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“My heart broke on Valentines day”

Valentines day, is the time of the year when people show feelings of love, affection and friendship. It is
celebrated in many ways worldwide and it falls on February 14 each year. Many individuals are excited to
celebrate valentines day except me. Because on valentines day my heart got scarred and broken by my most
favorite person, my grandmother.

My grandmother was my valentine ever since I was young, my lolo died early and I didn’t had the
privilege to meet him. My lolo died on the same month I was born that is why my lola believe that such
coincidence was done because I was the one who would console her pain that was cause by my lolo’s death.
Growing up I was a certified grandma’s girl lola was my favorite and I was hers.

Every 1 week before valentines day we would plan the places where we would go on valentines day, it
was all set that we would go to Alona beach to have our lunch there. Morning came and I went to my lola,s
house to give her the flowers that I had bought and the card that I had written for her.I was in shock because
when I got there my relatives we’re crying at the edge of lola’s bed and she laid there lifeless.My mind went
blank and my heart broke.I didn’t had the chance to hug her and say how thankful I am to have her as my
grandmother. Because of that experience I had that learned that I should not only show my gratitude and love
on valentines day but rather I should let them feel my gratitude and love to them everyday because life’s short
and you don’t want to waste your life on regrets.

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