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The headgear effect of the Herbst appliance: A

cephalometric long-term study

Hans Pancherz, DDS, Odont. Dr., and Margareta Anehus-Pancherz, DDS, DMD
Giessen, Germany

The short- and long-term effects of the Herbst appliance on the maxillary complex were evaluated in
45 patients who had Class II malocclusions. The patients were followe d for 6.4 years (5 to 10 years)
after treatment. Lateral cephalograms from before and after 7 months of treatment, 6 months, and
6.4 years after treatment were analyzed. During Herbst treatment the upper molars were distalized in
96% of the subjects (maximum 4.5 mm), and the upper molars were intruded in 69% of the subjects
(maximum 3.5 mm). The maxillary occlusal plane was opened in 82% of the subjects (maximum
7.5~ Sagittal maxillary jaw base position seemed unaffected by therapy. A downward tipping of the
palatal plane was noted in 47% of the subjects (maximum 2~ During the first 6 months after therapy
most of the treatment changes reverted. During the following 5.9 years after treatment, normal
growth developmental changes prevailed: the upper molars moved mesiaily, and the teeth extruded,
the occlusal plane closed, the maxilla grew anteriorly, and the palatal plane tipped downward. In
conclusion the Herbst appliance exhibited a pronounced high-pull headgear effect on the maxillary
complex. Without proper retention, however, the effect seemed to be of a temporary nature. (AMJ

The Herbst appliance ~': has been shown to long-term effects o f Herbst therapy on the maxillary
be most effective in the management o f Class II mal- complex.
occlusions. ~4 The short- and long-term effects o f the
appliance on the occlusion and on mandibular growth
have been analyzed thoroughly in a number of inves- The original sample of Class It, Division 1 malocclusions
tigations. 2"" Six to eight months o f Herbst therapy treated with the Hcrbst appliance was comprised of 118 pa-
tients. Herbst therapy resulted in Class I or overcorrected
ordinarily leads to overcorrected Class I dental arch
Class I dental arch relationships in all 118 cases. After Herbst
relationships with an incomplete cuspal interdigita-
treatment, tooth irregularities and arch discrepancy problems
tion. 24 The occlusal changes seen during treatment are
were dealt with in 39 subjects with conventional multibracket
mainly a result o f an increase in mandibular growth 2z'~'9 appliances (with or without extractions of teeth). Of the re-
and maxillary and mandibular tooth m o v e m e n t s 2 Man- maining 79 patients those 45 subjects who were followed at
dibular condyle position seems unaffected by Herbst least 5 years (5 to 10 years) after therapy were surveyed.
therapy. ~~ Posttreatment recovering tooth movements Posttreatment retention (upper plate or activator) for 1 to 2
frequently occur, and the occlusion tends to settle into years was performed in 29 of the subjects. No retention was
Class I within 6 months after the appliance is removed, tt performed in 16 subjects. At the time of follow-up, 9 subjects
On a long-term basis it is as if Herbst treatment has exhibited a Class II molar relapse, whereas 36 subjects were
only a temporary impact on the existing skeletofacial considered stable. Relapse was diagnosed when a Class 1I
molar relationship.(a deviation of more than a half cusp width
growth pattern. ~2 In particular this appears to be true
from normal relationship) Was present. The patient material
for mandibular growth. 9 Despite recovering posttreat-
is presented in Table I. The different anchorage systems of
ment growth changes, functional stability o f the occlu- the Herbst appliance used are shown in Figs. 1 and 2.
sion seems to counteract occlusal relapses. 6'~2 In the evaluation of the immediate treatment effects of
In the evaluation o f the effects o f the Herbst appli- the Herbst appliance, 30 untreated Class It subjects of the
ance, the impact o f treatment on the maxilla has re- same age and skelctofacial structure as the Herbst group was
ceived little attention. The aim of the present investi- used for comparison. In the evaluation of the long-term effects
gation was to analyze cephalometrically the short- and of Herbst treatment, an ideal occlusion group, the Bolton
Standards 1~was used for comparison.

