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Table of Contents

Using this Tutorial ................................................................................................................................................................................ 1

Part I - Build a Basic Case ............................................................................................................................................................ 2
Step 1: Define a project ................................................................................................................................................................... 3
Step 2: Define a case ....................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Step 3: Case Definition .................................................................................................................................................................... 5
Step 4: Library ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
Step 5: Network Component .......................................................................................................................................................... 8
Step 6: Geometry ............................................................................................................................................................................. 11
Step 7: Heattransfer ....................................................................................................................................................................... 14
Step 8: Source .................................................................................................................................................................................. 15
Step 9: Output ................................................................................................................................................................................... 17
Step 10: Run ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 18
Part II - Viewing Results .............................................................................................................................................................. 19
Set Default Units .............................................................................................................................................................................. 20
View Trend Plot ................................................................................................................................................................................ 21
Using Templates ............................................................................................................................................................................... 22
View Profile Plot ............................................................................................................................................................................... 23
Network Plot ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 24
Export data ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 25
Tabulate Data .................................................................................................................................................................................... 26
Part III - Additional Keywords to Basic Case .............................................................................................................. 27
Process Equipment ......................................................................................................................................................................... 28
Restart .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 29
Slug Tracking ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 30
Part IV - Options ................................................................................................................................................................................. 31
Change OLGA executable ........................................................................................................................................................... 32
Run Project ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 33
Part V - Parametric Studies ...................................................................................................................................................... 34
Select parameters ........................................................................................................................................................................... 35
Set Parameter values .................................................................................................................................................................... 36
Matrix .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 37
View Parametric study results .................................................................................................................................................... 39
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Using this Tutorial

This Tutorial is to give a first introduction to how to use the Graphical User Interface (GUI) of OLGA.

You can either go through the Tutorial task by task, starting with Part I, or you can search for subjects you
want to learn more about.

For more information about the features of the GUI, please read Get Started or use F1.

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Part I — Build a Basic Case

In Part I of this Tutorial you will learn how to build a basic OLGA case using the Graphical User Interface
(GUI). The main focus is on the GUI, not on OLGA. For information about the use of OLGA you need to
read the User's Manual.

Get started, learn how to define a project.

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Step 1: Define a project

1. Choose New on the File menu, click on Project...

2. If you want to save in a different folder, locate and open/create the folder

3. In the File name box, type a name for the project

4. Click Save

Next, learn how to define the project location.

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Step 2: Define a case

1. Choose New on the File menu, click on Case...

2. Select one of the templates; in this sample an OLGA Empty case is selected

3. In the Name box, enter the name of the case.

4. Click Save

The new case SampleCase is now part of the project SampleProject that was defined in Step 1.

Next, Step 3: CaseDefinition.

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Step 3: Case Definition

Normally, the following keywords are required to be defined under CaseDefinition: CASE, FILES,
INTEGRATION, and OPTIONS. These keywords are already included in the template that was chosen in
Step 2.

In the following steps it is shown how to enter information to the CASE keyword.

1. Go to Model View

2. Double click on the SampleCase. The case is expanded.

3. Expand the CaseDefinition

4. Click on CASE

5. In the Properties dialog, add information for the case using the keys AUTHOR, DATE, INFO,

Next, learn how to enter information to the FILES keyword.

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Step 4: Library
We need to define a pipe wall made from different types of materials. Both WALL and MATERIAL belong
to the Library group.

The following steps show how to define the MATERIAL keywords:

1. Go to the Model View.

2. If SampleCase is not expanded, expand it.

3. Right click on Library and select Add > MATERIAL

4. In the Properties dialog, set the MATERIAL keys as shown below.

5. To make a copy of this material, click on MATERIAL : STEEL in the Model View.

6. Press Ctrl + c.

7. Press Ctrl + v.

8. In the Properties dialog, set the MATERIAL keys of the copy to:

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Next, learn how to define the WALL keywords.

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Step 5: Network Component

We are now going to add NODEs and a FLOWPATH.

The following steps show how to add NODEs

1. Go to Components and select the NetworkComponent group.

2. Click on NODE.

3. Drag and drop the NODE onto the canvas (hold left mouse button down while moving the mouse
onto the canvas, let go).

4. Repeat step 2 and 3.

5. Click on the Fit Window button on the Toolbar.

6. Click on NODE_0.

7. In the Properties dialog, change LABEL and TYPE as shown below.

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8. Click on NODE_1.

