6%), strain D (22.6%), and strain F (14.9%). General information and source information about all L. Persistent strains were strains A, I, J, S, T, U, F, and D. These
monocytogenes isolates in this study are also available at the Pathogen Tracker strains were repeatedly found in samples collected from dif-
website. ferent farm sources during the study period (Fig. 1). Persistent
Data analysis. To assess the relationship between persistence and adherence
groups were observed as well and are illustrated in Fig. 1. The
abilities among the L. monocytogenes strains used in the microtiter plate assay,
the natural logarithm of the S/P ratio was used in a linear regression model. sources of persistent L. monocytogenes strains and the time
Predictor variables included strain characteristics that were previously classified period in which they were found are shown in Fig. 2. Many
as either persistent, predominant, or sporadic. The interactions between strain sporadic strains were also observed among the L. monocyto-
classification, experimental replicate, and experiment number were also included genes isolates from several sample types, as illustrated in Fig. 1
as fixed effects. Statistical significance (␣) was defined at a value of 0.05. The
diversity of L. monocytogenes strains on the farm was calculated by using Simp-
and Fig. 2.
son’s index of diversity (SID) as described previously by Hunter and Gaston (24). Fecal samples. A total of 2,934 fecal samples were collected
between February 2004 and April 2008. Of these, 935 (31.8%)
were cultured for L. monocytogenes. Fifty-seven (6%) of the
935 cultured fecal samples were positive for L. monocytogenes.
Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis typing. A total of 249 L. One isolate from each L. monocytogenes-positive fecal sample
monocytogenes isolates obtained from fecal, environmental, in- (n ⫽ 57), was analyzed by PFGE. Combined AscI and ApaI
line milk filter, bulk tank milk, and milking equipment samples restriction analysis yielded a total of 30 strains for this category
were analyzed by PFGE. One L. monocytogenes isolate was of sample (Fig. 1). A high SID (SID ⫽ 0.96) indicated that
typeable with the AscI restriction endonuclease but nontype- there was a large heterogeneity or diversity among L. mono-
able with ApaI. This isolate was not included in the data cytogenes isolates obtained from fecal samples (Fig. 2).
analysis. After digestion with the AscI restriction endonu- Environmental samples. A total of 395 environmental sam-
clease, a total of 37 strains were observed among 248 L. mono- ples were collected between February 2004 and April 2008.
cytogenes isolates. Digestion using ApaI yielded 33 strains. Listeria monocytogenes was isolated from 28 (7%) of these
Combined restriction analysis showed 40 strains (Fig. 1). samples. Combined AscI and ApaI restriction enzyme analysis
The presence of predominant, persistent, and sporadic strains yielded a total of 20 strains of 28 L. monocytogenes isolates

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FIG. 1. Dendrogram based on the combined analysis of AscI and ApaI digestion profiles of 40 representative L. monocytogenes isolates (one
of each strain). The dendrogram shows all PFGE patterns of strains observed for the study farm (visual inspection and combined enzyme analysis
[CE]), the number of L. monocytogenes isolates (n) with a particular PFGE pattern, and the type of sample from which the isolates were obtained,
time frame, and serotype complex (N/T, nontypeable).

(one from each L. monocytogenes-positive environmental sam- strains were predominant at a specific sample site, and a high
ple) (Fig. 1). One environmental isolate was typeable by AscI diversity of strains was found at each sampling time.
but nontypeable by ApaI (not counted among the 20 strains Milking equipment and parlor. A total of 11 L. monocyto-
from environmental samples or the overall typing results). As genes-positive samples (9 from milking equipment and 2 from
with the fecal isolates, a large heterogeneity of strains was the parlor) were obtained in three sample collections con-
observed among L. monocytogenes isolates obtained from en- ducted between May 2007 and February 2008. Combined AscI
vironmental samples (SID ⫽ 0.96) (Fig. 2). No particular and ApaI restriction enzyme analysis showed 6 strains (SID ⫽

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FIG. 2. Numbers and strain classifications of L. monocytogenes isolates obtained from bulk tank milk, in-line milk filter, milking equipment,
fecal, and environmental (including parlor) samples during the study period (February 2004 to June 2008).

