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Sensors and Actuators A 69 (1998) 192-198 — Modelling of stretching effects on the contacted diaphragm of pressure transducers by LIGA process Bumkyoo Choi**, Gyubong Lee® “Dep of Mechanical Engineering, Sang Universi, #1 Siase dong, Mapo-gu Seo! 12-742, South Korea ® Production and System Engineering Center, Korea Academy of Industrial Technology, 371-3, Goson-dong,Karcheon-g, Soa 153-020, Sous Korea Received 7 March 1997; accepted 12 January 1998 Abstract Stretching effects of the diaphragm for differential pressure transducers are analyzed to improve the understanding of response and provide the basis for credible designs. The principal component is a polysilicon diaphragm with piezoresisive elements fabricated over a silicon substrale. The creation of a bridge over the opposite side facilitates the design of a differential pressure transducer with two-sided overload protection. Such bridges are constructed by the so-called LIGA process. nonlinear contact analysis should be made because of the large deformation of the diaphragm when they come in contact due to overpressure. Thus, 2 numerical procedure has been performed for the mechanical interaction of the diaphragm with the metal overpressure bridge. A finite element code based on the mathematical programming (MP) method, an optimization technique, was developed for axisymmetric problems and assessed flexure, stretching and contact. As the gaps between the polysilicon diaphragm and the metal stop increase, the differences in stress and displacement results between cases with and without stretching effects increase. © 1998 Elsevier Science A. All rights reserved, Keywords: Scetching; Diaphragm; Pressure transducer; LIGA; Mathematical programming 1. Introduction Pressure transducers are the well-known sensors used in many industrial areas, They require physical constraint ofthe diaphragm to limit displacements resulting from overload states, Wafer-to-wafer bonding technique would provide this, but it normally accompanies a complex procedure. A hybrid technology using established planar processing sequences combined with the so-called LIGA process has been utilized. in fabricating differential pressure transducers withtwo-sided overload protection. The principal steps of the process for the differential transducers are outlined in Fig. | and the basic LIGA process and the fabrication sequence for the metal bridge have been reported in detail by Guckel et al. [2-4] and Guckel and Christenson [1]. In addition, a thermal expansion analysis has been made for temperature changes because there is much difference in expansion coefficients between the metal and the silicon [5] With the metal bridge, contact phenomena occur between the diaphragm and overpressure stops. This paper presents the analysis of the stretching effects on the diaphragm when 322-712-0799, * Comesponding author: Tel: +82-2-705-8639; fas e-mail bkehoi Gees sopang ae kr itcontacts metal bridge. The contact processes often encoun- tered in many practical engineering field problems cause stress concentration at or near the surface of contact and eventually lead to failure of one or both of the mating bodies. However, it is very difficult to obtain accurate solutions of the contact problems due to their inherent characteristic that the boundary conditions of the bodies under consideration are not known prior to the analysis, but they depend on the solution, The mathematical programming method is well developed for the analysis of contact problems where the finite element technique is often used. They are formulated either by minimizing the potential energy with certain kine- ‘matic constraints along contact surfaces o as a variational inequality. Most recently, the methods have been extended to solve large deformation contact problems [6,7] 2. Differential pressure transducer description Differential pressure transducers with LIGA technology have been designed in the University of Wisconsin and the conceptual representation is shown in Fig. 2. Itis constructed on the basic absolute device which has a polysilicon dia- phragm with piezoresistive elements as a sensing mechanism, (0924-4247/98/$ - see front matter © 1998 Elsevier Science S.A. All sighs reserved, PII $0924-4247(98)00087-0 1B. Choi, G. Lee/ Sensors and Actuators A 69 (1998) 192-198 193 WE socrificial layer ME membrane si_] [tira] [st 1) Pattern sacrificial layer on the basic trensducer SD plating base si | [aime] [si 2) Spurr ~~ base (TUN) aligned wry mask 4) Align X- expose with synchrotron radiation = .- '5) Develop PMMA and electroplate Ni — [‘searar |] 16) Remove PMMA snd plating base ESE, 17) Etch sacrificial layer Fig. 1. Sacrificial Flow Chanel Fig. 2. Schematic diagram of iffrenil pressure wansduce with two over- pressure [1]. The basic absolute pressure transducers convertthe pres- sure from the working fluids via ports into the electronic signals by piezoresistive sensing. The Ni overpressure stops fabricated by LIGA process protect the diaphragm frombeing broken when the lower surface is overpressurized. The lower ‘gap can be accessed from the ports through the silicon sub- strate, The substrate also serves as a displacement stop. A thin metal film covered on the upper surface of the diaphragm ccan be used in capacitive sensing. The thin metal layer forms one plate of a capacitor with the Ni overpressure stop. The capacitance of the capacitor would be changed as the dia- phragm deforms. The pressure change measured by the change in capacitance could correlate with that measured from the piezoresistors. Thus, itis possible to verify the accu- rate readings of pressure by providing electrical circuitry comparing the results from the two separate types of sensing devices. The sizes of the upper and the lower gaps were selected as 0.8 um from the semiconductor processing sequences, The thickness of the metal bridge is 100 jum so that itcan be modeled as a rigid body when the diaphragm of the device contacts it, The original metal bridges fabricated were presented by Choi et al. [8]. 