From the Department of Orthodontics, University of Giessen.
Copyright 9 1993 by the American Association of Orthodontists. In the Herbst patients, lateral head films with the mouth
0889-5406193151.00 + 0.10 811135481 wide open were evaluated. The radiographs were taken before

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics Pancherz and Anehtts-Pancherz 511
Volume 103, No. 6

Table I. Herbst appliance treatment of 45 Class II, Division 1 malocclusions. Distributions of

patient material

- I " I ,eoo I "

Male 34 -
Female 1I
Age at start of treatment (years) 12.4 l.i
Age at follow-up(years) 19.4 1.4
Treatment period (T) (years) 0.6 0.1
Posnreatment period 1 (PI) (years) 0.5 0
Posttreatment period 2 (P2) (years) 5.9 1.2
Total observation period (O) (years) 7.0 1.1
Partial 19
Total 26
None 16
Upper plate 5
Aktivator 24
Upper second molars erupted at start
Yes 37
No 8
Upper third molar germs present
Yes 42
No 3
Somatic maturation at treatment
Prepeak 27
Peak 13
Postpeak 5

and after 7 months of Herbst treatment, 6 months after treat- alometric analysis are shown in Fig. 3 and have been defined
ment when the occlusion had settled," and 6.4 years after earlier2"' The occlusal line (OL) and occlusal line perpen-
treatment. The changes in cephalometrie records occurring dicular (OLP) through sella (S) were used as a reference grid
during four examination periods were analyzed: Treatment for the linear measurements2 The grid and the nasion-sella
period (T). Differences in changes: after treatment minus line (NSL) from the first tracing were transformed to the
before treatment. Posttreatment period 1 (PI): Differences following tracings after superimposition of the head films by
in changes: 6 months after treatment minus before treatment. using the stable structures of the anterior cranial base for
Posttreatment period 2 (P2): Differences in changes: 6.4 orientation."
years after treatment minus 6 months after treatment. Total An analysis of sagittal and vertical maxillary dental and
observation period (0): Differences in changes: 6.4 years skeletal changes (d) occurring during the different exami-
after treatment minus before treatment. nation periods was performed. The analysis comprised the
In the untreated Class II control group, mouth-open lateral following variables.
head films, from before and after 6 months (Mean = 6 1. ms/OLP(d) minus A/OLP(d) (mm)--Change in sag-
months; SD = 0.4 months) were evaluated, and the cepha- ittal molar position within the maxilla.
lometrie changes were recorded. 2. mc/NL(d) (mm)--Change in vertical molar position
In the ideal occlusion control group (Bolton Standards '~) within the maxilla.
composite head film tracings (from 16 males and 16 females) 3. OL/NSL(d) (degrees)--Change in maxillary occlusal
were evaluated at the ages of 11 and 18 years, and the ceph- plane inclination.
alometric changes during a 7-ygar period were recorded. 4. NL/NSL(d) (degrees)--Change in maxillary jaw base
The registration from the roentgenograms were drawn on inclination.
matte acetate tracing film. Linear measurements were made 5. A/OLP(d) (mm)--Change in sagittal jaw base po-
to the nearest 0.5 mm and the angular measurements to the sition.
nearest 0.5 ~. No correction was made for linear enlargement
(approximately 7% in the median plane). For the subjects STATISTICAL METHODS
with ideal occlusion (Bolton Standards), adjustments was
made for radiographic enlargement of 5.5% so as to fit the The arithmetic mean (Mean) and standard deviation
radiographs of the Herbst sample. (SD) were calculated for each cephalometric variable.
The reference points and reference lines used in the ceph- To assess the statistical significance of changes that
512 Pancherz and Anehus-Pancherz American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
June 1993

Fig. 1. Herbst appliance with partial maxillary and mandibular anchorage (A through E).

