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2 6 J U N E 2 0 2 0 • VO LU M E 3 6 8 • I S S U E 6 4 9 8

1414 Online GRE test heightens 1424 Evolution after genome duplication
NEWS equity concerns
Pandemic spurs graduate programs
Genetic interactions in yeast reveal
factors governing duplicate
to drop standardized test requirements gene retention and divergence
IN BRIEF By J. C. Hu By I. M. Ehrenreich
1406 News at a glance 1415 Senate bill to curb foreign
threats raises alarms 1426 Action spectra of chiral
IN DEPTH Sweeping changes to protect research secondary structure
1408 Hope grows for targeting could hamper academic collaboration, Mass spectra of DNA complexes
the brain with ultrasound critics say By J. Mervis photoreduced with polarized light reveal
Noninvasive method of tweaking neural activity their handedness By P. Barran
enters new tests in human By K. Servick FEATURES REPORT p. 1465

1416 Martian chronicler

1409 Lawsuit alleges scientific NASA’s Perseverance rover aims to find 1427 The simplicity of robust
misconduct at weapons lab out whether ancient Mars was warm and wet light harvesting
Dispute underscores the challenges of using or cold and dry By P. Voosen A universal design principle underlies
simulations to “test” warheads By A. Cho photosynthetic antenna systems
1420 Mars mission would
By C. D. P. Duffy
put China among space leaders
1411 Dawn of the chicken revealed REPORT p. 1490
By D. Normile
in Southeast Asia
Chicken domestication—debated since Charles 1428 Guide cells help navigate
axon regeneration
Darwin—tracked by genomic survey By A. Lawler
Rebuilding the flatworm visual system
1412 Charities that fund research face after injury requires guidepost-like muscle
deep revenue declines cells By R. Roberts-Galbraith
Cancellation of major fundraisers forces PERSPECTIVES RESEARCH ARTICLE p. 1447
groups to lay off staff and delay, trim,

or cancel grants to scientists By E. Cahan 1422 Reducing transmission 1430 Microplastic in terrestrial
of SARS-CoV-2 ecosystems
1413 Could a blood ‘observatory’ Masks and testing are necessary to combat Research shifts from ecotoxicology
stop pandemics? asymptomatic spread in aerosols and to ecosystem effects
Proposal calls for screening blood from around droplets By K. A. Prather et al. and Earth system feedbacks
the world for thousands of antibodies By R. Bazell PODCAST By M. C. Rillig and A. Lehmann

SCIENCE 26 JUNE 2020 • VOL 368 ISSUE 6498 1399

Published by AAAS

RESEARCH 1477 Exoplanets

A multiple planet system of super-Earths
orbiting the brightest red dwarf star GJ 887
S. V. Jeffers et al.

1443 From Science and other journals 1481 Coronavirus

Changes in contact patterns shape the dynamics
RESEARCH ARTICLES of the COVID-19 outbreak in China J. Zhang et al.
1446 Genomic duplications
Exploring whole-genome duplicate gene 1487 Quantum optics

1428 retention with complex genetic interaction

analysis E. Kuzmin et al.
Metalens-array–based high-dimensional and
multiphoton quantum source L. Li et al.

& 1447 DX.DOI.ORG/10.1126/SCIENCE.AAZ5667

1490 Photosynthesis
Quieting a noisy antenna reproduces photo-
synthetic light-harvesting spectra T. B. Arp et al.
Muscle guidepost-like cells (magenta) affiliate 1447 Developmental biology PERSPECTIVE p. 1427
with the axons of the planarian visual system in Muscle and neuronal
yellow (nuclei, blue). guidepost-like cells facilitate planarian 1495 Dog genomics
visual system regeneration Arctic-adapted dogs emerged at the
1432 Multiple, quiet, and close by M. L. Scimone et al. Pleistocene–Holocene transition
A planetary system around a nearby star DX.DOI.ORG/10.1126/SCIENCE.ABA3203
M.-H. S. Sinding et al.
offers the prospect for atmospheric study PERSPECTIVE p. 1428
By M. B. Davies
REPORT p. 1477 1448 Neuroscience 1499 Coronavirus
Flexible recruitment of memory-based choice Structural basis for inhibition of the
POLICY FORUM representations by the human medial frontal RNA-dependent RNA polymerase from
cortex J. Minxha et al. SARS-CoV-2 by remdesivir W. Yin et al.
1433 “Explaining” machine learning
reveals policy challenges
The need to make objectives explicit may DEPARTMENTS
expose policy trade-offs that had previously
1449 Chromatin sequencing 1405 Editorial
been implicit and obscured
Single-molecule regulatory architectures Persuasive words are not enough
By D. Coyle and A. Weller
captured by chromatin fiber sequencing By H. Holden Thorp
A. B. Stergachis et al.
1506 Working Life
1435 Confronting bias 1454 Structural biology The pressure to assimilate By Montrai Spikes
Prejudice and discrimination are deeply Cryo-EM structure of the human
personal, but their effects are profound cohesin-NIPBL-DNA complex Z. Shi et al.
1460 Stuctural biology
1436 Like other species, we have Mechanisms of OCT4-SOX2 motif readout Greenland sled dogs
always been on the move on nucleosomes A. K. Michael et al. do the same job
their ancestors have
Human migration and cultural exchange
done for countless
represent progress, not peril, argues a REPORTS generations. Sequencing
journalist By K. Koser

1465 Spectroscopy of a 9500-year-old

Mass-resolved electronic circular dog genome reveals
LETTERS that modern dogs—
dichroism ion spectroscopy S. Daly et al.
1438 COVID-19’s unsustainable PERSPECTIVE p. 1426 particularly sled
waste management dogs—were genetically distinct from wolves
By S. You et al. 1469 Solar physics by the early Holocene. Of all modern sled
dogs, the Greenland sled dog shares the most
Meridional flow in the Sun’s convection
genomic ancestry with the first sled dogs,
1438 Misguided forest action in EU zone is a single cell in each hemisphere emphasizing the conservation value of this
Biodiversity Strategy L. Gizon et al. breed. See page 1495. Photo: Carsten Egevang
By N. Selva et al.
1472 Plasmonic materials
1439 Afforestation falls short Micelle-directed chiral seeded growth Science Staff ............................................1402
as a biodiversity strategy on anisotropic gold nanocrystals AAAS News & Notes ................................1440
By S. Gómez-González et al. G. González-Rubio et al. Science Careers .......................................1505

SCIENCE (ISSN 0036-8075) is published weekly on Friday, except last week in December, by the American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1200 New York Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20005. Periodicals mail
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SCIENCE 26 JUNE 2020 • VOL 368 ISSUE 6498 1401

Published by AAAS
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1402 26 JUNE 2020 • VOL 368 ISSUE 6498 SCIENCE

Published by AAAS

Persuasive words are not enough

ommunicating the findings of science plays a vital vironment in the conservative government went away
role in shaping our lives and the planet. From my in favor of the dismantling of regulations grounded in
vantage point at the Science family of journals, I evidence. Over time, digital technologies have become
witness daily how editors, journalists, and scien- more sophisticated, and now there is a massive, churn-
tists work together to deliver scientific informa- ing, finely tuned digital misinformation machine that
tion to the world. Given the recent rapid pace of has seized social media to ensure that a portion of the
discovery, relaying remarkable findings has never population doesn’t accept science. And this battle be-
been busier. So why aren’t these efforts having a bigger tween science fact and fiction isn’t just being waged in H. Holden Thorp
positive effect on the public acceptance of science? the United States—the United Kingdom, Russia, India,
It’s baffling that as the world struggles to tame coro- and Brazil all face a similar predicament.
Science journals.
navirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), a large portion of the The current implications of this battle in the United;
population ignores the fact that wearing masks and States are everywhere. The administration has promul-
practicing social distancing dampen the spread of the gated the idea that severe acute respiratory syndrome @hholdenthorp
pandemic. Even when a vaccine for COVID-19 becomes coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2, the cause of COVID-19) was
available, the benefits of achieving herd immunity will engineered in China’s Wuhan Institute of Virology, in
be endangered if growing antivac- part based on a non–peer-reviewed
cine sentiment leads some folks to preprint that was later retracted.
refuse to get vaccinated. American The misinformation about masks
science denialism, in particular,
persists, even at the highest level
“The scientific and social distancing is spurring
dangerous bar gatherings and choir
of leadership, with a president
who denies climate change and a
community is practices. Unsubstantiated claims
in a “plandemic” video are convinc-
vice president—a devout creation-
ist—who believes that Earth is only
losing the ing citizens that Dr. Anthony Fauci,
the longtime leader of the U.S. Na-
6000 years old.
I hear a lot from our readers and battle against… tional Institute of Allergy and In-
fectious Diseases, is hiding a secret
stakeholders about how to solve
this problem of science denial. misinformation.” business deal from which he stands
to profit from COVID-19. The anti-
Most of them suggest that Science science movement started with the
and science “need to do a better job environment, which could hurt our
at telling its stories.” I don’t buy it. For more than a long-term survival, but in the era of COVID-19, it threat-
century, this journal has been delivering insightful and ens our immediate survival.
reliable scientific information; today, our articles have The scientific community is losing the battle against
the highest readership ever. Sure, we can do a better job this digital leviathan of misinformation. A well-reasoned
of simplifying messages and making them accessible to and highly placed op-ed on this topic is not going to move
more people. There is always room for improvement. the needle, no matter how well it is crafted to adhere to
But is this really the crux of this dangerous problem? the best practices in science communication. Neither is
The scientific community is up against a sophisti- a perfect trade book, television appearance, or speaking
cated, data-driven machine that is devoted to making tour by a scientific leader. The only way to win this fight
sure that science doesn’t fully succeed, and the history is to harness the same sophisticated tools in the name of
of this is quite clear. A recent Science editorial pointed science that are being used to tear science down. With
out that U.S. Republican politicians embraced Earth social media companies afraid to challenge the misin-
Day when it started 50 years ago. But in the 1980s, digi- formation machine, even when their own platforms are
tal analysis of political polling data based on location being misused, the task is daunting. But we can at least
fostered the formation of the anti-science movement in move on from the idea that if we could just find those
the United States—politicians and their supporters who perfect, persuasive words, everyone would suddenly real-
did not like the results criticized the findings and the ize that facts are facts with no alternatives.
process. It became fashionable and politically expedi-
ent to run against science. Any carve-outs for the en- –H. Holden Thorp


SCIENCE 26 JUNE 2020 • VOL 368 ISSUE 6498 1405

Published by AAAS

People exercise on 15 June behind plastic sheets

at a gym in Redondo Beach, California, that reopened
under state guidelines that call for continuing
social distancing. Public health experts worry the
reopenings are increasing COVID-19 infections
in many U.S. states.

Edited by Jeffrey Brainard


own reviewers for some submissions. giving hydroxychloroquine to patients

Mask study draws fire (Neither of the paper’s listed reviewers is because the data showed no benefit. That
| Dozens of epidemio-
P U B L I C H E A LT H an epidemiologist.) Molina has defended study, the largest investigating drugs to
logists are calling for the retraction of a the paper, saying the critics failed to under- treat COVID-19, continues.
paper claiming that face masks are “the stand the role of aerosol particles in viral
most effective means” to prevent transmis- transmission and simply distrust work by
sion of the virus that causes COVID-19. scientists outside their field. Steroid shortage feared
In the study, published on 11 June in the DRUG THERAPY | The World Health
Proceedings of the National Academy of Organization (WHO) has called for
Sciences, Nobel laureate and atmospheric Antimalarial drug trials end increased production of dexamethasone,
chemist Mario Molina of the University C L I N I CA L R E S E A R C H | The World Health a commonly used corticosteroid recently
of California, San Diego, and colleagues Organization (WHO) and U.S. National shown to reduce death rates of COVID-19.
analyzed COVID-19 case counts and mask Institutes of Health (NIH) decided sepa- “Hoarding and speculative procurement
policies in areas with large outbreaks, rately last week to stop large clinical trials appear to have already started,” says Emer
concluding that social distancing and other evaluating whether hydroxychloroquine Cooke, WHO’s head of regulation of medi-
measures to control coronavirus transmis- can safely and effectively treat people cines and other health technologies. But
sion were “insufficient by themselves.” hospitalized with COVID-19, an idea touted she says it’s “probably too early to say if

Last week, more than 40 scientists signed by U.S. President Donald Trump early there will be a global shortage.” The great-
a letter to the journal acknowledging the in the pandemic. In an interim analysis est concern is for the injectable version of
importance of masks but calling the study announced on 20 June, NIH’s trial data the drug, which some physicians say is the
flawed. For example, they argue it didn’t and safety monitoring board said the anti- preferred formulation, especially for criti-
properly account for an “enormous set of malarial drug was safe but “very unlikely to cally ill patients. But it is more complicated
changes across society” that could have be beneficial.” WHO cited similar grounds to produce than oral dexamethasone, and a
affected COVID-19 incidence, indepen- on 17 June in permanently halting the major Indian manufacturer has faced regu-
dent of mask use. The scientists also ask hydroxychloroquine arm of its Solidarity latory scrutiny for production problems.
that the journal reassess its long-standing trial. Both decisions came after investi-
policy of allowing U.S. National Academy gators running the U.K. Recovery trial SCIENCEMAG.ORG/TAGS/CORONAVIRUS
members such as Molina to select their announced on 5 June they had stopped Read additional Science coverage of the pandemic.

1406 26 JUNE 2020 • VOL 368 ISSUE 6498 SCIENCE

Published by AAAS
Trump suspends high-tech visas
Another step toward a new megacollider | President Donald
Trump’s new executive order limiting
the entry of foreign workers through the

ERN, the European particle physics laboratory near Geneva,
end of the year spares two visa categories
announced last week it will study the technical and financial important to U.S. universities but halts
feasibility of an atom smasher 80 to 100 kilometers in cir- new visas in a third category. The
cumference. To be built in the 2040s, the megacollider would 22 June executive order, which Trump
succeed the lab’s 27-kilometer Large Hadron Collider (LHC), says will protect U.S. jobs, does not affect
the Optimal Practical Training program
smashing electrons into positrons to study in detail the Higgs that allows graduating international
boson, the famous particle the LHC discovered in 2012. But the 23 na- students to stay in the country for up to
tions that fund CERN have made no commitment to build the mam- 3 years. It also exempts visiting research-
moth new collider, for which researchers produced a rough design ers and scholars coming under the
J-1 visa program. But the order does
18 months ago, says CERN Director-General Fabiola Gianotti. The fea- block the issuance of any new so-called
sibility study should be done by 2026 or 2027. The electron-positron H-1B visas, a category that both universi-
collider could open the way to later building an even more powerful ties and high-tech companies use to
proton smasher like the LHC in the same tunnel. attract skilled foreign workers. None of
the new restrictions applies to visa
holders already in the country. Google
Sciences. The request from 133 students CEO Sundar Pichai tweeted that he’s
NSF director starts work and alumni of the Cold Spring Harbor “disappointed” by the order and that
LEADERSHIP | Sethuraman “Panch” Laboratory (CSHL) program, in a letter the company “will continue to stand
Panchanathan began his 6-year term this sent 21 June, says Watson has made rac- with immigrants.”
week as head of the National Science ist comments since at least 2007, when a
Foundation (NSF). The 59-year-old com- newspaper quoted him saying Black people
puter scientist, who had been a senior were of inferior intelligence, leading CSHL X-rays reveal black hole bonanza
administrator at Arizona State University, to remove him as chancellor. In 2019, after ASTRONOMY | An orbiting x-ray tele-
Tempe, was confirmed by the U.S. Senate he told PBS his views had not changed, the scope launched last year has released its
on 18 June, 6 months after President lab stripped his remaining honors except first all-sky image, recording more than
Donald Trump nominated him to be the for the school’s name. Watson’s name, 1 million objects, twice as many sources
agency’s 15th director. Kelvin Droegemeier, the letter states, “is now inextricably linked as previously detected in 60 years of
Trump’s science adviser, had been double with racism.” It adds: “This name change x-ray astronomy. Most of the dots in the
hatting as acting NSF director since France should be the first step in a larger process image recorded by eROSITA (extended
Córdova completed her term on 31 March. to make [CSHL] an inclusive and support- Roentgen Survey with an Imaging
ive environment, especially for people of Telescope Array) are supermassive black
color.” A spokesperson for Marilyn Simons, holes at the centers of galaxies, where
Critics ask to strip Watson name chair of CSHL’s Board of Trustees, wrote in they gorge on gas heated so hot that it
| Spurred by the recent
R AC I A L J U S T I C E an email that changing the school’s name can be seen across the universe. The
groundswell of the Black Lives Matter requires 75% of the board to vote to amend project’s 4-year goal is to map millions of
movement, scores of students and alumni CSHL’s charter; a meeting is scheduled such galaxies to understand how gravity
of a prestigious doctoral program are ask- for early July. Watson, 92, who co-discovered gloms them together in clusters and
ing its trustees to remove Nobel laureate DNA’s structure and was CSHL’s director how the mysterious dark energy pushes
James Watson’s name from the program, and president for decades, could not be against gravity to accelerate expansion
called the Watson School of Biological reached for comment. of the universe.

The x-ray universe, based on

BY THE NUMBERS 6 months of data from
the eROSIT

Temperature on 20 June in
the town of Verkhoyansk,
Russia, the highest ever recorded
north of the Arctic Circle.
The average June high there
is just 20°C. Unusually

warm temperatures in Siberia

this year have melted
permafrost and fed wildfires.

SCIENCE 26 JUNE 2020 • VOL 368 ISSUE 6498 1407

Published by AAAS

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Pulses of ultrasound aimed at a motion-sensitive brain area (from brown device, right) improved people’s ability to judge dots’ direction of motion.


Hope grows for targeting the brain with ultrasound

Noninvasive method of tweaking neural activity enters new tests in humans

By Kelly Servick But unlike magnetic or electric fields, Hollingsworth Lisanby, a psychiatrist at the
sound waves can be focused—like light National Institute of Mental Health who

s a way to see inside the body, revealing through a magnifying glass—on a point studies noninvasive neuromodulation. “We
a tumor or a fetus, ultrasound is tried deep in the brain without affecting shal- also need to acknowledge that there’s a lot
and true. But neuroscientists have a lower tissue. For now, that combination we have to learn,” she says.
newer ambition for the technology: of depth and focus is possible only with a For one thing, researchers are largely in
tinkering with the brain. At frequen- surgically implanted wire. But ultrasound the dark about how sound waves and brain
cies lower than those of a sonogram could temporarily disrupt a deep human cells interact. “That’s the million-dollar ques-
but still beyond the range of human hearing, brain region—the almond-shaped amyg- tion in this field,” says Mikhail Shapiro, a bio-
ultrasound can penetrate the skull and boost dala, a driver of emotional responses, for chemical engineer at the California Institute
or suppress brain activity. If researchers can example, or the thalamus, a relay station for of Technology. At high intensities, ultrasound
prove that ultrasound safely and predictably pain and regulator of alertness—to test its can heat up and kill brain cells—a feature
changes human brain function, it could be- function or treat disease. neurosurgeons have exploited to burn away
come a powerful, noninvasive research tool Results in animals are encouraging. Ex- sections of brain responsible for tremors.
and a new means of treating brain disorders. periments in the 1950s first showed ultra- Even at intensities that don’t significantly
How ultrasound works on the brain re- sound waves could suppress neural activity increase temperature, ultrasound exerts a
mains mysterious. But recent experiments in a visual region of the cat brain. In rodents, mechanical force on cells. Some studies sug-
have offered reassurance about safety, and aiming ultrasound at motor regions has trig- gest this force alters ion channels on neurons,
small studies hint at meaningful effects in gered movements such as a twitch of a paw changing the cells’ likelihood of firing a signal
humans—dampening pain, for example, or or whisker. And focusing it on a frontal re- to neighbors. If ultrasound works primarily
subtly enhancing perception. “I’ve seen a gion of monkey brains can change how the via ion channels, “That’s great news,” Sha-
lot of tantalizing data,” says Mark Cohen, a animals perform at eye movement tasks. piro says, “because that means we can look
neuroscientist at the University of California, But it’s technically tricky to aim ultra- at where those channels are expressed and
Los Angeles (UCLA). “While the challenges sound through thick, dense skull bone and make some predictions about what cell types
are very large, the potential of this thing is so to show its energy has landed at the in- will be excited.” In a preprint on bioRxiv last
much larger that we really have to pursue it.” tended point. And ultrasound’s effects on month, Shapiro’s team reported that expos-
Scientists can already modulate the brain the brain can be hard to predict. How much ing mouse neurons in a dish to ultrasound
noninvasively by delivering electric current it boosts or suppresses neural activity de- opens a particular set of calcium ion chan-

or magnetic pulses across the skull. The U.S. pends on many parameters, including the nels to render certain cells more excitable.
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has timing and intensity of ultrasound pulses, But these channels alone won’t explain
approved transcranial magnetic stimulation and even characteristics of the targeted ultrasound’s effects, says Seung-Schik Yoo,
(TMS) to treat depression, migraine pain, neurons themselves. “I have tremendous a neuroscientist at Harvard University. He
and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). excitement about the potential,” says Sarah notes that ultrasound also appears to affect

1408 26 JUNE 2020 • VOL 368 ISSUE 6498 SCIENCE

Published by AAAS

receptors on nonneuronal brain cells called to levels that damage tissue, Cohen says. NATIONAL LABORATORIES
glia. “It’s very hard to [develop] any unifying Several teams are cautiously moving into
theory about the exact mechanism” of ultra-
sound, he says.
Regardless of mechanism, ultrasound is
tests of ultrasound as treatment. In 2016,
UCLA neuroscientist Martin Monti and col-
leagues reported that a man in a minimally
Lawsuit alleges
starting to show clear, if subtle, effects in hu-
mans. In 2014, a team at Virginia Polytech-
nic Institute and State University showed
conscious state regained consciousness fol-
lowing ultrasound stimulation of his thala-
mus. Monti is preparing a publication on a
focused ultrasound could increase electrical
activity in a sensory processing region of
the human brain and improve participants’
follow-up study of three people with chroni-
cally impaired states of consciousness. After
ultrasound, they showed increased respon-
misconduct at
ability to discern the number of points be-
ing touched on their fingers. Neurologist
Christopher Butler at the University of Ox-
siveness over a period of days—much faster
than expected, Monti says, although the
study included no control group.
weapons lab
ford and colleagues have tested ultrasound That research and the tests in epilepsy pa- Dispute underscores
during a more complex sensory task: judg-
ing the motion of drifting, jiggling dots on a
tients used an ultrasound device developed by
BrainSonix Corporation. Its founder, UCLA
the challenges
screen. Last month at the Cognitive Neuro- neuropsychiatrist Alexander Bystritsky, of using simulations
science Society’s annual meeting online, he
reported that stimulating a motion-process-
hopes ultrasound can disrupt neural cir-
cuits that drive symptoms of OCD. A team at
to “test” warheads
ing visual region called MT improved sub- Massachusetts General Hospital and Baylor
jects’ ability to judge which way the majority College of Medicine is planning a study in By Adrian Cho
of the dots drifted. humans using the BrainSonix device, he says.

Ultrasound’s effects have so far been sub- Columbia University biomedical engineer n unusual lawsuit alleges scientific
tler than those of TMS, says Mark George, a Elisa Konofagou hopes to use ultrasound to misconduct at Lawrence Livermore
psychiatrist at the Medical Uni- treat Alzheimer’s disease. Be- National Laboratory in California,
versity of South Carolina, who fore COVID-19 interrupted par- one of the United States’s three nu-
helped develop and refine that “While the ticipant recruitment, she and clear weapons labs. Peter Williams,
technology. With TMS, “you colleagues were preparing a pi- a 50-year-old physicist, worked at
put it on your head and turn challenges are lot study to inject tiny gas-filled Livermore from January 2016 until May
it on and your thumb moves,”
he says. But the ultrasound ex-
very large, the bubbles into the bloodstream
of six people with Alzheimer’s
2017, when he says he was fired in retali-
ation for complaining that his superiors
periments that prompted paw potential of and use pulses of ultrasound were mishandling a computer program that
twitches in mice used intensi- to oscillate the microbubbles in simulates the detonation of high explosives,
ties “so, so, so much higher than this thing is so blood vessels lining the brain. undermining their ability to predict how a
what we’re being allowed to use
in humans.”
much larger The mechanical force of those
vibrations can temporarily
particular nuclear weapon would perform if
used. Williams, who now works at a private
Regulators have limited hu-
man studies in part because
that we really pull apart the cells lining these
vessels. The researchers hope
research lab, has sued Livermore and seven
individuals for reinstatement and $600,000
ultrasound has the potential to have to pursue it.” opening this blood-brain bar- in damages.
cook the brain or cause damage Mark Cohen, UCLA rier will help the brain clear Researchers familiar with the labs say
through cavitation—the cre- toxic proteins. (Konofagou’s Williams’s allegations should be taken se-
ation of tiny bubbles in tissue. In team and others are also ex- riously. “If there’s been a cover-up, that’s
2015, Yoo and colleagues found microbleeds, ploring this ultrasound-microbubble combi- something that ought to be looked into,”
a sign of blood vessel damage, in sheep brains nation to deliver drugs to the brain.) says Raymond Jeanloz, a geophysicist at
repeatedly exposed to ultrasound. “This was In his first test of ultrasound after years the University of California, Berkeley, who
a huge speed bump,” says Kim Butts Pauly, of studying TMS, George looked to reduce has been involved with the weapons labs.
a biophysicist at Stanford University. But in pain. His team applied increasing heat to But he also says the labs implement inter-
February in Brain Stimulation, her group the arms of 19 participants, who tended to nal reviews and other measures to ensure
reported microbleeds in control animals as become more sensitive over repeated tests, the integrity of their work and head off the
well, suggesting this damage might result reporting pain at lower temperatures by the kind of problem Williams alleges. “This is
from dissection of the brains. Butts Pauly and last test. But if, between the first and last exactly the kind of thing the people at the
Yoo now say they’re confident the technology test, they had pulses of ultrasound aimed at lab worry about,” Jeanloz says. Livermore
can be used safely. the thalamus, their pain threshold dipped declined to comment on the suit, but in a
Cohen and collaborators recently tested half as much. “This is definitely a double statement said: “Rigorous debate is a part
safety in people by aiming ultrasound at green light” to keep pursuing the technol- of the scientific process—the Laboratory
regions slated for surgical removal to treat ogy, George says. does not retaliate against individuals for
epilepsy. With FDA’s OK, they used intensi- George regularly treats depressed pa- holding differing opinions.”
ties up to eight times as high as the limit for tients with TMS and has seen the technol- The suit, which Williams filed on 22 May,
diagnostic ultrasound. As they reported in a ogy save lives. “But everybody wonders if we seems quixotic. He is representing himself;
preprint on medRxiv in April, they found no could go deep with a different technology— to make his case, he needs documents that
significant damage to brain tissue or blood that would be a game changer,” he says. only the lab can provide; and his complaint
vessels. However, to find the limit of safety, “Ultrasound holds that promise, but the centers on a differential equation. Williams
researchers will likely need to go all the way question is can it really deliver?” j spent only a short time at Livermore before

SCIENCE 26 JUNE 2020 • VOL 368 ISSUE 6498 1409

Published by AAAS
tweaking. “It became clear that he didn’t have
a rationale, he had a motive,” Williams says.
“And the motive was to keep money flowing
to help develop and improve CHEETAH.”
Such “curve fitting” renders the program
incapable of making meaningful predic-
tions, he says. If CHEETAH can’t properly
model the bench tests of PBX 9502, larger,
far more expensive integrated test explo-
sions of the weapon’s nonnuclear compo-
nents could fail, he says. And modelers may
not be able to correctly calculate the yield of
the refurbished weapon, he says.
That would be a big problem, says
Robert Rosner, a theoretical astrophysicist
at the University of Chicago and former di-
rector of Argonne National Laboratory who
is on Livermore’s advisory board. The un-
certainty in the yields of various weapons
directly affects calculations of how big the
U.S. nuclear arsenal should be and could
determine the course of future arms con-
trol negotiations, Rosner says. “The extent
Peter Williams claims tweaks to a program for modeling a bomb’s explosive trigger make its predictions unreliable. to which we can decrease [the stockpile] is
completely related to the ability to be cer-
he was fired. (In a 12-month performance an insensitive explosive, meaning it won’t tain about the yield.”
review Williams included in his suit, his go up if smacked or set on fire. But that But Rosner says he’s neither surprised
superiors state he wasn’t keeping up with also means that as the detonation front nor alarmed to hear researchers had to
assignments.) Before joining the lab he did moves through the material, the chemical adjust the high-explosives models to fit
two postdocs, taught at City College of San reactions behind it progress more slowly different experiments. What Williams sees
Francisco and Sonoma State University, and than in older explosives, Williams says. So as unacceptable tweaking is an inevitable
worked for 8 years at Agilent Technologies. instead of assuming the reactions are in- part of the empirical modeling of any com-
But Williams is a talented scientist, says stantaneous, researchers must model their plex system, such as the climate or a star,
Craig Wheeler, an astrophysicist at the Uni- evolution, too. Rosner says. “The idea that the model has
versity of Texas, Austin, who was his gradu- To make sure they can do so correctly, re- to be tuned, I find that unsurprising,” he
ate adviser and has subsequently published searchers detonate samples of the stuff in says. “I would be stunned if it didn’t.”
with him. “He’s a deep, inde- different geometries, observe Both Rosner and Jeanloz say they suspect
pendent thinker,” Wheeler says. the explosions with ultra–high- Williams may not know the whole story
“He’s definitely not a crackpot.” “The motive speed cameras and other tools, behind ARES-CHEETAH, as the lab dis-
At Livermore, Williams was
given the unclassified task of was to keep and compare the results with
simulations. For example, in
missed him before he obtained a clearance
to work on classified material. The weapons
modeling the behavior of a high
explosive. Called PBX 9502, the
money flowing one test, the sample resembles
a mallet, with a thin cylindrical
program also takes explicit measures to en-
sure that researchers adhere to scientific
polymer-bonded explosive is in- to help develop handle that leads to a fatter cy- standards, Jeanloz says, such as running its
tended to be used in refurbish- lindrical head. Because the det- own classified peer-reviewed journals and
ing a 40-year-old thermonuclear and improve onation front cannot instantly encouraging researchers to keep a hand in
warhead called the W80, which
is about the size of a garbage
CHEETAH.” turn the corner where skinny
cylinder meets fat, the explo-
unclassified research. The rivalry between
Livermore and Los Alamos National Labo-
can and fits on a cruise missile. Peter Williams, sion doesn’t consume the entire ratory in New Mexico provides a particu-
The explosive, when detonated, formerly of Lawrence sample, but leaves a ring of ma- larly valuable check, scientists say.
would compress the warhead’s Livermore National terial whose thickness reveals Yet Jeanloz and Rosner agree that mod-
plutonium pit to set off a nuclear Laboratory the speed of the detonation els like CHEETAH need careful scrutiny.
fission explosion, which in turn front and chemical reactions. That’s because some policymakers may view
would trigger an even more powerful fusion Livermore used such test explosions to uncertainties in modeling as a reason to re-
explosion. Modeling a high explosive is dif- refine a modeling program called ARES- sume nuclear testing. In fact, Jeanloz says,
ficult, researchers say, because its behavior CHEETAH. But Williams says he became some arms control experts argue that to dis-
depends on its density, which can vary from aware that one of his supervisors was essen- courage calls for new tests, the United States
batch to batch and within a single piece. tially changing parameters in the program should make no changes to its existing nu-

But such modeling is crucial to be sure after the fact to make sure the simulation clear arms—even ones that make them safer,
that stored weapons will work as intended fit the data from each experimental setup. such as switching to insensitive explosives.
because the United States gave up nuclear That’s “pseudoscience,” Williams charges, as Williams does not yet have a court date.
testing in 1992 under the still unratified it guarantees the model will look accurate, He’s suing, he says, not out of anger, but out
Comprehensive Nuclear-Test–Ban Treaty. even if it isn’t. He says he repeatedly asked of a sense of scientific duty: “I couldn’t look
PBX 9502 is especially tricky because it’s the researcher to explain the rationale for the myself in the mirror if I didn’t do it.” j

1410 26 JUNE 2020 • VOL 368 ISSUE 6498 SCIENCE

Published by AAAS
Corrected 25 June 2020. See full text.


Dawn of the chicken revealed in Southeast Asia

Chicken domestication—debated since Charles Darwin—tracked by genomic survey

By Andrew Lawler indigenous village chickens and wild jungle chickens most closely to the Southeast
fowl near more than 120 villages across Asian subspecies G. g. spadiceus, however.

t is the world’s most common farm ani- Asia and Africa (Science, 23 November 2012, They suggest the lineage that became the
mal as well as humanity’s largest single pp. 1020 and 1022). modern chicken branched off from the jun-
source of animal protein. Some 24 billion Wang’s team sequenced the full genomes gle fowl between 12,800 and 6200 years ago,
strong, it outnumbers all other birds by of 863 birds and compared them. The results with domestication occurring sometime af-
an order of magnitude. Yet for 2 centu- suggest modern chickens descend primarily ter the lineages split.
ries, biologists have struggled to explain from domesticated and wild varieties in what Fuller doubts the bird was fully domes-
how the chicken became the chicken. is now Myanmar, Laos, Thailand, and south- ticated before the arrival of rice and millet
Now, the first extensive study of the ern China (see map, below). “This region is a farming in northern Southeast Asia about
bird’s full genome concludes that people in center of domestication,” says co-author and 4500 years ago. Hanotte acknowledges that
northern Southeast Asia or southern “we need the help of archaeologists” to
China domesticated a colorful pheas- understand the human events that trig-
ant sometime after about 7500 B.C.E. Early bird gered domestication.
Migrants and traders then carried the One subspecies of the red jungle fowl (Gallus gallus spadiceus, But Jonathan Kenoyer, an archaeo-
bird across Asia and on to every conti- bottom), found in northern Southeast Asia, likely led to the first logist and Indus expert at the Univer-
nent except Antarctica. domesticated chickens, genomes of wild and tame birds show. sity of Wisconsin, Madison, remains
“Our results contradict previous skeptical that the chicken arose in
claims that chickens were domesti- BANGLADESH Southeast Asia. “They need to get an-
cated in northern China and the Indus NEPAL CHINA cient DNA” to back up their claims,
Valley,” researchers led by Ming-Shan MYANMAR he says, because genomes of modern
Wang from the Chinese Academy of birds may provide limited clues to early
Sciences’s Kunming Institute of Zoo- events in chicken evolution.
logy write in a paper published today Nor does the DNA show what first
in Cell Research. They also found that enticed people to tame the bird. Early
the modern chicken’s chief ancestor is varieties were far scrawnier and pro-
a subspecies of red jungle fowl named 0 1000 duced fewer eggs than today’s indus-
Gallus gallus spadiceus. trial varieties, and their predators were
“This is obviously a landmark study,” legion. Some researchers suggest the
G. g. spadiceus
says Dorian Fuller, an archaeologist at bird was initially prized for its exotic
University College London who was not plumage or for cockfighting. Selling
involved in the effort. He adds that the prize fighting cocks remains a lucra-
results could shed light on the emer- tive business in Southeast Asia, and
gence of agriculture and early trade the birds’ high value may have spurred
networks, and what features of the bird traders to carry them long distances.
made it so attractive to people. Smithsonian Institution archaeo-
Charles Darwin argued the chicken zoologist Melinda Zeder calls the new
descended from the red jungle fowl be- paper “fascinating” and says it shows
cause the birds resemble each other and “the domestication and dispersal story
can make fertile offspring; he specu- is more complicated than we thought.”
lated that domestication happened in She urges combining genetic and
India. But five varieties of the pheasant archaeological data to flesh out the
inhabit a broad arc extending from the tale. Archaeologists are now gather-
jungles of Indonesia to the Himalayan ing chicken bones that suggest farmers

foothills of Pakistan. Which variety led in southern China and Southeast Asia
to the chicken, and where, was uncertain. geneticist Olivier Hanotte of the University of first domesticated the bird some 3500 years
Based on presumed chicken bones, archaeo- Nottingham. The results confirm a hypothesis ago—findings that bolster the genetic work.
logists claimed, variously, that people do- put forward in 1994 by Japan’s Crown Prince Han’s group, meanwhile, is creating a mas-
mesticated the bird 9000 years ago in north- Akishino, an ornithologist, on the basis of mi- sive data set based on more than 1500 modern
ern China and 4000 years ago in Pakistan. tochondrial DNA data. chicken genomes from Asia, Europe, and Af-
DNA studies promised to resolve the is- Wang’s team did find some evidence for rica. The researchers plan to analyze chicken
sue, but researchers had few samples from a South Asian contribution: A jungle fowl dispersal into Europe and Africa, as well as
the bird’s wild relatives. So Jianlin Han, native to the Indian subcontinent may have the genetic variations behind traits such as
a geneticist at the Joint Laboratory on interbred with the chicken after its initial do- the ability to withstand disease or produce
Livestock and Forage Genetic Resources, mestication in Southeast Asia, the team says. more eggs. “This study opens a whole new
embarked on a 20-year project to sample The new DNA data link domesticated page in chicken genomics,” Han says. j

SCIENCE 26 JUNE 2020 • VOL 368 ISSUE 6498 1411

Published by AAAS
A fundraiser in which firefighters collect donations for
muscular dystrophy research was canceled this year.

men, the largest nonprofit funder of breast

cancer research, has laid off about 20% of
its 211 employees, closed 30 of its 61 local af-
filiates, and tabled future grant cycles. The
Muscular Dystrophy Association, which
counts on its annual “Fill the Boot” fund-
raiser with firefighters for 25% of its annual
revenue, has furloughed many of its devel-
opment staff and canceled plans to award
new grants. At the $724 million Ameri-
can Cancer Society (ACS), a $200 million
drop in revenue has prompted it to lay off
1000 of its some 4300 employees. “If cur-
rent trends continue,” chief medical officer
William Cance says, ACS could temporarily
cut research funding by half.
In the United Kingdom, the Association
COVID-19 of Medical Research Charities (AMRC),
whose members last year sent £1.9 bil-

Charities that fund research lion to biomedical researchers (compared

with £1.8 billion in funding provided
by the U.K. government), is reporting a

face deep revenue declines 38% drop in fundraising revenue. That

has forced groups to withdraw or defer
grants, says AMRC CEO Aisling Burnand.
Cancellation of major fundraisers forces groups to lay Cancer Research UK, which funds half of
off staff and delay, trim, or cancel grants to scientists the country’s noncommercial cancer re-
search, has cut its funding by about 10%, or
£44 million, says CEO Michelle Mitchell.
By Eli Cahan ing passersby to support medical research The cuts will get deeper if charities do not
by dropping donations into a rubber boot. receive more support from the government,

arly this year, University of Colorado, Many groups are trying to stem the losses she adds. And the crisis could have long-
Denver, cancer researcher Patricia by cutting staff and delaying, trimming, or lasting ripple effects on the next generation
Ernst was thrilled when her postdoc outright canceling grants to researchers. of research. “We’re in danger of destroying
Therese Vu won a grant from the Leu- The chaos imperils a small, but pivotal, a decade’s worth of work, infrastructure,
kemia & Lymphoma Society, a non- part of the scientific ecosystem. Although and future talent,” Mitchell says.
profit that has pumped more than nonprofits provide just 5% of overall U.S. Vu, for example, had hoped to have gath-
$1.2 billion into blood cancer research since research funding, they often support small, ered enough data from her pilot study by
its founding in 1949. The funding would al- high-risk pilot studies that later en- October to apply for a grant from
low the scientists to launch studies using a able researchers to attract larger the National Institutes of Health
technique to generate malignant leukemia grants from government funders. (NIH). Now, even if she can find
from immature blood cells—an approach And many of the grants go to young replacement funding, she thinks
that Ernst had been eager to try for more researchers, helping them launch is supported it will be an additional 12 to
than a decade. Then, last month, the pair got their careers. “If you’re in a room by the 18 months before she can apply to
bad news: The philanthropic group canceled with researchers of vascular disease, Pulitzer Center. NIH. And because the leukemia re-
the grant, citing “unprecedented” revenue almost all of them will say their first searcher is from Australia, a fund-
losses caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. grant came from [us],” says Mariell Jessup, ing cutoff could imperil her U.S. work visa.
“I did anticipate there would be cut- chief science and medical officer at the “I don’t want to be all ‘woe is me,’ but … the
backs,” Ernst says. “But I didn’t think it American Heart Association (AHA). junior people have gotten hammered” by
would be that serious, and I didn’t think it So far, Jessup says, AHA has been fortu- the disruption, Vu says.
would happen to us.” nate: Although donations have dropped, the The loss of nonprofit grants could also

Many researchers are having similar $890 million organization hasn’t had to lay hurt researchers seeking funding for high-
experiences. Foundations that fund bio- people off or rescind grants—but it has post- risk ideas that can’t get support from gov-
medical research in the United States, the poned awarding a new round of grants. ernment funders, says Maryrose Franko,
United Kingdom, and elsewhere are report- The red ink is drowning other U.S. CEO of the Health Research Alliance, which
ing record revenue drops because of the pan- groups. At the National Multiple Sclero- represents 85 nonprofit research funders.
demic. One major factor: It has forced them sis Society, which last year spent about “We derisk research for the government, and
to cancel key fundraising events, includ- $40 million of its $190 million budget on we embrace failure,” Franko says. “If we’re
ing galas, walks, Broadway partnerships, research, officials forecast a $60 million not funding it, who will?” j
and even an event that sends thousands shortfall in 2020; they’ve given 78 of their
of U.S. firefighters into the streets, ask- 198 grantees a 15% “haircut.” Susan G. Ko- With reporting by Cathleen O’Grady.

1412 26 JUNE 2020 • VOL 368 ISSUE 6498

Corrected 24 June 2020. See full text. SCIENCE

Published by AAAS


Could a blood ‘observatory’ stop pandemics?

Proposal calls for screening blood from around the world for thousands of antibodies

By Robert Bazell ready produced commercially by companies might flag their unknown relatives. For ex-
including VirScan and Luminex. Mina says ample, a burst of antibodies that cross-react

ichael Mina is out for blood— these could easily be scaled up to look at with known coronaviruses would likely have
millions of samples, which a na- huge numbers of samples, either individu- been seen in Chinese cities, such as Wuhan,
scent effort dubbed the Global ally or in batches. as SARS-CoV-2 began to spread there.
Immunological Observatory (GIO) “This is an extraordinary and exciting The idea of regularly monitoring entire
would monitor for signs of patho- concept,” says infectious disease specialist populations for antibodies arose in the lab
gens spreading through the popu- William Schaffner of the Vanderbilt Univer- of evolutionary biologist Bryan Grenfell at
lation. Instead of a telescope, it will rely on sity Medical Center. “It is an example of the Princeton University, where Mina worked as
technology that can measure hundreds of kind of fresh new thinking we need in pub- a postdoctoral fellow. Now, Mina has joined
thousands of distinct antibodies in a micro- lic health.” But, Schaffner adds, “The logisti- Grenfell and Jessica Metcalf, also an evolu-
liter of blood. If the GIO can overcome tech- cal challenges for such an endeavor could tionary biologist at Princeton, in expanding
nical and logistical hurdles and find sus- be daunting.” the concept. Antibodies can signal not just
tained funding, he says, it could provide a Mina and his co-authors envision ini- people who are currently infected, but also
powerful tool for monitoring and respond- tially testing about 10,000 samples per day those who had the disease and recovered.
ing to disease outbreaks. and later, if they secure funding to build The GIO would also be able to distinguish dif-
For now, the idea is just a pi- ferent strains of a bacterium or virus
lot project to track the spread of infecting people because each pro-
COVID-19. The stealthy spread of duces a unique antibody signature.
that disease through the popula- The GIO team is already building
tion underscored the need for such a pilot laboratory in Massachusetts,
a monitoring system, says Mina, an while it looks to secure financial
immunologist and epidemiologist at support. “Given the importance
Brigham and Women’s Hospital and we believe this could have, we are
the Harvard T.H. Chan School of beginning to look for funding from
Public Health, who with colleagues some of the major philanthropic
outlines the GIO concept this month donors of public health work,” Mina
in eLife. (The co-authors include says. “We are currently exploring
Jeremy Farrar, an infectious dis- and open to all options.”
ease specialist and director of the Meanwhile, the team’s pilot proj-
Wellcome Trust, as well as vaccine ect, supported by the Open Phi-
and immunology specialists Adrian lanthropy foundation, is gathering
McDermott and Daniel Douek of many thousands of anonymous
the National Institutes of Health.) blood samples from the plasma-
Disease surveillance in the Antibodies in donated blood or other samples could reveal where collecting company Octapharma.
United States now relies on a previously identified pathogens are returning or new ones emerge. By screening them for antibodies
patchwork of hospitals, clinics, and to SARS-CoV-2, Mina and his col-
doctors to report unusual events to state up the project, some 100,000 per day for leagues hope to learn how useful widespread
health departments, which pass the infor- the United States alone. Even the smaller antibody testing can be in tracing the spread
mation on to the Centers for Disease Con- number could detect—far faster than the of the new coronavirus and possibly predict-
trol and Prevention. The need for faster, current reporting system—an outbreak of ing future “hot spots” or localized outbreaks.
more comprehensive surveillance, Mina Zika virus in rural Louisiana, for example, People often do not develop antibodies
says, “was starkly clear with the inability or an eruption of West Nile virus in Colo- until well after infections; for SARS-CoV-2
to identify and model local circulation of rado. The GIO could also accelerate the it takes 1 or 2 weeks. But Mina says the
COVID-19 in a timely fashion.” monitoring of seasonal influenza, allowing antibody testing still provides valuable in-
Mina wants to watch for outbreaks by hospitals to prepare for patient surges and formation. “A week into an outbreak isn’t
looking for antibodies to infectious agents for public health officials to efficiently dis- huge,” he said. “For example, if we were do-
in regularly collected, anonymized blood tribute vaccines. ing this with [blood from] just a small frac-
samples from every possible source—blood When a new infectious disease such as tion of New York, we would have detected

banks, plasma collection centers, even the COVID-19 appears, the GIO could track that [SARS-CoV-2] was there in February
heel needle sticks of newborns, which are its spread. The antibody-detecting chips and could have given [Governor Andrew]
taken in most states from every baby in or- wouldn’t necessarily have to be updated to Cuomo plenty of ammunition to close down
der to identify genetic diseases. The samples spot a new pathogen, such as SARS-CoV-2, the city March 1 instead of March 19.” j
would be identified only by geographical the virus that causes COVID-19. Research-
area. Chip-based platforms that can identify ers might see a rise in antibodies that non- Robert Bazell, an adjunct professor at Yale University,
hundreds of thousands of antibodies are al- specifically target known pathogens—and is a journalist based in New Haven, Connecticut.

SCIENCE 26 JUNE 2020 • VOL 368 ISSUE 6498 1413

Published by AAAS
At-home GRE test takers must have a computer,
private room, and stable internet connection.

by concerns that the GRE doesn’t pre-

dict student success in graduate school,
and that its use in admissions decisions
disadvantages applicants from under-
represented groups.
Delia Shelton, a Black psychologist at
the University of Tennessee, Knoxville,
says when she was applying to graduate
schools, taking the GRE was a hardship;
it was expensive and she had to drive
SCIENTIFIC COMMUNITY 2 hours to her testing location. Her scores
prevented her from applying to some pro-

Online GRE test heightens grams that specified a cutoff for applicants.
Yet she’s done well for herself in academia,
winning a prestigious fellowship from the

equity concerns U.S. National Institutes of Health and an

assistant professorship at her university.
She and her colleagues voted earlier this
Pandemic spurs graduate programs to drop month to eliminate the GRE from admis-
standardized test requirements sions requirements. The scores “don’t
speak to how well you can do in graduate
school,” she says.
By Jane C. Hu ensure that no one enters their room for “The socioeconomic constraints [of ]
the duration of the 4-hour test. In a state- standardized testing … [are] well docu-

s COVID-19 swept across the United ment, Alberto Acereda, executive director mented, and I think this at-home test exac-
States, standardized testing centers of higher education at ETS, wrote that the erbates some of those,” agrees Joshua Hall,
closed and the GRE General Test—an rules are “necessary to ensure the testing director of admissions for the biological
exam that’s required for admission to experience is similar to that in a test center, and biomedical science program at the Uni-
many U.S. graduate programs—went as well as to maintain the security and in- versity of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, who
online. The Educational Testing Ser- tegrity of the test.” maintains a list of roughly 300 life science
vice (ETS), which offers the GRE, “completely Yet to some academic departments al- programs that have joined GRExit. Hall es-
revamped its delivery model so [aspiring ready questioning the value of the GRE, the timates that 15 programs have contacted
graduate students] can test from the safety burdensome requirements of the at-home him since the start of the pandemic asking
of home,” it declared in May. Since then, test are a tipping point. Levesque’s depart- to be added to his list.
though, scores of academics have ment decided to temporarily sus- Acereda emphasized that GRE scores
raised concerns about the equity pend requiring GRE scores. “It can be valuable as part of a holistic review
of the online version of the test, “It was simply was simply a question of access,” process, one that looks at reference letters,
arguing it disadvantages prospec- she says. “If we require the exam essays, and other application materials.
tive students from rural and low- a question this year, that puts an excessive He acknowledged that some prospective
income backgrounds. “If I were …
a student trying to take this exam,
of access.” burden on folks we want to en-
courage to apply.”
students might be unable to take the test
online, but he added that more than 1000
satisfying [the online testing] cri- Emily Levesque, Other departments have de- test centers have already reopened. “As the
teria would be extremely difficult University of cided to forgo the GRE for good. world continues to reopen after COVID, test
for me,” says Emily Levesque, an Washington, Seattle “We’ve been thinking about takers will have greater choice regarding
assistant professor of astronomy [eliminating it] for a long time,” where they would like to test.”
at the University of Washington, Seattle. says Chrissy Wiederwohl, assistant depart- This year, however, some simply gave up.
Levesque wrote about ETS’s testing re- ment head for engagement and graduate Natasha Hodges says she ran into problems
quirements in a Twitter thread this month, affairs for Texas A&M University, College when she couldn’t install the proctoring
detailing what she sees as “a shopping list Station’s oceanography department, which software on her Apple laptop. “No matter
of hurdles.” Test takers must have access to voted to stop requiring GRE scores earlier how many people I chatted with, or how
a computer with a webcam—“tablets and this month. “COVID is what helped front- many times I’ve called or emailed them, no
smartphones won’t cut it,” she wrote—as burner it.” one can explain to me or even address [my
well as a private room in a home with a sta- Levesque’s and Wiederwohl’s depart- problem],” she says. But after failing to re-

ble internet connection. Libraries and other ments join a growing list of U.S. graduate solve her technical issues, she was pleased
public spaces are out. “We already know programs that have moved away from the to discover that many of the microbiology
from virtual teaching this spring that not GRE in recent years. In 2018 alone, 44% of Ph.D. programs she wants to apply to have
all students/prospective grads have access the country’s top molecular biology pro- waived the GRE as an application require-
to [computers] in their homes,” she wrote. grams dropped the GRE as an application ment. “It ends up working out that I don’t
On top of that, test takers must have a requirement, according to an investigation end up having to take it anyway,” she says. j
whiteboard if they want to take notes, sit by Science (31 May 2019, p. 816). Dubbed
in a standard—not “overstuffed”—chair, and “GRExit,” the movement has been fueled Jane C. Hu is a science journalist in Seattle.

1414 26 JUNE 2020 • VOL 368 ISSUE 6498 SCIENCE

Published by AAAS


Senate bill to curb foreign threats raises alarms

Sweeping changes to protect research could hamper academic collaboration, critics say

By Jeffrey Mervis target. “America’s research enterprise Although the bill’s language is subtle,
is the best in the world and the Chinese it contains “key provisions … [that] are

bipartisan group of U.S. senators Communist Party knows it,” says Senator overly broad and will only serve to harm
last week proposed sweeping—and Josh Hawley (R–MO). “That’s why they’ve American science without improving na-
controversial—changes in how the fed- spent the last 20 years stealing American tional security,” says AAU’s Tobin Smith.
eral government manages academic taxpayer-funded intellectual property.” One such provision, Smith and others say,
research in the face of foreign threats. Carper, the top Democrat on the investiga- would give the State Department the au-
The authors of the legislation, more tive panel and a co-sponsor, uses more judi- thority to reject a visa application from
than 1 year in the making, claim it will stop cious language. The legislation, he says, is a anyone based on their “cooperation with
China and other countries from stealing “common sense [approach] to protect Amer- … military organizations adversarial to the
the fruits of federally funded research with- ican intellectual property and better leverage United States, foreign institutions involved
out weakening a system that has made the our international research partnerships.” in the theft of United States research, [or]
United States a global leader in innovation. A Portman press release claims “wide- a government that seeks to undermine the
But research advocates worry the bill, if en- spread support” from academia. But all of integrity and security of the United States
acted, would restrict the exchange of talent the supportive statements come from in- research community.”
and ideas. stitutions in his home state of Ohio, and But staffers on the subcommittee that
Drafted by Senators Rob Portman Portman leads say the language
(R–OH) and Tom Carper (D–DE) would apply to fewer researchers
and with eight Republican and five than the critics fear. “The focus
Democratic co-sponsors, the Safe- of the bill is on bad actors,” one
guarding American Innovation Act staffer noted. “The vast majority
is the latest and most substantive of foreign researchers [asking to
attempt in Congress to reconcile come to the United States] are be-
scientific security and openness. nign, and we need their talents.”
One contentious provision would The bill would also empower
give the State Department grounds the State Department to reject or
to reject a visa application from restrict the activities of a visa ap-
anyone with ties to a foreign gov- plicant if officials decide that giv-
ernment seen as hostile to the ing the applicant access to “goods,
United States. Critics worry such technologies, or sensitive infor-
power could be used to keep out mation” would harm the United
the tens of thousands of Chinese States. Extensive rules already
graduate students and postdocs limit the sharing and export of re-
who seek to study in the United search products deemed sensitive.
States each year. Senator Rob Portman (R–OH) targets China in new legislation. But lobbyists say the new provision
Other provisions would expose could require universities to im-
scientists who fail to disclose ties to for- many also hint at the need to tweak some pose additional restrictions on visa hold-
eign governments to criminal penalties of its provisions. “We endorse [its] goals to ers, such as blocking them from attending
including jail time, require international modernize the safety and security of our open lectures or visiting laboratories doing
partners to embrace U.S. scientific norms, nation and we look forward to continuing unclassified research.
lower the size of foreign gifts that universi- to collaborate with Sen. Portman as the Again, the staffers accuse the research
ties must report, and give the White House legislation moves forward,” says Barbara community of overreacting. “We’re not
budget office new powers to oversee re- Snyder, who is stepping down this fall as locking down campuses,” one staffer says.
search security. president of Case Western Reserve Univer- But universities and other federally funded
“For nearly 2 decades, the federal gov- sity in Cleveland to lead the Association of institutions “don’t need to give everyone
ernment has been asleep at the wheel American Universities (AAU), a coalition access to everything.”
while foreign governments have exploited of 65 major research institutions. There is no companion bill in the House

the lack of transparency in our education In private, research advocates express of Representatives, and the House’s Demo-
system and bought access and influence,” grave reservations. “It violates the culture cratic leadership is more skeptical that
says Portman, who leads the Permanent of openness that is fundamental to aca- the problem of foreign influence warrants
Subcommittee on Investigations, which demic research,” one says. “I don’t think wholesale legislative changes. Little time
has issued several reports sharply critical the higher education community is going remains for the Senate to act on the leg-
of current federal efforts. “This bill will to like any of this,” says another, who, like islation before the November elections.
help us stop foreign governments from many advocates, requested anonymity be- But research advocates expect the debate
stealing our research and innovation.” cause they were not authorized to speak in Congress to continue regardless of the
The sponsors don’t hide their intended for their organization. outcome of the vote. j

SCIENCE 26 JUNE 2020 • VOL 368 ISSUE 6498 1415

Published by AAAS


NASA’s Perseverance rover aims to find out whether
ancient Mars was warm and wet or cold and dry By Paul Voosen

ASA’s newest Mars rover, Persever- size planet, so distant from a faint young Arvidson, a planetary geologist at Wash-
ance, is going back in time to the Sun, support liquid water on its surface? ington University in St. Louis. The wa-
bottom of a vanished lake. If all How much water was there, and how long ter filled the crater like a bathtub until,
goes well, in February 2021 it will did it persist? And did Mars ever spawn life? 250 meters deep, it breached the eastern
land in Jezero crater and pop the The 45-kilometer-wide crater is an in- rim. And then, just as mysteriously as it ar-
dust covers off its camera lenses. triguing target. Billions of years ago, when rived, the water disappeared.
Towering in front of it, in all like- life was just beginning on Earth, water Scientists have traced the tracks of ancient

lihood, will be a 60-meter cliff of broke through its western rim and spilled water across Mars ever since the 1970s, when
mudstone: the edge of a fossil- into its interior, carrying sediments that orbiters revealed branching valley networks
ized river delta. These lithified martian settled and piled up in thick, meandering that matched the dendritic shape of water-
sediments could hold answers to urgent braids that today can be seen from space, eroded valleys on Earth. In the 1990s, the
questions about the earliest days of Earth’s as plain as day. “It’s kind of like the Mis- Mars Global Surveyor zoomed in on deeply
chilly, parched neighbor: How did this pint- sissippi delta, but smaller,” says Raymond incised gullies that could only have been

1416 26 JUNE 2020 • VOL 368 ISSUE 6498 SCIENCE

Published by AAAS

for hundreds or thousands of years—a much intact cores, each about the size of a thick
more difficult environment for life to take piece of school chalk, and store them within
root. Along with the question of past life, says titanium tubes. The system also has to keep
Ken Farley, the mission’s project scientist and the cores safe and clean, to prevent Earth-
a geologist at the California Institute of Tech- borne microbes and molecules from being
nology (Caltech), Mars’s ancient climate “is mistaken for martian ones when the cores
the biggest unanswered question.” finally arrive back on Earth. In the end,
Perseverance will tackle both questions, engineers dreamed up a system involving
although the search for life will take longer. two robotic arms, nine drill bits, 43 sample
The rover, developed by NASA’s Jet Propul- tubes, and a rotating carousel. “When you
sion Laboratory (JPL) and set for launch look at it, you won’t think of it being sim-
next month from Cape Canaveral Air Force ple,” says Adam Steltzner, the rover’s chief
Station in Florida, is also the start of an au- engineer at JPL, “but it was the simplest we
dacious campaign that will ferry to Earth could imagine.”
about 30 samples of martian rock and grit. Building and testing that system nearly
Perseverance will gather the samples, and delayed a mission straining to meet tight
NASA and the European Space Agency deadlines. In October 2019, engineers dis-
(ESA) are designing two follow-up missions covered the tubes seized up inside the drill
to retrieve them, aiming for launches in bit when tested in martian conditions. “For
2026 (Science, 22 November 2019, p. 932). me it was a moment of despair,” Farley says.
The complex mechanisms needed to drill “How were we ever going to fix this?”
and store these cores limited the room on The problem, it turned out, was that the
board for tools to chemically analyze sam- rover was too clean. The tubes had been
ples and look for organic molecules. Until baked at 350°C for 1 hour, which not only
the samples reach labs on Earth, the ques- sterilized them, but also vaporized a hydro-
tion of whether life once existed in Jezero carbon film. The team hadn’t realized that
will probably go unanswered. “We’ll have to the film, a patina that forms on nearly any
be patient,” says Tanja Bosak, a geobiologist metal exposed to Earth’s atmosphere, was
at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology needed as a grease. After several stressful
and member of the rover’s science team. months, they developed a cleaning routine
The story of the martian climate, on the that limited the baking to 150°C and in-
other hand, will be etched across Jezero’s sur- cluded a series of chemical washes. That
face, visible to an array of rover instruments. left a small amount of the film on the
Scientists can only make a rough guess outside of the tubes but no trace inside,
at the lake’s age, but they think it formed where it might contaminate samples. “We
3.8 billion years ago, about the same time as leave nothing behind, like a good hiker,”
the valley networks, over hundreds or thou- Steltzner says.
sands of years. Unlike Curiosity’s target, Gale After the issue was resolved, another
crater, which offers a snapshot of a moment mote of organic material began to threaten
some 3.5 billion years ago when Mars was the mission’s launch. By February, the
likely drying out, Jezero and its surround- coronavirus pandemic had postponed the
ings will grant access to more than 500 mil- launch of ESA’s Rosalind Franklin rover,
lion years of martian history, including some which already had parachute problems, un-
Perseverance is thermally of the planet’s oldest terrain, says Bethany til 2022, the next Mars launch window. De-
tested in artificial sunlight. Ehlmann, a Caltech planetary scientist and termined to hit its window, NASA shuttled
It will explore more member of the science team. “We have the a skeleton crew to and from Florida for the
than 500 million years potential for a really rich history of climate.” rover’s final inspections, while most JPL en-
of martian climate. gineers did what they could from their Cali-
BY DESIGN, PERSEVERANCE borrows much fornia homes. “It’s fascinating how much of
from Curiosity: a six-wheeled chassis the size it you can do from your living room,” says
of a small SUV, an imaging turret, a radio- Jennifer Trosper, the rover’s deputy project
carved by powerful flows of water—and may isotope power source. “From the outside it manager for surface operations. “We’re used
even have glimpsed shorelines from an an- looks the same,” says Allen Chen, one of the to remote operation. We just had to move it
cient ocean. Later orbiters found evidence rover’s lead engineers at JPL. “But it’s got it back a little earlier.”
of abundant clay-bearing minerals that where it counts.” That includes advanced new In May, with the rover already stacked on
need water to form. More recently, the Cu- imaging instruments, landing capabilities, the spacecraft that would ferry it to Mars, a
riosity rover, Perseverance’s predecessor, has and a complex drilling system—innovations C-130 transport plane delivered the cleaned
charted the existence of a long-lived lake at that led its budget, originally pitched as a sample tubes, quarantined in nitrogen-
the bottom of its adopted home, Gale crater. bargain at $1.5 billion, to balloon and end up filled cases, to Cape Canaveral. Engineers
Some scientists believe the water shows matching Curiosity’s $2.7 billion price tag, loaded the tubes just before a heat shield
ancient Mars was warm for millions of years, which includes operations. sealed the rover within its landing capsule.
a favorable climate for life to emerge. Others To analyze samples in its onboard lab, A last-minute arrival of the tubes was al-
say the climate was cold and dry, punctuated Curiosity’s drill only needed to pulverize ways the plan to limit contamination risks.
by sporadic bursts of water that only lasted rock. Perseverance, in contrast, must drill Also, Trosper adds, “We just finished them.”

SCIENCE 26 JUNE 2020 • VOL 368 ISSUE 6498 1417

Published by AAAS

On 20 July, a 3-week launch window Wordsworth, a planetary scientist at Har- on the age of the lake. Mission scientists also
opens up. Seven months after an Atlas V vard University. Its ancient volcanoes could hope to find outcrops of older volcanic rocks
rocket puts it on a path to Mars, the rover have belched a lot of hydrogen, a strong but that sit below the delta mudstones, marking
will plunge through the barely there mar- short-lived greenhouse gas. Periodic bursts an eruption that occurred before the water
tian atmosphere. Just as for Curiosity, a of water could have rusted iron-bearing arrived. Those would provide an upper age
“sky crane” hovering on retrorockets will minerals, releasing more hydrogen to the limit, making it possible to roughly bracket
unspool Perseverance on a tether and air. Or asteroid strikes, more common in the lake’s existence. “When were these
lower it to the ground. But there’s an im- that era, could have released hydrogen if habitable environments in absolute time,
portant improvement: A camera on the they hit regions rich in ice or subsurface and how quickly did they come and go?”
rover’s belly will assess the landscape as it water. “For all of them you can make epi- Ehlmann asks.
descends and compare it to a stored map of sodic warming work,” Wordsworth says. As the rover rolls along the lake bottom,
safe landing spots. The sky crane will fire “But not warm and wet.” a ground-penetrating radar mounted on its
its thrusters to divert to one of these zones, The rocks in Gale crater can also support belly will fire, recording echoes that reveal
enabling the rover to land far closer to its this view, Ehlmann says. They lack certain the textures of sediment up to 10 meters
target than Curiosity did in 2012, in below the surface. “We’ll be creat-
a nearly circular, 8-kilometer-wide ing a giant ribbon of data,” says Da-
landing ellipse at the delta’s edge. vid Paige, a planetary scientist at the
University of California, Los Angeles,
FROM THAT MOMENT it will be a player and the instrument’s deputy prin-
in what Nature Geoscience dubbed cipal investigator. The reflections
a “war” over Mars’s ancient climate. could help determine whether the
What Curiosity saw at Gale crater lake was open water or covered in ice.
convinced some geologists that an- Fine mud would suggest open water;
cient Mars remained warm for mil- anomalously large stones would sug-
lions of years. Sediments probably gest ice, which could have carried
built up more slowly on Mars than on them to the middle of the lake before
Earth, so the thick sediments at Gale dropping them.
suggested “this lake almost certainly From there the rover will visit the
existed for tens of millions of years, fine-grained clay-bearing mudstones

maybe longer,” says John Grotzinger, of the lower parts of the delta. Here
the Caltech geologist who led Curios- the hunt for past life will take the
ity’s science for its first few years. lead. On Earth, such clays blanket
If so, the lake would have endured living things and preserve them as
climate variations driven by chaotic fossils. In similar clays at Gale crater,
wobbles in the planet’s tilt, which Sample tubes, baked and washed clean of microbes, were the last Curiosity scientists detected traces
varies from 10° to 60°. Something rover parts installed. NASA aims to return about 30 to Earth. of complex organic compounds that
must have kept the planet warm resembled kerogen, the feedstock of
while the lake shifted between tropical and minerals that should be present if they oil. But they could not determine whether
arctic latitudes. “Did we land in one weirdo were exposed to water for 1 million years the compounds, detected at levels of a few
place on Mars? Probably not,” Grotzinger or more. Jim Bell, a planetary scientist at dozen parts per million, were produced by
says. But what warmed the climate is a Arizona State University, Tempe, has con- ancient life, or deposited on the martian
mystery, he admits. “Something is miss- cluded that ancient Mars was probably like surface by meteorites, which often contain
ing, and we don’t know what that is yet.” Antarctica, icy and dry, with spurts of melt. complex organic molecules.
To the opposing camp, that’s grounds “More Earth-like does not mean like most Two instruments mounted at the end
for skepticism about a warm early Mars. of the Earth.” of Perseverance’s main robotic arm may
In 1991, James Kasting, a planetary scien- help tell the difference. One will fire an


tist at Pennsylvania State University, Uni- PERSEVERANCE WILL NEED the head start ultraviolet laser at the rocks; the other will
versity Park, reported that an atmosphere pro-vided by a precise landing to try to bombard them with x-rays. The radiation
of carbon dioxide (CO2) and water vapor, settle the issue. During its 2-year primary re-emitted by atoms in the rocks could re-
both greenhouse gases, was not capable of mission, it will take advantage of upgraded veal organic chemistry. Mapping any or-
keeping the ancient planet wet and warm wheels and autonomous navigation capa- ganics in a rock could also say something
for millions of years. The atmosphere would bilities to briskly traverse more than 15 kilo- about their origin. A uniform signal would
have been too thin, and the early Sun too meters—a distance Curiosity took more favor meteoritic fallout, whereas a lumpier
weak. Mars “must have had a phenomenal than 4 years to cover. The rover will collect distribution, and the presence of miner-
greenhouse effect,” Arvidson says, double its first 20 samples for an eventual return als that hint at microbe-fueling reactions,
what exists now on Earth. To this day, mission from the geologically diverse ter- could be a sign of life—and a green light to
even with more sophisticated models, “The rain it will cross. drill a sample.
climatologists haven’t figured out how to do The first samples are likely to be rocks As the rover forges a path up the delta,
it,” he adds. thought to come from an eruption that cov- the fine mudstone will give way to rough
That has led these scientists to argue that ered parts of the crater after the lake dried sandstone. The team will keep an eye out
martian water flowed in bursts lasting just up. Volcanic rocks contain trace radio- for exposures of opal-like rocks that have re-
thousands of years—brief exclamations in active elements that decay at a certain rate, cently been spotted from space. Opal forms
an eternal deep freeze. That is a Mars that a clock that lab scientists on Earth can use from a solution of silica and water, and on
climate models can simulate, says Robin to date the eruption, putting a lower limit Earth the deposits are classic fossil-hunting

1418 26 JUNE 2020 • VOL 368 ISSUE 6498 SCIENCE

Published by AAAS
River canyon
A trip through time
Next month, NASA’s Perseverance rover will head to Mars to explore the remains of a muddy river delta
more than 3 billion years old. Scientists don’t know whether the water came during a brief thaw on a cold, dry planet
or in a lasting period of warmth. The rover’s path, crossing more than 500 million years of geologic history,
could help resolve the debate. Graphic by Chris Bickel

ring Delta

Delta 3
canyon Rover’s path
Crater rim
1 0 1
0 10

Jezero crater 1 Volcanic rocks 2 Delta mudstone 3 Delta sandstone 4 Carbonates 5 Canyon mouth
After landing near—or maybe Dating lava Mud can smother Higher up the delta, Rocks formed in River deposits
on—the delta, the rover will that may have and fossilize sand grains may hold the lake’s shallows may reveal the
begin a 15-kilometer climb covered parts of microbes. Samples imprints of a lost could contain strength of the
to the crater rim, where a the crater could drilled here will magnetic field that may biosignatures and ancient water
lake may have left a ring of bound the end of be prized on return have protected a thick, clues to an ancient flows, or how
carbonate rocks. the wet episode. to Earth. warming atmosphere. greenhouse effect. often they froze.

Radioisotope power
Hunter and gatherer Three’s company
The $2.7 billion rover borrows from In July, China will launch
its predecessor, Curiosity, but has Drill Tianwen-1, an orbiter, lander,
innovations such as tougher wheels, and rover. Europe has delayed
zoomable cameras, and a drilling the launch of its Rosalind
and caching system that will gather Franklin rover to 2022.
more than 30 samples for eventual
return to Earth.

Sample entry Helicopter

door A drone the size of a Tianwen-1 Rosalind
softball will take photos in rover Franklin
short test flights, its rotors
spinning 10 times faster
than a helicopter on Earth.

Sample handling arm

Sealed container

Ejected Sample tube

sample Upside-down
tube view of caching
assembly Rock

Bit carousel
Drill bit ~8 cm
Rock collection
A drill will feed samples to a carousel and a second arm that helps
Sample entry
seal and store them. Some tubes will be dropped and others kept
on board; a later rover will retrieve them for a return flight to Earth.

SCIENCE 26 JUNE 2020 • VOL 368 ISSUE 6498 1419

Published by AAAS
Microbes in Turkey’s Lake Salda create layered mounds of carbonate called stromatolites. Jezero crater may have hosted a similar environment billions of years ago.

spots. That’s because the mineral creeps were. On Earth, such deposits are known itself is healthy enough to deliver samples
into organic layers and preserves fossil to preserve fossilized stromatolites, bumpy to the Earth return mission.
structures, Bosak says. “That’s where we cauliflowerlike mounds formed by the After the primary mission, many on
find the most beautifully preserved micro- growth of bacteria. “They are an ideal place the team will be eager to escape the delta
bial mats.” The rover’s cameras will search to look for past life,” says Briony Horgan, for the ancient, mysterious terrain to the
for such structures, but Bosak doubts they a planetary scientist at Purdue Univer- west. Deposits of clay and carbonate seen
will be seen—even on Earth, they are not sity. That is, she says, if the deposits were there also needed water to form. If bands
often apparent until polished in the lab. formed by the lake, and not by hot water of water-weathered rock capped by water-
The sand grains, washed in by the long- created by the crater-forming impacts. deposited sediments are visible on its me-
lost river, could also say something about If the lake was responsible for the car- sas, a temperate climate may have prevailed.
what caused Mars’s early warmth—whether bonate deposits, they will offer a window Alternatively, as Ehlmann and others be-
steady or intermittent—to dissipate after on the ancient martian atmosphere, which lieve, this landscape could be what’s left of
the delta formed. Some of the sand grains, supplied the CO2 that formed them. By an icy subsurface that was heated by nearby
eroded from volcanic rocks, will contain comparing carbon isotopes from carbon- giant impacts 4 billion years ago and turned
radioactive isotopes that make it possible ates in the bathtub ring and in older rocks into an underground hydrothermal system
to date them. Scientists on Earth will also outside the crater, scientists could learn capable of fostering life. “That would point
examine certain minerals to look for the how levels of atmospheric CO2—and the to an ancient Mars that was habitable, but
frozen imprint of a magnetic field. Mars is greenhouse effect it drives—changed over not so warm,” she says.
believed to have had a magnetic field early this time. Whatever answers the rover finds, it
in its history, generated by a molten dynamo The outcrops around these shallows, will mark the end of an era on Mars. For
in the planet’s interior. The field would have near the entry point of the river, could decades, NASA has dominated exploration
failed as the dynamo cooled and shut down, also betray something about the climate of the planet’s surface, culminating in the
and some believe that explains Mars’s radi- at the time the delta was laid down, says increasingly ambitious rovers of the past
cal change in climate. A weakening field Timothy Goudge, a planetary scientist at 2 decades. “We’ve had the privilege and
could have allowed charged particles from the University of Texas, Austin. Layering in responsibility to do a systematic investiga-
the Sun to erode the planet’s once-thick the outcrops will reveal how much water tion of a planet,” says Jim Watzin, director
atmosphere. Water would have escaped to was needed to form the delta, how long it of NASA’s Mars Exploration Program. Other
space, making the planet colder and drier. flowed, and whether it came in the brief nations will soon add their rovers, starting

Magnetic signatures teased out of the sand floods or steady flows. Cracks in river bot- with China this year (see sidebar, p. 1420).
grains could show whether the decline of tom rocks could be wedges opened up by But Perseverance also kicks off a new era.
the field preceded—and perhaps caused— continuous freeze-thaw cycles—a sign of The sample return effort it anchors “will
the climate change. persistent frigid conditions. be the first round trip to another planet
The shallows will likely mark the end of by humanity,” Watzin says. Bringing Mars
AFTER NEARLY 2 YEARS of frantic drilling, the the primary mission. But the rover ought to to Earth will enable scientists to probe the
rover will climb one of the delta’s fingers have many more years left on its odometer. secrets of the Red Planet more deeply. If
to reach the shores of Jezero’s paleolake, Engineers want the rover, while still healthy, humans follow in the rover’s tracks in the
fast against the crater’s edge. Orbiters have to drop some samples on flat, accessible coming decades, as the United States and
spotted a bathtub ring of carbonate rocks terrain where a later mission can retrieve China have vowed, the terrain they encoun-
running around the crater rim in a narrow them. But it may drill some sites twice, and ter may seem strange. But it will be famil-
band, likely where the lake’s warm shallows it will continue to collect—in case the rover iar ground. j

SCIENCE 26 JUNE 2020 • VOL 368 ISSUE 6498 1421

Published by AAAS

Mars mission would put China among space leaders

By Dennis Normile or rover missions to Mars, only 10 have Landing is not the only objective, how-
been successful. Nine of those 10 were ever. “Our goal is to explore and gather as

ASA’s Perseverance rover may have NASA missions. A Russian probe landed much scientific data as possible,” CNSA
company on the Red Planet. China successfully, but almost immediately lost chief mission architect Zhang Rongqiao
aims to leap to the front ranks in plan- communications. said during a July 2019 lecture on the
etary exploration with an ambitious Scientists involved in Tianwen-1 said mission. The orbiter aims to study the
Mars mission, its first independent they did not have permission from the martian magnetic field and atmosphere.
bid to reach the planet. Tianwen-1—“quest China National Space Administration With a high-resolution camera, it will map
for heavenly truth”—consists of not only (CNSA) to speak to the press, and the the surface and characterize its geology.
an orbiter, but also a lander and a rover, a agency did not respond to questions. The as-yet-unnamed, 240-kilogram
trifecta no other nation has accomplished Although state media have run stories rover, the size of a small golf cart and one-
on its first Mars bid. “A successful landing about the mission, there is nothing like quarter the weight of Perseverance, carries
would put China among elite company,” the fanfare that accompanies a NASA six scientific instruments. Among them is
says Mason Peck, an aerospace engineer Mars landing. Several sources within a ground-penetrating radar (GPR) that,
at Cornell University. China’s space community believe the along with one on Perseverance, will be the
first such devices on Mars, able to map
subsurface features that orbiting radars
see only dimly. “You can really investigate
layering, structures, and the presence of
permafrost or ice,” says Elena Pettinelli, a
geophysicist at Roma Tre University, who
has helped analyze GPR data from China’s
Chang’e 3 and 4 missions to the Moon.
Tianwen-1 will take 7 months to reach
Mars, and it will be several more months
before the orbiter releases the lander,
according to a 2017 paper outlining the
mission in Science China Technological
Sciences. After trundling off a ramp on the
lander, the solar-powered rover is expected
to operate for at least 90 martian days, us-
ing the orbiter as a communications relay.
The orbiter will keep going for about one
martian year, or roughly 23 months.
Dean Cheng, a China policy expert at
the Heritage Foundation, a conservative
U.S. think tank, says beyond demonstrat-
ing technological prowess, China wants to
contribute “to the global pool of knowl-
The as-yet-unnamed Tianwen-1 rover is the size of a small golf cart and one-quarter the weight of NASA’s edge.” It believes “great powers are also
Perseverance. The solar-powered rover is expected to operate for at least 90 days. scientific powers,” he says.
Tianwen-1 is not the only upcom-
Due to launch in July, the mission, if suc- agency is muting publicity to temper ing demonstration of those ambitions.
cessful, would mark dramatic progress for expectations for a risky mission. Later this year, China plans to launch its
China’s space program. In recent years it China has not yet announced which Chang’e 5 mission, which would return
has fielded several lunar landers but made of two candidate landing sites it prefers. the first Moon rocks since the last Soviet
only one attempt on Mars, an orbiter that Both are flat, smooth plains not far from Union Luna mission in 1976; it will likely
piggybacked on a failed 2011 Russian mis- where NASA’s Viking 1 and Viking 2 landers attempt a far-side sample return mission
sion to the martian moon Phobos. touched down in 1976. The low-lying sites after that.
A Mars landing is among the most give the lander’s parachute more time CNSA officials have suggested that if
challenging feats in spaceflight. Unlike the to work. Although scientists might have Tianwen-1 and Chang’e 5 go well, China
Moon, Mars has an atmosphere, which preferred a more rugged site at higher could attempt to return samples from

means landers need protection from the elevations with more interesting geology, “I Mars beginning around 2030. That
heat generated during descent. But its speculate [CNSA engineers] are looking to timeline puts it on the heels of the NASA–
air is too thin for a parachute alone to particularly demonstrate a safe landing,” European Space Agency sample return
slow a lander; retrorockets are needed says Jim Bell, a planetary scientist at Ari- mission—but not by much.
as well. And the entire sequence must zona State University, Tempe, and veteran
be executed autonomously. Of 18 lander of several Mars rover missions. With reporting by Bian Huihui.

1420 26 JUNE 2020 • VOL 368 ISSUE 6498 SCIENCE

Published by AAAS

Correctly fitted masks are

an important tool to reduce
airborne transmission of
SARS-CoV-2, particularly in
enclosed spaces, such as on this
PERSPECTIVES Moscow Metro train in Russia.


