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Ccompiled by: Ramesh Prajapati

Leibniz's Calculator
 Baron Gottfried Wilhem Von Leibniz developed method of computation
called calculus.
 In 1671, Leibniz modified pascaline machine into stepped reckoner
 It can automatically perform addition, multiplication, subtraction, division
and could find square roots too.
 It used stepped cylinder each with nine teeth of varying lengths instead of
Jacquard loom
 Joseph Marie Jacquard was a French textile manufacturer who invented a
mechanism for automated weaving cloths at Lyon in 1802 AD
 It controls weaving looms to product cloths with complex patterns
 It was controlled with punched cards. i.e. principle of presence and absence
of holes.
 First machine which used punched cards that stored information.
Difference Engine and Analytical Engine
 Charles Babbage invented difference engine at Cambridge University in

1822 AD.
 Theoretically, it can solve differential equations, logarithmic table,
polynomial and trigonometric functions etc.
 It was intended to be steam powered, fully automatic and commanded by a
fixed instructions
 The size was as big as room.
 He continued working on it for 10 years but could not be successful due to
lack of funds
 Later he constructed general purpose, fully programmable automatic
mechanical counting machine: Analytical Engine in 1833
 Analytical Engine was a prototype for modern computers
 That's why Charles Babbage is known as Father of Modern Computer
 It was capable of calculating upto 20 decimal at about 60 additions per

Ccompiled by: Ramesh Prajapati
 Analytical Engine has 4 major units
i. Store:
Mechanical memory unit including counting wheels and punched
cards, similar to modern computer's memory
ii. Mill:
An arithmetic unit capable of performing four basic operations -
addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Similar to ALU of
modern computer
iii. Control Unit:
It had gears and shafts by which data and results were transferred.
iv. Cards:
Two types of punched cards were used for input and outputs. They are
input and output cards.
Input cards:
 Operation cards: selects one of the arithmetic operation addition
(+), subtraction (-), multiplication (X) and division (/).
 Variable cards: selects operands or variables to be operated.
Output Cards: Used for outputs of operation.
Lady Augusta Ada Byron Lovelace

 She was the daughter of English poet Lord Byron.

 Great follower and assistant of Charles Babbage who understood design of
analytical machine.
 She used to create instruction routine or write programs for Babbage.
 She is considered as the first computer programmer.
 US defense department named their programming language Ada in her
honor in 1979 AD.
Boolean algebra
 George Boole developed formal logic.
 He developed logical algebra using simple set of symbols.
 The interpretation of Boolean algebra in terms of truth values also known
as propositional calculus forms the basis of the digital processing in modern
Tabulating machine

Ccompiled by: Ramesh Prajapati
 Herman Hollerith applied Jacquard loom's concept in computing and
invented automatic punch card tabulating machine in 1886 AD.
 He was a census statistician in US Bureau of statistics.
 The previous census took nearly seven years to complete whereas
Tabulating machine completed the task within 6 weeks.
 Punch cards were used to store data.
 He is the founder of International Business Machine (IBM) which is the
largest computer manufacturer company in the world.
John Von Neumann
 Von Neumann was mathematician who gave the idea of stored program
computer architecture.
 According to his concept, data and program code is stored internally in the
main memory of the computer.
 So he is called "father of stored program"

Processor Program + Data

Fig: Basic of Von Neumann Computer Architecture

Electro-Mechanical Era
 The calculating machines were developed by using mechanical and
electronic components
Mark I Computer
 Dr. Howard Aiken designed a general purpose fully automatic mechanical
computer at Harvard University in 1994 AD.
 It was called IBM Automatic Sequence Controlled Calculator (IBM ASCC)
and was named Mark I later.
 It used binary numbers for its operations
 Later Mark II was built.
 Features of Mark II
o It used 18000 vacuum tubes as main memory
o It was 50 ft. long, 8 ft. height and 3 ft. wide. i.e. huge in size
o Punched cards and card readers were used for input/output

Ccompiled by: Ramesh Prajapati
o It consumes huge amount of heat and produces lot of heat which
needed cooling system
o It was capable of performing 5 basic operations: addition, subtraction,
multiplication, division and table reference.
o Results were printed at the rate of one result per 5 seconds in punched
Atnasoff Berry Computer (ABC Computer)
 Dr. John Atnasoff and his assistant Cifford Berry designed an electronic
machine to solve mathematical problems which was called Atnasoff Berry
 Boolean algebra was applied for designing the circuits.
 18000 valves were used for performing internal logic operations and
capacitors were used for internal data storage.
Electronic Era
 The computers were developed using electronic components like vacuum
tubes, transistors, IC chips, VLSI etc.
 The computers are smaller, faster and more reliable.

