The World Is A Book and Those Who Don't Travel Read Only A Page

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Holidays &Travelling – Conversation class A2-B1

Introduction: Give them identity cards. They ask their partners the questions and write the answers.
They present their partners to the group

Name: Three things I like:


Hobbies: Three things I don’t like:

Something I’d like to do

The world is a book and those who don’t travel read only a page ‘ St. Augustine

Do you agree or disagree? Why are travels important? Why do children go to excursions for example?

What types of holiday do you like?

Beach holiday, skiing holiday, cruise, package holiday, Touring, camping

What are goods sides and bad sides of package holiday / camping
Which types of holidays you have tried? Would like to try?
What kind of people go on camping holidays?

Where did you go on holiday with your parents and where do you go now?
Where do people usually stay in, when they are on holiday? accomodation
In hotels, villas, hostels, bed&breakfast , tent

What are the steps when you want to stay in a hotel: before you go
- Make a reservation / book a room – a single / double/twin /ensuite
- Book meal plan – BB, HB, FB, AI
- When you come to the hotel
- Check- in at a reception, check out
In pairs, write a short dialogue using the given words and phrases
1 a traveler and 2 a receptionist
What is your dream holiday?
How do you get to your dream holiday ? By bus / plane/train
Which means of transport do you like and why?

What do you do when you travel by plane?

 go to the airport
 go to departures and you check in there at check –in desk
 go through passport control
 wait in a departure lounge
 go to a gate to board the plane
 at the arrivals you go to baggage reclaim

When you are inside a plane you are aboard, for that you need a boarding pass
If you have hand luggage you put it in overhead locker


Are you a fitness freak or Couch (mouse) potato?

A questionnaire
How many hours per week do you spend on activities from question 3?

What activities are good for health?

Is your lifestyle sedentary or active?

How does our lifestyle compare to that of our grandparents in terms of

Free time


Physical activity

How can we encourage people to be more active?

Do you agree or disagree with these statements?

 Young people are naturally fit and healthy and don’t need much exercise
 Eating fast food is OK if you don’t eat it every day
 Sport is fun.
 We don’t have too much time for sports because we have other responsibilities.

What are other aspects of healthy lifestyle besides doing exercise/ physical activity


Do you believe in sentence you are what you eat?

Junk food, healthy food, comfort food

Do you eat in or you prefer to eat out?

What do you think about raw food?

Match the parts of a meal with their descriptions:

1. starter a. an alcoholic drink usually drunk before a meal

2. main course b. a small amount of food that you eat before a meal

3. dessert c. a small extra order of food served on a separate plate

4. appetiser d. sweet food that you eat at the end of a meal

5. side dish e. the first part of a meal

6. aperitif f. the largest or most important part of a meal

Restaurant vocabulary:

Explain the difference between the following words, and then complete the sentences below.

1. a bill and a check? 2. a cook and a chef?3. a service charge and a tip?

4. a dish and a plate? 5. eat in and eat out?

1. You don't need to leave a_________ for the waiter - the bill includes a _________

2. When I lived in Greece, I used to_________ all the time. The restaurants were so cheap.

3. My _________wasn't very clean so I asked the waiter to bring me another one.

4. The food at this restaurant is excellent. Compliments to the ___________

5. Diego always ___________. His wife is a very good ___________

Complete the missing words from the dialogue:

Waiter: Are you r______ to order?

Simon: Yes, I'll h________the tomato soup.

Waiter: And for your main course?

Simon: Hmm... what w_______ you r__________ ?

Waiter: The grilled trout is excellent sir.

Simon: What does it c_______ w_____ ?

Waiter: It's s with boiled potatoes and vegetables.

Simon: OK, that s fine. And I'll have a side salad with that.

Waiter: A________ to drink?

Simon: I'll have an orange juice. No... m________ that a coke.

Waiter: And for your dessert?

Simon: Do you have fruit salad?

Waiter: No, I'm afraid we're out of fruit salad. We have apple pie, ice cream and cheese cake. Can I

s______ the cheese cake? It's delicious.

Simon: Hmm...I don't think I have r_______ for that. I'll have the apple pie.

Waiter: Would you like a coffee, sir?

Simon: No, j_____ the b_______ please.

Simon: Here you are. K_________ the change.


Worksheets are in the handouts

Mini debate

What kind of jobs do you know?

Full –time, part –time, self –employment, side job, flexible work
How can we describe a job?
Well- paid vs. badly paid, boring, stressful, challenging, and dynamic
Can you tell us more about your jobs?
 What do you do?
 What is your job like?
 What are your responsibilities

What are top jobs in our country?

Are dream jobs connected with money?

What is your dream job?

We are going to watch a short film about these people:

What jobs do these people have?

What do you think the film is about?

What story does the film tell in your opinion?

Are you surprised?

What is the message of the film?

Mini debate

It is better to do badly –paid job you love than a well –paid job you hate

Do you have plans for your career or you accept what is offered?
How should we choose our career?
Career discussion questionnaire


How do we look for a job ?