Reducing transmission of SARS-CoV-2

Masks and testing are necessary to combat asymptomatic spread in aerosols and droplets

By Kimberly A. Prather1, Chia C. Wang2,3, portion of the spread of coronavirus disease Humans produce respiratory droplets
Robert T. Schooley4 2019 (COVID-19) appears to be occurring ranging from 0.1 to 1000 µm. A competi-

through airborne transmission of aerosols tion between droplet size, inertia, gravity,

espiratory infections occur through produced by asymptomatic individuals dur- and evaporation determines how far emit-
the transmission of virus-containing ing breathing and speaking (1–3). Aerosols ted droplets and aerosols will travel in air (4,
droplets (>5 to 10 µm) and aerosols can accumulate, remain infectious in in- 5). Larger respiratory droplets will undergo
(≤5 µm) exhaled from infected indi- door air for hours, and be easily inhaled gravitational settling faster than they evapo-
viduals during breathing, speaking, deep into the lungs. For society to resume, rate, contaminating surfaces and leading to
coughing, and sneezing. Traditional measures designed to reduce aerosol trans- contact transmission. Smaller droplets and
respiratory disease control measures are mission must be implemented, including aerosols will evaporate faster than they can
designed to reduce transmission by drop- universal masking and regular, widespread settle, are buoyant, and thus can be affected
lets produced in the sneezes and coughs of testing to identify and isolate infected by air currents, which can transport them
infected individuals. However, a large pro- asymptomatic individuals. over longer distances. Thus, there are two

1422 26 JUNE 2020 • VOL 368 ISSUE 6498 SCIENCE

Published by AAAS
major respiratory virus transmission path- areas (8). Estimates using an average sputum In outdoor environments, numerous fac-
ways: contact (direct or indirect between viral load for SARS-CoV-2 indicate that 1 min tors will determine the concentrations and
people and with contaminated surfaces) and of loud speaking could generate >1000 vi- distance traveled, and whether respiratory
airborne inhalation. rion-containing aerosols (9). Assuming viral viruses remain infectious in aerosols. Breezes
In addition to contributing to the extent of titers for infected super-emitters (with 100- and winds often occur and can transport in-
dispersal and mode of transmission, respira- fold higher viral load than average) yields fectious droplets and aerosols long distances.
tory droplet size has been shown to affect the an increase to more than 100,000 virions in Asymptomatic individuals who are speaking
severity of disease. For example, influenza vi- emitted droplets per minute of speaking. while exercising can release infectious aero-
rus is more commonly contained in aerosols The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and sols that can be picked up by airstreams (10).
with sizes below 1 µm (submicron), which Prevention (CDC) recommendations for so- Viral concentrations will be more rapidly
lead to more severe infection (4). In the case cial distancing of 6 feet and hand washing to diluted outdoors, but few studies have been
of severe acute respiratory syndrome corona- reduce the spread of SARS-CoV-2 are based carried out on outdoor transmission of SARS-
virus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), it is possible CoV-2. Additionally, SARS-CoV-2
that submicron virus-containing can be inactivated by ultraviolet ra-
aerosols are being transferred deep Masks reduce airborne transmission diation in sunlight, and it is likely
into the alveolar region of the lungs, Infectious aerosol particles can be released during breathing and sensitive to ambient temperature
where immune responses seem to speaking by asymptomatic infected individuals. No masking maximizes and relative humidity, as well as
be temporarily bypassed. SARS- exposure, whereas universal masking results in the least exposure. the presence of atmospheric aero-
CoV-2 has been shown to replicate sols that occur in highly polluted
three times faster than SARS-CoV-1 Particle size (mm) areas. Viruses can attach to other
and thus can rapidly spread to the 100 10 1 0.1 particles such as dust and pollution,
pharynx, from which it can be shed which can modify the aerodynamic
before the innate immune response Infected, asymptomatic Healthy characteristics and increase disper-
becomes activated and produces sion. Moreover, people living in ar-
symptoms (6). By the time symp- eas with higher concentrations of
toms occur, the patient has trans- air pollution have been shown to
mitted the virus without knowing. have higher severity of COVID-19
Identifying infected individuals (11). Because respiratory viruses can
to curb SARS-CoV-2 transmission remain airborne for prolonged pe-
is more challenging compared to riods before being inhaled by a po-
SARS and other respiratory viruses Maximum tential host, studies are needed to
because infected individuals can exposure characterize the factors leading to
be highly contagious for several loss of infectivity over time in a va-
days, peaking on or before symp- riety of outdoor environments over
toms occur (2, 7). These “silent a range of conditions
shedders” could be critical drivers Given how little is known about
of the enhanced spread of SARS- the production and airborne be-
CoV-2. In Wuhan, China, it has been havior of infectious respiratory
estimated that undiagnosed cases droplets, it is difficult to define a
of COVID-19 infection, who were safe distance for social distancing.
presumably asymptomatic, were Minimum Assuming SARS-CoV-2 virions are
responsible for up to 79% of viral exposure contained in submicron aerosols,
infections (3). Therefore, regular, as is the case for influenza virus, a
widespread testing is essential to identify and on studies of respiratory droplets carried good comparison is exhaled cigarette smoke,
isolate infected asymptomatic individuals. out in the 1930s. These studies showed that which also contains submicron particles and
Airborne transmission was determined to large, ~100 µm droplets produced in coughs will likely follow comparable flows and dilu-
play a role during the SARS outbreak in 2003 and sneezes quickly underwent gravitational tion patterns. The distance from a smoker at
(1, 4). However, many countries have not yet settling (1). However, when these studies which one smells cigarette smoke indicates
acknowledged airborne transmission as a were conducted, the technology did not exist the distance in those surroundings at which
possible pathway for SARS-CoV-2 (1). Recent for detecting submicron aerosols. As a com- one could inhale infectious aerosols. In an
studies have shown that in addition to drop- parison, calculations predict that in still air, a enclosed room with asymptomatic individu-
lets, SARS-CoV-2 may also be transmitted 100-µm droplet will settle to the ground from als, infectious aerosol concentrations can
through aerosols. A study in hospitals in 8 feet in 4.6 s, whereas a 1-µm aerosol par- increase over time. Overall, the probability
Wuhan, China, found SARS-CoV-2 in aerosols ticle will take 12.4 hours (4). Measurements of becoming infected indoors will depend
further than 6 feet from patients, with higher now show that intense coughs and sneezes on the total amount of SARS-CoV-2 inhaled.
concentrations detected in more crowded that propel larger droplets more than 20 feet Ultimately, the amount of ventilation, num-
can also create thousands of aerosols that can ber of people, how long one visits an indoor

Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of travel even further (1). Increasing evidence facility, and activities that affect airflow will
California San Diego, La Jolla, CA 92037, USA. 2Department
for SARS-CoV-2 suggests the 6 feet CDC rec- all modulate viral transmission pathways
of Chemistry, National Sun Yat-sen University, Kaohsiung,
Taiwan 804, Republic of China. 3Aerosol Science Research ommendation is likely not enough under and exposure (10). For these reasons, it is im-
Center, National Sun Yat-Sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan many indoor conditions, where aerosols can portant to wear properly fitted masks indoors
804, Republic of China. 4Department of Medicine, Division remain airborne for hours, accumulate over even when 6 feet apart. Airborne transmis-
of Infectious Diseases and Global Public Health, School of
Medicine, University of California San Diego, La Jolla, CA time, and follow airflows over distances fur- sion could account, in part, for the high sec-
92093, USA. Email: ther than 6 feet (5, 10). ondary transmission rates to medical staff, as

SCIENCE 26 JUNE 2020 • VOL 368 ISSUE 6498 1423

Published by AAAS

well as major outbreaks in nursing facilities. able prices, and increasing the production of GENETICS
The minimum dose of SARS-CoV-2 that leads masks. In other countries, there have been
to infection is unknown, but airborne trans-
mission through aerosols has been docu-
mented for other respiratory viruses, includ-
widespread shortages of masks, resulting in
most residents not having access to any form
of medical mask (15). This striking difference
ing measles, SARS, and chickenpox (4).
Airborne spread from undiagnosed infec-
tions will continuously undermine the effec-
in the availability and widespread adoption
of wearing masks likely influenced the low
number of COVID-19 cases.
after genome
tiveness of even the most vigorous testing,
tracing, and social distancing programs. After
evidence revealed that airborne transmis-
Aerosol transmission of viruses must be
acknowledged as a key factor leading to the
spread of infectious respiratory diseases.
sion by asymptomatic individuals might be a Evidence suggests that SARS-CoV-2 is silently Genetic interactions in yeast
key driver in the global spread of COVID-19, spreading in aerosols exhaled by highly con- reveal factors governing
the CDC recommended the use of cloth face tagious infected individuals with no symp-
coverings. Masks provide a critical barrier, toms. Owing to their smaller size, aerosols duplicate gene retention
reducing the number of infectious viruses
in exhaled breath, especially of asymptom-
may lead to higher severity of COVID-19
because virus-containing aerosols penetrate
and divergence
atic people and those with mild symptoms more deeply into the lungs (10). It is essen-
(12) (see the figure). Surgical mask mate- tial that control measures be introduced to By Ian M. Ehrenreich
rial reduces the likelihood and severity of reduce aerosol transmission. A multidisci-

COVID-19 by substantially reducing airborne plinary approach is needed to address a wide enome duplication generates an
viral concentrations (13). Masks can also range of factors that lead to the production extra copy of nearly all genes car-
protect uninfected individuals from SARS- and airborne transmission of respiratory ried by an organism, providing a
CoV-2 aerosols and droplets (13, 14). Thus, it viruses, including the minimum virus ti- potential substrate for evolution.
is particularly important to wear masks in ter required to cause COVID-19; viral load Although many duplicate genes will
locations with conditions that can accumu- emitted as a function of droplet size before, be eliminated after a genome dupli-
late high concentrations of viruses, such as during, and after infection; viability of the cation, those that are retained may evolve
health care settings, airplanes, restaurants, virus indoors and outdoors; mechanisms of distinct functions over time. This pro-
and other crowded places with reduced ven- transmission; airborne concentrations; and cess can be studied by characterizing the
tilation. The aerosol filtering efficiency of dif- spatial patterns. More studies of the filtering shared and divergent functions of dupli-
ferent materials, thicknesses, and layers used efficiency of different types of masks are also cate genes in present-day organisms whose
in properly fitted homemade masks was re- needed. COVID-19 has inspired research that ancestors experienced genome duplication
cently found to be similar to that of the medi- is already leading to a better understanding in the past. However, such work requires
cal masks that were tested (14). Thus, the op- of the importance of airborne transmission of examining the functional relationships
tion of universal masking is no longer held respiratory disease. j between each copy of a duplicated gene
back by shortages. and the other genes in the genome. This
From epidemiological data, places that have
1. L. Morawska, J. Cao, Environ. Int. 139, 105730 (2020).
been most effective in reducing the spread of
COVID-19 have implemented universal mask-
E. L. Anderson et al., Risk Anal. 40, 902 (2020).
S. Asadi et al., Aerosol Sci. Technol. 54, 635 (2020). “...duplicate gene retention and
4. R. Tellier et al., BMC Infect. Dis. 19, 101 (2019).
ing, including Taiwan, Japan, Hong Kong,
Singapore, and South Korea. In the battle
5. R. Mittal, R. Ni, J.-H. Seo, J. Fluid Mech. 10.1017/
jfm.2020.330 (2020).
divergence heavily depended
against COVID-19, Taiwan (population 24
million, first COVID-19 case 21 January 2020)
6. H. Chu et al., Clin. Infect. Dis. 10.1093/cid/ciaa410
on whether the different
did not implement a lockdown during the
X. He et al., Nat. Med. 26, 672 (2020).
Y. Liu et al., Nature 10.1038/s41586-020-2271-3 (2020). functions of these genes were
pandemic, yet maintained a low incidence of
441 cases and 7 deaths (as of 21 May 2020). By
9. V. Stadnytskyi et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A.
202006874 (2020). entangled (i.e., unable
10. G. Buonanno, L. Stabile, L. Morawska, Environ. Int. 141,
contrast, the state of New York (population
~20 million, first COVID case 1 March 2020), 11.
105794 (2020).
E. Conticini, B. Frediani, D. Caro, Environ. Pollut. 261,
to evolve independently).”
had a higher number of cases (353,000) and 114465 (2020).
12. N. H. L. Leung et al., Nat. Med. 26, 676 (2020).
deaths (24,000). By quickly activating its is inherently difficult for duplicate genes
13. J. F.-W. Chan et al., Clin. Infect. Dis. 10.1093/cid/ciaa644
epidemic response plan that was established (2020). because of their redundancy. However, on
after the SARS outbreak, the Taiwanese gov- 14. A. Konda et al., ACS Nano 10.1021/acsnano.0c03252 page 1445 of this issue, Kuzmin et al. (1)
ernment enacted a set of proactive measures (2020). show that systematic analysis of di- and
15. C. C. Leung, T. H. Lam, K. K. Cheng, Lancet 395, 945
that successfully prevented the spread of (2020). trigenic genetic interactions in budding
SARS-CoV-2, including setting up a central yeast can overcome this challenge. With
epidemic command center in January, using ACKNOWLEDGMENTS this approach, they discover general con-
technologies to detect and track infected pa- The authors thank S. Strathdee, D. Petras, and L. Marr for straints that influence the retention and
helpful discussions. K.A.P. is supported by the NSF Center
tients and their close contacts, and perhaps for Aerosol Impacts on Chemistry of the Environment divergence of duplicate genes.
most importantly, requesting people to wear (CHE1801971). R.T.S. is supported by the National Institute In 1970, it was proposed that gene dupli-
masks in public places. The government also of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (R01 AI131424). C.C.W. is cation provides the critical fuel for evolu-
supported by the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST
ensured the availability of medical masks by 108-2113-M-110-003) and the Higher Education Sprout tion (2). Owing to their functional redun-
banning mask manufacturers from exporting Project of the Ministry of Education, Taiwan, ROC. dancy, it was hypothesized that duplicate
them, implementing a system to ensure that Published online 27 May 2020 genes are able to evolve in ways that sin-
every citizen could acquire masks at reason- 10.1126/science.abc6197 gle-copy genes cannot. Over time, different

1424 26 JUNE 2020 • VOL 368 ISSUE 6498 SCIENCE

Published by AAAS
copies of a duplicate gene might Duplicate gene evolution functions of these genes were en-
diverge to have distinct or even After genome duplication, how duplicate genes evolve depends on functional tangled (i.e., unable to evolve in-
new functions. These ideas pre- entanglements. When entanglement is high, one copy is likely to be lost. dependently). Such functional en-
ceded genome sequencing by de- By contrast, when entanglement is low, the chance that both copies will be tanglements influenced how the
cades and were difficult to study retained and able to diverge is higher. Duplicate genes with intermediate copies of a duplicate gene accu-
empirically when first proposed. levels of entanglement may be retained but are less able to diverge. mulated degenerative mutations
However, duplicate genes were over time. High entanglement
subsequently found to be preva- tended to result in one duplicate
lent in the genomes of many or- Ancestral gene gene copy amassing degenerative
ganisms, supporting their poten- Function mutations and being lost (see the
tial importance to evolution (3, 4). figure). When entanglement was
Gene duplication arises through Genome duplication
lower, duplicate genes were more
a variety of mechanisms and can likely to be retained, with their
occur on scales ranging from functional divergence inversely
individual genes to entire ge- related to their entanglement.
Copy 1
nomes (2). Evidence of genome This suggests that the two classes
duplication exists in a number of duplicate genes that were found
of eukaryotic lineages (5). These Copy 2
in budding yeast possess different
genome duplications likely en- levels of entanglement.
hanced organisms’ robustness to Increasingly, evidence shows
genetic and environmental per- that evolution after genome du-
turbations, although they might Evolution over time plication is not entirely random
have also facilitated evolution- (1, 10, 15). For many duplicate
ary innovations (5). The budding genes, the potential for retention
yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae— High Intermediate Low and divergence is constrained
the same organism used to make entanglement entanglement entanglement by functional entanglements (1).
beer, bread, and wine—is an ex- Copy 1 Copy 1 Copy 1 This finding provides further in-
cellent model system for studying sight about how genome duplica-
how duplicate genes evolve after tion contributes to evolution. For
genome duplication. The ances- Copy 2 lost Copy 2 Copy 2 example, it bolsters the idea that
tor of this organism experienced many duplicate genes, as a result
a genome duplication, and hun- of their limited ability to evolve,
dreds of duplicate genes produced may contribute more to robust-
by this event have been retained (6). These tionships (11). A genetic interaction occurs ness than to innovation (3–5). Yet it also
duplicate genes provide a foundation when a combination of mutations, such as indicates that particular duplicate genes
for research on duplicate gene retention deletions, exhibits unexpected phenotypic have greater potential to facilitate inno-
and divergence. consequences (12). Although most studies vation because they may be less affected
Numerous approaches have been used focus on digenic interactions, analysis of by entanglements. These points illustrate
to study these duplicate genes in budding genetic interactions among three or more how determining the shared and divergent
yeast, including comparative genomics (7), genes can also provide important biological functions of duplicate genes in organisms
transcriptomics (8), and single gene dele- insights (13, 14). such as budding yeast can improve the un-
tions (9). This work suggests that retained Kuzmin et al. used trigenic genetic in- derstanding of the evolutionary process. j
duplicate genes are enriched for essential teraction analysis to measure the shared
cellular components (7). They also show and distinct functional relationships of
1. E. Kuzmin et al., Science 368, aaz5667 (2020).
much greater transcriptional divergence duplicate genes. They examined 240 pairs 2. S. Ohno, Evolution by Gene Duplication (Springer, 1970).
than protein sequence divergence (8). of nonessential duplicate genes in budding 3. A. Force et al., Genetics 151, 1531 (1999).
Potentially consistent with this last point, yeast. To do this, they combined single and 4. M. Lynch, J. S. Conery, Science 290, 1151 (2000).
individual deletion of many duplicate double gene deletions for each duplicate 5. K. D. Crow, G. P. Wagner, SMBE Tri-National Young
Investigators, Mol. Biol. Evol. 23, 887 (2006).
genes has little phenotypic effect, which gene pair with a library of ~1200 single 6. K. H. Wolfe, D. C. Shields, Nature 387, 708 (1997).
implies that both copies maintain overlap- gene deletions spanning all major cellular 7. I. Wapinski, A. Pfeffer, N. Friedman, A. Regev, Nature 449,
ping function (9). processes. This produced 537,911 double- 54 (2007).
This past work was unable to directly mutant and 256,861 triple-mutant yeast 8. X. Gu, Z. Zhang, W. Huang, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A.
102, 707 (2005).
probe the functional relationships between strains, resulting in the detection (through
9. Z. Gu et al., Nature 421, 63 (2003).
duplicate genes and the other genes in the phenotypic changes) of 7197 digenic and 10. G. Diss et al., Science 355, 630 (2017).
genome. Such information is the most use- 4557 trigenic genetic interactions. On the 11. B. VanderSluis et al., Mol. Syst. Biol. 6, 429 (2010).
ful for understanding how duplicate genes basis of these genetic interactions, Kuzmin 12. M. Costanzo et al., Science 353, aaf1420 (2016).

13. E. Kuzmin et al., Science 360, eaao1729 (2018).

have functionally diverged, but is also more et al. distinguished two main classes of
14. M. B. Taylor, I. M. Ehrenreich, Trends Genet. 31, 34
difficult to obtain (10). Analysis of genetic in- duplicate genes: those that are more func- (2015).
teractions is one potential high-throughput tionally divergent, and those that have re- 15. A. Marchant et al., eLife 8, e46754 (2019).
strategy for mapping these functional rela- tained a high degree of functional overlap.
In silico modeling informed by the ge-
Thanks to the Ehrenreich lab members for feedback. The
netic interaction data revealed that dupli- author is supported by NIH grant R35GM130381.
Molecular and Computational Biology Section, Department
of Biological Sciences, University of Southern California, Los cate gene retention and divergence heav-
Angeles, CA 90089, USA. Email: ily depended on whether the different 10.1126/science.abc1796

SCIENCE 26 JUNE 2020 • VOL 368 ISSUE 6498 1425

Published by AAAS


Action spectra of chiral secondary structure

Mass spectra of DNA complexes photoreduced with polarized light reveal their handedness

By Perdita Barran looked like tartaric acid crystals and one of the other, like a left and a right hand.
that did not. He repeated Biot’s experiment Pasteur named this phenomenon chirality

ouis Pasteur has particular resonance with a 50-50 mixture of these crystals and (from kheir, the Greek word for hand). It
in the midst of the coronavirus dis- found that this solution would not rotate soon became evident that this is a property
ease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, the polarized light. From these observa- of fundamental importance to chemistry,
given his work on the germ theory of tions, Pasteur concluded that each crystal where different substituents on tetravalent
disease that led to the development had an intrinsic property, and that the ma- carbon create a chiral center.
of vaccines for rabies and anthrax. terial in each crystal was the mirror image Naturally occurring biopolymers such as
Some years before these better- proteins and DNA are made of mo-
known discoveries, Pasteur had nomeric units with such chiral cen-
already made a great contribution An exciting way to measure handedness ters. When these repeat at regular
to science with his observation of Molecular handedness (chirality) is usually measured with circular intervals, they favor repeating non-
molecular chirality in crystals (1). dichroism, in which the direction of polarized light is rotated by covalent interactions that give rise
Chirality is a fundamental property absorption of light by molecules in solution. Daly et al. determined to distinctive secondary structural
of molecular asymmetry, which in such spectra for individual molecules in the gas phase. motifs with characteristic optical
turn dictates the secondary struc- signatures. Circular dichroism, the
ture of proteins and gives rise to Gas-phase photoexcitation modern version of the experiments
handedness in DNA helices. Some Charged DNA molecules are introduced to the mass spectrometer of Biot and Pasteur, measures the
170 years later, on page 1465 of this with an electrospray source and irradiated with circularly absorbance of polarized light and
issue, Daly et al. (2) present a new polarized laser light, which excites photoelectrons with an efciency can verify, for example, that sec-
that is dependent on the rotation.
method, mass-resolved electronic ondary structures of proteins are
circular dichroism (CD) ion spec- Light Polarized laser
correctly folded. However, CD mea-
troscopy, that allows the chirality rotation light pulses sures the aggregate effect of a mix-
of secondary structures—in this e– ture and can be insensitive to the

case, isolated guanine-rich DNA e – presence of an enantiomer at lower
e– e
quadruplexes—to be unambigu- Electrospray DNA to – concentrations, or to the particular
Photoelectrons e
ously defined. mass spectrometer form of the molecule that is caus-
In the 1830s, the acceptance of e– ing the optical rotation.
the concept of chemical structure To address this limitation, Daly
was some decades away, but devel- e– et al. built an experimental appara-
opments in optics were revealing e– tus that can make precise measure-
regularity in the ordering of crys- ments of chirality in biomolecules
talline materials at a submicrom- –
e– e– (see the figure). Unlike an optical
eter level. Light could be filtered absorption experiment in solution,
through polarizing optics, such Right-handed DNA Left-handed DNA the optical source (laser excitation)
as Nicol prisms. Although not un- releases characteristic photoelec-
derstood at the time, this process trons that lead to charge-reduced
Taking action [DNA] 5–
causes the oscillating electric field Photoexcitation reduces ions, so this method is an action
of the light to move in only one the negative charge state of spectroscopy. Electrospray ioniza-
direction. Using a polarized light the parent ion. The product tion introduces guanine-rich DNA

source, Jean-Baptiste Biot (3) ob- ion has the same mass and quadruplex molecules of different
thus a higher mass-to-charge
served that a saturated solution of ratio, and reduced intensity as [DNA]4–• chirality into the vacuum chamber
tartaric acid would rotate the po- not all parent ions photoexcite. of a mass spectrometer. This trans-
larized light clockwise or anticlock- fer is performed carefully under
Parent ion
wise, but he presented no explana- Mass-to-charge ratio conditions that aim to leave the
Charge-reduced product
tion for this phenomenon. solvated structure unperturbed. A
Some 20 years later, in 1848, few thousand molecular ions are
Pasteur crystallized paratartaric Circular 0.02 trapped and irradiated with polar-
Asymmetry factor

acid, produced from overboiled Left-handed DNA ized laser light.


dichroism spectra 0.01

wine, and noticed that it produced A circular dichroism The masses of the left- and right-
two types of crystals, one that spectrum is recorded 0 handed forms of these DNA com-
by monitoring the plexes are identical, so mass spec-
relative intensity of charge- Right-handed DNA trometry alone cannot determine
Department of Chemistry and Manchester reduced species (for P0.02
right- versus left-handed
chirality. Further, unlike solution
Institute of Biotechnology, University of
Manchester, Manchester, UK. excitation) at diferent 220 240 260 280 300 experiments where the concentra-
Email: laser wavelengths. Wavelength (nm) tion of molecules is high enough

1426 26 JUNE 2020 • VOL 368 ISSUE 6498 SCIENCE

Published by AAAS
that the absorbance of light can be readily PHOTOSYNTHESIS
measured, the gas-phase DNA ions are di-
lute. Instead, Daly et al. use the mass spec-
trometer to measure the action of the po-
larized light on the DNA molecule. Facile
The simplicity of robust
release of a photoelectron upon irradiation
gives a signal caused by the formation of
the charge-reduced anion. The laser light
light harvesting
pulses are polarized, so the efficiency of A universal design principle underlies
photoelectron removal depends on the he-
lix handedness. By monitoring the inten-
photosynthetic antenna systems
sity of the distinctive charge-reduced spe-
cies as a function of the polarization, they By Christopher D. P. Duffy apparent that antenna systems share several
are able to determine the chirality of the common features (3, 4). Each antenna har-

molecule. This type of experiment can iso- hotosynthetic light harvesting can bors more than one type of pigment. For ex-
late any given molecular complex because achieve a quantum efficiency that ample, light-harvesting complex II (LHCII),
each analyte is unequivocally defined by approaches 100% (that is, the conver- the major antenna protein of plants, binds
its mass-to-charge ratio. sion of 100 photons of light into 100 chlorophyll a and b and several carotenoids.
Prior work by this group revealed coex- chemically available electrons), and This allows broader coverage of the solar
isting structures formed by oligonucleo- yet it displays notable robustness in spectrum, which is further enhanced by the
tides in the presence of cations or or- the face of ever-changing external light con- fine-tuning of each pigment by its local pro-
ganic molecules (4); this work was aimed ditions. Although light harvesting varies in tein environment. A mixture of pigments are
at understanding the balance of forces structure and composition across the range bound at a high density but with specific rela-
that guide folding and self-assembly. of photosynthetic life, there is an ongoing tive distances and orientations, resulting in
Stoichiometry and quantitative measure- effort to uncover a set of common “design” energy transfer that is fast and directional.
ments of nucleic acid complexes were principles for these systems. On page 1490 The distribution of different pigments and
readily made by combining mass and ion- of this issue, Arp et al. (1) have revealed the their specific interactions with the protein
mobility spectrometries, but this approach first hints of a simple, seemingly universal ensures irreversibility, with energy flowing
could not determine chirality or details set of rules that define the robustness of downhill to the photosynthetic reaction cen-
of secondary structure. Mass-resolved natural light harvesters. These rules should ter rather than lingering in the antenna. It
electronic CD ion spectroscopy comple- inform the design of future solar technology. has been argued that these systems owe their
ments other structural mass spectrometry The main challenge facing early photosyn- efficiency to nontrivial quantum effects (5),
methods because it can provide secondary thetic life was the paucity of light that was although this has been recently challenged
structure information in addition to mo- characteristic of marine environments. This (6). Regardless, photosynthetic light harvest-
lecular identity. led to the evolution of the light-harvesting ing is considered to be a biological mecha-
Daly et al. also studied complexes of DNA “antenna”—a large modular assembly of vari- nism that is finely tuned for efficiency.
with ammonium and potassium counter- ous pigment-binding proteins that absorbs Efficiency, however, can be detrimental un-
ions and obtained a tantalizing glimpse and delivers energy to the photosynthetic der strong light conditions. A mismatch be-
of the effects of individual molecule sol- reaction centers (2). Despite major structural tween an antenna’s ability to deliver energy
vation. The wavelength dependence of and compositional differences, it has become and the finite maximum working rate of re-
the action of polarized light followed the action centers can result in oxidative damage
same trend as data obtained in solution, called photoinhibition (7). Although effective
School of Biological and Chemical Sciences, Queen Mary
albeit with differences in magnitude, in- University of London, Mile End Road, London E1 4NS, UK. repair mechanisms exist, they are slow and
dicating that structures are preserved and Email: metabolically costly. Therefore, a suite of reg-
that these gas-phase results are relevant to
molecules in solution. They extended their
measurement on human telomeric DNA se- Photosynthetic antenna that handles the noise
quences to determine enantiomeric ratios An antenna binding at least two different types of pigments, whose absolute and relative absorption
of mixtures of G-quadruplex topologies. wavelengths are finely tuned, can convert a fluctuating (i.e., noisy) input into a consistent (i.e., quiet) output.
Intriguingly, the difference in electron-
detachment efficiency for the left-handed Chlorophyll
pigments Wavelength Generic antenna network
molecule and the right-handed molecule
under a given circularly polarized light Pigment
is equivalent to the slight enantiomeric 1 Specifc energy
excess in the products—up to 1% at some pathway
wavelengths—thereby demonstrating the
high sensitivity as well as the potential of
Chlorophyll a
this new method. j


1. L. Pasteur, C. R. Séances Acad. Sci. 26, 535 (1848). Pigment reaction center
2. S. Daly, F. Rosu, V. Gabelica, Science 368, 1465 (2020). 2
3. J.-B. Biot, Mem. Acad. Sci. Inst. Fr. 15, 93 (1836).
4. M. Porrini et al., ACS Cent. Sci. 3, 454 (2017).
10.1126/science.abc1294 Chlorophyll b

SCIENCE 26 JUNE 2020 • VOL 368 ISSUE 6498 1427

Published by AAAS

ulatory and protective processes is in place to underpowered state is metabolically insuf- NEUROBIOLOGY
minimize damage. The fastest regulators ac- ficient, whereas the overpowered state risks
tivate within minutes and relax on a similar
time scale when light returns to normal (8),
but these arguably still lag behind the fastest
photoinhibition. The question then is whether
the inputs are arranged in such a way that the
output spends most of its time at the optimal
Guide cells help
fluctuations in light intensity (9).
As well, light harvesting is not finely
tuned in a molecular sense. Instead, the
state, thereby minimizing output noise.
The input channels represent different
groups of light-absorbing pigments. As
navigate axon
picture is one of robustness in the face
of external conditions (10) and even ge-
netic manipulation. An extreme example
such, they are each defined by the wave-
length and rate at which they absorb. If
their intrinsic rates (determined by chemi-
is found in the model plant Arabidopsis cal properties and stoichiometry) are as- Rebuilding the flatworm
thaliana, from which LHCII is eliminated sumed to be identical, then the overall rate visual system after injury
through genetic manipulation. In re- of absorption is determined solely by the
sponse, an ersatz antenna is formed from intensity of available light at that wave- requires guidepost-like
assemblies of the remaining minor light- length. Consider, for example, two limiting muscle cells
harvesting proteins (11). Although these regimes. If the two channels are identical
mutant plants may not thrive like their (i.e., a single channel), then antenna homo-
wild-type counterparts, they are certainly geneity minimizes internal noise. However, By Rachel Roberts-Galbraith
having a single absorbing species makes

the system very sensitive to external noise. uring embryonic development,
“…the evolutionary driving Conversely, if the two channels differ neurons project nascent axons that
force behind the development strongly in both wavelength and absorp-
tion rate, then internal noise dominates.
navigate through space to find their
targets. Axonal-growth paths forged
of photosynthetic antennae Optimum output is generated in an inter- by these pioneer axons depend on
mediate regime where the two inputs have chemical and physical cues from
is not maximization of efficiency similar wavelengths but different absorp- cells that can include guidepost cells,
but the cancellation of noise.” tion rates. This is achieved by locating the
pair in a region of the spectrum of avail-
which directly interact with nascent axons
and induce them to grow, stop, or turn
able light that has the steepest gradient. (1). A series of guidepost cells can serve as
photosynthetically competent. If there is With only this consideration in mind, Arp “stepping stones” to organize the complex
some universal organizational principle et al. predicted, with a high degree of accu- growth of an axon in space (2, 3). Although
behind light harvesting, it does not appear racy, the absorption profile of green plants, guidepost cells direct axon formation dur-
to lie in the molecular detail. purple bacteria, and green sulfur bacteria. ing embryonic development in diverse
Arp et al. have taken a new approach to in- The finding of Arp et al. is important be- model organisms, their existence often is
vestigating the question of universal organi- cause it suggests that the evolutionary driv- transient. Thus, it was unclear whether
zation. By applying network theory, they have ing force behind the development of pho- guidepost-like cells promote axon regen-
determined the most basic organizational tosynthetic antennae is not maximization eration and whether regenerative guide-
requirements necessary for a light-harvesting of efficiency but the cancellation of noise. post cells are constitutive or induced by
system to function optimally. The authors Moreover, the finding indicates that to build injury. On page 1447 of this issue, Scimone
used a very generalized model of the antenna such a system, one must start from the sim- et al. (4) pinpoint regenerative guidepost-
as a network of interconnected sites that can ple requirements of two similar absorbing like cells in the visual system of freshwater
represent individual pigment states within species that are tuned to the steepest region flatworms called planarians.
delocalized multipigment states across the (not the strongest) of the spectrum of avail- Planarians are well known for their
antenna. Energy enters this network from able light. Fine structural details are impor- ability to regenerate diverse cell types in
one or more input channels that reflect light tant, but they come as refinements to this predictable patterns even in the face of
absorption through different types of pig- simple underlying principle. j severe injuries or amputations (5). One of
ments. Two input channels were chosen as a the most recognizable features of the pla-
minimal model (see the figure), which is rea- narian body is a pair of crossed eyespots,
1. T. B. Arp et al., Science 368, 1490 (2020).
sonably representative of several real antenna 2. G. D. Scholes et al., Nat. Chem. 3, 763 (2011). which consist of pigment cells that form
systems, such as chlorophyll a and b in LHCII 3. R. Croce, H. van Amerongen, Nat. Chem. Biol. 10, 492 optic cups and photoreceptor neurons
or bacteriochlorophyll c and e in the antenna (2014). that nestle their photosensitive elements
of green sulfur bacteria (12). Absorbed en- 4. T. P. J. Krüger, R. van Grondelle, Physica B 480, 7 (2016). within the pigmented cups (6). From the
5. G. R. Engel et al., Nature 446, 782 (2007).
ergy can take many different paths through 6. D. M. Wilkins, N. S. Dattani, J. Chem. Theory Comput. 11,
eyespots, planarian photoreceptor neurons
the antenna. However, all paths terminate 3411 (2015). project axons through space to connect to
at a single output channel representing pho- 7. B. Kok, Biochim. Biophys. Acta 21, 234 (1956). the cephalic ganglia (a bilobed, horseshoe-
toinduced charge separation. Such a system 8. A. V. Ruban, M. P. Johnson, C. D. P. Duffy, Biochim. shaped brain). The eyespots are positioned
Biophys. Acta Bioenerg. 1817, 167 (2012).
is subject to a high degree of input noise. dorsally and the brain ventrally in the
9. J. Kromdijk et al., Science 354, 857 (2016).
External noise comes from rapid fluctuations 10. P. Malý, A. T. Gardiner, R. J. Cogdell, R. van Grondelle, planarian head. Thus, photoreceptor ax-
in the incident radiation, whereas internal T. Mančal, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 20, 4360 (2018). ons must project ventrally and also turn
noise originates from the structural dynam- 11. A. V. Ruban et al., J. Biol. Chem. 281, 14981 (2006). to make either contralateral or ipsilateral
12. C. M. Borrego et al., Photosynth. Res. 60, 257 (1999).
ics of the antenna. This results in a noisy
output that fluctuates between underpow- Department of Cellular Biology, University of Georgia,
ered, optimal, and overpowered states. The 10.1126/science.abc8063 Athens, GA 30602, USA. Email:

1428 26 JUNE 2020 • VOL 368 ISSUE 6498 SCIENCE

Published by AAAS
contacts (7). This highly predictable struc- lifelong capacity for neuronal replacement It remains unknown whether guidepost-
ture made planarian photoreceptor neu- and axon guidance. The new research also like cells organize the positioning of other
rons ideal for the identification of cellular addresses long-standing questions about planarian neuronal structures during re-
guideposts that direct axon organization the ubiquity of guidepost cells across the generation (for example, axons that run
during regeneration. animal kingdom. along the ventral nerve cords, axons that
Scimone et al. thus began their search One surprise in the new study is project into the planarian pharynx, or neu-
for regenerative guidepost-like cells that the identity of the guidepost-like cells. ral processes that bundle together to form
shape the planarian visual system (see the Whereas guideposts are often neurons, sensory structures) (6). Planarian guide-
figure). By investigating notum gene–ex- glia, or epithelial cells (1), Scimone et al. post-like cells might also regulate other
pressing cells (notum+) that are associated unexpectedly determined that two of the aspects of neuronal cell behavior during
with photoreceptor neurons, the authors three guidepost-like populations in the regeneration, including cell migration or
discovered three distinct cell types specifi- planarian visual system express markers of synapse formation.
cally positioned at axonal decision points muscle identity. Although previous studies After amputation, planarian guidepost-
(4). The authors first identified clusters revealed a global role for muscles in body like cells must themselves be regenerated
of muscle cells near the eyespots, called axis patterning (8), the current work illus- and positioned properly. Scimone et al. de-
NMEs (notum+ muscle cells near the eye), trates that planarian muscle cells also act termined that these cells regenerate inde-
and proposed that these cells promote the locally to shape individual organ systems pendently of photoreceptor neurons; they
bundling of axons as they exit the posterior and even to direct the physical arrange- discovered factors (intrinsic and extrinsic)
of the eyespot. A second group of muscle ment of single cells. that regulate regeneration of guidepost-
like cells and ensure their proper arrange-
ment in space. However, the precise mech-
Guidepost-like cells govern planarian regeneration anisms that direct regeneration of each cell
Three specialized cell types direct the growth and positioning of nascent axons during regeneration type remain unknown.
of the visual system. The new work raises the intriguing
possibility that human neural regenera-
tion might be improved by mimicking
Regeneration Head Eyespot the guideposts that direct vertebrate axon
Planarians are well known for their formation during development. Human
ability to regenerate after severe Brain
neurons in the brain and spinal cord usu-
injuries and amputations.
ally fail to regenerate axons after injury.
1 Posterior amputation However, introducing cellular or molecu-
Ventral Optic chiasm lar “stepping stones” along a desired axo-
nerve nal path might coax axons toward better
cord regrowth. Current and future research
investigating this theme—in fields rang-
2 Head and posterior amputation Visual system ing from bioengineering to basic develop-
guidepost cell positions mental biology—might reveal the extent
After injury or amputation, two types of
to which cues or matrices meant to mimic
muscle cells (NME, NMC) and one neuronal
cell type (NBC) guide nascent axons along guidepost-like cells can improve axon
their regeneration path. guidance for various populations of adult
3 Head amputation human neurons (12). j
notum+ brain cell (NBC) RE FE RE N CES AN D N OT ES
notum+ muscle cell near eye (NME) 1. D. L. Chao, L. Ma, K. Shen, Nat. Rev. Neurosci. 10, 262
Planarian fatworm notum+ muscle cell at choice point (NMC) (2009).
2. C. M. Bate, Nature 260, 54 (1976).
3. J. Palka, K. E. Whitlock, M. A. Murray, Curr. Opin.
cells called NMCs (notum+ muscle cells at The third population of planarian Neurobiol. 2, 48 (1992).
4. M. L. Scimone et al., Science 368, eaba3203 (2020).
the choice point) were found near decision guidepost-like cells, NBCs, were neurons. 5. M. Ivankovic et al., Development 146, dev167684 (2019).
points for axons as they diverged to project Although less surprising, this finding fits 6. K. G. Ross, K. W. Currie, B. J. Pearson, R. M. Zayas, Wiley
toward ipsilateral or contralateral contact into an emerging theme of planarian neu- Interdiscip. Rev. Dev. Biol. 6, e266 (2017).
sites. The third cluster of guidepost-like rons influencing brain regeneration in a 7. K. Okamoto, K. Takeuchi, K. Agata, Zool. Sci. 22, 535
cells were neurons called NBCs (notum+ multitude of ways, from patterning to fate
8. J. N. Witchley, M. Mayer, D. E. Wagner, J. H. Owen, P. W.
brain cells), which localized medially and choice. notum+ neurons at the anterior-most Reddien, Cell Rep. 4, 633 (2013).
worked either alone or with other medial end of the planarian brain influence brain 9. E. M. Hill, C. P. Petersen, Development 142, 4217 (2015).
neurons to promote midline crossing of scaling (9), and a population of medial neu- 10. K. W. Currie, A. M. Molinaro, B. J. Pearson, eLife 5, e19735
photoreceptor axons at the optic chiasm. rons produces Hedgehog ligand to promote
11. R. H. Roberts-Galbraith, J. L. Brubacher, P. A. Newmark,
A combination of physical and molecular neurogenesis (10). Scimone et al. also built eLife 5, e17002 (2016).
manipulations revealed that NMEs, NMCs, on the prior identification of arrowhead as

12. B. J. Hilton, F. Bradke, Development 144, 3417 (2017).

and NBCs serve as guidepost-like cells a key transcription factor–encoding gene
during regeneration to assist photorecep- that is expressed in medial neurons (includ-
R.R.-G. is supported by funding from the Alfred P. Sloan and
tor axons toward their final arrangement. ing NBCs) and influences medial patterning McKnight Foundations.
This demonstrates that highly regenerative of photoreceptors and the anterior commis-
organisms like planarians can use consti- sure, the largest connection between halves
tutive guidepost-like cells to promote a of the planarian brain (11). 10.1126/science.abc8066

SCIENCE 26 JUNE 2020 • VOL 368 ISSUE 6498 1429

Published by AAAS

A soil aggregate interacts with

microplastic (polyester) fibers.


Microplastic in terrestrial ecosystems

Research shifts from ecotoxicology to ecosystem effects and Earth system feedbacks

By Matthias C. Rillig and Anika Lehmann rather than overt chemically mediated tox- polymer carbon likely has a slow turnover,
icity. Moreover, their effects are mostly sub- because the material is mostly inert; how-

oncern about microplastics (plastic lethal or even nominally positive. Although ever, the behavior and residence time of mi-
particles <5 mm) polluting differ- the study of other global change factors has croplastics in soil are currently unknown.
ent environmental compartments is tended to focus at the level of the ecosys- We also do not know the input rate of mi-
mounting. Research has recently be- tem, research on microplastic is only now croplastic-carbon into ecosystems itself, be-
gun to embrace terrestrial systems, on the verge of this wider view. cause research hitherto has largely focused
having initially focused at least a The first step in this direction has been on quantifying particle numbers and types,
decade earlier on marine and aquatic eco- the conceptualization of the “plastic cycle” rather than on the microplastic-derived car-
systems (1–3). The early research agenda on (5, 6), acknowledging that microplastics bon itself. Originally, most of this carbon is
microplastics in both aquatic and terrestrial can move between different large-scale of fossil origin, rather than having recently
systems was mainly ecotoxicological. It in- compartments, including the air, terrestrial been fixed from the atmosphere. Because of
cluded laboratory tests on individual orga- habitats, rivers and other freshwater bodies, the resistance of microplastic to decompo-
nisms, often well-established test species and the ocean, including its sediments (7) sition, it would be expected to accumulate
(4), and also targeted selected soil proper- (see the figure). The cycle framework places in soils, where it needs to be accounted for
ties and processes. Such research is nec- these movements in the context of the pools in assessments of soil carbon storage (8), a
essary to establish baseline mechanisms, and fluxes that are inherent to ecosystem major ecosystem function.
which is important because microplastics ecology. The current challenge is to under- Other effects of microplastics will be in-
differ from other pollutants. Many of their stand how microplastic flows affect such direct and likely depend on particle shape
effects appear to be mediated by physical pools and fluxes in terrestrial ecosystems.  and size. For microplastic fibers, effects on

parameters, such as particle shape and size, Microplastics are mostly composed of soil aggregation, a key process governing
carbon, among other elements. Microplastic soil structure, are quite well established
addition to ecosystems thus represents a (9). Soil aggregates are the crumbs contrib-
Institute of Biology, Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin,
Germany. Email:; source of carbon independent of photosyn- uting to soil structure and have a central thesis and net primary production. This role in shaping the habitat of soil orga-

1430 26 JUNE 2020 • VOL 368 ISSUE 6498 SCIENCE

Published by AAAS
Microplastic fluxes and associated ecosystem feedbacks There are some critical unknowns that
Deposition and accumulation of microplastics can affect soil properties, with consequences for process rates need to be addressed before the impacts of
and net primary production (NPP), causing feedbacks to the atmosphere, including greenhouse gases (GHGs). microplastic pollution on terrestrial eco-
So far, nanoplastic has unknown consequences for this system. systems and the subsequent feedbacks can
be understood. Accurate, sensitive, low-
Atmospheric cost, and harmonized detection methods
deposition and high-throughput sample processing
are needed (14), to better understand the
carbon dioxide effects on turnover and transformation
processes in the soil. Beyond this, research
needs to cover more ecosystem types. Most
research has so far focused on agricultural
Plant systems, which are expected to contain the
Other Other largest amount of microplastics (15) be-
inputs GHGs NPP cause of input pathways (including sewage
sludge, compost, and plastic mulching).
We know much less about microplastics
in other ecosystems, such as drylands or
forests, where the microplastic dynamics
Root biomass might be quite different because of the dif-
Microplastic ferent ecosystem structures.
Shape Carbon Feedbacks to the Earth system can be ex-
pected. Microplastic itself represents fossil
carbon, which might indirectly affect rates
of net primary production and carbon stor-
Accumulation Carbon
age in soils and alter the fluxes of green-
house gases. The direction, magnitude, and
balance of these effects should be a focus
Decomposition of future research. Empirical work will need
to adopt tools such as mesocosm studies
Leaching losses (outdoor experimental systems that examine
Process rates
the natural environment under controlled
Disintegration Nanoplastic Phosphorus cycling conditions) and carefully designed field
experiments to address these problems.
Soil structure Denitrifcation Microplastic pollution is an international
problem, and international cooperation in
Bulk density Water fow
research will be key. j
1. M. C. Rillig, Environ. Sci. Technol. 46, 6453 (2012).
nisms. Additionally, carbon compounds are to change the rates of many microbial pro- 2. R. C. Thompson et al., Science 304, 838 (2004).
stored within aggregates, where they are cesses, including those in the nitrogen cy- 3. W. Wang, J. Ge, X. Yu, H. Li, Sci. Total Environ. 708, 134841
physically protected from being rapidly de- cle. An example is denitrification, a process (2020).
4. E. Huerta Lwanga et al., Environ. Sci. Technol. 50, 2685
composed. Soil aggregates also determine that occurs anaerobically, within the center
the pore space in the soil overall, in turn of soil aggregates, which reduces nitrate 5. M. S. Bank, S. V. Hansson, Environ. Sci. Technol. 53, 7177
influencing movement of gases and water, and nitrite to gaseous forms of nitrogen, in- (2019).
and the activity of associated microbial cluding nitrous oxide and nitrogen. Effects 6. J. Brahney et al., Science 368, 1257 (2020).
7. D. Mohrig, Science 368, 1055 (2020).
communities. A completely different indi- on emissions of nitrous oxide and other im- 8. M. C. Rillig, Environ. Sci. Technol. 52, 6079 (2018).
rect effect occurs because of lower soil bulk portant greenhouse gases are only now be- 9. A. A. de Souza Machado et al., Environ. Sci. Technol. 52,
density in the presence of fibers. This can ing examined (12). One study (10) found an 9656 (2018).

lead to enhanced plant growth, probably increase in arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, 10. A. A. de Souza Machado et al., Environ. Sci. Technol. 53,
6044 (2019).
because roots experience less resistance a key symbiont group that associates with 11. M. van Kleunen, A. Brumer, L. Gutbrod, Z. Zhang, Plants,
when growing (10). However, negative ef- plant roots. If generally true, this could af- People Planet 2, 157 (2020).
fects on plants, likely related to plastic ad- fect phosphorus cycling, because these sym- 12. X. Ren, J. Tang, X. Liu, Q. Liu, Environ. Pollut. 256, 113347
ditives, are also possible (11). Which types bionts transport nutrients, including phos-
13. Y. Wan, C. Wu, Q. Xue, X. Hui, Sci. Total Environ. 654, 576
of microplastics could promote or inhibit phorus, to their plant hosts. (2019).
plant biomass production is an important Plastic films, and likely fibers, may alter 14. J. Li, Y. Song, Y. Cai, Environ. Pollut. 257, 113570 (2020).
area for future research. the flow of water in soils, including evap- 15. N. Weithmann et al., Sci. Adv. 4, eaap8060 (2018).
Consequences for other element cycles oration (13). Thus, effects on ecosystem ACK N OW LE D G M E N TS
are more uncertain. Direct effects will likely water dynamics and energy balance, medi- M.C.R. acknowledges funding from an ERC Advanced Grant
be minimal, because microplastics contain ated by direct effects in soils or indirectly (694368), from the Federal Ministry of Education and
mostly negligible amounts of nitrogen and through plants, are also likely. Other possi- Research (BMBF; projects BIBS and uPlastic), and from the
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.
phosphorus (even though there are excep- ble ecosystem-level effects include altered
tions, such as polyamide). However, altera- rates of erosion owing to changes in soil
tions to soil structure would be expected aggregate stability. 10.1126/science.abb5979

SCIENCE 26 JUNE 2020 • VOL 368 ISSUE 6498 1431

Published by AAAS

ASTRONOMY planet scattering and collisions that leave a

system with the planets no longer in reso-

Multiple, quiet, and close by nance chains (7). This scenario may well have
happened for GJ 887.
The potential for life on any of the plan-
A planetary system around a nearby star offers the ets can be evaluated by looking at the likely
surface conditions. The inner planets are
prospect for atmospheric study probably too close to their host star, receiv-
ing about 2.5 and 8 times more energy from
By Melvyn B. Davies combined their data with other observations. their host star than we receive from the Sun
They found that GJ 887 has at least two plan- on Earth. However, red dwarfs are a good

lanetary systems around stars are ets, with orbital periods of 9.3 and 21.8 days, deal fainter than our own Sun, and the ten-
common, with many or most stars and a possible third planet farther out, with tative third planet with a period of ~50 days
possessing them. On page 1477 of an orbital period of ~50 days. could be in the so-called habitable zone,
this issue, Jeffers et al. (1) report the GJ 887 is not unusual in possessing plan- where the surface temperature is suitable
discovery of a multiplanet system ets so close to it. Planets are generally be- to allow liquid water (8).
around the low-mass star GJ 887. lieved to form farther away from their host Solar flares and coronal mass ejections
GJ 887 is an unusual host star, as it is rela- star and migrate inward owing to a drag pose a serious threat to our life on Earth. For
tively inactive, and the planetary system force from the protoplanetary disk from example, they could disrupt the electrical
happens to be very close to our Sun. power supply grid. But serious events
This makes the system a good candi- are rare, with the largest recent event
date for study with the to-be-launched A nearby planetary system striking Earth in 1859. Because red
James Webb Space Telescope (JWST). The red dwarf star GJ 887 is only 11 light-years away from Earth dwarfs have a higher magnetic activ-
Stars form with a range of masses, and has at least two planets orbiting it. The potential location ity, they have a much higher frequency
the vast majority being less massive of a third planet, which needs confirmation, may lie in the of flares (9). Their flares can be lethal
than the Sun. GJ 887 is a so-called red habitable zone, where liquid water is stable on the surface. to life on planets in close orbit. But GJ
dwarf and has a mass of about one- 887 is a relatively inactive red dwarf,
half that of the Sun. Many red dwarfs which makes the system particularly
are found to host planetary systems, interesting. If someone had to live
typically containing multiple, low- around a red dwarf, they would want
mass planets (2). to choose a quieter star like GJ 887.
Two methods have been used to Habitable GJ 887 is also attractive to observe
discover most planets. In the tran- zone GJ 887 ? because, at a distance of only ~11 light-
sit method, planets are found when years, it is one of the closest planetary
they periodically block out a frac- systems to Earth. This opens the pros-
tion of the starlight as they pass in pect of atmospheric study of its plan-
front of their host star. This allows ets by looking for reflected light from
many stars to be searched for orbit- them using the JWST.
ing planets simultaneously. For ex- These types of observations could
ample, some one hundred thousand tell us about the atmospheric makeup
stars were observed at the same time 0 0.2 of these planets (10–12). If further ob-
in the Kepler mission (3). However, Astronomical units Known exoplanet Possible exoplanet servations confirm the presence of
for planets to be found in this way, the third planet in the habitable zone,
their planetary orbits must be close then GJ 887 could become one of the
to edge-on as seen from Earth in order for which they formed. As planets move in- most studied planetary systems in the Solar
them to be seen to pass in front of their host ward, interactions between them can act to neighborhood. j
star. This means that only a small fraction tune the ratio of their orbital periods, for
of planets will be found using this method. example, leading to a 2:1 ratio where one
1. S. V. Jeffers et al., Science 368, 1477 (2020).
The planets around GJ 887 were discov- planet goes around once in the time it takes 2. G. D. Mulders, I. Pascucci, D. Apai, Astrophys. J. 814, 130
ered through a second approach: using the the other to go around twice (4). (2015).
3. J. J. Lissauer et al., Astrophys. J. Suppl. Ser. 197, 8 (2011).
Doppler effect to measure the radial veloc- Planetary systems have been seen with 4. G. A. L. Coleman, R. P. Nelson, Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc.
ity of the host star over time. A planet and neighboring planets in or close to these so- 457, 2480 (2016).
star orbit around a common center of mass, called orbital resonances. The TRAPPIST-1 5. M. Gillon et al., Nature 542, 456 (2017).
6. L. M. Weiss et al., Astron. J. 155, 48 (2018).
which means that the presence of a planet system is a classic example of a set of plan- 7. B. Pu, Y. Wu, Astrophys. J. 807, 44 (2015).
orbiting a star can be deduced by observ- ets in a resonance chain where all neighbor- 8. R. K. Kopparapu et al., Astrophys. J. 765, 131 (2013).
9. K. France et al., Astrophys. J. 820, 89 (2016).
ing the periodic variation in the radial speed ing planets have periods with simple integer 10. L. Kreidberg, A. Loeb, Astrophys. J. 832, L12 (2016).
of the star. The radial velocity is measured ratios (5). Planetary systems also appear 11. I. A. G. Snellen et al., Astron. J. 154, 77 (2017).
from the Doppler shift of lines observed in to be full, with no room left for additional 12. E. M. R. Kempton et al., Publ. Astron. Soc. Pac. 130,
114401 (2018).

the stellar spectra. Jeffers et al. observed planets (6). The tugging and pulling of neigh-
GJ 887 nightly over a period of 3 months and boring planets can act to change planetary ACK N OW LE D G M E N TS
orbits. This effect is damped out by the M.B.D. is supported by the project grant 2014.0017 “IMPACT”
from the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation.
protoplanetary gaseous disk. Once the disk
Lund Observatory, Department of Astronomy and
Theoretical Physics, Lund University, Lund, Sweden. is evaporated by the host star, the planetary
Email: system might become unstable, leading to 10.1126/science.abb0217

1432 26 JUNE 2020 • VOL 368 ISSUE 6498 SCIENCE

Published by AAAS
ment of competition policy with respect to
P OLICY FORUM pricing by online merchants. Each of the
specific meanings of explainability has dif-
MACHINE LEARNING ferent technical requirements, which will
imply choices about where efficiency and

“Explaining” machine learning cost might need to be sacrificed to deliver

both explainability and the desired out-
comes. Choosing which meaning is relevant

reveals policy challenges is far from a technical question (though

what can be provided depends on what is
technically feasible). Thus, those seeking
The need to make objectives explicit may expose policy explainability will need to specify, in terms
trade-offs that had previously been implicit and obscured translatable to how ML systems operate,
what exactly they mean, and what kind of
evidence would satisfy their demand (5). It
By Diane Coyle1 and Adrian Weller2,3 raised about its use in policy contexts such must also be possible to monitor whatever
as criminal justice and policing. A funda- explanations are provided, and there must

here is a growing demand to be able to mental element of the demand for explain- be practical methods to enforce compliance.
“explain” machine learning (ML) sys- ability is for explanation of what the system Furthermore, policy institutions starting
tems’ decisions and actions to human is “trying to achieve.” Most policy decision- to deploy algorithmic or ML-based deci-
users, particularly when used in con- making makes extensive use of constructive sion systems, such as the police, courts, and
texts where decisions have substantial ambiguity to pursue shared objectives with government agencies, are operating in the
implications for those affected and sufficient political consensus. There is thus a context of declining trust in some aspects
where there is a requirement for of public life. This context is
political accountability or legal important for understanding
compliance (1). Explainability demands for explainability,
is often discussed as a technical as these may in part reflect
challenge in designing ML sys- broader legitimacy demands of
tems and decision procedures, the policy-making process. If an
to improve understanding of organization is not trusted, its
what is typically a “black box” automated decision procedures
phenomenon. But some of the will likely also be distrusted.
most difficult challenges are This implies a broader need for
nontechnical and raise ques- trustworthy processes and insti-
tions about the broader ac- tutions, for “intelligent account-
countability of organizations ability” as the result of informed
using ML in their decision-mak- and independent scrutiny, com-
ing. One reason for this is that municated clearly to the public
many decisions by ML systems (6). Satisfying the demand for
may exhibit bias, as systemic explainability implies testing
biases in society lead to biases the trustworthiness of the or-
in data used by the systems (2). Will the demand for explainable ML systems for decisions in the justice system ganizations using ML systems
But there is another reason, less require more explanations from policy-makers, too? to make decisions affecting in-
widely appreciated. Because the dividuals. Evaluation requires
quantities that ML systems seek to optimize tension between political or policy decisions, comparing outcomes against a benchmark,
have to be specified by their users, explain- which trade off multiple (often incommensu- which can be the baseline situation, or a
able ML will force policy-makers to be more rable) aims and interests, and ML, typically specified desired outcome.
explicit about their objectives, and thus a utilitarian maximizer of what is ultimately Taking the demand for explainability as
about their values and political choices, ex- a single quantity and which typically entails a demand for accountability, the promise of
posing policy trade-offs that may have pre- explicit weighting of decision criteria. ML is that it could lead to more legitimate
viously only been implicit and obscured. As We focus on public policy decision-mak- and better decisions than humans can make,
the use of ML in policy spreads, there may ing using ML algorithms that learn the re- on some measure. Potential benefits are

have to be public debate that makes explicit lationships between data inputs and deci- clearly demonstrable in some forms of medi-
the value judgments or weights to be used. sion outputs. As a first step, policy-makers cal diagnosis (7) or monitoring attempted
Merely technical approaches to “explaining” need to decide among a number of possible financial fraud (8). In these domains, there
ML will often only be effective if the systems meanings of explainability. These range is general agreement on a straightforward
are deployed by trustworthy and account- from causal accounts and post hoc inter- quantity to optimize, and the incentives of
able organizations. pretations of decisions (3) to assurance that principals (citizens or customers) and agents
The promise of ML is that it could lead outcomes are reliable or fair in terms of the (public or corporate decision-makers) are
to better decisions, yet concerns have been specified objectives for the system (4). For aligned. Public concern about the use of ML
example, the explainability requirements focuses on other domains, such as marketing
Bennett Institute for Public Policy, University of for ML systems used by local authorities or policing, where there may be less agree-
Cambridge, Cambridge, UK. 2University of Cambridge, UK.
The Alan Turing Institute, London, UK. to determine benefit payments will differ ment about (or trust in) the aim of either the
Email:; greatly from those required for the enforce- ML system or the organization using it.

SCIENCE 26 JUNE 2020 • VOL 368 ISSUE 6498 1433

Published by AAAS

These concerns highlight a key chal- peting objectives comprise a first-line char- trade-offs between different objectives far
lenge posed by the use of ML in policy acterization of how conflicts will be resolved. more explicit than has been the norm pre-
decisions, which is that ML processes are Using ML systems in political contexts is ex- viously. Ultimately, the use of explainable
almost always set up to optimize an objec- tending the use of optimization; progress in ML systems in the public sector will make
tive function; this optimization goal can making these ML systems more understand- a broader debate about social objectives
be described in anthropomorphic terms able to policy-makers will make the de facto and social justice newly salient. Providing
as the “intention” of the system. Yet there choices between competing objectives more explanations requires being transparent
is often little or no explicit discussion by explicit than they have been previously (13). about the systems’ objectives — forcing clar-
policy-makers when considering using ML Greater explainability is therefore likely to ity about choices and trade-offs previously
systems about what conflicting goals, ben- have to lead to a more explicit political, not often made implicitly — and how their pre-
efits, and risks may trade off against each wholly technical, debate. dictions or decisions draw on patterns re-
other as a result. One reason for this is Distilling concrete, unambiguous ob- vealed by a fundamentally biased social and
that it is inherently challenging to specify jectives in this way may turn out to be ex- institutional system. Moreover, whereas
a concrete objective function in sociopo- tremely challenging, for ambiguity about democratic political systems often look to
litical domains (9). For example, like cur- objectives is often useful in policy-making resolve conflicts through constructive am-
rent ML systems, economists’ decisions are precisely because it blurs uncomfortable biguity—or in other words, the failure to ex-
informed by estimates of statistical rela- conflicts of interest. In many domains, poli- plain—ML systems may require ambiguous
tionships between directly observable and cies generally emerge as a pragmatic com- objectives to be resolved unequivocally. So,
unobservable variables, derived from data promise between fundamentally conflicting although the need for explainability cer-
generated by a complex environment. Yet aims. For example, people who disagree tainly poses technical challenges, it poses
economic policies such as tax changes often about whether the justice system should be political challenges too, which have not to
fail to take into account all relevant factors retributive or rehabilitative may well be able date been widely acknowledged. Yet, the
in the decision environment, or likely be- to agree on specific sentencing policies. Such increasing scope of ML, and progress in
havior changes, in specifying the objective incompletely theorized agreements “Play an delivering explainability, in politically sa-
function (10). The use of ML systems in important function in any well-functioning lient areas of policy could shine a helpful
other policy contexts will expand the scope democracy consisting of a heterogeneous spotlight on the conflicting aims and the
of such unintended consequences. population” (14, p. 1738). The omission of dis- implicit trade-offs in policy decisions, just
Given that the dominant paradigm of ma- cussion of ultimate aims can make it easier as it already has on the biases in existing
chine learning is based on optimization, the to achieve consensus on difficult issues. As social and economic systems. j
use of ML in policy decisions thus speaks to there is some (limited) scope to interpret
a fundamental debate about social welfare. means to achieve the objective with flexibil-
1. B. Dattner, T. Chamorro-Premuzic, R. Buchband,
From the perspective of ethical theories, ML ity, the “weighting” of different fundamental L. Schittler, The legal and ethical implica-
is largely consequentialist: A machine sys- aims remains implicit, and diverse political tions of using AI in hiring, Harv. Bus. Rev.
tem is configured on the basis of its ability communities can make progress. April, 25 (2019);
to achieve a desired outcome. Conventional An optimistic conclusion would be that the-legal-and-ethical-implications-of-using-ai-in-hiring.
2. R. Richardson, J. Schultz, K. Crawford, New York Univ.
policy analysis is similarly typically based being forced by the use of ML systems to Law Rev. 192, 204 (2019).
on consequentialist economic social welfare be more explicit about policy objectives 3. Z. Lipton, The mythos of model interpretability (2017);
criteria. The well-known impossibility theo- could promote useful debate leading in .
rems in social choice theory (11) establish the long run to more considered outcomes. 4. T. Miller, Explanation in artificial intelligence: Insights
from the social sciences (2018);
that when the goal is to aggregate individ- ML systems can be used to explore choices
ual choices under a set of reasonable social and outcomes on different counterfactual 5. P. Madumal, T. Miller, L. Sonenberg, F. Vetere, A grounded
decision rules, it is impossible to satisfy a high-level objectives, such as retribution or interaction protocol for explainable artificial intelligence
set of desirable criteria simultaneously, and rehabilitation in justice, enabling consid- (2019);
6 O. O’Neill, Int. J. Philos. Stud. 26, 293 (2018).
thus impossible to achieve a set of desired ered human judgments. However, it may
7. J. De Fauw et al., Nat. Med. 24, 1342 (2018).
outcomes by optimizing a single quantity. in practice be impossible to specify what 8. S. Aziz, M. Dowling, in Disrupting Finance: FinTech and
Critics of consequentialist economic policy we collectively truly want in rigid code. For Strategy in the 21st Century, T. Lynn, G. Mooney, P.
analysis argue that people have multidi- example, many local governments do not Rosati, M. Cummins, Eds. (Palgrave, 2019), pp. 33–50.
mensional, probably incommensurable, and seem to be engaging in public consultation 9. P. Samuelson, Foundations of Economic Analysis
(Harvard University Press, 1979), chap. 8, pp. 203–252.
possibly contradictory objectives, so that when they adopt predictive ML systems, 10. J. Le Grand, Br. J. Polit. Sci. 21, 423 (1991).
imposing utilitarian decision-making pro- such as to flag “troubled” families that are 11. A. Sen, Am. Econ. Rev. 89, 349 (1999).
cedures will conflict both with reality and likely to need interventions. Although steps 12. E. Anderson, Value in Ethics and Economics (Harvard
with ethical intuitions (12). such as explicitly adding uncertainty to Univ. Press, 1993).
13. S. Grover, C. Pulice, G. I. Simari, V. S. Subrahmanian, IEEE
Nevertheless, policy choices are made, the ML objective might address this chal- Trans. Comput. Soc. Syst. 6, 350 (2019).
so there has always been an unavoidable, lenge of imperfectly specified objectives in 14. C. R. Sunstein, Harv. Law Rev. 108, 1733 (1995).
albeit often implicit, trade-off or weighting future, ML systems are unable at present 15. M. Hildebrandt, Smart Technologies and the End(s) of
of different objectives (12). For example, to offer wisely moderated solutions to am- Law (Edward Elgar, 2016).
cost-benefit analysis can incorporate envi- biguous objectives (15). ACK N OW LE D G M E N TS
ronmental and cultural, as well as financial, Human decision-makers can make use of We are grateful to M. Kenny and N. Rabinowitz for helpful
considerations, but converts all of these into common sense or tacit knowledge, and of- comments. A.W. acknowledges support from the David
monetary values. Any choice made when ten override decisions indicated by an eco- MacKay Newton research fellowship at Darwin College, The
Alan Turing Institute under EPSRC grants EP/N510129/1 and
there are multiple interests or trade-offs will nomic model or other formal policy analysis, TU/B/000074, the Leverhulme Trust via CFI, and the Centre
imply weights on the different components. and they will be able to do the same when for Data Ethics and Innovation.
As these trade-offs are codified into ML ob- assisted by ML. Yet, demanding that ML
jective functions, the weights given to com- systems be explainable is likely to make the 10.1126/science.aba9647

1434 26 JUNE 2020 • VOL 368 ISSUE 6498 SCIENCE

Published by AAAS
A woman speaks to security personnel in Washington,
D.C., on 3 June 2020. Biases can affect how individual
law enforcement officers interact with citizens.

that goes beyond its original meaning (1). She

assumes that many social disparities are nec-
essarily caused by unconscious biases. How-
ever, many of the disparities she describes
are better explained by structural causes
or conscious prejudices. She writes, for ex-
ample, that “implicit aversive attitudes” are
an explanation for racial housing segrega-
tion. Racial housing segregation can often
be more parsimoniously explained by insti-
tutional forces, such as a history of redlin-
ing, exclusionary zoning regulations, and
economic inequalities. When psychologi-
cal biases are considered, there is clearer
evidence of real estate agents consciously
steering homebuyers to certain neighbor-
B O OKS et al . hoods on the basis of the homebuyers’ race
rather than as a result of unconscious bias.
Another form of concept creep is in the
PSYCHOLOGY use of the term “unconscious” to encompass
biases that are subtle but conscious. Some

Confronting bias may just be hidden (for example, an avowed

racist who lies about the reasons for treating
a racial minority poorly), or they may be fast
Prejudice and discrimination are deeply personal, to arise (for example, a visceral reaction to
a person who speaks with a foreign accent).
but their effects are profound In the book’s final chapter, Agarwal de-
scribes approaches for debiasing, including
By Calvin K. Lai similarity: We seek out information that con- raising awareness of bias, confronting oth-
firms views we already hold, prefer to live ers tactfully, removing biasing information

n an idyllic summer day in 2009, with people who are like us, and discriminate from job applications, perspective-taking,
Pragya Agarwal and her 9-year-old against those who do not share our views. and role models. Many of these approaches
daughter went shopping for a new We also prefer the status quo, meaning that have firm scientific backing and a track
school uniform. As they were walk- we are biased toward current conditions, record of success in reducing prejudice
ing back to their car, an armed po- even when they reinforce the and discrimination. But most
lice officer stopped them. The officer oppression of a minority group. of what she offers is psychologi-
told them that a customer had reported Agarwal documents biases cally and individually oriented.
them as people who “looked like shoplift- across many social distinctions. If the disparities Agarwal dis-
ers” and were “suspicious.” Agarwal and her She notes the double standards cusses have structural causes,
daughter were eventually allowed to leave, to which women in leadership are then these individualistic ap-
but the consequences of that incident were held, health care workers’ beliefs proaches may fall short.
enduring. Experiences like this underscore that Black individuals experience Promoting equality takes time,
the prevalence of group-based biases that less severe pain than non-Black effort, and systemic change. The
are the focus of Agarwal’s new book, Sway. individuals, and the insidious ste- Sway: Unravelling enduring influence of structural
She begins by describing the origins of reotype of Asian people as “model Unconscious Bias factors, such as unequal educa-
Pragya Agarwal
biases. In everyday life, we often have ei- minorities.” She describes how tion and wealth, creates social
Bloomsbury Sigma,
ther too little or too much information to anti-fat stigma is internalized, 2020. 448 pp. environments that cannot be
make optimal decisions. Our biases serve as how elderly people are perceived escaped. At the same time, struc-
mental shortcuts that help us make “good as burdens, and how accents can confer a tural inequalities depend on the countless
enough” decisions in a complex world. host of hidden stereotypes. Although her ap- individual choices that people make for oth-

From an evolutionary perspective, this abil- proach is exhaustive, it falters in its synthesis. ers in everyday life. An integrated perspec-
ity to quickly separate good from bad and Research tells us that prejudice, stereotyp- tive that deeply considers the relationship
friend from foe was essential for survival. ing, and discrimination are pervasive. Less between individuals and society would have
These biases, however, are prone to system- attention is paid to how to connect these helped illustrate a key lesson of research on
atic errors that can have grave consequences findings together. What common psychologi- inequality: Bias is deeply personal, but it is
in modern society. Take our preference for cal principles underlie the prevalence of un- also universal. j
consciously biased discrimination?
I suspect that Agarwal’s lack of emphasis on
The reviewer is at the Department of Psychological 1. N. Haslam, Psych. Inquiry 27, 1 (2016).
and Brain Sciences, Washington University in St. Louis, common principles is due to concept creep:
St. Louis, MO 63130, USA. Email: an expansion of the idea of unconscious bias 10.1126/science.abb9316

SCIENCE 26 JUNE 2020 • VOL 368 ISSUE 6498 1435

Published by AAAS


Like other species, we have always been on the move

Human migration and cultural exchange represent progress, not peril, argues a journalist

By Khalid Koser She speaks, for example, with individu- The Next Great Migration:
als who have fled Afghanistan and Eritrea The Beauty and Terror of
Life on the Move

t is ironic to be reviewing Sonia Shah’s and taken the precarious journey across
Sonia Shah
latest book, a thoughtful and thought- mountain ranges, deserts, and the sea to Bloomsbury, 2020. 400 pp.
provoking defense of migration, under Europe, as well as with Latin American
coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) migrants who have made it to the United
lockdown. One irony is that this is the States without authorization. Shah does
perfect time to be reading her excellent not overdramatize or sentimentalize their Still, I think Shah overestimates the
earlier book, Pandemic: Tracking Conta- stories. Instead, the reader is left with an importance of such ideas and beliefs in
gions, from Cholera to Ebola and Beyond. overwhelming sense that people who mi- explaining the xenophobia, discrimina-
Another is that migration—at least by grate out of desperation are resigned to tion, and antimigrant sentiment and poli-
people and across borders—has virtually experiencing great hardship as a means to cies that abound today, which I believe
come to a standstill. But this is no reason improve their lives. are more driven by perceptions about the
to shelve The Next Great Migration: The Shah seeks to normalize human migra- economic impact and security implica-
Beauty and Terror of Life on the Move. In- tion by situating it within the broader con- tions of immigration. I do, however, agree
ternational migration will rebound. text of other species’ migratory behavior. with her pessimistic prognosis that unless
Shah would probably contend that this Humans, she contends, do not belong in a we shift attitudes, our default response to
is because people have never been fixed particular place any more than do butter- more migration will be to build more walls
in place and that their migration is natu- flies, fish, or trees. She demonstrates how and enact more stringent border controls.
ral. One of the more original aspects of migration has been integral to the evolu- Her closing chapter is a grim litany of mi-
her book is that it depicts human migra- tion of humankind, by injecting change grant deaths and the detention of immi-
tion in the context of migration by plants, and innovation into cultural practices. The grant children.
animals, and even viruses. My analysis is mixing of people from different places rep- Countless scholars, analysts, and re-
more prosaic. I believe that the forces of resents progress, not peril. searchers have produced evidence that
globalization that drive migration—in- Shah methodically dismantles the racial migration overwhelmingly benefits econ-
equality; disparities in development, de- “science” that still underlies certain atti- omies and societies and that there is a
mocracy, and demography; the global jobs tudes toward those who migrate and re- higher rate of criminality and violent ex-
crisis; segmented labor markets—will be jects arguments for controlling migration tremism among nationals than among
exacerbated by COVID-19 and government on the grounds that it could potentially migrants, but seemingly to little effect.
responses to it. lead to overpopulation, an idea that origi- Perhaps Shah’s more fundamental plea—
I also disagree with the book’s premise nated in the work of Thomas Malthus. It that migration is normal, that we are all
that, the current global standstill notwith- is not particularly groundbreaking to take migrants, and that, like nature, migration
standing, climate change will trigger a new such attitudes and assumptions to task, can be both beautiful and terrifying—will
great migration. Most sensible scholars but Shah does so in an engaging manner, have more traction. j
agree, of course, that the effects of climate weaving history with geography and story-
change will accelerate migration. But there telling with science. 10.1126/science.abb9025
remains little consensus concerning how
many people will be forced to move, where
they will move from and to, or how soon
this migration will happen. But whatever
the numbers, Shah is right to assert that Humankind:
we need to start respecting the rights of A Hopeful History
Rutger Bregman
migrants and seizing the opportunities Little, Brown, 2020. 480 pp.
of migration.
Some of the book’s most powerful sec- Difficult as it might be to
tions reflect on the author’s own migrant believe, humans are hardwired
heritage: Fifty years after her parents’ ar- for kindness, cooperation,
rival in the United States, she recounts, and trust, argues historian

Rutger Bregman in his latest

their migration remains the central fact
book. This week on the
of their lives. She also shares the stories Science podcast, Bregman
of migrants whom she has met around discusses the evolutionary
the world in the course of her research. origins of humanity’s good-
ness and its implications for
our future.
The reviewer is at the Maastricht Graduate School
of Governance, Maastricht University, 6211 AX Maastricht,
Netherlands. Email: A woman delivers groceries to a senior citizen. 10.1126/science.abd0367

1436 26 JUNE 2020 • VOL 368 ISSUE 6498 SCIENCE

Published by AAAS

The COVID-19 pandemic has revealed vulnerabilities in waste management chains, which could hinder disease containment and increase environmental pollution.