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FIG. 3. Visual representation of the adherence of 17 representative L. monocytogenes strains analyzed by a microtiter plate assay. Pictures show
a stained biofilm (1% crystal violet) suspended in 150 ␮l of 95% ethanol. (Top) Trypticase soy broth controls (TSB) and isolates. (Bottom) Blank
controls (B-C), high-biofilm-forming controls (HBF-C), and low-biofilm-forming controls (LBF-C). The adherence of each L. monocytogenes strain
(low [L], medium [M], or high [H]) and classification (predominant and persistent [P/PS], nonpredominant and persistent [NP/PS], predominant
and nonpersistent [P/NPS], sporadic [S], or new sporadic [SN]) are also shown. The S/P ratio across all experiments for each of the isolates is shown
in Fig. 4.

0.73) (Fig. 1). Strain T was the most predominant strain were tested is shown in Fig. 3, whereas average S/P ratios are
(66.6%) observed in L. monocytogenes-positive milking equip- shown in Table 1 and Fig. 4. Listeria monocytogenes isolates
ment samples. Strain T was observed for all 3 samplings of milk QMP-L1-021 (strain D) and QMP-L1-002 (strain J) had the
meters carried out within a 9-month period. Two isolates from greatest S/P ratios among all isolates analyzed (average S/P
each of two floor samples (parlor and storage room) corre- ratios of 1.36 and 0.68, respectively). The lowest S/P ratios
sponded to strains X and Y, which were unrelated to the strain corresponded to the strains represented by isolates QMP-L1-
types isolated from the milking equipment. 080 (strain B) and QMP-L1-003 (strain A) (average S/P ratios
In-line milk filters. One hundred fifty in-line milk filter of 0.19 and 0.20, respectively).
samples were collected weekly between April 2005 and the first Six of 17 L. monocytogenes isolates (35.3%) had low adher-
week of June 2008. Three additional filters were collected, two ence abilities, while 9 (52.9%) had medium adherence abilities.
in October 2004 and one in January 2005. A total of 102 Only two (11.8%) isolates had high adherence abilities (Fig. 4).
(66.6%) of the samples were positive for L. monocytogenes, and Two sporadic isolates (QMP-L1-103 and QMP-L1-109) had an
101 isolates were analyzed by PFGE. Combined AscI and ApaI S/P ratio very close to the cutoff value to classify an L. mono-
restriction enzyme analysis yielded 9 strains (Fig. 1). Less het- cytogenes isolate as having a high adherence ability (S/P ratio of
erogeneity was observed among isolates obtained from in-line 0.54 each; cutoff S/P ratio for high adherence isolates, 0.56).
milk filter samples (SID ⫽ 0.71) than among fecal and envi- The combined S/P ratios of L. monocytogenes isolates
ronmental isolates (Fig. 2). The most predominant and persis-
tent strains were strains T, D, and F, which accounted for
39.6%, 26.7%, and 26.7%, respectively, of the L. monocyto-
genes isolates within this category of sample.
Bulk tank milk. Two hundred four bulk tank milk samples
were collected between February 2004 and March 2008. Liste-
ria monocytogenes was isolated from 52 of these samples
(25.4%). Fifty-two L. monocytogenes isolates (one from each
L. monocytogenes-positive sample) were analyzed by PFGE.
Combined restriction digestion analysis yielded 3 strains (Fig.
1). A more limited diversity than that found for milk filter,
fecal, and environmental isolates was observed among L.
monocytogenes isolates obtained from bulk tank milk samples
(SID ⫽ 0.65) (Fig. 2). The predominant and persistent strains
FIG. 4. Average S/P ratios of L. monocytogenes for all three micro-
F (19.2%), T (38.4%), and D (42.3%) were the only strain titer plate assay experiment repetitions. Each bar represents one L.
types observed within this category of sample (Fig. 1). monocytogenes isolate. From left to right, predominant and persistent
Serotyping. A total of 40 L. monocytogenes isolates, one of isolates (P/PS) were QMP-L1-070, QMP-L1-021, QMP-L1-030, QMP-
each strain, were analyzed by multiplex PCR. Seventy-eight L1-065, and QMP-L1-002; nonpredominant and persistent isolates
percent of the L. monocytogenes isolates collected from the (NP/PS) were QMP-L1-023, QMP-L1-001, and QMP-L1-003; the pre-
dominant and nonpersistent isolate (P/NPS) was QMP-L1-122; and
farm corresponded to serotype complex 1/2a. Serotype com- sporadic isolates (S) were QMP-L1-102, QMP-L1-080, QMP-L1-153,
plexes 1/2b and 4b each accounted for 10% of the isolates. QMP-L1-073, QMP-L1-103, QMP-L1-109, QMP-L1-251, and QMP-
Three L. monocytogenes isolates (strains AI, AJ, and AN) L1-241. Listeria monocytogenes FSL-N1-250 and FSL-J2-035, used as
could not be grouped into a serotype complex with the PCR the low-biofilm-forming control (LBF-Control) and high-biofilm-form-
ing control (HBF-Control), respectively, show 3 bars each (average of
assay (Fig. 1). each of the three experiment repetitions). Solid lines across bars show
Microtiter plate biofilm assay. A visual representation of the the average S/P ratios (approximate) for each group. Error bars show
adherence ability of each of the L. monocytogenes strains that standard errors of the means.

