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Good Day Everyone! Before anything else I would like to express my gratitude to
all of you for inviting me as your guest speaker for today’s event. The topic that we
would be dealing today is very relevant to most of us today as it embodies the real
essence of health to our life and how to overcome health adversities especially “stress”.
I know all of us experience stress in our daily lives. Stress comes from different
circumstances such as in work, school and even in our own homes. Some of us knows
how to handle it properly but in the case of our country we’re millions of Filipinos are not
educated, most of us doesn’t know how to handle stress daily and there’s just never
seems to be enough time in the day to deal with it. And without knowing that stress build
up without realizing it, resulting to physical and mental stiffness. Stress can also lead to
the most chronic illnesses and diseases to our body that is why as early as possible,
Filipinos should learn what are the ways to deal with it.

Let go all the worries because the solution is here! The simplest way to deal
stress is stretching. “Stretching is an effective strategy to aid in the relief of stress. It
lengthens the muscles to relieve tension”, says Jaime Longval M.S, a certified strength
and conditioning specialists at Brown University and The Miriam Hospital Centers for
Behavioral and Preventive Medicine in Providence, RI. Stretching can be done almost
anywhere. Longval suggests these quick ways to relax your body and spirit;

 Upper Back Stretch

 Stand with your knees slightly bent or sit up straight
 Clasp your hands in front of you, arms parallel to floor
 Keep your head relaxed
 Round your upper back. Push hands forward, palms away from your
 Hold for 20 to 30 seconds breathing steadily. Repeat 2-5 times.
 Neck Stretch
 Stand with your knees slightly bent or sit up straight
 Drop chin to your chest
 Place hands on back of head. Gently push down until you feel slight
 Hold for 20 to 30 seconds, breathing steadily. Repeat 2-5 times.
 Towel Stretch for Legs
 Dish or hand towels can help you stretch
 Lay on your back, abdominal muscles tightened. Knees bent, feet on
 Extend one leg toward ceiling. Keep knee slightly bent.
 Place towel behind back of leg or ankle (not behind knee), holding
both ends
 Pull towel toward your chest until you feel stretch
 Hold for 20 to 30 seconds, breathing steadily. Repeat 2-5 times.

I hope all that you have learned today will not be useless because it is very vital
to our health if we want to live longer and healthier. We also need to share it with the
people around us especially those people who are not here today. Let us live a much
healthier life by conquering stress not just by stretching but also being optimistic all the
time. Let us all promote a healthier society by helping others even in simple way like this
one. Before I end my speech always remember that “health is wealth” and live a stress
free life. God bless everyone!

Thank you for that heartwarming and gratifying introduction Ms. Daphney Cose,
CPA. Sigaw GFI! Uswag GFI! Once again, Good Morning to all of us! Today is one of
the most memorable day of your lives, and I am grateful that I became a witness of it.
But before anything else, I would like to re-introduce myself because I know some of
you do not know me yet. I am an alumnus of this school that is why I know some of you
know me well. I am Jan Mark Lim Walan CPA, LPT, 19 years of age and a proud
product of this institution.

Often on graduation day we look outside for heroes, but I see them right here
among us. Aside from our God and our parents, our teachers are our unsung heroes.
They are the one of the reasons why all of you are sitting there and celebrating this
special moment of your lives today. The knowledge that they imparted to us has
become the great weapon why all of you are considered as the future of our country.
They also witness how you all struggle in performing tasks and how you taste the
sweetness of every accomplishment.

When all of you leave here today, always put on your minds that we shouldn’t
just remember the greatness of our teachers in teacher’s day because they deserve
more than that. You have all reached the end of your college journey but it’s just the
start of your another journey. Therefore, everyone we should always be prepared
because life is not easy and the real battle begins as we parted ways in this covered
court. But before I end my speech, let me leave you an inspirational quote that goes like
this “You can celebrate what you have accomplished but look forward with an eye how
you too can be the inspiration for others just like our teachers. God bless graduates and
Welcome to the real world!

A pleasant and wonderful morning to everyone.

It is an honor and great privilege to me to introduce our honorable guest speaker

for today’s commencement exercise. She is not a stranger to all of us because last
week, she conquers the online world with her golden unique voice. She is not a singer
but she showed everyone that voice is not just for singing but also for spreading
awareness about different issues that triggers our society nowadays. She is also not a
beauty queen who compete with others to get the crown but her heart and advocacies
in life makes her the most beautiful woman in the world. In her young age, she became
an inspiration to his fellow youth because of her heart in helping others and saving the
environment. But where did her humble beginnings started?