Edited by Jennifer Sills sustainable measures such as recycling, 3. Asian Development Bank, “Managing infectious medical
with adverse effects on the environment waste during the COVID-19 pandemic” (2020).
4. Association of Directors of Environment, Economy,
COVID-19’s unsustainable (8). The U.K. Environment Agency further
threatens the environment by allowing
Planning, and Transport, “COVID 19—waste survey
results w/c 27 April” (2020).
5. European Commission, “Waste management in the
waste management temporary storage of waste and incinera-
tion ash at sites that have not been granted
context of the coronavirus crisis” (2020).
6. Association of Cities and Regions for Sustainable
The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) a permit, as is usually required (9, 10). Resource Management, “Municipal waste management
and COVID-19” (2020).
pandemic has led to an abrupt collapse of To address the overflow of medical 7. K. P. Roberts et al., “Rubbish is piling up and recycling
waste management chains. Safely manag- waste, the United Kingdom and other has stalled—waste systems must adapt,” The
Conversation (2020).
ing medical and domestic waste is crucial affected countries should install mobile 8. J. J. Klemeš et al., Renew. Sustain. Energ. Rev. 127,
to successfully containing the disease (1). treatment systems near hospitals and 109883 (2020).
Mismanagement can also lead to increased health care centers (2). The design and 9. UK Environment Agency, “COVID-19 and temporary
storage of incinerator bottom ash aggregate: RPS C16”
environmental pollution. All countries analysis of sustainable waste management (2020).
facing excess waste should evaluate their chains, including logistics, recycling, and 10. UK Environment Agency, “COVID-19 and storing waste
at unpermitted sites due to exceeding your storage
management systems to incorporate disas- treatment technologies and policies, should limits: RPS C17” (2020).
ter preparedness and resilience. be prioritized (11). To reduce the socio- 11. R. Djalante, R. Shaw, A. DeWit, Prog. Disaster Sci. 6,
Wuhan, the COVID-19 epicenter of China, economic and environmental impacts of 100080 (2020).
12. United Nations, ”Sustainable development goal 11: Make
experienced a massive increase of medical waste management, the whole system must cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient,
waste from between 40 and 50 tons/day be considered, including waste generation, and sustainable” (2020).
before the outbreak to about 247 tons on collection, transport, recycling and treat- 10.1126/science.abc7778
1 March (2). Cities such as Manila, Kuala ment, recovered resource use, and disposal
Lumpur, Hanoi, and Bangkok experienced of remains. Protecting waste management
similar increases, producing 154 to 280 tons
more medical waste per day than before the
chains will help achieve sustainable cities
and communities as outlined in the UN
Misguided forest action in
pandemic (3). Meanwhile, the widespread
lockdown has caused a substantial increase
Sustainable Development Goals (12).
Siming You1, Christian Sonne2, Yong Sik Ok3,4*
EU Biodiversity Strategy
in domestic waste in the United Kingdom University of Glasgow, Glasgow, UK. 2Aarhus After failing to achieve the 2020 Aichi
University, Roskilde, Denmark. 3Korea University,
(4). These large amounts of waste require biodiversity targets, governing bodies are

Seoul, Korea. 4APRU Sustainable Waste

collection and recycling, both of which Management Program, Korea University, preparing targets for the future. In doing
are compromised as a result of manpower Seoul, Korea. so, they must acknowledge that effective
*Corresponding author:
shortages and efforts to enforce infection Email: policies address not only the quantity of
control measures (5, 6). protected areas but also the quality of
Disrupted services have led to waste protection and the management of the
1. World Health Organization, “Water, sanitation, hygiene,
mismanagement increases of 300% in and waste management for the COVID-19 virus: Interim surrounding matrix. The European Union’s
some rural UK communities (7). With guidance” (2020). Biodiversity Strategy for 2030 (1), launched
fewer options available, traditional waste 2. Z. H. Si, Y. Li, “Medical waste treatment in Wuhan from in May, is an opportunity to enact success-
emergency to stability,” Xin Hua Net (2020); www.
management practices such as landfills ful conservation. The Biodiversity Strategy
and incineration are replacing more [in Chinese]. commits to protecting the European Union’s

1438 26 JUNE 2020 • VOL 368 ISSUE 6498 SCIENCE

Published by AAAS

restoration of spontaneously regenerating it proposes ambitious measures such as

forests, the surface of which has decreased reversing pollinator decline and controlling
7% worldwide over the past 30 years (8). invasive species, it also introduces the ill-
Simply allowing the forests to naturally advised idea of planting 3 billion trees.
regrow often results in more trees at much Massive tree plantation programs (2, 3)
lower costs than planting (6). The EU have been strongly criticized by the scientific
Strategy should advocate a hands-off strat- community for their negative ecological and
egy for safeguarding ecosystemic responses economic impacts and their limited role in
to degradation and environmental change. climate change and CO2 mitigation (4–8).
Policies should support the natural recruit- The specific number of trees proposed in
ment and selection for trees with greater the EU Strategy suggests a lack of a serious,
resistance to insect attacks or extreme science-based ecological assessment of actual
events (9) and biomass-rich forests with restoration needs. Meeting such a target
closed canopies (10), and they should pre- could threaten biodiverse treeless ecosystems
vent road construction through valuable (4, 6, 7, 9) and would waste an opportunity
forest patches (11). Actions aimed at pro- to implement ecologically sound manage-
moting the adaptation of forests to global ment practices to restore fully functionally
change and increasing their resilience integrated mosaics of natural, seminatural,
should be based on all available ecological and sustainable agricultural ecosystems.
science and require a more complex view Massive tree planting could also sub-
than a simplistic planting strategy. The EU stantially change the fire regime, especially
Forest Strategy planned for 2021 should given the increasing frequency of heat
focus on developing a holistic approach waves and droughts in an area with high
with a clearly defined timetable of actions. population density (10). The probability of
Nuria Selva1*, Przemysław Chylarecki2, large intense fires that threaten biodiver-
Bengt-Gunnar Jonsson3,4, Pierre L. Ibisch5 sity and human assets is largely influenced
remaining forests and restoring forest Institute of Nature Conservation Polish Academy by the type, amount, and continuity of
of Sciences, 31-120 Kraków, Poland. 2Museum and
ecosystem resilience. However, the plans for Institute of Zoology, Polish Academy of Sciences,
biomass. Therefore, determining how many
implementing these goals are misguided. 00-679 Warszawa, Poland. 3Department of Natural trees should be planted is less important
The EU Strategy commits to “strictly pro- Sciences, Mid Sweden University, SE-851 70 than figuring out the most safe and effec-
Sundsvall, Sweden. 4Department of Wildlife, Fish,
tecting…primary and old-growth forests.” tive conservation strategy.
and Environmental Studies, Swedish University of
Known primary forests represent 0.7% of Agricultural Sciences, SE-901 83 Umeå, Sweden. We need to move toward optimizing our
Europe’s forest area, of which only 46% 5
Centre for Econics and Ecosystem Management, landscapes. A diverse mosaic of nature-
are strictly protected (2). Strictly protect- Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development, based production systems should be
16-225 Eberswalde, Germany.
ing the remaining forests is the right *Corresponding author. interspersed with protected natural areas
strategy, given that forest management Email: to maximize biodiversity, resilience, and
seriously threatens remaining primeval ecosystem services. Trees are not synony-
and old forests in Europe, including the mous with biodiversity. Policy-makers and
1. European Commission, “EU Biodiversity Strategy for
Białowieża Forest, Carpathian forests, and 2030,” (2020); society need to internalize this message to
Scandinavian Mountains Green Belt (3, 4). nature/biodiversity/strategy/index_en.htm. make proper decisions in the context of
2. F. M. Sabatini et al., Divers. Distrib. 24, 1426 (2018).
However, the EU Strategy overlooks the 3. E. Stokstad, Science 358, 1240 (2017). environmental and health crises.
need for spatial coherence. Tiny protected 4. B.-G. Jonsson et al. Forests 10, 564 (2019). Susana Gómez-González1,2*, Raúl Ochoa-Hueso1,
patches of forest will be of little relevance if 5. M. Żmihorski et al., Science 361, 238 (2018).
6. K. D. Holl, P. H. S. Brancalion, Science 368, 580 (2020). Juli G. Pausas3
intensive forestry prevails in the surround- Departamento de Biología-IVAGRO, Universidad
7. F. Krumm, L. Vítková, Eds., “Introduced tree species
de Cádiz, Puerto Real, Spain. 2Center for Climate
ing matrix. An ecosystem-based approach in European forests: opportunities and challenges”
and Resilience Research (CR)2, Santiago, Chile.
(European Forest Institute, 2016).
to forest management must complement 8. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Centro de Investigaciones sobre Desertificación
(CIDE-CSIC), Valencia, Spain.
protection efforts. and UN Environment Programme, The State of the
*Corresponding author.
The EU Strategy also commits to restor- World’s Forests: Forests, Biodiversity and People (FAO
and UNEP, 2020).
ing forest ecosystems but only offers 9. D. L. Six, C. Vergobbi, M. Cutter, Front. Plant Sci. 9,
planting more than 3 billion trees as a
10. F. Zellweger et al., Science 368, 772 (2020). 1. European Commission, “EU Biodiversity Strategy for
concrete action. Planting trees in forest 11. P. L. Ibisch et al., Science 354, 1423 (2016). 2030” (2020);
habitats may have detrimental effects (5, nature/biodiversity/strategy/index_en.htm.
2. International Union for Conservation of Nature,
6). The EU Strategy doesn’t specify what 10.1126/science.abc9892
The Bonn Challenge (2020);
kinds of trees should be planted, a neces- 3. J.-F. Bastin et al., Science 365, 76 (2019).
sary detail given that the forestry sector in 4. W. J. Bond et al., Trends Ecol. Evol. 34, 963 (2019).
5. D. Baldocchi, J. Penuelas, Glob. Change Biol. 25,
most countries increasingly undermines
ecosystem functionality by introducing
Afforestation falls short 1191 (2019).
6. J. W. Veldman et al., Science 366, eaay7976 (2019).
exotic species believed to be better adapted
to future climates (7).
as a biodiversity strategy 7. K. D. Holl, P. H. Brancalion, Science 368, 580 (2020).
8. M. Jiang et al., Nature 580, 227 (2020).
9. J. Scurlock, D. Hall, Glob. Change Biol. 4, 229 (1998).
Instead of planting trees, conservation- The recent EU Biodiversity Strategy for 10. D. de Rigo et al., “Forest fire danger extremes in Europe
under climate change: Variability and uncertainty” (JRC
ists should focus on reducing the rate of 2030 (1) recognizes the importance of Tech. Rep. 28926, Publications Office of the European
forest degradation (namely, tree harvesting) biodiversity for increasing our resilience Union, Luxembourg, 2017).
and supporting natural renewal processes. to natural disasters and pandemics and,
The EU Strategy does not consider natural thus, for human well-being. Although 10.1126/science.abd3064

SCIENCE 26 JUNE 2020 • VOL 368 ISSUE 6498 1439

Published by AAAS
Parikh calls for decisive and lasting action
to declare the importance of Black lives, voices,
and contributions to all aspects of our society.

Almost every generation has arrived at

similar moments of opportunity born of
tragedy. AAAS is uniquely positioned as an
organization to be at the forefront of these
generation-defining issues, and we are tak-
ing action to make sure these moments do
not slip away.
Science, engineering, and medicine are not
immune to the discrimination, subjugation,
and silencing of minority people and voices.
We are too often unwitting perpetuators of
the status quo, and the reasons are deeply
ingrained in the systems that govern the con-
duct of these fields. When we hold up a mirror
to the scientific enterprise, we see that it is
not only politicians and law enforcement that
need to be reminded that Black lives matter.
On 10 June, AAAS participated in a grass-
roots movement called #ShutDownSTEM
with the goal to get our community to stop
business as usual and consider the facts—
and, with those facts in hand, to act. Despite
so many in our community being learned and
AAAS NEWS & NOTES well-read, outside of the social science circles
that have studied this issue for years, few of
us know very much about the systemic rac-
ism that has kept generations of Black Ameri-
A view from my basement cans from realizing success in the STEM
workforce. #ShutDownSTEM encouraged
AAAS CEO reflects on his first 6 months on the job us to take responsibility in our own lives and
circles of influence to be actively anti-racist
By Sudip S. Parikh and to recognize the time and space required
for our Black colleagues to heal.
On 6 January, when I first walked through the doors of our beauti- #ShutDownSTEM is just one step toward following through on
ful living monument to science on New York Avenue in downtown fulfilling the hope for positive change in our community and across
Washington as the American Association for the Advancement of society. Other steps are already under way within AAAS, and many
Science’s new chief executive officer and executive publisher of the more have yet to be conceived.
Science family of journals, I had plenty of ideas for how my first 90 For decades, under the leadership of Shirley Malcom, AAAS has
days, 6 months, and year on the job would go. been at the forefront of the discussion about making the STEM enter-
I articulated this vision on the editorial page of the 31 January prise more diverse, equitable, and inclusive. As an African American
issue of Science in the context of “Envisioning Tomorrow’s Earth,” growing up in Birmingham, Alabama, in the 1950s and 1960s, Malcom
the theme of our 2020 Annual Meeting. I noted the extraordinary went through segregated schools that were underresourced because
advances of our era, including treating and curing disease and deep- of the assumption that no scientists or engineers would ever be pro-
ening our understanding of the Universe. I also identified some of duced from within their walls. She defied those odds, eventually com-
the critical topics of our time in prioritizing the need to safeguard the pleting her doctoral work in ecology at Penn State, dedicating her life’s
scientific ecosystem for diverse voices and inclusivity and leverage work to achieving equality in STEM education and the workforce, and
the power of all great minds. going on to serve as a member of the National Science Board, a trustee
At the time that editorial went to press, the United States had of two of our nation’s most prestigious research universities, and a
fewer than 10 confirmed cases of COVID-19 and George Floyd, world-renowned leader in the conversation that we’ve been having for
Ahmaud Arbery, and Breonna Taylor were alive. quite some time—but to which too few have paid sufficient attention.

When we gathered in Seattle in February to envision tomorrow’s Progress to increase the participation and advancement of un-
Earth, most of us had no idea how the tomorrows we were about derrepresented groups in STEM has been incremental. For the past
to experience would change our Earth forever. COVID-19 is now a 10 years, AAAS, with the support of the U.S. National Science Foun-
global pandemic that has infected more than 7 million people, killed dation (NSF), has convened the Emerging Researchers National
more than 400,000, and fundamentally changed the way the world (ERN) Conference in STEM. Each year, more than a thousand un-
operates. The tragic and needless deaths of George Floyd, Ahmaud dergraduate and graduate students from underrepresented com-
Arbery, and Breonna Taylor have brought to the fore the need for munities come together to share their research and develop their
decisive and lasting action to declare the importance of Black lives, careers—with the goal of broadening participation in STEM fields.
voices, and contributions to all aspects of our society—and, central In describing the kind of experience that ERN attendees have,
to our work at AAAS, to the STEM ecosystem. Malcom has said, “For some students it’s their first time on a plane,

1440 26 JUNE 2020 • VOL 368 ISSUE 6498 SCIENCE

Published by AAAS
never mind their first time presenting at a scientific meeting.” stations and 13 local radio stations across the country. In doing so, she
For the past 3 years AAAS has convened, also with NSF support, the reached nearly 1.6 million people in 17 states with timely, accurate, and
HBCU Making and Innovation Showcase. The event brings together authoritative scientific and public health information.
more than 80 students and faculty from historically Black colleges and AAAS’s Science and Technology Policy Fellowships program has
universities (HBCUs) for 2 days of workshops and training on inven- adopted virtual platforms to connect with current policy fellows and
tion and entrepreneurship. The students are divided into teams that to open doors for the incoming cohort of scientists and engineers.
create an innovative solution to a community problem that relates to The program, which places some 280 scientists and engineers
one of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. This year’s in federal agencies and congressional offices each year, places a
winning team, comprised of students from Clark Atlanta University and high value on in-person professional development and networking,
Morehouse College, conceived a network of communication devices for switching to virtual convenings at a time when the need for fellows to
use during natural disasters and other emergency situations. provide scientific and technical advice is greater than ever. The team
Convenings like ERN and the HBCU Making and Innovation recently conducted thousands of interviews virtually for the incom-
Showcase have surely helped. Bit by bit, person by person, they ing class and is preparing to host a virtual orientation in the fall.
have encouraged many students and professionals who might have For the team that produces the
otherwise abandoned STEM careers to stay the course, knowing
that their voices and contributions are valued and essential to the
“#ShutDownSTEM is AAAS Annual Meeting, moving from
in-person to virtual convenings has
long-term success of the STEM enterprise. As Malcom posited in her
9 May 2019 testimony before the U.S. House Committee on Science,
just one step toward been top of mind. After announc-
ing that the February 2021 meeting
Space, and Technology: “How do we ensure a steady flow of talent for following through would be a virtual event, the team
STEM while also responding to the larger need for a workforce and has not looked back, rolling out an
citizenry with knowledge and skills to address emerging challenges on fulfilling the hope entirely new format for scientific
and opportunities? We can only do this by expanding that pool of
talent, tapping into the vast well of women, minorities, and persons
for positive change symposia that serves as a model for
other organizations.
with disabilities currently underrepresented in STEM.” in our community The Science for Seminaries
We must acknowledge that our efforts thus far have fallen short of program, part of our Dialogue on
what is truly necessary: systemic change that transforms institu- and across society.” Science, Ethics, and Religion, which
tions—not just individuals. We must tackle the issue where it is most Sudip S. Parikh, assists theologically diverse seminar-
oppressive: deeply ingrained institutional systems. Through AAAS’s AAAS CEO ies to integrate science into their re-
SEA (STEM Equity Achievement) Change program, institutions of quired courses of study, also adjusted
higher education commit to a self-reflection process with the aim the focus of one of its recent discussions, shifting it to an examina-
of disentangling themselves from practices of the past that made tion of the science behind the spread of COVID-19 when audiences
inequities possible—indeed, almost inevitable. The program incentiv- sing or speak in loud voices, such as at worship services.
izes institutions’ alignment with SEA Change principles by publicly These initiatives display the amazing number of influential audi-
recognizing them for their commitment to and creation of sustain- ences we reach as a scientific society. Researchers, policy-makers,
able systemic change through self-assessment. “It’s a transformative journalists, science communicators, students, seminarians—all of
national vision,” said Paula Rayman, a sociologist at the University of these groups play critical roles in our mission to advance science
Massachusetts, Lowell, who chairs the SEA Change advisory board. and serve society.
Now more than ever, we must embrace transformative national vi- I have not stepped foot in AAAS headquarters in downtown Wash-
sions over piecemeal, individual-focused interventions. ington since 13 March—which means I have now spent more time lead-
The rapid response of AAAS and Science to the COVID-19 pan- ing AAAS from my basement or my kids’ playroom than I have from
demic also has been notable. my office. Even so, I am more confident than ever in the vitality of our
Science and its family of journals provide credible, evidence-based mission and in those working daily to execute that mission. We will be
information, share the latest research, and disseminate up-to- a force for science, a force for good, and a support for one another. Our
the-minute, science-informed news coverage. Our editorial team programs, publications, and advocacy are critical to a better and more
continues to deliver seminal papers showing how the structure of just world, and what we do during this time will define a generation.
the coronavirus informs vaccine development and how the virus My 31 January Science editorial called on us all to rise to the chal-
bonds to human cells, exploring the beginning of new therapies, and lenges of our time to ensure that the next generation has the opportu-
examining how the public health system and social distancing can nity to rise to theirs. On so many levels, those words ring truer today.
mitigate the spread of COVID-19. Journalists at Science are covering
the science and responses to the pandemic around the world, often
highlighting aspects that are picked up by mainstream news outlets.
Among AAAS programs focusing on COVID-19 is SciLine, which
connects journalists with vetted scientific experts. SciLine began
Screeners needed
2020, its second full year of operation, with plans that included two for journalism awards
“boot camps”—one to help journalists understand the science be- Scientists from the United States and abroad are needed to review
hind key electoral issues and another for reporters covering adoles- the scientifc accuracy of entries in the prestigious AAAS Kavli
cent health. In the space of about 2 weeks, the SciLine team quickly
Science Journalism Awards competition. The screening sessions in
pivoted to organizing a series of online media briefings for journalists
late August and September will be online this year, opening them to
on COVID-19 and developed a resources webpage to provide ready-
participation by scientists beyond the Washington, D.C., area.
to-use quotes from scientists.
We need additional screeners with expertise in virology, epidemiol-
SciLine also enlisted Margaret Hamburg, past president of AAAS,
ogy, and public health. If you can volunteer, please contact
former commissioner of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, and
former health commissioner of New York City. On one day in April, Emily Hughes at
from her home office, Hamburg conducted interviews with 20 local TV

SCIENCE 26 JUNE 2020 • VOL 368 ISSUE 6498 1441

Published by AAAS
Edited by Michael Funk


Easier polar plunge for penguins

n polar regions affected by a warming climate, it is increasingly important to
understand what effect yearly variations in sea ice have on animal foraging
and reproductive success. Watanabe et al. instrumented 175 Adélie penguins—
a sentinel species for Southern Ocean ecosystems—with activity monitors
and video cameras during four Antarctic field seasons with variable amounts
of ice. During ice-free years, penguins traveled more by swimming rather than
walking, lowering their energetic cost per unit distance traveled. Forage area
increased in ice-free years, and more krill were captured per unit dive time,
increasing foraging efficiency, growth rates, and breeding success. Adélie pen-
guin populations in the continental Antarctic region are thus likely to grow in the
coming decades as sea ice declines. —BB Sci. Adv. 10.1126/sciadv.aba4828 (2020).

Sea-ice loss in the Antarctic has led to greater success in foraging and breeding for Adélie penguins.

CHROMATIN SEQUENCING nucleosomes. Using Fiber-seq, Chiral additives as cosurfactants high-intensity circular dichroism
the authors identify how regula- formed helical micelles that with anisotropy factors near
Primary architecture of tory DNA activation is related directed the seeded growth 0.2 at near-infrared wavelengths.
chromatin fibers

to nucleosome positioning and to create grooves that main- —PDS

The organization of chromo- DNA variation. —LMZ tained a chiral morphology. The Science, this issue p. 1472
somal DNA, including the Science, this issue p. 1449 resulting particles displayed
positioning of nucleosomes
and nucleosome-free regions SOLAR PHYSICS
harboring regulatory proteins PLASMONIC MATERIALS
along single chromatin fibers, is
The flow of plasma
fundamental to genome func-
Groovy chiral gold inside the Sun
tion. However, most sequencing particles The activity of the Sun, including
methods cannot elucidate this Although plasmonic optical the occurrence of sunspots, is
organization at the nucleotide activity can arise from chiral driven by magnetic fields that
level. Stergachis et al. present assemblies of gold and silver originate from the motion of
an approach, Fiber-seq, that nanoparticles, there are few charged plasma beneath the
maps chromatin fibers onto examples of gold nanoparticles surface. Helioseismology uses
the underlying DNA template with intrinsic chirality and high acoustic oscillations to probe
using methyltransferases to optical activity. González-Rubio the Sun’s interior, analogous to
create a kind of stencil in fly et al. show that morphological seismology’s use of earthquakes
and human cells. This method chirality can be induced dur- to investigate Earth’s interior.
identifies chromatin structure ing the seeded growth of gold Electron tomography Gizon et al. analyzed helioseis-
at nearly a single-molecule level nanoparticles, particularly for reconstructions of a gold nanorod mology data from 1996 to 2019,
and can monitor the position of highly anisotropic nanorods. grown with a chiral surfactant covering two 11-year solar cycles.

SCIENCE 26 JUNE 2020 • VOL 368 ISSUE 6498 1443

Published by AAAS

They measured the latitudinal below the epidemic threshold.

IN OTHER JOURNALS Edited by Caroline Ash
and radial flow of plasma as The model also showed that
and Jesse Smith
a function of depth within the preemptive school closures
Sun and how it varies with time. helped to reduce transmission,
The results support magnetic although alone they would not
flux-transport dynamo models, prevent a COVID-19 outbreak. Climate change is expected
which can explain the distribu- Limiting human mixing to within to alter the ecology of
tion of sunspots over each solar households appeared to be the high-altitude plants in the
cycle. —KTS most effective measure. —CA Andes, like this Andean blueberry
Science, this issue p. 1469 Science, this issue p. 1481 (Vaccinium floribundum).


Metalens-array–based A wrench in the works
quantum source of COVID-19
Spontaneous down-conversion Understanding the inner work-
is an exotic optical process in ings of the virus that causes
a nonlinear crystal in which a coronavirus disease 2019
high-energy photon splits into (COVID-19) may help us to
two lower-energy photons that disrupt it. Yin et al. focused on
are quantum mechanically the viral polymerase essential
entangled. These entangled for replicating viral RNA. They
pairs are valuable commodi- determined a structure of the
ties for quantum information polymerase bound to RNA and to
processing and quantum the drug remdesivir. Remdesivir
communications. Because the mimics an RNA nucleotide
experimental setup is usually building block and is covalently
performed with bulk optical linked to the replicating RNA,
components, there is a need which blocks further synthesis
to decrease the size scale for of RNA. The structure provides a
application. Li et al. combined template for designing improved
an array of specialized meta- therapeutics against the viral
lenses with a nonlinear crystal polymerase. —VV MOUNTAIN ECOLOGY
and show that the scale of the Science, this issue p. 1499
process can be shrunk sub- Seeds of change

stantially. The approach should ispersal of seeds is a vital process for static plants.
prove useful for developing min- MACROPHAGES High-altitude plant communities are especially
iaturized integrated quantum vulnerable to the effects of changing climate, and it
optical technologies. —ISO
Sex, age, and the is important to understand how climate affects their
Science, this issue p. 1487 macrophage dispersal. Tovar et al. investigated the seed disper-
Peritoneal macrophages sal strategies of plants living close to the summits of the
are known to contribute tropical Andes. Wind-dispersed species were common
to pathology of peritonitis, throughout; plants with unspecialized, gravity-dispersed
Who and what next? endometriosis, and cancer, but seeds were more frequent at sites with low minimum
The coronavirus 2019 (COVID- the effects of age and sex on temperatures; and plants with animal-dispersed seeds were
19) pandemic has brought the biology of these cells are more frequent at sites with milder climates. As climate
tighter restrictions on the daily not well understood. Bain et warms in the future, the spectrum of dispersal strategies
lives of millions of people, but al. show that replenishment of and the composition of these plant communities may change
we do not yet understand what peritoneal macrophages from accordingly. —AMS J. Ecol. 10.1111/1365-2745.13416 (2020).
measures are the most effec- the bone marrow is much higher
tive. Zhang et al. modeled virus in male mice than in female
transmission in Wuhan, China, in mice. This disparity results in
February 2020, investigating the marked sexual dimorphisms GENE REGULATION and structural roles. Ranjan et
effects of interventions ranging in the phenotypic identity al. used single-particle tracking
from patient management to of peritoneal macrophages,
Pol II kicks out histone of fluorescently tagged proteins
social isolation. Age-mixing pat- including differential expres- variant to examine histone variants in

terns were estimated by contact sion of a receptor involved in When we think of histone yeast cells in vivo and discov-
surveys conducted in Wuhan response to bacterial infection. proteins, we generally think of ered that RNA polymerase
and Shanghai at the beginning These findings provide insight H2A, H2B, H3, and H4 because II (Pol II) itself evicts H2A.Z
of February 2020. Once people into the effects of sex and age they are the histones that from chromatin. In addition,
reduced their average daily on peritoneal inflammation and package DNA within our cells. the kinase Kin28/Cdk7, which
contacts from 14 to 20 down infection. —CNF However, other histone variants phosphorylates serine-5 of
to 2, transmission rapidly fell Sci. Immunol. 5, eabc4466 (2020). perform important regulatory heptapeptide repeats in the

1444 26 JUNE 2020 • VOL 368 ISSUE 6498 SCIENCE

Published by AAAS
CARBON STORAGE Carbon dioxide
sequestration capacity of
Not just for the trees UK upland grasslands
and heaths is compromised

he upland bogs, grasslands, and heath of the United Kingdom are iconic
by land-management
for their scenic beauty and distinctive natural history. They are also valu-
practices, such
able because their vegetation and top 30 centimeters of soil store roughly
as heather burning.
30% of the country’s carbon on 20% of its land area, much more than
the country’s existing woodlands. Field et al. estimate that these areas
currently sequester 8 million metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalents annually
by photosynthesis. However, many of these areas have been degraded by land
management practices that favor livestock grazing and game animals,
such as burning and deep draining, and damage to peat can trig-
ger carbon emissions. The authors estimate that if restored
to functioning and diverse ecosystems, the sequestration
capacity of these special habitats could be increased by
an extra 6 to 7 gigatons. The main obstacle to this
is the complexity of land tenure and land-use
culture in the United Kingdom. —CA
Biol. Conserv. 248, 108619 (2020).

carboxy-terminal domain of the power density in a portion of affect the future stability of the inhibits I– transport by direct
Pol II subunit Rpb1, is required the jet. Power-density titra- Antarctic Ice Sheet, a pressing competition, it also reduces the
for this eviction. These findings tions and assessment of the concern in our warming climate. driving force for I– transport
indicate a general mechanism spectroscopic properties of —HJS by binding at the nontransport
coupling eukaryotic transcrip- each experimental setup are Geophys. Res. Lett. site. —VV
tion to erasure of the H2A.Z therefore essential to avoid 10.1029/2020GL088119 (2020). Nat. Struct. Mol. Biol. 27, 533 (2020).
epigenetic signal. —BAP multiphoton artifacts at high
eLife 9, e55667 (2020). laser power. —MAF
Nat. Methods 10.1038/ STRUCTURAL BIOLOGY
s41592-020-0847-3 (2020).
The double punch of Charmed excitations
ULTRAFAST METHODS Unlike the general purpose
Avoiding multiphoton perchlorate detectors used by the ATLAS
To make thyroid hormones, and CMS experiments at the
artifacts Loss of shelf which are critical in develop- Large Hadron Collider, the
Ultrafast pump-probe crystal- An unusually warm and ment, iodine ions (I–) must be LHCb experiment has equip-
lography experiments with prolonged inflow of warm transported into thyroid cells. ment designed specifically to
x-ray free-electron lasers ocean water intruded beneath This is achieved by the sodium study particles that contain the
have now resolved structural Antarctica’s Filchner Ronne ion (Na+)/I– symporter (NIS), so-called beauty and charm
changes in several light- Ice Shelf in 2017. Ryan et which couples the energetically quarks. By tracking processes
sensitive proteins. A major al. describe a 4-year-long unfavorable import of one I– that result in the formation of
experimental question has time series of ocean tem- with the energetically favorable a charmed lambda baryon and
been how to set up the pump perature measurements that import of two Na+. NIS also a negatively charged kaon, Aaij
laser to increase the occupancy documents the surge and its transports the environmental et al. (the LHCb Collaboration)
of excited states in the crystal unusual persistence. They pollutant perchlorate (ClO4–), have now uncovered evidence

but not cause multiphoton discuss the hydrographic but in this case couples trans- for at least two previously
excitation. Grünbein et al. properties of the event and port of one ClO4– with that of unobserved baryons. These
studied how incident laser possible forcing mechanisms, one Na+. Based on theory and baryons have been identified as
pulses would be refracted and suggesting that it was caused experiments, Llorente-Esteban the excited states of a Xi baryon
reflected by the crystal trans- by anomalous summer sea ice et al. show that ClO4– binds consisting of a charm quark and
port medium and the crystals melting. Much of the thinning not only to the transport site two other quarks. The findings
themselves. They found that of ice shelves like the Filchner but also to a nontransport may help to constrain theories
processes that would attenu- Ronne is caused by warm water site. Binding at the second site on how quarks bind together to
ate laser power are minimal, intrusions. Similar intrusions precludes binding of one of the form baryons. —JS
whereas refraction increases beneath other ice shelves will Na+. Therefore, ClO4– not only Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 222001 (2020).

SCIENCE 26 JUNE 2020 • VOL 368 ISSUE 6498 1445

Published by AAAS


CORONAVIRUS condition the authors refer to brain from the temporal to the STRUCTURAL BIOLOGY
as entanglement. On the basis frontal lobe. When memory was
Reducing airborne of these results, they propose not needed, only medial frontal
A blueprint to
transmission how entanglement affects the cortex neural activity was cor- understand cohesin
Respiratory infectious diseases evolutionary trajectory of gene related with the task. However, Cohesin is a multiprotein
are thought to be transmitted duplications. —LMZ when outcome choices required complex that entraps sister
mostly through contact with Science, this issue p. 1446; memory retrieval, frontal cortex chromatids for chromosome
surfaces that are contaminated see also p. 1424 neurons were phase-locked to segregation and regulates tran-
with virus-laden droplets pro- field potentials recorded in the scription by extruding DNA loops
duced from coughs and sneezes medial temporal lobe. Therefore, to shape DNA organization. Shi
of infected individuals, but this is depending on demands of et al. determined the structure
not the only transmission route. Guiding regeneration the task, neurons in different of human cohesin bound to the
When people speak and breathe, Many adult organisms can regions can flexibly engage and protein NIBPL, which helps load
they produce tiny droplets regenerate neural circuits after disengage their activity patterns. cohesin onto DNA, and DNA at
called aerosols, as well as larger injury. However, it is not clear —PRS medium resolution by cryo–elec-
droplets, which evaporate and which guidance mechanisms Science, this issue p. 1448 tron microscopy. Two adenosine
become buoyant in airflows. operate to promote axon path triphosphatase domains play a
In a Perspective, Prather et finding in the adult. Scimone et key role in cohesin function. The
al. discuss the accumulating al. addressed this question by structure explains how NIBPL
evidence that virus-containing investigating regeneration of Engaging the nucleosome and DNA synergistically activate
aerosols could lead to airborne the planarian visual system (see Cell identity is defined by gene these domains and gives insight
transmission of severe acute the Perspective by Roberts- expression patterns that are into how DNA is trapped by
respiratory syndrome corona- Galbraith). Distinct muscle cell established through the binding cohesin. —VV.
virus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), which populations were found in close of specific transcription factors. Science, this issue p. 1454
causes coronavirus disease association with photorecep- However, nucleosomal units
2019 (COVID-19). Given the tor axons that, together with a limit access of transcription
lengthy presymptomatic phase neuron class, facilitated visual factors to specific DNA motifs SPECTROSCOPY
and asymptomatic infections, system assembly after diverse within the mammalian genome.
the authors argue that wearing injuries or eye transplantations. To study how transcription fac-
DNA circular dichroism
well-fitted masks, especially These cells exhibited features tors bind such chromatinized, in gas phase
in enclosed indoor spaces, is similar to embryonic guide- nucleosome-embedded motifs, Circular dichroism spectroscopy
important to help prevent SARS- post cells and were specified Michael et al. focused on the is widely used to distinguish
CoV-2 transmission. —GKA independently of eyes in precise pluripotency factors OCT4 between nonidentical mirror-
Science, this issue p. 1422 locations by the action of adult and SOX2. They systematically image molecules. The technique
positional information cues. quantified the relative affini- relies on differential absorption
Absence of these guidepost- ties of these factors at different of left versus right circularly
GENOMIC DUPLICATIONS like cells was associated with motif positions throughout the polarized light and therefore
defective neuronal wiring in nucleosome, enabling structure tends to require solution-phase
The fate of genes after regeneration. —BAP determination of OCT4-SOX2– samples for adequate sensitivity.
duplication Science, this issue p. 1447; bound nucleosomes by Daly et al. now report gas-phase
Gene duplication within an see also p. 1428 cryo–electron microscopy. OCT4 circular dichroism spectra of
organism is a relatively com- and SOX2 bound cooperatively DNA oligonucleotides based
mon event during evolution. to strengthen DNA-binding on detection of photodetached
However, we cannot predict the NEUROSCIENCE affinity and resulted in DNA electrons rather than transmit-
fate of the duplicated genes: Will distortions that destabilized ted light (see the Perspective
they be lost, evolve, or overlap
The adaptive human the nucleosome. This analysis by Barran). The salient spectral
in function within an organismal frontal cortex reveals position-dependent bind- features matched those in solu-
lineage or species? Kuzmin et al. Flexibly switching between ing modes that were validated in tion. Pairing the technique with
explored the fate of duplicated different tasks is a fundamental vivo, providing insights on how mass spectrometry enables
gene function within the yeast human cognitive ability that transcription factors read out prior mass selection of particular
Saccharomyces cerevisiae (see allows us to make selective use chromatinized motifs. —BAP molecules for analysis. —JSY
the Perspective by Ehrenreich). of only the information needed Science, this issue p. 1460 Science, this issue p. 1465;
They examined how experi- for a given decision. Minxha et see also p. 1426
mental deletions of one or two al. used single-neuron record-
duplicated genes (paralogs) ings from patients to understand
affected yeast fitness and how the human brain retrieves
were able to determine which memories on demand when
genes have likely evolved new needed for making a decision
essential functions and which and how retrieved memories
retained functional overlap, a are dynamically routed in the

1445-B 26 JUNE 2020 • VOL 368 ISSUE 6498 SCIENCE

Published by AAAS

EXOPLANETS DOG GENOMICS CD8+ T cells. They observed

dampened STING activity in
A nearby multiplanet Sled dog arctic CD8+ T cells from patients with
system adaptations go far back cancer or mice implanted with
Exoplanets can interact gravi- Dogs have been used for sled- tumors. By contrast, STING
tationally with other objects ding in the Arctic as far back as signaling in transferred T cells
orbiting the same star, affect- ~9500 years ago. However, the supported a stem-like memory
ing their evolution and stability. relationships among the earliest phenotype, which is known to
Studying these effects requires sled dogs, other dog popula- be beneficial for responses to
locating systems with multiple tions, and wolves are unknown. immunotherapy. Cytosolic DNA
planets. Monitoring the nearby Sinding et al. sequenced an was enriched in activated T cells,
red dwarf star GJ 887, Jeffers et al. ancient sled dog, 10 modern sled and STING agonism improved
detected periodic radial velocity dogs, and an ancient wolf and the efficacy of adoptive cell ther-
signals, indicating the presence analyzed their genetic relation- apy in multiple mouse models.
of two planets on orbits with ships with other modern dogs. These results highlight that CD8+
periods of about 9 and 22 days This analysis indicates that T cell DNA sensing could be
and a further candidate planet sled dogs represent an ancient exploited for therapeutic benefit
(see the Perspective by Davies). lineage going back at least 9500 in immunotherapy. —LP
The inclinations of the orbits years and that wolves bred with Sci. Transl. Med. 12, eaay9013 (2020).
are unknown, so only minimum the ancestors of sled dogs and
masses could be determined, but precontact American dogs.
those were consistent with both However, gene flow between sled
planets being super-Earths— dogs and wolves likely stopped
more massive than Earth but less before ~9500 years ago. —LMZ
than Neptune. This system is only Science, this issue p. 1495
3.3 parsecs from the Sun, which
should facilitate follow-up with
other techniques. —KTS CALCIUM SIGNALING
Science, this issue p. 1477;
see also p. 1432
Lighting a spark from
the lysosome
Calcium ion (Ca2+) sparks in
PHOTOSYNTHESIS vascular smooth muscle cells
are critical for blood vessel
Pairs of peaks stabilize dilation and for regulating
output power blood pressure. Thakore et al.
A counterintuitive feature of pho- showed that these Ca2+ sparks
tosynthesis is that the primary were initiated by Ca2+ released
pigments involved in absorbing from lysosomes through the
light—for example, chlorophyll a cation channel TRPML1 (see
and b in plants—do not all absorb the Focus by Nieves-Cintron et
right at the peak of the spectrum al.). Lysosomes in contractile
but instead are offset from the vascular smooth muscle cells
peak and each other. Arp et al. were localized in close proxim-
formulated a network model that ity to this ion channel. Vascular
explains how using pigments with smooth muscle cells from mice
this absorption-peak pattern can deficient in TRPML1 did not
mitigate internal and external generate Ca2+ sparks, and these
fluctuations in energy transfer, mice were spontaneously hyper-
minimizing noise in output power tensive. —WW
(see the Perspective by Duffy). Sci. Signal. 13, eaba1015, eabc0993
The model accurately repro- (2020).
duces absorption peaks for three
diverse photosynthetic systems
from different spectral environ- CANCER
ments. Such a mechanism may
provide an underlying robust-
Intuitive CD8+ T cells
ness to biological photosynthetic sense DNA
processes that can be further Stimulator of interferon genes
tuned and tweaked to adapt to (STING) agonism is an area of
longer-scale fluctuations in light active exploration for cancer
intensity. —MAF immunotherapy. Li et al. exam-
Science, this issue p. 1490; ined a DNA-sensing cascade
see also p. 1427 called cGAS-STING in antitumor

SCIENCE 26 JUNE 2020 • VOL 368 ISSUE 6498 1445-C

Published by AAAS

Digenic and trigenic interactions reveal
RESEARCH ARTICLE SUMMARY functional relationships of duplicated genes

Functional divergence
Functional redundancy
Exploring whole-genome duplicate gene retention
with complex genetic interaction analysis functions
Paralog 1 Paralog 1
Elena Kuzmin*, Benjamin VanderSluis*, Alex N. Nguyen Ba, Wen Wang, Elizabeth N. Koch, Matej Usaj,
Paralog 2 Paralog 2
Anton Khmelinskii, Mojca Mattiazzi Usaj, Jolanda van Leeuwen, Oren Kraus, Amy Tresenrider,
Michael Pryszlak, Ming-Che Hu, Brenda Varriano, Michael Costanzo, Michael Knop, Alan Moses,
Chad L. Myers†, Brenda J. Andrews†, Charles Boone†
p1 p2 p1 p2

INTRODUCTION: Whole-genome duplication (WGD) associated with the paralog pair. The distri- Genetic
interactions p1,2 p1,2
events are pervasive in eukaryotes, shaping bution of the resulting trigenic interaction
the genomes of simple single-celled organ- fractions was distinctly bimodal, with two-
isms, such as yeast, as well as those of more thirds of paralogs exhibiting a low trigenic
complex metazoans, including humans. Most interaction fraction (diverged paralogs) and Digenic interactions
Trigenic interactions
duplicated genes are eliminated after WGD one-third showing a high trigenic interaction
because one copy accumulates deleterious fraction (functionally redundant paralogs).
mutations, leading to its loss. However, a sig- Paralogs with a high trigenic interaction frac- Evolutionary constraints acting on
duplicated genes
nificant proportion of duplicates persists, and tion showed a relatively low asymmetry in
factors that result in duplicate gene retention their number of digenic interactions, low rates

No. paralogs
are poorly understood but critical for under- of protein sequence divergence, and a negative
standing the evolutionary forces that shape digenic interaction within the gene pair. Position-specific
evolutionary rate
genomes. We correlated position-specific evolution- patterns
Trigenic interaction frac.
ary rate patterns between paralogs to assess
RATIONALE: Quantifying the functional diver- constraints acting on their evolutionary tra- Low correlation
gence of paralog pairs is of particular inter- jectories. Paralogs with a high trigenic in- High correlation
est because of the strong selection against teraction fraction showed more correlated
functional redundancy. Negative ge- ◥
evolutionary rate patterns and thus
Dispensable Synthetic
netic interactions identify function- ON OUR WEBSITE were more evolutionarily constrained
al relationships between genes and Read the full article than paralogs with a low trigenic
provide a means to directly capture at https://dx.doi. interaction fraction. Computational
the functional relationship between org/10.1126/ simulations that modeled dupli- Structural and functional entanglement
duplicated genes. Genetic interac- science.aaz5667 cate gene evolution revealed that model of paralog divergence
tions occur when the phenotype as- as the extent of the initial entan- Asymmetric
sociated with a combination of mutations glement (overlap of functions) of paralogs Complete divergence &
sub-functionalization retained overlap
in two or more different genes deviates from increased, so did the range of functional re-
the expected combined effect of the individ- dundancy at steady state. Thus, the bimodal
ual mutations. A negative genetic interaction distribution of the trigenic interaction frac- Ancestor
refers to a combination of mutations that tion may reflect that some paralogs diverged,
generates a stronger fitness defect than ex- primarily evolving distinct functions without Paralog 1
pected, such as synthetic lethality. Here, we redundancy, while others converged to an
used systematic analysis of digenic and tri- evolutionary steady state with substantial Paralog 2
genic interaction profiles to assess the func- redundancy due to their structural and func-
tional relationship of retained duplicated tional entanglement. Gene Function Evolutionary
CONCLUSION: We propose that the evolution- Complex genetic interaction analysis of duplicated
RESULTS: To map both digenic and trigenic ary fate of a duplicated gene is dictated by an genes. The trigenic interaction fraction, which incor-
interactions of duplicated genes, we profiled interplay of structural and functional entan- porates digenic and trigenic interactions, captures the
query strains carrying single-deletion muta- glement. Paralog pairs with high levels of functional relationship of duplicated genes and follows
tions and the corresponding double-deletion entanglement are more likely to revert to a a bimodal distribution. Paralogs with a high trigenic
mutations for 240 different dispensable paralog singleton state. In contrast, unconstrained interaction fraction are under evolutionary constraints
pairs originating from the yeast WGD event. In paralogs will tend to partition their functions reflecting their structural and functional entanglement.
total, we tested ~550,000 double and ~260,000 and adopt divergent roles. Intermediately en-
triple mutants for genetic interactions, and tangled paralog pairs may partition or expand
The list of author affiliations is available in the full article online.
identified ~4700 negative digenic interactions nonoverlapping functions while also retain- *These authors contributed equally to this work.
and ~2500 negative trigenic interactions. We ing some common, overlapping functions, such †Corresponding author. Email:
quantified the trigenic interaction fraction, that they can both adopt paralog-specific roles (C.B.); (B.J.A.); chadm@umn.
edu (C.L.M.)
defined as the ratio of negative trigenic inter- and maintain functional redundancy at an

Cite this article as E. Kuzmin et al., Science 368, eaaz5667
actions to the total number of interactions evolutionary steady state. (2020). DOI: 10.1126/science.aaz5667

Kuzmin et al., Science 368, 1446 (2020) 26 June 2020 1 of 1


◥ than expected (26). An extreme example of a

RESEARCH ARTICLE negative digenic interaction is synthetic le-
thality, which occurs when two mutations,
GENOMIC DUPLICATIONS neither of which is lethal on its own, combine
to generate an inviable double-mutant pheno-
Exploring whole-genome duplicate gene retention type (27, 28). Negative genetic interactions
often occur between genes that impinge on a
with complex genetic interaction analysis common essential function. A positive genetic
interaction occurs when a combination of mu-
Elena Kuzmin1,2*†, Benjamin VanderSluis3*, Alex N. Nguyen Ba4,5‡, Wen Wang3, Elizabeth N. Koch3, tations results in a phenotype that is less severe
Matej Usaj1, Anton Khmelinskii6§, Mojca Mattiazzi Usaj1, Jolanda van Leeuwen1¶, Oren Kraus1,2, than expected from the phenotypes asso-
Amy Tresenrider7, Michael Pryszlak1,2, Ming-Che Hu1, Brenda Varriano1, Michael Costanzo1, ciated with the single mutants. For exam-
Michael Knop6,8, Alan Moses4,5,9, Chad L. Myers3#, Brenda J. Andrews1,2#, Charles Boone1,2# ple, digenic suppression is observed when a
double mutant exhibits a greater fitness than
Whole-genome duplication has played a central role in the genome evolution of many organisms, the sickest single mutant (29). A previous global
including the human genome. Most duplicated genes are eliminated, and factors that influence the digenic interaction network in yeast identi-
retention of persisting duplicates remain poorly understood. We describe a systematic complex genetic fied ~550,000 negative and ~350,000 posi-
interaction analysis with yeast paralogs derived from the whole-genome duplication event. Mapping tive genetic interactions (30). The profile of
of digenic interactions for a deletion mutant of each paralog, and of trigenic interactions for the double genetic interactions for a specific query gene
mutant, provides insight into their roles and a quantitative measure of their functional redundancy. provides a quantitative measure of function
Trigenic interaction analysis distinguishes two classes of paralogs: a more functionally divergent subset (31, 32), and a network based on genetic in-
and another that retained more functional overlap. Gene feature analysis and modeling suggest teraction profile similarity reveals a hierar-
that evolutionary trajectories of duplicated genes are dictated by combined functional and structural chy of functional modules, including pathways
entanglement factors. and complexes, bioprocesses, and cellular com-
partments (30).

A systematic analysis of the digenic inter-
ost eukaryotic genomes, including the redundancy of duplicated genes is evolution- actions between duplicated gene pairs in yeast
human genome, contain a substantial arily unstable, as one gene copy may accumu- revealed functional redundancy, whereby ~30%
fraction of duplicated genes (1–7). Gene late intrinsically deleterious mutations and be of pairs interacted (relative to ~3.6% for random
duplication is generated by two main removed from the genome by selection (11). gene pairs) (33–37). However, this observation
mechanisms: segmental duplication However, a significant fraction of duplicates may indicate that the overall contribution of
(small-scale duplication) due to error-prone has been retained over the course of evolution. duplicate retention to the ability of an organism
DNA replication, and simultaneous duplication Thus, understanding the molecular mecha- to tolerate mutations, known as mutational
of all genomic segments (whole-genome dupli- nisms that underlie duplicate gene retention robustness, is relatively low because total func-
cation) due to a variety of polyploidy events may provide insights into the evolutionary tional compensation is only observed for a
(3, 8). Gene duplication provides a source of forces that shape genomes. minor fraction of duplicates (38). Mechanisms
new genes (9), and duplicate retention may About 100 million years ago, the budding that drive duplicate retention may be influ-
lead to the development of specialized func- yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae arose from a enced by gene dosage effects or by functional
tional modules involving paralogous pro- whole-genome duplication (WGD) event, and, divergence through asymmetric evolution (33).
teins through “subfunctionalization,” which after a massive gene loss, retained 551 dupli- Retention of duplicates may result from sub-
promotes biological complexity (10). Nonethe- cate gene pairs (6, 7, 12). Quantifying the func- functionalization, such that duplicates degen-
less, after duplication most paralogs are elimi- tional divergence of each paralog pair is of erate in some of their function differentially
nated from the genome because the functional particular interest because of the strong selec- and result in a pair of genes that function fully
tion against functional redundancy. Paralog as the single ancestral copy; this outcome is
Donnelly Centre, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario functional divergence has been estimated by postulated by the duplication-degeneration-
M5S 3E1, Canada. 2Department of Molecular Genetics, the rates of evolutionary divergence of coding complementation model (39). Evidence of
University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario M5S 3E1, Canada.
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, and regulatory regions (6, 12–14), Gene Ontol- functional partitioning of ancestral functions
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 55455, USA. ogy (GO) semantic distance (15–17), metabolic includes but is not limited to biochemical
Department of Cell and Systems Biology, University of flux analysis (18, 19), similarity of gene expres- function (40), gene expression regulatory ele-
Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. 5Center for Analysis of
Evolution and Function, University of Toronto, Toronto, sion profiles (3, 10, 20–23), changes in the en- ments (22), and subcellular localization pat-
Ontario, Canada. 6Zentrum für Molekulare Biologie der coded protein abundance of one sister upon terns (41).
Universität Heidelberg (ZMBH), DKFZ-ZMBH Alliance, 69120 perturbation of another (24), and analysis of Here, we expanded upon the use of genetic
Heidelberg, Germany. 7Department of Molecular and Cell
Biology, University of California, Berkeley, CA, USA. 8Cell
similarity of partners within the protein-protein interaction profiles to capture the functional
Morphogenesis and Signal Transduction, German Cancer interaction network (25). relationship of duplicated genes. We compared
Research Center (DKFZ), 69120 Heidelberg, Germany. Genetic interaction analysis provides a power- trigenic interactions for double-mutant query
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University
of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
ful means to directly capture the functional strains deleted for both members of nones-
*These authors contributed equally to this work. relationship between duplicated genes. Ge- sential paralog pairs to the corresponding
†Present address: Rosalind and Morris Goodman Cancer Research netic interactions occur when a combination digenic interaction profiles for each single-
Centre, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec H3A 1A3, Canada.
of mutations in different genes results in mutant sister gene, and we quantified a spec-
‡Present address: Department of Organismic and Evolutionary
Biology, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA. an unexpected phenotype, deviating from a trum of functional redundancy among paralogs.
§Present address: Institute of Molecular Biology, Mainz, Germany. model based on the integration of the individ- A correlative analysis of the gene features
¶Present address: Center for Integrative Genomics, University of ual mutant phenotypes. A negative genetic suggests that the evolutionary trajectories
Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland.
#Corresponding author. Email: (C.B.); interaction occurs when a combination of mu- of retained duplicated genes can be driven by (B.J.A.); (C.L.M.) tations leads to a more severe fitness defect genes encoding functionally and structurally

Kuzmin et al., Science 368, eaaz5667 (2020) 26 June 2020 1 of 11


constrained proteins, which we refer to as genetic array analysis (t-SGA) (Fig. 1). We crossed This analysis identified 4650 negative and
“entangled.” the queries to a diagnostic array of nonessential 2547 positive digenic interactions, as well as
gene deletion mutants and essential gene mu- 2466 negative and 2091 positive trigenic in-
Mapping trigenic interactions tants, carrying temperature-sensitive alleles, teractions (tables S1, S2, and S4). About one-
for duplicated genes which span all major cellular processes and third of negative and one-fourth of positive
We constructed 240 double-mutant query yeast cover ~1200 genes representing ~20% of the trigenic interactions were of the “novel” class,
strains, each deleted for a pair of nonessential yeast genome (37). In total, we examined identifying connections that were not observed
WGD paralog genes (tables S1 to S4). These 537,911 double and 256,861 triple mutants for in their corresponding digenic interaction net-
are dispensable paralog pairs and represent genetic interactions. Query strains deleted work (Fig. 2). Indeed, for 129 paralog pairs,
44% (240/551) of unique WGD paralog pairs for an individual paralog gene were screened the corresponding single genes displayed only
(12), a number of which were not included for digenic interactions, and double-mutant sparse digenic interaction profiles on the global
because the pair was either essential or re- query strains deleted for both paralogs were genetic interaction network (30) (table S6).
fractory to double-mutant query strain con- screened for trigenic interactions in two rep- However, they exhibited more novel trigenic
struction (42). Using colony size as a proxy for licate screens with four colonies per screen interactions (~40% negative and ~31% positive
cell fitness, we measured the growth pheno- (fig. S2, A to C) (37). Negative and positive in- trigenic interactions) than average, indicating
types of the set of 240 double-mutant query teractions were quantified for digenic and that paralog pair trigenic interactions expanded
strains and the corresponding 480 single mu- trigenic interactions (30, 32), which were de- the known global genetic interaction network.
tants (table S5) (42), which correlated well termined from validation of trigenic interac- The remaining two-thirds of negative and three-
with previous large-scale measurements of tions of the CLN1-CLN2 double-mutant query, fourths of positive trigenic interactions over-
single-mutant fitness (Pearson correlation co- as previously described (37). This resulted in lapped a previously identified digenic interaction
efficient r = 0.51, P = 3 × 10−30) and double- an estimated recall (sensitivity) of ~60% and a and thus represent a “modified” class of tri-
mutant fitness (r = 0.72, P = 2 × 10−23) (30) precision of ~75% (37). Additionally, we used genic interactions (Fig. 2). Paralogs with more
(fig. S1, A to D). replicate screens to independently estimate negative trigenic interactions than digenic in-
We used the set of single- and double-mutant the false discovery rate (FDR) as a function of teractions showed predominantly novel and
query strains to score digenic and trigenic in- recall, which resulted in a consistent estimate modified negative trigenic interactions, which
teractions, respectively, using trigenic synthetic of >75% precision (<25% FDR) (fig. S2D). overlapped exclusively with negative digenic
interactions indicating functional redundancy
(fig. S3A).

Genetic interaction profiles highlight

functional divergence of duplicated genes
The functional relationship between paralogs
should be captured by their negative genetic
interactions. Consistent with previous obser-
vations (32, 33), we observed that duplicates
showed fewer negative digenic interactions
than singletons (Wilcoxon rank-sum test, P =
6 × 10−8; fig. S3B), which is suggestive of a
general trend in which paralogs retain func-
tional redundancy. We predicted that highly
divergent gene pairs should exhibit a rela-
tively high number of paralog-specific nega-
tive digenic interactions (Fig. 3). In contrast,
functionally overlapping paralogs should be
biased toward trigenic interactions and should
display few paralog-specific interactions (Fig.
3). To assess this possibility, we computed the
trigenic interaction fraction, defined as the ratio
of negative trigenic interactions to the total
number of all negative interactions (digenic
Fig. 1. Trigenic synthetic genetic array (t-SGA) analysis for paralogs. (A) An illustration of the and trigenic) associated with the paralog pair
t-SGA experimental approach in which a query set of 240 dispensable paralog pairs originating from (Fig. 3).
whole-genome duplication (WGD) in yeast was screened for trigenic interactions. Three types of screens From this analysis, we observed that double
were carried out in parallel, whereby triple-mutant fitness was estimated by crossing a double-mutant mutants involving duplicates showed a range
query strain deleted for both paralogs (light and dark blue solid circles) into a diagnostic array of single of trigenic and digenic interaction degrees.
mutants (black solid circles) (37). After induction of meiosis in heterozygous triple mutants, sequential This indicated that complex genetic inter-
replica-pinning steps are used to select haploid triple-mutant progeny. Single-mutant control query strains actions may reveal their functional redundancy
are screened in parallel to estimate paralog-specific double-mutant fitness. (B) We used the t-SGA scoring (fig. S3B). For example, SKI7-HBS1 is a paralog
method to identify trigenic interactions quantitatively by combining double- and triple-mutant fitness pair that showed a relatively low trigenic in-
estimates derived from colony size measurements (37). The digenic interaction score is expressed as eij, teraction fraction (Fig. 3). Although the SKI7
where fij is the observed double-mutant fitness, and the expected double-mutant fitness is expressed and HBS1 gene products both recognize stalled
as the product of single-mutant fitness estimates fifj. The trigenic interaction score is expressed as tijk, where ribosomes and initiate mRNA degradation,
fijk is the observed triple-mutant fitness and fifjfk is the triple-mutant fitness expectation expressed as the they do so in a different manner (43). Ribosomes
product of three single-mutant fitness estimates. that stall upon encountering an in-frame stop

Kuzmin et al., Science 368, eaaz5667 (2020) 26 June 2020 2 of 11


Fig. 2. Distribution Pos. novel trigenic Neg. novel trigenic This distribution of trigenic interaction did
of different types of not differ for subsets of duplicated genes that
trigenic interactions Pos. modified trigenic originated by distinct mechanisms, such as
pos. digenic
for paralogs. The dif- ohnologs, which originated from WGD, or
ferent types of trigenic P1
homeologs, which originated from hybridiza-
interactions for all A
tion between species (42, 50). We confirmed
paralogs are compared P2 Neg. modified trigenic that the genetic interaction profiles we gen-
Pos. modified trigenic
in a pie chart. Nega- neg. digenic neg. digenic erated are robust to array size, in that we ob-
tive [(t or e) < –0.08, served a significant correlation for the trigenic
P < 0.05] and positive interactions obtained from the diagnostic ar-
[(t or e) > 0.08, P < Pos. modified trigenic ray and the genome-wide array, which were
Neg. modified trigenic
0.05] genetic interac- pos. and neg. digenic pos. digenic derived from screening 11 double mutants
tions are shown in with their single-mutant control query strains
Neg. modified trigenic
blue and yellow, neg. and pos. digenic in two replicates each (fig. S4). The strength
respectively. A trigenic of correlation between replicates was not af-
interaction between a double-mutant query and the array strain is called “novel” (dark blue/dark yellow) if there fected appreciably with decreasing stringency
is no significant digenic interaction between either single-mutant control query and the array strain or for either digenic or trigenic interactions (fig.
between the query gene pair. Trigenic interactions that overlap with one or more negative or positive digenic S2, A to C), indicating that our conclusions are
interactions are called “modified” and are further classified by the type of digenic interaction. All trigenic not dependent on an interaction score thresh-
interactions of double-mutant query strains that show a negative or a positive digenic interaction between the old. The remaining 79 paralog pairs, repre-
members of a query gene pair (P1-P2) (|e| > 0.08, P < 0.05) are considered “modified.” Interactions may senting about one-third of all screened pairs,
be further classified by digenic interactions (if any) between a single-mutant query control strain and the were characterized by sparse genetic interac-
array strain (P1 and/or P2-A negative, P1 and/or P2-A positive). Digenic interactions of the same sign are in tion profiles. These paralogs span a diverse set
medium blue/yellow, digenic interactions of the opposite sign are in light blue/yellow, and mixed positive of biological processes and tend to belong to
and negative digenic interactions are depicted in different shades of gray according to whether their modified larger gene families (one-sided t test, P = 0.04;
trigenic interactions are positive or negative. table S9), which may confer higher-order re-
dundancy and reduce second- and third-order
codon at the 3′ end of a transcript are recognized involved genes related to cell redox homeo- genetic interactions.
by Ski7, which in turn recruits the RNA exosome stasis, such as GRX3, TSA1, and TRX3. The
(44). In contrast, ribosomes stalled within the processes that regulate Fe2+ homeostasis are Trigenic interaction fraction, digenic
coding region of a transcript, possibly because important components of the cellular defense interaction profiles, and paralog properties
of an unusual structural conformation or dam- mechanism against oxidative damage. Indeed, The trigenic interaction fraction of paralog
age in the mRNA, are recognized by Hbs1, the MRS3-MRS4 trigenic interactions were pairs was also associated with several funda-
which initiates mRNA cleavage in an RNA also enriched for genes involved in DNA repli- mental physiological and evolutionary prop-
exosome–independent manner (45). Our model cation and repair, including genes encoding erties (Fig. 4B and tables S5, S7, and S10).
(Fig. 3) predicts that the digenic interaction members of the Rad51-Rad57 complex (RAD51, Paralogs with a high trigenic interaction frac-
profiles of the paralogs should reflect their RAD54, RAD55, RAD57), the Rad5-Rad6-Rad18 tion tend to exhibit low asymmetry with re-
independent function. Indeed, SKI7 showed complex (RAD5), the DNA replication factor spect to their number of digenic interactions.
digenic interactions with genes involved in C complex (CTF8, CTF18), the MRX complex The asymmetry score measures whether the
mRNA 3′ end protection and 5′-3′ mRNA de- (MRE11, XRS2), the Holliday junction resolvase digenic profile of one paralog is composed of
cay, such as PAT1 and LSM1, whereas HBS1 complex (MUS81, MMS4), and the nucleotide- substantially more interactions than its cor-
interacted with numerous genes involved in excision repair factor 3 complex (TFB1, SSL1) responding duplicate, and it correlates with
ribosome biogenesis and recycling. Thus, the (49). Together these examples illustrate how divergent evolution of paralog gene sequences
low trigenic interaction fraction of the SKI7- the trigenic interaction fraction may reflect (33). Consistent with this observation, a high
HBS1 gene pair (Fig. 3) appears to reflect the degree of functional overlap of paralogs. trigenic interaction fraction also correlated
the functional divergence of these paralogs with relatively low rates of protein sequence
(39, 40, 43). Distribution of trigenic interaction fraction divergence (Fig. 4B). We also observed a high
Conversely, the MRS3-MRS4 duplicate pair among retained paralog pairs trigenic interaction fraction in paralogs whose
showed a high trigenic interaction fraction In total, we measured the trigenic interaction double mutant showed a negative digenic in-
(~0.85) (Fig. 3). These paralogs are members fraction for 161 paralog pairs that showed at teraction, which is often associated with func-
of the eukaryotic-specific mitochondrial car- least six total trigenic or digenic interactions tionally related genes (Fig. 4B) (30, 37).
rier family, which transports compounds, in- (table S7). These paralog pairs displayed a range Conversely, paralogs with a low trigenic in-
cluding nucleotides, amino acids, carboxylates, of trigenic interaction fraction values (Fig. 4A) teraction fraction often showed a high asym-
small inorganic ions, and vitamins, across the that showed a distinctly bimodal distribution, metric score for their digenic degrees (Fig. 4B).
inner mitochondrial membrane linking the with 114 paralog pairs exhibiting a relatively low Consistent with our hypothesis that a low tri-
cytosolic and mitochondrial biochemical path- trigenic interaction fraction (below 0.4) while genic fraction is indicative of functional di-
ways (46). MRS3 and MRS4 encode highly a smaller subset of 47 paralogs displayed a vergence (Figs. 3 and 4A), a high asymmetry
similar mitochondrial carrier proteins with higher trigenic interaction fraction (above score may reflect that one paralog has evolved
high affinity for Fe2+, which they transport 0.4). This finding suggests that comparison of a specialized role. For example, a paralog dis-
across the inner mitochondrial membrane digenic and trigenic interaction profiles is an playing relatively few digenic interactions un-
(47). The corresponding vertebrate homolog, effective way to differentiate paralog pairs and der standard conditions may only be expressed
mitoferrin, is involved in erythropoiesis by can provide insight into the extent of func- and functional under a different environmen-
maintaining mitochondrial iron homeosta- tional overlap between members of a given tal condition or during a specialized devel-
sis (48). The MRS3-MRS4 trigenic interactions duplicated gene pair (Fig. 4A and table S7). opmental program. Indeed, in the case of four

Kuzmin et al., Science 368, eaaz5667 (2020) 26 June 2020 3 of 11


Fig. 3. Mapping the func- Functional Divergence parts of the cell (41, 55). However, because on
tional relationship of para- average duplicated genes do not appear to
Functional Redundancy
logs through their digenic evolve a relocalization more frequently than
and trigenic interactions. Biological singletons, this may not represent a major
This schematic depicts highly Functions mechanism driving paralog retention (56). We
divergent paralogs with little paralog 1 paralog 1 observed that paralogs with different subcel-
functional overlap and func- lular localization patterns tended to show a
paralog 2 paralog 2
tionally redundant paralogs modestly higher trigenic interaction frac-
with extensive functional tion than those with the same subcellular lo-
overlap, as represented by calization patterns (Wilcoxon rank-sum test,
the Venn diagrams. Diverged p1 p2 p1 p2 P < 0.05), which suggests that differentially
paralogs are predicted to Genetic localized paralogs may retain some functional
exhibit many digenic interac- Interactions overlap.
p1,2 p1,2
tions, indicative of their
paralog-specific functions Defining paralog function in terms
and few trigenic interactions, of trigenic interactions
whereas functionally To characterize the roles of paralog pairs with
redundant paralogs are 5’-to-3’ Ribosome Fe2+ homeostasis overlapping functions, we mapped their tri-
expected to show sparse mRNA decay biogenesis DNA Replication/Repair genic interactions onto the global digenic
digenic interactions and 1 1 interaction profile similarity network (30)
Frac. genetic

numerous trigenic interac- 0.8 0.8 (Fig. 5A). Using this approach, trigenic inter-
tions, indicative of their 0.6 0.6 actions associated with paralog pairs that have
functional overlap. Divergent 0.4 0.4 a relatively high trigenic interaction fraction
paralogs such as SKI7-HBS1 0.2 0.2 can be examined for enrichment within defined
behave in a manner con- 0 0 bioprocesses. For example, the sbe2D sbe22D
mrs3Δ mrs4Δ

ski7Δ hbs1Δ


sistent with the expectation double mutant showed few paralog-specific

and display fewer trigenic interactions and numerous trigenic interac-
than digenic interactions. tions, with a trigenic interaction fraction of
However, functionally ~0.69 (table S7). The proteins encoded by the
redundant paralogs such as SBE2-SBE22 pair share ~51% amino acid se-
MRS3-MRS4 display a higher Trigenic interactions Digenic interactions quence identity and have relatively well-
fraction of trigenic interac- characterized functions in the transport of
tions with a corresponding drop in the fraction of paralog-specific digenic interactions. The fraction of cell wall components from the Golgi to the
different types of genetic interactions is illustrated using bar graphs. The fraction of total genetic interactions cell surface (57). The SBE2-SBE22 negative tri-
attributed to the trigenic interactions associated with a par1D par2D double-mutant query, deleted for genic interactions involved genes enriched for
both paralogs, is shown as a dark blue bar; the fraction of digenic interactions associated with each paralog GO annotations related to vesicle-mediated
single-deletion mutant, par1D or par2D, is shown as a light blue bar. transport and cell wall organization (Fig. 5B)
and include interactions with an ARF-like small
asymmetric paralog pairs, expression of the high rate of duplication among components guanosine triphosphatase (GTPase) secretion
low-degree sister was induced during sporu- of the ribosome (35). Dosage duplicates are pathway (ARL1, ARL3, SYS1, YPT6), the exocyst
lation, a meiotic developmental program that associated with a severe fitness defect when (SEC4), and the chitin biosynthesis pathway
cells enter in response to a low-carbon and low- either one of the paralogs is deleted, as well as (CHS5, CHS6).
nitrogen environment. Specifically, GIS1 in a greater digenic interaction profile similar- Previously, we showed that trigenic inter-
paralog pair GIS1-RPH1, HES1 in HES1-KES1, ity than other duplicates, indicating that they actions, like digenic interactions, are func-
ECI1 in ECI1-DCI1, and DON1 in DON1-CUE5 have retained functional redundancy (33, 38). tionally informative and are enriched among
showed higher meiotic gene expression (table Because dosage duplicates should have sub- genes annotated to the same biological pro-
S11) (51). For another seven asymmetric paralog stantial functional redundancy, we reasoned cess (37). Mapping paralog trigenic interaction
pairs, the low-degree paralog was required that they might also tend to have a higher profiles onto the global digenic interaction
for filamentous growth (52), and for another trigenic interaction fraction. Although the profile similarity network enables the func-
15 asymmetric pairs, the gene expression of paralogs with a greater digenic interaction tional annotation of previously uncharacter-
the low-degree sister was induced under glu- profile similarity also tend to have a higher ized paralogs. For example, ECM13-YJR115W
cose starvation (table S11) (53). In total, 22 of trigenic interaction fraction (Fig. 4C), poten- showed a trigenic interaction fraction of 0.77
63 asymmetric pairs (~35%) have a paralog tial dosage duplicates (33) were found within with 12 negative digenic and 40 negative tri-
that may have been retained for function in both the high and low trigenic interaction frac- genic interactions, suggesting high functional
a different condition or during a specialized tion distributions (table S10). Thus, the func- redundancy (fig. S5A and table S7). These
program (table S11). tional redundancy associated with the subset paralogs are fungal-specific and share 39%
The retention of gene duplicates may also be of paralogs with a higher trigenic interaction identity and 70% similarity at the amino acid
related to gene dosage (54). For example, some fraction is probably not driven solely by dosage sequence level. The genes that constitute the
duplicates appear to be maintained as a result mechanisms. ECM13-YJR115W trigenic interaction profile
of selection for high levels of expression, as in The evolution of regions important for pro- were positioned mainly within the mitosis
the case of metabolic genes that provide high tein localization may lead to differential sub- and DNA replication and repair clusters on
enzymatic flux (18). WGD events also enable cellular localization of some paralogous proteins the global digenic profile network (Fig. 5C).
maintenance of stoichiometric balance of pro- and may play a role in their retention by en- The ECM13-YJR115 trigenic interaction profile
tein complex members, consistent with the abling specific paralog functions in distinct is correlated to the digenic interaction profiles

Kuzmin et al., Science 368, eaaz5667 (2020) 26 June 2020 4 of 11


A B function. A negative correlation of trigenic

SKI7-HBS1 r = -0.26 interaction fraction with measures of diver-

degree asymmetry
p = 0.001 gent evolution may be indicative of the con-

Digenic interaction
No. paralog pairs

straints that govern this process (Fig. 4B).

0.4 Amino acid conservation in specific positions
15 indicates evolutionary constraints on amino
MRS3-MRS4 acid residues that are important for protein
10 0 function, including those involved in oligo-
Low High
merization, protein-protein interactions, and
protein-substrate interactions (59). We there-
0 r = -0.22 fore used the correlation of position-specific
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 p = 0.008 evolutionary rate patterns between paralogs

divergence rate
Trigenic interaction fraction 0.5 as a measure of evolutionary divergence of the

sequence constraints (42). We reasoned that if
C Paralog types both paralogs share constraints on specific
Low trigenic fraction residues of protein domains during evolution
High trigenic fraction 0 and evolve similarly after the WGD, then they
Low High would be expected to be more similar to each
0.58 0.2 p = 0.048 other than to the pre-WGD species. On the other
profile similarity
Global digenic

hand, if paralogs do not share constraints on

0.1 r = -0.29 specific residues of protein domains during
interaction strength
p = 8x10-4

evolution and evolve differently after the WGD,

Paralog pair

0.29 0 0 then they would be less similar to each other

-0.05 than to the pre-WGD species. We therefore
-0.1 designated a set of pairs with a high correlation
-0.1 of position-specific evolutionary rate patterns
Low High as evolutionarily constrained pairs for which
0 the correlation of rates between extant sisters
-0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 Trigenic interaction was greater than or equal to both the corre-
Global digenic profile similarity fraction
lations between each sister and the pre-WGD
Fig. 4. The trigenic interaction fraction correlates with fundamental physiological and evolutionary homolog. Paralog pairs with little correlation
properties. (A) Negative trigenic interaction fraction distribution of screened paralogs, (t or e) < –0.08, in their position-specific evolutionary rate pat-
P < 0.05; paralogs with at least six trigenic or digenic interactions in one of the screens are considered. terns have different sequence constraints and
Representative examples of paralogs with a low (SKI7-HBS1) and high (MRS3-MRS4) trigenic interaction are therefore likely to have different structure
fraction are marked with an arrow. (B) Physiological and evolutionary properties for paralogs characterized and function (Fig. 6A and table S12).
by varying fraction of trigenic interactions. Spearman correlation coefficients (r) and associated P values For example, the proteins encoded by the
are measures of the strength of the correlation between the trigenic interaction fraction and the three MRS3-MRS4 gene pair show a high correlation
features being examined: digenic interaction degree asymmetry, sequence divergence rate, and paralog pair in their position-specific evolutionary rate pat-
interaction strength. The correlation was measured on the entire dataset. The bar plots serve to visualize terns and also have high protein sequence iden-
the trend, in which a trigenic interaction fraction cutoff of 0.4 was used to identify paralogs with low and tity (~76%) (Fig. 6B and fig. S6A). Although both
high trigenic interaction fraction, based on negative interactions (t or e) < –0.08, P < 0.05. Means of MRS3 and MRS4 encode high-affinity mito-
specified features are shown; error bars denote SEM. (C) The distribution of global digenic profile correlation chondrial Fe2+ transporters, the MRS3 protein
similarity (30) was compared for paralogs with high and low trigenic interaction fraction. A trigenic displays an additional Cu2+ transport function
interaction fraction cutoff of 0.4 was used as in (B). Box plots serve to summarize the data of the (60). The general mitochondrial carrier function
distributions. Analyses are restricted to paralogs with at least six total trigenic or digenic interactions in one is structurally constrained because all mitochon-
of the screens. Significance was assessed using one-tailed Wilcoxon rank-sum test. drial carrier proteins have a tripartite struc-
ture with three similar segments, each of which
is ~100 amino acids in length and forms two
of CCT4 and CCT5, which encode members of regation, we found that both GFP-Ecm13 and membrane-spanning a helices (fig. S7A) (61).
the cytosolic chaperonin Cct ring complex that GFP-Yjr115w showed a distinct nuclear local- Interestingly, these proteins appear to have
participates in the assembly of tubulin, and ization (fig. S5F). Another poorly characterized properties that are favorable for retention after
RBL2, which is involved in microtubule mor- pair is STB6-STB2, which encodes proteins duplication because multiple mitochondrial
phogenesis, suggesting a possible microtubule- that bind the SIN3 transcriptional repressor carrier protein genes were retained after the
related role for this paralog pair (30) (fig. S5B). and may impinge on the MTC (maintenance yeast WGD. Indeed, of the 35 different mito-
The ecm13D yjr115wD double mutant was spe- of telomere capping) pathway, suggesting a chondrial carrier protein genes in the yeast
cifically sensitive to benomyl, a microtubule- role in aromatic amino acid permease secretion genome, 10 are encoded by five WGD paralog
disrupting agent (fig. S5, C and D), and showed a (30) (fig. S5, G to J). pairs (62).
delay in spindle nucleation and polymeriza- Our study interrogated four mitochondrial
tion (fig. S5E). Moreover, the Ecm13 protein Correlation analysis of position-specific carrier protein WGD pairs: MRS3-MRS4, YIA6-
interacts with Dad2 and Dad4, which are evolutionary rate patterns between paralogs YEA6, YMC1-YMC2, and ODC1-ODC2. Like the
components of the Dam1 complex that links To further explore the factors that drive paralog MRS3-MRS4 paralog pair, YIA6 and YEA6 are
kinetochores to microtubules to facilitate chro- retention and produce a spectrum of functional connected by a negative digenic interaction
mosome segregation (58). Consistent with a redundancy, we considered the relationship and show a high trigenic interaction fraction,
role in spindle function and chromosome seg- among divergent evolution, structure, and which is consistent with a retained functional

Kuzmin et al., Science 368, eaaz5667 (2020) 26 June 2020 5 of 11


A Global Similarity Network B

Cell Polarity & Cytokinesis
tRNA Wobble Mod. Cell Polarity &
Morphogenesis Morphogenesis
MVB Sorting & Peroxisome MVB Sorting &
pH-dependent pH-dependent
Signaling Respiration, Signaling
Oxidative Glycosylation,
Glycosylation, Phosphorylation, Protein
Protein Mitochondrial Folding/Targeting,
Folding/Targeting, Targeting Cell Wall Biosynthesis
Cell Wall
Vesicle Degradation Vesicle
Traffic Metabolism Traffic
& Fatty acid
Ribosome biosynthesis
Biogenesis Mitosis &
rRNA &
ncRNA DNA Replication
& Repair
mRNA Transport
Transcription & Chromatin

Fig. 5. The trigenic interaction fraction reveals the functional divergence C

of duplicated genes and illuminates gene function. (A to C) SAFE (70) ECM13-YJR115W
analysis (A) was used to visualize regions of the global digenic interaction Cell Polarity & tRNA Wobble Mod.
profile similarity network (30) that were enriched for genes in the trigenic
interaction profiles of the paralog pairs SBE2-SBE22 (B) and ECM13-YJR115W
(C). Blue indicates the enrichment related to negative trigenic interactions
(t < –0.08, P < 0.05).

Mitosis &

DNA Replication &


Transcription & Chromatin


redundancy. In contrast, both the YMC1-YMC2 their position-specific evolutionary rate pat- on paralogs (Fig. 6C). We found that paralogs
and ODC1-ODC2 paralog pairs display rela- terns and thus show a low sequence identity with a high trigenic interaction fraction were
tively few trigenic interactions. Indeed, the (~26%) with an asymmetric rate of sequence composed of a significantly higher number
YMC1-YMC2 pair displays a low correlation of divergence, whereby Ski7 appears to be di- of paralogs with correlated evolutionary rate
position-specific evolutionary rate patterns and verging faster than Hbs1 (table S10). Detailed patterns and thus were more evolutionarily
thus a low level of functional redundancy (table inspection of these proteins revealed that the constrained than those characterized by a
S12). On the other hand, ODC1-ODC2 displays Hbs1 protein resembles the pre-WGD homo- low trigenic interaction fraction (Fisher exact
a relatively high correlation of position-specific log, whereas Ski7 has adopted a more diver- test, P = 0.01) (Fig. 6C). Moreover, paralogs
evolutionary rate patterns (table S12); how- gent fate, which suggests that its evolved role that show a synthetic lethal genetic interac-
ever, their functional overlap may be masked was not constrained structurally by the pre- tion are considered highly functionally redun-
by the presence of other mitochondrial carrier WGD ancestor (Fig. 6B and fig. S6B). Despite dant. This subset of essential paralogs shows
proteins because they belong to a large gene retaining the EF-Tu GTP-binding domain a higher correlation in their position-specific
family with multiple paralog members, ex- (PF00009), it is present in a highly divergent evolutionary rate patterns, which suggests that
panded also by small-scale duplications (table form. Ski7 also lost critical sequences encoding these genes are more evolutionarily constrained
S9). Moreover, we combined our genetic analysis an Hbs1-like N-terminal motif (PF8938) and than those within the subset of highly redun-
with literature curated data to map a genetic sequences encoding the EF-Tu C-terminal do- dant nonessential paralogs displaying a high
network underlying numerous mitochondrial main (PF03143), highlighting the evolutionary trigenic interaction fraction (Fisher exact test,
carrier protein genes, and the YMC1-YMC2 and divergence of Ski7 from Hsb1 and the pre-WGD P = 0.02) (Fig. 6C and table S13). Hence, it
ODC1-ODC2 paralogs appear to form a highly homolog (Fig. 6B and fig. S6B). appears that some paralogs are highly struc-
connected subnetwork (fig. S8), which suggests By calculating the level of correlation of turally constrained or “entangled,” which limits
that these two paralog pairs display a more position-specific evolutionary rate patterns their divergence leading to the maintenance
complex functional redundancy. between members of the duplicate pair in rela- of functional overlap, but presumably within
In contrast to MRS3-MRS4, the SKI7-HBS1 tion to the pre-WGD homolog (Fig. 6A), we a context that also enables the evolution of
proteins show a relatively low correlation in assessed the evolutionary constraints acting novel functions.

Kuzmin et al., Science 368, eaaz5667 (2020) 26 June 2020 6 of 11


Modeling simulates the divergent evolution functional overlap cannot segregate certain functions could not be carried out by at least
of paralogs with retained functional redundancy functional regions without a fitness cost. We one sister, and continued simulating muta-
We also explored functional redundancy and computationally generated “genes” of fixed tions until the pair reached steady state and
paralog retention using in silico modeling in length, in which regions of random length could tolerate no additional mutations. The
an attempt to test two hypotheses. Under were assigned responsibility for a function, extent of overlap of functions in each ran-
the first hypothesis, the retained nonessential and a random number of such functions was domly generated ancestral gene at the start of
paralog pairs with a high trigenic interac- generated for each gene, such that these func- paralog evolution provides a measure of their
tion fraction—and thus a high functional tional regions were allowed to overlap. Then initial structural and functional “entangle-
overlap—are inherently unstable over evolu- we duplicated each gene and began introduc- ment,” generating a baseline from which we
tionary time and would eventually diverge ing random “degenerative” mutations, which assessed their evolutionary trajectories (42).
completely, losing any common functional- would render the affected paralog unable to These simulations revealed that for a large
ity. Under the alternative hypothesis, retained perform any function associated with the fraction of paralog pairs, the mutation process
paralogs may converge to an evolutionary mutated region (Fig. 7A). We discarded any resulted in a singleton state with only one of
steady state, in which paralogs with retained lineage as unfit when any one of the original the sisters being retained. A sizable fraction of

Fig. 6. Evolution of retained overlap due to evolutionary constraints acting of position-specific evolutionary rate patterns (SKI7-HBS1). The position in the
on duplicated gene sequences. (A) Schematic depiction of the analysis of alignment is plotted on the x axis; the rate of evolution at a particular position
correlated evolutionary sequence changes across paralog sequences reflecting divided by the average rate of evolution for all residues in the given sister paralog
evolutionary constraints on paralogs. Correlated rates of evolution for is plotted on the y axis. The scale of the y axis has been fixed for each paralog
specific columns in multiple sequence alignments for the pre-WGD homolog pair. Pfam domains are annotated. The MRS3-MRS4 alignment shows three
and each paralog are denoted with a gray-to-black gradient, from low to high, mitochondrial carrier repeats, each composed of two a helices (blue,
respectively. High correlation of position-specific evolutionary rate patterns H1 and H2; red, H3 and H4; yellow, H5 and H6) followed by a characteristic
identifies residues with similar evolutionary constraints. Paralogs with cor- motif Pro-X-[Asp/Glu]-X-X-[Lys/Arg]-X-[Lys/Arg]-(20 to 30 residues)-
related rates (rpar1:par2) that are greater than or equal to that of each paralog [Asp/Glu]-Gly-X-X-X-X-[Trp/Tyr/Phe]-[Lys/Arg]-Gly connecting each pair of
and with the corresponding pre-WGD (rpar1:preWGD and rpar2:preWGD) were membrane-spanning domains by a loop. The SKI7-HBS1 alignment shows GTP
designated as having a high correlation of position-specific evolutionary rate EF-Tu (blue) and C-terminal GTP EF-Tu (red) domains. The Hbs1-like N-terminal
pattern, and paralogs with correlated rates (rpar1:par2) that were less than motif lies outside of the alignment window. (C) Fraction of nonessential and
that of either paralog or both paralogs with the pre-WGD (rpar1:preWGD and/or essential paralogs that show a high or low correlation of position-specific
rpar2:preWGD) were designated as having a low correlation of position-specific evolutionary rate patterns. The paralogs with low and high trigenic interaction
evolutionary rate pattern; r refers to the Pearson correlation coefficient be- fraction belong to the part of the distribution shown above; a trigenic interac-
tween the respective sequences. (B) Examples of evolutionary rates for posi- tion fraction cutoff of 0.4 was used, based on negative interactions (t or e) <
tions in the alignments for representative paralogs, showing a high correlation –0.08, P < 0.05, and contains the set of paralogs that were used for the
of position-specific evolutionary rate patterns (MRS3-MRS4) or a low correlation correlated evolution analysis. Significance was assessed by Fisher exact test.