Fig. 2. Herbst appliance with total maxillary and mandibular anchorage. A through E, At the start of
treatment. Twistflex arch wires on the upper and lower front teeth for tooth alignment. F through H,
Replacement of the twistflex wires with heavy rectangular arch wires (0.017 x 0.022 inch). Note the
reactivation of the telescoping mechanism.
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics Pancherz a/zd Anehus-Pancherz 513
Voh~me 103, No. 6

Table II. Method error evaluation of the

different variables in the examination periods: NSL OLP
T, PI, P2 and O (see Method section)

(mmVar,o ,e
or degrees) IIIIT PI P2 0

ms/OLP(d) minus A/OLP(d) 0.6 0.6 0.7 0.8

mc/NL(d) 0.8 0.6 0.5 0.8
OL/NSL(d) 0.8 0.9 0.5 0.9

occurred during the various examination periods, t tests

for paired samples were performed, and to compare the OL v

v - - w

Herbst and control groups during the treatment period

(T), t tests for independent samples were performed.
The levels of significance used were p < 0.001, Fig. 3. Reference points and lines used in cephalometric
p < 0.01, andp < 0.05. T h e p >-- 0.05 was considered
not significant (ns).
The size of the combined method error (ME) in
locating, superimposing, and measuring the changes in months, the molars moved mesially in 84% of the sub-
the different landmarks was calculated by the formula jects. No changes in molar position were seen in 16%
of the subjects. On the average the molars moved me-
ME = / 2~d=, where d is the difference between two sially by 1.1 mm (p < 0.001) during the examination
V 2n period. The maximum mesial movement was 4.0 mm.
During the second posttreatment period (P2) of 5.9
registrations of a pair, and n is the number of double years, the molars moved further mesially in 73% of the
registrations. Before and after treatment, 6-month, and subjects. No changes in molar position were seen in
6.4-year posttreatment cephalograms from 10 randomly 27% of the subjects. On the average the molars moved
chosen subjects were analyzed on two different occa- mesially by 1.6 mm (p < 0.001) during the exami-
sions. The size of the method error for the different nation period. The maximum mesial movement was 5.5
variables is seen in Table II. mm.
During the total observation period (O) of 7.0 years,
RESULTS a net effect of distal molar movement during H e r b s t
The results of the analysis of maxillary dental and treatment was found in 27% of the subjects (maximum
skeletal changes occurring during the four examination 3.5 mm). In 60% of the subjects the molars had moved
periods are shown in Figs. 4 to 8. mesially (maximum 4.0 mm). No changes in molar
position were seen in 13% of the subjects. On the av-
Sagittal maxillary molar position changes (Fig. 4) erage, the molars had moved mesially by 0.6 mm
During the treatment period (T) of 7 months, the (p < 0.05) during the examination period, which was
molars were distalized in 96% of the subjects, whereas 60% of that seen in the Bolton control group.
the tooth position remained unchanged in 4% of the
subjects. On the average, the molars were moved dis- Vertical maxillary molar position changes (Fig. 5)
tally by 2.1 mm (p < 0.001r) during the examination During the treatment period (T) the molars were
period. The maximum distal movement was 4.5 ram. intruded in 69% of the subjects. In 4% of the subjects
In the untreated Class II control group, the molars extrusive molar movements were recorded (maximum
moved mesially by an average of 0.3 mm (p < 1.0 mm). No changes in vertical molar position were
0.01). The difference between the Herbst and control seen in 27% of the subjects. On the average, the molars
group was statistically significant (p < 0.001). were intruded by 0.7 mm (p < 0.001) during the ex-
During the first posttreatment period (PI) of 6 amination period. The maximum intrusive movement
514 Pancherz and Anehus-Pancherz American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
June 1993


2 I


// , //

T P1 Pz O

I 2 I---I Herbst
3 Control

Fig. 4. Sagittal maxillary molar position changes (Mean, SD) in 45 patients with Class II, Division 1
malocclusions who were treated with Herbst appliance.Registrations during four examination periods:
treatment period (T), posttreatment period 1 (P1), posttreatment period 2 (P2), and total observation
period (O).

