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300 Acceleration Pressure Drop

This section presents the equations for calculating pressure drop due to fluid accel-
eration and discusses the phenomenon in terms of changes in pipe geometry and
change of phase.

Contents Page

310 Definition of Acceleration Pressure Drop 300-2

320 Equations for Acceleration Pressure Drop 300-2
330 Discussion 300-2

Chevron Corporation 300-1 October 1992

300 Acceleration Pressure Drop Fluid Flow Manual

310 Definition of Acceleration Pressure Drop

An increase in velocity (i.e., acceleration) of a fluid is accompanied by a decrease
in its static pressure. This decrease is called acceleration pressure drop. It occurs
at pipe entrances and reducers, and where a phase change from liquid to gas occurs,
to give two common examples. Acceleration pressure drop is usually expressed in
pounds per square inch (psi) or in units of velocity head (in feet). One velocity
head is the acceleration head loss of a fluid accelerated from rest in a reservoir to a
specific velocity in a pipe.

320 Equations for Acceleration Pressure Drop

Velocity head is calculated using the following equation:

h = -------
(Eq. 300-1)
h = velocity head in feet of liquid, ft
V = fluid velocity, ft/sec
g = gravitational constant (32.17 ft/sec2)
Acceleration pressure drop across an entrance or reducer, expressed in terms of
static pressure drop (in psi), is:

2 2
ρ( V2 – V1 )
∆P = ---------------------------------
2g ⋅ 144
(Eq. 300-2)
∆P = static pressure drop, psi
ρ = fluid density, lbm/cu ft
V1 = upstream fluid velocity, ft/sec
V2 = downstream fluid velocity, ft/sec
Determination of acceleration pressure drop is particularly important when calcu-
lating the NPSHA of reciprocating pumps, to avoid cavitation. See Section 100 of
the Pump Manual.

330 Discussion
Equations 300-1 and 300-2 describe acceleration loss at pipe entrances and
reducers. Frictional losses (see Section 500) must be added to get the total loss for

October 1992 300-2 Chevron Corporation

Fluid Flow Manual 300 Acceleration Pressure Drop

this geometry. The fitting loss coefficients given in Section 500 for other types of
valves and fittings (besides pipe entrances and reducers) take into account both
acceleration and friction effects.
During changes of phase (evaporation, flashing, and boiling), the velocity of a fluid
must increase as the gas phase increases its mass flow rate. The pressure required to
produce that acceleration is accurately described by Equations 300-1 and 300-2.
The total pressure drop is the sum of the acceleration pressure drop and the flowing
friction pressure drop. This friction loss can be difficult to calculate because the
flow rates of the two phases are changing and, therefore, the friction pressure drop
is changing as the fluid moves downstream.
The static pressure that is converted to kinetic energy through the acceleration of a
flowing fluid is theoretically recoverable as static pressure when the flow deceler-
ates. However, since even carefully designed diffusers can recover only a fraction
of the original static pressure, this recovery is not attempted in normal piping situa-
tions. In standard piping systems the kinetic energy of a flowing fluid is dissipated
as turbulence at pipe exits and enlargements. Confusion on this point can arise
because some authors attribute acceleration pressure loss not to the pipe entrance or
reducer, but to the pipe exit or enlargement, where the potentially recoverable
energy is finally lost. This gives some readers the false impression that there is a
static pressure drop across pipe exits and enlargements. Static pressure drop—
produced by acceleration and friction effects—occurs across pipe entrances and
reducers, not their exits and enlargements.

Chevron Corporation 300-3 October 1992

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