Kuzmin et al., Science 368, eaaz5667 (2020) 26 June 2020 7 of 11


simulations, however, ended with paralogs tensive entanglement (Fig. 7C and fig. S9, B C-terminal domain while retaining a highly
in a stable steady state in which no more mu- and C). Consistent with this observation from diverged form of the EF-Tu GTP-binding do-
tations could be tolerated in either paralog, our simulations, paralog evolution can show main, reflecting a modular, structural, and
while still maintaining viability. Analysis of asymmetric bias with respect to functional functional organization of the protein (Fig. 6B).
the simulation results revealed that the par- redundancy (Fig. 4B). On the other hand, MRS3 and MRS4 encode
ticular trajectory followed by a given paralog Our modeling further revealed that as the mitochondrial carrier proteins dedicated to
pair was correlated with the level of functional extent of the initial entanglement of paralogs the transport of small inorganic ions, and thus
entanglement. Specifically, paralog pairs that increased, so did the range of steady-state func- their divergence would be predicted to occur
started with the highest levels of entangle- tional overlap, which is represented by con- in specific residues that modulate ion speci-
ment immediately upon duplication were more strained domains at steady state (Fig. 7D and ficity (Fig. 6B and fig. S7).
likely to revert to a singleton state. This sug- fig. S9D). This suggests that the bimodal dis- We propose that the evolutionary fate of
gests that duplicated genes generally cannot tribution of the trigenic interaction fraction a duplicated gene can be governed by an
tolerate genetic perturbations when they lack (Fig. 4A) may indicate that one subset of WGD interplay of structural and functional entan-
functionally independent regions (Fig. 7B and paralogs diverged substantially so that each glement (Fig. 7E). If a duplicated gene con-
fig. S9A). Among paralog pairs that were re- of the sister paralogs has a distinct function, tains several easily partitioned functions,
tained at steady state, increased entangle- and another subset of retained WGD paralogs then it will most likely subfunctionalize; on
ment at the point of duplication also led to a reached an evolutionary steady state despite the other hand, an entangled pair, which is
broader bias in the functional asymmetry (ra- retained functional overlap, perhaps as a re- highly restricted structurally and function-
tio of functional responsibilities) at steady sult of their structural and functional entan- ally, would have a tendency to revert to a
state. Thus, paralogs diverge asymmetrically glement (Fig. 7E). For example, in the case of singleton state because one of the genes is
when they begin their evolutionary trajec- SKI7-HBS1, Ski7 diverged from Hbs1 by losing predicted to quickly become nonfunctional.
tory with a protein sequence containing ex- the Hbs1-like N-terminal motif and the EF-Tu However, given multiple functions and an

A Immediately upon duplication B C D

Singleton reversion probability

Retained functional overlap

Paralog 1 Paralog 2 0.75 0.50

Fraction of pairs
3 0.50
0.5 0.25
Random 0.25
Evolutionary steady-state
0 0

Entanglement Entanglement Entanglement
4 Bias of function toward one sister
50-65 65-80
Functional divergence 80-95 >95%
& retained redundancy

E Structural and functional entanglement model of paralog divergence

Complete Asymmetric divergence & Reversion to
sub-functionalization retained overlap singleton

Paralog 1 Function
Paralog 2

Fig. 7. In silico evolutionary model. (A) Schematic depiction of the in silico functional overlap as a fraction of “gene” length at the start of the simulations
evolutionary model. The pair evolves through random mutations until it reaches (< 10%, 30%, 50%, 70%, 90%, 100%, respectively); the y axis depicts the
an evolutionarily stable state that can sustain no further mutations without a loss propensities of paralogs to revert to a singleton state (B), evolve functional
of function. Top, a pair at the start of the evolutionary trajectory; bottom, a asymmetry (C), or retain functional overlap at the evolutionary steady state (D).
pair that achieves a division of labor with a retention of a common function (dark (E) The structural and functional entanglement model of paralog divergence. A pair will
blue blocks), the loss of which is prevented because it would compromise the evolve by subfunctionalization if it is modular and is composed of partitionable
unique functions of each paralog (yellow, light blue, red). (B to D) Evolutionary functions (left). A paralog pair that is very structurally and functionally entangled will
fates of paralogs with functional and structural entanglement. Paralogs were have a high probability of reversion to a singleton state because one of the sisters
generated to represent a range of overlapping functional domains at the onset of will quickly degenerate (right). Paralogs with an intermediate level of entanglement at
their evolutionary trajectory, and the propensity to assume specific paralog the time of duplication will tend to partition some and retain some overlapping
properties was quantified. In each case, the x axis represents bins of initial functions, allowing for specialization of a common activity (center).

Kuzmin et al., Science 368, eaaz5667 (2020) 26 June 2020 8 of 11


intermediate level of entanglement, a gene of functional redundancy. Indeed, our mod- of redundancy in a steady state. There are
pair has a chance of partitioning or expand- eling shows that given some level of moder- models that address different potential modes
ing some nonoverlapping functions while ate structural entanglement and the potential of functional divergence, such as neo- or sub-
retaining others in common, and remaining for multifunctionality, a substantial fraction of functionalization (39, 65). However, reasons
evolutionarily stable. duplicate pairs converge to a steady state in for the persistence of functional redundancy
which they retain functional overlap. This re- have remained elusive. It is noteworthy that
Discussion sult offers a possible explanation as to the per- previous simple computer simulations, which
The complex genetic interaction network of sistence of the functional overlap in paralogs, incorporated mutation rates of genes and
dispensable WGD paralogs provides insight which is not simply due to paralogs diverging the varying contribution of their functions to
into the long-standing question of why paral- slowly from one another. We propose that the overall fitness, have also identified situations
ogs with overlapping functions are retained on results of our in silico modeling may explain in which redundancy can be maintained in-
an evolutionary time scale. By combining both why the trigenic interaction fraction tends to definitely (66–68). It has been shown that
paralog-specific digenic interactions and the follow a bimodal distribution (Figs. 4A and 7). paralogs that are selected to function as dis-
paralog pair trigenic interactions in a single The upper mode of the distribution repre- tinct homomers also retain the ability to het-
metric, the trigenic interaction fraction, we sents the set of duplicate pairs that will likely erodimerize, which may prevent functional
captured the spectrum of the retained func- remain fixed in a partially functionally redun- divergence between paralogs (69). In general,
tional redundancy of dispensable paralogs. dant state, whereas the lower mode represents our findings support fixation of overlapping
Definitions of functionally redundant or duplicates that already have or are diverging functional redundancy for a substantial pro-
divergent paralogs using genetic interactions in function. Because ohnologs and homeologs portion of yeast paralogs.
appear to be consistent with classification (42, 50) show the same distribution of trigenic
from protein-protein interaction studies (25). interaction fraction, this model of paralog di- Methods summary
For example, in the case where a paralog is vergence and retention of functional redun- To study the functional divergence of dupli-
deleted and the sister responds by gaining dancy also likely applies to gene duplicates of cated genes, 240 double mutants and 480
specific protein-protein interactions, then the various ages and origins beyond WGD, which corresponding single mutant control “query”
paralogs should compensate for each other’s may include small-scale duplicates. strains, involving dispensable WGD pairs in
loss and thus should exhibit a high trigenic In the simulation analysis, we modeled func- the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae
interaction fraction. Indeed, four such paralogs tions as being supported by contiguous se- S288C, were constructed using PCR-mediated
were examined in our study and they showed quence domains. However, because our model gene deletion followed by tetrad analysis.
a propensity to exhibit high trigenic inter- treats every position along a “gene” as statis- Paralog 1 deletion was marked with natMX4,
action fractions. In particular, NUP53-ASM4 tically independent, positions contributing while paralog 2 was deleted and replaced with
and OSH6-OSH7 showed high trigenic inter- to a common function would not need to be K. lactis URA3. Single mutant control strains
action fractions of 0.49 and 0.80, respectively. contiguous, and the conclusions would remain deleted for each one of the paralogs were also
On the other hand, some paralogs share protein- the same for functional domains encoded by marked with the relevant control marker, which
protein interactions that are lost for both discontinuous sequences. Therefore, the model was inserted at the benign HO locus. Query
paralogs when only one sister is deleted, which has the flexibility to capture a wide variety of strain fitness and query gene pair genetic in-
suggests that although these paralogs may different physiological scenarios that might teractions were measured using high-density
cooperate, they do not fully compensate for display structural or functional entanglement, synthetic genetic array (SGA) analysis. To ob-
each other (25). We examined two such known such as independent modular domains; lin- tain trigenic interactions, double mutant query
paralogs, PEX25-PEX27 and GSY1-GSY2, and early distant contact sites within a secondary, strains along with their respective single mu-
they exhibited low trigenic interaction frac- tertiary, or quaternary structure; or even reg- tant control query strains were subjected to
tions of 0.19 and 0.25, respectively. Beyond ulatory regions beyond coding boundaries or trigenic-SGA analysis (t-SGA), which involves
these examples, genetic interaction profiling elsewhere within the genome. It is important a number of automated replica pinning steps.
provides a functional readout and allows as- to note that this definition of structural and Each query strain was mated to a diagnostic
sessment of pairs of genes that do not have functional entanglement is distinct from the array of 1200 strains, consisting of deletion mu-
extensive protein-protein interaction profiles, simple physical entanglement of proteins re- tants of nonessential genes and temperature-
and therefore it provides a complementary view stricted to the basic organization of polypep- sensitive alleles of essential genes, providing a
of functional redundancy. tide chains (63). representative view of the global digenic in-
Our framework enabled us to interrogate The question of why subfunctionalization teraction network. Briefly, the query and ar-
how WGD paralog evolution relates to the does not proceed to completion—leading to ray strains were mated on rich media, MATa/a
evolutionary stability of retained common func- fixation of duplicated genes with some spe- diploids were selected on media containing
tions and asymmetric functional divergence. cific functions, yet exhibiting a certain level of G418 and clonNAT, sporulation was induced
By computing the extent of correlated evolution functional redundancy—remains an outstand- by transferring to media with low levels of
in sister paralogs (Fig. 6), we identified paralogs ing problem in evolutionary biology. Constraints nitrogen and carbon sources, and MATa meiotic
that show highly correlated position-specific that prevent complete divergence may allow haploid progeny was selected on haploid se-
evolutionary rate patterns and thus are under paralogs to retain the ability to function in lection media. Triple mutants were then se-
strong evolutionary constraints to retain some parallel biochemical pathways or macromolec- lected by first pinning onto haploid selection
of their ancestral function, reflecting their ular complexes, thus resulting in a retention media containing G418, lacking uracil, and
structural and functional entanglement. This of redundancy (18, 43, 64). More specifically, then onto haploid selection media containing
was further explored by our in silico model despite functional divergence of independent both G418 and clonNAT, lacking uracil. Every
(Fig. 7), which predicts that low levels of en- domains, incomplete subfunctionalization of query strain was screened in two independent
tanglement are sufficient to drive asymmetric paralogs could be driven by a structurally and replicates.
subfunctionalization, whereas more complex functionally overlapping ancestral domain (35). Colony size was measured as a proxy for
sequence-function relationships with higher There are few existing models of duplicate evo- fitness, and digenic and trigenic interactions
structural entanglement can result in fixation lution that specifically address the existence were scored using a quantitative model. Trigenic

Kuzmin et al., Science 368, eaaz5667 (2020) 26 June 2020 9 of 11


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Kuzmin et al., Science 368, eaaz5667 (2020) 26 June 2020 11 of 11


◥ during regeneration of the visual system and

RESEARCH ARTICLE SUMMARY were always tightly associated with axonal
projections, consistent with a possible role in
DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY attraction to facilitate visual system assembly.
In addition, we found that a notum+ set of
Muscle and neuronal guidepost-like cells facilitate neurons, located at the adult anterior brain
commissure, regenerated before axonal mid-
planarian visual system regeneration line crossing and was associated with optic
chiasm regeneration.
M. Lucila Scimone*, Kutay D. Atabay*, Christopher T. Fincher, Ashley R. Bonneau, We reasoned that if the photoreceptor axon–
Dayan J. Li, Peter W. Reddien† associated notum+; frizzled 5/8-4+ muscle cells
have a guidepost-like function, their formation
should be independent

INTRODUCTION: Multiple strategies exist to pro- circuits, they must possess mechanism(s) for ON OUR WEBSITE of eye cells. Eyes trans-
mote precise wiring of developing neuronal de novo repair of neuronal patterns. In this planted to ectopic ana-
circuits. One strategy involves guidepost cells, study, we aimed to characterize such mech- Read the full article tomical locations did not
at https://dx.doi.
which exist transiently in embryos. Guidepost anisms by studying regeneration of the pla- org/10.1126/ result in the formation
cells can act as intermediate guidance tar- narian visual system after diverse injuries. science.aba3203 of notum+; frizzled 5/8-4+
gets for axons or by providing a scaffold that .................................................. muscle cells. Furthermore,
facilitates axonal targeting. Most guidance RESULTS: We identified a rare subset of muscle animals that were unable
mechanisms become dispensable once the cells (notum+; frizzled 5/8-4+) concentrated at to generate eyes [ovo RNA interference (ovo
circuit is assembled. Loss of guidance mech- two precise anatomical locations and in tight RNAi) animals] were still capable of specify-
anisms creates a potential limitation on re- association with photoreceptor axons. The ing these muscle cells at the right locations. In
generation of neuronal patterns—yet some first group of these cells was found near the addition, we predicted that if these muscle cells
animals are capable of functional regeneration eye, where visual axons project and fasciculate were indeed guidepost-like cells, visual axon
of their nervous system. to form a bundle. The second group of these trajectories should be associated with them
cells was found near choice points, where sort- after eye transplantation into eyeless heads.
RATIONALE: Assuming some adult animals have ing of contralateral and ipsilateral axons oc- In all instances, axons from transplanted eyes
the ability to regenerate functional neuronal curs. Both groups of muscle cells were formed projected toward notum+; frizzled 5/8- 4+ mus-
cle cells and often adjusted their trajectories
after encountering them.
We found that an array of signaling cues,
which provide positional information essential
for planarian patterning, was required for dic-
tating the precise location of these guidepost-
like cells. This provides a visual system–extrinsic
mechanism for placing guidepost-like cells in
the adult.
Finally, with single-cell RNA sequencing
and fluorescent in situ hybridization screen-
ing, we identified molecules and transcription
factors expressed in these cells. RNAi studies
reduced or eliminated muscle or neuronal
guidepost-like cell subsets and resulted in ab-
errant patterns of visual axonal trajectories.

CONCLUSION: Adult molecular and cellular

strategies for regenerating neuronal pattern in
the absence of embryo-specific contexts must
exist to overcome damage or loss after injury.
Understanding these mechanisms might pro-
vide important insights for regenerative med-
icine. Here, we found adult guidepost-like cell
populations, extrinsic to the visual system and
placed by adult positional information, that
promote normal visual system regeneration
in planarians.

Adult guidepost-like cells facilitate visual system regeneration in planarians. Muscle and neuron
guidepost-like cells are present at key locations near the planarian visual system and are formed independently
of photoreceptor axons. Regenerating and transplanted eyes target projections to guidepost-like cells. The list of author affiliations is available in the full article online.
Positional information cues provide an eye-extrinsic mechanism to place guidepost-like cells in the adult. *These authors contributed equally to this work.
†Corresponding author. Email:
Loss of guidepost-like cells is associated with visual system disruption. wnt-5, slit, and ndk are involved in Cite this article as M. L. Scimone et al., Science 368,
positional control of guidepost-like cell placement. fz5/8-4, frizzled 5/8-4. eaba3203 (2020). DOI: 10.1126/science.aba3203

Scimone et al., Science 368, 1447 (2020) 26 June 2020 1 of 1


◥ undergo constant tissue turnover. These pro-

RESEARCH ARTICLE cesses involve neoblasts, a proliferating cell
population containing pluripotent stem cells.
DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY In addition to dividing cells, proper regener-
ation requires positional information. Genes
Muscle and neuronal guidepost-like cells facilitate proposed to encode positional information
in planarians are predominantly expressed in
planarian visual system regeneration muscle cells in a regionally restricted manner
across body axes (27). Whereas the cells and
M. Lucila Scimone1,2,3*, Kutay D. Atabay1,2,3*, Christopher T. Fincher1,2,3, Ashley R. Bonneau1,2,3, molecules guiding the fate choices of stem
Dayan J. Li1,2,3, Peter W. Reddien1,2,3† cells into new differentiated cells in planarian
regeneration have received substantial atten-
Neuronal circuits damaged or lost after injury can be regenerated in some adult organisms, but the tion, the mechanisms by which the architecture
mechanisms enabling this process are largely unknown. We used the planarian Schmidtea mediterranea of the different planarian tissues is restored
to study visual system regeneration after injury. We identify a rare population of muscle cells tightly remains little studied.
associated with photoreceptor axons at stereotyped positions in both uninjured and regenerating We identified a set of muscle cells and neu-
animals. Together with a neuronal population, these cells promote de novo assembly of the visual system rons tightly associated with the planarian pho-
in diverse injury and eye transplantation contexts. These muscle guidepost-like cells are specified toreceptor axons with guidepost-like attributes.
independently of eyes, and their position is defined by an extrinsic array of positional information These cells were constitutively present and
cues. These findings provide a mechanism, involving adult formation of guidepost-like cells typically capable of being regenerated after injury. The
observed in embryos, for axon pattern restoration in regeneration. positioning of these muscle cells was guided
by a constitutive system of positional infor-

mation enabling their replacement at suitable
ormation of neural circuits during de- positioning of guidepost cells at choice points positions after injury to promote precision in
velopment requires the orchestration of along the axonal path is instructed by canon- the regeneration of visual system architecture.
multiple events, such as the specifica- ical axon guidance cues themselves (5–7), and Our results describe a strategy for de novo for-
tion of neurons, the precise navigation the proper location of guidepost cells is fun- mation of precise axonal projection pattern
of axons through the extracellular envi- damental for precise axonal tract development after injury in the adult.
ronment toward targets, and the generation (17–20). Since the discovery of guidepost cells
of specific synapses. The first axons to extend in the grasshopper limb, guidepost cells in notum+; frizzled 5/8-4+ muscle cells are
in developing nervous systems, known as pio- several other organisms have been identified, tightly associated with the visual system
neer axons, grow along stereotyped routes and including midline glia cells in Drosophila, floor Many planarian species have a pair of true
fasciculate with each other to form tracts that plate cells in the vertebrate spinal cord, and cerebral eyes that are symmetrically located
are followed by subsequent axons. Ablation of CD44+ neurons and retinal glial cells found dorsal to the cephalic ganglia (28). Planar-
pioneer neurons can perturb the guidance of at the developing optic chiasm in mammals ian eyes contain rhabdomeric photoreceptor
subsequent axons, causing delay or misrout- (21–24). neurons that extend their axons ipsi- and con-
ing, although in most cases these axons still The transient developmental programs that tralaterally in axon bundles and pigmented
locate their final targets (1–4). guide pioneer axons to their ultimate targets cells that build an optic cup (Fig. 1A). The
Growing axons navigate with the assistance become dispensable once the neuronal circuit visual axons follow a stereotypic path that can
of cell-extrinsic guidance cues, such as Netrins is assembled. In regenerative species, however, be visualized using an anti-Arrestin mono-
and their DCC/UNC-40 or UNC-5 receptors; neuronal circuits that are lost to injury must clonal antibody (28). Contralateral axons de-
Slits and their Robo receptors; Semaphorins reestablish themselves in the adult animal. fasciculate from ipsilateral axons at choice
and their Plexin receptors; and Ephrins and This presents a puzzle: How can an adult neu- points and project toward the midline, form-
their receptors (5–8). In addition, transient ronal circuit be formed de novo by regeneration ing the optic chiasm. Both contralateral and
cell-cell interactions have important roles in in the absence of embryonic and potentially ipsilateral axons project ventrally and posteri-
neural circuit assembly. Such interactions in- transient guidance mechanisms, such as guide- orly to the visual targets in the brain (29, 30).
volve cells referred to as guideposts. Guidepost post cells? In some instances, damage to the Using fluorescence in situ hybridization
cells, which were originally identified in the nervous system can involve repair by new neu- (FISH) in combination with immunostaining
grasshopper limb (9, 10), are discrete, early- ron production but is limited by the inability with an anti-Arrestin antibody, we noticed a
born, and transient specialized cell popula- of new neurons to wire correctly (25). How- previously unknown and small population of
tions located at decision or choice points along ever, in some other animals, regeneration of cells that were in close association with the
axonal trajectories (6, 11, 12). Most identified the nervous system seemingly restores normal visual system, marked by expression of the
guidepost cells are either glia or neurons function, although study of the regeneration genes notum and frizzled 5/8-4 (Fig. 1, B and
(11, 13–16). On encountering guidepost cells, of wiring patterns in highly regenerative mod- C). We found that these cells were mostly
axon growth cones can change their respon- els is sparse. Animals that have the ability to concentrated in two regions: (i) near the eye,
siveness to extracellular guidance cues and regenerate their neuronal architecture must where the photoreceptor axons form a bun-
modify their trajectory (6). In most systems, possess adult mechanism(s) for repairing cir- dle projecting out from the eye, and (ii) near
cuit patterns in the context of diverse injuries. the axon choice points, located more ventrally
1 To address how this can occur, we studied (Fig. 1, B to D). The number of these notum+;
Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. 2Whitehead Institute, these mechanisms in the planarian Schmidtea frizzled 5/8-4+ cells found in each animal was
455 Main Street, Cambridge, MA 02142, USA. 3Department of mediterranea. variable but scaled with animal size (Fig. 1D).
Biology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA Planarians are freshwater flatworms that In a transverse cross section at the level of
02139, USA.
*These authors contributed equally to this work. belong to the Spiralia superphylum (26). They the eye, these cells were clearly distinguishable
†Corresponding author. Email: are capable of whole-body regeneration and from other notum+ cells known to exist in the

Scimone et al., Science 368, eaba3203 (2020) 26 June 2020 1 of 14


Fig. 1. notum+; frizzled 5/8-4+

muscle cells are tightly
associated with the planarian
visual system. (A) Schematic
diagram of planarian visual system.
(B) notum+ cells associated with
visual axons. Red box, location of
image taken. (C and D) Coex-
pression (C) and density map
[(D), top] of notum and frizzled
5/8-4 (fz5/8-4) in cells associated
with visual axons. Dark pink,
cells near the eye; light pink, cells
at choice points. The graph [(D),
bottom] shows a positive correla-
tion between the number of cells
associated with the visual system
and animal size (length). Red
line, best fit for linear regression.
R2, coefficient of determination.
(E) Transverse cut (red line) shows
nuclei position of three notum+
cell subsets. Yellow dotted line,
notum+; frizzled 5/8-4+ cells. Dorsal,
top; ventral, bottom. (F) SMEDWI-1
presence in a cell associated with
visual system indicates recent
specification. (G to J) notum+ cells
associated with visual axons do not
express eye-specific markers (G),
neuron-specific markers (H), or glia-
specific markers (I) but do express
muscle-specific markers [(J); pool:
troponin, tropomyosin, colF-2,
colF-10]. (K) Muscle notum+ cells
are associated with visual axons in
S. polychroa embryos. The cartoon
shows embryonic stages. In (G)
to (K), white arrows point to
notum+ cells associated with the
visual system. Ratios represent the
fraction of double-positive cells
(white) of total (magenta). When
both numbers are in the same color,
the ratio indicates the fraction of
animals with that phenotype. Scale
bars are 50 mm in (B), (C), (E),
and (G) to (K) and 10 mm for
all magnified views in (C), (F), and
(H) to (J).

planarian head, such as anterior pole cells (31) The clear association of these cells at two begin to differentiate, but the SMEDWI-1 pro-
and notum+ neurons (32) located at the an- discrete and important locations near axons tein transiently perdures as cells differentiate.
terior commissure of the brain (Fig. 1E and of the visual system raised the possibility of a An antibody that recognizes SMEDWI-1 there-
fig. S1A). The nuclei of the notum+; frizzled role for these previously unidentified cells in fore allows visualization of newly generated
5/8-4+ cells found near the eye were located visual system wiring. cells (34, 35). We observed a small number
dorsal to the nuclei of the notum+; frizzled Planarian eye cells, like all other cell types of notum+; frizzled 5/8-4+ cells positive for
5/8-4+ cells found at the choice points, which assessed in this organism, are replaced during SMEDWI-1 protein, indicating that these cells
were observed immediately dorsal to the normal tissue turnover. This process requires are constantly specified and replaced in un-
cephalic ganglia (movie S1). To make this neoblasts, the only proliferating somatic cells injured adult animals (Fig. 1F).
dorsal-ventral–location distinction clear, we in the animal (33). Neoblasts express the piwi To determine the identity of notum+; frizzled
have colored these two populations differ- homolog smedwi-1. smedwi-1 transcription 5/8-4+ cells, we examined them for coexpres-
ently in illustrations throughout this article. ceases as cells leave the neoblast state and sion of different cell-specific markers. These

Scimone et al., Science 368, eaba3203 (2020) 26 June 2020 2 of 14


cells did not express the photoreceptor neu- (38)]. This injury removed NMEs but did not ing anterior brain commissure [Fig. 2E; (32)].
ron marker opsin or the optic cup marker remove NMCs (Fig. 2B). Within 2 to 4 days Visual axons only projected to the midline,
tyrosinase (Fig. 1G and fig. S1, B and C); the after eye resection, new photoreceptor neu- forming the optic chiasm, after NBCs appeared,
neuronal markers pc2, synapsin, or ChAT (Fig. rons nucleated dorsally (regenerating the and despite variation in their paths, they were
1H and fig. S1D); or the planarian glia markers resected eye) and projected their axons ven- typically associated with NBCs (Fig. 2, E and G,
if-1 and cali (Fig. 1I). Some fz5/8-4+ ChAT+ cells trally and posteriorly. NMC numbers stayed and fig. S3, A and C). This process is reminis-
were found near the eye but did not express constant during this time (Fig. 2C). Despite cent of optic chiasm formation in mouse
notum (fig. S1E). Instead, notum+; frizzled variance in the relative positions of NMCs with embryonic development, in which the site of
5/8-4+ cells expressed muscle markers (Fig. 1J) respect to the new photoreceptor neurons and the future optic chiasm is first populated by
and could occasionally be detected in cross in the initial paths of projecting axons, the a subset of neurons expressing L1 and CD44.
sections colabeled with an antibody for pla- trajectories of photoreceptor axons essentially Subsequently, retinal ganglion axons grow
narian muscle (6G10; fig. S2A). Muscle cells always coincided with the NMCs (Fig. 2, B and and project toward the midline using these
are broadly distributed within the animal (fig. D, and fig. S3, A and B). This tight associa- neurons as a landmark or a scaffold (24). Other
S2, A and B); however, notum+; frizzled 5/8-4+ tion between NMC position and axon path is cell types, such as radial glial cells at the optic
muscle cells were a rare subpopulation present consistent with the possibility that NMCs chiasm, or midline cells in insects have a sim-
in association with visual axons (movie S2). have an attractive influence on photorecep- ilar scaffolding role for axons crossing the
notum+; frizzled 5/8-4+ cells expressed low lev- tor axons. NMEs regenerated 4 days after midline during development (39).
els of muscle markers (troponin, tropomyosin, eye resection, suggesting that NMEs are not In planarian head regeneration, early pho-
colF-2, and mp-1; fig. S2, C to E) compared necessary for early projections during eye re- toreceptor axonal projections cross the midline
with other muscle cell subsets such as body generation after resection, a scenario where [Fig. 2, E and G; (40)]. At the time of optic
wall, intestinal, and other dorsal-ventral mus- NMCs remained present throughout the re- chiasm formation, the pattern of axonal pro-
cle cells (36, 37), suggesting that these cells pair process. jections with choice points and notum+; frizzled
could be specialized muscle cells serving a We next studied the behavior of photore- 5/8-4+ cells near them became apparent (Fig.
different role. Muscle cells in general are ceptor axons, NMEs, and NMCs after head 2E). We also observed axonal projections to
known to secrete signaling factors in planar- amputation. In this context, the animals need the brain targets at this time. By day 4 of
ians (27). Despite lower levels of expression of to regenerate the entire visual system, includ- regeneration, the pattern of the photoreceptor
muscle markers per cell, signal from pooled ing NMEs and NMCs. Between days 2 and 3 axons was similar across animals, indicating
probes for canonical muscle markers, such as after decapitation, we observed nucleation that initial patterning during de novo regen-
troponin and tropomyosin, was detected in of new eyes and the appearance of notum+; eration resolves with time into a stereotypical
essentially all of the notum+; frizzled 5/8-4+ frizzled 5/8-4+ cells in close proximity to the pattern. The events that occur can be ap-
cells (Fig. 1J and fig. S2F). Whether these cells regenerating eyes (Fig. 2E and fig. S3C). At this proximated into the following stages: (i) eye
retain contractile function is unknown. notum+ early time point, the regenerating blastema nucleation, (ii) NME and/or NMC regeneration,
muscle cells associated with the visual axons is small, making distinction between notum+; and axon bundle formation and projection
were also found during planarian embryonic frizzled 5/8-4+ NMEs and NMCs not possible. toward NMEs and/or NMCs, (iii) NBC regener-
development. Such notum+ cells were first ob- These cells displayed detectable frizzled 5/8-4 ation, (iv) axonal projections toward NBCs and
served in prehatchling stage 7 S. polychroa transcripts first, followed by notum expression optic chiasm formation, and (v) axonal projec-
embryos at the time of optic chiasm forma- (Fig. 2E). At this time, photoreceptor axons tions toward the visual areas in the brain. The
tion, but not before (Fig. 1K). After hatching, from the regenerating eyes projected toward close association between photoreceptor axons
all free-swimming juveniles displayed a simi- where notum+; frizzled 5/8-4+ cells were ob- and NMEs, NMCs, and NBCs in this process is
lar array of notum+ muscle cells and visual served (Fig. 2, E and F, and fig. S3, A and C). consistent with the possibility that these cells
axons, as did their adult counterparts (Fig. The pattern of axonal projections and notum+; have a function in facilitating visual system
1K). The tight association of notum+; frizzled frizzled 5/8-4+ cell location was variable, with wiring.
5/8-4+ muscle cells with visual axons raised some axon tracts projecting anterior-medially
the possibility of a role for these cells in the and others posteriorly, suggesting that the NMEs and NMCs are specified
wiring of the planarian photoreceptor axons. initial steps in axonal pattern formation are independently of eyes
noisy, but the spatial association of axons If NMEs and NMCs have a guidepost-like func-
Regenerating visual axons project toward and notum+; frizzled 5/8-4+ cells was apparent tion, their formation should at least in part be
notum+; frizzled 5/8-4+ muscle cells nonetheless. This is consistent with the possi- independent of the photoreceptor neurons
We defined notum+; frizzled 5/8-4+ muscle bility that in the context of de novo visual themselves. To examine this possibility, we
cells near the eye as NMEs (notum+ muscle system formation, these cells have an attract- transplanted wild-type eyes (41) at different
cells near the eye) and those at axon choice ive influence on early axonal projections. It is positions in prepharyngeal and postpharyngeal
points as NMCs (notum+ muscle cells at the also possible that photoreceptor axons and animal regions. We did not observe any cells
choice point) (Fig. 2A). If NMEs and/or NMCs notum+; frizzled 5/8-4+ cells might stabilize coexpressing notum and frizzled 5/8-4 near
facilitate wiring of photoreceptor axons, they each other on interaction. the transplanted eyes 10 days after transplan-
should be present before or concurrently with We noticed that the population of notum+ tation (Fig. 3A and fig. S4A). Interestingly, we
key axon-pathfinding processes and should neurons in the medial brain, normally located observed that axon bundles from transplanted
also be tightly spatially associated with such ventral to the optic chiasm in a fully formed eyes were commonly defasciculated (Fig. 3A
events. To examine this possibility, we studied brain, was in close association with photo- and fig. S4A). These findings suggest that eyes
the regeneration of these cells and the dy- receptor axons during early head regener- in ectopic locations are insufficient to induce
namics of photoreceptor axons after different ation. We refer to this third population of notum+; frizzled 5/8-4+ muscle cells.
regenerative challenges. cells associated with photoreceptor axons Planarian eye cells (both photoreceptor neu-
First, we examined these cells in the context during regeneration as notum+ brain cells rons and optic cup cells) are specified by the
of a unilateral eye resection, which does not (NBCs) (Fig. 2A). NBCs were apparent within transcription factor ovo (42). ovo RNA inter-
perturb the preexisting optic chiasm [Fig. 2B; 3 to 4 days after amputation at the regenerat- ference (RNAi) animals cannot replace eye

Scimone et al., Science 368, eaba3203 (2020) 26 June 2020 3 of 14


Fig. 2. notum+; frizzled

5/8-4+ muscle cells are
associated with regenerat-
ing visual axons. (A) Illustra-
tions show NME, NMC, and
NBC positions across different
axes. (B) Regeneration of
visual system at different time
points after unilateral eye
resection. The bottom images
are magnified views of visual
axonal projection examples
(1 to 4) 2 to 4 days after eye
resection. Dotted outline,
NMEs and NMCs. The left
cartoon shows the surgical
procedure: head decapitation
(dotted line; day −3) and
unilateral eye resection 3 days
later [day 0 (d0); red line].
Red box, location of image
taken. The cartoons on
the right summarize events
observed after eye resection.
(C) There is no change in
NMC numbers between
resected and control sides.
(D, F, and G) Circular plots
show tracing of photoreceptor
axonal trajectories (lines)
from independent right eyes
during regeneration (d2 to d4)
of a resected eye (D) or
decapitation [(F) and (G)].
Colored dots represent NMCs
(D), NMEs and NMCs (F),
or NBCs (G). (E) Regenerating
visual system after decapita-
tion. The dotted line in
the left cartoon indicates
the amputation line, and the
red box shows the location
of the image taken. Illustra-
tions (right) summarize
events observed after decapitation. Blue arrows, axons; white arrows, NMEs and/or NMCs; dark pink arrows or dots, NMEs; light pink arrows or dots and
black arrows, NMCs. Orange dots or dotted outline, NBCs; yellow arrows, NMEs and NMCs expressing only frizzled 5/8-4. Scale bars are 50 mm in (B)
and (D) to (G).

cells during normal tissue turnover or regen- ovo RNAi animals, indicating that eye cells associated axons. Together, these data suggest
erate eyes after eye resection or decapitation. were not required for NME specification in that NMEs and NMCs can be formed in the
Nonetheless, NMEs and NMCs were both pres- this context (Fig. 3C). Furthermore, NMEs absence of eyes, but their homeostatic num-
ent in uninjured ovo RNAi animals, including were still observed 30 days after double-eye bers are positively influenced by photorecep-
in animals completely lacking photoreceptor resection in ovo RNAi animals, suggesting that tor axons.
neurons (Fig. 3B). However, their numbers these cells were still specified even when no
were significantly reduced compared with axons were left (fig. S4B). Moreover, NMEs Axonal projections from transplanted eyes
control animals (Fig. 3B), suggesting a po- and NMCs also regenerated after decapitation associate with NMEs and NMCs
tential role for photoreceptor axons in the of ovo RNAi animals (Fig. 3D and fig. S4, C and If visual circuit–associated muscle cells (NMEs
maintenance of normal NME and NMC num- D), although the total number of NMEs and and NMCs) have guidepost-like activity, we
bers. Next, to determine whether NMEs and NMCs in this context was significantly lower predicted that visual axonal projections should
NMCs could regenerate independently of eye compared with controls (Fig. 3D). In conclu- be correlated to their location not just during
cells, we performed different injuries in ovo sion, both NMEs and NMCs were observed regeneration but also after eye transplanta-
RNAi animals. We found that NMEs were able in uninjured or regenerating animals that tion in the head. We performed unilateral eye
to regenerate after unilateral eye resection in completely lacked photoreceptor neurons and transplantations at approximately the original

Scimone et al., Science 368, eaba3203 (2020) 26 June 2020 4 of 14


Fig. 3. Visual axons are

not required for NME and NMC
specification but are required
for maintenance. (A) NMCs
are observed associated with
original visual axons but not with
axons from transplanted eyes.
The cartoon on the left shows the
location of transplanted eyes.
(B) NMEs and NMCs are present in
uninjured animals with few or
no visual axons (ovo RNAi). The
density map at the top right shows
NME and NMC distributions in
an idealized visual system cartoon.
n indicates the number of
animals mapped. The graph
at the bottom right shows NME
and NMC numbers in uninjured
RNAi animals. (C and D) Regener-
ation of NMEs (C) and NMEs
and NMCs (D) in ovo RNAi animals
after eye resection (C) or head
amputation (D). Mapping at the
bottom left shows NME and
NMC distributions in an idealized
visual system cartoon. n indicates
the number of animals mapped.
The graph at the bottom right
shows NME and NMC numbers.
The red box shows the location of
the image taken. Dark pink arrows
or dots, NMEs; light pink arrows
or dots, NMCs. Scale bars are
100 mm in (A) and 50 mm in
(B) to (D).

eye position in double-eye-resected ovo RNAi Axons from all transplanted eyes were prone showed that nearly all axons passed close by
recipients (fig. S5A). As shown above (Fig. 3B), to defasciculation and errors but projected NMEs and NMCs (within two cell diameters),
some NMEs and NMCs perdured in intact ovo ipsilaterally and crossed the midline in a and many directly interacted with NMEs and
RNAi animals, allowing assessment of cor- stereotypical manner (Fig. 4A and fig. S5D). NMCs (Fig. 4C and fig. S6, A and B). The lo-
relation between the location of eye projec- We observed that some NMEs were cotrans- cations of eyes, axonal projections, and NMEs
tions and NMEs and NMCs. One to 3 days planted with the wild-type eye, explaining, and NMCs were variable in these experiments,
after double-eye resection was not sufficient at least in part, the increased number of ob- but tight association of projections with NMEs
time to eliminate all preexisting photoreceptor served NMEs at day 7 after transplantation and NMCs was observed nonetheless. These
axons in ovo RNAi recipients (fig. S5, B and C). (Fig. 4B). Importantly, in all instances, even results are consistent with the possibility that
Axonal projections from all transplanted eyes when transplanted eyes were slightly mis- NMEs and NMCs might attract and/or stabilize
at this time point were able to navigate and positioned, the visual axon tracts extended visual axons. Moreover, our observations show
follow the stereotypical path (fig. S5, B and C). toward the NMCs present in recipient ani- that formation of an optic chiasm in adult pla-
To eliminate a potential role for remaining mals and bifurcated at these choice points narians does not depend on interactions be-
axons in serving as a scaffold for transplanted (magnified views in Fig. 4A and fig. S5D). tween the axons coming from each eye, in
axons, we transplanted eyes 10 to 12 days after Moreover, in some cases, we observed that contrast to vertebrates (23, 39).
double-eye resection of ovo RNAi recipients. axons locally deviated from the stereotypical
Within this time window, 87.5% of the ovo route of the main axon bundle toward NMEs Extrinsic axial patterning cues control NME
RNAi recipients had no remnant axons left, or NMCs that were present in the recipient and NMC positioning
although some NMEs and NMCs were present animals (magnified views in Fig. 4A and fig. If NMEs and NMCs facilitate a photoreceptor
at the time of transplantation (d0 in Fig. 4A). S5D). Trace mappings of axonal trajectories axonal projection pattern in regeneration, then

Scimone et al., Science 368, eaba3203 (2020) 26 June 2020 5 of 14


Fig. 4. NMEs and

NMCs facilitate visual
system patterning
after eye transplanta-
tion. (A) Shown at
the top, NMEs and
NMCs are still present
10 to 12 days after
double-eye resection in
ovo RNAi animals
before a wild-type (wt)
eye is transplanted
(left). Complete
(middle) or incomplete
(right) recapitulation of
stereotypical visual
axonal projections after
eye transplantation in
ovo RNAi animals.
The cartoon on the left
shows the summarized
surgical procedure:
Animals were RNAi fed
eight times (8F), double-eye resection was performed, and wild-type eyes were transplanted 10 to 12 days after eye resection. Animals were fixed just before (d0)
or 7 days after (d7) transplantation. In the middle, cartoons show axonal tracings of the image shown above and the positions of NMEs, NMCs, and NBCs. The
images at the bottom are magnified views (white dotted box) showing axonal projections from transplanted eyes in close association with NMEs and NMCs (black arrows).
(B) NME and NMC numbers before and after transplantation. (C) Cartoons show examples from (A) (i to viii) of NME and NMC associations with visual axons.
Numbers of cells that contact an axonal tract or found within a two-cell-diameter distance to the axonal tract are shown. Axonal tracing observed near 48 NMEs and
NMCs after transplantation is shown at the bottom. Dark pink arrows or dots, NMEs; light pink arrows or dots, NMCs. Scale bars are 50 mm in (A).

the positioning of these muscle cells should tional information. PCGs are predominantly RNAi of genes involved in the patterning
be regulated, at least in part, independently expressed in muscle cells along different pla- of the anterior-posterior (AP) axis affected the
from the visual system itself. That NMEs and narian axes (27, 47), and inhibition of some AP positioning of NMEs and NMCs (Fig. 5A).
NMCs can be regenerated independently of PCGs results in notable patterning defects, in- notum RNAi causes anteriorization of brain
photoreceptor neurons is consistent with this cluding hypercephalized animals, animals with and ectopic anterior eye appearance (32), and
possibility and suggests that an extrinsic mech- duplication of eyes or pharynges (33, 47–49). In- these animals showed ectopic anterior NMEs
anism should exist to position these cells. Cor- hibition of PCGs affected the pattern of NMEs and NMCs. Because of the axial patterning
rect positioning of guidepost cells is required and NMCs during normal tissue turnover role of notum, it was not possible to readily
for the precise wiring of neural circuits in other (Fig. 5A) and regeneration (fig. S8A). determine the function of notum within NME
organisms. In most examined cases, canonical The planarian medial-lateral (ML) axis is and NMCs.
axon guidance cues (Netrins and DCC or UNC-5; regulated by medial slit and lateral wnt5, with nou darake (ndk) RNAi animals develop
Slits and Robo; Semaphorins and Plexins; and wnt5 restricting slit expression to the midline ectopic posterior eyes (47, 48) and shift ante-
Ephrins and Ephrin receptors) also affect (50). Inhibition of slit or wnt5 affected the rior PCG expression domains posteriorly (47).
guidepost cell positioning (12). To examine the ML positioning of NMEs and NMCs in both ndk RNAi caused ectopic posterior appearance
role of conserved guidance cues in NME and uninjured and regenerating animals (Fig. 5A of NMEs and NMCs. Major surgery leading
NMC positioning, we inhibited previously re- and fig. S8A). slit RNAi animals showed a shift to extensive PCG shifts in head fragments (41)
ported and newly identified planarian genes of these cells toward the midline, where an also resulted in the appearance of ectopic
encoding guidance cue homologs with RNAi ectopic or cyclopic eye was observed (Fig. 5A NMEs and NMCs at positions consistent with
(fig. S7, A and B). Inhibition of these genes and fig. S8A). roboC RNAi resulted in a similar the locations of ectopic de novo eyes (Fig. 5A).
perturbed photoreceptor axonal projections phenotype to that of slit RNAi, suggesting that In PCG RNAi experiments, NMEs and NMCs
[fig. S8, A and B, and (43–46)] but did not alter roboC encodes a major Slit receptor (fig. S8, A were sometimes observed in ectopic locations
overall numbers or positions of NMEs and and D). wnt5 RNAi animals showed increased before the nucleation of a new ectopic eye or
NMCs (fig. S8, A to C), except when planarian numbers of NMEs and NMCs laterally, in con- the projection of a new axon bundle (fig. S9A).
axial patterning was disrupted (see below). junction with the appearance of ectopic lateral This is consistent with the possibility that PCG
Positional information is essential during eyes (Fig. 5A). Regenerating wnt5 RNAi ani- alteration itself leads to ectopic positioning
both planarian regeneration and normal tis- mals did not form an optic chiasm, and NMEs of NMEs and NMCs as opposed to these cells
sue turnover to inform neoblasts and/or their and NMCs were displaced more laterally (fig. being induced in ectopic locations only after
progeny about the location of tissues that S8A). ror-1 RNAi resulted in a phenotype sim- ectopic eyes or axonal projections appeared.
need to be replaced. In planarians, a variety ilar to that of wnt5 RNAi animals during both To further test this hypothesis, we generated
of signaling molecules known as position con- regeneration and homeostasis (fig. S8, A and posteriorized ndk RNAi animals. After allowing
trol genes (PCGs) have important roles in D), suggesting that ror1 encodes the Wnt5 re- RNAi to wear off, these animals maintained all
axial patterning and constitute adult posi- ceptor in this process. ectopic posterior eyes and posteriorly expanded

Scimone et al., Science 368, eaba3203 (2020) 26 June 2020 6 of 14


Fig. 5. Axial patterning genes are required for positioning of NMEs and NMCs. lobes or neurons (cintillo+). (C) Mapping shows NME and NMC distributions in an
(A) Visual system and NMEs and NMCs in different uninjured RNAi conditions or idealized visual system cartoon of uninjured PCG RNAi animals in the presence
following surgery are shown on the left. The density map (top right) shows (control) or absence (ovo RNAi) of eyes. n indicates the number of animals
NME and NMC distributions in an idealized visual system illustration. n indicates mapped. The heatmap shows the total number of NMEs and NMCs located in each
the number of animals mapped. The heatmap (bottom right) shows numbers of quadrant. slit RNAi leads to medialization, notum RNAi leads to anteriorization,
NMEs and NMCs in each quadrant. (B) Illustration (top) summarizing the and ndk; ndl-4 RNAi leads to posteriorization of NME and NMCs—in each case
experimental procedure. Rescaling of ndl-2 PCG expression, maintenance of independently of eyes. (D) wnt5 RNAi animals show a lateralized NME and
posteriorized brain lobe in old tissue, and regeneration of normal size brain lobe in NMC distribution, whereas slit RNAi animals show medialized cell distribution
blastema are shown in the middle. Shown at the bottom, NMEs and NMCs are independently of visual axons during regeneration. Dotted lines in cartoons show
present near eyes located at the correct position after PCG rescaling (1) but not amputation planes. Dark pink arrows or dots, NMEs; light pink arrows or dots,
near ectopic posterior eyes (2) in an ndk RNAi animal. White arrows point to brain NMCs. Scale bars are 50 mm in (A) and 100 mm in (B).

brain lobes, even though ndk function re- regenerated at the correct AP position with the rescaled PCG map. Posterior ectopic eyes
turns and the PCG map scales back to its nor- respect to the rescaled PCG domains, near did not maintain NMEs and NMCs (Fig. 5B
mal proportions (41). Sagittal amputations at the regenerating eye within the blastema. and fig. S9B), unlike animals that were kept
this time result in animals regenerating a side Within the uninjured old tissue side, which under ndk RNAi conditions (Fig. 5A). These
with a new eye and brain lobe at the correct maintained a posteriorly expanded cephalic results further indicate a role for PCGs, rather
scale and anterior position, generating an ganglion and ectopic eyes, NMEs and NMCs than ectopic eyes themselves, in instruct-
asymmetrical body plan [Fig. 5B and (41)]. were also only observed near the eye that ing the positioning of newly specified NMEs
Under these conditions, NMEs and NMCs only was found at the correct position based on and NMCs.

Scimone et al., Science 368, eaba3203 (2020) 26 June 2020 7 of 14


Fig. 6. tolloid, arrowhead,

and soxP-5 are required
for specification of guide-
post-like cells and precise
wiring of the visual sys-
tem. (A) Defasciculation of
visual axons (white dotted
circle) and absence of
NMCs in a regenerating
tolloid RNAi animal. The
graph on the right shows
NME and NMC numbers
after head regeneration.
(B) Axonal projection width
in RNAi animals. (C) NME
and NMC numbers in
uninjured animals. (D) Lack
of NMCs and inability of
transplanted eyes to cross
the midline in tolloid RNAi
animals. The graph on
the right shows NME and
NMC numbers after
transplantation. Dotted
ovals indicate lack of NMCs.
(E) NBCs expressed the
transcription factor arrow-
head in intact (left) or
regenerating (right) animals.
White arrows show coex-
pression of arrowhead and
notum in NBCs. (F) Absence
of NBCs and lack of optic
chiasm (dotted circles) in a
regenerating arrowhead RNAi
animal are shown on the
left. In the middle, the
graph shows normal NME
and NMC numbers in
regenerating arrowhead
RNAi animals. On the right,
mappings show the
distribution of NMEs and
NMCs in an idealized visual
system. n indicates the
total number of animals
mapped. (G) slit+; arrow-
head+ cells (white arrows)
in ectopic anterior brain
commissures in a notum
RNAi animal coinciding with
ectopic optic chiasm.
(H) scRNA-sequencing
analysis of cells from region
depicted in the cartoon.
t-distributed stochastic
neighbor embedding
(t-SNE) representation of
clustered cells (dots) colored based on planarian cell types is shown on the left. t-SNE representation of clustered muscle cells expressing notum; frizzled 5/8-4 (red)
is shown in the middle. t-SNE plot colored by expression of the transcription factor soxP-5 is shown on the right. (I and J) Total NME and NMC numbers in uninjured
(I) or regenerating (J) RNAi animals. (K) Visual system in presence of normal (middle) or severely reduced (right, soxP-5*) numbers of NMEs and NMCs. (L) The
number of axon bundles at the midline (left) and the number of NMEs and NMCs (right) in soxP-5* RNAi animals. (M) Model summarizing the findings (see text
for details). Dark pink arrows or dots, NMEs; light pink arrows or dots, NMCs. Scale bars are 50 mm in (A), (D) to (G), and (K).

Scimone et al., Science 368, eaba3203 (2020) 26 June 2020 8 of 14


Because NMEs and NMCs can be formed in tolloid RNAi animals indicates that additional the visual system in intact animals (Fig. 6H).
the absence of eyes (Fig. 3D), we inhibited both tolloid-dependent processes likely exist and Cells were clustered using Seurat into 28 clusters,
ovo and PCGs at the same time to determine affect midline axonal crossing. each of which could be assigned to a certain
whether the ectopic positioning of NMEs and tissue class on the basis of tissue-specific gene
NMCs is still observed in PCG RNAi conditions arrowhead is required for NBC specification expression [(62); Fig. 6H]. We recovered eight
in the absence of eye formation (Fig. 5, C and and optic chiasm formation notum+; frizzled5/8-4+ cells that were negative
D, and fig. S9, C and D). In both uninjured and Specific ablation of CD44-expressing chiasm for brain markers (pc2 and ChAT) and anterior
regenerating RNAi animals, NMEs and NMCs neurons in mice demonstrated a role for these pole markers (foxD) and that clustered together
were mispositioned regardless of the presence cells in the formation of the optic chiasm during with muscle cells (Fig. 6H, fig. S12A, and table
(in control) or absence (in ovo RNAi) of new embryonic development (57). Cell-specific abla- S1). We performed single-cell differential ex-
photoreceptor neurons. Taken together, our tion strategies are not currently available in pression (SCDE) analysis with these cells,
results indicate that PCGs constitute a posi- planarians. However, in some instances, RNAi comparing their transcriptomes with the tran-
tional information system that instructs the of transcription factor–encoding genes in- scriptomes of other muscle cells, and identi-
positioning of NMEs and NMCs indepen- volved in cell-fate specification can be used to fied enriched transcripts (table S2). A similar
dently of eye cells, providing a mechanism to deplete animals of specific cell populations analysis was also performed for NBCs (table
place cells with candidate guidepost-like func- (34, 42, 58, 59). Inhibition of arrowhead, which S3). One of the few transcription factors ex-
tion in specific locations. is expressed medially to the cephalic ganglia pressed in NMEs and NMCs in the scRNA-
and encodes a Lim homeodomain protein, seq data was soxP-5. (soxP-5 expression was
NMCs are absent in tolloid RNAi animals resulted in failed regeneration of the optic difficult to detect by FISH.) soxP-5 was also
Bmp signaling ligands have been shown to chiasm and defective axonal crossing at the broadly expressed in muscle cells, including
guide commissural axons of the spinal cord in midline (60). arrowhead RNAi did not affect muscle progenitors, but not in photoreceptor
vertebrates ventrally, through repulsion (51, 52). the expression of normal midline guidance neurons or other cell types (Fig. 6H, fig. S12A,
Inhibition of the planarian bmp4 homolog cues, such as slit (60) and netrin-2 (fig. S11A). and table S2).
did not grossly affect the pathfinding of visual Visual axonal projections did not overtly follow RNAi of soxP-5 led to a significant decrease
axons during regeneration (53). However, in- other axon bundles at the anterior commis- in the numbers of both NMEs and NMCs in
hibition of tolloid, a metalloproteinase that sure in regenerating arrowhead RNAi animals uninjured (Fig. 6I) or double-eye-resected ani-
can cleave the Bmp inhibitor Chordin in ver- (fig. S11B). We hypothesized that arrowhead mals (fig. S12B), indicating that it is required
tebrates and Drosophila (54, 55), resulted in might be required for the regeneration of for production of normal numbers of these
severe defects in the trajectory of photore- NBCs at the anterior commissure and thereby specialized muscle cells. After head amputa-
ceptor axons (53). In regenerating tolloid RNAi affect midline crossing of visual axons. Indeed, tion, soxP-5 RNAi animals regenerated head
animals, axons were more defasciculated and NBCs expressed arrowhead both in intact blastemas that were normal in macroscopic
were not able to cross the midline, resulting in and regenerating animals (Fig. 6E and fig. size, appearance, and brain architecture (fig.
disorganized posterior projections (Fig. 6, A S11C), and arrowhead RNAi animals failed to S12C). However, these blastemas displayed
and B, and fig. S10A). The midline cues slit and regenerate NBCs (Fig. 6F). However, we can- lower numbers of NMEs and NMCs—in most
netrin-2 were normally expressed in these ani- not rule out the possibility that other cells soxP-5 RNAi animals, multiple NMEs and
mals (fig. S10B). NMEs and NBCs were still specified by arrowhead also contribute to optic NMCs did regenerate, but a minority of ani-
present, but NMCs were completely absent chiasm formation. Numbers of NMEs and mals had very few or no detectable NMEs and
in regenerating tolloid RNA animals (Fig. 6A). NMCs were not affected in arrowhead RNAi NMCs (Fig. 6J). In eye-resected soxP-5 RNAi
NMCs were also severely reduced in tolloid animals during head regeneration (Fig. 6F) or animals, the axonal projection pattern remained
RNAi animals during eye regeneration after after double-eye resection (fig. S11D). Intact mostly unaffected, as expected, because new
double-eye resection and during homeostasis arrowhead RNAi animals that lost all NBCs axons could follow existing axonal tracts in
(Fig. 6C and fig. S10C). Under all of these con- during normal tissue turnover were still able their development (fig. S12B). In regeneration
ditions, photoreceptor axons showed higher to properly rewire the visual system after after amputation, the visual system must form
levels of defasciculation. double-eye resection (fig. S11D), suggesting de novo, allowing assessment of pattern in ani-
We next transplanted eyes into tolloid; ovo that NBCs might be dispensable for mainte- mals with reduced NMEs and NMCs. Whereas
RNAi recipients, which lack NMCs. Indepen- nance of the optic chiasm. Importantly, visual most soxP-5 RNAi animals regenerated the
dently of the presence or absence of remain- axons after double-eye resection perdure for stereotypical axonal projection pattern, around
ing axons (transplantation 3 or 10 days after around 3 days, which gives sufficient time for 20% of the soxP-5 RNAi animals exhibited
double-eye resection), wild-type photoreceptor new photoreceptors to regenerate and project defects in this pattern (labeled as soxP-5* in
axons were not able to robustly project in a their axons to the brain targets following the Fig. 6, K and L, and fig. S12, D to F). soxP-5*
fasciculated bundle or cross the midline in preexisting axonal tract. Alternatively, the RNAi animals showed ectopic axon bundles
tolloid; ovo RNAi recipients (Fig. 6D and fig. photoreceptor axons could also be influenced at the optic chiasm, abnormal fasciculation,
S10D). These results are consistent with the by the existing brain commissure. In addition, and misrouting of the axon bundles at the
possibility that NMCs can attract and/or sta- RNAi animals with duplicated optic chiasms choice points (Fig. 6, K and L, and fig. S12, D
bilize axons to the choice points and facilitate [notum RNAi animals; (32)] also had ectopic and E). We found that the soxP-5* animals were
axon bundle formation. Similar results were anterior brain commissures with a duplica- those that had a severe reduction in NMEs and
observed when transplanting a wild-type eye tion of NBCs (Fig. 6G). NMCs: soxP-5* RNAi animals had significantly
into a netrin-1; netrin-2; ovo RNAi recipient or fewer NMEs (p = 0.0029) and NMCs (p = 0.02)
when transplanting an eye from a DCC RNAi soxP-5 is required for NME and than did soxP-5 RNAi animals with a relatively
animal into an ovo RNAi recipient (fig. S10E). NMC specification normal axonal projection pattern (fig. S12F).
Metalloproteinases have been shown to cleave To examine the transcriptomic signature of Normal numbers of muscle cells were observed
the DCC receptor (56), raising the possibility of NMEs and NMCs, we performed single-cell in intact (fig. S12B) and regenerating soxP-5*
direct or indirect interaction between Tolloid RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) using Drop-seq RNAi animals (fig. S13, A and B), indicating
and DCC in planarians. The midline defect in (61) on cells isolated from the region containing that soxP-5 is not essential for general muscle

Scimone et al., Science 368, eaba3203 (2020) 26 June 2020 9 of 14


regeneration or maintenance per se. Further- that non-neuronal connective tissue–like cells guidepost-like cells are coarsely specified in a
more, NBCs, as well as other neuronal subsets, can promote neuronal circuit formation in permissive region proximal to the eyes, which
regenerated normally in soxP-5* RNAi ani- regeneration. is, at least in part, defined by an axial PCG ex-
mals, indicating a specific effect on the muscle Our results suggest that notum+; frizzled pression map (Fig. 6M). Density maps for the
cells associated with the photoreceptor axons 5/8-4+ muscle cells can locally attract and/or muscle guidepost-like cells suggest that these
(fig. S13, C and D). The correspondence be- stabilize photoreceptor axons, facilitating for- cells might be maintained only at the positions
tween low numbers or absence of NMEs and mation of visual axon bundles and possibly where photoreceptor axons are present, as
NMCs and the quality of the regenerated axo- helping with axon sorting at choice points indicated by their tight association with pho-
nal projections provides further evidence for a (Fig. 6M). Axon-axon interactions are critical toreceptor axons. This feature may allow dy-
guidepost-like role for these muscle cells. Our for organizing axons into bundles and are namic maintenance of muscle guidepost-like
results suggest that NME, NMC, and NBC required for proper topographic pathfinding. cells in precise locations and allow regener-
guidepost-like cells, together with constitutive The mechanisms involved in axon bundle for- ation of these cells in the face of an unlimited
guidance cues expressed broadly in the ani- mation described in other organisms include array of regenerative challenges.
mal, contribute to the precise overall assembly either interactions of adhesion molecules ex- Strategies for neuronal patterning in the
and pattern of the visual system. pressed on the axons or repulsive interactions absence of embryo-specific contexts likely will
between axons and surrounding tissues [re- also be crucial to overcome challenges in re-
Discussion viewed in (67)]. The molecules required in generative medicine. By studying a naturally
Orchestration of precisely wired neural cir- planarians to facilitate this process remain occurring context of de novo formation of a
cuits relies on multiple developmental pro- unknown, although members of the immuno- neural system in regeneration, we found that
cesses. Axon pathfinding is a highly precise globulin or cadherin superfamilies are appeal- small populations of cells, extrinsic to the sys-
process, and conserved mechanisms of guid- ing candidates to play roles in this process. tem itself, provide information to help pre-
ance are used by different organisms. Guidance Guidepost cells in other systems exert their cisely pattern and assemble axonal projections
mechanisms can act in concert and include function in guiding pioneer axon tracts by in regeneration. Our results expand the diver-
long-range or local chemoattractants and che- secreting attractive or repulsive guidance cues. sity of strategies used by different organisms
morepellents (guidance cues), transient cell-cell Inhibition of several genes encoding homologs to organize and properly build the nervous sys-
interactions (guidepost cells), and fasciculation of canonical guidance cues did not result in tem, especially in the context of injury repair.
of axons with pioneer or preceding axon tracts defective attraction of the visual axons toward
that form an initial scaffold. Once the circuit is the planarian guidepost-like cells, suggesting Materials and methods
established, some of these mechanisms become that different molecules are at play or that there Animal husbandry
dispensable for the maintenance of pattern. exists some redundancy within the system. Our S. mediterranea clonal asexual strain CIW4 ani-
The transient nature of these developmental findings suggest a model in which guidepost- mals, starved for 7 to 14 days before experimen-
mechanisms creates a problem for repair after like cells act in concert with constitutively tation, were used for all experiments except for
injury: If an injury removes a patterned cir- active global axon guidance cues to facilitate in situ hybridizations in embryos (Fig. 1). All
cuit, the information for bringing the circuit precision in the regeneration of the visual animals used were healthy, not previously
back would be lost and might result in irrep- system. used in other procedures, and were of wild-
arable damage to the nervous system, even if Our study also identified two different tran- type genotype. Animals were cultured in plas-
the mechanisms for new neuron production scription factors required for the specification tic containers or petri dishes for experiments, in
existed. However, functional regeneration of of distinct subsets of cells with guidepost-like 1x Montjuic water (1.6 mmol/liter NaCl,
the nervous system in some animals suggests attributes. arrowhead, a Lim domain homeo- 1.0 mmol/liter CaCl2, 1.0 mmol/liter MgSO4,
that mechanisms for de novo restoration of box gene, is involved in the specification of 0.1 mmol/liter MgCl2, 0.1 mmol/liter KCl, and
the precise pattern of neuronal circuits in NBCs, whereas soxP-5 is required for the 1.2 mmol/liter NaHCO3 prepared in Milli-Q
adults must exist. specification of both NMEs and NMCs. NMEs water) at 20°C in the dark. Animals were fed
We identified a population of muscle cells and NMCs show differences not only regard- blended calf liver. S. polychroa lines were gen-
expressing notum and frizzled 5/8-4 located in ing their position but also, based on our ob- erated by amputation of a starter animal, and
close proximity to axon tracts at key locations servations from tolloid RNAi animals, in the the line was initially propagated through suc-
in the planarian visual system. The tight asso- expression of different programs to exert their cessive rounds of amputation. After generat-
ciation and precise positioning of these mus- function. NMCs were sensitive to tolloid inhi- ing a large colony, sexual reproduction ensued.
cle cells suggest that they have a role in the bition, whereas NMEs remained unaffected. Animals were fed homogenized calf liver once a
assembly of the planarian visual system. This Some of these genes likely regulate systems week and cleaned twice weekly. Animals were
finding led us to investigate the possible exis- beyond the NMEs and NMCs. Previously iden- kept in the dark at 20°C and maintained in
tence of guidepost-like cells in nervous system tified targets of the Tolloid protease include 1x Montjuic water. Egg capsules were collected
regeneration. Guidepost cells in other orga- the BMP inhibitor Chordin, a homolog for and staged daily (68).
nisms are often transient neurons or glia. These which has not been found in planarians.
planarian guidepost-like cells were not only However, increasing evidence suggests that Replication, size estimation, and randomization
present in regeneration but also constitutively members of the Astacin-like family of metallo- At least two independent FISH and immuno-
maintained in the adult. It is atypical for a proteases can also process extracellular matrix staining experiments with a minimum of three
muscle cell to exert a guidepost-like role. How- components and certain TGFb-family ligands, animals per experiment were performed for
ever, planarian muscle cells are not only con- and they are likely candidates for modulat- the characterization of muscle guidepost cells
tractile, they also secrete extracellular matrix ing the activity of guidance cues or their re- in intact and regenerating adults and in em-
proteins (63) and harbor positional informa- ceptors (56). bryos. For RNAi phenotype characterization,
tion required for regeneration and tissue turn- How intermediate target or guidepost cells numbers of animals used in each staining are
over (27, 47). In addition, specialized subsets in different organisms are specified at precise indicated in each panel. No sample size esti-
of muscle cells serve as anterior (64) and pos- locations has not been fully elucidated. Our mation was performed. Animals for all experi-
terior organizers (65, 66). Our findings suggest observations suggest a model in which muscle ments were randomly selected from a large

Scimone et al., Science 368, eaba3203 (2020) 26 June 2020 10 of 14


collection of clonal animals. All animals have Cells positive for expression of both ChAT (log- unc-5A (dd_Smed_v4_10380_0_1), fwd: 5′
been included in statistical analyses, and no scale expression of 2.5) and notum (log-scale ttgctcctagcggtcttcat; rv: 5′ tgtacgcggaattgctactg
exclusions have been done. Images were ran- expression of 2) were identified, as above. unc-5B (dd_Smed_v4_10585_0_1), fwd: 5′
domized before quantification. Thirteen cells satisfied both gene expres- tcttgagccacaaccctttt; rv: 5′ ccagttcgatatccgaagga
sion thresholds (Cells_Head_TCATCCACGCTT, unc-5C (dd_Smed_v4_10730_0_1), fwd: 5′cc-
Gene nomenclature Cells_Head_ACAATGTTTGGT, Cells_Head_ aactcgggaaattgaaga; rv: 5′ ccgaaacaaaaggtggagaa
Genes that encode proteins with a clear do- GTCAGACTCAGN, Cells_Head_CCTGTCGGC- unc-5D (dd_Smed_v4_16435_0_1), fwd: 5′ cc-
main structure have been assigned a name TCN, Cells_Head_AGGGCGTAGTAA, Cells_ ctcaaggaacaaaatgga; rv: 5′ aaatttcccaatcgggtttc
accordingly but have also been identified Head2_GTCGTCGTTGCG, Cells_Head2_GGC- ephR-1 (dd_Smed_v4_16483_0_1), fwd: 5′
using a transcriptome contig id number to CCGAGGATG, Cells_Whole_CGAACCAATAGT, ccgatcacttttcagccaat; rv: 5′ gtgaggttggctgattccat
facilitate identification (figs. S7 and S8). Cells_Pharynx_AGTACAATGTGN, Cells_Head2_ ephR-2 (dd_Smed_v4_16928_0_1), fwd: 5′
AAACCAAGCCAG, Cells_Head2_AGTTAGGCA- gttcctctgatgtgcccagt; rv: 5′ agatccggcatgaatctgac
Drop-seq clustering and SCDE analysis CAN, Cells_Pharynx_GGTAGGTTATCG, Cells_ ephrin (dd_Smed_v4_16552_0_1), fwd: 5′ tcca-
To obtain transcriptomes for NMEs and NMCs, Pharynx_AAGTAGGCATCG). Of these 13 cells, gcaagatatgccgata; rv: 5′ tgctgaaaaactgataattgaaaca.
data from targeted single-cell sequencing of the three had been isolated from the planarian ephrin (dd_Smed_v4_10687_0_1), fwd: 5′agt-
planarian brain [(62), GEO accession number pharynx (Cells_Pharynx_AGTACAATGTGN, cattcacggtccaggc; rv: 5′ cccatgaaaaacaggttcaaaag
GSE111764, BrainClusteringDigitalExpression- Cells_Pharynx_GGTAGGTTATCG, Cells_ arrowhead (dd_Smed_v4_47123_0_1), fwd:
Matrix.dge.txt.gz] was used to identify cells Pharynx_AAGTAGGCATCG) and were thus 5′ gttgcaaagctagctcaatttca; rv: 5′ acgggatatggatt-
positive for expression of notum (dd_Smed_ discarded. Additional data on identified cells aacttgaca
v4_24180_0_1) and fz5/8-4 (dd_Smed_v4_ can be found in table S1 of (62). An expression plexin (dd_Smed_v4_11934_0_1), fwd: 5′ gc-
11823_0_1) and negative for expression of matrix for all ChAT+ neurons (2103 cells) was gagtgtggtgggaaaaat; rv: 5′ ccaagacgcaccaagaacaa
the anterior pole marker foxD (dd_Smed_v4_ generated, tagging the name of each neuron as semaphorin-1 (dd_Smed_v4_12018_0_1),
23249_0_1) and the neuronal markers ChAT positive or negative for expression of notum. fwd: 5′acctgaaatccctttcactcgt; rv: 5′ tccagctgtg-
(dd_Smed_v4_6208_0_1) and pc2 (dd_Smed_ This expression matrix was used as input for taagagagga
v4_1566_0_1) (log-scale expression of 0.5 for analysis by SCDE, as above, revealing a list soxP-5 (dd_Smed_v4_9050_0_1) accession
all genes). To identify these cells within the of genes enriched in notum+ neurons. Genes number: GenBank JX010525.1.
single-cell sequencing data, the Seurat func- were ranked by their “conservative expres- All constructs were cloned from cDNA
tion WhichCells [ ID, sion” value. into the pGEM vector (Promega). These con-
accept.low=0.5] was used with Seurat pack- For all cells analyzed in table S1, unique structs were used to synthesize RNA probes
age, v2.2 (69). Fifteen cells satisfied all gene molecular identifier (UMI) counts were log and double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) for RNAi
expression thresholds (Cells_Head1_AAG- normalized by dividing by the total number of experiments.
TCTCACGCC, Cells_Head1_CAGACCTTCCCC, UMIs per cell, then multiplying by 10,000. All
Cells_Head1_CGTGACTAAGAA, Cells_Head1_ calculations were performed in log space [i.e., RNAi
GGCGTGGTGACN, Cells_Head1_TAAATTC- ln(UMIs-per-10,000+1)]. The 50 transcripts with For RNAi experiments, dsRNA was synthesized
GATAG, Cells_Head1_TTTACTTTCGAT, Cells_ the highest average normalized expression in by in vitro transcription reactions (Promega)
Head2_AACGCCATTTCC, Cells_Head2_AG- the eight putative guidepost-like cells were then using polymerase chain reaction (PCR)–
TATGAATATG, Cells_Head2_AGTCACTAA- identified, and their expression was compared generated templates with flanking T7 pro-
CAA, Cells_Head2_CACCGTGTACTA, Cells_ with 10 randomly chosen non-guidepost muscle moters, followed by ethanol precipitation,
Head2_CCAGATAACGCA, Cells_Head2_CGT- cells (chosen from cluster 9 of the Drop-seq and annealed after resuspension in water.
AACTATCGT, Cells_Head2_GGTTACAGCTTT, data), 10 randomly chosen ciliated epidermis The concentration of dsRNA varied in each
Cells_Head2_GTTCCATGAAGN, Cells_Head2_ cells (chosen from cluster 19 of the Drop-seq prep between 4 and 7 mg/ml. dsRNA was then
TGCTGTGCATCT). Of these 15 cells, eight cells data), and 10 randomly chosen neural cells mixed with planarian food (liver) (36), and
were assigned a muscle identity in (62) (Cells_ (chosen from clusters 0, 1, 5, 17, 20, 23, 24, 25, 2 ml of this mixture per animal (liver contain-
Head2_AACGCCATTTCC, Cells_Head2_AGTA- 26, 27, and 28 of the Drop-seq data). Averages ing dsRNA) was used for feedings. For the
TGAATATG, Cells_Head2_AGTCACTAACAA, indicate the average normalized UMI counts guidance cue screen (fig. S8), animals were fed
Cells_Head2_CACCGTGTACTA, Cells_Head2_ for each group of cells. Muscle enrichment and six times in 3 weeks. For the PCG screen (Fig. 5
CCAGATAACGCA, Cells_Head2_CGTAACTA- broad expression determinations were made and fig. S9), animals were fed between 6 and
TCGT, Cells_Head2_GGTTACAGCTTT, Cells_ using the online resource 10 times in 3 to 5 weeks until phenotype was
Head2_TGCTGTGCATCT). Additional data on from (62). Namely, genes enriched in clusters 7, observed. ovo RNAi animals for homeostasis
identified cells can be found in table S1 of (62). 13, 14, or 16 of the main clustering data from experiments (Figs. 3 and 5 and fig. S9) were
An expression matrix for all cells identified (62), but not broadly expressed across most fed 8 to 12 times during a 4- to 6-week period.
as muscle in the targeted brain sequencing clusters, were designated muscle enriched. All ovo RNAi regeneration experiments (eye re-
from (62) was generated, tagging the eight of the top 50 transcripts expressed in the puta- section and decapitation; Fig. 3) animals were
muscle cells above as positive and the remain- tive guidepost cells were either muscle enriched fed eight times in 4 weeks. ovo RNAi ani-
ing 522 muscle cells as negative. This expres- or broadly expressed, including in muscle. mals for transplantation experiments were
sion matrix was used as input for the R package fed eight times in 4 weeks (Fig. 4 and figs. S5
SCDE (70). SCDE analysis revealed a list of Gene cloning and S6). ndk; ndl4 RNAi animals were fed
genes enriched in these putative guidepost Homologs of guidance cues and transcription until posterior eyes appeared (8 to 12 feedings).
cells. Genes were ranked by their “conservative factors in planarians were cloned using the For RNAi “wear off” experiments, animals were
expression” value. To obtain transcriptomes for following primers: not fed for 2 months before a midline sagittal
notum+ brain neurons, cells identified as neu- roboC (dd_Smed_v4_7921_0_1), fwd: 5′ atgg- cut was performed (Fig. 5). arrowhead RNAi
ral from the targeted brain sequencing were tgccattgtcccgg; rv: 5′ aaccgagagttgccggtg; animals (Fig. 6 and fig. S11) were fed six times
combined with all cells identified as neural in roboD (dd_Smed_v4_14150_0_1), fwd: 5′ tgct- over a period of 3 weeks. tolloid RNAi ani-
the principal single-cell sequencing from (62). caatcgtcagataccg; rv: 5′ accgggaattcgaaaagact mals were fed only once for regeneration

Scimone et al., Science 368, eaba3203 (2020) 26 June 2020 11 of 14


experiments and twice for homeostasis ex- ing muscle cells included troponin, tropo- Sciences) filter paper. Solidified gel was cov-
periments (Fig. 6 and fig. S10). soxP-5 RNAi myosin, colF-2, and colF-10 (Fig. 1 and fig. S2). ered using Rasta Royale ultrathin rolling
animals were fed eight times in a 4-week pe- paper soaked in Holtfreter’s solution. Trans-
riod of time (Fig. 6 and figs. S12 and S13). All S. polychroa (Spol) FISH planted animals were kept in 10°C overnight
feedings were performed every 3 days. In all Whole-mount FISH was performed as de- and recovered by cutting the gel around and
cases, animals were fixed 7 days after the last scribed above for S. mediterranea with the also on top of the animal. Animals were
feeding. For regeneration experiments, ani- following modifications: (i) Stage 2 to 5 em- placed in planarian H2O and kept at 22°C for
mals were amputated into three pieces (head, bryos were dissected out of egg capsules and recovery.
trunk, and tail pieces) 1 week after the last fixed in 4% formaldehyde for 2 hours. Embryos
RNAi feeding. Seven days after amputation, were washed in PBST-0.5% for 10 min and Quantifications and statistical analysis
trunk pieces were scored and fixed for further dehydrated in 25, 50, 75, and 100% PBST: Total numbers of NMEs and NMCs were
analysis. methanol for 10 min. Fixed embryos were not counted based on expression of the markers
bleached and were stored at −20°C. Protein- notum and fz5/8-4, the location of their nu-
FISHs and immunostainings ase K treatment was extended to 20 min. (ii) clei on the dorsal-ventral axis, and by using,
RNA probes were synthesized, and whole- Stage 6 and 7 embryos were dissected out of as a reference, the brain architecture with a
mount FISH was performed (36). Briefly, ani- egg capsules and fixed in 4% formaldehyde for 4′,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) nuclei
mals were killed in 5% N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) 1 hour. Embryos were washed in PBST-0.5% staining. Total numbers of muscle guidepost
and treated with proteinase K (2 mg/ml). After for 10 min and dehydrated in 25, 50, 75, and cells were also counted and graphed relative
overnight hybridizations, samples were washed 100% PBST:methanol for 10 min each. Em- to the total length of the animal expressed in
twice in each of prehybridization buffer, 1:1 bryos were washed in PBST-0.5% for 10 min micrometers.
prehybridization-2X SSC, 2X SSC, 0.2X SSC, and dehydrated in 25, 50, 75, and 100% PBST: NME and NMC cell position and density
and phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) with methanol for 10 min. Fixed embryos were not maps were generated by building an ideal-
Triton-X (PBST). Subsequently, blocking was bleached and were stored at −20°C. Protein- ized planarian visual circuit and positioning
performed in 10% Western Blocking Reagent ase K treatment was extended to 15 min. (iii) it in relation to the brain commissure and the
(Roche, 11921673001) PBST solution for di- Hatchlings were treated with 5% NAC PBS anterior pole determined by DAPI staining
goxigenin (DIG) probes, or in 5% horse serum with gentle rotation for 5 min and then fixed and notum expression, respectively. This trace
and 5% casein for dinitrophenol (DNP) and in 4% formaldehyde for 1 hour. Hatchlings was placed on four (for ovo RNAi only) or nine
fluorescein (FITC) probes. Antibody washes were then washed in PBST-0.5% for 10 min (for all other conditions) equal zones in the
were then performed for 1 hour followed by and dehydrated in 25, 50, 75, and 100% PBST: Adobe Illustrator software and the approxi-
tyramide development. Peroxidase inactiva- methanol for 10 min. Hatchlings were stored mate positions of NMEs and NMCs in relation
tion with 1% sodium azide was done for 90 min at −20°C and bleached in formamide bleach- to the photoreceptor axons, brain commis-
at room temperature. Brightfield images were ing solution for 1 hour at room temperature. sures, and anterior poles was mapped manu-
taken with a Zeiss discovery microscope. Flu- Proteinase K treatment was extended to 12 min. ally. Heatmaps indicating relative positions of
orescent images were taken with a Leica SP8 All embryos were mounted in Vectashield NMEs and NMCs were generated by counting
confocal microscope. Colocalization analyses between two coverslips and both sides were the NMEs and NMCs that fall into each of the
of FISH signals were performed using Fiji/ imaged on a Leica SP8 confocal microscope. nine zones. The range was determined by the
ImageJ. Three-dimensional (3D) reconstruc- highest and the lowest total number of cells
tion for the movies was performed using Eye resections and eye transplantations that were counted in each zone.
Imaris 3/4D Image Visualization and Anal- To selectively resect eyes, animals were placed Axonal trajectories were manually traced in
ysis software. For each channel, histograms of on moist filter paper on a cold block to limit the Adobe Illustrator software after transfer-
fluorescence intensity were used to determine movement, and the tip of a microsurgery blade ring a maximum intensity projection of the
the cut-off between signal and background. was used to remove eyes. For eye transplants, image containing the planarian visual circuitry
All FISH images shown are representative of after anesthesia using 0.2% chloretone in into a new document. NMEs and NMCs were
all images taken in each condition and are planarian H2O for 2 min, a thin slit cut was mapped onto the traces based on their posi-
maximal intensity projections. All images, made to desired locations of the recipient tion in relation to the visual axons using FIJI’s
unless otherwise indicated, are anterior up. animals and a small hole was generated by channels tool, determining the dorsal-ventral
For immunostainings with anti-Arrestin anti- gently moving the surgical blade up and down position for each cell. To determine the sig-
body (VC-1) or anti-muscle antibody (6G10), within the slit cut. Recipient animals were nificance of axonal interactions with NMEs,
animals were fixed as for in situ hybridiza- washed in Holtfreter’s solution for 2 min and NMCs, and NBCs (Fig. 2), axons from 6 to
tions, blocked in 3% bovine serum albumin rested in 0.2% chloretone for 2 min, briefly 10 separate eyes, for each group, were traced
(BSA)–PBST or in 10% Western Blocking Re- washed in Holtfreter’s solution, and trans- manually in the same manner described above.
agent (Roche, 11921673001) PBST solution, ferred on the cold block to introduce the ex- The trace maps were placed on a circular area
respectively, for 1 hour and then stained with cised eyes. Eye resections were performed using that is divided into 36 equal sections (10° each).
the antibody of interest. The anti-muscle mouse a dissecting microscope by trimming the pig- NME, NMC, and NBC cell distributions in
monoclonal antibody 6G10 (RRID: AB_2619613) mented tissue around the eyes with a surgical reference to the center point of the circle (eye)
(71) was used in a 1:1000 dilution, the anti- blade, leaving only the white area and the were mapped, and angular median values and
Arrestin mouse monoclonal antibody VC-1 visible optic cup of the eyes. The pigmented 95% confidence intervals for cell positions
was used in a 1:5000 dilution, the anti-Arrestin ventral side of this tissue was also trimmed were calculated for each group. NME, NMC,
rabbit polyclonal antibody and the anti–a away before transplantation. The eyes were and NBC numbers and the number of axonal
tubulin antibody (Lab Vision catalog no. MS- gently pushed inside the previously gener- intersections in each pie shaped section shown
581, RRID: AB_144075) were used in a 1:500 ated holes in the recipient animals. Trans- in Fig. 2 were counted, and bar graphs were
dilution, and anti-mouse Alexa conjugated planted animals were immobilized using Type generated using GraphPad Prism software af-
antibodies (Life Tech) were used in a 1:500 IV, 5% ultra-low melting agarose (Sigma) ter linearizing the circular arenas. Coincidence
dilution. The pool of probes used for label- on top of WhatmanTM (GE Healthcare, Life of NMEs, NMCs, and NBCs and axons was