was 3.5 mm. In the untreated Class II control group Maxillary occlusal plane inclination changes
the molars extruded with an average of 0.4 mm (Fig. 6)
(p < 0.001). The difference between the Herbst and During the treatment period (T), the occlusal plane
9 control groups was statistically significant (p < 0.001). tipped downward in 82% of the subjects (maximum
During the first posttreatment period (PI), the mo- 7.5~ In 7% of the subjects an upward tipping of the
lars extruded in 89% of the subjects. No changes in occlusal plane was recorded (maximum 1.5~ The in-
vertical molar position were seen in 11% of the subjects. clination of the occlusal plane remained unchanged in
On the average, the molars extruded by 1.1 mm 11% of the subjects. On the average, the occlusal plane
(p < 0.001) during the examination period. The max- tipped downward by 2.0 ~ (p < 0.001) during the ex-
imum extrusive movement was 2.5 mm. amination period. In the untreated Class II control
During the second posttreatment period (P2), ex- group, an upward tipping of the occlusal plane by an
trusive molar movements were seen in all subjects. average of 0.4 ~ (p < 0.01) was recorded. The differ-
On the average, the molars extruded by 3.5 mm ence i~etween the Herbst and control groups was sta-
(p < 0.001). The maximum extrusive movement was tistically significant (p < 0.001).
7.5 mm. During the first posttreatment period (PI), the oc-
During the total observation period (O), extrusive clusal plane tipped upward in 71% of the subjects (max-
molar movements (maximum 7.5 mm) were seen in all imum 5.5 mm). A downward tipping of the occlusal
subjects investigated. On the average, the molars ex- plane was noted in 20% of the subjects (maximum
truded by 3.9 mm (p < 0.001), which was comparable 2.0~ The inclination of the occlusal plane remained
to that seen in the Bolton control group. unchanged in 9% of the subjects. On the average the
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics Pancherz o/td A n e h u s ~ 515
Volume 103, No. 6



5 T I )\

'lj J

2 .OL

m Herbst
Fig. 5. Vertical maxillary molar position changes (Mean, SD) in 45 patients with Class II, Division 1
malocclusions who were treated with Herbst appliance. Registrations during four examination periods:
treatment period (T), posttreatment period 1 (P1), posttreatment period 2 (P2), and total observation
period (O).

occlusal plane tipped upward by 1.1 ~ (p < 0.001) dur- examination period. This was about half of that seen
ing the examination period. in the Bolton control group.
During the second posttreatment period (P2), the
occlusal plane tipped further upward in 71% of the Palatal plane inclination changes (Fig. 7)
subjects (maximum 6.5~ In 20% of the subjects the During the treatment period (T), there was a down-
occlusal plane tipped downward (maximum 2.5~ The ward tipping of the palatal plane in 47% of the subjects
inclination of the occlusal plane remained unchanged (maximum 2.0*). In 29% 6f the subjects an uPward
in 9% of the subjects. On the average, the occlusal tipping of the palatal plane was noted (maximum 2.0~
planetipped upward by 1.5 ~ (p < 0.001) during the The palatal plane inclination remained unchanged in
examination period. 24% of the subjects. On the average, the palatal plane
During the total observation period (O), an upward tipped downward by 0.2 ~ (ns) during the examination
tipping of the occlusal plane was recorded in 62% of period. In comparison with the untreated Class II con-
the subjects (maximum 8.5~ A downward tipping of trol group, no significant difference was seen.
the occlusal plane was seen in 36% of the subjects During the first posttreatment period (PI), the pal-
(maximum 4.5~ The occlnsal plane remained un- atal plane tipped upward in 40% of the subjects (max-
changed in one subject (2%). On the average, the oc- imum 2.0~ In 31% of the subjects a downward tipping
clusal plane tipped upward by 0.6 mm (ns) during the of the palatal plane was seen (maximum 2.5~ The
516 Pancherz and Anehus-Pancherz American Journal of Orthodontics and Dcntofacial Orthopedics
June 1993


4" 2

I r-] Herbst

Fig. 6. Maxillary occlusal plane inclination changes. (Mean, SD) in 45 patients with Class !1, Division
1 malocclusions who were treated with the Herbst appliance. Registrations during four examination
periods: treatment period (T), posttreatment period 1 (P1), posttreatment period 2 (P2), and total
observation period (O).