She was born on June 20, 1999 at Purok 6, Lanton, Apopong, Genera;l Santos
City. She graduated at Lanton Alliance Kindergarten with high honors. She completed
her elementary life at Dadiangas South Central Elementary School with flying colors.
She finishes her high school career at Irineo L. Santiago National High School with a lot
of awards. Some of it were “Conduct Awardee and Journalists of the year”. Her college
life wasn’t easy, she takes Bachelor of Science in Accountancy in GenSantos
Foundation College Inc. wherein according to her was the most challenging part of her
life being a student. A roller-coaster ride that is how she described her life as an
accountancy student but still at the end she emerged as one of the top students of their
batch. She is a consistent deans lister in her 4 years’ journey in college. She passed the
very difficult CPA Board Examination and started her working career as a CPA in a
private accounting firm in our country. She continuous to soar high as she tries her luck
in international stage. And currently, she works as an accountant in a well-known
company in Canada. Even she is one of those Overseas Filipino Worker (OFW), her
heart is still in her country. She is now a successful vlogger and career woman.

Everyone, help me welcome our guest speaker today! The one and only….



Thank you for that heartwarming and gratifying introduction. I am so privilege to
be invited to such a memorable occasion in your lives. This day is as much an
achievement for the parents as it is for the graduating students. So graduates, take a
look at your parents and say “congratulations”. To be honest, when I was asked to give
a speech, I was really nervous; especially when my former teacher urge me to cite my
achievements and awards. My story is not that of a typical success story, it is a story on
how a little child follow God’s will in his life instead of pursuing his own dream.

The theme of today’s commencement exercise is about “Vanguards of

Excellence, Catalysts of Change”. Actually, this is probably one of the best theme in a
commencement exercise and I salute the person who think of this theme. On graduation
day, we are looking forward to hear story of success. But today we will not just talk
about success but also we will take a deeper understanding on how success affects our
lives and leads us to be the catalysts of change. There are a lot of success stories that
we can hear everywhere. But where are they after they captured success? Are they one
of those persons who became vanguards of excellence and catalysts of change? Well,
unfortunately not all.

I do have 3 key points as advice for the graduates on how to become vanguards
of excellence and catalysts of change. Don’t worry, it is easy to remember coz I know
everyone is familiar for basic accounting equation. A stands for “acceptance “. In
students’ life, we do a lot of decision making, sometimes it leads us to failure but also
sometimes it leads us to success. When life goes down, acceptance is the only thing
that brought us again on top. Why? Coz acceptance defines maturity which means we
will be matured enough to turn our mistakes into golden opportunities. And it will be a
great weapon when we face giant challenges in the future. The second letter is L, which
stands for “love”. Love comes from our heart desires so let’s figure out what truly makes
us happy. According to Sam Glenn, “Being a real life superhero isn’t about doing big
things, it’s about doing the little things with a big heart”. A student who dreamed to
become successful should not limit his capabilities to help himself or his family only
instead he/she should have a mindset on how he/she may contribute to the betterment
of our society.
Love is a symbol of real happiness and passion. Real happiness is not just about
helping your family and yourself but also helping others and draw smiles on their faces.
And lastly, the letter E which stands for “execution”. Our knowledge and learning will be
useless without execution. It is the most critical part of being a person. Success is not
the endpoint of our journey, we should always think beyond the box. In our country,
there are lot of successful people but the problem is they did not execute all the
learnings that they have. So who are those persons who will lead the change? Well of
course, it is in our hands.

But before I’ll end my speech let me narrate a short story of a child. There was a
boy who has a strange dream in his life. One day his teacher asked him “What is your
dream in life?”, the boy answered, “my only dream in life is to help other people”. The
teacher became confused a little because she didn’t expect that kind of answer from the
child. The teacher expected that the child will answer, “ohh, I want to be a teacher, an
engineer, teacher, an artist, a musician, etc.” but this child seems weird. The teacher
asked the child again, “Why do you want to help other people instead who knows what
my future is, I just follow what God wants me to be and for now the only thing I could do
is to help other people coz I know this will bring great joy to Him”. The teacher doesn’t
know that the child was a victim of bullying and that’s the main reason why the child has
this weird personality.