Scimone et al., Science 368, eaba3203 (2020) 26 June 2020 12 of 14


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Scimone et al., Science 368, eaba3203 (2020) 26 June 2020 14 of 14


◥ Subjects made “yes” or “no” decisions using

RESEARCH ARTICLE SUMMARY button presses or saccades (eye movements)
to indicate whether an image was novel or
NEUROSCIENCE familiar, or whether an image belonged to a
given visual category. Instructions were given
Flexible recruitment of memory-based choice ON OUR WEBSITE

before each block of trials,
explaining the task and
representations by the human medial frontal cortex Read the full article response modality to use
at https://dx.doi. (i.e., task set). Examining
Juri Minxha, Ralph Adolphs, Stefano Fusi, Adam N. Mamelak, Ueli Rutishauser* org/10.1126/ the underlying neural rep-
science.aba3313 resentations at the single-
neuron and population
INTRODUCTION: Decision-making in complex RATIONALE: We recorded single neurons and levels revealed the following: (i) Cells in the
environments relies on flexibly combining local field potentials in the human MFC and MFC represented task set during baseline pe-
stimulus representations with context, goals, HA in patients implanted with depth elec- riods. These contextual signals emerged rapidly
and memories. A central component of cogni- trodes. Subjects switched between two tasks: after a task switch and generalized across all
tive flexibility is to selectively retrieve infor- recognition memory and categorization. To response and task-type combinations in the
mation from memory and utilize the retrieved identify signatures of task demands, we com- MFC but not the HA. (ii) The strength and
information to make decisions. The medial pared the strength of encoding of stimulus geometry of representations of familiarity
frontal cortex (MFC) plays a critical role in familiarity, category, and choices between tasks were task-insensitive in the HA but not in the
this process by representing task sets, context, and tested whether decoders trained in one MFC. The responses of these memory-selective
and outcomes. During decision-making, the task generalized to the other task. Such cross- cells were a reflection of memory strength
MFC is thought to selectively engage mem- task generalizability would indicate abstract rather than decisions about the memory.
ory retrieval by representing memory-based representations of the underlying variables. (iii) The visual category of stimuli was repre-
choices and mediating interactions between We hypothesized that this approach would sented more strongly during the memory task in
the frontal lobes and the hippocampus and reveal neural signatures of the representations both the MFC and HA. This encoding of category
amygdala (HA) through phase-locking of MFC and functional interactions that permit memory- generalized across tasks fully in the HA but
activity to oscillations in the HA. It remains based decisions. not the MFC. (iv) Choices in both tasks were
unknown what features of decisions and con- most strongly represented by cells in the
text are represented in the human MFC and RESULTS: We recorded from 1430 single neurons MFC. This choice representation differed in its
what functional interactions between the MFC in the HA and MFC [dorsal anterior cingulate population-level geometry between the two
and HA mediate dynamic memory retrieval cortex (dACC) and the pre-supplementary tasks but was insensitive to response modality
during a task. motor area (pre-SMA)] across 13 patients. (button press or saccade). One subset of MFC
cells signaled only memory-based choices, and
A B Stimulus onset Stimulus onset
these cells signaled decisions about the mem-
ory. (v) MFC cells phase-locked their activity
to theta-frequency band oscillation in the
Spiking activity
HA preferentially in the memory task, with
Trial number

memory-choice cells also phase-locking in the

Cell number

Local LFP gamma-frequency band. The strength of this

preSMA/dACC interareal phase-locking in both frequency
bands of the MFC cells that signaled memory-
based choices was predictive of behavior.
Firing rate (Hz)

Distant LFP 10 No (memory)

Yes (memory) CONCLUSION: We leveraged the opportunity
0 to record from single neurons in humans to
hippocampus/amygdala No (category)
Time (s) 500 ms Yes (category) identify representations of choices, task sets,
stimulus category, and familiarity in the human
MFC and HA. We found that neuronal pop-
C Categorization Memory D E
task task No Memory task
ulations within the MFC formed two separate
3 Yes
Dimension 3

Yes Categorization task decision axes: one for memory-based decisions
MFC HA coherence

2 4 and another for categorization-based decisions.
0 No
MFC-HA theta-frequency functional connect-
-10 ivity was selectively enhanced during memory
10 3 2
Dim 0 4 10
20 retrieval. This work reveals a neuronal mecha-
ens 0
n1 nism in the human brain whereby oscillation-
ion -10 -10
2 Dime mediated coordination of activity between distant
20 40
1,2 - yes 1,3 -button press brain regions and accompanying changes in
3,4 - no 2,4 -saccade Memory task Categorization task Frequency (Hz)
strength of representation and/or geometry im-
Flexible representations of choices in the human frontal lobe. (A) Recording locations. LFP, local field
potential. (B) Population response of all recorded neurons (left) and example of a cell signaling memory-
plements task-dependent retrieval of memory.

based choices (right). (C and D) Representational geometry analysis reveals that different subspaces are The list of author affiliations is available in the full article online.
*Corresponding author. Email:
used by the two tasks, establishing a memory-specific decision axis. (E) Theta- and gamma-band coherence Cite this article as J. Minxha et al., Science 368, eaba3313
of MFC choice cells with HA LFPs increased during the memory task. (2020). DOI: 10.1126/science.aba3313

Minxha et al., Science 368, 1448 (2020) 26 June 2020 1 of 1


◥ we refer to HF and AMY together as HA (n =

RESEARCH ARTICLE 663 neurons) and to dACC and pre-SMA to-
gether as MFC (n = 767 neurons).
NEUROSCIENCE Human subjects viewed a sequence of
320 images, grouped into eight blocks of
Flexible recruitment of memory-based choice 40 images each, in each session (Fig. 1, A and
B). At the beginning of each block, subjects were
representations by the human medial frontal cortex instructed which decision to make and which
response modality to use to communicate their
Juri Minxha1,2,3, Ralph Adolphs2,4, Stefano Fusi3, Adam N. Mamelak1, Ueli Rutishauser1,2,5,6* decision. Subjects made a “yes” or “no” decision
for each trial to indicate whether an image be-
Decision-making in complex environments relies on flexibly using prior experience. This process depends longed to a given visual category (“categorization
on the medial frontal cortex (MFC) and the medial temporal lobe, but it remains unknown how these task”) or whether an image had been seen before
structures implement selective memory retrieval. We recorded single neurons in the MFC, amygdala, and in the task or not (“memory task”). No feedback
hippocampus while human subjects switched between making recognition memory–based and was provided (see Materials and methods sec-
categorization-based decisions. The MFC rapidly implemented changing task demands by using different tion for details on the task). Each image shown
subspaces of neural activity and by representing the currently relevant task goal. Choices requiring belonged to one of four visual categories: hu-
memory retrieval selectively engaged phase-locking of MFC neurons to amygdala and hippocampus field man faces, monkey faces, fruits, or cars. In each
potentials, thereby enabling the routing of memories. These findings reveal a mechanism for flexibly and block, half of the images shown were repeated
selectively engaging memory retrieval and show that memory-based choices are preferentially and half were novel (except in the first block,
represented in the frontal cortex when required. in which all images were novel).
Subjects indicated choices using either sac-

cades (leftward or rightward eye movement)
ehavior in complex environments re- (22, 23). A mechanism that facilitates such in- or button press while maintaining fixation
quires decisions that flexibly combine terareal interactions is phase-locking of MFC at the center of the screen (Fig. 1, E and F;
stimulus representations with context, activity to osciollations in the hippocampus or mean ± SD, 94 ± 15% of all gaze positions fell
goals, and memory. Two key aspects of amygdala. This mechanism has been exten- within the image shown). Reaction times
cognitive flexibility are the selective uti- sively investigated in rodents during spatial (RTs) were significantly longer in the mem-
lization of relevant information depending on behavior (24–26) and fear conditioning (27, 28), ory task than in the categorization task
task demands and the retrieval of information but its broader function remains poorly under- [Fig. 1G, mean RT of 1.48 ± 1.1 s versus 1.19 ±
from memory, when needed (1). We are begin- stood (29), particularly in humans. Similarly, 1.2 s, respectively, P < 1 × 10−20, two-sample
ning to understand the neural mechanisms human neuroimaging studies indicate that the Kolmogorov-Smirnov (KS) test, mean ± SD
that underlie flexible decisions in the case of MFC is involved in memory search (8, 18, 30–34) across all trials in a given task]. Subjects
perceptual decision-making (2–4), with evi- and that patterns and level of activity and con- performed with an average accuracy of 97 ±
dence for both early gating, mediated by top- nectivity assessed by functional magnetic re- 6% versus 71 ± 6% in the categorization and
down attention (5), and late selection of relevant sonance imaging (fMRI) vary as a function of memory tasks, respectively (mean ± SD across
features in the prefrontal cortex (3). In contrast, retrieval intentionality (35–38). It is not yet n = 33 sessions). This difference in accuracy
little is known about the decision mechanisms known what features of decisions and context remained after we matched for RT between
that also depend on associated category knowl- are represented in the human MFC, whether the two tasks (96 ± 6% versus 72 ± 8% with
edge and memory. In particular, it is not clear memory retrieval selectively engages synchrony matched RTs of 1.23 ± 0.60 s versus 1.24 ± 0.60 s
how memory retrieval is selectively engaged between the MFC and the hippocampus and/or for the categorization and memory task, respec-
when decision-relevant information needs to amygdala, and whether synchrony can be tively). Even without RT matching, the initial
be actively searched for in memory (6–8). engaged dynamically when required. This lack response in terms of arousal was not different
The medial frontal cortex (MFC) is critical of knowledge stands in stark contrast to the between tasks, as assessed by pupillometry
for complex behavior and registers cognitive patent behavioral ability of humans to flexibly (fig. S1, J to L). In the memory task, accuracy
conflict, errors, and choice outcomes (9–11). recruit memory processes in everyday life (39, 40) increased as a function of how many times an
It supports flexible decision-making in two and to our detailed knowledge of memory rep- image had been shown (Fig. 1H, bappearances =
ways: (i) by representing task sets (12–14) and resentations in the human hippocampus and 0.56, P < 1 × 10−20, mixed effects logistic
context (15), and (ii) by selectively engaging amygdala, where cells represent aspects of regression; also see fig. S1, C and D, for effect
memory retrieval through functional inter- declarative memories, such as the familiarity of target versus nontarget on memory per-
actions with other brain areas (16–18), specif- and the identity of a stimulus (41–43). To ad- formance). Subjects had shorter RTs on “yes”
ically the hippocampus (19–21) and amygdala dress these open questions, we used simulta- (seen before) decisions than on “no” (novel
neous recordings of single neurons and local stimulus) decisions in the memory task (fig.
field potentials (LFPs) in the human MFC, hip- S1A, see legend for statistics), as expected from
Department of Neurosurgery, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, pocampus, and amygdala. a medial temporal lobe (MTL)–dependent re-
Los Angeles, CA, USA. 2Computation and Neural Systems
Program, Division of Biology and Biological Engineering,
cognition memory task (41). In the categori-
Task and behavior zation task, RT was not significantly different
California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, USA.
Center for Theoretical Neuroscience, College of Physicians We recorded from 1430 single neurons across between the two responses (fig. S1A), showing
and Surgeons, Columbia University, New York, NY, USA.
4 four brain areas (Fig. 1, C and D; see table S1; the absence of oddball effects.
Division of Humanities and Social Sciences, California
Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, USA. 5Center for 33 sessions in 13 subjects): n = 203, 460, 329,
Neural Science and Medicine, Department of Biomedical and 438 neurons from anterior hippocampus Effects of task type and response modality
Sciences, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, CA, (HF), amygdala (AMY), dorsal anterior cingu- in the MFC
USA. 6Department of Neurology, Cedars-Sinai Medical
Center, Los Angeles, CA, USA. late cortex (dACC), and pre-supplementary Instructions about the task type and response
*Corresponding author. Email: motor area (pre-SMA), respectively. For brevity, modality were shown at the beginning of each

Minxha et al., Science 368, eaba3313 (2020) 26 June 2020 1 of 14


A Categorization Block instructions

40 images Memory Response type instructions

Block 1 Block 2 Block 3 Block 4 Block 5 Block 6 Block 7 Block 8

B Instruction

Response Pre-stimulus Response Pre-stimulus


Have you seen Type Cue baseline Stimulus baseline Stimulus

this image
Type Cue

Is this an image

of a fruit?

Wait for 1s 1-2s RT 1-2s 1s 1-2s RT 1-2s

Block halfway
button press

C 80 D 80 E
MNI z Coordinate [mm]

MNI z Coordinate [mm]

60 700 Image

y-coordinate [pixels]
40 40 Box

20 500
0 0 300
-20 -20
-40 100
Amygdala -40 pre-SMA
-60 Hippocampus dACC 200 400 600 800
-80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 x-coordinate [pixels]
MNI y Coordinate [mm] MNI y Coordinate [mm]

F G 250 H
700 Proportion correct
y-coordinate [pixels]

200 Categorization 0.9

Number of trials

500 0.8
300 100
100 0.5
200 400 600 800 1 2 3 2 4 6 8
x-coordinate [pixels] Response time [s] ock ock ock ock
Bl Bl Bl Bl

Fig. 1. Task, electrode locations, and behavior. (A) Task structure. A locations. Each dot is the location of a microwire bundle in one subject.
session consisted of eight blocks of 40 trials. The task switched with each Coordinates are in Montreal Neurological Institute (MNI) 152 space.
block (blue = categorization, red = memory), and the response modality (E and F) Eye tracking data from one session from the button press (E) and
switched halfway through each block (saccade or button press, randomly eye movement (F) trials. (G) Reaction times as a function of task across
assigned at the beginning of the block). The subject was instructed about all sessions (memory, m ± SEM, 1.27 ± 0.02 s; categorization, 0.90 ± 0.02 s;
the task at the beginning of each block (purple arrows) and how to respond at P = 7.6 × 10−228, two-sample KS test). (H) Memory performance improves
the beginning and halfway points of each block (green arrows). (B) Example over the course of the experiment (b = 0.56, P = 8.42 × 10−130, logistic mixed
of screens shown to subjects for two example trials. (C and D) Electrode effects model). See fig. S1 for an extended summary of the behavior.

block (Fig. 1, A and B). Cells showed significant 12% of HA cells (79/663, 21 in HF, 58 in AMY), regardless of the number of neurons used (fig.
modulation of their firing rate during the c2 test of proportions, P < 1.5 × 10−6. Similarly, S2H). Cells also modulated their activity as a
baseline period as a function of task type at the population level, population decoding function of response modality during the base-
(Fig. 2, A and B, shows an example in pre-SMA). accuracy was significantly higher in the MFC line period (fig. S2E shows an example). As
At the single-neuron level, significantly more than in the HA [Fig. 2C; 90% versus 70%, re- with task-type encoding, significantly more
cells were modulated by task type in the MFC spectively; P < 1 × 10−3; true difference (Dtrue) = cells encoded response modality in the MFC,
than in the HA: 25% of MFC cells (165/767, 82 20% versus empirical null distribution; see and this signal could be decoded with higher
in dACC, 83 in pre-SMA; see fig. S2B) versus Materials and methods], a conclusion that held accuracy in the MFC than in the HA (14% versus

Minxha et al., Science 368, eaba3313 (2020) 26 June 2020 2 of 14


A B Stim on
Response 1.0
Stimulus Onset 0.8
-1 0

Response type decoding

Firing Rate [Hz]
Firing Rate [Hz]

Task decoding
6 0.7
4 0.8
Trials [resorted by condition]

Block Transition

4 2 95th
0.7 95th percentile
percentile 0.6
2 0
Cat Mem 0.6
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Block Number
0.5 0.5

E Categorization Memory
F 1.0 Decoder trained on:
Trials Trials

response type
Button press
Button Button 0.9 Saccade

press cross press

decoding of task
Firing Rate [Hz]

15 Categorization condition 0.8 Decoder tested on:
Memory Saccade Saccade Button press
0.7 Saccade
5 Button press Saccade 95th
Trials Trials 0.6 percentile
0 1 -1 0 1 2

Mem cross Mem 0.5 chance level

Time from stim onset [s] Time from reply [s]
Cat Cat 0.4

G H I 1.0 high RT on subsequent trial

1.0 Decoder trained on: low RT on subsequent trial
0.9 Memory Block transition
Cross-task decoding

Task decoding
of response type

0.8 Decoder tested on: 1.0

95-th percentile
Task decoding

0.7 Memory 0.8

of null
0.6 percentile 0.6
chance level = 0.5
0.5 chance level 0.4

0.4 0.2 0.5

-10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 Cat Cat Mem Mem
Time from block transition [trials] High Low High Low

Fig. 2. Representations of task type and response modality. (A and type switch (green arrows in Fig. 1A; transitions from categorization to
B) Example pre-SMA neuron. (B) Average firing rate during the baseline memory and vice versa were pooled). Error bars indicate SD in all panels,
period (−1 to 0 s relative to stimulus onset) for each block for the cell shown with the exception of (B), where they indicate SEM. (I) Baseline decoding
in (A). The average baseline firing rate across all blocks of the same type of task type for subsequent trials with short reaction times was more
is shown. (C and D) Population decoding of task type (C) and response accurate than decoding on long reaction time trials. Performance is shown
modality (D). (E) Cross-condition decoding approach. The background separately for categorization (Cat) and memory (Mem) trials (P = 2 × 10−11
color denotes the type of trials that were used to train a given decoder. and 7 × 10−13, respectively, Wilcoxon rank sum test). Error bars denote
(F) Cross-response modality decoding of task type from the baseline standard error in decoding accuracy across trials (80 trials in each of the
firing rate of all recorded cells. (G) Cross-task decoding of response modality. four groups). See fig. S2 for additional analyses that break down context
(H) Decoding performance as a function of trial number relative to a task effects by specific anatomical regions.

10% of cells; 84/593 versus 59/586 in the MFC subjects’ longer reaction times shortly after a in the MFC but not in the HA (Fig. 2, F and G).
and HA, respectively; 33 in ACC, 51 in pre-SMA, change in task or effector type (fig. S2A). Task- For this reason, we focused on the MFC when
27 in HF, 32 in AMY; c2 test of proportions, type representations during the baseline period conducting the analysis above.
P = 0.03; population decoding performance were stronger on trials where the subject sub-
72% versus 64%, Fig. 2D; P < 0.05, Dtrue = 8% sequently produced a fast response than on Cross-condition generalization of familiarity
versus empirical null distribution); this con- those where the response time was slow (Fig. and image category
clusion held regardless of number of neurons 2I), indicating behavioral relevance. We also Next, we examined whether the neural repre-
used (fig. S2I). tested whether the two types of contextual sentations of image category and familiarity
After a task switch, contextual signals signals were sufficiently robust to avoid inter- are sensitive to task demands. We assessed
emerged rapidly within one to two trials in ference with one another, using a cross-condition two consequences of task demands: gener-
the new context in the MFC (Fig. 2H). This was generalization decoding analysis (44) (Fig. 2E). alization across tasks and strength of repre-
not a result of ongoing poststimulus process- We first trained a decoder to discriminate task sentations within each task. At the single-unit
ing, because the task could still be decoded type on trials where the subject was instructed level, we examined visually selective (VS) cells
even if only considering the subset of task cells to reply with a button press, and then we tested (42), whose responses are thought to reflect
in the MFC, which did not differentiate between the performance of this decoder on trials where input from high-level visual cortex, and memory-
the tasks around response time (see fig. S2G). the subject was instructed to use saccades selective (MS) cells (41), whose response signals
Task-switching costs were also reflected in the (and vice versa). The two decoders generalized stimulus familiarity (Fig. 3, A and B, shows

Minxha et al., Science 368, eaba3313 (2020) 26 June 2020 3 of 14


A Cell 1 (amygdala) Cell 2 (preSMA)

B Cell 3 (amygdala) Cell 4 (dACC)
C D All trials
Memory trials
Categorization trials
= 0.03 th
300 300 95 percentile
Trial Number (Reordered)

Trial Number (Reordered)

250 250 1.0 = 0.25
p = 0.001

Image category decoding

200 200

Familiarity decoding
0.8 = 0.04
150 150 0.8 n.s.
= 0.24
p = 8 x 10-6
100 100
0.6 0.7
50 50
Firing Rate [Hz]

Firing Rate [Hz]

Fruits 15 Old 0.4
2 New
0.5 Chance level: 0.5
5 10 4
1 2 Chance level: 0.25
5 0.2 0.4
-0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5
Time from stimulus onset [s]
Time from stimulus onset [s]

2 HA 3

10 Categorization
New cross New
Dimension 3

2 1 New, Face task

Old Old
Dimension 3

1 4 2 New, Fruit
0 2 3 Old, Face
0 4 4 Old, Fruit
4 1

-10 Fruit cross Fruit
10 3 4
1 3 task
Dim 3 20 -10 Face Face
ens0 0 1
-20 20
ion nsion Dim 0 10
-10 -20 Dime ens 0 1
ion 20 nsion
2 -10 Dime

G H I J = 0.72
p < 0.001
= 0.27
p < 0.001

within = cross-task
Difference in generalization

Decoder trained on:

performance, HA - MFC
Image category decoding

0.9 1.0

Generalization index
Familiarity decoding

0.8 Decoder tested on:
0.8 0.8
Categorization 0.4
0.6 th
95 percentile
0.7 0.6
of null distribution
0.6 0.2
0.5 Chance level: 0.5 percentile 0.2
Chance level: 0
Chance level: 0.25
0.2 0.4 5th
HA MFC HA MFC percentile 0

g/ A
/M A

im g/H


em /H


m em




Fig. 3. Representations of image category and familiarity (new versus performance on new and old stimuli encountered during the memory
old). (A and B) Example cells that (A) represent image category and (B) condition (and vice versa). (Bottom) Similarly, a decoder that is trained to
differentiate between new and old stimuli. (C) Decoding accuracy of image discriminate between image categories (in this example, faces versus fruits;
category from all recorded cells was significantly higher in the HA relative to all results include all six possible pairs) on categorization trials was tested on
the MFC (Dtrue = 49%, P < 0.001). (D) Decoding of new versus old (ground memory trials. (G) Cross-condition generalization performance for image
truth) was similarly accurate in the HA and MFC (Dtrue = 7%, P = 0.13). For category. (H) Cross-condition generalization performance for new versus old.
new versus old decoding, trials with images of monkeys were excluded, (I) Difference in cross-task generalization decoding accuracy for familiarity
because the recognition performance for these images was at chance (fig. and image category between HA and MFC. Difference is computed between
S1B). (E) Population activity of all recorded HA (left) and MFC (right) cells, the average cross-task performances in each area (i.e., average of
plotted in 3D using MDS. Individual points show the mean activity of the memory→categorization and categorization→memory). The null distribution
population for that specific condition. The highlighted plane contains all for the average was estimated from the empirical null estimated by shuffling
locations of state space occupied by a given task for the case of fruits the labels used to train the decoders. For both variables, decoding from
versus faces as the binary category distinction (for illustration only; all HA had significantly greater cross-task generalization performance than
analysis uses all categories). The geometry of the representation allows for decoding from MFC (the difference in both cases is positive and outside of the
a decoder that is trained on one task to generalize to the other task 95th percentile of the null distribution). (J) Generalization index (see
(see fig. S4C for example decoder hyperplanes). (F) Approach used for Materials and methods) for memory (two data points on the left) and image
the cross-condition generalization analysis. Color indicates task (blue = category (two data points on the right). For both image category and
categorization, red = memory). (Top) We trained a decoder to discriminate familiarity, generalization across task was higher in the HA population than
between new and old trials on categorization trials and then tested its in the MFC population (see figure for statistics; D, difference).

Minxha et al., Science 368, eaba3313 (2020) 26 June 2020 4 of 14


examples). Of the HA cells, 40% were visually demands, whereas in the MFC it was (fig. S4E). empirical null, P < 1 × 10−3; 61% in AMY and
selective (264/663, 35 in HF and 229 in AMY) In either task, at the population level, memory 57% in HF when trained separately; fig. S7G
and 11% were memory-selective (73/663, 10 in decoding in the HA was only possible in the shows this result as a function of number of
HF, 63 in AMY; 24/73 were old>new selective amygdala (fig. S4B). The population-level de- neurons used). Further single-neuron (fig. S11,
and 49/73 were new>old selective; see Ma- coding of memory in the HA was principally a A and B) and population (Fig. 4E and fig. S11C)
terials and methods for selection model). In reflection of the signal carried by the MS cells analysis confirmed that the choice signal was
the MFC, 13% (103/767) of the cells were (fig. S10E) and was not due to repetition sup- significantly stronger in the MFC regardless of
visually selective and 11% (84/767) were memory- pression of VS cells (fig. S10, B and C), because selection threshold and quantification method.
selective. First, we performed single-neuron it was not possible to decode familiarity from We therefore first analyzed choice information
analysis of the selected HA cells. Visual and VS cells alone (fig. S10D). in the MFC (see below for results in the HA).
memory selectivity were present in both the To gain insight into the geometry of the Choice decoding in the MFC was strongest
memory and categorization blocks (figs. S3, population-level representations, we assessed shortly after stimulus onset, well before the
D, E, H, and I). MS cell responses reflected a whether the decoders trained to report famil- response was made (fig. S7A). To disassociate
memory process: they strengthened over blocks iarity and the category of the stimuli in one representation of choice (yes or no) from the
as memories became stronger (fig. S3G), and task would generalize to the other task (Fig. 3F representation of ground truth (old or new)
they differed between forgotten old (false nega- schematizes our approach). Cross-task gener- during the memory recognition task, we fit a
tive, FN) and correctly identified new (true alizability would indicate that familiarity and choice decoder to a subset of trials, half of which
negative, TN) stimuli for both new>old (n = 49) visual category are represented in an abstract were correct and half of which were incorrect.
and old>new (n = 24) preferring MS cells format (44). First, cross-task generalization The activity of MFC cells predicted choice but
(fig. S10F). Furthermore, these memory signals performance was greater in the HA than MFC not the ground truth at levels significantly dif-
were behaviorally relevant: new/old decoding for both image category (Fig. 3, G and I; 98% ferent from chance (Fig. 4C; choice decoding
was significantly weaker in incorrect trials than versus 41%, averaged across the two cross- is above the 95th percentile of the null distribu-
in correct trials (fig. S10G). condition decoding performances; Dtrue = 57% tion, whereas new/old decoding is not; see fig.
To answer the question of whether coding versus empirical null, P < 1 × 10−3) and S7D for this analysis shown over time). Choice
for visual and memory information general- familiarity (Fig. 3, H and I; 67% versus 55%, could be decoded from the MFC separately for
izes across tasks, we took a population-level Dtrue = 12% versus empirical null, P < 0.05). both the correct and the incorrect trials (fig. S5I).
approach (over all single units, without se- Second, to help understand the geometry of As a control for potential confounds due to RT
lection). We used decoding performance on these neural representations, we projected the differences between tasks (see fig. S1A), we
individual trials and single-neuron analysis average HA and MFC population activity for acquired data from a separate control task in
(fig. S4, D and E) to assess whether the neural all possible pairings of familiarity, image cate- which we eliminated RT differences behav-
encoding of visual category and/or familiarity gory, and task (eight different conditions) into iorally by adding a waiting period (six sessions
of a stimulus depended on task demands. In a three dimensional (3D) state space using mul- in five subjects; n = 180 and 162 neurons in the
both the HA and MFC, image category could tidimensional scaling. For illustration purposes, HA and MFC, respectively; see Materials and
be decoded (Fig. 3C, 98 and 49% in the HA we show this 3D state space for the two image methods and fig. S6). As in the original task,
and MFC, respectively; chance level = 25%). categories (fruits and faces) for which memory MFC cells represented the subject’s choice (fig.
Category decoding performance was signifi- performance was the best. In the HA (Fig. 3E, S6, C to G), thereby confirming that this sep-
cantly higher in the HA than the MFC (Dtrue = left), the relative positions of a “new face” with aration is not due to RT differences.
49% versus empirical null distribution, P < 1 × respect to an “old face” were preserved across We used multidimensional scaling to visual-
10−3). In the HA, the ability to decode category tasks (shown as differently colored planes). The ize the population activity for the eight com-
was not significantly different between the relatively parallel location of the subspace of binations of choices, task types, and response
two tasks (Fig. 3C, 96% versus 99% in catego- neural activity occupied by the two tasks per- modality (Fig. 4D, and see Materials and me-
rization and memory, respectively; Dtrue = 3%, mits cross-task generalization for both image thods). The resulting geometrical configura-
P = 0.25) and could be decoded above chance category and familiarity. In contrast, in the tion indicates that choice decoding generalizes
in both the HF and AMY (fig. S4, A and B). At MFC (Fig. 3E, right), the relative positions of across response modality (Fig. 4D, top) but not
the single-neuron level, HA neurons encoded the four conditions were not preserved. This is across task types (Fig. 4D, bottom). We there-
significantly more information about category consistent with the weaker cross-task gener- fore computed the cross-task generalization
in the memory task (fig. S4D), an effect that alization performance observed in the MFC performance of a decoder trained on choices
decoders were not sensitive to because of satu- relative to the HA (Fig. 3, G and H), resulting during one task and tested on the other. We
ration. In the MFC, decoding accuracy for image in reduced generalization indices in the MFC performed this analysis across time (Fig. 4E;
category was significantly higher in the memory compared with the HA (Fig. 3J; this metric see fig. S7B for this analysis shown separately
task (Fig. 3C, 60% versus 36%, Dtrue = 24% versus takes into account different levels of within- for pre-SMA and dACC) and also in a single
empirical null distribution, P < 0.001). Memory task decoding accuracy, which is an upper bound poststimulus time bin (Fig. 4F). To avoid con-
was decodable in both the HA and MFC (Fig. for the achievable generalization performance; founds due to response time differences, we
3D, 69% versus 76%, respectively), with no sig- see the supplementary text section of the sup- performed the fixed window analysis (Fig. 4F)
nificant difference in decoding accuracy be- plementary materials for details). only for the control task, where the timing
tween the two tasks in the HA (Fig. 3D, 67% between tasks was identical (fig. S6B). While
versus 71% in categorization and memory trials, Representation of choice the choice signal did not generalize across
respectively; Dtrue = 4%, P = 0.3) and signifi- We next investigated how the subject’s choice task types (Fig. 4F), it did generalize across
cantly better decoding ability in the MFC in (yes or no) is represented by single neurons response modality within the same task type
the memory task (Fig. 3D, 86% versus 61%; (Fig. 4A shows examples) and the population. (Fig. 4G). Quantifying this observation with
Dtrue = 25% versus empirical null, P = 0.001). Decoding accuracy for choices was highest the generalization index confirmed this im-
Single-neuron analysis confirmed the impres- in the MFC, with an average population de- pression (Fig. 4H). We also examined choice
sion from decoding that the strength of memory coding performance of 89% compared with signals in the HA. Although choice signals
signals in the HA was not modulated by task 68% in the HA (Fig. 4B; Dtrue = 19% versus were comparatively weak in the HA (fig. S7E

Minxha et al., Science 368, eaba3313 (2020) 26 June 2020 5 of 14


and Fig. 4B; see Fig. 4B for statistics), they generalize to any other task, we considered the and testing across blocks requiring different
nevertheless exhibited a pattern of general- four subtasks that make up the categorization categorizations. Choice decoding generalized
ization similar to that seen in the MFC (fig. trials in a given session (the target category across all subtasks in the categorization task
S7, E and F). can be any one of the four possible image cate- but not the memory task (Fig. 4I). Next, we
To test the possibility that any task might gories). We tested whether the choice signal compared the dynamics of the population ac-
yield a distinctive choice axis that does not generalizes across these subtasks by training tivity between the eight conditions arising

A No, Memory Yes, Memory B = 0.19 D

Choice decoding accuracy

Stimulus Onset No, Category p < 0.001
Yes, Category 1.0 HA
th 10 Button press

Dimension 3
95 percentile
300 0.9 1 2
0.8 1 “yes”, categorization
4 2 “no”, memory
0.7 3 “no”, categorization
Trial Number

-10 4 4 “yes”, memory

200 0.6 10
0 3

Chance level
Dim 3
0.5 ens 0 0
ion -10
0 1
2 -10 n sion
All Cat Mem All Cat Mem
-20 Dime
Trial type
C 1.0

Dimension 3
Decoding accuracy
1 4

Ye w

Ye ld


1 “yes”, button press
Firing Rate [Hz]

0.8 2 “yes”, saccade

Cell 1 4 Cell 2 Cell 3

N w

N ld
10 1

3 “no”, button press



preSMA dACC preSMA 0.7
-10 2 4 “no”, saccade
5 2 10 10 3
Dim 10
5 0.6 ens0
ion -10 -10 sio n1
2 imen

Chance level
-20 D
-0.5 0 0.5 1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0.5
Time from stimulus onset [s]
Choice New/Old


within = cross-condition
Stimulus Onset F 1.0
Decoder trained on: 1.0
Decoder trained on:
1.0 Categorization Button press
Choice decoding accuracy

Choice decoding accuracy

Choice decoding accuracy

0.9 Saccade
Memory choice Decoder tested on: 0.9

Generalization index
Cross-condition Decoder tested on:
Categorization Button press 0.8
Cat choice 0.8 Memory Saccades
0.8 Cross-condition 0.8 0.6
95th 0.4
0.6 percentile 95th
percentile 0.2
0.5 0.6
0.4 0.4 0.5
-0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5


Button press Saccade

Decoder trained on

Time from stimulus onset [s] Decoder trained on

Choice decoding averaged across
I K 15
1.0 all targets except the one used to train
J Choice = No, Yes 0.012
Number of cells
Choice decoding memory trials No, Memory
Choice decoding accuracy

No, Category Effector Type = Button Press, Saccade 10

Yes, Memory Task = Categorization, Memory
Yes, Category
0.8 Stim onset N,B,C
t = 200ms
Trajectory similarity


Y,B,C 0.9
N,S,C 0 /8 /4 3 /8
0.6 Dim 2 Y,S,C
0.8 ( , )
Chance level

cat mem
Dim N,B,M 0.7
Y,B,M 0.004
0.4 N,S,M 0.6
All cells (767)
Dim 1 Y,S,M
0.5 top 25th percentile for
either task







0.008 0.012



Choice decoder trained on

Fig. 4. Task-specific representation of choice. (A) Example MFC choice generalizes across effectors [see (D)]. (H) Generalization index of choice
cells, split by choice (yes or no) and task. (B) Population choice decoding decoding (see Materials and methods) to summarize (F) and (G). The
accuracy was significantly greater in MFC than in HA (across all trials, representation of choices generalized across response modality but not task.
Dtrue = 19% versus empirical null, P < 1 × 10−3). (C) MFC cells represent (I) Generalization between different subtasks of the categorization task
choice and not the ground truth (i.e., new or old; memory trials only). but not between task types. The colored bars indicate the 5th to 95th
(D) Population summary (neural state space) of choice-related activity in percentile of the null distribution. (J) (Left) State-space trajectories for the
MFC, plotted in 3D space derived using MDS. (Top) Variability due to four conditions arising from the combination of response (yes or no) and
response modality. The highlighted planes connect the points of state space task (categorization or memory). (Right) Trajectory similarity, computed in
occupied by activity when using button presses (purple) or saccades (green). an 8D latent space (recovered using GPFA, see Materials and methods)
(Bottom) Variability due to task type. The highlighted planes connect the across the eight conditions arising from the combinations of choice, effector
points of state space occupied by activity in the same task. (E) Choice- type, and task. (K) Decoder weight of each cell for decoding choice during
decoders trained in one task do not generalize to the other task (bin size: the categorization and memory task. The cells in the top 25th percentile
500 ms, step size: 16 ms). (F) Same as (E), but for a fixed 1-s time are shown in black. The inset shows the angle created by the vector
i ; wi
½wcat  with respect to the x axis of the cells marked in black.
window starting at 0.2 s after stimulus onset. (G) Choice decoding mem

Minxha et al., Science 368, eaba3313 (2020) 26 June 2020 6 of 14


from the combination of choice, effector type, preference, as there was no significant differ- Discussion
and task in a state-space model recovered ence in HA LFP power between the tasks (Fig. We investigated the nature of flexible decision-
using Gaussian process factor analysis (GPFA) 5E, P = 0.08, paired t test of signal power at making in the human brain by probing how
[(45), and see Materials and methods]. Com- 5.5 Hz, estimate across all 8822 cell-electrode the strength and/or geometry (44) of neu-
paring the pairwise similarity between the pairs). Of the 767 MFC cells, a significant sub- ral representations of stimulus memory,
trajectories in state space (Fig. 4J, left) within set of ~100 cells were phase-locked to the stimulus category, and choice is modified when
the first 500 ms after the stimulus onset re- theta-band HA LFP (fig. S9A), with the largest subjects switch between a memory and a
vealed that the patterns of dynamics in state proportion preferring 3 to 8 Hz. categorization task. We found evidence for
space first cluster by task type (Fig. 4J, right; To determine whether there is a relation- both kinds of neural representation changes
see movie S1). ship between the tuning of cells in MFC and resulting from changing task demands for a
We next examined whether the population- their interarea coherence with HA, we selected subset of the studied variables. In the MFC,
level analysis relied on different sets of neurons for choice cells independently in the categori- both the strength and geometry of represen-
to decode choice in each of the two tasks. We zation and memory task (see Materials and tation of stimulus memory changed as a func-
determined how individual cells are recruited methods for selection model; note selection tion of task demands. In contrast, in the HA,
by a linear decoder (44, 46). For each cell, we controls for RT differences). This approach both the strength and geometry of the repre-
quantified its importance (46) for both the revealed that 101/767 and 82/767 cells were sentation of stimulus memory were insensi-
memory and categorization choice decoder significantly modulated by choice during the tive to task demands (Fig. 3, D and H). Our
(Fig. 4K). We then plotted the degree of special- memory and categorization task, respectively finding of memory signals in the amygdala
ization for each cell on the basis of its impor- (P < 0.001 versus chance for both; see Fig. 4A, supports the hypothesis (47, 48) that the
tance in each task (see Materials and methods). cells 2 and 1, respectively, as an example). amygdala contributes to recognition memory
Cells that report choice independently of task Single-neuron decoding showed that it was by signaling stimulus familiarity. Representa-
should lie on the diagonal (i.e., an angle of p/4). not possible to decode the subject’s choice tion strength of stimulus category in both the
Instead, the distribution of angles was signif- in the categorization task from choice cells HA and MFC was stronger in the memory
icantly bimodal across all cells (Fig. 4K, inset selected in the memory task and vice versa task, but the geometry of this representation
plot; P < 1 × 10−5, Hartigan dip test), with modes (fig. S5, A to D). Single-neuron analysis re- was also modulated by the task in the MFC
centered away from the diagonal. Despite this vealed that cells preferring either “no” or “yes” (Fig. 3G, right). Overall, these results show
bimodality, we could still use the cells that are choices were present in approximately equal that the geometry of the representations (as
the most “useful” in one task to train a new de- proportions in both tasks (fig. S5B). The re- assessed by cross-task generalization) of stim-
coder that can predict choice well above chance moval of the selected choice cells from a pop- ulus familiarity and memory were significantly
(although significantly weaker compared with ulation decoding analysis with access to all less sensitive to task demands in the HA com-
using all cells) in the other task (fig. S7C). This is recorded neurons significantly diminished de- pared with the MFC (Fig. 3, G and H).
not an example of cross-task generalization, coding performance (fig. S5, F and G). Notably, At the population level in the MFC, choices
because we are fitting a new decoder. each of the selected cells had a high impor- in both the memory and categorization task
tance index, as determined from population were decodable with high reliability, but these
Task-dependent spike-field coherence between decoding (Fig. 5F). Considering only the MFC decoders did not generalize across the two
MFC cells and HA LFP choice cells revealed that this subset of cells tasks. Choice decoding generalized across sub-
It is thought that the selective routing of similarly increased their phase-locking dur- tasks of the categorization task and across
decision-related information between the HA ing the memory task (Fig. 5G, top), with the changes of response modality in both tasks,
and MFC is coordinated by interareal spike- strongest effect, again, in the theta range [peak indicating that changes in representations were
field coherence (24). We therefore asked whether frequency (fpeak) = 5 Hz, P = 1 × 10−6, paired t due to switching between a task that requires
MFC neurons phase-lock to ongoing oscillations test]. Both categorization and memory choice memory retrieval and one that does not. While
in the LFP in the HA and, if so, whether the cells showed this pattern of modulation (Fig. the choice signal was significantly weaker in
strength of such interactions is modulated by 5G, bottom). The memory choice cells exhib- the HA, this same pattern of generalization
task demands. We performed this analysis for ited an increase in gamma-band coherence also held for the HA, suggesting the pos-
the 13 subjects and 33 sessions for which we (Fig. 5G, fpeak = 38.5 Hz, P = 2 × 10−6, paired sibility that the task demand–dependent choice
simultaneously recorded from both areas t test). The extent of phase-locking of choice representation we found in the MFC is widely
(Fig. 5A). In the following, we only used neural cells following stimulus onset (0.2 to 1.2 s) distributed in the brain. A group of task demand–
activity from the 1-s baseline period that pre- during the memory task was significantly dependent cells in the MFC were choice cells,
cedes stimulus onset, to avoid confounds related stronger for correctly retrieved trials than which preferentially signal behavioral decisions
to stimulus onset–evoked activity. Individual for forgotten old trials, indicating behavioral for either memory or categorization decisions
cells in the MFC showed strong task modula- relevance for memory retrieval (Fig. 5H). Lastly, irrespective of response modality and regard-
tion of MFC to HA spike-field coherence (Fig. to exclude the possibility that this interarea less of the ground truth of the decision. Thus,
5B shows a single-cell example in the dACC). effect was due to task-dependent changes within from the point of view of downstream areas,
At the population level, MFC cells showed sig- the HA, we examined the phase-locking proper- neurons formed two separate decision axes:
nificantly stronger theta-band coherence with ties of HA cells to their own locally recorded one for memory-based decisions and one for
HA oscillations during the memory task than LFP (LFP and spiking activity is recorded on categorization-based decisions. These two de-
during the categorization task (Fig. 5C, 8822 cell separate electrodes; see Materials and meth- cision axes were instantiated selectively so that
electrode pairs; P < 1.3 × 10−7, paired t test, ods). The spiking activity of 331/663 HA cells they were only present when required by the
measured at 5.5 Hz; see fig. S9, B and C, for was significantly related to the theta-frequency current task.
additional controls). This was the case for both band LFP (Fig. 5I, shown for f = 5.5 Hz). The These findings contrast with prior work on
MFC-hippocampus and MFC-amygdala inter- strength of this local spike-field coherence was, task switching involving different tasks that
actions (Fig. 5D, n = 3939 and 4884 and P = however, not significantly different between required purely perceptual decisions, which
8.8 × 10−4 and 4.3 × 10−5, respectively, paired the two tasks (Fig. 5J, P = 0.61, paired t test, n = found a single decision axis in the monkey
t test). This effect was due to changes in phase 2321 cell-electrode pairs). prefrontal cortex, with task-irrelevant attributes

Minxha et al., Science 368, eaba3313 (2020) 26 June 2020 7 of 14


also represented (3). We found that memory- recordings from rodents and nonhuman primates single-cell level. It has long been appreciated
based choices add a second decision axis, which during perceptual decision-making (2, 3, 49, 50) that the frontal lobes are critical for initiating
is present only when decisions engage memory and in human neuroimaging (51), our data and controlling memory retrieval (30, 52–54).
retrieval processes. Although task-sensitive re- reveal choice representations that specifically Neuroimaging reveals that patterns of activity in
presentations of choice have been shown in signal recognition memory–based choices at the some frontal and parietal areas are modulated

Spiking Activity 7 Categorization MFC HA
Memory spikes LFP

Pairwise-phase consistency (au)

Average PPC
6 8822 cell-electrode pairs

Electrode Number
Local LFP 5 0.001

Stim on

2 0

Task difference log (p)

-1 0 5.5 Hz
Average PPC 1 0

Distant LFP 0.01

Categorization Bonferroni threshold
hippocampus/amygdala -5
0.005 Memory
00 V

20 40 60 80 100
1s 10 20 30 40 50 60
Frequency [Hz]
Frequency [Hz]

Spike-triggered power [au]

n.s. (p = 0.08) All cells (767) MFC HA

0.002 19.6 Memory choice cells (101)
f @ 5.5 Hz Categorization all choice cells (n = 2384)
Categorization choice cells (82) 0.004 mem choice cells (n = 1176)
Choice cell, both tasks (26) Memory
0.012 cat choice cells (n = 906)
f @ 5.5 Hz


Average PPC
0 spikes LFP 0.008

MFC- MFC- MFC- 18.6

ls 0


HA Hippo Amy tt


f = 5 Hz

0.004 f = 38.5 Hz




0 20 40 60 80 100
0.004 0.008 0.012 Frequency [Hz]
H 6 10 Memory Categorization Stim on
choice choice
cells cells n.s.
True positive - False negative

0.2 1.2s
4 I 40
p<0.05 J 0.007 (p = 0.61)
Number of Cells

2 30
Average PPC, f 5.5Hz

0 20 f = 5.5Hz 0.006

-2 10
542 pairs 385 pairs
0 0.005



Theta Gamma -2 0 2 4 6

Theta Gamma


Spike-field coherence, ln[Zrayleigh]


Fig. 5. Modulation of interareal spike-field coherence by task demands. (Bottom) Significance of difference between tasks, shown separately for
(A) Analysis approach. Inset shows that only data from the baseline was used memory and categorization choice cells (n = 1176 and 906 cell-electrode
[except in panel (H)]. (B) Spike-field coherence for a cell in dACC relative pairs, respectively). Only memory choice cells show a significant difference in
to all channels in the ipsilateral hippocampus. (C) Phase-locking of MFC the gamma band (P = 2 × 10−6, t test). (H) Difference in spike-field coherence
cells to HA LFP. (Top) Average interarea PPC of all cell-electrode pairs for between true-positive (correct retrieval) and false negative (incorrect
each task. (Bottom) Significance of difference between tasks; peak difference retrieval) trials measured in the [0.2 s, 1.2 s] window after the stimulus onset,
was at f = 5.5 Hz. Dashed line shows the threshold (P = 0.05/56, Bonferroni shown separately for memory choice cells (left panel) and categorization
corrected). (D) Difference in average interarea PPC at f = 5.5 Hz between choice cells (right panel) in the theta-frequency (4 to 10 Hz) and gamma-
task conditions for all possible cell-electrode pairs (from left to right, frequency (30 to 80 Hz) bands. PPC was significantly stronger in correctly
n = 8822 electrode pairs, P = 1.3 × 10−7; n = 3938, P = 8.8 × 10−4; n = 4884, retrieved trials in the theta band for memory choice cells (Dmem = 0.003,
P = 4.3 × 10−5; paired t test). (E) Average spike-triggered power was P = 0.002; Dcat = −0.001, P = 0.3; paired t test) and in the gamma band for both
not significantly different between the two tasks (paired t test, n = 8822 cell types of choice cells (Dmem = 0.002, P = 0.005; Dcat = 0.004, P = 7.2 × 10−8;
electrode pairs, P = 0.08). (F) Single-neuron analysis of choice cells. paired t test). (I) Spike times of HA cells are coherent with local theta-band
Importance index assigned by the decoder to each cell for decoding choices (3 to 8 Hz) LFP. (J) Average local PPC in the HA did not differ significantly as a
in either task. Selected choice cells are indicated in color. (G) MFC-HA function of the task (f = 5.5 Hz; P = 0.51, paired t test, n = 2321 cell-electrode
spike-field coherence for choice cells. (Top) Average PPC for all choice pairs). Error bars in panels (D) and (H) denote the 95% confidence interval
cells in MFC (209 cells, 2384 cell-electrode pairs) for the two tasks. (bootstrap, n = 10,000 iterations). All other error bars are SEM.

Minxha et al., Science 368, eaba3313 (2020) 26 June 2020 8 of 14


by memory retrieval demands (34, 35, 37, 38, 55), enhanced during the memory task, indicating tions shown on the Atlas Brain (Fig. 1, C and
whereas memory-related activity patterns in that patterns of interareal connectivity change D) are for illustration only. Apparent localiza-
the MTL are comparatively insensitive to re- in preparation of initiating memory retrieval tion outside the target area or in white matter
trieval demands (34). These findings have led (77, 78). The extent of synchrony after stimulus is due to usage of an Atlas Brain alone.
to the proposal that the memory retrieval net- onset is stronger when a memory is success-
work consists of specialized processes separate fully retrieved compared with when it is forgot- Eye tracking (relevant for fig. S1)
from those used for other kinds of decisions ten. Memory choice cells in the MFC exhibited Gaze position was monitored using an infrared-
(6, 56, 57). The memory-choice axis we de- enhanced gamma-frequency band coordina- based eye tracker with a 500-Hz sampling rate
scribe is a potential cellular substrate for this tion of their spiking activity with the HA LFP, (EyeLink 1000, SR Research) (87). Calibration
critical aspect of human cognitive flexibility. and this modulation was behaviorally relevant was performed using the built-in nine-point
Future work is needed to investigate whether after stimulus onset, which reveals a specific calibration grid and was only used if validation
similar principles also apply to hippocampus- cellular-level instance of a role for gamma resulted in a measurement error of <1 degree
dependent associate or source memory–based oscillation–mediated coordination of activity of visual angle (dva) (average validation error
(58–60) decisions, which we did not assess here between distant brain regions (24, 79) in human was 0.7 dva). We used the default values for the
(we probed recognition memory). memory retrieval. thresholds in the Eyelink system that determine
A second group of cells that we characterized fixation and saccade (eye movement) onsets.
in the MFC signal the currently relevant goal Materials and methods
(task type and response modality) throughout Subjects Task
the task. These cells switched their activity pattern Subjects were 13 adult patients being eval- Each session consisted of eight blocks of 40 trials
when instructions indicated a change in task uated for surgical treatment of drug-resistant shown in randomized order. At the beginning
demands. Although these switches were rapid, epilepsy that provided informed consent and of each block, an instruction screen told subjects
they were not instantaneous, likely reflecting volunteered for this study (see table S1). The verbally the task to be performed for the fol-
the cost of switching between memory retrieval institutional review boards of Cedars-Sinai lowing 40 trials (categorization or recognition
and categorization modes (61–63). We hypothe- Medical Center and the California Institute memory), the response modality to use (but-
size that these cells facilitate the holding of of Technology approved all protocols. We ex- ton presses or eye movements), and which visual
the active task set in working memory (64, 65) cluded potential subjects who did not have category is the target (for categorization task
and configure brain networks in preparation at least one depth electrode in medial frontal only; either human faces, monkey faces, fruits,
for appropriate execution of the instructed cortex. or cars; order was pseudorandom so that each
task (12, 34, 66, 67). Task-switching costs are image type was selected as the target at least
a much investigated aspect of cognitive flexi- Electrophysiology once) (see Fig. 1). The task to solve was either
bility (39, 61–63), but how they arise and why We recorded bilaterally from the amygdala, “Have you seen this image before, yes or no?” or
some task switches are more difficult than hippocampus, dACC, and pre-SMA using micro- “Does this image belong to the target category,
others remain poorly understood. The MFC wires embedded in hybrid depth electrodes yes or no.” Odd-numbered blocks (1, 3, 5, and 7)
cells we describe here offer an avenue to di- (81). From each microwire, we recorded the were categorization blocks; even numbered blocks
rectly investigate these questions. broadband 0.1 to 9000 Hz continuous extra- were memory blocks (2, 4, 6, and 8). Button
Finally, we uncovered a possible mechanism cellular signals with a sampling rate of 32 kHz presses (yes or no) were recorded using a re-
by which memory-based information can be (ATLAS system, Neuralynx Inc.). Subjects from sponse box (RB-844, Cedrus Inc.). Eye move-
routed dynamically between the MFC and HA which at least one well-identified single neuron ments to the left or right of the image served
when a task requires memory retrieval. Chang- could not be recorded were excluded. as responses in the eye movement modality
ing long-range synchronization of neural activ- (left = yes, right = no). The mapping between
ity is thought to be a way by which functional Spike sorting and single-neuron analysis button and screen side and yes/no responses
connectivity between brain areas can be changed The raw signal was filtered with a zero-phase was fixed and did not change; “yes” was on the
flexibly (68–71). Here, we reveal a specific in- lag filter in the 300 to 3000 Hz band, and spikes left and “no” was on the right. Subjects were
stance of this phenomenon at the cellular level in were detected and sorted using a semiautomated reminded that left = yes, and right = no, at the
humans in the form of changes in the strength template-matching algorithm (82, 83). All PSTH beginning of each of the eight blocks. In the
of cortico-hippocampal and cortico-amygdala diagrams were computed using a 500-ms win- first block, all images were novel (40 unique
functional connectivity. Hippocampus–medial dow with a step size of 7.8 ms. No smoothing images). In all subsequent blocks, 20 new im-
prefrontal cortex (mPFC) functional connectivity was applied. ages were shown randomly intermixed with
in rodents supports spatial working memory 20 repeated images (the “old set”). The 20 repeated
(24) and is prominent during both navigation Electrode localization (relevant for Fig. 1) images remained the same throughout a ses-
and rest (72–74). Similarly, amygdala-mPFC Electrode localization was performed based sion. We used entirely nonoverlapping image
functional connectivity supports flexibly switch- on postoperative MRI scans. These scans were sets for patients that completed multiple ses-
ing between aversive and neutral behaviors registered to preoperative MRI scans using sions. The response modality (button presses
depending on learned cues (75). But it is not Freesurfer’s mri_robust_register (84) to allow or eye movements) was initially selected ran-
known whether these pathways serve a role in accurate and subject-specific localization. To domly and then was switched in the middle
long-term memory retrieval in humans and, summarize electrode positions and to provide of each block (an instruction screen in the
if so, whether this retrieval can be engaged across-study comparability, we also aligned the middle of each block showed the response
selectively. Similarly, in humans, MTL-PFC con- preoperative scan to the MNI152-aligned CIT168 modality to be used for the remainder of the
nectivity changes, as measured by fMRI, have template brain (85) using a concatenation of block). In sessions where eye tracking was not
been related to control demands over memory an affine transformation followed by a sym- possible because of problems with calibration
retrieval (36, 76), but it remains unclear how metric image normalization (SyN) diffeomor- (five sessions in three patients; see table S1), all
these indirect metrics relate to long-range syn- phic transform (86). This procedure provided trials used the button presses as the response
chronization as measured in rodents. Here, we the MNI coordinates that are reported here for modality. No trial-by-trial feedback was given.
show that MFC-HA connectivity is selectively every recording location. The electrode loca- In between image presentations, subjects were

Minxha et al., Science 368, eaba3313 (2020) 26 June 2020 9 of 14


instructed to look at the fixation cross in the two groups were not significantly different. If Chance levels for cell selection (relevant for figs.
center of the screen. not, the procedure above was repeated. S2, S3, and S5)
To estimate the chance levels for cell selection,
Control task (relevant for fig. S6) Selection of visually (VS) and memory-selective we repeated above procedures for selection of
In 5 of the 13 subjects in this dataset (6/33 (MS) cells (relevant for fig. S3) visual category, memory selective, and choice
sessions), we ran an additional control task A cell was considered a VS cell if its response cells after randomly scrambling the order of
in order to help determine whether neural covaried significantly with visual category, the labels determining the category member-
responses reflected processing of stimuli, of as assessed using a 1×4 analysis of variance ship being selected for (yes/no response, visual
decision variables, or of motor response plans. (ANOVA) test at P < 0.05. For each selected category, and new/old ground truth, respec-
Unlike the standard task where the subjects cell, the preferred image category was set to tively). We repeated this procedure 1000 times.
could respond at any time after the stimulus be the image category for which the mean
onset (thus making it difficult to distinguish firing rate of the cell was the greatest. All trials Single-cell decoding (relevant for fig. S5)
decision from choice), in this control task the were used for this analysis. MS cells were Single-cell decoding was done using a Poisson
subjects were instructed to wait until the re- selected using the following linear model naïve Bayes decoder. The features used were
sponse cue in order to register their answer, spike counts in a 1-s window, in the interval
either with a button press or with a sac- frcell e1 þ b1 • category þ b2 • new=old þ b3 • rt [0.2 s, 1.2 s] relative to stimulus onset. The
cade. The stimulus was presented for a fixed decoder returns the probability of a class label,
amount of time (1-s duration) and after a where “category” is a categorical (1×4) va- given the observed spike count. The class label
0.5-to-1.5-s delay period, the subjects were riable, “new/old” is a binary variable, and was binary (“yes” or “no”). The model assumes
asked to respond to the question relevant for “rt” is a continuously valued variable. A cell that the spike count is generated by a univar-
that block. was determined to be memory-selective if iate Poisson distribution, and a separate mean
the t-statistic for b2 was significant with P < rate parameter (l) is fit to each feature-class
Mixed-effects modeling of behavior (relevant for 0.05. We excluded the first block of trials pair. For a new observation, class membership
Fig. 1 and fig. S1) (40 images) from the analysis, in order to is determined on the basis of the likelihood
For the group analysis of behavior, we used keep the number of new and old stimuli the value. Notice that we used a single spike count
mixed-effects models of the form y = Xb + Zb + same. Spikes were counted for every trial in as a feature, so the naïve assumption of the
e, where y is the response, X is the fixed-effects a 1-s window starting at 200 ms after stimulus decoder is no longer relevant in this case.
design matrix, b is the fixed-effects coeffi- onset.
cients, Z is the random-effects design matrix, Population decoding (relevant for Figs. 2, 3, and
b is the random-effects coefficient, and e is the Selection of choice cells (relevant for fig. S5) 4 and figs. S2 to S5, S7, and S8)
error vector. In all analyses, we used a random Choice cells were selected using a regression Single-trial population decoding was performed
intercept model with a fixed slope. The group- model applied to the firing rate in a 1-s-size on a pseudo-population assembled across ses-
ing variable for the random effects was the window starting 200 ms after stimulus onset. sions (88). We present decoding results for a
session ID. The reported P values in the main We fit the following regression model variety of task variables: (i) image category,
text correspond to the fixed-intercept for the (ii) new versus old, (iii) choice during memory
relevant variable. In the case of measuring the frcell e1 þ b1 • category þ b2 • response þ b3 • rt trials, (iv) choice during categorization, (v)
effect of number of expositions (i.e., number task, and (vi) response type. In order to esti-
of times an image was seen) on the subject’s where the response is binary (yes or no), category mate the variance of the decoding performance,
accuracy during the memory trials, we used is a categorical variable with four levels, and RT on each iteration of the decoder (minimum of
a mixed-effects logistic regression with the in- is the reaction time. We fit this model sepa- 250 iterations), we randomly selected 75% of
dependent variable as an ordinal-valued whole rately to trials in the memory and categori- the cell population that was being analyzed.
number ranging from 1 to 7. The response was zation condition, assuring independent selection For example, to measure choice decoding in
a logical value indicating success or failure on of cells. RT was included as a nuisance regressor MFC (as shown in Fig. 4), we would randomly
each memory question. Prior to running any to control for reaction time differences between select 575/767 cells on each iteration of the
analysis of reaction time data, we excluded out- the two possible responses (see fig. S1A). A cell decoder. The total number of available cells
liers from the distribution using the following qualified as a choice cell if the t-statistic of the depended on the variable that was being de-
procedure: A sample was considered an outlier b2 term was significant at P < 0.05 for at least coded. For example, for response type decoding,
if it was outside the 99th percentile of the em- one of the two task conditions. The response the number of cells in MFC was 593, because
pirical distribution. preference of significant cells for either yes 28/33 sessions included both response types.
or no was determined based on the sign of We matched the number of trials per condi-
Reaction time matching procedure b2 (positive = yes, negative = no). Notice that tion contributed by each cell that was selected
As a control, we matched for RTs between the the selection process uses separate trials for to participate in the population decoding. For
two tasks (categorization and memory) to ex- memory choice cells and categorization choice most task variables (image category, new/old,
clude for potential differences due to difficulty. cells. All trials, regardless of whether the an- context, effector-type), the number of samples
To achieve this, we first added noise to all re- swer was correct or incorrect, were used for from each cell was equal, because the task
action times (SD = 1 ms), followed by locating selection. To estimate the significance of the structure remained the same across all sub-
pairs of trials with RTs that were equal to number of selected cells, we generated a null jects and sessions. For choice decoding, how-
within a tolerance of 0.1 s. Matching pairs distribution by repeating the above selection ever, the number of instances varied, because
were then removed, and this procedure was process 1000 times after randomly reshuffling the subjects were free to respond with a “yes” or
repeated iteratively until no further matches the response label. We estimated this null dis- a “no” for each stimulus. We therefore matched
could be found. Unmatched trials were ex- tribution separately for choice cells in the memory the numbers for the smallest group across all
cluded (resulting in reduced statistical power and categorization condition and used each to subjects. This matching procedure can further
owing to fewer available trials). We only used estimate the significance of the number of se- reduce the number of cells we included in
the resulting match if the RTs between the lected cells of each type. the decoding that do not have the minimum

Minxha et al., Science 368, eaba3313 (2020) 26 June 2020 10 of 14


number of trials needed per condition. For the To compare the performance between dif- denotes the cell, and the index t denotes the
population decoding and cross-condition gen- ferent decoders, for example choice decoding condition (for example, categorization or mem-
eralization of familiarity presented in Fig. 3, from the HA versus MFC population, we con- ory). The weight is converted into a normal-
we used all image categories for which the structed an empirical null distribution from ized measure called an importance index,
subjects showed above-chance recognition per- the pairwise differences in the performance of defined as
formance (see fig. S1B). Therefore we used im- these two decoders trained using the shuffled
jwt j
ages of cars, fruits, and faces, excluding images labels. For example, if we get N estimates of wti ¼ Xn i
1 jwi j
of monkeys from the analysis. For all other anal- the null performance (i.e., after shuffling the t

ysis, we used all available categories. labels) of the HA decoder and N estimates of i
A series of preprocessing steps were carried the null performance of the MFC decoder,
out before training the decoder. Firing rates for we construct a distribution of the N•N = N2 State-space analysis (relevant for Fig. 4I)
each cell were first de-trended (to account for pairwise differences. We can then compute We used Gaussian-process factor analysis (GPFA)
any drift in the baseline-firing rate) and then the significance of the true difference in de- (45) to analyze the dynamics of the average
normalized (z-scored) using the mean and coding performance between MFC and HA, population activity for the eight conditions
standard deviation estimated from the training Dtrue, relative to this distribution. The vari- arising from the combination of choice (yes,
set. We then performed 10-fold cross validation ance of the null distribution is sensitive to no), response modality (button press, saccade),
using a linear support vector machine (SVM) the number of trials available for decoding and task (memory, categorization). The recov-
decoder to estimate performance, as imple- because it changes the resolution (step size) ered latent space was eight-dimensional (8D),
mented by the “fitcecoc” function in MATLAB. by which decoding accuracy can change. For and all similarity measurements between tra-
We used an SVM with a linear kernel and a example, for 10 trials, the accuracy can take jectories were performed in this space (not in
scale of 1. Decoding results are reported either values from 0 to 1 in increments of 0.1. This the 3D projections shown in the figure). The
as a function of time or in a fixed time window. results in different values for the 95th per- activity was binned using 20-ms windows. All
Time-resolved decoding was done on spike centile of the null distribution and is the reason analysis was computed and visualized using
counts measured in a 500-ms moving window, why in some cases a given difference in decod- the DataHigh (90) MATLAB toolbox. Similarity
with a 16-ms step size. For fixed-window decoding, ing accuracy is significant while it is not in measurements between two conditions were
we used spike counts in a 1-s window. The loca- others. Unless otherwise specified, all P values computed and averaged over the first 500ms
tion of the window depended on the analysis. for comparing decoding performance between after stimulus onset as follows
In Fig. 2, for example, we used a [−1, 0] window conditions or brain areas are calculated using
  r′1 ðtÞ r ′2 ðtÞ
relative to stimulus onset for task type and re- this approach. In the one case where the num-
sim r1 ðtÞ; r2 ðtÞ ¼ ·
sponse type decoding. In Fig. 3, we used spike ber of trials in a condition was too low to re- ‖r′1 ðtÞ‖ ‖r′2 ðtÞ‖
counts in a [0.2, 1.2] window relative to stimulus liably estimate the null distribution (fig. S5I)
onset for decoding image category and new/old. and for comparing the generalization index where r1(t) and r2(t) are the 8D state-space tra-
(fig. 3J) we used a bootstrap test for equality jectories for conditions 1 and 2 [ r ′1 ðtÞ and r′2 ðtÞ
Null models for testing significance of of means (89) to compare the two conditions to indicate the derivatives over time], respectively.
decoding performance assign a P value to the true difference (repeated
Throughout the manuscript, we compare the 1000 times to estimate the null distribution). ANOVA model (relevant for figs. S4 and S11)
performance of our decoders against the 95th We used a single-cell ANOVA model to tease
percentile of a null distribution. The way that Multidimensional scaling (relevant for figs. 3 and 4) apart the contributions of choice, visual cate-
this null distribution is generated depends Multidimensional scaling (MDS) was used gory, memory, and response time on the
on the variable being decoded. For variables only for visualization. We computed MDS firing rate of a cell. The model was of the fol-
such as image category, new versus old, and using Euclidean distances (MATLAB function lowing form
response (i.e., yes versus no), we used a simple “mdscale’) on z-scored spike count data in the
shuffling procedure for the labels. For varia- [0.2 s, 1.2 s] window relative to image onset. In frcell eb1 • category þ b2 • familiarity þ b3 • choice þ b4 • rt
bles such as task type, which had structure Fig. 3E, for example, MDS was computed on
over time (memory blocks were always pre- the activity across the entire population of HA where frcell is the mean firing rate in a fixed
ceded by categorization block), small drifts and MFC cells, averaged across the eight con- window (0.2 to 1.2 s following stimulus onset)
in firing rate might lead to inflated decoding ditions plotted (new/old  task  image cate- or a moving window of 500 ms to analyze the
accuracy. Therefore, for such variables, the shuf- gory, where  denotes the Cartesian product). time course. The ANOVA model is fit in-
fling was done in such a way as to preserve Here the image category was restricted to images dependently at each point of time. We then
their temporal relationship. Specifically, we of human faces and fruits, for visualization compute the F-statistic for each of the regres-
offset (i.e., circular shift) the labels by a random purposes. For the cross-condition generalization sors and report the average F-statistic across
integer value (sampled from the range ±10 to performance, we use all four image categories. the entire population of recorded cells, fit twice
20 trials). In the case of task decoding from In Fig. 4D we compute MDS on the population to each cell for the memory and categorization
the baseline firing rate, this is a very conser- of MFC cells, averaged across eight conditions task (figs. S4, D and E, fig. S11). To compare the
vative measure of the null decoding perform- (response  task  effector, where  denotes effects of task on the representation of indi-
ance, because many trials retain their original the Cartesian product). In all cases, we use MDS vidual variables, we compare the distribution
label, thereby inflating the accuracy. This also to map the neural activity to a 3D space. of F-statistics estimated separately on each task,
means that the mean performance of the null for each cell in the population. We use this
distribution will not be the theoretical chancel Normalized weight metric (relevant for Figs. 4 approach as a measure of modulation in the
level. In the case of task decoding, the theo- and 5 and figs. S5, S7, S8, and S10) strength of representation for a variable in-
retical chance level is 50% (binary classifi- The normalized weight metric is computed duced by task switching. This comparison does
cation). Using the circular shift method for from the weight that a decoder assigns to a not make predictions about generalizability
scrambling labels, the mean of the null dis- particular cell for a given classification. This from one task to the next, because the model
tribution was ~60%. weight is denoted as wti , where the index i is fit independently.

Minxha et al., Science 368, eaba3313 (2020) 26 June 2020 11 of 14


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89. B. Efron, R. J. Tibshirani, An Introduction to the Bootstrap, participation. Funding: This work was supported by NIMH (firing rates of all neurons versus time, precomputed
vol. 57 of Monographs on Statistics and Applied Probability (R01MH110831 to U.R.), the BRAIN initiative through the NIH phase-coherence measures for all neurons) have been
(Chapman & Hall, 1993). Office of the Director (U01NS103792 to U.R.), the Caltech deposited at OSF (80).
90. B. R. Cowley et al., DataHigh: Graphical user interface for NIMH Conte Center (P50MH094258 to R.A. and U.R.), the
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activity. J. Neural Eng. 10, 066012 (2013). doi: 10.1088/ U.R. and NeuroNex Program award DBI-1707398 to S.F.), a
1741-2560/10/6/066012; pmid: 24216250 Memory and Cognitive Disorders Award from the McKnight
Supplementary Text
Foundation for Neuroscience (to U.R.), and the Simons
Figs. S1 to S11
ACKN OW LEDG MEN TS Foundation Collaboration on the Global Brain (542941 to
Table S1
We thank the members of the Adolphs and Rutishauser labs R.A. and PG007079 to S.F.). Author contributions: J.M., U.R.,
Movie S1
for discussion, Columbia Theory Center members F. Stefanini and R.A. designed the study. J.M. performed the experiments.
and M. Rigotti for sharing their population decoding analysis J.M., S.F., and U.R. analyzed the data. J.M., U.R., R.A., and View/request a protocol for this paper from Bio-protocol.
expertise, and the staff and J. M. Chung and C. M. Reed S.F. wrote the paper. A.N.M. performed surgery and supervised
of the Cedars-Sinai Epilepsy Monitoring unit for their clinical work. Competing interests: None. Data and 25 November 2019; accepted 4 May 2020
support. We thank all subjects and their families for their materials availability: Data needed to reproduce results 10.1126/science.aba3313

Minxha et al., Science 368, eaba3313 (2020) 26 June 2020 14 of 14


◥ and chromatinized DNA templates (Fig. 1B) with

RESEARCH ARTICLE increasing amounts of each enzyme resulted in
monotonic increases in adenine methylation.
m6A-MTases are quantitative probes of
Single-molecule regulatory architectures captured DNA accessibility
To establish selectivity of nonspecific m6A-
by chromatin fiber sequencing MTases for accessible DNA templates in nuclear
chromatin, we treated Drosophila melanogaster
Andrew B. Stergachis1*, Brian M. Debo1,2, Eric Haugen3, L. Stirling Churchman2, S2 cell nuclei with increasing concentrations
John A. Stamatoyannopoulos3,4* of five adenine methyltransferases and com-
pared the genomic distribution of m6A-DNA
Gene regulation is chiefly determined at the level of individual linear chromatin molecules, yet our current with the distribution of DNase I cleavages,
understanding of cis-regulatory architectures derives from fragmented sampling of large numbers of defined using DNase I–seq [the established
disparate molecules. We developed an approach for precisely stenciling the structure of individual standard for marking accessible DNA templates
chromatin fibers onto their composite DNA templates using nonspecific DNA N6-adenine (1, 2)] (Fig. 1C). Immunoprecipitation and se-
methyltransferases. Single-molecule long-read sequencing of chromatin stencils enabled nucleotide- quencing of short [median, 110 base pairs (bp)]
resolution readout of the primary architecture of multikilobase chromatin fibers (Fiber-seq). Fiber-seq DNA fragments harboring m6A (AdMTase-seq)
exposed widespread plasticity in the linear organization of individual chromatin fibers and illuminated showed the genomic distribution of m6A-DNA
principles guiding regulatory DNA actuation, the coordinated actuation of neighboring regulatory to mirror the density of DNase I cleavages
elements, single-molecule nucleosome positioning, and single-molecule transcription factor occupancy. quantified by DNase I–seq (Fig. 1D). m6A-MTases
Our approach and results open new vistas on the primary architecture of gene regulation. showed high selectivity for accessible DNA
and quantitative representation of DNase

I–hypersensitive sites (DHSs) (Fig. 1D and fig.
he primary architecture of chromatin posases (6), or mechanical shearing (7). CpG and S3). Further, m6A-MTases demonstrated de-
comprises nucleosome arrays punctuated GpC methyltransferases are capable of marking creasing selectivity toward DHSs with increas-
by short regulatory regions containing accessible cytosines in a dinucleotide context ing amounts of enzyme (Fig. 1E and fig. S3, A
transcription factors (TFs) and other non- without digesting DNA (8–10), and approaches and B), analogous with the enzymatic action of
histone proteins. This architecture is using GpC methyltransferases have been extended DNase I (or micrococcal nuclease) on chromatin
foundational for genome function yet remains to single-pass nanopore sequencing (11, 12). How- substrates due to increasing marking of the
undefined at the level of individual chromatin ever, the utility of these approaches for gaining far more numerous internucleosomal linker
fibers, the fundamental units of gene regula- insights into the biology of individual chromatin regions (24–26). Quantification of DNA acces-
tion. For example, it is largely unknown how fibers is limited because of (i) the sporadic oc- sibility by AdMTase-seq was highly reproducible
regulatory DNA is actuated on individual chro- currence and linear clustering of CpG and GpC at both promoter-proximal and promoter-distal
matin fibers, or the degree to which nearby regu- dinucleotides in animal genomes as a result regulatory elements (Fig. 1F and fig. S3C), with
latory regions are coordinately actuated on the of mutation and selection (fig. S1); (ii) the con- the enzyme Hia5 demonstrating the highest
same chromatin fiber. It is also unknown how founding influence of endogenous cytosine efficiency (figs. S2 and S3). These results show
regulatory DNA actuation affects nucleosome methylation machineries (13); (iii) the marked that nonspecific m6A-MTases provide quanti-
positioning on individual chromatin fibers, and DNA degradation induced by bisulfite conver- tative probes of DNA accessibility in chromatin.
how TF occupancy modulates regulatory DNA sion (14); and (iv) the intrinsically limited ability
actuation and function on single templates. Ad- of nanopore sequencing to accurately identify m6A stencils reveal single-molecule
dressing these questions requires nucleotide- modified bases on a per-molecule basis (11, 12, 15). chromatin architectures
resolution analysis of individual multikilobase Unlike cytosine, adenine bases in DNA are We next aimed to reconstruct the primary
chromatin fibers, which is not obtainable with almost completely devoid of endogenous architecture of chromatin fibers at nucleotide
current single-cell or bulk profiling approaches. methylation in eukaryotes (16) and occur at an resolution by sequencing the linear pattern of
We sought to develop a method for record- average frequency approaching one in every m6a along multikilobase chromatin stencils;
ing the primary architecture of chromatin onto two DNA base pairs in animal genomes we termed this process Fiber-seq (Fig. 2A). To
its underlying DNA template at single-nucleotide without the clustering and extended deserts implement Fiber-seq, we capitalized on the
resolution, thereby enabling the simultaneous characteristic of guanine-cytosine dinucleo- ability of single-molecule DNA sequencers to
identification of genetic and epigenetic features tides (fig. S1). The sequence-specific adenine discriminate methylated from unmethylated
along multikilobase segments of the genome. methyltransferase Dam demonstrates some adenine residues based on the DNA polymerase
Current approaches to mapping chromatin and preference for nonchromatinized DNA (17–19), kinetics at that base during sequencing (23, 27).
regulatory architectures sample large popu- suggesting that nonspecific members of this To achieve nucleotide resolution, we leveraged
lations of chromatin fibers and rely on dissolu- class of enzymes could have similar properties. single-molecule circular consensus sequencing
tion of chromatin using nucleases such as We therefore sought to identify a nonspecific (CCS) (27, 28) performed on a Pacific Biosciences
deoxyribonuclease (DNase I) (1, 2), micrococcal (that is, non–sequence context dependent) N6- (PacBio) instrument, which enables resequenc-
nuclease (3, 4), restriction enzymes (5), trans- adenine DNA methyltransferase (m6A-MTase) ing of each chromatin fiber stencil at least 10
with high efficiency, high stability, and a molecular times, resulting in highly accurate base calling of
Division of Genetics, Department of Medicine, Brigham and
weight similar to that of nonspecific nucleases both modified and unmodified nucleotides.
Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA.
Department of Genetics, Blavatnik Institute, Harvard Medical such as DNase I (~30 kD) that are able to access To create chromatin stencils, we performed
School, Boston, MA, USA. 3Altius Institute for Biomedical protein-DNA interfaces at nucleotide resolution m6A-MTase treatment of S2 cell nuclei, followed
Sciences, Seattle, WA, USA. 4Departments of Genome Sciences (Fig. 1A). We isolated five distinct nonspecific by polymerase chain reaction–free library
and Medicine, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA.
*Corresponding author. Email: (A.B.S.); DNA m6A-MTases (20–23) and demonstrated construction on high–molecular-weight DNA (J.A.S.) that treatment of nonchromatinized (fig. S2) extracted from either treated or untreated nuclei.