palatal plane inclination remained unchanged in 29% Sagittal maxillary jaw base position changes
of the subjects. On the average, the palatal plane tipped (Fig. 8)
upward by 0.1 ~ (ns) during the examination period. During the treatment period (T), the maxilla was
During the second examination period (P2), the pal- positioned anteriorly in 49% of the subjects, whereas
atal plane tipped downward in 67% of the subjects jaw position was unchanged in another 49% of the
(maximum 4.5"). In 22% of the subjects an upward subjects. In one subject (2%) there was a posterior
tipping of the palatal plane was recorded (maximum positioning of the maxilla (1.5 mm). On the average
92.0~ The palatal plane inclination remained unchanged the maxilla grew forward by 0.4 mm (p < 0.001) dur-
in 11% of the subjects. On the average, the palatal ing the examination period. In comparison with the
plane tipped downward by an average of 1.0 ~ untreated Class II control group no statistical significant
(p < 0.001) during the examination period. difference was seen.
During the total ~bservation period (O), the palatal During the first posttreatment period (PI), the max-
plane tipped downward in 78% of the subjects (maxi- illa was positioned anteriorly in 73% of the subjects
mum 3.5~ In 13% of the subjects an upward tipping (maximum 3.5 mm) whereas the jaw position was un-
of the palatal plane was noted (maximum 2.5~ The changed in 27% of the subjects. On the average, the
palatal plane inclination remained unchanged in 9% of maxilla grew forward by 0.8 mm (p < 0.001) during
the subjects. On the average, the palatal plane tipped the examination period.
downward by 1.1 ~ (p < 0.001) during the examination During the second posttreatment period (P2), the
period. This was about twice as much as that seen in maxilla was positioned anteriorly in 84% of the subjects
the Bolton control group. (maximum 8.5 mm), whereas an unchanged position
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics Pancherz and Anehus-Pancherz 517
Volume 103oNo. 6


-!- --

§ 2

P2 0
m [--1 Herbst
Fig. 7. Palatal plane inclination changes (Mean, SD) in 45 patients with Class II, Division 1 malocclusions
who were treated with Herbst appliance. Registrations during four examination periods: treatment
period 09, posttreatment period 1 (P1), posttreatment period 2 (P2), and total observation period (O).

of the jaw was recorded in 16% of the subjects. On the examining the patients clinically and with the aid of
"average, the maxilla grew forward by 2.4 mm their dental casts, two relapse promoting observations
(p < 0.001) during the examination period. were made that could explain the difference in adverse
During the total observation period (O), the maxilla molar tooth movements seen in the two patient groups:
was positioned forward in all subjects investigated (1) a lip-tongue dysfunction habit, e.g., atypical swal-
(maximum 10.0 mm). The average amount of forward lowing pattern ~7'~8 at the end of the total observation
growth was 3.6 mm (p < 0.001), which was about period was noted in all relapse cases but in none of the
half of that seen in the Bolton control group. stable cases, and (2) an unstable Class I cuspal inter-
digitation (registered by clinical inspection and by
"hand articulating" the dental casts from 6 months after
The patient material was well defined. The sample treatment) existed in eight of the relapse cases but in
surveyed could be considered to be comprised of con- only two of the stable cases.
secutively treated cases. All patients were treated in the
Treatment changes
adolescent growth period. 7 At the end of the observation
period, 5 to 10 years after treatment, growth was fin- The telescope mechanism of the Herbst appliance
ished (according to the Ru stage of the hand-wrist ra- produces an posterior-upward directed force on the
diographs) ~6 in all cases but one. When comparing the maxillary jaw base and dentition and an anterior-down-
9 subjects with Class II molar relapse with those 36 ward directed force on the mandibular jaw base and
subjects without relapse, no differences were seen be-
dentition (Figs. 1 and 2). The force system on the
tween the two groups with respect to dentofacial struc- maxillary complex could be compared to that of a high-
ture before and after Herbst treatment, as well as 6 ,pull headgear. ~9
months after treatment. Thus the subjects in the two Especially pronounced was the headgear effect of
groups responded equally to therapy and were com- the Herbst appliance on the upper molars. The teeth
parable with respect to the early posttreatment changes were distalized and intruded (Figs. 4 and 5), and as a
(P1 period). result the maxillary occlusal plane tipped downward
During the second posttreatment period (P2), how- (Fig. 6). :0
ever, adverse maxillary molar changes were more pro- Furthermore, like high-pull headgear traction, 2~the
nounced in the relapse than, in the stable cases. 6 When Herbst appliance seemed to have a rotational effect on
518 Poltcher7. ottd Anehus-Pancherz American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
June 1993



