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Rabu, 20 Mei 2020

Choose A, B, C, or D for the best answer!

(Soal tidak usah dibuat, cukup jawabannya saja. Contoh : 1. A. The writer’s baby)

The text is for no 1-5

I have a little sister. Her name is Salsa. She is only a year old. She is cute. Salsa like a boy
because her hair is very short. She can walk, but she can’t speak. She likes walking around the house.
Salsa likes to play ball. Mother gave her a ball yesterday. The ball is soft. Salsa likes to kick the
ball. I love my sister very much. She has the best smile in the world.
1. Who is Salsa?
A. The writer’s baby C. The writer’s little sister
B. The writer’s little brother D. The writer’s little boy
2. Salsa is ... year(s) old
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4
3. The writer describes that salsa is ...
A. Smart B. Cute C. Friendly D. Bad tempered
4. How is salsa’s hair?
A. Short B. Thick C. Long D. Black
5. The writer likes ... very much
A. walking around the house C. Salsa’s smile
B. to play the ball D. speaking

Text for no. 6-10

My name is angel. I have Hamster. It is small and cute. I call it “Rubi”. My father gave it last week.
Rubi has three different colors, they are white, brown and black. Rubi’s ears are small. It always
squeaks in the time I come to close its cage. I feed it every morning. Rubi likes to eat some leaves and
grass. I take the grass from the field near my house. Rubi looks happy eating the grass. I really love her
very much.
6. What does the text tells about?
A. Angel’s hamster C. Smart hamster
B. Cute hamster D. Happy hamster
7. Who gave the writer hamster?
A. Her mother C. Her grand mother
B. Her father D, Her grand father
8. The writer describesthat her hamster is a... animal
A. happy and cute C. small and cute
B. smart and cute D. small and smart
9. Does “Rubi” eating the grass?
A. Yes it is B. Yes it does C. No it isn’t D. No it doesn’t
10. Rubi looks happy eating the grass. The closest meaning of the underlined word is...
A. glad B. patient C. kind D. friendly
Text for no. 11-15
There is a big tree in front of my house. There are many birds in the tree. The birds are small.
Their feathers are black and brown. They make nests in the tree. They fly here and there. They make
by chirping in the morning. I like the sounds. The birds sometimes fly down and walk on the ground. I
do not catch them. I let them live in the tree so I can enjoy their chirps every morning.
11. Where do the birds live?
A. In the tree C. In the bird’s house
B. On the ground D. In the writer’s house
12. How are the birds?
A. Small B. Slow C. Lazy D. Big
13. What is the color of the birds?
A. Black and white C. Brown and white
B. Black and brown D. White and yellow
14. What do the birds do in the morning?
A. Walking on the ground C. Flying down
B. Making nests D. Chirping
15. How does the writer feel about the birds?
A. He likes them C. He ignores them
B. He hates them D. He wants them to go


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