Stergachis et al., Science 368, 1449–1454 (2020) 26 June 2020 1 of 6


The resulting libraries were subjected to single- (MADs) were evident: (i) sequence elements All-or-none actuation of regulatory DNA on
molecule CCS, providing very high base-calling with an average length of 272 bp that coincided individual fibers
accuracy (fig. S4, A and B) across chromatin with DHSs and (ii) far more numerous shorter We next sought to identify how regulatory
fibers of up to ~30 kb in length (average fiber sequence elements with an average length of information encoded in genomic DNA is ac-
length, 10.9 kb) (Fig. 2B). Whereas untreated 67 bp and regularized spacing, paralleling the tuated on individual chromatin fibers. Regulatory
nuclei showed minimal m6A signal, nearly all expected size and distribution of internucleo- DNA actuation (the all-or-none adoption of a
fibers from m6A-MTase–treated cells demon- somal linker regions (29) (Fig. 2G and fig. S4D). nucleosome-free state with resulting hyperacces-
strated a high degree of m6A methylation m6A modifications were largely absent from sibility of the underlying DNA) is fundamental
(Fig. 2, C to E, and fig. S4A). The m6A-MTase– nucleosome-wrapped DNA between linker re- to cell state and fate decisions (31) as well as
treated sample yielded an average coverage gions (Fig. 2, D and E), consistent with the phenotypic traits and disease risk (32), yet it is
of 43 fibers for each DHS, with the average requirement of m6A-MTases for base flipping currently unknown whether regulatory elements
number of m6A-marked bases on each fiber to modify adenines (30), which is likely sup- are actuated in an all-or-none fashion on any
overlapping a DHS mirroring the density of pressed by nucleosome wrapping. Notably, given chromatin fiber (in place of a canonical
DNase I cleavages quantified by DNase I–seq extended stretches of unmodified bases were nucleosome) or whether regulatory DNA is ac-
from bulk nuclei (Fig. 2F). We observed marked absent from deproteinized chromatin fibers tuated to varying degrees on all chromatin fibers
clustering of adenine methylations into short treated with m6A-MTases (fig. S5). Together, as alternative structures with varying DNA
contiguous regions spanning tens to hundreds these results show that Fiber-seq accurately accessibility. Evaluation of individual chroma-
of nucleotides, flanked by extended stretches of translates m6A single-molecule chromatin sten- tin fibers overlapping each DHS demonstrated
unmodified nucleotides (Fig. 2, D and E). Two cat- cils into a linear, nucleotide-precise readout of that overall, only 81% of these fibers had large
egories of methylase-accessible DNA sequences the primary architecture of chromatin. MADs consistent with an actuated or open

Fig. 1. Nonspecific m6A-MTases selectively mark sites of chromatin and AdMTase-seq signal after treatment of S2 cell nuclei with (D) five separate
accessibility. (A) Schematic of cleavage- and m6A-MTase-based methods for m6A-MTases or (E) increasing amount of the m6A-MTase Hia5. The y axis is identical
marking sites of chromatin accessibility. Tn5, transposon 5. (B) Dot-blot for all AdMTase-seq and m6A-immunoprecipitation-sequencing (m6A-IP-seq)
quantification of m6A-modified genomic DNA (gDNA) from S2 cell nuclei after experiments. (F) Comparison of AdMTase-seq signal for S2 cell DHSs from cells
treatment with the m6A-MTase Hia5. (C) Experimental schematic for AdMTase-seq. treated with (top) Hia5 versus EcoGII or (bottom) bulk DNase I–seq signal.
(D and E) Genomic loci comparing the relationship between DNase I–seq signal The y axis is identical for all AdMTase-seq and m6A-IP-seq experiments.

Stergachis et al., Science 368, 1449–1454 (2020) 26 June 2020 2 of 6


chromatin state overlapping the DHS, with the in an accessible state (Fig. 3B and fig. S6D), with Co-actuation of neighboring elements on
remaining fibers showing nucleosome demar- the actuated DNA content of these DHSs demon- single chromatin fibers
cation indicative of a closed state at the DHS (Fig. strating widespread heterogeneity across indi- Linear clustering of gene regulatory elements
3, A and B, and fig. S6, A to C). Transcription vidual chromatin fibers (Fig. 2, E and G) because along complex genomes is well described,
start site (TSS)–distal DHSs were preferentially of the variable punctuation of co-occupying canonically in the context of locus control re-
maintained in a closed state when compared with nucleosomes (fig. S6E). Together, these findings gions (LCRs) or “super-enhancers” (e.g., the
promoter DHSs (Fig. 3B), and the rate of DNA demonstrate that the regulatory DNA content at beta-globin LCR) or gene-specific control re-
actuation at individual TSS-distal DHSs mir- TSS-distal regulatory elements is predominately gions (e.g., the BCL11A enhancer region)
rored the density of DNase I cleavages quan- modulated by all-or-none DNA actuation, with (33–36). It is currently unknown whether the
tified by DNase I–seq from bulk nuclei (Fig. 3C). the regulatory DNA content at larger promoter individual elements in such clusters are actu-
By contrast, wider TSS-distal DHSs, as well as elements additionally modulated by the varia- ated coordinately or independently or, more
promoter DHSs, were preferentially maintained ble punctuation of co-occupying nucleosomes. generally, whether actuation of one genomic

Fig. 2. Fiber-seq exposes base pair–resolution maps of individual chroma- reads. Insets show (D) DHS with individual m6A-modified bases and (E) a
tin fiber architecture. (A) Experimental schematic for Fiber-seq. (B) Histogram comparison of multiple fibers overlapping a single DHS. (F) Scatterplot
of read lengths for chromatin fibers sequenced using Fiber-seq. Avg., average. comparing DNase I–seq signal and the average Fiber-seq m6A signal at each DHS.
(C) Percentage of chromatin fibers with m6A-methylated bases from DNA (G) (Top) Histogram of MAD widths for all MADs identified outside of DHSs (gray)
isolated from untreated and Hia5-treated S2 cell nuclei. (D and E) Genomic loci or in promoter DHSs (green). Box-and-whisker plots for the aforementioned in
comparing the relationship between DNase I–seq, AdMTase-seq, and Fiber-seq. addition to MAD widths for all MADs identified in TSS-distal DHSs (blue). (Bottom)
Individual PacBio reads (chromatin fibers) are marked with gray lines, and m6A- Box-and-whisker plots showing the standard deviation in MAD widths across
modified bases are marked in purple dashes. White regions separate individual multiple fibers overlapping a DHS. *P value < 0.001 (Wilcoxon test).

Stergachis et al., Science 368, 1449–1454 (2020) 26 June 2020 3 of 6


Fig. 3. Preferential co-actuation of neigh-

boring regulatory elements on the same
chromatin fiber. (A) Representative genomic
locus comparing the relationship between
DNase I–seq, AdMTase-seq, and Fiber-seq at
neighboring DHSs exposes the predominant
all-or-none actuation of individual DHSs.
(B) Proportion of DHSs that overlap actuated
versus closed fibers for DHSs divided based on
their proximity to TSSs as well as the gene
expression level of the TSS. Error bars represent
95% confidence intervals. *P value < 0.001
(z-test). RPKM, reads per kilobase per million
reads. (C) Scatterplot showing the relationship
between DHS actuation and the bulk DNase
I–seq signal for TSS-distal DHSs. (D) For
chromatin fibers encompassing two DHSs,
shown is the percentage of fibers containing
accessible MADs at both DHSs as a function
of the distance between the DHSs. Error
bars represent 95% confidence intervals.
*P < 0.001 (z-test).

Fig. 4. Impact of regulatory DNA actuation on nucleosome positioning. (A) Schematic showing the calculation of nucleosome (Nucs.) positioning using
overlapping reads as well as a box-and-whisker plot of nucleosome offsets at different genomic loci. *P value < 0.001 (Wilcoxon test). (B and C) (Top) Box-and-
whisker plots showing nucleosome offsets neighboring (B) promoter DHSs and (C) TSS-distal DHSs. (Bottom) Bar plots demonstrating the difference in nucleosome
positioning neighboring (B) promoter DHSs and (C) TSS-distal DHSs between actuated and closed fibers. P < 0.001 (Wilcoxon test). (D) Schematic of the boundary
model for nucleosome placement surrounding regulatory elements.

element can influence actuation of neighboring results provide a possible physicochemical osomes surrounding accessible promoters
elements. As 29% of Fiber-seq reads overlap basis for the observed clustering of distal re- and TSS-distal DHSs are generally well posi-
multiple neighboring DHSs (Figs. 2E and 3A), we gulatory elements in animal genomes. More- tioned (38–40), it remains unclear whether this
next asked whether regulatory DNA actuation at over, they suggest that genetic variants affecting positioning results from underlying nucleosome-
one genomic DNA element could influence regulatory DNA accessibility and function may favoring DNA sequences or from a boundary
the actuation of neighboring elements on the create local knock-on effects in cis, a feature condition imposed by accessibility and TF oc-
same chromatin fiber. Overall, we found that not accounted for in current models of the cupancy at regulatory DNA. We reasoned that
neighboring DHSs were significantly more architecture and evolution of gene regulation. the boundary model of nucleosome position-
likely to be co-actuated on the same chromatin ing could be tested directly by comparing nu-
fiber (Fig. 3D). Co-actuation was most strongly Nucleosome arrays are bounded by actuated cleosome positions surrounding a regulatory
enriched for the most tightly clustered elements regulatory DNA element on overlapping fibers in which the
(Fig. 3D), indicating that the actuation of reg- Nucleosome positioning is fundamental to regulatory element is in an actuated or open
ulatory DNA accessibility at one distal element gene regulation and is specified by a combi- state versus overlapping fibers in which the
appears to potentiate accessibility at neigh- nation of factors, including DNA sequence, regulatory element is in a closed state (as such
boring elements in a distance-dependent the competitive occupancy of TFs, the action fibers have the same DNA content and should
manner, independent of whether both elements of nucleosome remodelers, and interactions differ only in the presence or absence of an
were bound by the same TF (fig. S7). These with RNA polymerases (37). Although nucle- actuated element). Although nucleosomes

Stergachis et al., Science 368, 1449–1454 (2020) 26 June 2020 4 of 6


A chr5: 180,329,000 chr12: 51,421,500 B Fiber-seq profile at DNaseI-footprinted

CTCF elements CTCF sites

DNaseI-seq Fibers lacking CTCF footprint

(% of adenines methylated at each position)

20% 40%
(Accessible unbound fibers)
(per-nucleotide) 250 bp 250 bp

TF binding sites CTCF site CTCF site


Individual -200 -100 bp relative to element +100 +200
Chromatin Fibers Fibers w/ CTCF footprint

(Accessible bound fibers)


CTCF core motif: 10 bp CTCF expanded motif: 10 bp

Fiber-seq Unbound fiber C D

Avg. numner of RAD21

ChIA-PET Interactions
Accessible Individual fiber

Individual Bound Fibers CTCF occupancy profiles
Chromatin Fibers Closed 12.4
Fiber CTCF element
CTCF site CTCF site inaccessible 8.6
Unbound: 0 fibers Unbound: 1 fiber
Bound: 4 fibers Bound: 2 fibers 33% CTCF unbound
Inaccessible: 0 fibers Inaccessible: 1 fiber

CTCF bound <50% >50%
CTCF element (30%) % CTCF bound fibers
accessible at CTCF binding element

Fig. 5. Heterogeneous single-molecule CTCF occupancy impacts long-range footprint or (bottom) have a CTCF footprint. (C) Percentage of fibers overlapping
CTCF interactions. (A) Genomic loci comparing the relationship between CTCF CTCF ChIP-seq peaks containing a bulk CTCF DNase I footprint that lack an
chromatin immunoprecipitation sequencing (ChIP-seq), DNase I–seq, and Fiber-seq accessible MADs or have an accessible MADs with or without a CTCF footprint.
at CTCF binding sites in K562 cells. The inset shows a CTCF binding site and (D) Average number of RAD21 ChIA-PET long-range chromatin interactions at CTCF
per-fiber m6A methylation. (B) Plot of adenine methylation frequency surrounding binding sites based on the percentage of overlapping fibers that contain a single-
DNase I–footprinted CTCF binding sites for individual fibers that (top) lack a CTCF molecule CTCF footprint. *P value < 0.01 (z-test).

surrounding DHSs were collectively well posi- S8, I and J), indicating that these are likely Outlook
tioned (Fig. 4A), analysis of single-fiber data universal effects of regulatory DNA actuation. In conclusion, we have shown that Fiber-seq
showed that well-positioned nucleosomes provides a robust and scalable approach for
largely originated from fibers in which the Single-molecule TF occupancy at stenciling the primary architecture of individual
regulatory element is in an actuated state (Fig. nucleotide resolution chromatin fibers onto their underlying DNA
4, B and C), indicating that nucleosome posi- Analysis of K562 Fiber-seq patterns in ac- templates with high precision and resolution. As
tioning at these locations is largely dependent cessible regulatory elements revealed that m6A- both sequencing read lengths and throughput
on the actuation of regulatory DNA, not the MTase methylation was not uniform but rather increase, it should be possible in the near future
DNA sequence itself. As such, nucleosome was punctuated by short gaps, consistent with to transcribe and resolve the primary regulatory
positioning appears to largely result from a nucleotide-precise binding of TFs that mirror architectures of entire genetic haplotypes by
boundary condition imposed by regulatory bulk TF footprints on non–cross-linked chro- simultaneously mapping both the primary genetic
DNA actuation on individual chromatin fibers matin (Fig. 5, A and B, and fig. S9) (41). We sequence and overlying chromatin state. As such,
(Fig. 4D). next explored these single-molecule TF occu- Fiber-seq has the potential to provide a unifying
pancy events to determine the relationship tool for analyzing the gene regulatory impact of
Fiber-seq of human chromatin between TF occupancy and regulatory DNA both rare and common regulatory DNA variation,
To test Fiber-seq on the human genome, we actuation and function, focusing on CTCF be- and for resolving extended regulatory alleles.
first validated that m6A-MTases can selectively cause most of its binding sites lack additional
mark cell type–specific accessible DNA in co-bound TFs, and CTCF occupancy is considered REFERENCES AND NOTES
human cell types (fig. S8A). We then performed essential for establishing long-range chromatin 1. D. S. Gross, W. T. Garrard, Annu. Rev. Biochem. 57, 159–197 (1988).
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MDAR Reproducibility Checklist
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33. W. A. Whyte et al., Cell 153, 307–319 (2013). help with FPLC purification of the Hia5 enzyme. Funding: This View/request a protocol for this paper from Bio-protocol.
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36. F. Grosveld, G. B. van Assendelft, D. R. Greaves, G. Kollias, Cell B.M.D., and J.A.S. designed the experiments. A.B.S. and B.M.D. Accepted 24 April 2020
51, 975–985 (1987). performed the experiments. A.B.S. and E.H. performed the 10.1126/science.aaz1646

Stergachis et al., Science 368, 1449–1454 (2020) 26 June 2020 6 of 6


STRUCTURAL BIOLOGY how cohesin-NIPBL embraces DNA and estab-

lishes the basis for NIPBL-DNA–dependent
Cryo-EM structure of the human activation of cohesin’s ATPase activity.

cohesin-NIPBL-DNA complex Overall structure of human

cohesin-NIPBL-DNA complex
Zhubing Shi1, Haishan Gao1, Xiao-chen Bai2,3*, Hongtao Yu1,4* NIPBLC is sufficient to stimulate the ATPase
activity of cohesin in the presence of DNA and
As a ring-shaped adenosine triphosphatase (ATPase) machine, cohesin organizes the eukaryotic genome by to promote loop extrusion by cohesin (12). We
extruding DNA loops and mediates sister chromatid cohesion by topologically entrapping DNA. How cohesin thus reconstituted the cohesin-NIPBLC-DNA
executes these fundamental DNA transactions is not understood. Using cryo–electron microscopy (cryo-EM), complex for structural studies. To capture
we determined the structure of human cohesin bound to its loader NIPBL and DNA at medium resolution. cohesin in the ATP-bound state, we used the
Cohesin and NIPBL interact extensively and together form a central tunnel to entrap a 72–base pair DNA. NIPBL ATPase-deficient SMC1 Glu1157→Gln (E1157Q)/
and DNA promote the engagement of cohesin’s ATPase head domains and ATP binding. The hinge domains of SMC3 E1144Q (cohesinEQ) mutant for com-
cohesin adopt an “open washer” conformation and dock onto the STAG1 subunit. Our structure explains plex assembly (fig. S1). We incubated cohe-
the synergistic activation of cohesin by NIPBL and DNA and provides insight into DNA entrapment by cohesin. sinEQ and NIPBLC with the nonhydrolyzable
ATP analog adenylyl-imidodiphosphate (AMP-

PNP) and a 72–base pair double-stranded DNA
ohesin is a multisubunit adenosine tri- can stimulate the ATPase activity of cohesin in the (dsDNA), subjected the complex to mild cross-
phosphatase (ATPase) machine with key presence of DNA and is sufficient for cohesin linking to stabilize the complex, and performed
roles in genome organization and chro- loading onto DNA and loop extrusion (12, 21, 22). cryo-EM analysis (figs. S2 and S3).
mosome segregation (1–4). Cohesin me- Chromosome-bound cohesin is dynamic and The three-dimensional (3D) reconstruction
diates the formation of chromatin loops can be released by the releasing factor WAPL of the cohesinEQ-NIPBLC-DNA complex was
and topologically associating domains by with the help of the scaffold protein PDS5 first performed at an overall resolution of
loop extrusion (5–12). During DNA replica- (23, 24). Acetylation of SMC3 by the acetyl- 4.0 Å (fig. S3). To further improve the res-
tion, cohesin topologically entraps both sister transferases ESCO1 and ESCO2 antagonizes olution, we performed a focused refinement
chromatids to establish sister chromatid cohe- WAPL-PDS5–dependent cohesin release and of the more stable core of the complex, in-
sion (13, 14), which is critical for accurate chromo- stabilizes cohesin on chromosomes (25–29). cluding NIPBLC, RAD21, and the ATPase HDs
some segregation. The crystal structures of each cohesin sub- of SMC1-SMC3. The resulting cryo-EM map
Human cohesin consists of four subunits: unit alone or in subcomplexes have been de- at 3.9 Å showed improved density for this
SMC1, SMC3, RAD21, and either STAG1 or STAG2 termined (15, 17, 18, 30–38). Low-resolution core, allowing us to build a nearly complete
(Fig. 1A). The homologous ATPases SMC1 and negative-stain electron microscopy (EM) maps model, with the help of crystal structures of
SMC3 heterodimerize through their hinge do- of an engineered human cohesin complex have individual subunits (15, 17, 33, 37) (fig. S4,
mains. The kleisin subunit RAD21 (Scc1/Mcd1 also been reported (39). However, the lack of table S1, and movie S1).
in yeast) links their ATPase head domains (HDs) high-resolution structures of large cohesin The cryo-EM density for STAG1 was less
to form a ring (15–17). The huntingtin, elonga- complexes hinders our understanding of how well resolved, presumably because of low
tion factor 3, A subunit, and TOR (HEAT) repeat cohesin interacts with DNA and how NIPBL binding occupancy and structural flexibil-
proteins STAG1 and STAG2 (Scc3 in yeast) bind promotes the loading of cohesin onto DNA. ity (fig. S3). Subsequent application of fur-
RAD21 and provide docking sites for other Here, we report the cryo–electron microscopy ther 3D classification with local angular
regulators (18, 19). The NIPBL-MAU2 loader (cryo-EM) structure of human cohesin bound to search into six classes identified a single
complex (Scc2-Scc4 in yeast) loads cohesin onto the C-terminal HEAT repeat domain of NIPBL class with good density for STAG1 (fig. S3).
chromosomes and associates with chromosome- (NIPBLC; residues 1163 to 2804) and DNA. This Further 3D refinement of the correspond-
bound cohesin to promote loop extrusion (6, 9, 20). structure, together with crystal structures of ing particles from this class produced a map
The HEAT repeat protein NIPBL (Scc2) alone the human SMC1-SMC3 hinge domains, reveals with an overall resolution of 5.3 Å, which

Fig. 1. Overall structure of the human cohesin-NIPBLC-DNA complex. (A) Schematic representation of the human cohesin-NIPBL complex. The SMC and kleisin
compartments are indicated. (B) Surface (left) and cartoon (right) representations of the cryo-EM structure of the cohesin-NIPBLC-DNA complex in two different
views. SMC1, SMC3, RAD21, STAG1, NIPBL, and DNA are colored cyan, purple, green, orange, pink, and gray, respectively.

Shi et al., Science 368, 1454–1459 (2020) 26 June 2020 1 of 6


Fig. 2. Interactions between NIPBLC and the SMC1-SMC3 heterodimer. (A and B) Cryo-EM map at a resolution of 3.9 Å (A) and cartoon illustration (B) of
the cohesin-NIPBLC-DNA complex. (C) ATPase active sites of the SMC1-SMC3 heterodimer. AMP-PNP is shown as sticks. Conserved motifs in SMC1 and SMC3 HDs
are indicated. (D) Interfaces between NIPBLC and the SMC1-SMC3 heterodimer. (E) Close-up view of interface I. The NIPBL E-loop is colored purple. (F) Close-up
view of the electrostatic interactions involving the acetylation acceptor lysines (K105 and K106) of SMC3 at interface I.

showed improved density for STAG1 (fig. A-T base pairs, instead of the original DNA ments for ATP binding and hydrolysis. In the
S5, table S1, and movie S2). The structural sequence, for DNA modeling. structure of the cohesin-NIPBLC-DNA com-
model of STAG1, generated by homology The cohesin-NIPBLC-DNA complex consists plex, SMC1 and SMC3 HDs form a heterodimer
modeling using the crystal structure of of three layers that tightly pack against each and bind two AMP-PNP molecules at the dimer
STAG2 as template (18), can be unambig- other (Fig. 1B and movie S2). The first layer interface through conserved motifs (Fig. 2, A
uously docked into the cryo-EM density on comprises the V-shaped SMC1-SMC3 hetero- to C, and fig. S6A). Consistent with previous
the basis of clear secondary structural fea- dimer and the N-terminal helical domain results (15, 17), RAD21 interacts with SMC1
tures (Fig. 1B). (NHD) and C-terminal winged helix domain and SMC3 through its WHD and NHD, respec-
In this cryo-EM map, we identified addi- (WHD) of RAD21. NIPBLC and a flexible seg- tively (fig. S6, B to D).
tional density docked on the outer surface of ment of RAD21 make up the middle layer. The The major parts of SMC1 and SMC3 CCs are
STAG1 (fig. S5). On the basis of the overall third layer contains STAG1, a central segment missing in the EM map; however, a small CC
shape and secondary structure features, this of RAD21, and the SMC1-SMC3 hinge domains. segment connected to the SMC3 HD can be
density could be attributed to the SMC1-SMC3 Being the main component of the middle layer, modeled (fig. S6, B and C). The distal end of
hinge domain heterodimer (30) (movie S3). NIPBLC packs against the SMC1-SMC3 hetero- this CC segment folds into a short four-helix
Most of the SMC1 and SMC3 coiled coils (CCs), dimer on one side and STAG1 on the other. bundle because of breaks in the C-terminal helix
large segments of the flexible region of RAD21, The highly extended protein RAD21 tethers of the CC. The positions of these breaks cor-
and the N- and C-terminal unstructured parts all three layers through interactions with SMC1- respond to the “SMC joint,” which was first de-
of STAG1 and NIPBLC were completely un- SMC3, NIPBLC, and STAG1 (Fig. 1B). RAD21 in- fined in yeast Smc3 and bacterial Smc proteins
resolved. As the shape of each DNA base was teractions with SMC1, SMC3, and STAG1 are (15, 40) (fig. S6, C and D). The SMC joint is more
not clearly defined at 3.9-Å resolution, we used consistent with those previously reported for likely to undergo bending motions, as only one
homologous subcomplexes (15, 17, 18). DNA helix in the CC is contiguous at this position.
binds at a central tunnel perpendicular to the
Department of Pharmacology, University of Texas three layers and bends ~45° at the NIPBLC- Interactions between NIPBLC and cohesin
Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX 75390, USA.
2 SMC3 interface (Fig. 1B). It contacts all three NIPBLC adopts a U-shaped fold, which con-
Department of Biophysics, University of Texas Southwestern
Medical Center, Dallas, TX 75390, USA. 3Department of Cell layers and stabilizes the entire complex. tains 24 HEAT repeats (R1 to R24) and a heli-
Biology, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, cal insert domain (HID) (33, 37) (Fig. 2B and
Dallas, TX 75390, USA. 4School of Life Sciences, Westlake Structure of the SMC1-SMC3 heterodimer fig. S7A). A continuous and narrow density was
University, Hangzhou, Zhejiang 310024, China.
*Corresponding author. Email: xiaochen.bai@utsouthwestern. Both SMC1 and SMC3 ATPase HDs are com- observed in the central cleft of the “U” (fig.
edu (X.-c.B.); (H.Y.) posed of N- and C-lobes and contain key ele- S7A). We previously showed that a Chaetomium

Shi et al., Science 368, 1454–1459 (2020) 26 June 2020 2 of 6


thermophilum Scc1 fragment (residues 126 to tably, Lys105 and Lys106 in the N-lobe of SMC3 a large conformational change upon binding to
230) interacts with Scc2 in vitro (33). This re- HD, which are the acetylation sites of ESCO1 cohesin, which may facilitate their interaction.
gion of Scc1 corresponds to residues 120 to 194 and ESCO2 (25–27), appear poised to form Overall, NIPBL associates with both SMC1
of human RAD21. On the basis of clearly de- electrostatic interactions with Glu1899 and Glu1900 and SMC3 HDs and CCs to stabilize the HD-
fined side-chain densities, we could assign the in R11 of the NIPBLC N-terminal arm (Fig. 2F). engaged conformation of SMC1-SMC3 and
density in the NIPBL cleft to residues 154 to Acetylation of these two lysines is expected to helps to create a closed SMC compartment for
171 in RAD21 (fig. S7A). Extra unassigned den- neutralize their positive charges, disrupt fa- DNA entrapment.
sities extending from this RAD21 segment to vorable electrostatic interactions with NIPBL, Similar to NIPBL, STAG1 also adopts a
the bottom of the NIPBL “U” likely also belong and inhibit cohesin loading and possibly loop U-shaped fold. In the cohesin-NIPBLC-DNA
to RAD21 (Fig. 2A and movie S1). RAD21 binds extrusion. Indeed, Eco1 limits loop expansion complex, the N-terminal arm of the “U” in
to NIPBL through both electrostatic and hy- in yeast (42). Mutations of the SMC3 deacety- NIPBL packs against the N-terminal arm of
drophobic interactions (fig. S7, B and C). The lase HDAC8 have been linked to human de- the “U” in STAG1 in an antiparallel manner
relevance of the NIPBL-RAD21 interface is sup- velopmental diseases termed cohesinopathies (Fig. 3A). A major interface is formed by HEAT
ported by previous mutagenesis data on the (43). HDAC8-deficient cells exhibit elevated repeats R8 to R10 of STAG1 and R1 to R5 and
C. thermophilum proteins (33). levels of SMC3 acetylation and deficient cohesin HID of NIPBL (fig. S9A). At a second, smaller
NIPBLC forms three interfaces with SMC1- loading at certain genomic loci. The functional interface, two long helices from R1 and R2
SMC3 (denoted as interfaces I, II, and III) importance of Glu1899 and Glu1900 of NIPBL re- in the N-terminal region of STAG1 make con-
(Fig. 2D). Interface I is mainly formed by both mains to be validated. tacts with the HEAT repeat R13 in NIPBL
SMC1 and SMC3 HDs and the C-terminal arm Interface II is between the SMC1 CC and the (Fig. 3A and fig. S9B). Through performing 3D
of the “U” in NIPBL—i.e., HEAT repeats R18 C-terminal region of NIPBLC (Fig. 2D and fig. classification, we observed short-range hinge
to R21. NIPBL simultaneously contacts the S8C). It mainly involves hydrogen bonding motions of the N-terminal region of STAG1
SMC1 HD C-lobe and SMC3 HD N-lobe and and hydrophobic interactions. Interface III is relative to NIPBL (fig. S9C), suggesting that
strengthens the heterodimeric engagement of between the SMC3 joint and the N-terminal this interface is fluid.
the two HDs through an extensive interaction region of NIPBLC—namely, HEAT repeats R2 to
network (Fig. 2E and fig. S8, A and B). This R6—and also involves the RAD21 NHD (Fig. 2D The SMC1-SMC3 hinge domains directly
network involves the SMC1 F-loop, which and fig. S8D). This interface comprises exten- contact STAG1
resembles the W-loop of SMC4 (41), the SMC3 sive electrostatic and hydrophobic interactions. The SMC1-SMC3 hinge heterodimer makes
R-loop, and the loop connecting R18 and R19 Compared with the Scc2 HEAT repeat alone direct contact with the bottom part of the “U”
in NIPBLC, which is termed the E-loop. No- (33), the N-terminal arm of NIPBLc undergoes of STAG1 (Fig. 3A). This unexpected interaction

Fig. 3. Interactions among STAG1-RAD21, NIPBLC, and the SMC1-SMC3 in the cryo-EM structure of the cohesin-NIPBL C-DNA complex (C), the
hinge heterodimer. (A) Cartoon representation of the subcomplex of north-open conformation in the crystal structure of the hinge with short
STAG1-RAD21, NIPBLC , and the SMC1-SMC3 hinge in two different views. CCs bound to ssDNA (D), and the south-open conformation in the
The EM map of these components (colored gray) is overlaid on the cartoon crystal structure of the hinge (E). The electron density of the two deoxy-
in the left panel. (B to E) Structures of the SMC1-SMC3 hinge heterodimer thymidines (dT) is shown as gray mesh (2mFo-DFc map contoured
in the closed conformation (PDB ID 2WD5) (B), the north-open conformation at 1.2s).

Shi et al., Science 368, 1454–1459 (2020) 26 June 2020 3 of 6


is mainly mediated by the SMC1 hinge and density close to the SMC1-SMC3 hinge that tral pore (48, 49). Notably, STAG1 and ssDNA
HEAT repeats R8 and R9 of STAG1 (fig. S10A). could be attributed to DNA. contact overlapping surfaces in the SMC1
Consistent with these structural observations, We next determined the crystal structures hinge (fig. S10D), suggesting that they might
a previous study showed that the hinge do- of the isolated SMC1-SMC3 hinge heterodimer compete for hinge binding. The potential
main of Psm1-Psm3, the SMC1-SMC3 homolog in the presence of DNA. The structures of function of this hinge surface remains to be
in fission yeast, can bind to Psc3, the fission the two different versions of the SMC1-SMC3 determined.
yeast homolog of STAG1 and STAG2 (44). The hinge heterodimer adopt different open con-
N-terminal region of NIPBLC is also located in formations: one with the north interface DNA binding by cohesin and NIPBL
close proximity to the SMC1 hinge (Fig. 3A). open and the other with the south interface DNA is bound at the central tunnel of the
An extra unassigned density extends from the open (Fig. 3, D and E, and table S2). The cohesin-NIPBLC complex, contacting all sub-
N-terminal region of NIPBLC and inserts into conformation with the north interface open units (Fig. 4A). The major DNA binding pocket
a surface groove connecting the SMC1 hinge closely resembles that observed in the cohesin- is formed by the heterodimer of SMC1-SMC3
and STAG1 (fig. S10B). Thus, there may also NIPBLC-DNA complex (Fig. 3, C and D). Thus, HDs, NIPBL, and the RAD21 NHD (which is
be interactions between the SMC1-SMC3 both interfaces of the SMC1-SMC3 hinge are bound to the CC region of SMC3) (Fig. 4B).
hinge heterodimer and NIPBL. intrinsically dynamic and can undergo close- DNA is tightly gripped by the V-shaped SMC1-
In the reported structure of the SMC1-SMC3 open transitions. Whether these transitions SMC3 HD heterodimer, in a manner similar
hinge heterodimer (30), the two subunits are coupled to the ATPase cycle of cohesin or to DNA binding by the DNA repair protein
are tightly packed through two distinct in- further regulated by binding to STAG1 or DNA Rad50 (50). The R-loop and the succeeding
terfaces (termed north and south interfaces), remains unknown. b sheet in the N-lobe of both SMC1 and SMC3
forming a donut-shaped structure with a cen- The crystal structure of the SMC1-SMC3 are the major sites for DNA binding (fig. S11).
tral pore (Fig. 3B). The north interface of the hinge with the north interface open contained The acetylation sites Lys105 and Lys106 in SMC3
hinge heterodimer is disrupted in the cohesin- a two-nucleotide ssDNA bound to the outer that contact NIPBL are also located in close
NIPBLC-DNA complex, producing a half-open surface of the SMC1 hinge (Fig. 3D and fig. proximity to the DNA and may contribute to
conformation that resembles an open washer S10C). The open conformation of the hinge in DNA binding (Fig. 4C). Acetylation of Lys105
(Fig. 3C). The hinge domains of SMC com- the cohesin-NIPBLC-DNA complex is likely ca- and Lys106 of SMC3 may weaken DNA binding
plexes, including cohesin, have been shown to pable of binding ssDNA. The open hinge may to the SMC3 HD and block the ability of DNA
bind single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) or dsDNA act to capture ssDNA and then allow its en- to stimulate the ATPase activity of cohesin, as
(45–47). We did not, however, identify any try into the SMC chamber through the cen- previously proposed (44).

Fig. 4. DNA binding by cohesin and NIPBLC. (A) Structure of the cohesin- and NIPBLC. NIPBL mutations in patients with Cornelia de Lange syndrome are
NIPBLC-DNA complex, with protein subunits shown in cartoon representation and highlighted as spheres. (E) Interactions between DNA and STAG1. The DNA
the EM map of DNA shown as gray surface. (B) Interface between DNA and the binding element of STAG1 is colored purple. (F) Structural comparison of SMC1
SMC1-SMC3 heterodimer. (C) Close-up view of the DNA and NIPBLC interactions and SMC3 HDs bound to DNA. AMP-PNP and the conserved arginines in the
involving the acetylation acceptor lysines of SMC3. (D) Interactions between DNA R-loops of SMC1 and SMC3 are shown as sticks.

Shi et al., Science 368, 1454–1459 (2020) 26 June 2020 4 of 6


dimerization and ATP binding are interdepen-

dent events. NIPBL simultaneously contacts
both SMC1 and SMC3 HDs (Fig. 4A), thus pro-
moting their heterodimerization. Likewise,
DNA also bridges both HDs to stabilize the
heterodimer (Fig. 4B). Thus, one mechanism
by which NIPBL and DNA activate the ATPase
activity of cohesin is to promote and stabilize
the ATP-binding, HD-engaged state of the
SMC1-SMC3 heterodimer.
DNA and NIPBL trigger both localized and
domain-specific conformational changes in
SMC1 and SMC3 HDs. NIPBL and DNA con-
tact and organize the loops involved in ATP
binding. For example, DNA directly contacts
the R-loop of SMC1 HD and organizes this
loop for ATP binding at the SMC1 site (Fig. 4,
B and F). NIPBL and DNA also induce a con-
formational change of the SMC3 HD and CC.
Compared to yeast Smc3 bound to Scc1 NHD
(15), the N-lobe of SMC3 HD in the intact
complex undergoes a rotation relative to its
C-lobe and CC (fig. S6D). This rotation po-
sitions the N-lobe closer to the SMC1 HD.
The conformations of SMC1 and SMC3 HDs
observed here resemble that of an engineered
yeast cohesin subcomplex (fig. S6E) (55). The
remodeling of the active sites by NIPBL and
DNA may also stimulate the ATPase activity
of cohesin.

Implications for cohesin loading

SMC complexes can adopt an open ring–like
conformation with engaged HDs or a rod-
shaped conformation with disengaged HDs
Fig. 5. DNA entrapment by cohesin. (A) Schematic representation of the cohesin-NIPBL complex in (39, 40, 56–58) (Fig. 5A). Our structure cap-
HD-engaged and HD-disengaged conformations. The HD-engaged ring conformation might exist in an equilibrium tures the HD-engaged conformation with an
with a folded conformation with the hinge domains docked on STAG1. The SMC and kleisin compartments open SMC compartment. DNA binds at the
of HD-engaged cohesin are indicated. These compartments merge in the HD-disengaged conformation. Owing top of the engaged SMC1-SMC3 HDs and
to the lack of cryo-EM density for major parts of SMC CCs, it is unclear whether the interaction between between the CCs—i.e., it is trapped inside the
STAG1 and SMC hinge domains is intramolecular (depicted) or intermolecular (not depicted). (B) Model for SMC compartment. The two HEAT repeat pro-
cohesin loading onto DNA. DNA is captured by NIPBL and STAG1 in the HD-disengaged cohesin. Upon teins NIPBL and STAG1 further wrap around
ATP binding, SMC1 and SMC3 HDs engage, creating a DNA binding site between their CCs and an interface DNA, creating a central tunnel. This confor-
for NIPBL binding. RAD21-tethered NIPBL binds the SMC1-SMC3 heterodimer and, together with STAG1, mational state of the cohesin-NIPBL complex
forms the central tunnel to entrap DNA. does not permit long DNA (e.g., eukaryotic
chromosomes) to enter or escape from this
tunnel, without undergoing conformational
The HEAT repeat subunit Ycg1 in the re- follows the helix (Fig. 4E and fig. S12B). The rearrangements. Thus, our structure of the
lated condensin complex directly interacts with DNA binding interface of STAG1 in our struc- cohesin-NIPBLC-DNA complex does not cap-
DNA (51). Similarly, the HEAT repeat proteins ture is different from that in the reported ture the initial docking complex but rather rep-
in cohesin, NIPBL and STAG1, serve as major structure of the yeast Scc3-DNA complex (53) resents a postloading state. We propose that
DNA binding receptors (Fig. 4, D and E). (fig. S12, C to F). Most DNA binding inter- DNA is first recruited by NIPBL and STAG1
DNA binding to NIPBL buries a large solvent- faces of cohesin-NIPBLC are mediated by elec- to cohesin in the HD-disengaged state (Fig.
exposed surface of NIPBL (fig. S12A). Several trostatic interactions with the phosphate 5B). Upon ATP binding, SMC1 and SMC3 HDs
NIPBL missense mutations found in patients backbone. This feature explains the salt sen- engage to trap the DNA inside the SMC com-
with Cornelia de Lange syndrome (52) affect sitivity and lack of sequence specificity in partment. NIPBL and STAG1 then wrap around
residues in this DNA binding site, as well as those initial DNA binding by the cohesin-NIPBL the DNA to form the central tunnel and further
in the RAD21 binding site (Fig. 4D). Mutations of complex (11, 12, 21). entrap the DNA.
yeast Scc2 residues that correspond to several The cohesin-NIPBLC-DNA complex has a
DNA binding residues in NIPBL are lethal (22). Cohesin activation by NIPBL and DNA layered architecture with multiple DNA bind-
These findings confirm the functional impor- SMC1 and SMC3 belong to the family of ATP- ing sites, which suggests an inchworm model
tance of this NIPBL-DNA binding interface. binding cassette ATPases (54). They bind two for DNA translocation and loop extrusion.
STAG1 binds to DNA through the N-terminal ATP molecules at the dimer interface of their In such a model, the ATP-bound, engaged
part of a helix in R8 and an extended loop that ATPase HDs (Fig. 2C). SMC1-SMC3 HD hetero- SMC HDs together with NIPBL constitute

Shi et al., Science 368, 1454–1459 (2020) 26 June 2020 5 of 6


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Shi et al., Science 368, 1454–1459 (2020) 26 June 2020 6 of 6


STUCTURAL BIOLOGY different histone-DNA environment. To assess

all potential TF-binding registers on a nucleo-
Mechanisms of OCT4-SOX2 motif readout some, we built on approaches that examine
select loci (20, 21) and developed selected
on nucleosomes engagement on nucleosome sequencing
(SeEN-seq), which measures the relative
Alicia K. Michael1*, Ralph S. Grand1*, Luke Isbel1*, Simone Cavadini1, Zuzanna Kozicka1,2, affinity of one or multiple TFs for each nucleo-
Georg Kempf1, Richard D. Bunker1†, Andreas D. Schenk1, Alexandra Graff-Meyer1, Ganesh R. Pathare1, somal register in parallel (Fig. 1A). We focused
Joscha Weiss1, Syota Matsumoto1, Lukas Burger1,3, Dirk Schübeler1,2‡, Nicolas H. Thomä1‡ on OCT4 and its dependence on SOX2 because
both factors show strong co-occupancy at tar-
Transcription factors (TFs) regulate gene expression through chromatin where nucleosomes restrict get genes in vivo (22, 23), and the OCT4-SOX2
DNA access. To study how TFs bind nucleosome-occupied motifs, we focused on the reprogramming factors protein-protein interface is required for pluri-
OCT4 and SOX2 in mouse embryonic stem cells. We determined TF engagement throughout a nucleosome at potency (24). The canonical OCT4-SOX2 motif
base-pair resolution in vitro, enabling structure determination by cryo–electron microscopy at two preferred (matrix ID MA0142.1) (25) was tiled at 1–base
positions. Depending on motif location, OCT4 and SOX2 differentially distort nucleosomal DNA. At one position, pair (bp) intervals through a 601-nucleosome
OCT4-SOX2 removes DNA from histone H2A and histone H3; however, at an inverted motif, the TFs only induce positioning sequence (26). The sequence li-
local DNA distortions. OCT4 uses one of its two DNA-binding domains to engage DNA in both structures, brary was then assembled into octameric nu-
reading out a partial motif. These findings explain site-specific nucleosome engagement by the pluripotency cleosome core particles (NCPs), incubated with
factors OCT4 and SOX2, and they reveal how TFs distort nucleosomes to access chromatinized motifs. the TF(s), and subjected to electrophoretic
mobility shift assay (EMSA). TF-bound and

unbound nucleosome complexes were excised
ranscription factors (TFs) regulate gene ment by single or multiple TFs have yet to be and subjected to next-generation sequencing
expression and govern cell identity by in- determined. (NGS), which generated single molecule counts
teracting with specific sequence motifs. that approximate motif affinity as a function
OCT4 and SOX2 serve as reprogram- SeEN-seq reveals preferential binding of of position.
ming TFs (1) that cooperate as critical OCT4-SOX2 to nucleosomal entry-exit sites A range of protein concentrations of either
mediators of pluripotency (2–4). Although Each rotational and translational setting of a OCT4, SOX2 (residues 37 to 118), or OCT4-SOX2
they are not obligate heterodimers in solu- motif around a nucleosome places the TF in a together were assessed, with a total of 4752
tion, the combined OCT4-SOX2 motif drives
OCT4-SOX2 complex formation (5, 6).
Chromatin restricts DNA access (7, 8), but
a specialized subset of TFs, termed pioneer
factors, can engage chromatinized motifs to
trigger cell-fate changes (9). Several TFs have
been shown to bind motifs embedded in nu-
cleosomes in vitro (1, 10, 11); however, the
nucleosome architecture, with histones H2A,
H2B, H3, and H4 and its two DNA gyres (12),
restricts TF access to >95% of nucleosomal
DNA (13). Two extreme scenarios for nucleo-
somal TF-engagement have been put forward:
TF binding without changing the nucleosomal
architecture (10, 14) or TF-mediated changes
to the nucleosome by distorting the histone
core, looping the DNA, or taking advantage
of nucleosome unwrapping dynamics at the
entry-exit sites (15, 16).
OCT4 binding is predicted to be incompati-
ble with the nucleosome architecture on the
basis of its engagement with free DNA (17–19),
although partial motifs have been identified
where OCT4 engages only a portion of its
binding site to maintain nucleosome integ-
rity (1). Despite being critical for genome
regulation, the structural and mechanistic Fig. 1. SeEN-seq identifies preferred binding sites of OCT4 and OCT4-SOX2 across the nucleosome.
principles governing nucleosome engage- (A) Principle of SeEN-seq. A library of TF motif–containing nucleosome positioning sequences is assembled into
nucleosomes and incubated with TF(s). TF-bound and unbound nucleosome complexes are separated by
Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research, Maulbeerstrasse EMSA and sequenced, revealing position-specific enrichments. Stars indicate a specific example sequence at
66, 4058 Basel, Switzerland. 2Faculty of Science, University
each step of the assay. (B) SeEN-seq enrichment (n = 3 replicates) for nucleosome pool with or without TFs.
of Basel, Petersplatz 1, 4003 Basel, Switzerland. 3Swiss
Institute of Bioinformatics, 4058 Basel, Switzerland. Further details are provided in fig. S1C. Motif position is indicated by superhelix location (SHL) that describes
*These authors contributed equally to this work. where the minor groove faces away (SHLs ±1, ±2, etc.) or toward (SHLs ±1.5, ±2.5, etc.) the histone octamer.
†Present address: Monte Rosa Therapeutics, Aeschenvorstadt 36, (C) Autocorrelation analysis of OCT4 enrichment; dashed lines indicate 95% confidence interval. (D) DNA
4051 Basel, Switzerland.
‡Corresponding author. Email: (N.H.T.); nucleosome unwrapping energy (15) versus OCT4 and OCT4-SOX2 SeEN-seq enrichment profile. Arrows indicate (D.S.) enriched positions in OCT4. DG, delta Gibbs free energy; kBT, 0.6 kcal/mol, where T = 300 K.

Michael et al., Science 368, 1460–1465 (2020) 26 June 2020 1 of 6


conditions measured with high reproducibility cleosome [superhelix locations (SHLs) +4 to Structure of OCT4-SOX2 bound at SHL −6
(Fig. 1B and fig. S1, A to C). The trends in +6.5] is more pronounced compared with that shows DNA release from the histone core
OCT4 or SOX2 binding at selected positions in the left (SHLs −4 to −6.5) (Fig. 1B and fig. To dissect mechanisms of nucleosome engage-
were validated by fluorescence polarization S1C). A notable difference is the motif orien- ment, we performed structural studies with
measurements (fig. S2, A to E). Previously, tation on either side of the dyad; on the left, OCT4-SOX2, which co-bind key target genes
two OCT4 motif locations were tested and the OCT4 portion of the motif is closest to in vivo and have a cooperative effect in vitro
found to provide similar OCT4 access to the the dyad, whereas on the right it is oriented (fig. S2, I to L) (22). For structural studies, we
nucleosome-embedded motif (27). Although toward the entry-exit site of the nucleosome. focused on sites that show discrete OCT4 SeEN-
this was recapitulated in SeEN-seq, our com- Positions enriched for OCT4 alone and OCT4- seq enrichment and cooperative binding in the
prehensive examination of all motif locations SOX2 exhibited stronger binding at discrete presence of SOX2 (fig. S3A). A site 57 bp from
reveals clear OCT4 preference for nucleosomal sites with 10-bp periodicity across the nucleo- the dyad (SHL −6) enabled structure determi-
DNA entry-exit sites as well as discrete prefer- some (Fig. 1C and fig. S2, F and G). Both OCT4 nation from ~90,000 particles at an overall
ential binding sites ~1 to 3 bp in width throughout and OCT4-SOX2 show a trend of stronger resolution of 3.1 Å (Fig. 2, A and B, and fig. S3).
the nucleosome (Fig. 1B and fig. S1C). SOX2 shows binding at the entry-exit site than at the dyad The nucleosome core and discrete domains of
less differential enrichment in SeEN-seq, in line (Fig. 1D). This would be expected if OCT4 and OCT4 [POU-specific (POUS)] and SOX2 [high-
with published data (10), with some degree of OCT4-SOX2 binding was facilitated by nucleo- mobility group (HMG)] were well resolved (see
preferred binding toward the entry-exit sites somal breathing, which is more pronounced fig. S3F for local resolution), which allowed
and near the dyad (Fig. 1B and fig. S1C). Given toward the nucleosomal entry-exit sites (15). conservative refinement with reference re-
the small enrichment amplitudes for SOX2 However, binding is not simply a function of straints to existing high-resolution OCT4 and
alone, we focused on the robust and differ- nucleosomal breathing, because in the pres- SOX2 DNA-bound crystal structures (Fig. 2, B
ential binding activity seen for OCT4 and how ence of OCT4 alone, motifs on the left half of and C; fig. S4; and fig. S5, A to D) (18, 19).
it is affected by SOX2. OCT4 and SOX2 cooperate the nucleosome (SHLs −6.5 to −6.0) are not In the OCT4-SOX2-NCPSHL−6 structure, OCT4
strongly, which results in up to 650-fold in- bound across 5 bp, whereas adjacent motifs more and SOX2 together remove the DNA from core
creased binding compared with that caused proximal to the dyad are tightly bound (Fig. 1, B histones (Fig. 2, C and D). OCT4 has a bipartite
by OCT4 alone (fig. S1C). This effect is most and D, and fig. S2H). These entry-exit site loci DNA-binding domain composed of a POUS and
evident at entry-exit sites with weaker coop- are unbound by OCT4 alone, but they are POU-homeodomain (POUHD) separated by
erativity observed at internal sites (fig. S1C). bound cooperatively with SOX2 (Fig. 1D and 17 residues, whereas SOX2 utilizes an HMG
Although OCT4-SOX2 binding appears fig. S2H). Thus, spatial orientation of the motif, domain (18). When nucleosome-bound, the
roughly symmetrical across the dyad, for OCT4 cooperativity, and nucleosomal breathing dy- OCT4-POUS and SOX2-HMG DNA-binding
alone, enrichment in the right half of the nu- namics all govern OCT4-SOX2 binding. domains engage major and minor grooves,

Fig. 2. Cryo-EM structure of OCT4-SOX2-NCPSHL−6 complex. (A) Domain DNA base (T143) by 12.7 Å as compared with the unbound nucleosome. (D) Dyad
schematic of OCT4 and SOX2 constructs. GFP, green fluorescent protein; TAD, view of the OCT4-SOX2-NCPSHL−6 structure. (E) In the depicted OCT4-SOX2
transactivation domain. (B) Cryo-EM map of OCT4-SOX2-NCPSHL−6 at 3.1-Å resolution. arrangement, a model of POUHD engagement with its motif shows significant clash
(C) Model of the OCT4-SOX2-NCPSHL−6 complex. The H3 N-terminal helix and tail with the H2A:H2B dimer. Overlay of free DNA–bound structure (PDB: 1O4X) with the
(shown as spheres) stabilize DNA at the entry-exit in a canonical nucleosome (31). The nucleosome-bound structure, aligned on the DNA (see also fig. S5E). (F) Schematic
presence of OCT4-SOX2 increases the distance between H3 (Arg41) and the nearest of free DNA versus the observed nucleosome-binding mode of OCT4-SOX2.

Michael et al., Science 368, 1460–1465 (2020) 26 June 2020 2 of 6


Fig. 3. OCT4-SOX2 lifts the entry-exit DNA

away from the histone core. (A) Comparison
of the unbound nucleosome DNA (blue)
with the OCT4-SOX2 bound nucleosome
structure (gray). The DNA is kinked
~90° away from the histones. Residues at
the OCT4-DNA interface are shown as sticks.
POUS motif nucleotides are shown as
ribose and base rings. (B) SOX2 kinks the
nucleosomal DNA away from the histones.
SOX2 uses conserved (Phe48 and Met49)
residues to intercalate a TT base step,
indicated by arrows (see also fig. S8A).
OCT4 is removed for clarity. (C) Difference
in DNaseI digestion across the nucleosome
in the presence of OCT4 or OCT4-SOX2
(right). Zoom-in view around the OCT4-SOX2
motif (left).

Fig. 4. OCT4-SOX2 bound at SHL +6 induces

localized DNA distortion. (A) Depiction of
OCT4-SOX2 SeEN-seq profile illustrating
symmetric positions used for structure
determination (arrows). As the OCT4-SOX2
motif is tiled across the nucleosome, the
orientation of the proteins in relation to the
dyad is inverted. (B) OCT4-SOX2-NCPSHL+6
model. (C) Details of SOX2-induced DNA
kink. SOX2 binding locally distorts DNA near
SHL +5. The C terminus of SOX2 approaches
the histone core when bound in this orientation,
distorting DNA away from the stabilizing
H2B residues [N terminus (Arg34) and a1].
The 7-Å movement indicated is calculated
between the phosphate backbone at Cys123
in the bound and unbound DNA. SHLs are
shown (SHLs +4.5 and +5.5). (D) Comparison
of the DNA trajectory in the OCT4-SOX2-
NCPSHL+6 (SHL +6) (top) versus OCT4-SOX2-
NCPSHL−6 (SHL −6) (bottom) structures. The
DNA trajectory at the entry-exit site of the
TF-bound structures is indicated with an arrow.

respectively, with protein-DNA interactions con- fig. S5F). SOX2 kinks the DNA and, together activation domains was not observed, which is
sistent with those previously seen for the indi- with OCT4, synergistically releases DNA from consistent with similar nucleosome-affinity
vidual OCT4-POUS domain and SOX2 on free the core histones (movie S1). OCT4-SOX2 forms measurements for full-length OCT4 and OCT4
DNA (fig. S5E). The DNA remains attached no discernable histone contacts, with the DNA DNA-binding domain only (fig. S5G).
and straightened around the OCT4 site but is separating them from the nucleosome core OCT4 recognizes a partial motif, engag-
detached around the SOX2 motif (Fig. 2 and (Fig. 2, C and D). Density for the OCT4 trans- ing DNA with its POUS domain, whereas the

Michael et al., Science 368, 1460–1465 (2020) 26 June 2020 3 of 6


Fig. 5. The HMG-POUS partial motif is

bound in vivo and opens chromatin.
(A) Fraction of the top thousand motifs,
ranked by match to the position weight motif,
that are bound by Oct4 (2-fold ChIP-seq
enrichment). Mean and individual values from
two separate datasets are shown (33, 34).
Significant enrichment is detected for full and
partial motifs compared with loci without a
motif (lowest 1000 genomic matches to the
Oct4-Sox2 motif). **P < 0.01; ****P <
0.0001. (Pearson's chi-square test, indicated
for dataset with least significance). (B) Sche-
matic representation of targeted motif
insertion and Oct4 ChIP-qPCR enrichment
at the ectopic insertion locus and endoge-
nous control (Cont.) locus. *P < 0.05;
error bars indicate SEM of at least two
biological replicates. (C) Representative
genomic region (chr9: 115723244 to
115725243) that shows binding of Oct4 to
a partial HMG-POUS motif (top) and
Oct4-dependent chromatin accessibility
(bottom). Expr., Oct4-expressing cells; KD,
Oct4-knockdown cells. (D) Graphical repre-
sentation of the nucleosome distortion
induced by OCT4-SOX2 when bound
at dyad-symmetric sites.

POUHD is not engaged. On free DNA, both (18). Variant SOX2 motifs that lessen distor- a global effect on the DNA structure of the
POU domains engage the major groove span- tion of the DNA induced by SOX2 have been nucleosome.
ning 8 bp on opposite sides of the DNA and described and may facilitate nucleosome-
would clash with either the histones or DNA compatible dyad binding (1, 10, 30). How- OCT4-SOX2 bound at SHL +6 induces minimal
gyres at all locations on the nucleosome (19, 28) ever, with the canonical SOX2 motif used here, distortion to nucleosomal DNA
(Fig. 2E and fig. S6A). To stabilize the OCT4- SOX2 facing the entry-exit site is not compati- The SeEN-seq profile suggests that OCT4-SOX2
SOX2-NCPSHL−6 complex for imaging, GraFix ble with the canonical nucleosome architec- engagement depends on motif orientation (Fig.
cross-linking was necessary and a cross-link ture and triggers DNA release (31). 1B). To examine this structurally, we utilized
was evident between H2A and H2B (fig. S6B) Despite disruption of histone-DNA contacts the same position but with the motif inverted
(29). To test if POUHD access was blocked by at SHL −6.5, no histone rearrangements were across the dyad axis, i.e., SHL +6 (Fig. 4A).
the cross-linking of histones, we solved an observed after OCT4-SOX2 binding and DNA Doing so places the ~90° kink-inducing SOX2
~4-Å map of the non–cross-linked OCT4-SOX2- release across 14 bp (fig. S8, B and C). To verify motif in a dyad-proximal orientation and OCT4
NCPSHL−6 nucleosome (fig. S7, A to E), which OCT4-SOX2 binding and DNA release using closer to the entry-exit site. The SHL +6 site was
resulted in a largely indistinguishable mod- an orthogonal approach, we performed deoxy- enriched for OCT4-SOX2 binding in SeEN-seq,
el (root mean square deviation, 1.3 Å; fig. S7, ribonuclease I (DNaseI) footprinting in the and the use of this position enabled cryo-EM
F and G). As the OCT4 POUHD motif is oc- absence and presence of OCT4 or OCT4-SOX2. structure determination of an OCT4-SOX2-
cluded by H2A-H2B, the binding mechanism This revealed increased digestion at the nu- NCPSHL+6 complex at an overall resolution of
involving only the OCT4 POUS is consist- cleosomal entry-exit site (SHLs −7 to −5.5) in 3.5 Å (Fig. 4B and fig. S10; see fig. S10E for
ent with partial motif engagement (Fig. 2F) the presence of OCT4-SOX2, in line with DNA local resolution). The map allowed unambig-
(1). Partial motif recognition, however, does detachment and partial motif binding (Fig. uous rigid body docking of the nucleosome
not necessarily render TF binding compat- 3C and fig. S9, A and B). Notably, OCT4 alone and of SOX2 (figs. S11 and S12). OCT4 (POUS)
ible with the nucleosomal DNA structure triggers DNA release, and OCT4 and OCT4- density was less continuous but sufficient
(fig. S5F). SOX2 also destabilize the opposite nucleo- to dock a Ca model (fig. S11D). The resulting
In the context of the nucleosome, SOX2 com- somal entry-exit site (SHLs +5.5 to +7), which OCT4-SOX2 interface was consistent with pre-
petes with histones for DNA binding and kinks is also evident in the cryo–electron micros- viously determined structures (Fig. 2, fig. S11C,
DNA by ~90° at SHL −6.5 away from the his- copy (cryo-EM) map (Fig. 2 and fig. S3). The and materials and methods).
tones, similar to HMG domains on free DNA structures, footprinting profiles (Fig. 3), and In the structure, OCT4 engages its motif
(Fig. 3, A and B, and fig. S8A) (18). This is thermal stability assays (fig. S9C) together with the POUS domain only (Fig. 4B), and the
accomplished by intercalation of the SOX2 support the idea that OCT4 and OCT4-SOX2 POUHD is unable to access its motif in the
Phe48 and Met49 wedge at the TT base step release DNA from the histones and have observed DNA configuration (fig. S13). OCT4-

Michael et al., Science 368, 1460–1465 (2020) 26 June 2020 4 of 6


SOX2 together give rise to an extended DNA- ulate genome-wide Oct4 binding to partial SeEN-seq binding profiles, combined with
binding surface across 11 bp that further bends motifs. the structural data, allow us to rationalize
the nucleosomal DNA by ~90° at the SOX2 Next, we asked if binding creates open chro- OCT4-SOX2 engagement throughout the nu-
site (SHL +5) and straightens the DNA near matin. Comparing accessibility in mESCs cleosome. OCT4 and OCT4-SOX2 bind best at
the OCT4 site (SHL +6), producing an L-shaped (36) revealed that full and partial motifs can the nucleosomal entry-exit sites, where DNA
DNA arrangement (Fig. 4B). This conforma- both generate accessible chromatin in an Oct4- breathing is expected to facilitate access. We
tion locally lifts the duplex away from the his- dependent manner (Fig. 5C and fig. S15, C and observe distinct exceptions from such end-
tones and DNA gyre, but, in contrast to the D). Consistently, the same effect is evident binding behavior for OCT4 in particular, where
reversed orientation, does not fully release upon knockdown of Oct4 or Sox2, which shows narrow regions of pronounced binding are
the DNA from histones at the entry-exit site. that both TFs are required for full accessi- juxtaposed to nonengaged regions. To corre-
At the SOX2 motif with the DNA locally de- bility at these loci (37) (fig. S15, E to H). This late these accessibility profiles to the structure,
tached, SOX2 helices 1 and 2 widen the minor confirms the cooperativity observed in SeEN- we computationally translated isolated OCT4
groove, and the C terminus (residues 110 to seq; however, the local effect is expected to be POUS or POUHD domains along the DNA of
114) wedges between the DNA and histones highly context dependent, as additional pro- the unbound nucleosome and calculated pre-
(SHL +5) (Fig. 4C). Despite partial engage- teins contribute to accessibility in vivo (36). dicted atomic clash scores at each position (fig.
ment of an internal-nucleosomal motif, the We interpret our structures to depict an initial S16). A comparison of OCT4 SeEN-seq data to
SOX2 and OCT4 (POUS) DNA interactions encounter complex between OCT4-SOX2 and the POU domain nucleosome-clash scores
and induced DNA distortions are again sim- the nucleosome en route to open chromatin. revealed that the solvent accessibility of the
ilar to those previously seen on free DNA (fig. Upon nucleosome removal, OCT4 is expected POUS—but not of the POUHD—correlates with
S11C). Within one helical turn, on either side of to engage a full motif with its two POU do- OCT4 binding (fig. S16, A and B). The solvent
OCT4-SOX2, these DNA distortions are largely mains, thereby accounting for the stronger accessibility for OCT4 POUS is also a good pre-
absorbed into the canonical DNA trajectory enrichment of the full versus the partial motif. dictor for OCT4-SOX2 engagement (fig. S16, C
of the nucleosome (Fig. 4D). The histone core Together, genome-wide binding, single-locus and D). The presence of SOX2 enables tight
architecture again shows no substantial dis- insertion, and genome-wide accessibility data OCT4-SOX2 binding at the nucleosome ends
tortion. The DNA at the opposite nucleosomal demonstrate that the OCT4-POUS domain is but has a limited effect on more-internal sites
entry-exit site (SHLs −7 to −5.5) appears to be sufficient to engage and open chromatin in (Fig. 1). At nucleosome ends, SOX2 can also
disordered in the cryo-EM map (fig. S10E and conjunction with Sox2. This reveals the poten- drive binding at motifs where the OCT4 POUS
fig. S14). In both structures (Figs. 2 and 4), tial for such nucleosome-compatible motifs to is inward-facing and OCT4 alone does not
OCT4 binds a partial DNA motif through its function as bona fide binding sites beyond the bind (fig. S2H). Our structural and functional
POUS domain and, along with SOX2, affects ability to initially engage closed chromatin. findings are consistent with a model where
the entire nucleosomal DNA structure to vary- cooperative binding between OCT4 and SOX2
ing extents. Discussion not only strengthens DNA binding affinity but
The structures illustrate binding mechanisms also triggers additional DNA distortions that
The HMG-POUS partial motif is sufficient of OCT4-SOX2 at two positions on the nucleo- must be accommodated. These distortions are
for TF engagement and the opening of some. At SHL ±6, the structures depict OCT4- better tolerated at the entry-exit sites, where
chromatin in vivo SOX2 near the entry-exit sites, where both TFs nucleosomal DNA is more loosely bound (38).
Previous work has identified that either Oct4 cooperate to access DNA. At the SHL −6 site, Whereas partial motifs delimit the TF footprint
or Sox2 alone engage reduced-complexity mo- where SOX2 faces the entry-exit site, OCT4- and DNA unwrapping, the available structures
tifs on nucleosomes during reprogramming SOX2 releases the DNA duplex from the his- (13) show that protein domains bound to nu-
(1). A recent study has also identified weaker- tones. In the OCT4-SOX2-NCPSHL+6 structure, cleosomal DNA retain their free DNA–binding
scoring motifs for SOX proteins on nucleosome- where SOX2 faces the dyad, the nucleosomal mode (Figs. 2 and 4). TF-induced DNA distor-
sized fragments (32). The structures now DNA assumes an L-shaped trajectory and is tions intrinsically destabilize the nucleosome
reveal that OCT4-SOX2 partial motif engage- not fully released from the histones (Fig. 5D). (10), which likely facilitates the binding of
ment is utilized in both orientations on the The SHL −6 structure demonstrates that par- additional factors and disrupts the internu-
nucleosome. This led us to test whether OCT4- tial motif recognition and DNA release are not cleosomal interactions of higher-order chro-
POUS and SOX2-HMG domains are sufficient mutually exclusive (Figs. 2 and 3), whereas the matin (15, 39) (fig. S17).
to engage chromatin in vivo (Fig. 5A and fig. SHL +6 structure depicts how more–internally The OCT4-SOX2 structures and the accom-
S15A). Through in-depth analysis of existing bound sites can be accommodated without panying in vitro and in vivo evidence provide a
chromatin immunoprecipitation sequencing full removal of nucleosomal DNA ends (Fig. 4). framework by which TFs use nucleosomal DNA
(ChIP-seq) datasets (33, 34), we found that We consistently find only the OCT4 POUS distortion and not histone rearrangement to
the partial HMG-POUS motif is sufficient to engaged, with the POUHD motif occluded by access parts of their motif. The degree of DNA
drive genomic binding, although the full motif the nucleosome architecture. The OCT4 POUS distortion imposed on the nucleosome architec-
was bound more frequently (Fig. 5A). To test and POUHD domains could, in principal, en- ture depends on the position of the motif. Our
this experimentally, we introduced full and gage the full OCT4 motif if the DNA was fur- structures suggest principal recognition mech-
partial motifs at a defined genomic position ther unwrapped from the histones, which we anisms for nucleosome-incompatible TFs as
in mouse embryonic stem cells (mESCs) by do not observe in our structures (Figs. 2 and 4) well as for those TFs accommodated on the nu-
recombination–mediated cassette exchange or DNaseI experiments (Fig. 3C). Thus, partial cleosome without DNA release, illustrating how
(35) (Fig. 5B). Motifs were introduced in the motif recognition allows TFs to minimize DNA TFs can read out chromatinized binding sites.
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Michael et al., Science 368, 1460–1465 (2020) 26 June 2020 6 of 6


◥ parallel left-handed intramolecular ZG4

REPO R T [dT(GGT) 4 TG(TGG) 3 TGTT•(NH 4 + ) 3 ] (19),
antiparallel right-handed intramolecular 5YEY
the silver-mediated parallel G-duplex GAgG
Mass-resolved electronic circular dichroism [(dG11)2•(Ag+)11] (21). These structures were
chosen because they have remarkably different
ion spectroscopy electronic CD spectra in solution in the wave-
length range 220 to 300 nm (fig. S1). Also,
Steven Daly1, Frédéric Rosu2, Valérie Gabelica1* these structures are stabilized by spines of
central cations, which maximizes the likeli-
DNA and proteins are chiral: Their three-dimensional structures cannot be superimposed with hood of preserving the hydrogen-bonding and
their mirror images. Circular dichroism spectroscopy is widely used to characterize chiral compounds, stacking arrangement in the gas phase while
but data interpretation is difficult in the case of mixtures. We recorded the electronic circular dichroism minimizing rearrangements due to self-solvation
spectra of DNA helices separated in a mass spectrometer. We studied guanine-rich strands having (21). The preservation of the known solution-
various secondary structures, electrosprayed them as negative ions, irradiated them with an ultraviolet phase shapes was confirmed by the good agree-
nanosecond optical parametric oscillator laser, and measured the difference in electron ment between helium momentum transfer
photodetachment efficiency between left and right circularly polarized light. The reconstructed circular collision integrals measured in ion mobility
dichroism ion spectra resembled those of their solution-phase counterparts, thereby allowing us to spectrometry and those calculated for gas-phase
assign the DNA helical topology. The ability to measure circular dichroism directly on biomolecular ions structures obtained by molecular dynamics at
expands the capabilities of mass spectrometry for structural analysis. the semi-empirical level (fig. S2). For TG4T,
infrared ion spectroscopy also supported the

preservation of G-quartets (22). We can thus
wo centuries ago, the interaction of measures the difference of absorption between safely assume that these molecular systems
polarized light with crystals revealed left and right circularly polarized light. Elec- have the same base-stacking arrangement in
that many molecules come in two forms, tronic CD is particularly useful to character- the gas phase as in solution.
nonsuperimposable with their mirror ize the different types of helices formed by When coupled to MS, ion spectroscopy is an
images (1). The activity and toxicity of nucleic acids (14) or the secondary structures action spectroscopy (and not an absorption
natural or synthetic molecules often depend formed by proteins (15). The structural inter- spectroscopy): One records the effect of the
on their chirality (2). Identifying which mirror pretation relies on spectral databases of known laser irradiation on the ions. Another reason
image is present in a sample is thus crucial. structures. However, the interpretation of CD for selecting DNA as the first test case is that,
Furthermore, because biomolecules such as spectra becomes difficult for samples wherein when irradiating DNA polyanions between
DNA or proteins consist of repetitive chiral multiple species or structures coexist, because 220 and 300 nm, the resulting action is electron
subunits, they can form helical structures, as the resulting spectrum is the weighted average photodetachment (ePD) (23, 24). This action
in the iconic DNA double helix (3, 4). Charac- of all contributions. has two advantages over fragmentation: (i)
terizing the types of helical structures formed Here, we report a method for recording There are few product ions to quantify, which
by biomolecules is therefore also essential for electronic CD spectra on DNA helices sep- in terms of statistics will increase the chances
structural biology. arated in a mass spectrometer. Although CD
Mass spectrometry (MS) is a widely used and MS have been combined before (16–18),
analytical method with expanding impact in the previous methods were based on reso-
structural biology (5, 6). MS excels at separat- nant multiphoton ionization (REMPI) and energy
ing and quantifying complex mixtures, and were thus applicable only to volatile neutral meter shutter
additional structural characterization can be small molecules (<200 Da). We used elec-
OPO laser (230—295 nm)
obtained using tandem MS (7), ion mobility trospray to produce gas-phase polyanions
spectrometry (8), or infrared ion spectroscopy of intact DNA multihelices (>5000 Da) and fused silica blade
(9–11). However, MS-based measurements are interrogated them with circularly polar-
typically blind to chirality. Characterizing chiral ized ultraviolet light directly inside the mass Rochon prism
compounds by MS currently requires a physical spectrometer.
interaction with other chiral molecules (12), Our mass analyzer is a quadrupole ion trap [DNA]5-
either by separation on chiral phases in front (Paul trap) with two opposite holes (diameter λ/4 waveplate
of the mass spectrometer or by the formation 1.7 mm) in the ring electrode. We reasoned
of complexes with chiral auxiliaries in the gas that this configuration would minimize risks
phase (13). of reflection of the laser beam inside the mass
Another way to characterize chiral biomol- spectrometer, which could possibly alter the
ecules is through interaction with chiral light. circular polarization. The electrospray source [DNA]4-
In solution, DNA and proteins are conveniently was operated in the negative mode to produce
mass 1000 1250 1500 1750 2000
characterized by circular dichroism (CD), which multiply charged anions. We used gentle ion spectrometer m/z
transfer conditions to prevent gas-phase re-
1 structuring and thus maximize the chances Fig. 1. Experimental setup for generating
Université de Bordeaux, Inserm & CNRS, Laboratoire
Acides Nucléiques: Régulations Naturelle et Artificielle of preserving the solution-phase secondary circularly polarized laser pulses. Also shown
(ARNA, U1212, UMR5320), IECB, 33607 Pessac, France. structures. is the typical mass spectrum after isolation
Université de Bordeaux, CNRS & Inserm, Institut Européen We analyzed several DNA G-quadruplex of D-[(dTGGGGT)4•(NH4+)3]5– ions and irradiation
de Chimie et Biologie (IECB, UMS3033, US001), 33607
Pessac, France. tetrahelical structures—parallel right-handed with left circularly polarized (LCP) light at 260 nm.
*Corresponding author. Email: tetramer TG4T [(dTGGGGT) 4 •(NH 4 + ) 3 ], See supplementary materials for setup details.

Daly et al., Science 368, 1465–1468 (2020) 26 June 2020 1 of 4


of detecting differences in product ion yields phase CD spectra are reconstructed by plotting shape differs from the ones traditionally dis-
between the two polarizations; and (ii) ePD is the asymmetry factor gePD as a function of the played in molar CD.
monophotonic (25), and thus the normaliza- wavelength. To facilitate the visual compari- To unambiguously prove that the gas-phase
tion for fluctuations of the laser power is son, we plot the solution-phase CD spectra as CD effect comes from the sample and not from
simply linear for all wavelengths. We verified DA=A (where A is the absorbance), hence their an instrumental artifact, we performed the
this linear relationship, and for all spectros-
copy experiments we selected the pulse energy 100% L-TG4T 0%
ranges in which only linear ePD was observed 0.02
(fig. S3).
Nanosecond laser pulses were generated A
using a wavelength-tunable optical parametric 0.05 0.00 0.005
oscillator laser (nanosecond pulses, ≤100 mJ ΔePD
0.04 ΔA
transmitted to the trap). To generate circularly -0.02
polarized laser pulses, the beam passes through
ePD 0% D-TG4T A
100% 0.003
an air-spaced Rochon prism, which gives pure D-TG4T
0.02 L-TG4T 0.002
linearly polarized light. Next, the laser passes
through an achromatic broadband quarter-
0.01 0.001
wave plate (Fig. 1, figs. S4 to S6, and supple-
mentary materials). The angle of the fast axis 0.00 0.000
of the quarter-wave plate relative to the polari-
zation direction set by the Rochon prism deter- -0.01 -0.001
mines the final polarization state of the laser
pulse. The laser enters in the ion trap through -0.02 -0.002
a fused silica window in the vacuum mani- 0.02
fold. The percentage of circular polarization
was greater than 95% (fig. S7 and table S1). 0.01
The ions are randomly oriented inside the
Paul trap. 0.00 0.000
The CD of ions of a given mass-to-charge
ratio m/z is measured by isolating the ions; -0.01
irradiating them with a single laser pulse of -0.002
the selected wavelength, polarization, and
pulse energy; and then recording their mass
spectrum (Fig. 1). Mass spectra and pulse en- 0.02 C
ergy are averaged for 90 s. The polarization 0.001
state of the laser pulse is then changed by 0.01
rotating the quarter-wave plate, and the mass
spectrum and pulse energy are acquired for 0.00 0.000
another 90 s. This process is repeated 10 times
for each polarization. The relative electron de- -0.01
tachment yield for each mass spectrum is -0.001
calculated as -0.02

IePD =Itotal 0.02 0.004

YePD ¼ ð1Þ D
0.01 0.002
where IePD is the integrated intensity of the
peak due to electron detachment, Itotal is 0.00 0.000
the total integrated intensity (precursor + C
ePD product), l is the wavelength, and Etrans -0.01 -0.002
is the transmitted pulse energy determined
from the reflected pulse energy by calibra- -0.02 -0.004
tion (fig. S8). We then calculate the average 220 240 260 280 300
value of the relative electron detachment Wavelength (nm)
yield for left- and right-handed circular po-
larizations. The CD monitored by ePD is Fig. 2. Gas-phase circular dichroism spectra (DePD/ePD) compared to solution-phase spectra
expressed as an asymmetry factor, approxi- (DA/A). Symbols and lines denote gas-phase and solution-phase CD data, respectively. (A) TG4T: natural
mated by right-handed D-[(TGGGGT)4•(NH4+)3]5– (blue) and its mirror image L-[(TGGGGT)4•(NH4+)3]5– (red). Inset:
! Gas-phase CD measured at 260 nm for [(TGGGGT)4•(NH4+)3]5– ions prepared from 5 mM solutions with
varying ratios of D-TG4T and L-TG4T. Error bars show the 95% confidence interval calculated from the
gePD ¼ ¼2 ePD
standard error (three replicas, except at 260 nm with five replicas). (B to D) Gas-phase and solution-phase CD
spectra for the antiparallel G-quadruplex 5YEY5– (B), the left-handed G-quadruplex ZG46– (C), and the G-duplex
where LCP and RCP are left and right cir- GAgG5– (D). The illustrations showing helicity were generated using Chimera from Protein Data Bank
cularly polarized light, respectively. The gas- coordinates (entries 2O4F, 5YEY, 6GZ6, and 4JRD, respectively); the gas-phase structures are shown in fig. S2.