3. Contact problem description For differential devices as shown in Fig. 2, contact phe- nomena occur either between the bridge and the diaphragm or between the substrate and the diaphragm. The previous paper [8] focused on the parametric studies to optimize the design conditions without the stretching effects included, However, theory says that as the ratio of the thickness of the diaphragm to maximum displacement that should be the gap size for contact case decrease, the difference of the cases between with stretching (large deflection analysis) and with- out stretching (small deflection analysis) will be significant. Thus, the computer code has been developed to solve the contact problem under large displacement by the mathemat- ical programming (MP) method. To investigate the stretch- ing effects, the differential pressure transducer shown in Fig. 2-can be modeled as the structure shown in Fig. 3. The over- pressure stops are approximated as tigid ones based on the results [8] and a circular diaphragm (plate) has been chosen to make the problem two-dimensional. The analysis of the stretching effects with circular plate can be applied to the three-dimensional rectangular transducer without much revi- sion because the stretching does not affect the neighborhood Fig. 3, The simplified model forthe analysis of differential pressure tans cers with acireular plate diaphragm, 194 B. Choi, G Lee / Sensors and Actuators A 69 (1998) 192-198 of the four comers of the rectangular plate and thus the stretching effects ofthe rectangular plate.can be approximated as those of the circular ones. The typical thicknesses of the diaphragm are | to4 wm and the gaps between the diaphragm and substrate are up to 2 um from the practical experience based on the experimental considerations. For the boundary conditions, the peripheral points of the circular plate such as points A and B in Fig. 3 were fixed. The contact surface was assumed unbonded and frictionless. 4, Formulation of contact problem using MP method Formulation of contact phenomena with stretching shown in Fig. 4 is described in an incremental form through adoption of the updated Lagrangian approach (see Bathe (9] for details). In a nonlinear analysis such as this large displace- ment problem, although it does not have material nonli- nearity, in general it is necessary to employ an incremental formulation, and a time variable is used to conveniently describe the loading and the motion of the body. Itis assumed that the solutions for the static and kinematic variables forall time steps from time 0 to time r have been obtained. Then the solutions for the next required equilibrium position corre- sponding to time t+ At, where Ar is a suitably chosen time increment, will be evaluated. Denoting the coordinates of a ‘generic point in the diaphragm at time tand time 1+ At as a; and x, respectively, we can define the increments inthe dis placements from time rto time ++ Aras wsxy—ay qa) ‘The contact pressure p at time ¢-+ Ar is defined on a potential contact surface I, of the diaphragm as i Q) where '* gy, and"? n, represent the Cauchy stress tensor and the unit outer normal vector at time 1+ As, respectively, ‘The usual summation convention is used here. Since the dia- phragm has a rigid body motion, its global equilibrium is expressed as J crnpser= J pay'nar @ pant Sg 8 8 where the coefficients a, and , represent the rigid body displacements of points on I”, and T7 a surface with the pre- scribed traction *, respectively, in the ith coordinate direction due to a unit displacement in the j-th rigid body degree of freedom. The equation of internal equilibrium for the diaphragm is expressed as [10] ("Spx on)y=0 in D (4) where '"'S, is the 2nd Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor corre- sponding to the configuration at time ¢+ Ar but measured in the configuration at time t. The notation (),, denotes differ- a Alar ay 9 ° Géi=0 boi? Fig. 4 Schematic representation ofa contac problem, entiation with respect to the coordinate a,. The stress-strain constitutive relation is given as 48y"Cintrs ©) where dS, represents the 2nd Piola-Kirchhoff stress incre- ment components, C,, the constitutive coefficient at current time f and gy the Lagrangian strain components. If we describe the geometry of potential contact surface at time ¢ as G(d,) =0, the impenetration condition that no material particle will penetrate into the surface of opposing body can be expressed at time r+ Aras Gla,tu;+ayq)z0 onl, O} where g, denotes the rigid body displacement increment of the diaphragm, and the assumption that @ point ¢ on the diaphragm comes into contact with a point ¢ is utilized. Since G(4,) =—z2=0 (8=,0

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