grouped by characteristic (Table 1) are shown in Fig. 4. In a example, Bruhn et al. (5) previously reported a greater pro-
linear regression model, L. monocytogenes isolates that were portion of lineage II L. monocytogenes strains than lineage I
predominant and persistent had a better adherence ability than strains after enrichment in selective media (University of
did isolates that were either predominant, persistent, or spo- Vermont I and II media). The competition of certain L.
radic (P ⫽ 0.0006). monocytogenes strains during a single enrichment step was

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also reported previously by Gorski et al. (19), although no
relationship between serotype and recovery after enrichment
was found in their study.
This longitudinal 4-year study of the molecular ecology of The diversity of strains in milk and milk filters over the
L. monocytogenes was conducted to explain the long-term prev- course of the study (⬃4 years) was moderate (SID ⫽ 0.65 and
alence of the pathogen in bulk tank milk and milk filters. Our 0.71, respectively). In contrast, a high level of heterogeneity of
data suggest that the milking system and, ultimately, the bulk strains was observed among fecal and environmental L. mono-
tank may have been exposed to multiple L. monocytogenes cytogenes isolates (SID ⫽ 0.96 for each), in agreement with
strains from different sources throughout the farm. However, previous findings for fecal L. monocytogenes isolates (4, 13).
only 3 strains (T, D, and F) were successful in persisting within Among the various samples collected from the farm environ-
the milking system. This suggests the formation of a biofilm by ment, animal drinking water collected from the water troughs was
L. monocytogenes strains that were more suitable to a partic- most frequently L. monocytogenes positive (64.3%). This percent-
ular ecological environment. age is similar to that found previously by Mohammed et al. (37)
Another potential explanation for the presence of 3 persis- for water trough samples from dairy farms in Central New
tent strains in bulk tank milk during the study period is the York using a PCR detection method (66%).
presence of cows suffering from mastitis caused by L. mono- After drinking contaminated water, cows may shed L. mono-
cytogenes. Mastitis caused by L. monocytogenes, however, is cytogenes back into the environment, creating a “recycling” of
rare (14, 27) and seems to be an unlikely explanation for the strains within the system. Although a high diversity of strains
persistence of specific strains in the bulk tank milk on the study was isolated from animal drinking water, the presence of an L.
farm (29). Furthermore, the previously reported presence of a monocytogenes-containing biofilm in water troughs may also
biofilm in milking equipment on the study farm (30) supports explain the greater prevalence of the pathogen in water.
our hypothesis of the colonization of the milk line by specific No listeriosis in cows had ever been reported for the study
L. monocytogenes strains. farm, even though animals were shedding the pathogen in their
The appearance of strains F, T, and D in bulk tank milk and feces. This is in agreement with previous reports that cows can
in-line milk filters showed a pattern of a predominance of a be healthy reservoirs of L. monocytogenes (39). Ho et al. (23)
particular strain over time, followed by a period of overlapping suggested previously that L. monocytogenes can be shed in the
and, finally, the exclusion of the preceding strain and replace- feces by being passed through the gastric tract after the cow
ment by a new strain. Listeria monocytogenes isolated from milk consumes contaminated silage. We observed the presence of