Read job adverts and look for vacancies , fill in application form, send a CV, receive a
What do you wear for an interview?
Formal clothes, smart/elegant, white shirt, shoes , suit
Why do we wear or nicest clothes at the interview ?
To make an impression: serious, reliable
What kind of questions do interviewers ask?
About previous experience, skills
What do they tell you at the end of the interview?
To be in touch

Watch the video

Is the process the same in our country? What is different?

What qualities should a good candidate for a job have?

Adjectives for job interviews +Job interview expressions and phrases
Everyone writes 2-3 questions they had at job interviews or they can expect to have.
Then: Worksheets

Interview role play


Free Time
What are some things you like to do in your free time?

Do you have more free time now than when you were a kid?

What would you do if you had more free time?

Is there such a thing as too much free time?

How do free time activities differ now compared with the past?

Do you think people had more or less free time in the past?

What is the most worthwhile thing a person can do with their free time?

What does the idiom “Time is money.” mean? Do you agree with it?

Is there something you wish you could do with your free time but can’t?

Do you think a four day work week would be a good idea?

Go to + place do + individual sport

Go + activity play group sports

Guess the activity exercise from teach this

A review of your favourite film

Beauty and Appearances

The Atlas of beauty

Questions about beauty from PP presentation

First photo from the answer file

Mini discussion: Beauty affects success in life

• Do you think it’s a good idea for shops to open on seven days a week? If you worked
in a shop, would you like to work on the day when most people are off work?
 Do you think it’s necessary for people to work all night in supermarkets?
 Can you think of any more advantages and disadvantages of shopping centres?
 Do you think town centres in your country are becoming more and more
 Do you like internet shopping?
 Have you every used the internet to buy anything?
 Have you heard of NO SHOPPING DAY? ( The idea is to think about what you
buy: Do I need it? Where is it produced? How many I already have?
 Are you impulsive buyer?

Cards with different products: Ask your partner where you can find them
Cough mixture
White bread
Cup of tea
Cup of tea
Antiseptic cream
White bread
Glass of coke
Glass of coke
Cough mixture
Brown bread
Brown bread
Antiseptic cream

You are a shop assistant in a shop and you have to help a customer buy a T-shirt

Use these prompts to hold a conversation in a shop. • How much /customer/ spend?

• Size/ colour/brand?

• Try on?

• Fit?

• Price? How/pay?

• Receipt?

You are a customer and want to buy new Lady Gaga’s album


Too expensive

Ask for some sales deals

You need headphones too

Ask about cheaper albums

You are a customer and you want to buy some food on green market ask for

A kilo of potatoes

Then you remember that you need strawberries too

But they are expensive ask for something cheaper

What the seller offers is not good for you

Total price

Ask for bags

Not find wallet

Task 5 – My ideal shop

Imagine the shop of your dreams!

• What would it sell?

• Where would it be?

• Would if have any special features? (internet, games room, star guest appearances….)

• How much would things cost?


What things make you happy?

Singing in the rain, drinking coffee etc


What is happiness? Is there a definition, instruction to be happy?

Power point presentation happiness

Ask them the questions and write some words on the board that are connected to money from the
questions: mortgage, debt, ATM, stock exchange, haggle, barter

Role play everybody:

Bank manager and a client you must have a situation discussion using the words from the board

Give them worksheet 2 to guess the meaning of words and then worksheet 3 to say if they agree or not
with sayings

Stage 3 questions:

Do you think that money can contribute to a person’s happiness?

What is good about money? What is bad about it?

What do you think rich means?

An old Chinese proverb says that, being rich is knowing when you have enough. Do

you agree with this statement?

In general, what proportion of income do you think people should spend and save?

How do you think the world economic situation will affect normal people over the

coming year?

Do you think actors and football players etc are paid too much money? Why (not)?

Do people worry about money too much?

An Italian writer called Tiziano Terzani once said that rich people are boring, because

they spend their time talking about money. Do you know any rich people like this?

What are typical salaries in your country, for example for a teacher, a policeman, a

taxi driver? Are these fair

So what can we do with money.

Write some amounts on the board:

1 cent $10 $10,000 $1 $100 $100,000 $5 $1,000 $1,000,000

You got as a group 10 milliion dollars on lottery now you must agree what to buy

Give them several photos



In pairs, make conversation about your answers to these questions:

Ÿ Did you enjoy your time at school, in general? Why (not)?

Ÿ What did you like best? What did you hate the most?

Ÿ Do you think education in your country is generally of a good standard?

Ÿ How could it be improved?

Ÿ If you were Minister of Education, what’s the first thing you’d do?

Ÿ Were you a good student at school?

Ÿ Do you have any interesting stories from your school days? What’s your

best memory?

Ÿ Did you use to play sport at school? Were the facilities good?

Ÿ Have you ever fallen asleep in class? What happened?

Ÿ Do students and children wear uniforms here? Should they? Why (not)?



Describe a successful person.

Is your idea of success the same as your parents’ idea of success?

Do you think people focus too much on appearing to be successful?

Why is money the most common way of judging success?

