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Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

2018; 3(1): 1-4
doi: 10.11648/j.eeb.20180301.11
ISSN: 2575-3789 (Print); ISSN: 2575-3762 (Online)

Effects of Sowing Date on the Growth, Yield and Honey Bee

Foraging Intensity of Buck Wheat (Fagopyrum esculentum)
at Bako Agricultural Research Center
Tusa Gemechu*, Amsalu Arega
Bako Agricultural Research Center, Oromia Agricultural Research Institute, Bako, West Shoa, Oromia, Ethiopia

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To cite this article:

Tusa Gemechu, Amsalu Arega. Effects of Sowing Date on the Growth, Yield and Honey Bee Foraging Intensity of Buck Wheat (Fagopyrum
esculentum) at Bako Agricultural Research Center. Ecology and Evolutionary Biology. Vol. 3, No. 1, 2018, pp. 1-4.
doi: 10.11648/j.eeb.20180301.11

Received: July 28, 2017; Accepted: December 21, 2017; Published: January 31, 2018

Abstract: The flexibility and wide adaptation of buck wheat recently led it to be grown on different agro ecology, even
though it is not native to our country. A field experiment was conducted to study the effects of sowing date on growth, yield
and honey bee foraging intensity of buckwheat at Bako Agriculture Research Center. There were 5 treatments with the first
treatment sown on July, 15 having 10 days different between each treatments with three replications laid out in Randomized
Complete Block Design (RCBD). The experimental result showed that there was significance difference White seeded Variety
(V2) of buckwheat having 37 days stay with flowering which is planted in the Mid July and early August with the mean value
of about 31 days with extended flowering period and proceeds prolifically for about a month before gradually tapering off as
the plant matures. From the result above buckwheat was mature in 11 weeks. The later buckwheat is planted, the faster it will
mature. Therefore, speed of maturity depends on the planting date. Grain yield of buckwheat under different sowing date were
highly significant (p ≤ 0.05) highest grain yield for both Varieties planted in mid July and late July with the lowest grain yield
observed for both Varieties planted in the late August with the mean value of 14.40ku/ha. The result clearly indicates that
foraging intensity of honey bees at different flowering stage of the buck wheat has been significantly different at first week
flowering and second week of flowering stage with mean value of 36 and 31 bees/m2/10min. The intensive visitation of honey
bees with the mean value of 22 bees/m2/10min and 13 bees/m2/10min at early in the morning (08:30-08:40 am) and (04:30-
04:40 am) has been observed respectively.

Keywords: Buck Wheat, Foraging Intensity, Honey Bee, Sowing Date, Yield

speed of maturity depend on planting date. If planted early in

1. Introduction the summer, and given good fertility, plants usually may take
The flexibility and wide adaptation of buck wheat recently 10 to 12 weeks to mature [1]. The later buckwheat is planted,
led it to be grown on different agro ecology, even though it is the faster it will mature. The reason to plant buckwheat
not native to our country. The seeds germinate and emerge relatively late is to push flowering into a period when nights
rapidly when planted in warm soil, typically in three to four are starting to cool down, which will normally be the case in
days. Flowering begins about three weeks after planting, and late August or early September. In buckwheat, seed set is
proceeds prolifically for a few weeks, before gradually globally very low, around 15-30% which is the major
tapering off as the plant matures. The prolific flowers on constraint to buckwheat production worldwide [2].
buckwheat have made the crop a good nectar source for Buckwheat is primarily a human food crop, used in similar
honey bee keepers. Buckwheat flowers are very fragrant and fashion to cereal grains such as wheat or oats. It has also
are attractive to bees that use them to produce a special, been used widely as a cover crop to smother weeds and
strongly flavored, dark memorable honey. Plant height and improve the soil. The crop seems to improve soil tilt, and is
2 Tusa Gemechu and Amsalu Arega: Effects of Sowing Date on the Growth, Yield and Honey Bee Foraging Intensity of
Buck Wheat (Fagopyrum esculentum) at Bako Agricultural Research Center