filter and bulk tank milk samples in the same week were usually L. monocytogenes in the cows’ feces but did not detect the
the same strain (i.e., they had the same PFGE pattern). On pathogen in silage samples collected from the farm. Listeria
some occasions, however, when an overlapping of L. monocy- monocytogenes was isolated from only 1 of 71 feed samples
togenes strains occurred, PFGE patterns of isolates found in collected over a 4-year period. Hence, silage or other feedstuffs
milk filters were different from those found in milk but always were unlikely to be the source of L. monocytogenes for cows in
corresponded to an overlapping strain. Interestingly, L. mono- this study.
cytogenes strain T (predominant strain in milk filters and milk Besides the fecal shedding of L. monocytogenes by cows, the
until May 2007, when the overlapping with strain D started) movement of animals or people may transport the pathogen to
was isolated from milk filters or milk for the last time in different locations throughout the farm. For example, strain
September 2007. Even though strain D was the predominant “X” was isolated from 2 individual fecal samples and from 1
type observed among in-line milk filter isolates and the only water sample collected in April 2007 as well as from a swab of
strain observed in bulk tank milk after September 2007, strain the milking parlor floor in May 2007. The presence of L.
T was isolated from milk meter samples collected in January monocytogenes strain X in the parlor may be explained by the
and February 2008. presence of fecal material transported by cows on their feet or
Strain competition (38) between L. monocytogenes strains by defecation during milking. In addition, strain “Y” was ob-
within a biofilm in milking equipment could account for the tained from an individual fecal sample in April 2007 and from
detection of strain T in the meters long after it ceased being a swab of the floor in the milk house storage room in May 2007.
present in the milk and milk filters. The presence of strain D as As cows did not have access to the storage room, the presence
the predominant strain from in-line milk filters indicates that of L. monocytogenes strain Y in this location was possibly due
strain D is predominant in either existing biofilms, sources to the movement of farm personnel in the milk house and
outside the milking equipment, or both. In addition, we char- around the farm.
acterized only one isolate from each positive sample by PFGE; Wildlife and birds can be carriers of L. monocytogenes (15,
multiple strains in one sample, if present, would not have been 22, 32). A potential role of feral animals in the maintenance
detected by using this approach (11). and/or spreading of the pathogen on the study farm cannot be
Moreover, the competition of L. monocytogenes strains dur- ruled out, as L. monocytogenes was previously isolated from
ing enrichment may result in an underrepresentation of the one sample of feral animal feces collected from a feed bunker
actual number of strains present in a given sample (5). For in June 2004 (29). One isolate from this sample was analyzed

by PFGE and was determined to be strain T, which was the consideration is the fact that laboratory conditions for biofilm
most predominant strain on the farm, having been found in growth cannot mimic actual environmental conditions. The
feces, in-line milk filters, bulk tank milk, and milking equip- difference between the in vitro assay and in vivo conditions may
ment. impact the predictive value of the in vitro biofilm formation
A greater prevalence of L. monocytogenes in the milking ability (26).