Daly et al., Science 368, 1465–1468 (2020) 26 June 2020 2 of 4


experiment on D-[(TGGGGT)4•(NH4+)3] formed the CD spectral shapes are similar although factor is larger. Because the electronic states
from the natural DNA backbone (all D-sugars) the magnitudes differ. responsible for the CD effect are most likely to
and from its enantiomer (all L-sugars). The gas- Here we consider possible explanations. In be delocalized on the entire DNA helices, this
phase CD signals have opposite signs (Fig. 2A). small molecules, the solvent can affect the mag- may result in more efficient autodetachment
The magnitude is not exactly reversed, however. nitude of CD (31), and thus a change in the after resonant excitation. Thus, although fu-
At 260 nm, we recorded a series of CD measure- dielectric environment from water to vacuum ture work is needed to elucidate the origins
ments by varying the relative concentration may change the magnitude of the CD spectrum. and dynamics of ePD from DNA polyanions—
of the two enantiomers (D:L) in solution from To test this hypothesis, we recorded solution- for example, by measuring the photoelec-
only D to only L (Fig. 2A, inset). We obtained phase CD spectra of D-TG4T in mixtures of tron CD—the ePD action serendipitously
a straight line (r2 = 0.975), which shows that water up to 50% isopropanol (dielectric con- revealed itself to be especially well suited to
the differences in ePD with left and right stant varying from 80.4 to 44.3). The mass probe DNA higher-order structures by ion
circularly polarized light are reporting on CD; spectra show that the G-quadruplex is intact, spectroscopy.
this finding suggests that the technique could and no larger multimers are present (fig. All experiments above were carried out on
be suitable for quantification. The line did not S9). No change in the value of DA=A  was ob- pure samples, and tandem MS was used to
pass exactly through 0 when the proportions served (fig. S10), which suggests that the select a charge state. Next, we used mass sep-
were 50:50, indicating the presence of re- dielectric environment plays only a small aration to obtain the CD spectra of indi-
sidual instrumental artifacts, likely because role. We also recorded the gas-phase CD spectra vidual components from a mixture. Human
the polarization is only ~95% circular. In the for the 5-, 6-, and 7-ions of D-TG4T, reasoning telomeric sequences, consisting of TTAGGG
future, use of an achiral internal standard that if intramolecular electric dipoles influence repeats, can form several G-quadruplex to-
could further reduce the uncertainty. Fur- the electron ejection dynamics, the effect would pologies (33). At submillimolar potassium
thermore, if such imperfections vary with increase with the charge state. We observed concentrations, complexes with 1 K+ (two
the wavelength, it would induce some dis- no significant change in either magnitude or G-quartets) and 2 K + (three G-quartets)
tortion in the CD spectra that might hamper shape of the CD spectra as a function of the coexist (34). The 2-K+ complex is fully formed
structural assignment. We thus compared charge state (fig. S11). We thus hypothesize at high KCl concentrations, but 1-K+ complexes
the solution-phase and gas-phase CD spectra that the origin of the larger gas-phase magni- cannot be isolated in solution. We previously
for other typical DNA helices (Fig. 2, B to D; tude comes from the different definition of reconstructed solution-phase CD data for in-
symbols for gas-phase CD, lines for solution- asymmetry factors. In the gas phase, absorp- dividual K+ binding stoichiometries (Fig. 3A)
phase CD). The solution- and gas-phase CD tion is revealed by electron detachment. If not by deconvoluting the solution-phase CD signal
spectral shapes are similar in terms of sign all states that absorb result in electron detach- of a K+ concentration series, having determined
and position of the maxima and minima. ment (25, 32) while most states that are re- the amount of each complex in separate MS
This suggests that the following conditions sponsible for CD do, the denominator of the measurements. Here we applied mass-resolved
are met: (i) The base-stacking pattern exist- asymmetry factor is smaller in gas-phase CD CD ion spectroscopy directly on the mixture.
ing in solution is preserved in the gas-phase action spectroscopy, and thus the asymmetry Because the [M+1K]5– and [M+2K]5– complexes
ions. (ii) The gas-phase action reflects the
absorption, in terms of sensitivity to the cir-
0.004 Fig. 3. Application of mass-resolved circu-
cular polarization. In other words, the electro- A lar dichroism to a mixture of conforma-
nic excited states that are responsible for ΔA
tions adopted by the human telomeric
the CD effect also trigger ePD. (iii) Possible A DNA sequence dTAGGG(TTAGGG)3.
distortions due to imperfections in the pola- 0.002 (A) Deconvoluted solution-phase CD spectra
rization do not preclude assigning the base-
for the three-quartet (2 K+, orange circles)
stacking arrangement on the basis of spectral
and two-quartet (1 K+, blue squares)
shape. As a result, the gas-phase CD spectra
complexes coexisting at KCl concentrations
can unambiguously discriminate between 0.000 between 0 and 1 mM (34). The error bars are
the different guanine-rich oligonucleotide
the standard uncertainties propagated from
the original data; the lines were obtained by
The gas- and solution-phase asymmetry fac-
Savitzky-Golay smoothing. The insets show
tors mainly differ in their magnitude, which is -0.002
the stacking topologies deduced from the K+
consistently larger in the gas phase (up to 2%)
stoichiometry and the CD spectral shapes
than in solution (<0.4%). This has been ob- 0.04 [M+2K]5- (light gray and colors denote anti and syn
served previously for small neutral molecules ΔePD B
[M+1K]5- glycosidic bond angles, respectively).
measured by REMPI (17, 26–28), where magni-
ePD (B) Gas-phase CD spectra for the complexes
tudes of up to 25% have been observed (28).
[M+1K]5– (orange circles) and [M+2K]5– (blue
High CD signals are also observed in photo- 0.02 1450 1460 1470 m/z
squares) co-isolated from a solution
electron CD (PECD) (29, 30), but in that case
containing 400 mM KCl. The error bars are
the measured property is the angular distribu-
the standard uncertainties from the replicates
tion of the photoelectrons. Here, we measure
0.00 (listed in table S2); the lines were obtained by
the electron detachment yield, and ePD is the
Savitzky-Golay smoothing. The inset shows
result of a resonant excitation above the detach-
the two co-isolated parent ions.
ment threshold (24, 25). Given that solution-
phase spectra result from the CD in absorption,
we conclude that the gas-phase CD effect in
photodetachment yields is also due to the re-
230 240 250 260 270 280 290
sonant absorption of circularly polarized light
by a chiral molecule. It is thus puzzling that Wavelength (nm)

Daly et al., Science 368, 1465–1468 (2020) 26 June 2020 3 of 4


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Daly et al., Science 368, 1465–1468 (2020) 26 June 2020 4 of 4


SOLAR PHYSICS April 2003, the SOHO spacecraft was rotated

180° every 3 months; we only used the obser-
Meridional flow in the Sun’s convection zone is a vations when MDI was in the orientation it
had before 2003 to ensure consistency of the
single cell in each hemisphere data (17). The HMI data (18) that we used cover
the period from 1 May 2011 to 30 April 2019;
Laurent Gizon1,2,3*, Robert H. Cameron1, Majid Pourabdian1,2, Zhi-Chao Liang1, Damien Fournier1, they were processed by the HMI team to have
Aaron C. Birch1, Chris S. Hanson3 a format (204 pixels by 204 pixels) similar
to that of the MDI data. We constructed the
The Sun’s magnetic field is generated by subsurface motions of the convecting plasma. The latitude at third dataset from the merged and calibrated
which the magnetic field emerges through the solar surface (as sunspots) drifts toward the equator high-resolution GONG dopplergrams (19) for
over the course of the 11-year solar cycle. We use helioseismology to infer the meridional flow 1 August 2001 to 30 April 2019 (839 pixels by
(in the latitudinal and radial directions) over two solar cycles covering 1996–2019. Two data sources 839 pixels) by applying Gaussian smoothing
are used, which agree during their overlap period of 2001–2011. The time-averaged meridional flow is and downsampling to 200 pixels by 200 pixels.
shown to be a single cell in each hemisphere, carrying plasma toward the equator at the base of We produced time series of MDI, HMI, and
the convection zone with a speed of ~4 meters per second at 45° latitude. Our results support the GONG images—remapped onto a heliographic
flux-transport dynamo model, which explains the drift of sunspot-emergence latitudes through coordinate system (scale of 0.6° per pixel)—by
the meridional flow. tracking areas on the solar surface at the
Carrington rotation rate of 456.03 nHz (20).

The MDI data were corrected to account for a
eat is transported by convective motions been proposed on the basis of theory and nu- misalignment of the instrument with respect
of the plasma in the outer 29% of the merical simulations (5). Observationally, the to the spacecraft, corresponding to a 0.20° error
Sun (the solar convection zone). In this meridional flow can be constrained using in the solar P angle (one of the two angles de-
layer, convection interacts with rotation helioseismology (6, 7). This technique relies scribing the direction of the Sun’s rotation axis
to drive global-scale axisymmetric flows on measurements of the times taken by solar with respect to the plane of the sky). This error
(1). The longitudinal component of these flows acoustic waves to travel between points on was determined using HMI images as reference
is the solar differential rotation: The equator the surface through the interior. Suitable data during the 2010 overlap period (21). The orien-
rotates once every 25 days, the poles once every are available for 1996–2011 from the Michelson tation of the HMI images is known to within
34 days. The latitudinal and radial compo- Doppler Imager (MDI) on the Solar and Helio- 0.01°, based on the analysis of the transit of
nents are the Sun’s meridional flow. The differ- spheric Observatory (SOHO) spacecraft and for Venus from 5 to 6 June 2012 (22). The MDI,
ential rotation and the meridional flow both 2010 onward from the Helioseismic and Mag- HMI, and GONG images were all corrected
play a role in the solar dynamo (2). Differential netic Imager (HMI) on the Solar Dynamics for a 0.08° difference between the inclina-
rotation acts on latitudinal magnetic field to Observatory (SDO) spacecraft. Studies of the tion of the solar rotation axis to the ecliptic
generate a longitudinal (toroidal) magnetic HMI data have reached differing conclusions and the value of 7.25° measured by Carring-
field. At the surface, the meridional flow trans- on the geometry of the meridional flow: either ton in 1863 (20).
ports the radial magnetic field from the equa- one or two cells in the radial direction (8–11). The data were analyzed using time-distance
tor toward the poles. The role of the deep The MDI data and the HMI data also show helioseismology (23). Solar subsurface flows
meridional flow is less certain. In the class different flow structures (12). These differences affect the time it takes for acoustic waves to
of models known as flux-transport dynamos may result from instrumental systematic er- travel between two points on the surface, A
(3), the meridional flow near the base of the rors, the calibration of the observations, and/or and B. The travel times were measured in
convection zone is assumed to be equator- different assumptions made during the data both directions by cross-correlating the Dop-
ward and to transport the toroidal magnetic analysis. pler velocity data at A and those at B. The
field to match the drift of 2° to 3° per year in To confirm the validity of a helioseismic in- difference between the two travel times is
the latitudes at which sunspots appear (2). ference, it is necessary to compare results from sensitive to flows near the ray path that con-
Thus, these models provide testable predic- two independent datasets that have an extended nects A and B through the interior. To de-
tions about the amplitude and sign of the deep overlap period. For example, the Sun’s internal termine the meridional flow, we considered
meridional flow. rotation has been validated (13) by comparing points separated in latitude, using a quad-
Testing these predictions is challenging. The observations from MDI to those of the ground rant geometry with arcs of 30° [(12) and fig.
geometry of the meridional flow is difficult to stations operated by the Global Oscillation S1]. Points in locations of strong magnetic
compute theoretically from first principles, as it Network Group (GONG) (14). fields were excluded from the averages (17).
results from a small imbalance between two Using multiple datasets, we studied the struc- By fitting a one-parameter model (24) to
large terms (4). Mass conservation implies that ture and time variability of the meridional flow the cross-correlation functions computed
the plasma is carried around closed loops (cells). in the convection zone. We used maps of the daily, we measured the south-north travel-
A poleward flow at the surface must return line-of-sight velocity at the Sun’s surface (dop- time differences t(D, l), where 6° ≤ D ≤ 42°
equatorward at some depth. There may be plergrams) at reduced spatial resolution, which is the angular distance between the arcs and
additional closed cells stacked on top of each provide information about sound waves prop- −54° ≤ l ≤ 54° is the latitude of the midpoint
other in the radial direction. Both one-cell agating in the solar interior with spherical har- between the arcs. We applied a center-to-
and two-cell meridional flow geometries have monic degrees up to 300. The reduced-resolution limb correction using travel-time differ-
data are known to be less prone to instru- ences measured in the east-west direction
Max-Planck-Institut für Sonnensystemforschung, 37077 mental errors (15). We considered all three (25) (fig. S2).
Göttingen, Germany. 2Institut für Astrophysik, Georg-August- main datasets: MDI, HMI, and GONG. The Figure 1, A to C, shows the measured travel
Universität Göttingen, 37077 Göttingen, Germany. 3Center MDI observations consist of dopplergrams times averaged over three ranges of travel dis-
for Space Science, New York University Abu Dhabi, Abu
Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. with 192 pixels by 192 pixels per frame for the tances at low latitudes in the north and south.
*Corresponding author. Email: period 1 May 1996 to 11 April 2011 (16). After The travel times are averaged in bins of 3 years

Gizon et al., Science 368, 1469–1472 (2020) 26 June 2020 1 of 4


starting from 1 May 1996 to aid in the com- into magnetic regions (26) and therefore cients in these expansions are the parameters
parison of the three datasets. For the period are related to the sunspot number (Fig. 1D). describing the flow, which were determined
before 1 May 2002, we only show MDI data. The MDI and GONG observations during the by inverting the travel times. We solved the
For the periods thereafter, we included in the period from 2002 to 2011 differ by ~0.1 s (Fig. linear inverse problem under the physical
time averages only those days when travel 1, A to C, and fig. S3), which is much smaller constraints of mass conservation and that
times are available for two instruments: than the 1s uncertainties caused by the ran- the flow does not cross the convection zone
MDI (original orientation) and GONG until dom excitation of the acoustic waves. Taking boundaries (20). Inversions were validated
30 April 2011 and HMI and GONG thereafter. noise correlations into account, MDI and GONG using synthetic data (20). Eleven years of data
The signs of the measured travel times are travel times are consistent for distances ≤30° allow us to distinguish between one- and
consistent with a poleward meridional flow [(20) and table S1]. However, the HMI travel two-cell flow profiles, with a noise level of
near the surface. The time variations of the times differ from the GONG travel times, with ~1.5 m s−1 at the base of the convection zone.
travel times are caused by surface inflows smaller values for HMI times in the northern For 3 years of data, the noise increases to
hemisphere. We have been unable to identify 2.5 m s−1. These uncertainties are consistent
the source of this discrepancy, so we do not use with previous estimates (28).
A the HMI data for the rest of the analysis. We Figure 2A shows the inferred Uq in the con-
also considered data from the GONG network vection zone, averaged over each solar cycle.
from 1 May 1996 to 31 May 2001, when it op- The stream functions in Fig. 2B show that the
erated with lower-resolution cameras. The cor- flow takes the form of a single cell in each
responding travel times are consistent with hemisphere. The flow is poleward at the sur-
the MDI data for the same period but noisier face (Fig. 3C) and equatorward at the base of
[(20) and fig. S4]. We therefore combine the the convection zone (Fig. 3A). The flow profile
MDI data from 1 May 1996 to 30 April 2003 at the base of the convection zone approxi-
(before the first change in orientation of the mately follows Uq = Ub sin 2q, with Ub = 4.8 ±
B SOHO spacecraft) and the GONG data from 1.0 m s−1 for cycle 23 and Ub = 3.6 ± 1.0 m s−1
1 May 2003 to 30 April 2019. for cycle 24 (the cycles are identified in Fig. 1D).
The south-north travel-time differences t are The flow switches sign near 0:79R⊙, where R⊙
linearly related to the meridional flow through is the solar radius (Fig. 3B). This is consistent
functions of position known as sensitivity kernels. with previous inversions that used the constraint
We computed the kernels using a finite element of mass conservation (9, 11).
solver in the frequency domain (27). Denoting The 3-year averages are shown in Fig. 2, C
the colatitude by q = 90° − l, we represented and D, and Fig. 3, D and E. The noise is higher
the radial and colatitudinal components of the than that for the 11-year averages. Except for
C meridional flow, Ur and Uq, as linear combi- the period between the two cycles, a single
nations of basis functions (20). The coeffi- cell is evident in each hemisphere. At the



Fig. 1. Averages of the travel-time differences

caused by the meridional flow. (A to C) The travel
times were averaged in 3-year periods and over
latitudes 10° ≤ l ≤ 25° (North) and −25° ≤ l ≤ −10°
(South). Between 1 May 2002 and 30 April 2011, only
the days when travel times for both MDI (original
orientation) and GONG are available were included in
the time averages. From 1 May 2011 onward, only the
days when travel times for both HMI and GONG are
available were included in the averages. Travel times
were further averaged over angular distances from Fig. 2. Inferred meridional flow in the solar convection zone. (A) Flow Uq for solar cycles 23 and
6° to 18° (A), from 18° to 30° (B), and from 30° to 42° 24 (Ur is shown in fig. S5). (B) Stream functions y for each solar cycle, defined by rU ¼ ∇  ½f^ y=ðrsinqÞ,
(C). The error bars indicate ±1s. (D) Monthly sunspot where r is the density and f^ is the unit vector in the longitudinal direction. The stream functions are
number versus time, displaying solar cycles 23 and 24. normalized to their maximum absolute value. (C and D) Temporal variations with a cadence of 3 years.

Gizon et al., Science 368, 1469–1472 (2020) 26 June 2020 2 of 4


Fig. 3. Cuts through the solutions of the A B C

meridional flow. (A) Latitudinal dependence of
Uq at the base of the convection zone. The
purple and light blue solid curves show Uq for
solar cycles 23 and 24, respectively, with the
shaded regions indicating ±1s. (B) Radial
dependence of Uq at latitudes of ±30° for each
cycle. (C) Latitudinal dependence of Uq at the
surface for each cycle. (D) Time dependence of
Uq at latitudes of ±30° at the base of the
convection zone. The purple and light blue
horizontal lines show the averages over
cycles 23 and 24 (Fig. 1D), respectively,
with the shaded regions indicating ±1s. The
dark blue and gray lines connect the
3-year averages from MDI and GONG,
respectively. Error bars indicate ±1s.
(E) Time dependence of Uq at latitudes
of ±30° at the surface.


Fig. 4. Sunspot-emergence locations in relation to the meridional flow.
(A) Line-of-sight magnetic field contours at the surface (black curves),
overlain on Uq averaged over the top 2% of the Sun by radius. The flow
inversion used all travel distances, and variations on time scales faster than
5 years were filtered out. Inflows into regions where the surface magnetic
field is strong dominate the time dependence of Uq. The dashed curve
shows where Uq = 0. (B) The same contours of the magnetic field at the
surface, overlain on Uq averaged between the base of the convection
zone ð0:713R⊙ Þ and 0:8R⊙ . (C) Surface longitudinal (east-west)
magnetic field Bφ from Wilcox Solar Observatory observations (30) and,
superimposed with black lines, latitudes at which the subsurface longitudinal field from the flux transport model—based on the measured Uq—is maximum. The solid
lines are the median and the dashed lines are the 16th and 84th percentiles, obtained from 300 realizations of the flow.

surface, the variations of Uq at 30° latitude The agreement between the MDI (original surface (29). The longitudinal magnetic field
are substantial and anticorrelated with the orientation) and GONG data is better for an- is then transported by Uq near the base of the
sunspot number (Fig. 3E). Figure 4A shows the gular distances of D ≤ 30° than for D > 30° convection zone to produce the drift of lat-
surface Uq smoothed in time with a low-pass (Fig. 1). Travel distances ≤30° are capable of itudes at which sunspots emerge. To test this
filter (5 years) and its relation to the latitudes distinguishing between single- and double-cell hypothesis, we used the one-dimensional mean-
where sunspots emerge. The changes with models (12), so we also performed inversions field equation governing the evolution of the
time and latitude can be understood as local for D ≤ 30° only. The results (figs. S7 to S9) longitudinal magnetic field (20), with Uq from
inflows into magnetic regions, which are confirm the single-cell solution for each cycle each solar cycle averaged from the bottom of
likely driven by horizontal pressure gra- for the MDI and GONG data. Additionally, the the convection zone to 0:8R⊙ . Using a cycle av-
dients caused by the surface magnetic field inversions for MDI and GONG restricted to erage for Uq is appropriate because the temporal
(26). In the middle of the convection zone (fig. the days in common and for separation dis- variations of Uq deep in the convection zone
S6), the meridional flow averaged over cycle tances D ≤ 30° are almost indistinguishable (Fig. 4B) are consistent with noise (Fig. 3D).
24 is poleward in the north and very weak in (fig. S10). The latitude of the peak subsurface longitudinal
the south. The 3-year averages show a decrease In flux-transport dynamo models, the amount magnetic field from the model shows an equa-
of the amplitude of Uq from about 2004 during of longitudinal magnetic field created in the torial propagation that is consistent with the
the decaying phase of solar cycle 23. This de- convection zone is determined by the dis- equatorward drift of locations of strong surface
crease is seen in both the MDI and GONG data. tribution of the radial magnetic field at the field (Fig. 4C). The one-cell meridional flow in

Gizon et al., Science 368, 1469–1472 (2020) 26 June 2020 3 of 4


each hemisphere that we observed is thus con- Interior of the Sun and Sun-like Stars, S. Korzennik, Ed. (ESA The data were processed at the German Data Center for SDO,
sistent with the equatorial migration of the Special Publication, vol. 418, 1998), pp. 209–211. funded by the German Aerospace Center under grant DLR
20. Materials and methods are available as supplementary 50OL1701. L.G. acknowledges support from European Research
sunspots under a simple flux-transport model. materials. Council Synergy grant WHOLE SUN 810218. The Center for Space
21. Z.-C. Liang, A. C. Birch, T. L. Duvall Jr., L. Gizon, J. Schou, Science at New York University Abu Dhabi (NYUAD) is funded by
RE FE RENCES AND N OT ES Astron. Astrophys. 601, A46 (2017). the NYUAD Institute under grant G1502. M.P. was funded in
1. G. Rüdiger, Differential Rotation and Stellar Convection (Gordon 22. S. Couvidat et al., Sol. Phys. 291, 1887–1938 (2016). part by the International Max Planck Research School (IMPRS) for
and Breach, 1989). 23. T. L. Duvall Jr., S. M. Jeffferies, J. W. Harvey, M. A. Pomerantz, Solar System Science at the University of Göttingen. Author
2. P. Charbonneau, Solar and Stellar Dynamos (Springer, 2013). Nature 362, 430–432 (1993). contributions: L.G. and Z.-C.L. designed the research. Z.-C.L.
3. Y.-M. Wang, N. R. Sheeley, A. G. Nash, Astrophys. J. 383, 24. L. Gizon, A. C. Birch, Astrophys. J. 614, 472–489 (2004). measured the travel times. D.F. and C.S.H. computed the
431–442 (1991). 25. J. Zhao, K. Nagashima, R. S. Bogart, A. G. Kosovichev, sensitivity kernels for flows. M.P. and D.F. inverted the travel times.
4. L. L. Kitchatinov, Geomagn. Aeron. 56, 945–951 (2016). T. L. Duvall Jr., Astrophys. J. 749, L5 (2012). R.H.C. developed the flux-transport dynamo model. L.G. and
5. N. A. Featherstone, M. S. Miesch, Astrophys. J. 804, 67 26. L. Gizon, M. Rempel, Sol. Phys. 251, 241–250 (2008). R.H.C. wrote the draft paper. All authors discussed the results
(2015). 27. L. Gizon et al., Astron. Astrophys. 600, A35 (2017). and contributed to the final version of the paper. Competing
6. P. M. Giles, T. L. Duvall Jr., P. H. Scherrer, R. S. Bogart, Nature 28. D. C. Braun, A. C. Birch, Astrophys. J. 689, L161–L165 interests: The authors declare no competing interests. Data and
390, 52–54 (1997). (2008). materials availability: The MDI data were taken from the Joint
7. V. G. A. Böning, “Inferences of the deep solar meridional flow,” Science Operations Center (JSOC) export tool at http://jsoc.
29. R. Cameron, M. Schüssler, Science 347, 1333–1335 (2015).
thesis, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg (2017); for the period
30. R. H. Cameron, T. L. Duvall Jr., M. Schüssler, H. Schunker, May 1996 to April 2011. The HMI data were taken from the JSOC
Astron. Astrophys. 609, A56 (2018).
8. J. Zhao, R. S. Bogart, A. G. Kosovichev, T. L. Duvall Jr., export tool at
vw_v_45s for the period May 2010 to April 2019. The GONG merged
T. Hartlep, Astrophys. J. 774, L29 (2013). ACKN OWLED GMEN TS
velocity data (“mrvzi”) were taken from
9. S. P. Rajaguru, H. M. Antia, Astrophys. J. 813, 114 (2015). We thank R. Burston for help with the netDRMS data management archive/ for GONG dates 960501 to 190501.
10. R. Chen, J. Zhao, Astrophys. J. 849, 144 (2017). system. We thank H. Barucq and the Magique 3D team at Inria Our analysis software and the data necessary to reproduce our
11. K. Mandal, S. M. Hanasoge, S. P. Rajaguru, H. M. Antia, Bordeaux Sud-Ouest and Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour results are available on the Open Research Data Repository of the
Astrophys. J. 863, 39 (2018). (UPPA) for making the finite element wave solver Montjoie Max Planck Society (Edmond) at
12. Z.-C. Liang, L. Gizon, A. C. Birch, T. L. Duvall Jr., S. P. Rajaguru, available to us. SOHO is a project of international cooperation imeji/collection/0MJjNql7GfpEl5Mb.
Astron. Astrophys. 619, A99 (2018). between the European Space Agency (ESA) and NASA. The MDI
13. J. Schou et al., Astrophys. J. 567, 1234–1249 (2002). data are courtesy of the SOHO/MDI consortium. This work utilizes
14. J. W. Harvey et al., Science 272, 1284–1286 (1996). GONG and SOLIS (Synoptic Optical Long-term Investigations of the SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS
15. P. M. Giles, “Time-distance measurements of large-scale flows Sun) data obtained by the National Solar Observatory (NSO)
in the solar convection zone,” thesis, Stanford University Integrated Synoptic Program (NISP), managed by the NSO, the
Materials and Methods
(2000). Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy (AURA), Inc.
Figs. S1 to S14
16. A. G. Kosovichev et al., Sol. Phys. 170, 43–61 (1997). under a cooperative agreement with the National Science
Tables S1 and S2
17. Z.-C. Liang, D.-Y. Chou, Astrophys. J. 805, 165 (2015). Foundation. The HMI data used are courtesy of NASA (SDO) and
References (31–43)
18. P. H. Scherrer et al., Sol. Phys. 275, 207–227 (2012). the HMI science team. The sunspot numbers are from WDC-SILSO
19. J. Harvey, R. Tucker, L. Britanik, “High resolution upgrade of (World Data Center Sunspot Index and Long-term Solar 4 October 2019; accepted 4 May 2020
the GONG instruments” in Structure and Dynamics of the Observations), Royal Observatory of Belgium, Brussels. Funding: 10.1126/science.aaz7119

Gizon et al., Science 368, 1469–1472 (2020) 26 June 2020 4 of 4


PLASMONIC MATERIALS celles, induce phase transitions, or both. The

impact of cosurfactants on the aggregation
Micelle-directed chiral seeded growth on anisotropic behavior of surfactant molecules can also
be extended to the formation of chiral mi-
gold nanocrystals celles. For example, 1,1′-bi(2-naphthol) [BINOL],
a cosurfactant with axial chirality (i.e., atropiso-
Guillermo González-Rubio1*, Jesús Mosquera1*, Vished Kumar1, Adrián Pedrazo-Tardajos2, merism), can induce the formation of chirop-
Pablo Llombart3,4, Diego M. Solís5, Ivan Lobato2, Eva G. Noya4, Andrés Guerrero-Martínez3, tically active, giant, worm-like micelles (28).
José M. Taboada6, Fernando Obelleiro7, Luis G. MacDowell3, Sara Bals2†, Luis M. Liz-Marzán1,8,9† Considering the role of surfactants on the
synthesis of gold NCs and the possibility of
Surfactant-assisted seeded growth of metal nanoparticles (NPs) can be engineered to produce producing chiral micelles in the presence of
anisotropic gold nanocrystals with high chiroptical activity through the templating effect of chiral BINOL-like cosurfactants, we envisioned the
micelles formed in the presence of dissymmetric cosurfactants. Mixed micelles adsorb on gold nanorods, surfactant-assisted seeded growth of chiral
forming quasihelical patterns that direct seeded growth into NPs with pronounced morphological gold NCs. We hypothesized that elongated
and optical handedness. Sharp chiral wrinkles lead to chiral plasmon modes with high dissymmetry rod-like particles would have the ideal shape
factors (~0.20). Through variation of the dimensions of chiral wrinkles, the chiroptical properties to guide the adsorption of twisted, worm-like
can be tuned within the visible and near-infrared electromagnetic spectrum. The micelle-directed micelles on the gold surface into helix-like chi-
mechanism allows extension to other systems, such as the seeded growth of chiral platinum shells ral structures. To investigate both hypotheses,
on gold nanorods. This approach provides a reproducible, simple, and scalable method toward the we first performed a computational analysis
fabrication of NPs with high chiral optical activity. on an ideal system comprising cetyltrimethyl
ammonium chloride (CTAC) and BINOL. Mo-

lecular dynamics (MD) simulations revealed
hirality is a key signature of nature that to fabricate chiral gold NPs, their scalability that BINOL molecules induced the assembly of
can be found across length scales, from remains limited (9, 16). surfactants into chiral, worm-like aggregates.
subatomic particles, through molecules Advances in the colloidal synthesis of noble Such elongated micelles tend to coil around
and biological systems, to galaxies (1–3). metal NPs achieved during the past decades gold nanorods, which can thus be considered
Imparting handedness to selected mate- suggest realistic prospects for the production as templates for the seeded growth of aniso-
rials may provide important advantages in terms of plasmonic NCs with diverse morphologies, tropic NPs with chiral features.
of their interaction with living organisms, including chiral ones (17–19). The presence of Although experimental evidence of the
allowing the development of enantioselective chiral amino acids during growth can guide proposed idea was obtained using BINOL
catalysts or devices with spin selectivity in the formation of NCs with distinct handed- as a cosurfactant, the results of chiral growth
electron transport (4–6). For example, the ness. The most prominent example of this were largely improved by using its deriva-
demonstration of chiral plasmon modes in is the synthesis of helicoidal nanostructures tive 1,1′-binaphthyl-2,2′-diamine (BINAMINE).
noble metal nanocrystals (NCs) has drawn assisted by cysteine and glutathione. The en- The growth of plasmonic gold nanorods pat-
interest in the field of metamaterials and antioselective interaction of amino acids with terned with a complex chiral surface was
the design of enantioselective sensing probes chiral geometrical elements naturally appear- indeed confirmed by high-angle annular
(7–9). The fabrication of plasmonic nano- ing at particular NC facets, has been claimed dark-field scanning transmission electron
structures has thus become an active field of to induce the observed shape evolution into microscopy (HAADF-STEM) tomography. By
research (10–16). However, growing crystal- twisted geometries with high dissymmetry tuning the dimensions of the final nano-
line noble metals with dissymmetric mor- factors (11, 20). structures, high anisotropy factors (g-factor
phology is challenging (10–12). The formation In addition to chiral additives, the syn- ~0.20) were achieved within a wide wave-
of chiral plasmonic nanomaterials is usually thesis of colloidal chiral NPs requires surface length range (from 500 to beyond 1350 nm).
achieved by assembling achiral plasmonic ligands that prevent undesired aggregation Theoretical modeling of the optical properties
gold and silver nanoparticles (NPs) with mol- (11, 21). However, most of these capping agents highlights the importance of growing well-
ecular templates such as DNA, proteins, or poly- also play a role in the growth process and defined chiral wrinkles to obtain intense cir-
meric fibers (13–15). Although lithographic the resulting NC morphology (17, 22). Among cular dichroism (CD) responses.
approaches have been successfully applied the wide variety of ligands used for the syn- MD simulations confirmed that in the pres-
thesis of noble metal NCs, quaternary alkyl- ence of BINOL as a cosurfactant, CTAC can
ammonium halide (CTAX, where X = Cl or form giant cylindrical micelles that span
CIC biomaGUNE, Basque Research and Technology Alliance Br) surfactants are some of the most exten- across the simulation boxes (i.e., up to 60 nm
(BRTA), 20014 Donostia-San Sebastián, Spain. 2Electron sively investigated. Through the adsorption in length; Fig. 1A and fig. S1). Regarding their
Microscopy for Materials Research (EMAT), University of of CTAX micellar aggregates on certain crys- chiral nature, we observed that unit vectors
Antwerp, 2020 Antwerp, Belgium. 3Departamento de
Química Física, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 28040
tallographic facets, a wide variety of NP mor- between the local micellar center and the
Madrid, Spain. 4Instituto de Química Física Rocasolano, phologies have been obtained, including principal micellar axis were distributed heli-
CSIC, E-28006 Madrid, Spain. 5Department of Electrical nanorods, nanotriangles, and Platonic geo- cally, with the handedness being dictated by
and Systems Engineering, University of Pennsylvania,
Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA. 6Departamento de Tecnología
metries (17–19, 22–24). the choice of cosurfactant stereoisomer. This
de los Computadores y de las Comunicaciones, University of Recently, the addition of cosurfactants such effect can be shown by measuring the average
Extremadura, 10003 Cáceres, Spain. 7Departamento as aromatic molecules, fatty acids, or long- angle formed between pairs of vectors (fig. S2).
de Teoría de la Señal y Comunicaciones, University of Vigo, An achiral helix does not have any tendency to
chain alkyl alcohols has been shown to fur-
36310 Vigo, Spain. 8Ikerbasque, Basque Foundation for
Science, 48013 Bilbao, Spain. 9CIBER de Bioingeniería, ther improve the quality of colloidal gold coil into a particular direction, so the angle formed
Biomateriales y Nanomedicina (CIBER-BBN), 20014 NPs, and of nanorods in particular (25–27). between such vectors averages out to zero.
Donostia-San Sebastián, Spain. The ability of cosurfactants to intercalate In our simulations, the average angles not
*These authors contributed equally to this work.
†Corresponding author. Email: (S.B.); within CTAX surfactant aggregates has been only were finite but also appeared sinusoi- (L.M.L.-M.) proposed to increase the rigidity of the mi- dally correlated and displayed a well-defined

González-Rubio et al., Science 368, 1472–1477 (2020) 26 June 2020 1 of 5


improving chiral seeded growth. We hypothe-

sized that the use of stronger stabilizing agents
would help to direct the growth of more struc-
tured chiral wrinkles (32). We investigated
(R)-BINAMINE, an analog of (R)-BINOL in
which the hydroxyl functionalities are replaced
by amine moieties. Although the interaction of
amines with gold surfaces is moderately strong
(Au–N bond energy ~6 kcal/mol), the presence
of two amines in a chelating configuration
should ensure a greater affinity (33, 34). MD
simulations of the BINAMINE-CTAC system
confirmed the formation of chiral, worm-like
aggregates, similar to those for BINOL-CTAC,
with a helical distribution of unit vectors (fig.
S6). HAADF-STEM analysis of the particles
obtained by seeded growth in (R)-BINAMINE-
CTAC revealed the presence of gold nanorods
displaying a highly complex surface mor-
phology resembling an intricate network of
wrinkles (Fig. 2C and figs. S7 to S10). Scanning
electron microscopy (SEM) imaging of the
same NPs also revealed a complex surface struc-
ture (fig. S11).
Notwithstanding, proper understanding
of such complex structures demands a more
detailed characterization than that provided
Fig. 1. MD simulations of BINOL-CTAC micelles and their assembly on gold nanorods. by either HAADF-STEM or SEM, which only
(A) MD Simulations for (R)-BINOL-CTAC in solution. The aggregation of CTA+ (blue) in the presence of retrieve two-dimensional (2D) and surface
(R)-BINOL (red) results in chiral, worm-like aggregates spanning the whole simulation box 60 nm in information, respectively. We used HAADF-
length. (B) The shape of the micellar coil is described by a set of vectors along the principal micellar axis. STEM tomography, which has been shown to
The average angle between vectors is plotted as a function of their vertical distance for 60-nm-long be a powerful technique to investigate the 3D
rod-like micelles. The presence of (R)- or (S)-cosurfactant enantiomers in the micelles leads to coiling morphology of complex NCs. We prepared sim-
in opposite directions, as revealed by the sign of the average angle. (C and D) MD simulations for ilar particles, but with increasing dimensions,
(R)-BINOL-CTAC adsorbed onto a gold nanorod in axial and lateral views, respectively. using 130- × 29-nm gold nanorods as seeds and
characterized them with HAADF-STEM (see
the supplementary materials for synthetic de-
handedness (Fig. 1B). Because of the marked atropisomerism from BINOL into the giant tails). Electron tomography reconstructions of
atropisomerism of BINOL, we can assume that micelles and ultimately to gold nanorods. nanorods with the smallest degree of growth,
it could induce helical chirality onto the sur- On the basis of the simulation results, we i.e., 165 nm long and 73 nm thick, revealed the
factant aggregates, likely by a “sergeants and implemented experimentally the growth of presence of sharp wrinkles oriented in a seem-
soldiers” mechanism in which a chiral molecule chiral nanorods. (R)-BINOL was solubilized ingly radial direction and displaying tilt angles
directs many achiral molecules or atoms (29, 30). by surfactant micelles in aqueous solution between 0° and 45° with respect to the short
In this case, the adsorbed chiral micelles would at an optimum molar ratio of 40 and used to axis (Fig. 2D). Detailed analysis of the internal
assist chirality transfer during further deposition template the growth of preformed gold nano- structure suggested that the wrinkles grew
of metal atoms onto the nanorod surface. rods (130 ± 10 nm long, 29 ± 3 nm thick; for from the surface of the gold nanorod seed in a
We tested this effect by simulating a gold details, see Fig. 2A and the supplementary quasiradial direction up to ~15 to 20 nm in
nanorod immersed in an aqueous mixed solu- materials; note that (R)-BINOL is insoluble in height and with a constant width of 3 to 4 nm.
tion of CTAC and BINOL. Visual inspection water in the absence of surfactant). Prelim- The average intergroove separation was mea-
of the simulation results revealed that CTAC inary characterization by CD spectroscopy sured to be 2 to 3 nm (Fig. 2E), which is near the
and BINOL adsorbed into worm-like micelles revealed the appearance of moderate, chiral- 3.75-nm width of worm-like micelles obtained
coiled around the gold nanorod surface (Fig. localized surface plasmon resonance bands from MD simulations. This finding would sug-
1, C and D). Although no preferred orienta- (g-factor ~0.002; figs. S4 and S5). HAADF- gest a micelle-directed chiral growth of the
tion of the assembly was observed by the use STEM analysis of the NPs grown in the (R)- gold nanorods, as we initially hypothesized.
of different BINOL enantiomers in this case, BINOL and surfactant mixture revealed a The width of the wrinkles was compatible
in the absence of cosurfactant, the coil-like complex morphology characterized by the with the diffusion of metal ion–loaded CTAC
morphology was largely lost. Instead, small presence of wrinkles on the nanorod surface micelles from solution (35), leading to reduction
aggregates and a high fraction of individual (Fig. 2B and fig. S4). Previous theoretical and at available gold sites between (R)-BINAMINE-
surfactant molecules adsorbed on the gold experimental studies demonstrated that in- surfactant micelles on the nanorod surface.
surface (fig. S3). The simulations indicated tense CD responses are exhibited by NPs with By varying the concentration of nanorod
that chiral worm-like micelles likely formed distinct chiral distortions, stellated-like mor- seeds in the growth mixture, chiral nanorods
first and were subsequently adsorbed onto phologies, or both (9, 11, 31). were obtained with increased dimensions of
the gold nanorod. Thus, a complex cooperative Encouraged by the appearance of plasmonic 210 nm in length and 112 nm in thickness, and
chiral transfer mechanism would convey the bands in the CD spectra, our efforts focused on their surface was more entangled (Fig. 2F).

González-Rubio et al., Science 368, 1472–1477 (2020) 26 June 2020 2 of 5


Nonetheless, the presence of tilted wrinkles (Fig. 2G). Finally, even larger chiral nanorods animations of all discussed systems are pro-
was still visible and angles between 0° and (270 nm long and 175 nm thick) were in- vided as supplementary materials (movies
45° were again observed [between 0° and vestigated. Although the surface appeared S1 to S48).
–45° in the case of (S)-BINAMINE; fig. S9]. more undefined in this case (Fig. 2H), anal- Diffraction of ideal helical structures results
Analysis of the internal structure revealed ysis of the internal structure showed the in X-shaped patterns (36, 37). Thus, we applied
wrinkles of ~35 to 45 nm in height and a characteristic features described for the pre- fast Fourier transformations (FFTs) to our 3D
similar width to those in the smaller rods vious samples (Fig. 2I). For completeness, 3D reconstructions. We exemplify this analysis

Fig. 2. Growth of chiral gold nanorods in micellar systems and effects of by HAADF-STEM. Scale bars, 20 nm [(D) and (E)], 50 nm [(F) to (I)], and
size and shape. (A) TEM image of gold nanorods 130 nm in length and 29 in 10 nm [(J) and (K)]. Tomography reconstructions [(D), (F), and (H)] reveal
width used as seeds. (B) High-magnification HAADF-STEM image of a chiral gold their surface topography, and selected orthoslices show the growth of
nanorod grown in (R)-BINOL displaying a complex surface containing wrinkles. wrinkles from the gold nanorod seeds and the internal structure of the wrinkle
(C) HAADF-STEM image at low magnification of gold nanorods obtained in network [(E), (G) and (I)]. (J and K) Tomography reconstruction and selected
the presence of (R)-BINAMINE displaying a complex surface containing sharp orthoslice of an NP obtained by overgrowth of a 30-nm gold nanosphere in
wrinkles. Scale bars, 200 nm [(A) and (C)] and 100 nm (B). (D to I) Gold an (R)-BINAMINE-surfactant mixture. Scale bar, 100 nm. Corresponding
nanorods of 165 × 73 nm [(D) and (E)], 210 × 112 nm [(F) and (G)], and 270 × animated reconstructions are provided in movies S1 (D), S3 (E), S7 (F), S9 (G),
175 nm [(H) and (I)] grown in (R)-BINAMINE-surfactant mixtures were analyzed S18 (H), S20 (I), S43 (J), and S45 (K).

Fig. 3. Qualitative analysis of chiral features. (A) Tomog-

raphy reconstruction of a gold nanorod grown in an
(R)-BINAMINE-surfactant mixture (see also movie S7).
(B) Low-resolution HAADF-STEM image of chiral gold nanorods
obtained in the presence of (R)-BINAMINE. Scale bar, 100 nm.
(C) 3D FFT from which the inverse FFT was computed after
segmentation (see also movie S10). (D) Inverse FFT (see
also movie S12) showing the areas of the particle with chiral
features overlapped with the projection of the tomography,
indicating a right-handed angle. (E) Tomography reconstruction
in HAADF-STEM (left) and EDX (right, Pt displayed in green)
modes of an Au@Pt nanorod grown in an (R)-BINOL-surfactant
mixture (see also movies S24 and S25). (F) HAADF-STEM
image at low magnification of Au@Pt nanorods. Scale bar,
100 nm. (G) 3D FFT from which the inverse FFT was computed
after segmentation (see also movies S28 and S29).
(H) Inverse FFT (see also movie S30) showing the areas of
the particle with chiral features overlapped with the projection
of the tomography, indicating a right-handed lower angle.

González-Rubio et al., Science 368, 1472–1477 (2020) 26 June 2020 3 of 5


with chiral nanorods of 210 × 112 nm (Fig. 3, A ranges (10, 11). By extending the analysis fur-
and B), from which the 3D FFT indeed shows ther into the NIR, up to the limit of our CD
an X-shaped pattern (Fig. 3C); further details, spectrometer (1600 nm), we recorded even
as well as comparison with an idealized model higher dissymmetry factors of 0.25 to 0.28
(fig. S12), with a smooth nanorod (fig. S13), and (fig. S17). However, the noise in the 1400- to
with a (R)-BINOL-grown nanorod (fig. S13), 1500-nm range precluded us from obtaining
are provided in the supplementary materials. more compelling evidence to confirm the pre-
Next, the spots in reciprocal space can be linked cise values.
to the corresponding features in real space by When gold nanorods of different dimen-
manually segmenting the 3D FFT to minimize sions and degrees of anisotropy were used to
noise. By using the segmented 3D FFT as a mask seed the chiral growth (figs. S18 and S19), sim-
(see details in the supplementary materials), an ilar trends in optical activity were observed.
inverse FFT (38) was computed and overlayed However, the anisotropy factor was influ-
(pink fringes) with the original reconstruction, enced by the nanorod dimensions. In general,
as exemplified in Fig. 3D, so that the helical slightly lower g-factor values were obtained
features are visually highlighted. Although the when shorter and thinner gold nanorods were
use of a 3D FFT does not provide a quantita- used as seeds (100 × 12 nm; i.e., higher aspect
tive value such as, e.g., the Hausdorff chirality ratio), whereas a decrease was observed for
measure (39), it provides a qualitative and visual seeds with similar length to the optimal one
way to estimate the presence of chiral fea- but thicker in diameter (135 × 52 nm; i.e.,
tures. The inverse FFT enables direct location lower aspect ratio).
of specific periodicities at a local level. The relation between the chiral features
Fringes with a right-handed angle can be observed by electron microscopy and the
seen in Fig. 3D, and the wrinkles growing on chiroptical activity measured by CD spectros-
the sides of the gold nanorod seeds seemed copy was further investigated by electromag-
to display a better-defined chiral arrangement netic modeling. We used an accurate full-wave
than those located at the hemispherical tips. solver based on Maxwell’s surface integral equa-
The observation of a curvature-dependent tions and the method of moments to model the
growth was confirmed by a control experi- plasmonic properties of chiral gold nanorods
ment, in which seeded growth was performed (see the supplementary materials for details)
on 30-nm gold nanospheres (figs. S14 and S15). (40–42). Three-dimensional computer-aided
Although some chiral features could still be design (CAD) models were constructed on the
observed, the spheres yielded a more ran- basis of the information provided by the ex-
dom wrinkle organization, as revealed by the perimental electron tomography reconstruc-
corresponding HAADF-STEM tomography tions (Fig. 4B). Although suitable reproduction
reconstruction (Fig. 2, J and K), and further of the observed morphologies appeared chal-
supported by their 3D FFT and correspond- lenging, given the intricate network of wrinkles
ing inverse FFT (fig. S14). Accordingly, more Fig. 4. Effect of nanorod dimensions on chiral covering the chiral gold nanorod surface, we
intense plasmonic CD bands were recorded plasmonic activity. (A) Spectral evolution of the created models for the three different dimen-
when gold nanorods were used as seeds anisotropy factor for chiral Au nanorods with sions characterized by electron microscopy:
(g-factor ~0.2; Fig. 4A) compared with spheres increasing particle size: 165 × 73 nm (red), 210 × 165 × 73, 210 × 112, and 270 × 175 nm. To mimic
(g-factor ~0.003; fig. S15). 112 nm (blue), and 270 × 175 nm (magenta). the regions with wrinkles displaying differ-
Additional evidence behind the general val- (B) Models of chiral gold nanorods used to simulate ent angles, each rod was built with 16 helices
idity of this chiral growth method and the the chiral plasmonic properties (from left to right: having four leveled and four inclined steps per
proposed mechanism was provided by exper- 165 × 73, 210 × 112, and 270 × 175 nm). pitch (pitch of 90 nm). The wrinkle width was
iments in which we varied the nature of the (C) Calculated anisotropy factor spectra [from fixed at 3.5 nm and the separation distance
metal deposited during seeded growth. We left to right in (C): red, blue, and magenta]. between wrinkles was 2.5 nm.
thus implemented the seeded growth of Pt on The simulations revealed chiral plasmonic
(R)-BINOL-CTAC–covered gold nanorods using bands that shifted toward longer wavelengths
identical dimensions and similar growth con- We next demonstrate that the optical ac- with increasing nanorod dimensions, in agree-
ditions. Representative results in Fig. 3, E to H, tivity (CD bands) can be modulated by varying ment with the experimental results (Fig. 4C
show that seeded growth resulted in very reg- the dimensions of chiral nanorods (by varying and figs. S20 to S22). Differences in the an-
ular wrinkled platinum coating. The smaller the amount of seeds in the growth solution). isotropy factors can be attributed to the poly-
dimensions of the wrinkles, as well as the dif- In all cases, an intense negative Cotton effect dispersity in size and shape of the real sample,
ferent electron configuration between plati- was recorded for the (R)-enantiomer (29). As as well as the difficulty in modeling the exact
num and gold (see a 3D EDX reconstruction the size of the nanorods was increased from morphology of the NPs. Overall, our theo-
in Fig. 3E, right), allow a better distinction 165 × 73 up to 270 × 175 nm, the positive band retical model confirmed the origin of the plas-
of the obtained pattern. Although the tilting redshifted from 700 up to 1300 nm, and the monic chiroptical activity and the importance
angle is obviously lower than that measured maximum of the negative band shifted from of sharp wrinkles for the emergence of strong
for gold, a helical character is demonstrated 1100 up to beyond 1350 nm (fig. S16). Analysis CD responses. Replacement of BINAMINE by
by the 3D-FFT analysis (Fig. 3, G and H). of the anisotropy factor showed values ranging L-cysteine did not induce any clear modifica-
Unfortunately, the lossy character of platinum from 0.1 to 0.2 (Fig. 4A), which are among the tion on the CD signal obtained for chiral nano-
does not allow recording of meaningful plas- highest values reported for colloidal plasmonic rods synthesized with either (R)-BINAMINE
monic optical activity for these samples. NPs in the visible and near-infrared (NIR) or (S)-BINAMINE. A substantial modification

González-Rubio et al., Science 368, 1472–1477 (2020) 26 June 2020 4 of 5


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González-Rubio et al., Science 368, 1472–1477 (2020) 26 June 2020 5 of 5


EXOPLANETS (Fig. 1). The highest peaks were evaluated for

statistical significance (8, 9). We recursively
A multiplanet system of super-Earths orbiting added additional planet test signals, adjusting
all the parameters to maximize the likelihood
the brightest red dwarf star GJ 887 of all planet signals and the parameters of
the base model. We continued this iterative
S. V. Jeffers1*, S. Dreizler1, J. R. Barnes2, C. A. Haswell2, R. P. Nelson3, E. Rodríguez4, process until no signals below a threshold of
M. J. López-González4, N. Morales4, R. Luque5,6, M. Zechmeister1, S. S. Vogt7, J. S. Jenkins8,9, 0.1% false-alarm probability were found in
E. Palle5,6, Z. M. Berdiñas8, G. A. L. Coleman3,10, M. R. Díaz8, I. Ribas11,12, H. R. A. Jones13, the time series (fig. S1). We detected periodic
R. P. Butler14, C. G. Tinney15, J. Bailey15, B. D. Carter16, S. O’Toole17, R. A. Wittenmyer18, J. D. Crane19, signals at 9.3, 21.8, and 50.7 days (Fig. 1B) and
F. Feng14, S. A. Shectman19, J. Teske19, A. Reiners1, P. J. Amado4, G. Anglada-Escudé3,11,12 verified them using several independent fit-
ting procedures and algorithm implementa-
The closet exoplanets to the Sun provide opportunities for detailed characterization of planets tions (3). The regular sampling of the Red Dots
outside the Solar System. We report the discovery, using radial velocity measurements, of a compact #2 dataset helped to disentangle the signals
multiplanet system of super-Earth exoplanets orbiting the nearby red dwarf star GJ 887. The two planets under investigation (Fig. 1A).
have orbital periods of 9.3 and 21.8 days. Assuming an Earth-like albedo, the equilibrium temperature of Stellar magnetic activity can induce an asym-
the 21.8-day planet is ~350 kelvin. The planets are interior to, but close to the inner edge of, the metric distortion of the spectral lines, shifting
liquid-water habitable zone. We also detect an unconfirmed signal with a period of ~50 days, which could the measured line center and consequently in-
correspond to a third super-Earth in a more temperate orbit. Our observations show that GJ 887 has ducing an apparent RV shift, which may appear
photometric variability below 500 parts per million, which is unusually quiet for a red dwarf. as a false-positive exoplanet at the stellar rota-
tion period (10). The rotation period of GJ 887

is unknown, so we searched for periodicities
t visible wavelengths, GJ 887 (HD 217987) method of planet discovery efficiently detects in the photometric data (3). The archival data
is the brightest red dwarf in the sky and, planets because many stars can be simulta- from 2002–2004 show an ~200-day period,
at a distance of 3.29 pc, is the 12th closest neously monitored, it will detect only planets but this period was undetectable in the 2018
star system to the Sun. GJ 887 is the most that pass through the line of sight between quasi-simultaneous photometric observations
massive red dwarf within 6 pc of the Earth and the host star. Consequently, only because the time span is too short. Our analy-
Sun, which is close enough for a direct stellar 1 to 2% of habitable-zone planets (i.e., those sis of the TESS photometry shows very low
radius measurement using interferometry (1). with surfaces that can support liquid water) intrinsic variability, with a semi-amplitude of
GJ 887’s stellar parameters are listed in Table 1. are detectable with the transit method. The 240 parts per million. It is unclear whether
Red dwarfs are amenable to radial velocity RV method is necessary to achieve a complete the low photometric variability of the TESS
(RV) searches for temperate Earth-mass exo- census of the planets orbiting our closest stel- photometry is caused by systematic effects,
planets: their low luminosity means that tem- lar neighbors, especially red dwarfs. known to affect the TESS observations, but
perate planets have short orbital periods, and We monitored GJ 887 as part of the Red we use this value as an upper limit to the in-
their low stellar mass implies that Earth-mass Dots #2 project. Nightly observations were trinsic variability of GJ 887. The TESS variability
planets can impart a reflex RV detectable with taken with the High Accuracy Radial Velocity can be explained by one starspot, or a group of
current instrumentation. Although the transit Planet Searcher (HARPS) (2) for 3 months. starspots, with a total diameter of 0.3% of the
We also obtained contemporaneous photomet- stellar surface, indicating that GJ 887 is slowly
ric observations (3). Regular nightly sampling rotating with very few surface brightness in-
Institut für Astrophysik, Georg-August-Universität, 37077
combined with photometric observations mit- homogeneities (11). GJ 887 is less magnetically
Göttingen, Germany. 2School of Physical Sciences, The Open igates against false-positive exoplanet detec- active than most stars with the same effective
University, Milton Keynes MK7 6AA, UK. 3School of Physics tions caused by intrinsic stellar variability and temperature, as demonstrated by: the very low
and Astronomy, Queen Mary University of London, London
other sources of correlated noise. We supple- starspot coverage; low photometric variability;
E1 4NS, UK. 4Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía, Consejo
Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, 18008 Granada, ment our data with >200 archival observations, the activity metric derived from stellar Ca II H
Spain. 5Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias, 38205 La spanning nearly 20 years (3), from HARPS, the and K lines, logðR′ HK Þ ¼ 4:805 (12); and the
Laguna, Tenerife, Spain. 6Departamento de Astrofísica, Planet Finder Spectrograph (PFS) (4), the High- very low Ha activity (13).
Universidad de La Laguna, 38206 La Laguna, Tenerife,
Spain. 7University of California/Lick Observatory, University Resolution Echelle Spectrometer (HIRES) (5), The RV signals are detected in the Red
of California, Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, CA 95064, USA. and the University College London Echelle Dots # 2 HARPS data alone (Fig. 1A), so we
Departamento de Astronomia, Universidad de Chile, Spectrograph (UCLES) (6). We used photom- investigated additional spectral signatures of
Santiago, Chile. 9Centro de Astrofísica y Tecnologías Afines,
Santiago, Chile. 10Physikalisches Institut, Universität Bern, etry from various ground-based observatories stellar magnetic activity using this dataset. We
3012 Bern, Switzerland. 11Institut de Ciències de l’Espai, and the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite extracted a time series of the flux in the cores
Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Campus (TESS) spacecraft (7). Tables S3 and S4 list all of the Na I D, Ha, and Hb lines and calculated
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, E-08193 Bellaterra,
Spain. 12Istitut d’Estudis Espacials de Catalunya, E-08034
the data we used. the S-index, which is the ratio of flux in the
Barcelona, Spain. 13Centre for Astrophysics Research, We searched for a candidate planet by ad- cores in the Ca II H and K lines compared with
University of Hertfordshire, Hatfield AL10 9AB, UK. 14Earth ding a (circular) Keplerian orbit test signal to a the continuum (3). The S-index and Na D lines
and Planets Laboratory, Carnegie Institution for Science,
Washington, DC 20015, USA. 15Exoplanetary Science at
base model and measuring the improvement both show a weak signal at about 55 days,
University of New South Wales, School of Physics, University in the logarithm of the likelihood statistic (3). whereas the Ha and Hb lines show a weak sig-
of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW 2052, Australia. 16Centre The base model is composed of an offset and an nal at 38 days (fig. S5). These differing period-
for Astrophysics, University of Southern Queensland, instrumental jitter that are added to the measure- icities could reflect time scales of various
Springfield Central, QLD 4300, Australia. 17Australian
Astronomical Optics, Macquarie University, North Ryde, NSW ment uncertainties for each dataset. We used this stellar activity processes on the star, and de-
2113, Australia. 18Centre for Astrophysics, University of base model to generate log-likelihood periodograms spite being low in amplitude, they make a
Southern Queensland, Toowoomba, QLD 4350, Australia. for both the RV and photometric data and then planetary origin for RV signals in the 30-to-
The Observatories of the Carnegie Institution for Science,
Pasadena, CA 91101, USA. searched for signals by plotting the increase in 60-day domain less certain. None of these activ-
*Corresponding author. Email: the log-likelihood statistic against test period ity periodicities are close to the RV signals at

Jeffers et al., Science 368, 1477–1481 (2020) 26 June 2020 1 of 4


9.3 and 21.8 days, but they do make the RV without Gaussian processes (GPs) (3). All of third signal drops substantially when includ-
signal at 50.7 days questionable. the models including GPs improved the fit to ing a GP in the model, casting further doubts
Correlated noise—for example, that caused the data compared with those without, and the on its Keplerian nature. Table S4 lists the de-
by stellar activity—can be assessed using the amplitude of the signals with periods of 9.3 rived values and statistics from these models.
covariances between observations. To further and 21.8 days remained unchanged within their We conclude that the two signals with or-
test the planetary origin of the detected RV 1s uncertainty. The modeling of the correlated bital periods of 9.3 and 21.8 days correspond to
signals, we fitted maximum likelihood model noise using GPs therefore does not affect these two exoplanets, GJ 887 b and GJ 887 c, respectively.
functions using two planet models with and two signals. However, the significance of the The minimum masses of these planets (mp sini)

Fig. 1. Periodograms of the RV data.

(A) The log-likelihood (DIn L) period-
ogram obtained separately for all RV data
before 2018 (brown) and the Red Dots
#2 campaign (red). (B) The same search
for a first signal when combining all the
RV observations together. The vertical
green lines indicate our derived model
periods for GJ 887 b and GJ 887 c and the
third signal. The horizontal dashed lines in
both panels indicate the false alarm
probability (FAP) values.

Fig. 2. Time series of radial

velocity measurements. All RV
measurements are shown, with the
instruments used indicated in the
legend. “HARPS pre” and “HARPS
post” refer to data collected before
and after an instrument upgrade,
respectively. (A) Radial velocity
measurements over 18 years using
all instruments. The best-fitting
model with three Keplerian signals
is shown with a solid blue line.
(B) Zoom in on area indicated with
arrow in (A), showing the Red Dots
#2 observations. The three-planet
model is shown with a solid blue
line, and the two-planet model with
a solid orange line. It is uncertain
whether the ~50-day signal has a
planetary origin, but three periodic
modulations are required to fit the
observations. (C to E) The data
from (A), folded on the periods of
each candidate signal, after sub-
tracting the other signals. The best-
fitting model is shown as a solid
blue line.

Jeffers et al., Science 368, 1477–1481 (2020) 26 June 2020 2 of 4


are 4.2 ± 0.6 and 7.6 ± 1.2 Earth masses (M⊕), is mostly due to the poorly constrained ec- protoplanetary disc, they could have accreted
which makes them two super-Earth exopla- centricities. Given that the observations only either large amounts of water ice or just dry
nets with orbital semimajor axes (ap) of 0.068 provide upper limits on the eccentricities, we rocky silicates. As such, the planets may be
and 0.120 astronomical units (au). The inner investigated orbits that are assumed to be either water-rich or water-poor. At the end of
planet has an orbital eccentricity consistent initially circular (initial zero eccentricities). Even the gas disc lifetime, the resonant chains of
with zero, but the outer planet is more likely in this three-planet case, >99% of configura- planets can remain stable, yielding systems
to have a small nonzero eccentricity (Fig. 2). tions were found to be stable, meaning that similar to the seven-planet TRAPPIST-1 plan-
We regard the third signal at ~50 days as the presence of a third planet cannot be ruled etary system (22), or they can become unstable,
dubious and likely related to stellar activity. out using dynamic stability considerations. leading to collisions between planets and thus
The fits to our two-planet model and the two- The separations between the planets, in a nonresonant configuration (20). The GJ 887
planet + third signal model are shown in units of their spheres of gravitational influence planetary system appears to be more consist-
Fig. 2. (Hill radii), are ~19.1 for GJ 887 b and GJ 887 c ent with the latter scenario of unstable evolu-
The long-term dynamical stability of the or- and ~17.2 for GJ 887 c and GJ 887 d (if GJ 887 d tion. The presence of dynamical resonances
bits can also be used to test the physical plau- is real and has a mass of 8.3 M⊕); these values can be very sensitive to the existence or ab-
sibility of the system and investigate whether are consistent with the system having under- sence of additional planets. Consequently, if
it contains unusual configurations such as dy- gone dynamical relaxation (16). Dynamical relax- the third signal at 50.7 days is real or if addi-
namical resonances. We performed a dynamical ation in systems of super-Earths results in tional planets exist, this may result in a more
stability study (3) using the software package ~80% of planets having orbital eccentricities resonant system.
MERCURY6 (14). We find that all two-planet ep ≤ 0.1, with the remaining 20% having ep ≤ We used standard methods (23) to calculate
solutions are stable even if eccentricities are 0.3 (17). We examined the expected tidal evolu- the distances from GJ 887 within which planets
allowed to vary. The ratio of periods of these tion of GJ 887 b using analytical methods could support liquid water on their surfaces
two planets is close to 7:3, but the simulations (18, 19), finding that the tidal circularization [the star’s habitable zone (HZ)] and found
do not support the presence of a dynamical time scale of GJ 887 b is a few billion years for that it extends from ~0.19 to 0.38 au. With an
resonance, as there is an absence of oscillating an assumed tidal dissipation parameter Q′ p ¼ ap of 0.120 ± 0.004, GJ 887 c is closer to its host
orbital alignment variations (15). However, we 1000. The tidal evolution is consistent with our star than the HZ but near the inner edge. If the
find that the system must be in a dynamically observation that GJ 887 b’s orbit is almost ~50-day signal is planetary in origin, it cor-
active state, driving oscillatory changes in the circular. responds to a super-Earth in GJ 887’s HZ. As-
eccentricities of both planets. These interactions The multiplanet super-Earth system around suming an albedo, a, similar to Earth’s (a =
produce very regular variations, supporting GJ 887 is consistent with recent planet for- 0.3), the equilibrium temperature, Teq, of GJ 887
the hypothesis that the two-planet configu- mation models (20, 21). These models typi- b and GJ 887 c would be 468 and 352 K, re-
ration is dynamically stable on very long time cally form chains of multiple planets trapped spectively. Their incident energy fluxes from
scales. For a putative system with three planets, in mean-motion resonances that then migrate the star (the insolation S) are 7.95 and 2.56 times
only ~25% of the 1000 best-fitting models would into orbits close to the central star. Depending the Sun’s insolation on Earth. Figure 3 shows the
be dynamically stable over 105 years, but this on where the initial planets formed in the insolation of known planets orbiting M-type

Table 1. Stellar parameters for GJ 887 and parameters for GJ 887 b and GJ 887 c. The top half of the table lists parameters for GJ 887: the parallax in milliarcseconds
(mas), distance in parsecs (pc), V- and G-band magnitudes, stellar mass in solar masses (M⊙), metallicity relative to the Sun [Fe/H], luminosity and radius in solar units, projected
rotational velocity (vsini), and surface gravity log g. The stellar mass was computed using a mass-radius relation (26). The bottom half of the table lists parameters for GJ 887 b and GJ 887 c:
Kp is this amplitude, Pp is the period, Seff is the incident flux from GJ 887 in units of the incident flux on Earth from the Sun, and Teq is the equilibrium temperature of the planet.

Parameter Value Reference

Spectral type M1V (27)
Parallax (mas) 304.2190 ± 0.0451 (28)
Distance (pc) 3.2871 ± 0.0005 –
Magnitude V = 7.34, G = 6.522 (28)
Mass (M⊙) 0.489 ± 0.05 –
[Fe/H] −0.06 ± 0.08 (27)
Teff (K) 3688 ± 86 (27)
Luminosity (L⊙) 0.0368 ± 0.004 (27)
Radius (R ⊙ ) 0.4712 ± 0.086 (1, 29, 30)
vsini (km s−1) 2.5 ± 1.0 (31)

logR HK mean −4.805 ± 0.023 (12)
log (age/years) 9.46 ± 0.58 (27)
log g 4.78 (32)
Parameter GJ 887 b GJ 887 c
Kp (m s−1) 2:1þ0:3
0:2 2.8 ± 0.4
Pp (d) 9.262 ± 0.001 21:789þ0:004 0:005
m psini (M⊕) 4.2 ± 0.6 7.6 ± 1.2
p (au) 0.068 ± 0.002 0.120 ± 0.004
S eff,p (Seff,⊕) 7.95 ± 0.2 2.56 ± 0.2
Teq (K) 468 352

Jeffers et al., Science 368, 1477–1481 (2020) 26 June 2020 3 of 4


under NASA contract NAS 5–26555. Funding: S.V.J. acknowledges

the support of the German Science Foundation (DFG) Research Unit
FOR2544 “Blue Planets around Red Stars” project (JE 701/3-1) and
DFG priority program SPP 1992 “Exploring the Diversity of
Extrasolar Planets” JE 701/5-1. J.R.B. and C.A.H. acknowledge
support from STFC Consolidated Grants ST/P000584/1 and
ST/T000295/1. R.P.N. was supported by STFC Consolidated Grant
ST/P000592/1. E.R., M.J.L.-G., N.M., and P.J.A. acknowledge support
from the Spanish Agencia Estatal de Investigación through projects
AYA2017-89637-R, AYA2016-79425-C3-3-P, ESP2017-87676-C5-2-
R, and ESP2017-87143-R and the Centre of Excellence “Severo
Ochoa” Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía (SEV-2017-0709). E.P.
acknowledges support from the Spanish Agencia Estatal de
Investigación PGC2018-098153-B-C31 and ESP2016-80435-C2-2-
R. Z.M.B. acknowledges funds from CONICYT/FONDECYT
Postdoctorado 3180405. G.A.L.C. acknowledges support from the
Swiss National Science Foundation. M.R.D. acknowledges support
of CONICYT/PFCHA-Doctorado Nacional 21140646, Chile. I.R.
acknowledges support from the Spanish Ministry of Science and
Innovation and the European Regional Development Fund through
grants ESP2016-80435-C2-1-R and PGC2018-098153-B-C33 and
the Generalitat de Catalunya/CERCA program. H.R.A.J.
acknowledges support from the U.K. Science and Technology
Facilities Council grant ST/M001008/1. C.G.T. is supported by
Australian Research Council grants DP0774000, DP130102695,
and DP170103491. J.T. was supported by NASA through Hubble
Fellowship grant HST-HF2-51399.001 awarded by the Space
Telescope Science Institute, which is operated by the Association of
Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc., for NASA, under contract
Fig. 3. The incident flux (insolation) of planets orbiting M dwarf stars. The dashed vertical lines delimit NAS5-26555. G.A.-E. is supported by the Ministerio de Ciencia,
Innovación y Universidades Ramón y Cajal fellowship RYC-2017-
the habitable zone around GJ 887 for the maximum greenhouse planetary atmosphere (left) and the runaway
22489 and by the Science and Technology Facilities Council grant
greenhouse planetary atmosphere (right) (23). The solid vertical gray lines indicate the range of limits for the number ST/P000592/1. Author contributions: S.V.J. led the
host stars of all planets plotted; these stars have Teff ranging from 2400 to 4150 K (see color bar). GJ 887 b observing proposal and team coordination, participated in the data
and GJ 887 c are indicated by the large red pentagons. Proxima Cen, Proxima Centauri; d, distance. analysis, and wrote the manuscript. S.D. led the data analysis and
contributed to the writing of the manuscript. J.R.B. participated in
the writing of the observing proposal, simulations, and manuscript
review. C.A.H. participated in the writing of the observing proposal,
red dwarfs as a function of host star apparent 18. I. Dobbs-Dixon, D. N. C. Lin, R. A. Mardling, Astrophys. J. 610, final consistency checks, and writing of the manuscript. R.P.N.:
magnitude. GJ 887 has the brightest apparent 464–476 (2004). Contributed the discussion of planetary dynamics and manuscript
19. P. P. Eggleton, L. G. Kiseleva, P. Hut, Astrophys. J. 499, review. E.R.: ASH2 photometry, coordination of photometric
magnitude of any known M dwarf planet host. 853–870 (1998). observations, data analysis. M.J.L.G.: ASH2 photometry data
This brightness, combined with the high photo- 20. G. A. L. Coleman, R. P. Nelson, Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 457, reduction. N.M.: ASH2 photometry observer. R.L., M.Z., S.S.V., and
metric stability of GJ 887, exhibited in the TESS 2480–2500 (2016). J.S.J. ran the blind tests, data analysis, and manuscript review.
21. M. Lambrechts et al., Astron. Astrophys. 627, A83 (2019). E.P.: Data analysis and manuscript review. Z.M.B. and M.R.D.:
data, and the high planet-star brightness and 22. M. Gillon et al., Nature 542, 456–460 (2017). Contribution of HARPS data and manuscript review. G.A.L.C.:
radius ratios, make these planets potential tar- 23. R. K. Kopparapu et al., Astrophys. J. 787, L29 (2014). Contributed to the discussion of planet formation and manuscript
gets for phased-resolved photometric studies, 24. E. M. R. Kempton et al., Publ. Astron. Soc. Pac. 130, 114401 (2018). review. I.R., H.R.A.J., A.R., and P.J.A: Writing and review of
25. I. A. G. Snellen et al., Astron. J. 154, 77 (2017). manuscript. R.P.B.: AAT/PFS data collection and analysis. C.G.T.,
especially in emission (24). Spectrally resolved 26. A. Schweitzer et al., Astron. Astrophys. 625, A68 (2019). J.B., B.D.C., S.O., and R.A.W. were AAT/UCLES observers and
phase photometry has been shown to be sen- 27. A. W. Mann, G. A. Feiden, E. Gaidos, T. Boyajian, K. von Braun, reviewed the manuscript. J.D.C., F.F., S.A.S., and J.T. were PFS
sitive to the presence of an atmosphere and Astrophys. J. 804, 64 (2015). observers. G.A.E.: Writing of the observing proposal, data analysis,
28. Gaia Collaboration, Astron. Astrophys. 616, A1 (2018). and writing of the manuscript. Competing interests: There are no
molecules such as CO2 (25). competing interests to declare. Data and materials availability:
29. D. Ségransan, P. Kervella, T. Forveille, D. Queloz, Astron.
Astrophys. 397, L5–L8 (2003). The reduced RVs and photometric data are provided in data S1.
30. B.-O. Demory et al., Astron. Astrophys. 505, 205–215 (2009). Our HARPS raw data are available in the ESO archive (http://
31. M. K. Browning, G. Basri, G. W. Marcy, A. A. West, J. Zhang, under the program IDs listed in table S1. Reduced
1. T. S. Boyajian et al., Astrophys. J. 757, 112 (2012). HIRES RVs were taken from (33). The UCLES data are available
2. M. Mayor et al., Messenger 114, 20–24 (2003). Astron. J. 139, 504–518 (2010).
from the AAT archive (
3. See supplementary materials. 32. M. Rabus et al., Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 484, 2674–2683
by searching the coordinates RA ‘23:05:52h,’ Dec ‘-35:51:11d,’ a
4. J. D. Crane et al., Proc. SPIE 7735, 773553 (2010). (2019).
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5. S. S. Vogt et al., Proc. SPIE 2198, 362–375 (1994). 33. R. P. Butler et al., Astron. J. 153, 208 (2017).
our dynamical stability simulations, and our Gaussian processes fitting
6. F. Diego, A. Charalambous, A. C. Fish, D. D. Walker, Proc. SPIE code are available at
1235, 562–576 (1990). ACKN OWLED GMEN TS
The TESS photometry was retrieved from
7. G. R. Ricker et al., J. Astron. Telesc. Instrum. Syst. 1, 014003 We thank P. A. Peña Rojas for contributing results using the portal/Mashup/Clients/Mast/Portal.html, and the All Sky
(2015). EMPEROR code. This work is based on observations collected at Automated Survey (ASAS) photometry was retrieved from
8. R. V. Baluev, Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 393, 969–978 (2009). the European Organisation for Astronomical Research in the
9. I. Ribas et al., Nature 563, 365–368 (2018). Southern Hemisphere under European Southern Observatory
10. S. V. Jeffers et al., Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 438, 2717–2731 (ESO) programmes 0101.C-0516, 0101.C-0494, and 0102.C-0525.
(2014). This Report includes data gathered with the 6.5-m Magellan SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS
11. J. R. Barnes et al., Astrophys. J. 812, 42 (2015). Telescopes located at Las Campanas Observatory, Chile.
12. S. Boro Saikia et al., Astron. Astrophys. 616, A108 (2018). Photometric data were collected with the robotic 40-cm telescope
Materials and Methods
13. S. V. Jeffers et al., Astron. Astrophys. 614, A76 (2018). ASH2 at the SPACEOBS observatory (San Pedro de Atacama, Chile)
Figs. S1 to S11
14. J. E. Chambers, Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 304, 793–799 (1999). operated by the Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía (IAA). This paper
Tables S1 to S7
15. M. Perryman, The Exoplanet Handbook (Cambridge Univ. Press, includes data collected with the TESS mission, obtained from the
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ed. 2, 2018). Mikulski Archive for Space Telescopes (MAST) data archive at the
Data S1
16. B. Pu, Y. Wu, Astrophys. J. 807, 44 (2015). Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI). Funding for the TESS
17. S. T. S. Poon, R. P. Nelson, S. A. Jacobson, A. Morbidelli, Mon. mission is provided by the NASA Explorer Program. STScI is operated 9 August 2019; accepted 12 May 2020
Not. R. Astron. Soc. 491, 5595–5620 (2020). by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc., 10.1126/science.aaz0795

Jeffers et al., Science 368, 1477–1481 (2020) 26 June 2020 4 of 4


CORONAVIRUS contact (e.g., a handshake). Details are given

in the supplementary materials (SM, sections
Changes in contact patterns shape the dynamics of 1 and 2).
We analyzed a total of 1245 contacts reported
the COVID-19 outbreak in China by 636 study participants in Wuhan and 1296
contacts reported by 557 participants in Shanghai.
Juanjuan Zhang1, Maria Litvinova2, Yuxia Liang1, Yan Wang1, Wei Wang1, Shanlu Zhao3, Qianhui Wu1, In Wuhan, the average daily number of contacts
Stefano Merler4, Cécile Viboud5, Alessandro Vespignani6,2, Marco Ajelli4*†, Hongjie Yu1*† per participant was significantly reduced,
from 14.6 for the baseline period (mean contacts
Intense nonpharmaceutical interventions were put in place in China to stop transmission of the novel weighted by age structure: 14.0) to 2.0 for the
coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). As transmission intensifies in other countries, the interplay outbreak period (mean contacts weighted by
between age, contact patterns, social distancing, susceptibility to infection, and COVID-19 dynamics age structure: 1.9) (p < 0.001). The reduction in
remains unclear. To answer these questions, we analyze contact survey data for Wuhan and Shanghai contacts was significant for all stratifications
before and during the outbreak and contact-tracing information from Hunan province. Daily contacts by sex, age group, type of profession, and house-
were reduced seven- to eightfold during the COVID-19 social distancing period, with most interactions hold size (Table 1). A larger reduction was ob-
restricted to the household. We find that children 0 to 14 years of age are less susceptible to severe served in Shanghai, where the average daily
acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection than adults 15 to 64 years of age number of contacts decreased from 18.8 (mean
(odds ratio 0.34, 95% confidence interval 0.24 to 0.49), whereas individuals more than 65 years of age contacts weighted by age structure: 19.8) to 2.3
are more susceptible to infection (odds ratio 1.47, 95% confidence interval 1.12 to 1.92). Based on these (mean contacts weighted by age structure: 2.1).
data, we built a transmission model to study the impact of social distancing and school closure on Although an average individual in Shanghai
transmission. We find that social distancing alone, as implemented in China during the outbreak, is reported more contacts than one in Wuhan on
sufficient to control COVID-19. Although proactive school closures cannot interrupt transmission on their a regular weekday, this difference essentially
own, they can reduce peak incidence by 40 to 60% and delay the epidemic. disappeared during the COVID-19 outbreak
period. A similar decrease in the number of

contacts was found in the United Kingdom
he novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) infection and altered mixing patterns owing during the COVID-19 lockdown period (8).
epidemic caused by severe acute respi- to social distancing. Additionally, we project The typical features of age-mixing patterns
ratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS- the impact of social distancing and school (6, 7) emerge in Wuhan and Shanghai when we
CoV-2) began in Wuhan City, China, in closure on COVID-19 transmission. consider the baseline period (Fig. 1, A and D).
December 2019 and quickly spread glob- To estimate changes in age-mixing patterns These features can be illustrated in the form
ally, with 2,063,161 cases reported in 185 coun- associated with COVID-19 interventions, we per- of age-stratified contact matrices (provided as
tries or regions as of 16 April 2020 (1). A total of formed contact surveys in two cities: Wuhan, ready-to-use tables in the SM, section 3.6), where
82,692 cases of COVID-19, including 4632 deaths, the epicenter of the outbreak, and Shanghai, one each cell represents the average number of con-
have been reported in mainland China, includ- of the largest and most densely populated cities tacts that an individual has with other individ-
ing 50,333 cases in Wuhan City and 628 cases in southeast China. Shanghai experienced ex- uals, stratified by age groups. The bottom left
in Shanghai City (2). The epidemic in Wuhan tensive importation of COVID-19 cases from corner of the matrix, corresponding to contacts
and in the rest of China subsided after imple- Wuhan as well as local transmission (4). The between school-age children, is where the largest
mentation of strict containment measures and surveys were conducted from 1 February 2020 number of contacts is recorded. The contribu-
movement restrictions, with recent cases orig- to 10 February 2020, as transmission of COVID- tion of contacts in the workplace is visible in
inating from travel (3). However, key questions 19 peaked across China and stringent interven- the central part of the matrix, and the three
remain about the age profile of susceptibility tions were put in place. Participants in Wuhan diagonals (from bottom left to top right) rep-
to infection, how social distancing alters age- were asked to complete a questionnaire de- resent contacts between household members.
specific contact patterns, and how these factors scribing their contact behavior (5, 6) on two By contrast, for the outbreak period when
interact to affect transmission. These ques- different days: (i) a regular weekday between strict social distancing policies were in place,
tions are relevant to the choice of control pol- 24 December 2019 and 30 December 2019, many of the above-mentioned features dis-
icies for governments and policy-makers before the COVID-19 outbreak was officially appear, essentially leaving the sole contri-
around the world. In this study, we evaluate recognized by the Wuhan Municipal Health bution of household mixing (Fig. 1, B and E).
changes in mixing patterns linked to social Commission (used as baseline); and (ii) the day In particular, assortative contacts between
distancing by collecting contact data in the before the interview (outbreak period). Partic- school-age individuals are fully removed, as
midst of the epidemic in Wuhan and Shanghai. ipants in Shanghai were asked to complete the illustrated by differencing baseline and out-
We also estimate age differences in susceptibil- same questionnaire used for Wuhan but only break matrices (Fig. 1, C and F). Overall, con-
ity to infection based on contact-tracing data report contacts for the outbreak period. For tacts during the outbreak mostly occurred at
gathered by the Hunan Provincial Center for the baseline period in Shanghai, we relied on home with household members (94.1% in
Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), China. a survey conducted in 2017–2018 that followed Wuhan and 78.5% in Shanghai). Thus, the
Based on these empirical data, we developed a the same design (7). In these surveys, a contact outbreak contact matrix nearly coincides with
mathematical disease transmission model to was defined as either a two-way conversation the within-household contact matrix in both
disentangle how transmission is affected by involving three or more words in the physical study sites, and the pattern of assortativity by
age differences in the biology of COVID-19 presence of another person or a direct physical age observed for regular days almost entirely

School of Public Health, Fudan University, Key Laboratory of Public Health Safety, Ministry of Education, Shanghai, China. 2ISI Foundation, Turin, Italy. 3Hunan Provincial Center for Disease
Control and Prevention, Changsha, China. 4Bruno Kessler Foundation, Trento, Italy. 5Division of International Epidemiology and Population Studies, Fogarty International Center, National Institutes
of Health, Bethesda, MD, USA. 6Laboratory for the Modeling of Biological and Socio-technical Systems, Northeastern University, Boston, MA, USA.
*These authors contributed equally to this work.
†Corresponding author. Email: (M.A.); (H.Y.)