reported to make phosphorous more available as a soil still required. Therefore, the objective of this study was to see
nutrient, possible through root-associated mycorrhizae. the effects of planting date on the growth, yield and honey
Common buckwheat is one of the best source of high quality, bee foraging intensity of buckwheat.
easily digestible protein, having a balanced amino acid
composition [3] and a good source of minerals. It is 2. Materials and Methods
cholesterol free and perfectly fits our modern low calorie,
high nutrition diets [4]. In alternative medicine, it is used for A field experiment was conducted to study the effects of
balancing the sugar and cholesterol level in the blood [5]. sowing date on growth, yield and honey bee foraging
Buckwheat is cross pollinated and an entomophilous plant; intensity of buckwheat at Bako Agriculture Research Center.
honeybees are the major pollinators. The cultivation of There were 5 treatments with the first treatment sown on July,
buckwheat along with beekeeping may produce 50 to100 kg 15 having 10 days different between each treatments with
of honey per hectare, due to its extended flowering period for three replications laid out in Randomized Complete Block
more than 30 days [6]. Many factors, such as the floral Design (RCBD). Land preparation was done by conventional
physiology and morphology, pollinator characteristics, as tillage and harrowing with plot size of 3m×3m within this
well as effects of weather influence the success of pollination. area, 1×1 m2 was taken as experimental unit for honey bee
Buckwheat pollen is not windblown; therefore insects are foraging intensity data recording. 1m between reps and plots,
necessary for the transfer of pollen. Buckwheat flowers in the 30cm between rows and seed rate of 50 kg/ha and 46kg/ha
first sunshine and during which time it is highly attractive to Fertilizer rate were used. Plants were harvested manually
bees [7] and most of the pollination activities occur. It is said with the help of sickle when it is expected to be matured.
that a single visit of buckwheat flowers by a bee increases Plants were allowed to dry for easy threshing. Threshing was
plant productivity by 25-30% [8] three to four insect visits done by beating with sticks.
are enough to pollinate one blossom of buckwheat while bee The data obtained from experimental plots were recorded
visiting more than 5 times the productivity of plant decreases and analyzed by using One-way Analysis of Variance
[9]. Although some information on the adaptation and uses of (ANOVA) procedure described by [10]. When the F-test
buckwheat from honey bee side of buckwheat has appeared indicated statistical significance at the (P ≤ 0.05) level, the
over the past 10 years, a great deal of buckwheat time of Duncan's Multiple Range Test was used to compare the
plantation, honey bees foraging intensity and other effort is difference of the means.

3. Results and Discussion

Table 1. Effects of sowing date on the agronomic and yield parameters of buck wheat varieties.


1 4.17a 20.67bc 27.17abcd 30cd 57.17bc 79.0bc 19.54a
July, 15
2 4.67 a 21.17ab 27.83abc 37.67a 65.50a 88.0a 21.61a
1 4.83a 24.00 a 28.83a 26.5d 55.33bc 77.0bc 19.35a
July, 25
2 5.17a 24.00a 28.33ab 35.50ab 63.83a 86.33a 21.72a
1 4.33a 21.83ab 26.83bcd 28.83d 55.67bc 73.0cde 11.92bc
Aug, 05
2 4.83a 22.33ab 26.83bcd 37.17a 64.00a 81.0ab 17.79ab
1 5.67a 17.33d 26.17cd 26.83d 53.00c 69.67de 8.38cd
Aug, 15
2 5.33a 18.00cd 25.33d 34.17abc 59.50b 75.33bcd 10.44cd
1 4.67a 20.33bc 26.00cd 26.83d 52.83c 65.8e 4.78d
Aug, 25
2 5.17a 20.83bc 26.17cd 31.50bcd 57.67b 69.17ed 9.06cd
Mean 4.88 21.05 26.95 31.50 58.45 76.4 14.40
SEM 0.13 0.36 0.21 0.64 0.66 1.3 1.52
CV 19.56 8.34 3.92 9.23 4.43 5.7 35.19

Where, SD= Sowing Date, V=Varieties, DE=Days of Emergency, DH=Days of Heading, DF=Days of Flowering, DEF=Days of End flowering, DM=Days of
Maturity, Y= Yield.