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system than what can be accounted for by the prevalence in Synergism or cooperation between different bacterial spe-
environmental and fecal samples contrasts with the previously cies within a biofilm was previously described (38). Many bac-
reported results of another study conducted on New York terial species are found in the farm environment and have the
State dairy farms (37). As we previously reported (29, 30), a potential to establish biofilms in the milking system. Listeria
biofilm in the milking equipment could act as a reservoir of monocytogenes strains that do not have a strong biofilm-form-
L. monocytogenes and can account for the observed differences ing capacity may still be part of the biofilm community. This
in prevalence. may explain why some of the predominant and persistent
A biofilm can be defined as a microbial population attached strains in our study had low or moderate adherence abilities.
to a surface and covered by an exopolymeric matrix (6, 20), The persistence of L. monocytogenes strains in a given niche
while cell adhesion refers to the “stable interaction” between may also be due to intrinsic characteristics of the strains, such
cells and a surface (20). The latter can be reversible or irre- as stress tolerance (45), a better ability of certain strains to
versible (6). A biofilm, however, is permanently attached to a compete for nutrients (18), or a persistent reintroduction of a
surface (10) and involves the multiplication of bacteria within particular strain.
the biofilm and increased resistance to the environment. Based Although feed and silage were an unlikely source of L.
on an in vitro assay, only 2 L. monocytogenes strains were monocytogenes for cows in our study, a reduction of the patho-
classified as having high adherence abilities, although all strains gen on dairy farms may be achieved by feeding cows with
were able to adhere to the PVC surface used in the assay to good-quality silage, because feedstuff and, particularly, poor-
various degrees (low, medium, or high adherence). One of the quality silage can harbor L. monocytogenes (15). In addition, L.
strains with a high adherence ability was strain D, and this was monocytogenes was frequently isolated from the drinking water
one of the three strains that were persistent in in-line milk of cows in our study. Regular (and frequent) cleaning and
filters and bulk milk samples. disinfection of water troughs would reduce the number of L.
A statistically significant relationship between predomi- monocytogenes organisms in drinking water for animals, and it
nance and persistence and the adherence ability was found in would also help to prevent the establishment of potential bio-
our study. Although we performed a screening assay to deter- films in the water system. The control of L. monocytogenes on
mine only the adherence ability (which differs from biofilm farms would benefit from pest and wildlife control, as these
formation, as explained above) of selected strains in our study, animals may transmit L. monocytogenes in their feces (25, 32)
our results are similar to the findings reported previously by and may be a source of L. monocytogenes for cows and the farm
Borucki et al. (2), who reported that persistent strains are environment. The PFGE typing results of our study suggest
better biofilm formers. Our findings, however, differ from the that the presence of certain L. monocytogenes strains (X and
results obtained by previous studies conducted by Djordjevic et Y) in the milk house may have been due to the transit of
al. (9) and Harvey et al. (21), as no relationship between the animals or farm personnel. Hence, the implementation of bio-
persistence and the biofilm-forming abilities of the strains was security measures would be helpful in preventing the further
observed in their studies. spread of the pathogen on dairy farms.
The adherence ability of persistent strains in our study may
explain why they have been repeatedly found over time on the ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
farm. The adherence of L. monocytogenes may lead to biofilm Financial support for this work was provided by the USDA Agricul-
formation and the persistence of strains in a given environ- tural Research Service (agreement no. 58-1265-3-155, 58-1265-3-156,
ment. For example, Borucki et al. (2) observed that L. 58-1265-3-158, 58-1265-4-020, and 58-1265-8-064) for the Regional
monocytogenes strains with greater adherence produced Dairy Quality Management Alliance.
more exopolymeric matrix in in vitro assays. Furthermore, in We thank the dairy producer who generously allowed the research
to take place on his farm. We thank Martin Wiedmann (Food Science
a previously reported study of ready-to-eat-meat processing Department, Cornell University) for providing control strains from his
plants (28), 76% of the L. monocytogenes isolates recovered collection and Holger Sondermann (Veterinary Medical Center, Cor-
from the plant with the highest percentage of Listeria sp.- and nell University) for his insights and contributions to our microtiter
L. monocytogenes-positive samples had moderate or high ad- plate biofilm assay. We gratefully acknowledge the valuable help re-
ceived from the Quality Milk Production Services and USDA Agricul-
herence abilities. Molecular typing of the isolates was not con- tural Research Service teams during the course of this research.
ducted; hence, the repeated isolation of specific strains could Mention of a trade name, vendor, proprietary product, or specific
not be assessed. The adherence ability of L. monocytogenes equipment is not a guarantee or a warranty by the U.S. Department of
strains, however, may have played a role in the persistence of Agriculture and does not imply an approval to the exclusion of other
the pathogen in this food processing facility (28). products or vendors that also may be suitable.
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