The child in the story was eventually the person who is standing in front of you
today. So graduates, I hope you learned a lot from my story and just keep on dreaming.
Brace yourselves for the many challenges ahead and remember to trust God whatever
happens. Lastly, always remember the ALE be ready coz you are all vanguards of
excellence and catalysts of change in our country.

Good Morning Everybody!

I am Mark, the ambassador of JMW Philippines and I am here to introduce

the new product of JMW Inc.

Is your pen’s life expectancy being shorter than your height? Have you
been in a situation wherein you’re in the middle of an examination and then
(Boom) your pen is running out of ink. Well, you shouldn’t worry anymore and let
go all the pen negativities, because the newest and highest standard pen is
coming to your town, the JMW pen. Yes, you heard it right, JMW pen is coming
to the Philippines.

JMW pen is not just an ordinary pen. It is made through the combination of
man power, technology and nature. It is the first ever pen in the world whose
main function comes from electricity. Its distinct characteristics is that, the ink of
this pen continues to reproduce as the time you charged it. The JMW pen’s cover
is made up of biodegradable plastic material that’s why it is environmental
friendly. This is the finished product of a 10 years’ study of JMW scientists
located in London, UK. Another good thing for this pen is that, it is not only
chargeable to electricity it can also be charged to solar energy that’s why the
rural areas can also afford to use it. The price is very affordable and everyone
can use it anywhere they want.

What are you waiting for? Buy now!







March 11, 2019

Humans, we are the most special creature and believed to be the smartest
creature made by God on earth. We have our own and distinct special ways of
communicating and acting around others. As a matter of fact, every single day, we talk
and act as we communicate with other people in our society coz we are born to interact.
There are lot of circumstances wherein our communication skill will be tested and one of
those challenges is the case of bullying. Bullying is an issue that has been affecting
many in the world today. It takes place in many forms some of which are direct and
include physical harm on the victim. Verbal bullying involves calling and insults or
threats being directed at the victim and may also involve emotional bullying where the
victim’s emotions are targeted by the bully. Other forms of bullying may be indirect
where the harm is not caused by the person directly but it still ends up affecting the

There are a lot of persons who experienced to be bullied in the world and I count
myself as one of them. It is not actually easy growing up with a fear in your heart, that
fear causes a lot of misfortunes to me such as in health, studies and even in love life.
One of the effects of it was I became afraid to be rejected or dislike by others that is why
I decided to be careful of what my actions is because I’m afraid to be judge by others. I
can say that I grow up living in the expectation of others, I do have a lot of doubts to
myself and my self-esteem is very low. But where did this bullying experiences started?

When I was on my 1st grade in elementary, I transferred to a new school. It was

also the first week of class wherein one of my classmates bullied me. At first, he asked
me about my gender because my actions are not really the same in that of a normal
boy, and it wasn’t my fault at all. I did not answer his question but the class just keep on
laughing and keep on taunting me. Our teacher tries to stop my classmates and they
finally stopped. Yes, I cried that time and I tell my mother that I don’t want to come back
in school again but my mother convinced me and persuade me to went back. So I was
thinking that time that it was just a bad day, and it won’t happen again but I was wrong. I
never thought that it was the start of the dark journey of my young life. Until high school
I still experienced bullying, and it was ironic because even my teacher starts to tease
me but I did not find it as a simple tease, it is also a form of bullying. That time I felt that
I was really a loser and I was on my lowest point of my life. But my mother just keep on
reminding me that I live for myself and for God and not for others. After that day
everything changes. I learned how to handle the bullying issues but it wasn’t my own
self who helped me to overcome it. It is the advantage of having God in our life. I
committed myself to him. God enlightened me of what is the real meaning of life. From
that day, I continue to pursue my dreams and I engaged myself in supporting the “anti-
bullying campaign” of our government. A observed a lot of changes to myself from being
a silent person, I became a communicative person. I interact to many people and I let
go all the negativities from the mind of other people.

Therefore, all of you who hears my speech today. Let us commit ourselves to
God, let us stop bullying and let us help other people. Let us help those unfortunate
people especially those students who are experiencing it. Currently, bullying is one of
the main reason why a lot of persons today commit suicidal acts. Let us open our minds
and be mindful of what is happening now. Spreading awareness to our co-Filipinos is a
must because our country is also one of those countries who emerged on top on
bullying issues. Let us stop bullying now before it became a major problem of our
society. NO TO BULLYING!