No significance difference has been observed on the days August (25 days) after planting. The results for days of
of emergency for both buckwheat varieties planted at flowering and maturity was found in the range reported by
different dates. But, there were significance difference on the [11] that days to 50% flowering was 26-45 and days to
days of heading, longer heading dates for both buckwheat maturity were 67-98.
varieties planted in the late July (24 Days) and shorter There was significance difference on stay with flowering
heading dates Black seeded (V1) buckwheat varieties planted for long period of time having longer (37 days) of buckwheat
in mid- August (17 Days), with the mean heading date of white seeded (V2) planted in the Mid July and early August,
about three weeks after planting. with the mean value of 31 days having extended flowering
Both buckwheat varieties planted in the late July shows period and proceeds prolifically for about a month before
significantly longer days (28 days) of flowering with the gradually tapering off as the plant matures.
shorter days white seeded (V2) buckwheat planted in mid
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology 2018; 3(1): 1-4 3

the latter part of July, buckwheat will mature in about 9 to 10

weeks. The later buckwheat is planted, the faster it will
mature. Therefore, speed of maturity depends on the planting
date. Grain yield of buck wheat under different sowing date
were highly significant (p ≤ 0.05) highest grain yield for both
Varieties planted in mid July and late July with the lowest
grain yield observed for both Varieties planted in the late
August with the mean value of 14.40 Q/ha. This result has
been found below the average of world grain yield which
states that, buckwheat crop removes 47 kg nitrogen, 22 kg
phosphorus and 40 kg potassium for each hectare seeded and
gives a yield of 1600 kg/ha in Manitoba, Canada [12].
Possibly this recorded variation results from different rating
Figure 1. Buckwheat in full bloom at Bako Agriculture Research Center. systems or to the large variation that is available in the
different sowing date of Buckwheat, which is caused by the
From the result above buck wheat was mature in 11 weeks. large variation in altitude and agro ecological conditions
This was similar with the other finding which states that if under which they have developed. [2] found that the yield of
planted early in the summer, and given good fertility, plants common buckwheat increased with high soil moisture
usually may take 11 to 12 weeks to mature [11]. If planted in although seed set remained essentially the same.
Table 2. Effects of different sowing date on honey bee foraging intensity at different flowering stages of buck wheat varieties.

Sowing Date Varieties Foraging Intensity of Bees at First Week of Flowering Foraging Intensity of Bees at Second Week After Flowering
1 38.00abc 17.50de
July, 15
2 48.33a 58.17a
1 34.00bc 30.17bcd
July, 25
2 38.83abc 40.33b
1 34.33bc 33.17bc
Aug, 05
2 42.33ab 37.67bc
1 35.67bc 14.00e
Aug, 15
2 30.17bc 29.50bcd
1 28.50c 27.33bcd
Aug, 25
2 30.00c 27.00cd
Mean 36.02 31.48
SEM 2.03 3.25
CV 17.53 21.83

There were high significance differences in the flowering first week of flowering. However, in the second round of
intensity of honey bees highest number of bees visit has been flowering intensity of honey bees V2 planted in the mid July
observed for white seeded (V2) & black seeded (V1) 58 bees/m2/10 min) followed by the same variety planted in
varieties of buck wheat both planted in mid July (48.33 the late July about 40bees/m2/10min with lower bee visit V1
bees/m2/10min) and (38 bees/m2/10min) respectively with planted in the mid August 14 bees/m2/10min having the
the mean value of about 36 visitors of bees/m2/10min in the mean value of 31.48 bees/m2/10min.
Table 3. Effects of sowing date on honey bee Intensity to visit Buck wheat forage at different time of the day.

Time of Honey Bee Visit Buck Wheat

Sowing Date Variety
02:30-02:40 04:30-04:40 07:30-07:40 09:30-09:40
1 13.67d 6.67c 1.67a 0.17b
July, 15
2 29.17a 13.67ab 0.83a 0.00b
1 15.33 11.83ab 1.00a 0.33ab
July, 25
2 27.00ab 14.67ab 1.00a 0.00b
1 24.33 14.33ab 1.17a 0.00b
Aug, 05
2 28.17ab 14.00ab 1.50a 0.00b
1 16.00 10.33bc 1.00a 0.00b
Aug, 15
2 22.83abc 14.33ab 0.83a 0.33ab
1 21.50 16.33a 1.50a 0.00b
Aug, 25
2 20.00bcd 14.67ab 1.33a 0.83a
Mean 21.8 13.08 1.18 0.17
SEM 1.16 0.68 0.09 0.07
CV 19.6 20.5 38.4 19.4

From the result significance difference for flowering during time 08:30-08:40 am buck wheat V2 planted in the
intensity of honey bees has been observed higher bee visiting mid July (29.17 bees/m2/10min). But, lower for V1 planted in
4 Tusa Gemechu and Amsalu Arega: Effects of Sowing Date on the Growth, Yield and Honey Bee Foraging Intensity of
Buck Wheat (Fagopyrum esculentum) at Bako Agricultural Research Center

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