+ 4

2 OL

T P2 0
/ 1--I Herbst
Fig. 8. Sagittal maxillary jaw base position changes (Mean, SD) in 45 patients with Class II, Division
1 malocclusions who were treated with Herbst appliance. Registrations during four examination periods:
treatment period IT), posttreatment period 1 (PI), posttreatment period 2 (P2), and total observation
period (O).

the maxillary skeleton tipping the palatal plane down- extent." The molars moved anteriorly and extruded,
ward (Fig. 7). It must be pointed out, however, that and the occlusal plane closed. Similar findings were
this was not a consistent pattern. The amount and di- found after headgear treatment. :-'24
rection of maxillary rotation varied considerably be- During the fol!owing 5.9 years after treatment, the
tween patients. maxillary dental and skeletal changes seen were mainly
No obvious effect of Herbst treatment on sagittal a result of normal growth development.'3'25 When, how-
jaw base position (Fig. 8) could be shown. This is in ever, comparing the Herbst subjects With the ideal oc-
agreement with srme previous Herbst studies that used clusion control group (Bolton Standards) at the end of
linear measurements for recording maxillary treatment the observation period (6.4 years after therapy), it was
changes. 3'2' When, however, the treatment changes noted that the amount of sagittal maxillary growth was
were evaluated by means of angular measurements an less in the treated Class II cases (Fig. 8).
inhibition of maxillary growth was noted. 2
Influence of anchorage
Posttreatment changes The anchorage system of the Herbst appliance was
During the first 6 months after the tlerbst appliance partial (Fig. 1) in 19 subjects and total (Fig. 2) in 26
was removed, the treatment changes reverted to a great subjects. However, no treatment differences in the
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics Pancherz and Anehus-Pancherz 519
Vohtme 103, No. 6

amount of sagittal or vertical molar movements were 10 years after treatment. During the treatment period
found when comparing the two anchorage systems. In the following changes occurred:
a previous investigation" a difference between partial 1. The maxillary molars were moved distally in
and total anchorage was found for maxillary incisors 96% of the subjects (maximum 4.5 mm).
and mandibular molars only: the upper front teeth were 2. The maxillary molars were intruded in 69% of
moved more lingually, and the lower molars were the subjects (maximum 3.5 mm).
moved more mesially in the total than in the partial 3. The maxillary occlusal plane was tipped down-
anchorage cases. ward in 82% of the cases (maximum 7.5~
4. The palatal plane was tipped downward in 47%
Influence of retention of the cases (maximum 2.0~
After Herbst treatment, retention for 1 to 2 years 5. Sagittal maxillary jaw position seemed unaf-
was performed in 29 subjects, whereas no retention was fected by treatment.
performed in 16 subjects (Table I). A difference be- During the first 6 months after Herbst therapy most
tween the retention and nonretention group was found of the treatment changes reverted. During the following
for the sagittal molar position only. During the first years after treatment (mean 5.9 years), normal growth
posttreatment period (PI), the relapse in sagittal molar developmental changes prevailed.
position was less (0.5 mm; p < 0.05) in the retention It can b e concluded that the Herbst appliance ex-
group than in the nonretention group." On a long-term hibits a marked high-pull headgear effect on the max-
basis, however, no difference was found between the illary complex. Especially pronounced is the distalizing
two groups. Obviously, the retention period was too effect on the molars. The clinician could take advantage
short for stabilizing sagittal tooth position changes. o f this effect when attacking Class II malocclusions
Concerning vertical molar position, the activators with maxillary crowding and thus possibly avoid ex-
used for retention after Herbst treatment were not meant tractions of permanent teeth.
for retaining vertical tooth position. On the contrary,
the acrylic covering the occlusal surfaces was removed
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