9. In the Properties dialog, change the NODE keys as shown below.

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Next, learn how to create a FLOWPATH.

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Step 6: Geometry
The Flowpath that we added in Step 5 contains a default GEOMETRY. We are now going to modify

1. Right click on PIPELINE on the canvas.

2. Choose Properties, the Geometry Editor is opened.

3. Choose the table representation of GEOMETRY-1 (second tab, also marked in yellow).

4. Select WALL-1 for PIPE-1.

5. Right click on PIPE-1, select Insert After.

6. Repeat step 5 until you have five pipes.

7. Choose Reset Pipe Labels on the Tools menu.

8. Type in the following Lengths and Elevations for PIPE-2 to PIPE-5:

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9. Choose Discretize... on the Tools menu.

10. Click OK.

11. Copy the PIPE-1's Diameter, Roughness, and Wall to the other pipes. This can be done in the
following way:

a. Select PIPE-1's Diameter.

b. Press Ctrl + c.

c. Select PIPE-2's Diameter while holding down Ctrl + Shift.

d. Press the Page Down button on the keyboard.

e. Let go of Ctrl + Shift.

f. Press Ctrl + v.

g. Repeat steps 1 through 6 for Roughness and Wall.

12. Choose Exit on the File Menu.

13. Click Yes.

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Step 7: Heattransfer
We will here define the HEATTRANSFER keyword.

1. Right click on PIPELINE on the canvas.

2. Select Add > Boundary&InitialConditions > HEATTRANSFER.

3. In the Properties dialog, click on the Property Page button .

4. Enter the Tambient, Hambient, and Hmininnerwall as shown above.

5. Click OK.

Next, Step 8 SOURCE.

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Step 8: Source
How to add a source.

1. Right click on PIPELINE on the canvas.

2. Select Add > Boundary&InitialConditions > SOURCE.

3. In Properties dialog, set keys in the Position section of the SOURCE.

4. In Properties dialog, click on the Timeseries button .

5. Enter TIME = 0, 1 H, TEMPERATURE = 2:30 C, and MASSFLOW = 15, 20 kg/s.

6. Change the GASFRACTION from -1 to 2:0.1 and the TOTALWATERFRACTION from 0 to 2:0.4

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7. Click OK.

Next, Step 9 OUTPUT.

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Step 9: Output
Here, we will add some plotting variables that we want look at after the simulation has been run.

TRENDDATA on Case Level
TRENDDATA on Flowpath Level
PROFILEDATA on Flowpath Level

First, learn how to define how often the TREND variables are to be written to file.

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Step 10: Run

The case is now ready to run. Do the following:

1. Click on Run Simulation on the Toolbar menu or press F5.

The case is automatically saved before it is run. The simulation information is given in the output window.

Next, in Part II you will learn how you can view the results of your simulation.

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Part II - View Results

The results can be viewed during the simulation or after the simulation has finished. You will here learn to
view trend plots, profile plots, and network plot as well as how to export and tabulate data.

First, learn how to set the default units for the variables to plot.

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Set Default Units

1. Choose Options... on the Tools menu.

2. Click on the Default Units tab.

3. Scroll down until you find TEMPERATURE and change unit from K to C.

4. A warning is displayed, click on Yes.

5. Click OK.

All temperatures plotted will now be shown in degrees Celsius.

Next, learn how to view a Trend plot.

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View Trend Plot

1. On the Toolbar, click on (Plot current Trend Plot).

2. Mark variables either by double clicking on the selected variable(s) or by pressing space bar. All
variables can be marked by selecting Mark all from the right click menu.

3. Click OK, the Trend plot is shown.

4. Right click in the chart, select Edit > Titles...

5. Delete "Trend Plot"

6. Write "60 bara outlet pressure"

7. Close the trend plot.

Next, learn how to use templates when creating Trend or Profile plots.

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Using Templates
Templates for Trend and Profile plot can be stored and re-used. To store a template do the following:

1. Make the wanted changes to the plot by using the Configuration... dialog accessed from the Edit

2. To save the template choose Save As Template from the File menu.

3. To open a template choose Open Template from the File menu.

Next time you want to create a Trend plot, you can simply use the template. Click on the drop-down arrow
next to and select a template previously stored.