Over the past century the average temperatures have gone up by just over one
degree. This may not seem like much, but many scientists agree that the earth’s
temperatures are starting to increase at a faster rate. Have you been wondering why
arctic glaciers have begun to melt threatening the indigenous life of polar bear? Melting
glaciers also cause sea levels to rise which became a problem for low land areas like in
some parts of our country. This phenomenon is the global warming phenomenon.
Global Warming is the gradual increase of the temperature of earth’s atmosphere and
oceans. Global warming occurs when greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide,
nitrous oxide, and methane trap heat inside the earth’s atmosphere. It happens when
we burn fossil fuels like petroleum and deforestation.

Think about what happens when you open your car door after the windows have
been rolled up on a hot day. Heat from the sun enters the car, but the frame of the car
prevents it from escaping. To a small extent, this is a representation of what happens
during global warming. Global warming has already started to affect the earth in several
ways. Ocean temperature have begun to rise. This causes some of the algae to die
which can affect the entire food chain. It would have a huge damage to the daily living of
the people in the world. This is one of the consequences that we might all face because
of the damage in our mother nature.

In every problem, we always have solutions but in the case of global warming
minimizing the effects of it is the only solution. But how can we minimize the effects of
it? We can all contribute in a simple way just like planting trees and by car-pooling. We
should also limit the harmful vehicle emissions and phasing out the use of chemicals
that can damage our ozone layer. Let us protect and improve the earth’s air and

Loving our environment means taking care of the lives of our next generation.

Are you looking for a virgin, fresh, alluring and fascinating beach resort this
summer? Well, stop going anywhere! Embrace yourselves because you are cordially
invited to the grandest and the most awaited opening of the newest beach resort in

The La Enchantress Beach Resort!

La Enchantress Beach Resort is not just an ordinary beach resort. It has a lot of
wonderful characteristics that you can’t see in other resorts in the Philippines. From its
white beaches, sparking blue waters, healthy coral reefs and different amazing
activities, doubt why the famous vlogger, photographer and internet sensation Missy
Arevalo fell in love with this place. According to her, “Finally, I found The Palawan of the
south” in one of her interviews. This Beach resort brings you closer to nature because of
its unique ambiance and location. You can’t find huge buildings around it which makes it
safer from pollution and good to everybody’s health. And the highlight of this beach
resort is it follows the theme of different holiday seasons such as New Year, Christmas,
Halloween, Holy Week and many other Filipino celebrations. This resort is also proud to
have a cave under a forest which is good to those adventurous persons.

Let us all witness the beauty of god’s creation by visiting La Enchantress Beach
Resort. It is located at Jose Abad Santos, Davao Occidental. For more information, you
may visit our social media accounts @La Enchantress Beach Resort Official Page
(Facebook), La Enchantress BR (16) or you contact Ms. Rubelyn Baluno for more
updates (09067686123).

So what are you waiting for? Visit now!


Good Morning Everyone! In today’s high tech world major problems still exist. In
our country, the problem that is looked at the most today is the poverty. However, there
is a problem that has killed and is still killing many people than poverty has. That
problem is HIV/AIDS. This virus has killed so many people that it is considered by many
to be an epidemic. The reason that the disease has devastated so many people is
because of lack of knowledge and education on how to deal with this disease and
because many high ranking politicians and other people try to decline its severity. For
these reasons the disease has had such a crushing effect on many countries. It is the
effect of lack of sex education.

The law on sex education was not implanted to our country because of the
misconceptions of different sects in our country especially the church. I understand their
perspective but in situations like these where our country needs education, I would
rather choose to sacrifice our old beliefs for the sake of the people. Sex education
should be increased in schools. Aside from HIV, nearly 1 million under the age of 20 get
pregnant each year. That means 2800 women get pregnant each day. If students are
educated about the effects of sex has on their lives, it lessens their chance of having
children at an early age. Knowledge about sex can also lessen the chance of kids
receiving STDS. The main reason why children have sex prematurely is because they
are curious. Students lack knowledge about sex because they haven’t been taught
about it, however, when children know the consequences behind their actions and the
risks they are taking they less likely to want to have sex.

The numbers of this issues in our country after the latest survey is very alarming.
And many Filipinos were having questions on their minds of what is going on. For me,
the only solution is the implementation of sex education. To others it is a bad idea but I
think they should open their minds for the betterment of our society. They should realize
the scary effect of these diseases to our community. Let us wake up and help our
government to destroy this epidemic.

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