Can money buy happiness?

How much pressure do your parents put on you to be successful?

How much pressure will you put on your children to be successful?


Have there been any failures that made your life better?

Is there a right time to give up and stop trying? Or should you never give up?

Can you think of any famous people who failed spectacularly at something?

Talk about a time you failed at something you tried. Don’t talk about anything that will
make you uncomfortable or embarrassed.

Can you think of any famous quotes or idioms about success or failure?

In pairs, make conversation about your answer to these questions:

• Do you think that it is good to be famous? What are the pros and cons of such a


• What do you think the expression ‘life in a goldfish bowl’ means?

• Do famous people generally behave responsibly?

• Maybe you are a parent. Which famous person would you want to inspire your


• Are there any famous people who are famous but are untalented?

• Why are they famous?

• Have you ever met anybody famous? Who? When? What did you say?

• Who would you most like to meet, and why?

• And finally, do you have any friends who are famous? Is it a secret?
"Success is a journey, not a destination."

-- Ben Sweetland

"Success is not never making mistakes but never making the same one a second

-- George Bernard Shaw

"A strong, positive self-image is the best possible preparation for success."

-- Joyce Brothers

"Failure is success if we learn from it."

-- Malcolm S. Forbes

"True success is overcoming the fear of being unsuccessful."

-- Paul Sweeney

"The most important part in the formula of success is knowing how to get on with

-- Theodore Roosevelt

"The dictionary is the only place where success comes before work. Hard work is the
price we must pay for success. I think you can succeed at anything if you're willing to
pay the price."

-- Vince Lombardi

"Success is the ability to go from failure to failure without losing your enthusiasm."--
Winston Churchill
Which of these situations is an example of success, in your opinion?

• A man loses his job and sets up a new business which goes on to become a multi-
million $ company. But along the way, he becomes so obsessed with his new company
that he neglects his family and they leave him.

• A boy loses a leg in a road accident. He goes back to school and passes his exams
the same year.

• A sportsman wins Olympic gold in the marathon. Although the tests are all negative,
he knows in his heart he was taking performance boosting drugs.

• Some students pass their exams very easily. They had worked very hard but the
teacher had also given them the answers on the morning of the test.

• A single mother with no free time gets a part-time job as a secretary. She loses it
within a week and goes back to care for her children full-time.

• A film director wins five Oscars for a film that has shocked his local Scottish city
community because it gives a false impression of their history.

Etiquette ESL Lesson Plan: Intermediate

Etiquette ESL Lesson Plan: Warm-up (Pair Work)

1) Are the people of your country well mannered compared to other nationalities? 
2) What customs or social rules does your country have that a foreigner might not know?
3) What examples of bad manners do you often see? 
4) Do you have any customer service horror stories?

Etiquette ESL Lesson Plan: Discussion Questions

1)     Is it old fashioned to think a lot about the rules of etiquette?

2)     What rules of etiquette would you like to change?

3)     White Lies: Is it okay to lie in order to avoid hurting someone’s feelings?

Dealing with the Situation: Ten Etiquette Scenarios for Discussion (Group Work)

1. The Bill – You go out for lunch with a friend. He claims he forgot his wallet but promises to pay you back if
you pick up the check. You agree. You have seen him twice since and he has not offered to repay you.
2. Dress Code – Weeks ago, you received a printed invitation to a breakfast seminar at a hotel. You RSVP’d
but overlooked that it said the dress code was business attire. You enter the conference room in business-
casual clothes (khakis & a collared shirt), only to find everyone in suits.
3. Bad Date – You are out on a date with a new person. You can sense that the date is going to be a disaster.
You are not sure whether you should make up an excuse to leave or stay.
4. Tipping – You are at a restaurant in the US. The waiter was rude and the food mediocre. You don’t want to
leave a tip but your friend says you should because it’s the custom.
5. The Gift – Your partner has just given you a sweater for your birthday. It’s awful. You are considering
asking for the receipt so you can exchange it for something else.
6. The Seat – You are seated on the bus. At the next stop, a woman gets on. All seats are occupied. You
are hesitant to offer your seat to her because it might offend her. She looks fit, but she could be 65 years old.
On the other hand, she could be much younger.
7. Team-Player – The new company director has organized a team-building exercise this weekend. The event
is a paint balling. You have no desire to go, but you don’t want to be seen as a non-team-player.
8. Smells – One of your coworkers dresses well but wears far too much cologne.You can hardly breathe.
9. The Truth – Your friend wants to be an artist. Everyone (but him) thinks that his work sucks. You are
considering suggesting to him that he try another career path.
10. Facebook – Your aunt wants to add you as a ‘friend’ on Facebook. You don’t really want
family invading your online social life. But, you know she’d be upset if you refused her request.

Etiquette ESL Lesson Plan: Technology Predictions (Pair Work)

Your company has designed a robot. Your job is now to program the robot to interact properly with humans.
What instruction do you give the robot in the following areas?

– greeting people – interacting with women (or men)

– driving a vehicle – business etiquette

– international travel – mobile phone usage


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