Next, learn how to view Profile plot.

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View Profile Plot

1. On the Toolbar, click on (Plot current Profile Plot).

2. In the Select variables... dialog, double click on TM, fluid temperature. The variable is marked.

3. Columns in the Select variables... dialog can be moved around into desired positions. Select a
column and drag-and-drop it to its desired location. Columns can also be deleted and added from
the right click menu. Click on X Axis Variable heading and hold the mouse button down, while
moving the mouse cursor, drop it next to Branch heading.

4. Click on Pipeline length (m) and select Horizontal length (m) as illustrated below.

5. Click OK, the Profile plot is shown.

6. Right click in the Profile plot, select Edit > Select, the Select variables... dialog is shown.

7. Double click on HOL and GT.

8. Click OK.

9. Close the profile plot.

Next, learn how to make a network plot.

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Network Plot
1. Right click on the canvas.

2. Select Network Plot > Load profile plot...

3. In the Select variable... dialog select GT.

4. Click OK.

5. Press to start the viewing of total mass flow through PIPELINE.

To deselect the Network Plot, do the following:

1. Right click on the canvas.

2. Select Network Plot > Unload profile plot.

Next, learn how to export data.

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Export data
How to export data from the results files (*.tpl and *.ppl) is described below.

1. Open the Select variables... dialog either for trend or profile plot.

2. Mark the variables to export. N.B., you can only exports variables from one file at the time.

3. Press the Export button. (If it is profile data, a time selection box will be activated. Chose the points
in time that are to be exported. Click OK.) The data is copied to the clipboard.

4. Open Excel or a text editor and paste the data into a file.

Next, learn how to tabulate data.

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Tabulate Data
To tabulate data for given points in time or positions, Track Values can be used in Trend and Profile

1. Open the trend or profile plot with the variables that are to be tabulated.

2. Right click in the plot and select View > Track Values.

3. Find the point(s) in time/position(s) to tabulate. Click once with the left mouse button. Repeat until all
points in time or positions of interest are tracked.

4. Right click in one of the frozen track value dialogs, and select Copy all data.

5. The data is copied to the clipboard.

6. Open Excel or a text editor and paste the data into a file.

Next, learn about other basic keywords.

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Part III - Additional Keywords to Basic Case

In this part, you will learn how to add process equipment and how to define a restart run based on the
case that was built in Part II. Furthermore, you will learn how to add slug-tracking and define illegal

First, learn how to add process equipment.

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Process Equipment
Based on the SampleCase built in Part I, you will now learn how to add process equipment.

1. Open SampleCase.

2. Double click on PIPELINE.

3. Click on the Components button on the Toolbar menu. ProcessEquipment is opened,

however, there are two other options as well; Piping and BoundaryInitialConditions.

4. Click on VALVE, hold down the mouse button and drag it onto the canvas, release.

5. In the Properties dialog, give the following data:

The same procedure applies for adding, e.g., a POSITION or a WELL.

Next, we will learn how to make a restart file.

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The following is based on the case that was built in Part I. If you already have a case that you want to
make a restart from go to step 7.

1. Change the outlet pressure from 60 bara to 20 bara. This can be done in the following way: click on
the OUTLET node on the canvas, change the pressure in the Properties dialog.

2. Choose Save Case As... from the File menu.

3. Change the File name to SteadyStateCase.

4. Click Save.

5. On Output on Case Level add the branch variable LIQC to TRENDDATA.

6. Run the simulation.

7. Choose Duplicate Case... on the file menu.

8. Change the File name to RestartCase.

9. Click Save. Both the SteadyStateCase.opi and RestartCase.opi files will be part of the same project.

The following steps apply for RestartCase.

10. Select RESTART under CaseDefinition in the Model View (make sure you are doing this on the
correct file).

11. In the Properties dialog, set READFILE to ON and select the entry field for FILE.

12. Click on

13. Select SteadyStateCase.rsw.

14. Click Open.

A restart case has been defined. The keys that are gray, e.g., WALL and MATERIAL cannot be changed.
All keys that can be changed (given in black) will be reread if changed, e.g., MASSFLOW for SOURCE.

Next, learn how to add slug tracking.

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Slug Tracking
Based on the restart file that was made during the restart task, you will here learn how to add slug

1. Right click on RestartCase in Model View, select Add > FA-models > SLUGTRACKING.

2. Change HYDRODYNAMIC in the Properties dialog to ON. (The values written in Italics are default

Next, learn how to specify illegal section.