 John W. Mauchly and J. Presper Eckert constructed ENIAC (Electronic
Numerical Integrator and Calculator) and Dr. John Von Neumann was the
 It was very large weighing computer about 30 tons and contains about
17468 vacuum tubes, 70000 resistors, 5000 soldered joins. It consumed 160
 It consumed huge power and generated huge amount of heat. So water
cooling system was used.
 It was the first and last compute which used decimal number system instead
of binary.
 It was mainly developed for ballistic missiles trajectory problems.
 It didn't have memory unit and didn't used stored programming concept
which means programming had to be done manually.
 Input were given by punched cards and the output is received either on
punched cards or on an electric type writer.

Ccompiled by: Ramesh Prajapati
 Dr. John Von Neumann developed EDVAC (Electronic Discrete Variable
Automatic Computer).
 He proposed stored programming concept in EDVAC
 It was used for Ballistic Research Laboratory of the US Army.
 It used Random Access Main memory consisting of cathode ray tube.
 It used binary number system
 Professor Maurice Wilkes at Cambridge University developed EDSAC
(Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Calculator)
 It used vacuum tubes and used stored programming concept.
 Though it started later than EDVAC, it was completed before EDVAC. So
it became first stored programmed electronic computer.
 J.P. Eckert and J Mauchly developed UNIVAC (Universal Automatic
 It was the first general purpose and commercial computer because the

previous computers were used for defense and census.

 The programs and data were fed through magnetic tape.

Ccompiled by: Ramesh Prajapati
Generations of Computer
 The term generation indicates the stages of evolutions or development of
computer based on the type of technology used in the computer
 Classification is mainly based on basic device or technology used.
 Computer belonging to one particular technological class is said to belong
to a particular computer generation
 Each new generation has made following changes.
o Increased speed
o Increased storage capacity
o Increased reliability
o Reduced size of a computer
o Reduced cost of a computer
1. First Generation
 First generation computers operated on the principle of thermionic
 Thermionic valves are also known as vacuum tubes
 A vacuum tube is made up of glass bulb and contains filaments inside it.

The filament when heated generate electrons flow which eventually help
in the amplification and de-amplification electronic signals.
 Stored programming concept was used.
 features:
o Vacuum tubes were used as main circuitry for processing.
o Operating speed was in terms of milliseconds
o Machine language was used to program
o Magnetic drums were used as primary memory and punched cards,
magnetic tapes were used as secondary storage.
o Punched cards and printing devices were used as input/output.
o Very large in size, high cost, slow processing, low accuracy
o Very high power consumption and huge amount of heat is
o Used only for Scientific and research purpose. Not for general
o Examples: ENIAC, EDVAC, EDSAC, UNIVAC, IBM-650 etc.
2. Second Generation

Ccompiled by: Ramesh Prajapati
 Second generation computers used semiconductor devices like
 Transistors were invented by Shockley, Brattain and Bardeen in 1947
and won Nobel Prize.
 Transistor is a semiconductor device that is used to increase the power of
the incoming signals by preserving original shape of signal.
 It has 3 connections: emitter (E), base (B) and collector (C)
 Transistor was far superior than vacuum tubes that made computer
smaller, faster, cheaper, more reliable.
 Features:
o Transistors were used as main technology. 1 transistor was
equivalent to 1000 vacuum tubes.
o Operating speed was in terms of micro seconds
o Assembly and machine independent languages such as COBOL
(Common Business Oriented Language) and FORTRAN (Formula
Translation) were used.
o Magnetic core memory and drums were used as memory.
o Low power consumption resulting no heat generations.
o Smaller in size. i.e. computers became portable.

o Much faster and reliable

o Examples: IBM 1620, HONEY WELL 400 series, LEO MARK III

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