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Part IV - Options
Part IV illustrate how to two different options in OLGA; how to change OLGA executable in the GUI and
how to set case dependencies in a project.

Learn how to change OLGA executable.

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Change OLGA executable

Since keywords and/or keys might change between different OLGA versions, see release note, it can be
useful to be able to specify which OLGA executable to use. This can be achieved in the following way:

1. Choose Options... on the Tools menu.

2. Select the OLGA Version tab.

3. If the version you want to switch to is listed in the version list, then mark that version and click OK. If
the desired version is not listed, carry out the following steps:

a. Click Advanced...

b. Click Add... next to the OLGA engine dialog.

c. Browse to the executable that you want to use.

d. Click Open.

e. Select the new executable.

f. Click OK.

g. Click OK.

Next, learn how to Run Project and set up dependencies between cases within a project.

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Run Project
Here you will learn how to run all your cases belonging to a project in one action. This functionality is
called Run Project.

Before you can start Run Project, you have to establish the dependencies between the cases included
in the project. Follow steps 1 through 4.

1. On the Project menu, click Project Dependencies...

2. Choose the case in the drop-down list that you want to set the dependencies for. E.g., the project
defined in the previous Parts contain the cases: SampleCase.opi, SteadyStateCase.opi, and
RestartCase.opi. The first two cases do not depend on any other cases, but RestartCase.opi
depends on SteadyStateCase.opi.

3. The order of the simulations is shown on the right side of the Project Dependencies window.

4. Click OK when all dependencies are specified.

5. Your project is now ready to run. On the Simulation menu, select Run Project. Alternatively, you
can select Run Project Batch. The cases are run in the specified order given through the

Next, learn about the parametric study.

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Part V - Parametric Studies

In the following, you will learn how to make a parametric study.

1. Open the case that the parametric study shall be based on.

2. Choose Parametric studies from the Tools menu and select Add study...

3. Number of parameters can be modified by using the arrows next to #Parameters.

4. Different types of name for the parametric cases can be chosen. By default, the parametric cases
are named: 1.opi, 2.opi, and so on. Using Decoration equal to, e.g., "Massflow%1-Pres%2" the
parametric cases will be named: Massflow<the value of the first parameter>-Pres<the value of the
second parameter>.

Next, learn how to select the parameters.

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Select parameters
1. Right click on the text <Right-click to select parameter>.

2. Choose Select Parameter...

3. From the drop-down menu in the Select Parameter dialog, choose the group of keywords that
contains the parameter that is to be changed.

4. Double click or press the > button on the keyword to be selected, e.g., SOURCE.

5. Click on the text <Click to select parameter>.

6. Select, e.g., MASSFLOW. N.B., if the diameter for the entire geometry of a flowpath is to be
changed, move all PIPEs to the right side and select diameter as parameter.

7. Click OK.

Repeat steps 1 through 7 for each parameter to be investigated.

Next, learn how to set the value of the parameters

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Set Parameter values

1. Right click on, e.g., MASSFLOW, select Set Value(s)...

2. Select Range

3. Enter Start value = 12, Step = 2, and Last value = 24

4. Click OK

Next, learn how one alternatively can give the parameters’s values by use of the Matrix..

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Matrix... is an input option for writing values directly instead of using Set Values. It is to be used when
more than one parameter is to be changed and all combinations of parameter values are to be considered
(e.g., NxM).

1. Click on the Matrix... button.

2. Fill in the values wanted and click OK.

3. Click Run Study.

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Next, learn how to view the results.

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View Parametric study results

When all simulations are finished, click on Profile Plot or Trend Plot. Alternatively, the XY plot option
can be used if one wants to view variables versus the parameters varied. The following steps show how
to use this latter option.

1. Click on the XY Plot button.

2. Select variable type, trend or profile variables.

3. Select the x-axis parameter.

4. Select the variable that should be plotted against the x-axis parameter.

5. Select the second parameter to get several graphs, this is optional. N.B., a single point will not be
shown in the graph.

6. Press the Plot button

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7. The Tabulate button can be used if you want to tabulate the data from the graph. Select the time
and position (only for profile plots) and press the Tabulate.

8. To export the tabulated data press the Export button. The data is then copied to the clipboard.

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