Zhang et al., Science 368, 1481–1486 (2020) 26 June 2020 1 of 6


Fig. 1. Contact matrices by age. (A) Baseline period contact matrix for distribution of the actual population of Wuhan. Every cell of the matrix
Wuhan (regular weekday only). Each cell of the matrix represents the represents an average over 100 bootstrapped realizations. (B) Same as (A),
mean number of contacts that an individual in a given age group has with but for the outbreak contact matrix for Wuhan. (C) Difference between
other individuals, stratified by age groups. The color intensity represents the the baseline period contact matrix and the outbreak contact matrix in
number of contacts. To construct the matrix, we performed bootstrap Wuhan. (D) Same as (A), but for Shanghai. (E and F) Same as (B) and (C),
sampling with replacement of survey participants weighted by the age but for Shanghai.

disappears (SM, section 3.6). These findings distancing was in place and strictly enforced medical observation for 14 days and were tested
are consistent with trends in within-city mo- by the government, even if the anonymity and using real-time reverse transcription polymer-
bility data, which indicate an 86.9% drop in confidentiality of the survey were emphasized. ase chain reaction (RT-PCR). Those who tested
Wuhan and 74.5% drop in Shanghai between However, results are robust to inflating reported positive were considered as SARS-CoV-2 infec-
early January and early February (see SM, contacts outside of the home severalfold, sug- tions. We estimated the odds ratios (ORs) for a
section 4). Such a large decrease in internal gesting that these compliance and social accept- contact of a certain age group to be infected,
mobility is consistent with most of the con- ability biases linked to the outbreak period do relative to a reference age group. We performed
tacts occurring in the household during the not affect our main findings (SM, section 8.2). generalized linear mixed model regression to
outbreak period. Of note, the strict social dis- Another caveat is that in parallel to population- account for clustering and potential correlation
tancing measures implemented in Wuhan and level social distancing measures, case-based in- structure of contacts exposed to the same index
Shanghai did not entirely zero out contacts in terventions were implemented and could have case (e.g., in the household). We included the
the workplace, because essential workers con- affected contacts, including rapid isolation of age group and gender of a contact, type of
tinued to perform their activities (as observed confirmed and suspected cases and quarantine contact, and whether the contact traveled to
in our data; see SM, section 3.5). of close contacts for 14 days. However, only a Hubei or Wuhan as regression covariates (SM,
The estimated mixing patterns are based on small portion of the population in the two study section 5). We found that susceptibility to
self-reported contacts that can thus be affected sites was affected by contact tracing and quar- SARS-CoV-2 infection increased with age.
by various biases. In particular, reported con- antine, thus having little to no effect on average Young individuals (aged 0 to 14 years) had
tacts for the baseline period in Wuhan may be contact patterns in the general population. a lower risk of infection than individuals
prone to recall bias because contacts were as- Next, to understand the interplay between aged 15 to 64 years {OR = 0.34 [95% confidence
sessed retrospectively. Further, because of the social distancing interventions, changes in hu- interval (CI): 0.24 to 0.49], p < 0.0001}. By
retrospective nature of the baseline survey man mixing patterns, and outbreak dynamics, contrast, older individuals aged 65 years and
in Wuhan, we were unable to account for the we need to consider potential age differences older had a higher risk of infection than adults
lower number of contacts during weekends. in susceptibility to infection. This is currently aged 15 to 64 years [OR = 1.47 (95% CI: 1.12 to
The more complete data from Shanghai did a topic of debate, because little information on 1.92), p = 0.005]. These findings are in con-
not suffer recall bias and allowed us to weight the age profile of asymptomatic cases is avail- trast with a previous study in Shenzhen, where
contacts for weekdays and weekends; sensi- able (9, 10). To this aim, we analyzed COVID-19 susceptibility to infection did not change with
tivity analyses suggest that this has little impact contact-tracing information gleaned from de- age (9).
on results (SM, section 8.3). Another possible tailed epidemiological field investigations con- Next, we explore how our data can inform
bias is that survey participants may have felt ducted by the Hunan CDC (SM, section 5). control strategies for COVID-19. A key param-
pressure to minimize reported contacts that Briefly, all close contacts of COVID-19 cases eter regulating the dynamics of an epidemic
occurred during the outbreak, given that social reported in Hunan province were placed under is the basic reproduction number (R0), which

Zhang et al., Science 368, 1481–1486 (2020) 26 June 2020 2 of 6


Fig. 2. Effect of contact patterns on the

epidemic spread. (A) Estimated R0 during the
outbreak (mean and 95% CI), as a function of
baseline R0 (i.e., that derived by using the
contact matrix estimated for the baseline
period). The figure refers to Wuhan and
includes both the scenario accounting for the
estimated susceptibility to infection by age
and the scenario where we assume that all
individuals are equally susceptible to infection.
The distribution of the transmission rate is
estimated through the next-generation matrix
approach by using 100 bootstrapped contact
matrices for the baseline period to obtain the
desired R0 values. We then use the estimated
distribution of the transmission rate and the
bootstrapped outbreak contact matrices to
estimate R0 for the outbreak period. The
95% CIs account for the uncertainty on the
distribution of the transmission rate, mixing
patterns, and susceptibility to infection
by age. (B) Same as (A), but for Shanghai.
(C) Infection attack rate 1 year after the initial
case of COVID-19 (mean and 95% CI) as a
function of the baseline R0. The estimates are
made by simulating the SIR transmission model
(see SM) using the contact matrix for the
baseline period and considering the estimated
susceptibility to infection by age and assuming
that all individuals are equally susceptible to
infection. The 95% CIs account for the uncertainty
on the mixing patterns and susceptibility to
infection by age. (D) Same as (C), but for Shanghai.

corresponds to the average number of sec- and 3.5 (12–18). In this analysis, we extended to 92% after a year of SARS-CoV-2 circula-
ondary cases generated by an index case in a this range from 1 to 4 for the baseline period tion, with slight variation between Wuhan
fully susceptible population. We estimated the (i.e., before interventions). We find that the (Fig. 2C) and Shanghai (Fig. 2D). These esti-
impact of interventions on R0, relying on our considerable changes of mixing patterns ob- mates should be considered as an upper bound
age-specific estimates of susceptibility to in- served in Wuhan and Shanghai during the of the infection attack rate because they are
fection and contact patterns before and during social distancing period led to a drastic de- based on a compartmental model that does
interventions. We used the next-generation crease in R0 (Fig. 2). When we consider con- not account for high clustering of contacts
matrix approach to quantify changes in R0 tact matrices representing the outbreak period, (e.g., repeated contacts among household mem-
(11) (SM, section 6). Additionally, to illustrate keeping the same baseline disease transmis- bers). If we consider a scenario in which so-
the impact of age-mixing patterns on the dy- sibility as in the preintervention period, the cial distancing measures are implemented
namics of the epidemic, we developed a simple reproductive number drops well below the early on, as the new virus emerges, the esti-
SIR model of SARS-CoV-2 transmission (SM, epidemic threshold in Wuhan (Fig. 2A) and mated R0 remains under the epidemic thresh-
section 6). In the model, the population is Shanghai (Fig. 2B). This finding is robust to old and thus the epidemic cannot take off in
divided into three epidemiological categories: relaxing assumptions about age differences in either location. Furthermore, we estimate that
susceptible, infectious, and removed (either susceptibility to infection; the epidemic is still the magnitude of interventions implemented
recovered or deceased individuals), stratified well controlled if SARS-CoV-2 infection is as- in Wuhan and Shanghai would have been
by 14 age groups. Susceptible individuals can sumed to be equally likely in all age groups enough to block transmission for an R0 before
become infectious after contact with an in- (Fig. 2, A and B). We also performed sensitivity the interventions of up to ~6 in Wuhan and
fectious individual according to the estimated analyses regarding possible recall and compli- ~7.8 in Shanghai.
age-specific susceptibility to infection. The ance biases of self-reported contacts as well as Next, we use the model to estimate the im-
rate at which contacts occur is determined by the definition of contact (i.e., considering only pact of preemptive mass school closure. We
the estimated mixing patterns of each age contacts lasting more than 5 min). The results considered two different contact pattern sce-
group. The mean time interval between two are consistent with those reported here (SM, narios, based on data from Shanghai: con-
consecutive generations of cases was taken to section 8). tacts estimated during vacation periods (7) and
be 5.1 days, assuming it aligns with the mean of In an uncontrolled epidemic (without inter- contacts estimated during regular weekdays,
the serial interval reported by Zhang et al. (3). vention measures, travel restrictions, or sponta- after all contacts occurring in school settings
In the early phases of COVID-19 spread in neous behavioral responses of the population) have been removed (7). Both scenarios repre-
Wuhan, before interventions were put in place, and for R0 in the range of 2 to 3, we estimate the sent a simplification of a school closure strat-
R0 values were estimated to range between 2.0 mean infection attack rate to be in the range 53 egy. Indeed, school closures in response to the

Zhang et al., Science 368, 1481–1486 (2020) 26 June 2020 3 of 6


Fig. 3. Effect of limiting

school contacts on the
epidemic spread.
(A) Estimated R0 during
the outbreak (mean
and 95% CI), as a function
of baseline R0 (i.e., that
derived by using the
contact matrix estimated
for the baseline period).
The figure refers to
Shanghai and the scenario
accounting for the esti-
mated susceptibility to
infection by age. Three
contact patterns are
considered: (i) as esti-
mated during the COVID-19
outbreak, (ii) as estimated
during school vacations
(7), and (iii) as estimated
for the baseline period, but
suppressing all contacts
at school. (B) Daily inci-
dence of new SARS-CoV-2
infections (mean and
95% CI), as estimated
by the SIR model,
assuming age-specific
susceptibility to infection
(see SM). Three mixing
patterns are considered:
(i) as estimated for the
baseline period, (ii) as
estimated during school vacations (7), and (iii) as estimated for the baseline period, but suppressing all contacts at school. The inset shows the infection attack
rate 1 year after the introduction of the first COVID-19 case (mean and 95% CI). (C) Same as (A), but assuming equal susceptibility to infection by age.
(D) Same as (B), but assuming equal susceptibility to infection by age.

COVID-19 pandemic in China have entailed reduced by about 64%. In the corresponding ences in susceptibility to infection are based on
interruption of all educational on-site services. scenario where school contacts are removed, active testing of 7375 contacts of 136 confirmed
However, mixing patterns measured during we estimate a reduction of about 42%. Over- index cases. These data suffer from the usual
school vacations indicate that a fraction of all, school-based closure policies are not suffi- difficulties inherent to the reconstruction of
children still attend additional educational cient to entirely prevent a COVID-19 outbreak, epidemiological links and detection of index
activities, as is typical in Chinese cities. On the but they can affect disease dynamics and cases. Contact data are useful, but seroepide-
other hand, when removing all contacts in hence hospital surge capacity. It is important miology studies will be essential to fully re-
the school setting, we do not consider poten- to stress that individuals aged 5 to 19 years in solve population susceptibility profiles to
tial trickle-down effects on the mixing patterns Shanghai represent 9.5% of the population SARS-CoV-2 infection and disease. Although
of other age groups; for instance, parents may (19), markedly lower than the mean in China the age patterns of contacts were similar in
need to leave work to take care of school-age [16.8% (19)] and other countries [including the two study locations during the COVID-19
children. Our modeling approach indicates Western countries; e.g., 19.7% in the United outbreak period, these patterns may not be
that limiting contact patterns to those observed States (20)]. fully representative of other locations in China
during vacations would interrupt transmis- The results of this study should be considered and abroad, where social distancing measures
sion for baseline R0 up to 1.5 (Fig. 3, A and C). in light of the following limitations. In our sim- may differ. Because reliable estimates of the
Removing all school contacts would do the ulation model, we estimated the effect of social contribution of asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 in-
same for baseline R0 up to 1.2. If we apply these distancing alone; combining social distancing fections to transmission are still lacking, we
interventions to a COVID-19 scenario, assum- with other interventions would have a syner- did not explicitly model differences between
ing a baseline R0 of 2 to 3.5, we can achieve a gistic effect to even further reduce transmission. symptomatic and asymptomatic individuals.
noticeable decrease in infection attack rate It is likely that population-wide social distanc- We considered a serial interval of 5.1 days (3),
and peak incidence and a delay in the epi- ing, case-based strategies, and decontamina- based on a prior estimate from China, at a
demic, but transmission is not interrupted tion efforts all contributed to achieve control time when case-based and contact-tracing
(Fig. 3, B and D). For instance, for a baseline in Wuhan and Shanghai, and their effect is intervention measures were in place, which
R0 of 2.5 and assuming a vacation mixing difficult to separate out in retrospective ob- tends to shorten the interval between suc-
pattern, the mean peak daily incidence is servational studies. Our estimates of age differ- cessive cases. However, this choice does not

Zhang et al., Science 368, 1481–1486 (2020) 26 June 2020 4 of 6


Table 1. Number of contacts by demographic characteristics and location. N is the number of participants who provided non-missing contact data.

Wuhan Shanghai
Baseline period COVID-19 outbreak Baseline period COVID-19 outbreak
N Mean N Mean Difference§ N Mean N Mean Difference§
(%)† (95% CI‡) (%)† (95% CI‡) (%) (95% CI‡) (%) (95% CI‡)
624 14.6 627 2 965 18.8 557 2.3
Overall 12.6*** 16.4***
(100.0) (12.9, 16.3) (100.0) (1.9, 2.1) (100.0) (17.8, 19.8) (100.0) (2, 2.8)
300 14.5 301 1.8 474 19 286 2.1
Male 12.6*** 16.9***
(48.1) (12.2, 17.1) (48) (1.7, 2) (49.1) (16.9, 21) (51.3) (1.9, 2.4)
324 14.7 326 2.1 491 18.5 271 2.6
Female 12.5*** 16***
(51.9) (12.5, 17.1) (52) (2, 2.3) (50.9) (16.8, 20.4) (48.7) (2.1, 3.6)
Age group
12 8.6 12 2.2 88 11.6 14 1.9
0–6 years 6.4*** 9.7***
(1.9) (3.4, 17.4) (1.9) (1.7, 2.8) (9.1) (9.2, 14.3) (2.5) (1.7, 2.2)
79 16.2 79 2.1 141 27 55 2.6
7–19 years 14.1*** 24.5***
(12.7) (12.7, 19.6) (12.6) (2, 2.2) (14.6) (23.1, 30.7) (9.9) (2, 3.4)
254 15.3 256 2.1 236 22.4 254 2.2
20–39 years 13.2*** 20.2***
(40.7) (12.8, 18) (40.8) (1.9, 2.2) (24.5) (19.8, 25.9) (45.6) (2, 2.5)
221 13.8 220 2 233 19.9 160 2.8
40–59 years 11.8*** 17.1***
(35.4) (11.4, 16.7) (35.1) (1.8, 2.2) (24.1) (17.7, 23.3) (28.7) (2, 4.1)
58 13.9 60 1.4 267 12.6 74 1.6
≥60 years 11.6*** 11***
(9.3) (7.9, 20.7) (9.6) (1.2, 1.7) (27.7) (10.8, 14.7) (13.3) (1.3, 1.8)
Type of profession
12 8.6 12 2.2 79 10.4 14 1.9
Preschool 6.4*** 8.5***
(1.9) (3.4, 17.4) (1.9) (1.7, 2.8) (8.2) (8, 13.3) (2.5) (1.7, 2.1)
107 14.6 107 2.1 173 26.2 71 2.5
Student 12.5*** 23.7***
(17.1) (11.4, 18.2) (17.1) (2, 2.3) (17.9) (23.1, 29.2) (12.7) (2, 3.4)
391 15.4 390 2.1 400 22.5 354 2.5
Employed 13.2*** 20***
(62.7) (13.4, 17.4) (62.2) (1.9, 2.2) (41.5) (20.7, 24.4) (63.6) (2.1, 3.2)
Working-age not in 30 14.1 31 1.8 29 14.5 24 1.8
12.2*** 12.6***
the labor force (4.8) (5.7, 24.2) (4.9) (1.4, 2.4) (3) (7.8, 24.2) (4.3) (1.3, 2.4)
84 12.1 87 1.5 278 11.8 94 1.6
Retired 10.6*** 10.2***
(13.5) (7.2, 17.4) (13.9) (1.3, 1.7) (28.8) (10.2, 13.2) (16.9) (1.3, 1.8)
Household size
45 10.5 45 0.6 35 15.2 61 0.3
1 9.9*** 14.9***
(7.2) (5.3, 17.2) (7.2) (0.1, 1.5) (3.6) (10.1, 21.1) (11) (0.1, 0.5)
73 12.6 76 1.1 244 14.5 138 1.4
2 11.5*** 13.1***
(11.7) (8.2, 18.3) (12.1) (1, 1.2) (25.3) (12.7, 16.7) (24.8) (1.1, 1.7)
282 14.8 283 1.9 432 20.3 216 2.2
3 13*** 18.1***
(45.2) (12.8, 17.3) (45.1) (1.8, 2) (44.8) (17.7, 22.4) (38.8) (2, 2.3)
133 11.9 132 2.3 117 20.3 78 3
4 9.6*** 17.3***
(21.3) (9.3, 15) (21.1) (2.2, 2.5) (12.1) (16.5, 23.8) (14) (2.8, 3.3)
91 21.5 91 3.2 137 21.4 64 5.9
≥5 17.8*** 15.5***
(14.6) (16.2, 27.3) (14.5) (2.9, 3.4) (14.2) (18.2, 27) (11.5) (4, 9.9)

†Can differ from total sample size (N = 636) because it also includes participants who had not recorded contacts during the baseline period or during the COVID-19 outbreak. Note that reduced
denominators indicate missing data. Percentages may not total 100 because of rounding. ‡The 95% CIs on the mean are calculated by bootstrap sampling. §Difference is calculated by
the subtraction of the number of contacts during the outbreak from the number of contacts during the baseline period. p values are taken from a negative binomial regression with a single binary
variable distinguishing the baseline period from the outbreak. *p < 0.05; **p < 0.01; ***p < 0.001.

affect the estimated changes in reproduction increased awareness of the population (21, 22). preemptive strategy on the infection attack
number between the baseline and outbreak Finally, it is worth noting that our school clo- rate and peak incidence. To generalize these
periods. Modeling results may underestimate sure simulations are not meant to formulate findings to other contexts, location-specific
the effect of social distancing interventions a full intervention strategy, which would re- age-mixing patterns and population struc-
because our results concentrate on the num- quire identification of epidemic triggers to tures should be considered. Perhaps most
ber of contacts and ignore the type of social initiate closures and evaluation of different importantly, strict lockdown strategies of
interactions (e.g., increased distance between durations of intervention (6). Nonetheless, the kind implemented in Wuhan, Shanghai,
individuals while in contact or use of a face our modeling exercise provides an indica- and other regions of the world are extremely
mask), which may have changed owing to tion of the possible impact of a nationwide disruptive economically and mentally, and

Zhang et al., Science 368, 1481–1486 (2020) 26 June 2020 5 of 6


more targeted approaches to block transmis- 9. Q. Bi et al., medRxiv 2020.03.03.20028423 [Preprint]. University for their helpful comments on the manuscript
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13. J. M. Read, J. R. Bridgen, D. A. Cummings, A. Ho, C. P. Jewell, funder of the study had no role in study design, data collection,
and the resulting changes in human behavior, data analysis, data interpretation, or writing of the report.
medRxiv 2020.01.23.20018549 [Preprint]. 28 January 2020;
drastically decreased daily contacts, essentially S.M. and M.A. acknowledge financial support from the
reducing them to household interactions. This 14. Q. Li et al., N. Engl. J. Med. 382, 1199–1207 (2020). European Commission H2020 MOOD project. Author
contributions: M.A. and H.Y. are joint senior authors. H.Y.
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wrote the manuscript. A.V. edited the manuscript. Competing
tured by data on within-household contacts, media/imperial-college/medicine/sph/ide/gida-
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which are available for several countries around 01-2020.pdf.
H.Y. has received research funding from Sanofi Pasteur,
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Company, and Shanghai Roche Pharmaceutical Company.
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egies, along with large-scale testing and contact 19. National Bureau of Statistics, China census data (2020);
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materials availability: All data and code are available in the
20. United Nations, World population prospects 2019 (2019);
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main text or the supplementary materials or at Zenodo (29).
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Zhang et al., Science 368, 1481–1486 (2020) 26 June 2020 6 of 6


QUANTUM OPTICS of the unit element is 200 nm and the height

of the nanopillars is 800 nm [design details of
Metalens-array–based high-dimensional the metalens are in the supplementary mate-
rials (13)]. The image of the focal spot array of
and multiphoton quantum source the pump laser, with a wavelength of 404 nm
(Fig. 1E), shows that the measured focusing
Lin Li1,2,3,4*, Zexuan Liu1,5,6*, Xifeng Ren7,8*, Shuming Wang1,5,6*†, Vin-Cent Su9, Mu-Ku Chen2,3,10, efficiency of each metalens has a uniform value
Cheng Hung Chu3,10, Hsin Yu Kuo3,10, Biheng Liu7,8, Wenbo Zang1,6, Guangcan Guo7,8, of 56.0 ± 6.6%, owing to the precise fabrica-
Lijian Zhang1,5,6†, Zhenlin Wang1,6†, Shining Zhu1,5,6†, Din Ping Tsai2,3,10† tion (fig. S1).
When a pump laser is incident on the
The development of two-dimensional metasurfaces has shown great potential in quantum-optical metalens array, a 10 × 10 array of focal spots
technologies because of the excellent flexibility in light-field manipulation. By integrating a metalens is formed inside the BBO crystal. Each of the
array with a nonlinear crystal, we demonstrate a 100-path spontaneous parametric down-conversion spots can trigger a SPDC process and generate
photon-pair source in a 10 × 10 array, which shows promise for high-dimensional entanglement a pair of photons in a probabilistic manner.
and multiphoton-state generation. We demonstrate two-, three- and four-dimensional two-photon The phase-matching condition of the BBO
path entanglement with different phases encoded by metalenses with fidelities of 98.4, 96.6, and crystal is designed to ensure that each photon
95.0%, respectively. Furthermore, four-photon and six-photon generation is observed with high pair has two well-defined beam-like spatial
indistinguishability of photons generated from different metalenses. Our metalens-array–based modes (28). The uniform intensity and spatial
quantum photon source is compact, stable, and controllable, indicating a new platform for distributions of these focal spots enable the
integrated quantum devices. further realization of high-dimensional en-
tangled and multiphoton quantum photonic

sources. As a preliminary test, a vertically po-
uantum optical systems, benefiting from ment of high fidelity with large dimensional- larized diode laser (404 nm, 100 mW) is inci-
the fast speed, long coherence time, ver- ity for practical applications. Photonic quantum dent on the metalens–BBO system. An array
satile controllability, and large infor- computation and metrology rely on multi- of 10 × 10 SPDC photon pairs with nearly
mation capacity of photons, is one of photon states, which can be synthesized with equal intensities is observed with an electron-
the most attractive physical systems for multiple single-photon sources from spon- multiplying charge-coupled device (EMCCD)
the investigation of quantum information taneous parametric processes in nonlinear (Fig. 1F).
processing. They are widely used in quantum materials or by time-multiplexing the spon- First, the path-encoded quantum entangle-
communication (1–4), quantum computation taneous emission of quantum dots (13), but ment is demonstrated. Each metalens in the
and simulation (5–8), and quantum metrol- the largest photon number is limited to ~20 system generates a pair of photons in a pair
ogy and sensing (9, 10). With the development (14). Although quantum dots show excellent of conjugate spatial modes (figs. S2 and S3).
of quantum technologies, the requirement performance in generating single photons, the These modes are defined as s0 to s99 for the
for both entanglement dimensionality and spontaneous parametric process continues signal photon (vertically polarized) and as i0
photon number increases, demanding large- to be the main method for the generation of to i99 for the idler photon (horizontally po-
scale, controllable, and stable quantum pho- high-dimensional and/or multiphoton entan- larized). In the case that only one pair of pho-
tonic sources (11, 12). For example, quantum gled states (13). Recent progress on integrated tons is generated from the source, without
communication and imaging require pho- photonic systems based on such a process pro- knowing which metalens the photons are gen-
tons with high-dimensional entanglement, vides an ideal platform for large-scale quantum- erated from, the two-photon state can be writ-
which can be achieved by using different optical sources (15). ten as 101 ðj0; 0i þj1; 1i þj2; 2i þ … þj99; 99iÞ,
degrees of freedom of photons, including or- Metasurfaces consist of a dense arrange- where the number represents the path defined
bital angular momentum (OAM), time-bin, ment of dielectric or metallic subwavelength previously. This state is a 100-dimensional
energy-time, frequency mode, and optical paths. antennas in an ultrathin interface (16). By con- path-encoded quantum entangled state. As
However, none of these meets the require- trolling the phase distribution, metasurfaces a demonstration, we verify the quantum en-
have been widely used to manipulate the tanglement in two, three, and four dimensions
National Laboratory of Solid State Microstructures, School wavefront of a light field (17–23). Metasurfaces by reconstructing the reduced quantum states
of Physics, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences,
Nanjing University, Nanjing, 210093, China. 2Department of have also found applications in the nonclassi- with quantum state tomography (QST) mea-
Electronic and Information Engineering, The Hong Kong cal region (24–27). However, quantum photonic surements and discuss the high-dimensional
Polytechnic University, Hong Kong. 3Research Center for sources based on metasurfaces have not yet entanglement measurement in the supplemen-
Applied Sciences, Academia Sinica, Taipei 11529, Taiwan.
State Key Laboratory of Precision Spectroscopy, School of been demonstrated. tary materials (13).
Physics and Electronic Science, East China Normal Here, by using a metalens array, we dem- Two-dimensional (2D) entanglement states
University, Shanghai, 200062, China. 5Key Laboratory of onstrate a 100-path spontaneous parametric are analyzed using photon pairs generated
Intelligent Optical Sensing and Manipulation, Ministry of
Education, Nanjing University, Nanjing, 210093, China.
down-conversion (SPDC) photon source. The by two metalenses, including the adjacent and
Collaborative Innovation Center of Advanced 100-path SPDC photon source is realized by nonadjacent ones. The QST measurements
Microstructures, Nanjing, 210093, China. 7Key Laboratory of combining a metalens array with a 0.5-mm are performed (fig. S4) and the correspond-
Quantum Information, CAS, University of Science and
Technology of China, Hefei, 230026, China. 8Synergetic
type II b-barium borate (BBO) crystal (Fig. 1, A ing density matrix is accurately reconstructed
Innovation Center of Quantum Information & Quantum to D). The metalens array consists of 100 de- by the maximum likelihood estimation (MLE)
Physics, University of Science and Technology of China, signed metalenses (arranged in a 10 × 10 array), method. Figure 2A shows the experimental
Hefei, 230026, China. 9Department of Electrical Engineering,
composed of GaN nanopillars fabricated by result of a maximally
pffiffiffi 2D path-entangled state
National United University, Miaoli 36003, Taiwan.
Department of Physics, National Taiwan University, Taipei electron beam lithography (EBL), dry etching, of ðj00i þ j11iÞ= 2 . The fidelity between the
10617, Taiwan. and resist removing (13). Each metalens is reconstructed state and the ideal maximally
*These authors contributed equally to this work. designed with a uniform focal length of f = entangled state is as high as 0.985, proving that
†Corresponding author. Email: (S.W.); (L.Z.); (Z.W.); 1.1 mm at a working wavelength of 404 nm the produced state is very close to the ideal (S.Z.); (D.P.T.) and an area of 100 mm by 100 mm. The period state. In addition to focusing the pump light,

Li et al., Science 368, 1487–1490 (2020) 26 June 2020 1 of 4


Fig. 1. Schematic and characterization of the quantum metalens array. (A) Schematic of the quantum source based on a metalens array. (B) Microscopy
image of the metalens array. (C and D) Scanning electron microscopy image of the GaN metalens in (C) top view and (D) side view. (E) Microscopy image of the focal
plane of the pump light. (F) Image of the SPDC photon pair array recorded by EMCCD. Inset: Magnified image of the area indicated by the blue dashed box.
The red dashed box shows one pair of photons generated by one metalens. Scale bars: (B) 200 mm, (C) 2 mm, (D) 1 mm.

the metalens is able to encode its phase, which

in turn controls the relative phase between dif-
ferent terms of the generated quantum state.
We design the metalenses with different phase
differences ðDϕ ¼ p=2; p; 3p=2Þ between two
adjacent metalenses and analyze the 2D entan-
glement states generated with them (figs. S5
and S6). Figure 2, B to D, are the reconstructed
density matrixes of the prepared states, with
the phase differences of ðDϕ ¼ p=2; p; 3p=2Þ,
respectively. All these density matrixes show
good agreement with thepidealffiffiffi correspondingpffiffiffi
states of ðj00i þ ij11iÞ=
pffiffiffi 2, ðj00i  j11iÞ= 2
and ðj00i  ij11iÞ= 2, respectively. Without loss
of generality, we measure six 2D entangled
states, with respect to adjacent metalenses
pairs at random locations, for each phase dif-
ference and estimate them by the QST mea-
surements. All the results show high fidelities, Fig. 2. Characterization of entangled quantum states. (A to D) Typical reconstructed density matrixes by
with an average value of 0.979, to the maxi- QST measurements with metalens phase differences of Dϕ = 0, p/2, p, and 3p/2, respectively. The quantum
mally entangled states and a fidelity of 0.984 state fidelities are 0.985, 0.987, 0.987, and 0.984 to the maximally entangled states, respectively.
to the closest pure entangled states (fig. S6).
Other results with nonadjacent metalens pairs
are shown in fig. S7. The fidelities to the maxi- Quantum entangled states with higher di- sources in the dashed boxes in Fig. 3, A and C,
mally entangled states are all above 0.96 (13). mensions are further characterized. Figure 3, respectively. In these high-dimensional cases,
These high fidelities confirm that we can B and D, are typical 3D and 4D density matrixes the beam displacer (BD)–based measurement
reliably control the generated states by meta- reconstructed by QST measurements and cor- setup becomes considerably more complex,
nanostructure. respond to the configuration of the photon pair as shown in the inset of fig. S4. There are not

Li et al., Science 368, 1487–1490 (2020) 26 June 2020 2 of 4


enough degrees of freedom to balance the density matrixes of the maximally entan- state (Fig. 3B) and 0.950 for the 4D entan-
additional accumulation of experimental gled states. Here, the reconstructed results gled state (Fig. 3D), and the fidelities to the
fluctuations introduced by the BD-based show very high fidelities to the pure quan- maximally entangled states are 0.965 and 0.911,
spatial mode combing and analyzing sys- tum states. The fidelities to the estimated respectively. These results, in addition to the
tems. It is a challenge to reconstruct ideal pure states are 0.966 for the 3D entangled measured results in the supplementary ma-
terials (13), show entangled fidelities higher
than 0.94 to the closest pure states (figs. S8
and S9), manifesting the high qualities of the
high-dimensional entangled states from the
metalens-array–based quantum source. The de-
creases in the measured fidelities are mainly
caused by the long QST measurement time for
high-dimensional entangled states, in which
the drift of the measurement system cannot
be ignored. Therefore, characterization of the
entanglement in higher dimensions may need
to resort to the development of integrated de-
vices (13, 29).
Furthermore, the multiphoton source based
on the metalens array system is characterized.
Unlike the general SPDC-based multiphoton
sources, in which multiple nonlinear crystals
and long-time stable complex optical setup
are required (14), our source only needs one
nonlinear crystal and the setup is substantially
more compact and stable. The experimental
setup is discussed in the supplementary mate-
rials (13), where a 415-nm femtosecond pulsed
laser is introduced as the pump light to increase
the possibility for multiphoton generation
Fig. 3. High-dimensional quantum entanglement states characterization. (A to D) Reconstructed (fig. S10). Here, we use the same metalens array
density matrixes for 3D (B) and 4D (D) quantum state by QST measurements corresponding to the photon sample shown in Fig. 1 and the BBO crystal de-
pairs in the dashed blue boxes in (A) and (C), respectively. signed for the 415-nm pump laser (13). Because
each metalens may generate one photon pair
simultaneously, we can obtain multiphoton-
pair sources within this 100-metalens array.
As a demonstration, we characterize the per-
formance of the four-photon and six-photon
source from two and three adjacent metalenses,
respectively. Figure 4, A and B, show the pump
power dependencies of the four-photon and
six-photon coincidence counts. The ideal power
dependencies of the four-photon and six-photon
coincidence counts follow a quadratic and cubic
relationship, respectively, as shown in the red
dashed lines in Fig. 4, A and B. The measured
data, shown in the blue circles, agree well with
the ideal trend, indicating a feasible multipho-
ton source.
We further carry out the Hong-Ou-Mandel
(HOM) interference to test the purity and in-
distinguishability of photons generated from
different metalenses. Two independent photon
pairs are generated by two adjacent metalenses
(Fig. 4C). One photon from each pair is used
as the trigger (heralding), and two heralded
photons interfere at a 50:50 fiber beam splitter.
The HOM interference is observed by record-
ing the fourfold coincidence as a function of
the relative delay between the heralded pho-
Fig. 4. Multiphoton quantum source based on a metalens array. (A) Four-photon and (B) six-photon tons. Figure 4D is the measured HOM inter-
coincidence dependence to the pump power. The red dashed lines are the theoretical estimation of quadratic ference result, and the visibility of the HOM dip
(four-photon) and cubic (six-photon) trend. The insets show the metalenses involved in the corresponding is 86.3%. This clearly verifies the performance
tests. The schematic diagram (C) and the fringe (D) of the HOM interference measurement. of the multiphoton quantum source and indicates

Li et al., Science 368, 1487–1490 (2020) 26 June 2020 3 of 4


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grated path-encoded quantum source. Our re- 13. Materials, methods, and additional information are available as to this work. L.L., S.W., M.-K.C., C.H.C., H.Y.K., and D.P.T.
sults indicate that metasurface structures can Supplementary Materials. conceived and performed the design, numerical calculation, and
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15. J. Wang et al., Science 360, 285–291 (2018). C.H.C., and M.K.C. fabricated the metalens array samples. L.L.,
of complex quantum states, not only increas- 16. N. Yu et al., Science 334, 333–337 (2011). Z.L., X.R., L.Z., S.W., B.L., and W.Z. performed the quantum
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Li et al., Science 368, 1487–1490 (2020) 26 June 2020 4 of 4


PHOTOSYNTHESIS Statistical fluctuations—arising from environ-

mental variations and internal processes—
Quieting a noisy antenna reproduces photosynthetic fundamentally limit the throughput efficiency
of any network. If the flow of energy (power)
light-harvesting spectra into a network is substantially larger or smaller
than the flow out of the network required to
Trevor B. Arp1,2*, Jed Kistner-Morris1,2*, Vivek Aji2, Richard J. Cogdell3,4†, optimally match the output demand, then
Rienk van Grondelle4,5†, Nathaniel M. Gabor1,2,4† the network must adapt or be structured in
such a way as to reduce the sudden overflow
Photosynthesis achieves near unity light-harvesting quantum efficiency yet it remains unknown whether or underflow of energy. When the network
there exists a fundamental organizing principle giving rise to robust light harvesting in the presence of fails to manage fluctuations, the results may
dynamic light conditions and noisy physiological environments. Here, we present a noise-canceling be extraordinary (e.g., photo-oxidative stress
network model that relates noisy physiological conditions, power conversion efficiency, and the resulting in photosynthetic light harvesting or explosive
absorption spectra of photosynthetic organisms. Using light conditions in full solar exposure, light damage to transformers caused by fluctua-
filtered by oxygenic phototrophs, and light filtered under seawater, we derived optimal absorption tions in the grid).
characteristics for efficient solar power conversion. We show how light-harvesting antennae can We constructed a model that uses general-
be tuned to maximize power conversion efficiency by minimizing excitation noise, thus providing a izations of networks to extract essential aspects
unified theoretical basis for the observed wavelength dependence of absorption in green plants, of photosynthetic light harvesting (Fig. 1). A
purple bacteria, and green sulfur bacteria. simple network of nodes (points at which lines
intercept) connected by links (connecting lines)

represent physical objects: excitation energy
n photosynthesis, light energy harvesting plored across diverse phototrophs (9–12) but levels and intermolecular transfer events within
begins with the absorption of sunlight. the elementary connection between highly ro- the antenna system, respectively. In photosyn-
Photoexcitation energy is rapidly trans- bust light energy harvesting and energetic thesis, light enters the antenna through a large
ferred through an antenna network before fluctuations has not been established. number of pigment molecules, each of which
reaching the reaction center, where charge Transforming noisy inputs into quiet out- is a member of a small set of distinct molecular
transfer converts excitation energy into an puts represents a general design challenge in species (e.g., chlorophyll a and b). Our model
electrochemical potential gradient across the network architectures including multinational considers the advantage in having light en-
photosynthetic membrane (1). Even in the energy grids (13–17), auditory and visual neural tering the network through two classes of ab-
presence of dynamic light conditions, rapidly networks (18–21), and nanoscale photocells sorbing excitation energy levels, nodes A and
fluctuating molecular structure, and highly in- for next-generation optoelectronics (22). Al- B, which can absorb powers ƤA and ƤB.
tricate energy transfer pathways (1–5), the though network inputs exhibit statistical fluc- After an absorption event, excitation energy
light-to-electron conversion process exhibits tuations (e.g., rapid changes of sunlight absorbed moves between internal nodes of the antenna
near unity quantum efficiency. The delicate by a leaf or solar panel), network outputs may network, representing the excitation of inter-
interplay of quantum effects with molecular demand a steady rate of information or energy mediate states within the biological antenna
mechanisms of energy management, e.g., non- for optimal performance (e.g., constant power complex (2, 11, 23). As an example, excitation
photochemical quenching (6–8), has been ex- from the grid to maintain indoor lighting). energy absorbed by a chlorophyll b molecule
in the light-harvesting complex LHC2 is trans-
ferred to chlorophyll a, and from there to an-
Fig. 1. Light-harvesting other chlorophyll a in the same or in another
noisy antenna. (A), Sche- complex. There are many such pathways through
matic of a photosynthetic the antenna network that may share interme-
antenna reduced into a diate links, but each specific pathway (Fig. 1A,
network with two input colored lines) eventually terminates on the
nodes A and B with input output, O, which on average delivers power W.
rates ƤA and ƤB and output Rather than model each pathway, we modeled
O with rate W. Energy is the average behavior from all inputs A and B
absorbed by molecules a through all pathways in the network. Thus,
and b (at rates ƤA and ƤB) we define probabilities pA and pB, which are
and is transferred to the the total probabilities that any input A and
output as usable energy. B will absorb. Mathematically, the example
(B) Schematic two-channel pathway given above, along with all other
antenna absorption spectra
(yellow and red) and incident 1
Laboratory of Quantum Materials Optoelectronics, University
blackbody light source (gray). of California, Riverside, CA 92521, USA. 2Department of
Physics and Astronomy, University of California, Riverside,
The quantities l0, Dl, and w CA 92521, USA. 3Institute of Molecular, Cell, and Systems
are, respectively, the center Biology, College of Medical, Veterinary, and Life Sciences,
wavelength, distance between University of Glasgow, Glasgow G128QQ, UK. 4Canadian
Institute for Advanced Research, Toronto, Ontario M5G 1M1,
peaks, and width of the
Canada. 5Department of Physics and Astronomy, Faculty of
absorption peaks. (C) (Left) Sciences, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 1081 HV Amsterdam,
Simulated average excitation energy as a function of time within a noisy antenna composed of 10 sets of a and Netherlands.
b molecules. (Right) Time-averaged histogram of the internal energy (detailed in the supplementary materials, *These authors contributed equally to this work
†Corresponding author. Email:
section S1.4). The antenna is subject to internal (fast) and external (slow) fluctuations. Over long time scales, (R.C.); (R.v.G.);
the time-averaged histogram resembles a normal distribution (black line). (N.M.G.)

Arp et al., Science 368, 1490–1495 (2020) 26 June 2020 1 of 5


pathways that originate on a node B, is con- ƤA or ƤB is the integrated product of the spec- input power is too large or too small compared
tained in pB. The average power (or rate of tral irradiance and the absorption character- with the output of the network, thus maximiz-
energy) coming from the B absorbers is there- istics of the light-harvesting antenna. ing power conversion efficiency (Fig. 1C). Within
fore pBƤB. This is the average value; the actual Because the absorbed solar power rarely our model, probabilities pA and pB couple the
flow of excitation energy at any given time is matches exactly the rate of optimal output, a inputs of the network ƤA and ƤB to the output
stochastic. finely tuned network is one that most effec- W: pAƤA + pBƤB = W. From this expression, we
By analyzing the stochastic flow of excitation tively balances minimizing the internal noise first evaluate the variance of the average dis-
energy, we can characterize the antenna net- with robustness against external noise. Noise tribution pAƤA + pBƤB. Minimizing this vari-
work by statistical averages (power throughput) in the antenna arises from two main sources: ance yields the optimal values of ƤA and ƤB to
and fluctuations in the rate of energy flow, inherent mismatch between inputs and out- quiet the antenna. We then input the local
which we will call noise (see the supplemen- put, which may arise because of fast dynam- spectral irradiance to a model optimization
tary materials, section S1). The power through- ics in the protein structure and corresponding function, the maxima of which determine the
put of the antenna system is determined by electronic properties, and dynamic external optimal absorption characteristics for noise
the external light conditions, the absorption light conditions. In photosynthesis, an over- cancellation (see the supplementary materials,
characteristics of the absorbing pigment mol- powered antenna will produce excess en- sections S1.1 to S1.3).
ecules (Fig. 1B) or input nodes, and the molec- ergy that can drive deleterious back reactions Using this framework, we can predict the
ular dynamics of the network. The antenna (24, 25). Conversely, a light-harvesting network behavior of three noise regimes within the
inputs are described in the usual way: Light in an underpowered state produces nonoptimal antenna network: overtuned, finely tuned,
absorption by the pigment molecules is char- output, because the rate of energy transfer and poorly tuned (Fig. 2). For simplicity, these
acterized by peak width w, separation Dl = out of the network is fixed by electrochem- examples are where W = (ƤA + ƤB)/2, whereas
|lB – lA|, and the center wavelength (or aver- ical processes (26). Over long periods of time, a broader parameter range is explored in de-
age distance) between the peaks l0. The solar the degree to which the light-harvesting net- tail in the supplementary materials, section
spectral irradiance (Fig. 1B, gray line), which work is overpowered or underpowered is mea- S1.2. Although the light conditions are iden-
varies as light propagates through air, the can- sured by the mean-squared deviation (i.e., tical for all three cases (Fig. 2A, gray lines),
opy, or seawater, gives the average power noise) of the total input power (through ƤA we can examine how the noise changes with
available within a given range of wavelengths. and ƤB) from the optimal output power at W, different absorption characteristics (details
Choosing the wavelength of an absorption peak (Fig. 1C) (see the supplementary materials, of this calculation can be found in the supple-
simultaneously specifies both the excitation section S1). mentary materials, section S1.4). When the ab-
energy and power entering the noisy antenna. Tuning only the absorption characteristics, sorbing peaks are spaced too closely (Fig. 2A,
Although the excitation energy is inversely our goal was to find a network that spends the top), the inherent antenna noise can be strongly
proportional to wavelength, the absorbed power least amount of time in a state for which the reduced, and in the limit that ƤA = W = ƤB, there

Fig. 2. Quieting a noisy antenna by tuning the absorption characteristics. the excitation energy time traces without external fluctuations. The right side
(A) Absorption peaks for two absorbers a and b overlaid on an ideal blackbody includes random external fluctuations. (C) Histograms of time spent in
solar spectrum (T = 5500 K, gray line) for three cases: two closely spaced overpowered (red) and underpowered (blue) states for the three series in (B).
absorbers (top), two absorbers separated to optimize the noisy antenna In the top panel, the distribution is flat and favors no value. In the middle
(middle), and two widely separated absorbers (bottom). (B) Simulated panel, the distribution is a sharply peaked normal distribution that favors
excitation energy versus time for a two-channel antenna with three different W. In the bottom panel, the distribution is normal but wider than that in the
values of D, comparable to the cases shown in (A). The left side shows middle panel.

Arp et al., Science 368, 1490–1495 (2020) 26 June 2020 2 of 5


Fig. 3. Comparison of the noisy antenna model with photosynthetic calculated solar spectrum at a 2-m depth of water (light gray) (32, 33).
absorption spectra in three distinct niches. (A) Absorption spectrum of (D to F) Predicted ideal absorption peaks from optimizing D = ƤA – ƤB for
LHC2 (blue) (27) overlaid on the terrestrial solar spectrum (light gray) (31). the full solar spectrum, the solar spectrum attenuated through canopy,
(B) Absorption spectrum of the LH2 complex (28) overlaid on the solar and the solar spectrum attenuated through seawater, respectively (see the
spectrum measured below a canopy of leaves (light gray) (see the supplementary materials, sections S2 and S3, for optimization and spectra
supplementary materials, section S3, for details). (C) Absorption spectra of details, respectively). Photosynthetic absorption peaks are identified
bacteriochlorophyll c (blue) and e (green) (29, 30) compared with the with dashed lines.

are negligible fluctuations in the rate of en- the excitation energy) in the poorly tuned are as close as possible on the light spectrum
ergy flow (Fig. 2B, top left). This lower bound antenna becomes broader as the absorbing (favoring reduced internal noise) yet the dif-
to the internal noise cannot be reached in nat- peaks become more separated (Fig. 2C, bottom). ference in the absorbed power D = ƤA – ƤB is
ural photosynthetic antennae, where protein When viewed over long times, the poorly tuned maximized (supporting robustness against
dynamics will always drive fluctuations of in- antenna spends too little time outputting the external variations). This condition is equiv-
termediate excitation energy transfer events. optimal power W. alent to maximizing the derivative of the light
Rather, the overtuned antenna noise is di- The finely tuned antenna absorbs at specific spectrum with respect to wavelength, thus
rectly proportional to, and thus dominated by, positions on the spectrum that give rise to resulting in absorption peaks in regions of
changes in the varying light spectrum (Fig. robust light harvesting even in the presence steepest slope (see the supplementary ma-
2B, top right). In the presence of random ex- of both varying light conditions and substan- terials, section S1.3). The absorption spectra,
ternal fluctuations, the distribution of time tial internal noise. Compared with the over- and thus the excitation transitions, are tuned
spent in an overpowered or underpowered tuned and undertuned cases, the finely tuned so that the time-averaged sum of input excita-
state is flat (Fig. 2C, top). In the overtuned antenna allows for intermediate internal noise tion energy is sharply peaked at the output rate
antenna, the average input rarely matches the levels (Fig. 2B, middle) yet delivers a narrow (Fig. 2C, middle).
optimal output. distribution of power centered at the optimal For three prototypical photosynthetic an-
A poorly tuned antenna (Fig. 2A, bottom) is output W (Fig. 2C, middle). Robustness in light tennae, the light-harvesting complex of green
similarly deficient. If the absorbing peaks are harvesting is thus the ability to output, on aver- plants (LHC2), the light-harvesting complex
well separated, then the antenna spends most age, the optimal rate W yet simultaneously allow of purple bacteria (LH2), and the bacterio-
of the time overpowered or underpowered. for internal noise. chlorophyll c and e pigments of green sulfur
When the power sources ƤA or ƤB are significantly To determine the optimal absorption spec- bacteria (BChl c and e), the natural absorp-
greater or less than the power sink (ƤA >> W >> trum for robust light harvesting, we computed tion spectrum (Fig. 3, A to C) (27–30) can be
ƤB), the noise (as evidenced by a histogram of the spectral positions for which the peaks compared with that predicted by our model

Arp et al., Science 368, 1490–1495 (2020) 26 June 2020 3 of 5


(Fig. 3, D to F) (see the supplementary ma-

terials, section S2, for full details), which takes
as input the local irradiance spectrum, shown
as solid gray lines in Fig. 3, A to F. The ab-
sorption peak positions and spectral sepa-
ration predicted under light conditions in air
(31), under canopy, or under seawater (32, 33)
(colored lines in Fig. 3, D, E, and F, respectively)
show strong agreement with the absorption
spectra of these three phototrophs. Using only
the external light spectrum and the linewidth
w, the predicted peak center position l0 and
separation Dl reproduced the measured ab-
sorption peaks with an average error of 2.1%
(Table 1).
The noisy antenna model also reproduced a
general feature of photosynthetic light harvest-
ing that was observed across all three proto-
typical phototrophs. Photosynthetic pigments
do not absorb at the maximum solar power. In-
stead, all three phototrophs considered exhibit
pairs of closely spaced peaks in regions where
the spectrum shows a steep rate of change with
respect to wavelength. Photosynthetic plants
look green because their antenna complexes
absorb light across the visible spectrum, in-
cluding the blue and red portions, yet reflect
green wavelengths (Fig. 3D). Purple bacteria are
aquatic phototrophs (34). They have adapted to
sunlight that is filtered through the canopy of
trees and floating aerobic phototrophs (Fig. 3E,
gray line, and see the supplementary mate-
rials, section S3) and use a light-harvesting
complex in which bacteriochlorophyll dom-
inates light absorption away from the visible,
including green (Fig. 3E). Green sulfur bacteria Fig. 4. Predicted absorption spectra of a finely tuned noisy antenna under seawater. (A) Solar spec-
are a geographically diverse group of bacte- trum in air (31) and attenuated by various depths of water (labeled) (32, 33). (B) Optimization landscape
ria that are adapted to solar light shining through calculation of Dop versus center wavelength l0 and peak separation Dl for the solar spectrum under 1 m
seawater to depths where it is anaerobic (35). of seawater (w = 15 nm). Red points identify two equally favorable maxima corresponding to a set of peaks on
They do not absorb the peak intensity of this either side of the spectral maximum. (C to F) Ideal absorption peaks predicted from the solar spectrum
attenuated light spectrum and instead ab- at each depth. (D) shows the peaks extracted from the calculation in (B) color coded blue, green, orange, and
sorb in the region of steepest spectral rate of red to track peak locations with depth.
Underwater phototrophs provide an excel-
lent natural experiment with which to test
the predictive strength of our model because
the solar spectrum is highly variable as a func-
tion of depth (36). When considering the pen- Table 1. Absorption peak data versus model calculation.
etrating spectrum below the seawater surface,
light intensity is attenuated as depth increases,
particularly in the red and infrared zones, be-
cause of absorption and scattering in sea- Actual value, Calculated value, Relative % error
Peak name Reference
water (Fig. 4A). By comparing the absorption nm (eV) nm (eV) from nm (eV)
spectra of subsurface marine phototrophs, Chlorophyll a 1 428 (2.90) 429 (2.89) 0.23 (0.34) (27)
such as green sulfur bacteria, with those pre- Chlorophyll b 1 440 (2.82) 459 (2.70) 4.32 (4.26) (27)
dicted by quieting a noisy antenna, we can Chlorophyll b2 652 (1.90) 620 (2.00) 4.91 (5.26) (27)
explore whether the natural photosynthetic Chlorophyll a 2 660 (1.88) 656 (1.89) 0.61 (0.53) (27)
absorption spectrum matches our model pre- LH2 band 1 801 (1.55) 783 (1.58) 2.25 (1.94) (28)
dictions for the relevant phototroph’s pre- LH2 band 2 857 (1.45) 851 (1.46) 0.70 (0.69) (28)
ferred depth. Bacteriochlorophyll c 1 431 (2.88) 426 (2.91) 1.16 (1.04) (29)
From these attenuated solar spectra, we cal- Bacteriochlorophyll e1 461 (2.69) 462 (2.68) 0.22 (0.37) (30)
culated an optimization parameter Dop as a Bacteriochlorophyll e 2 655 (1.89) 688 (1.80) 5.04 (4.76) (30)
function of Dl and l0. Dop is a function mod- Bacteriochlorophyll c 2 740 (1.68) 728 (1.70) 1.62 (1.19) (29)
ified from the calculation of D = ƤA – ƤB such

Arp et al., Science 368, 1490–1495 (2020) 26 June 2020 4 of 5


that its maxima quiet a noisy antenna (see underwater to extended power grids—could 33. L. Kou, D. Labrie, P. Chylek, Appl. Opt. 32, 3531–3540
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An example color map of the magnitude of into robust outputs. The Purple Phototropic Bacteria (Springer, 2009).
Dop at a depth of 1 m and w = 15 nm reveals RE FERENCES AND NOTES
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trum of green sulfur bacteria. Although highly 8. A. V. Ruban et al., Nature 450, 575–578 (2007). Investigator Program (YIP) award no. FA9550-16-1-0216, National
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Arp et al., Science 368, 1490–1495 (2020) 26 June 2020 5 of 5


DOG GENOMICS Port au Choix dog from Maritime Archaic cul-

tural context ~4000 YBP (3). Unsupervised clus-
Arctic-adapted dogs emerged at the tering analyses with NGSadmix software (4)
(fig. S6) grouped modern domestic dogs into
Pleistocene–Holocene transition four clusters: African, European, Asian, and
sled dogs including Zhokhov. These relation-
Mikkel-Holger S. Sinding1,2,3,4,5*†, Shyam Gopalakrishnan1*, Jazmín Ramos-Madrigal1*, ships were confirmed by an admixture graph
Marc de Manuel6*, Vladimir V. Pitulko7*, Lukas Kuderna6, Tatiana R. Feuerborn1,3,8,9, in which Yana was more closely related to a
Laurent A. F. Frantz10,11, Filipe G. Vieira1, Jonas Niemann1,12, Jose A. Samaniego Castruita1, Pleistocene wolf from Taimyr Peninsula than
Christian Carøe1, Emilie U. Andersen-Ranberg3,13, Peter D. Jordan14, Elena Y. Pavlova15, to modern wolves, whereas Zhokhov represents
Pavel A. Nikolskiy16, Aleksei K. Kasparov7, Varvara V. Ivanova17, Eske Willerslev1,18,19,20, a lineage that diverged from the ancestor of
Pontus Skoglund21,22, Merete Fredholm23, Sanne Eline Wennerberg24, Mads Peter Heide-Jørgensen4, present-day sled dogs (Fig. 1C and figs. S8 and
Rune Dietz25, Christian Sonne3,25,26, Morten Meldgaard1,3, Love Dalén8,27, Greger Larson10, S9). This suggests genetic continuity in Arctic
Bent Petersen1,28, Thomas Sicheritz-Pontén1,28, Lutz Bachmann2, Øystein Wiig2, dog breeds for at least the past ~9500 years,
Tomas Marques-Bonet6,29,30,31†‡, Anders J. Hansen1,3†‡, M. Thomas P. Gilbert1,32†‡ setting a lower bound on the origin of the sled
dog lineage.
Although sled dogs are one of the most specialized groups of dogs, their origin and evolution has Next, D statistics indicated an excess of allele
received much less attention than many other dog groups. We applied a genomic approach to investigate sharing between Yana-Taimyr wolves and PCDs-
their spatiotemporal emergence by sequencing the genomes of 10 modern Greenland sled dogs, an Zhokhov-sled dogs (Fig. 1D and fig. S14), corrob-
~9500-year-old Siberian dog associated with archaeological evidence for sled technology, and an orating previous reports (3, 5). This suggests
~33,000-year-old Siberian wolf. We found noteworthy genetic similarity between the ancient dog and that the admixture occurred between Pleistocene
modern sled dogs. We detected gene flow from Pleistocene Siberian wolves, but not modern American wolves and the ancestors of PCDs, Zhokhov, and
wolves, to present-day sled dogs. The results indicate that the major ancestry of modern sled dogs sled dogs.
traces back to Siberia, where sled dog–specific haplotypes of genes that potentially relate to Arctic Previous studies have demonstrated an asso-
adaptation were established by 9500 years ago. ciation between canine transmissible venereal
tumors (CTVTs) and sled dogs, especially PCDs

(3). Here, we evaluated the relationship among
espite decades of studies, consensus has (“Yana,” 4.7× coverage), dated to 33,019.5 YBP Zhokhov, two CTVT genomes (table S1), and
yet to be reached on when and where (Fig. 1A and fig. S3). In addition, we sequenced dogs and wolves using f3 statistics and phylo-
dogs were first domesticated and when 10 modern Greenland sled dog genomes, a genetic analysis. Recent analyses of exome data
they were first deliberately used in many dog best described as an indigenous land- suggested that CTVT expanded across Eurasia
of the roles they exhibit today. In Siberia, race breed used for hunting and sledging by ~6000 years ago (6), thus reducing the likeli-
late Upper Paleolithic artifacts of carved bone, Inuit. Samples consisted of two individuals hood that this transmissible cancer originated
antler, and ivory similar to tools used by modern from each of five geographically diverse lo- in the Americas. In our study, both the phylo-
Inuit for securing dog harness straps suggest calities (Fig. 1A), thus providing a broad rep- genetic analysis (fig. S9) and f3 statistics (fig. S10)
ancient origins of dog sledding (1). Furthermore, resentation of the indigenous dog diversity. placed the CTVT genomes closer to PCDs than
archeological findings from Zhokhov Island pro- We analyzed our data alongside genomes to sled dogs or Zhokhov. These results suggest
vide evidence of sled technology and dogs by from 114 geographically and genetically diverse that the basal dog lineage that led to PCDs (3)
the Sumnagin Mesolithic culture ~9000 to canids (table S1) using whole-genome pairwise occurred in Eurasia ~6000 years ago and/or
8000 years ago (1–3) (fig. S1), offering an op- distances, principal component analysis, TreeMix there were multiple introductions of PCD-like
portunity to use genomics to further our un- (4) admixture graphs, and D statistics (Fig. 1). dogs to the Americas.
derstanding of early dog domestication and Yana appeared alongside wolves (Fig. 1, B and C), We used NGSadmix, admixture analyses, and
the origin of sled dogs. whereas Zhokhov was found to be most closely D statistics (figs. S6 to S8 and S11 to S15) to
We generated nuclear genomes from a related to dogs. Specifically, Zhokhov was most evaluate gene flow and shared ancestry be-
dog mandible present at this site (“Zhokhov,” similar to modern sled dogs (Greenland sled tween Zhokhov and modern dogs and wolves.
9.6× coverage), dated to 9524 calendar years dogs, Alaskan malamutes, and Alaskan and We found no significant gene flow between
before present (YBP) (Fig. 1A and fig. S2), Siberian huskies) and American pre-European- any sled dog (including Zhokhov) and modern
and a Siberian Pleistocene wolf mandible contact dogs (PCDs), best illustrated by the ~2× American–Arctic wolf populations compared

The GLOBE Institute, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark. 2Natural History Museum, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway. 3The Qimmeq Project, University of Greenland, Nuussuaq,
Greenland. 4Greenland Institute of Natural Resources, Nuuk, Greenland. 5Smurfit Institute of Genetics, Trinity College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland. 6Institute of Evolutionary Biology (UPF-CSIC),
Barcelona, Spain. 7Institute for the History of Material Culture, Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, Russia. 8Department of Bioinformatics and Genetics, Swedish Museum of Natural
History, Stockholm, Sweden. 9Department of Archaeology and Classical Studies, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden. 10The Palaeogenomics and Bio-Archaeology Research Network,
Research Laboratory for Archaeology and History of Art, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK. 11School of Biological and Chemical Sciences, Queen Mary University of London, London, UK. 12BioArch,
Department of Archaeology, University of York, York, UK. 13Department of Clinical Veterinary Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Frederiksberg C, Denmark. 14Arctic Centre and Groningen
Institute of Archaeology, University of Groningen, Netherlands. 15Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia. 16Geological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow,
Russia. 17VNIIOkeangeologia Research Institute (The All-Russian Research Institute of Geology and Mineral Resources of the World Ocean), St. Petersburg, Russia. 18Danish Institute for Advanced
Study (D-IAS), University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark. 19Department of Zoology, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK. 20Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, University of
Cambridge, Cambridge, UK. 21Department of Genetics, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA. 22Francis Crick Institute, London, UK. 23Department of Veterinary and Animal Sciences,
University of Copenhagen, Frederiksberg C, Denmark. 24Ministry of Fisheries, Hunting and Agriculture, Government of Greenland, Nuuk, Greenland. 25Department of Bioscience, Arctic Research
Centre, Aarhus University, Roskilde, Denmark. 26Henan Province Engineering Research Center for Biomass Value-added Products, School of Forestry, Henan Agricultural University, Zhengzhou,
Henan, China. 27Centre for Palaeogenetics, Stockholm, Sweden. 28Centre of Excellence for Omics-Driven Computational Biodiscovery (COMBio), Faculty of Applied Sciences, AIMST University,
Kedah, Malaysia. 29Catalan Institution of Research and Advanced Studies, Barcelona, Spain. 30CNAG-CRG, Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG), Barcelona Institute of Science and Technology,
Barcelona, Spain. 31Institut Català de Paleontologia Miquel Crusafont, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain. 32University Museum, Norwegian University of Science and
Technology, Trondheim, Norway.
*These authors contributed equally to this work.
†Corresponding author. Email: (M.-H.S.S.); (T.M.-B.); (A.J.H.); (M.T.P.G.)
‡These authors cosupervised this work.

Sinding et al., Science 368, 1495–1499 (2020) 26 June 2020 1 of 5


with the Eurasian wolf (fig. S15), suggesting (Fig. 2A). Although pairs of Greenland sled dogs showed that these dogs had a relatively stable
that gene flow from modern wolves has not are symmetrically related to Zhokhov (D~0), population size until a severe bottleneck
contributed to the sled dog gene pool within indicating a lack of admixture, comparisons ~850 years ago. The timing of the bottleneck
the past 9500 years. This result was surprising involving non-Greenland sled dogs were not is consistent with the colonization of Green-
given genetic evidence for postdomestication always consistent with the null hypothesis land by Inuit (9), suggesting isolation in Green-
admixture between other wolves and dog breeds of no admixture. D-statistics and admixture land ever since.
(5, 7). Furthermore, ethnographic evidence from analyses (Fig. 2B and fig. S13) indicated that Numerous generations of sled dogs living in
Greenland indicates that, at least historically, non-Greenland sled dogs carry ancestry from the Arctic environment and being used as
dog-wolf matings were not uncommon (8). If non-sled dogs and that Greenland sled dogs draft animals may have provided a unique
true, then the lack of gene flow from modern are the least admixed. These results imply that selection pressure to these dogs. To detect pu-
American-Arctic wolves into sled dogs implies Greenland sled dogs have largely been kept tative signals of positive selection, we used
selection against hybrids. isolated from contact with other dog breeds, population branch statistics (PBS) (10) to scan
The clustering and admixture results show and that their lineage traces more genomics for genomic regions highly differentiated in
gene flow between some sled dogs and other ancestry to Zhokhov-like dogs relative to other modern sled dogs relative to non-sled dogs
modern dog breeds (Fig. 1C and figs. S6 to S8). dog breeds. Isolation of Greenland sled dogs (hereafter referred to as “other dogs”) and
We further explored this by comparing pairs was supported by inference of their histori- wolves. We computed these statistics on mod-
of sled dogs with Zhokhov using D statistics cal effective population size (fig. S16), which ern genomes of 17 sled dogs, 61 other dogs,

Ilulissat 1,2
A Zhokhov site
Siberian Husky 1,2,3 Qaanaaq 1,2 Greenland sled dog
Swedish Lapphund
Samoyed Yana site Alaskan Husky 1,2 Unknown 1
Finnish Lapphund Aasiaat 1,2
Gray Norwegian Elkhound Lapponian Herder East Siberian Laika
Uyak Sisimiut 1,2 Tasiilaq 1,2
Cherry Tree Cave
Newgrange Herxheim Alaskan Malamute
Gansu 1,2 Shaanxi 1,2 Port au Choix
Belgium Malinois Boxer Xinjiang
Galgo Español German Shepherd Hebei
Chinese indigenous dog 1,3 Dalian Weyanoke Old Town 1,2
Lebanon 1,2,3 Shanxi 1,2
Sloughi Afghan Anhui
Egypt 1,2 Tibetan Mastiff Chihuahua
India 1-6 Guangdong Mexican naked
Qatar 1,2 Yunnan 1,2 China/Vietnam border 1,2
0.046 Ondo Chinese indigenous dog 2
Ibadan Jalingo City
0.043 Basenji Borneo 1,2,3
0.039 Papua New Guinea 1,2,3
Peruvian naked
0.034 Dingo
Ancient dog genome
Present day dog genome

Grey wolf Eurasia Other dog

Greenland sled dog Port au Choix

D(H1, Boxer dog; Yana, Andean fox)

Other sled dog Other sled dog

Other dog Greenland sled dog

Ancient dog Port au Choix Ancient dog


Grey wolf
Pleistocene wolf Alaskan Malamute
PCA2 (4.08%)

0.5 Greenland Sled Dog

Zhokhov dog

Weyanoke Old Town 1 Huskies

Port au Choix Africa
Yana 0 Europe

Taimyr wolf 10 s.e.


Pleistocene wolf
Grey wolf America (Arctic)

Cherry Tree Cave Grey wolf America (Alaska)

Grey wolf America (Mexico)


−0.10 −0.05 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 −0.06 −0.04 −0.02 0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06

PCA1 (7.91%) Drift parameter D(H1, Boxer dog; Taimyr, Andean fox)

Fig. 1. Geographic location of the samples and overall genetic affinities. profile (table S1 and fig. S6). Colors indicate main groups as in (B). Arrows
(A) Identity by state pairwise distances between Zhokhov and present-day show inferred admixture edges colored by migration weight. (D) D statistic
dogs (table S1) of geographic affiliation of dogs and archaeological sites. of the form D(H1, boxer dog; Taimyr or Yana, Andean fox) testing for
Color scale indicates genetic distance between Zhokhov and each sample. Pleistocene wolf gene flow in ancient and modern dogs and whether samples
Circles and triangles represent modern and ancient dogs, respectively. share more alleles with Taimyr (x-axis) or Yana (y-axis) wolves when compared
Stars show Zhokhov and Yana sites. (B) Principal component analysis with the boxer dog. Color indicates the type of sample in H1. Points show
(PCA) using whole-genome data (2,200,623 transversion sites) on all the D statistic, and horizontal and vertical lines show 3 SEs for the test with the
samples. (C) TreeMix admixture graph built using whole-genome data Taimyr (x-axis) and Yana (y-axis), respectively. The results obtained from
(766,082 transversion sites) on a dataset consisting of 66 canids merged both ancient wolves fall along the diagonal, suggesting that they are
into 15 groups according to their geographic location and admixture symmetrically related to all dogs.

Sinding et al., Science 368, 1495–1499 (2020) 26 June 2020 2 of 5


and 30 wolves (table S1). A sliding window TRPC4 is highly differentiated in sled dogs, functions beneficial to physical activity in the
analysis revealed several genomic regions and the putatively selected haplotype bears a Arctic. If so, given that the differentiated hap-
with high PBS values, hinting at selection marked similarity to Zhokhov (Fig. 3, A and B). lotypes are also found in Zhokhov (Fig. 3, A
in sled dogs (Fig. 3A). We took an outlier TRPC4 is a transient receptor potential (TRP) and B, and fig. S19A), any advantages that they
approach and focused on the most extreme channel protein that plays an important role confer would have been important to dogs in
values of the empirical distribution (above in vasorelaxation and lung microvascular per- the Arctic ~9500 YBP.
the 99.95th percentile). For each of these meability (11). It is also involved in a temper- Most domestic dogs are adapted to starch-
outlier regions (table S4), we identified over- ature sensitivity pathway (12, 13), where it rich diets through marked increases in
lapping genes and compared haplotypes interacts with TRPV2, which is also highly AMY2B copy numbers and strong positive
across samples. differentiated in sled dogs (99.8th PBS per- selection for a dog-specific MGAM haplo-
Enrichment analysis (4) on genomic regions centile; table S4 and fig. S19A) and codes for type (19). Consistent with previous findings
with high PBS values (above the 99.95th per- temperature and potentially pain receptors (20), we observed that sled dogs carry sub-
centile) identified three gene ontology (GO) (14). Several related thermo-TRP sensors in stantially fewer AMY2B copies than other
terms that were overrepresented (table S6): the same pathway, calcium ion transmembrane dog breeds (fig. S20). We also found that
g-aminobutyric acid secretion (GO: 0014051, transport, have been previously reported to be MGAM and AMY2B are the regions of the
p = 0.119), calcium ion import (GO: 0070509, under selection in cold-adapted woolly mam- genome with the lowest PBS, suggesting high
p = 0.119), and calcium ion transmembrane moths (15), which suggests convergent evolu- differentiation of other dogs relative to sled
transport (GO: 0070588, p = 0.382). To inves- tion in Arctic adaptation. dogs and wolves (Fig. 3A). Because negative
tigate further, we focused on eight genomic Another highly differentiated gene in sled PBS can arise under different demographic
regions that are highly differentiated in sled dogs is CACNA1A (Fig. 3, A and C), a calcium scenarios, we confirmed these observations
dogs and three regions where other dogs dif- channel subunit that plays an essential role by computing PBS with other dogs as the
fer from sled dogs and wolves (Fig. 3A and fig. in skeletal muscle contraction (16). Further, focal population (fig. S18). Indeed, modern
S18), and validated the autosomal regions with CACNA1A has been reported to be under posi- sled dogs and Zhokhov are among the only
a cross-population composite likelihood ratio tive selection in humans, specifically the Bajau dogs in our dataset that carry the ancestral
statistic (5) (fig. S21). In the differentiated re- sea nomads (17), where it is involved in hy- MGAM haplotype found at high frequency in
gions, we focused on two sets of genes: those poxia adaptation (18), indicating a possible wolves (Fig. 3C and fig. S18). Therefore, our
in which Zhokhov carries the same haplotype role in managing exercise-induced hypoxia observations suggest that sled dogs do not
as modern sled dogs and those involved in in sled dogs. We hypothesize that the TRPC4, carry the genetic adaptations to starch-rich
adaptation to different diets. TRPV2, and CACNA1A genes are involved in D(Greenland Village Dog Aasiaat 2, H2; Zhokhov, Andean fox) diets seen in other dog breeds.

Greenland sled dog Qaanaaq 1

A H0 B
Greenland sled dog Qaanaaq 2
Greenland sled dog Aasiaat 1
Andean fox
Dog 2
Dog 1


Greenland sled dog Aasiaat 2

Greenland sled dog Ilulissat 1
Greenland sled dog Ilulissat 2
Dog1 Zhokhov
Deviation from H0

Greenland sled dog Sisimiut 1 −5.1

0.0 5

Greenland sled dog Sisimiut 2

Greenland sled dog Tasiilaq 1
Greenland sled dog Tasiilaq 2
Greenland sled dog Unknown 1
Alaskan Malamute 1 Dog2 Zhokhov
0.0 0

Dog 1 Alaskan Husky 1

Alaskan Husky 2
Siberian Husky 1
Siberian Husky 2 Other sled dogs
Siberian Husky 3 Greenland sled dogs

−0.06 −0.04 −0.0 2 0.0 0 0.02

G nla d sl do aan q 1

re an le g si 2
re n le g si 1
G la sle do luli at 2
G la sle o uli at 1
re la sl o isi t 2
nd sle dog isim t 1
ed o s t 2
as g U si 1

Al M now 2
Al kan mu 1

Si ria us 1
Si ria us 2
ria u 1
H y2

Si ka us 1
G enl d s do Aa aq
G nla d s do Aa at

Al do Ta ilaq

n k q
as ala n

be n H ky
be n H ky
be n H ky

as H te
G een nd d d S ssa
S iu
sl d d Ta iu

n sk

ka n ila
re n d g ss

en n ed g m

D(Greenland Village Dog Aasiaat 2, H2; German Shepherd, Andean fox)

re n ed Q na
re n ed g a

g i
en d do Qaa

Eurasian dog gene flow

G nla sled og
G la sl g


en d d
G lan sled

en d
re n
en d
re d
re lan



Dog 2

Fig. 2. Relationships between Zhokhov and present-day sled dogs. (A) D Greenland sled dog Aasiaat 2 [y-axis: D(Greenland sled dog Aasiaat 2, H2;
statistics testing the relationships between pairs of sled dogs and Zhokhov. Zhokhov, Andean fox)] also show evidence of significant gene flow from other
Cell colors indicate the Z scores obtained from the test D(dog1, dog2; dogs [x-axis: D(Greenland sled dog Aasiaat 2, H2; German shepherd dog,
Zhokhov, Andean fox), where dog1 and dog2 are all possible pairs of sled Andean fox)]. Points indicate the D statistic, and horizontal and vertical
dogs. Comparisons involving pairs of Greenland sled dogs and non-Greenland lines indicate 3 SEs for the x-axis and y-axis, respectively. We consider the
sled dogs resulted in significant deviations from H0 (|Z| > 3). (B) D statistics test to be significant for gene flow when these lines do not overlap with
showing that sled dogs that are significantly further from Zhokhov compared with the dotted line (|Z| > 3).

Sinding et al., Science 368, 1495–1499 (2020) 26 June 2020 3 of 5


Fig. 3. Adaptation. A ADAMTS2 CACNA1A

(A) Manhattan plot of APOO
the PBS values (y-axis)
in windows of 100 kg
base pairs (kb) using a
20-kb slide across
chromosomes (x-axis).
Data points between
the 20th and 80th
percentile of the empir-
ical distribution are
not plotted and dashed
red lines show the
99.95th and 0.05th per- AMY2B
centiles. Names of RPS6KA3
genes within the highest
peaks are shown, with
asterisks representing
no overlap with genes.
We note that other Sled Greenland SDs (11)
dogs Other SDs (6)
genes not displayed in Zhokhov (1)
Newgrange (1)
the figure can overlap Herxheim (1)
Cherry Tree Cave (1)
the outlier regions; a full
list can be found in
tables S4 and 5.
(B to D) Haplotype Other dogs (61)
structures for TRPC4
(B), CACNA1A (C), and
MGAM (D). Rows Yana (1)
represent individuals,
and columns represent Wolves (30)
polymorphic positions in
the dog genome. Cells
are colored by genotype:
Dark gray indicates that the alternative allele is homozygous, light gray that it is heterozygous, and white that the reference allele is homozygous. The row height for
ancient individuals was increased to facilitate visualization. Zhokhov is highlighted with a red asterisk. SDs, sled dogs.

By contrast, sled dogs harbor specific hap- Bone composition of polar bears and rein- 3. M. Ní Leathlobhair et al., Science 361, 81–85 (2018).
lotypes of genes involved in coping with a high deer consumed at the Zhokhov site indicate an 4. See the supplementary materials.
5. P. Skoglund, E. Ersmark, E. Palkopoulou, L. Dalén, Curr. Biol.
intake of fatty acids. SLC25A40, a mitochondrial extensive hunting range and transport of large 25, 1515–1519 (2015).
carrier protein involved in clearing triglycerides body parts back to camp (26). Further, abun- 6. A. Baez-Ortega et al., Science 365, eaau9923 (2019).
from the blood (21), and APOO, an apolipo- dant obsidian tools found at the site reveal 7. Z. Fan et al., Genome Res. 26, 163–173 (2016).
protein gene involved in regulating high levels movement of obsidian from ~1500 km away 8. B. Muus, F. Salomonsen, C. Vibe, Grønlands Fauna [in Danish]
(Gyldendal, 1981).
of fat and fatty acid metabolism (22), are both (3). Together, these findings indicate substan- 9. M. Raghavan et al., Science 345, 1255832 (2014).
highly differentiated in sled dogs (Figs. 3A). tial long-distance travel and transportation 10. X. Yi et al., Science 329, 75–78 (2010).
The derived haplotypes of both genes are ab- of resources, in which dog sledding would 11. C. Tiruppathi et al., Circ. Res. 91, 70–76 (2002).
sent in Zhokhov, indicating that the haplo- have been highly advantageous—if not neces- 12. T. Hofmann, M. Schaefer, G. Schultz, T. Gudermann, Proc. Natl.
Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 99, 7461–7466 (2002).
types are specific to modern sled dogs and sary. Putative sled remains and our genomic 13. K. Zimmermann et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 108,
postdate their common ancestors with Zhokhov analyses of a 9500-year-old dog from the 18114–18119 (2011).
(fig. S19, B and E). As another example of con- Zhokhov site indicate that the traditions and 14. N. Qin et al., J. Neurosci. 28, 6231–6238 (2008).
vergent evolution, another gene of the apolipo- key genomic variations that define modern 15. V. J. Lynch et al., Cell Rep. 12, 217–228 (2015).
16. S. Kaja et al., Eur. J. Neurosci. 25, 2009–2020 (2007).
protein family, APOB, is reported to be under sled dogs were established in the northeast 17. M. A. Ilardo et al., Cell 173, 569–580.e15 (2018).
selection in polar bears, possibly as a result of Asian Arctic >9500 years ago. Our results 18. V. Wang, D. A. Davis, M. Haque, L. E. Huang, R. Yarchoan,
adaptation to fat-rich diets and clearance imply that the combination of these dogs with Cancer Res. 65, 3299–3306 (2005).
19. E. Axelsson et al., Nature 495, 360–364 (2013).
of cholesterol from the blood (23). Overall, the innovation of sled technology facilitated 20. M. Arendt, K. M. Cairns, J. W. O. Ballard, P. Savolainen,
similar adaptations to high intake of fatty human subsistence since the earliest Holocene E. Axelsson, Heredity 117, 301–306 (2016).
acids have been described in Inuit and other in the Arctic. 21. E. A. Rosenthal et al., Am. J. Hum. Genet. 93, 1035–1045
Arctic human populations (24, 25), so our ob- 22. A. Turkieh et al., J. Clin. Invest. 124, 2277–2286 (2014).
servations suggest that sled dogs adapted to a RE FERENCES AND NOTES
23. S. Liu et al., Cell 157, 785–794 (2014).
fat-rich and starch-poor diet, echoing the dietary 1. V. V. Pitulko, A. K. Kasparov, Arctic Anthropol. 33, 1–36 24. A. Cardona et al., PLOS ONE 9, e98076 (2014).
(1996). 25. M. Fumagalli et al., Science 349, 1343–1347 (2015).
adaptations of the Arctic human cultures with 2. V. V. Pitulko, A. K. Kasparov, J. Archaeol. Sci. Rep. 13, 491–515 26. V. V. Pitulko, V. V. Ivanova, A. K. Kasparov, E. Y. Pavlova,
whom they coexisted. (2017). Environ. Archaeol. 20, 120–157 (2015).

Sinding et al., Science 368, 1495–1499 (2020) 26 June 2020 4 of 5


ACKN OW LEDG MEN TS 10265-RNF. T.M.B. was supported by BFU2017-86471-P T.M.-B., A.J.H., and M.T.P.G. interpreted results with considerable
We thank J. A. Leonard and B. von Holdt for input and (MINECO/FEDER, UE), Howard Hughes International Early input from B.P., T.S.-P., V.V.P., T.R.F., E.U.A.-R., P.D.J., M.M., L.D.,
comments in the conceptualization of this study, the Danish Career, Obra Social “La Caixa” and Secretaria d’Universitats i G.L., L.B., and Ø.W. M.-H.S.S., S.G., J.R.-M., M.d.M.M., and
National High-Throughput Sequencing Centre and BGI-Europe Recerca and CERCA Programme del Departament d’Economia i M.T.P.G. wrote the paper with input from all other authors.
for assistance in Illumina data generation, and the Danish Coneixement de la Generalitat de Catalunya (GRC 2017 SGR Competing interests: The authors declare no competing interests.
National Supercomputer for Life Sciences – Computerome 880). M.T.P.G. was supported by a European Research Council Data and materials availability: Raw sequencing data can
( for the computational resources grant (ERC-2015-CoG-681396–Extinction Genomics). G.L. and be accessed at the NCBI Short Read Archive under project
to perform the sequence analyses. Funding: This work is L.A.F. were supported by the ERC (Grant ERC-2013-StG-337574- number PRJNA608847.
embedded in “The Qimmeq Project,” funded by the Velux UNDEAD) and the Natural Environmental Research Council
Foundations and Aage og Johanne Louis-Hansens Fond, and (Grants NE/K005243/1 and NE/K003259/1). P.S. was
supported by ArchSci2020, funded by the European Union’s EU supported by the Francis Crick Institute (FC001595). SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS
Framework Programme for Research and Innovation Horizon Author contributions: M.-H.S.S., S.G., J.R.-M., M.d.M.M.,
2020 under Marie Curie Actions grant no. 676154. We thank the and M.T.P.G. conceived of the project and designed the
Materials and Methods
Rock Foundation of New York for funding excavations at the research. V.V.P., E.Y.P., P.A.N., A.K.K., V.V.I., and E.W. provided
Figs. S1 to S21
Zhokhov and Yana sites in a 15-year-long effort starting in 2000. archaeological work, logistics, and/or ancient collected
Tables S1 to S6
M.-H.S.S. was supported by the Independent Research Fund samples. M.-H.S.S., M.F., S.E.W., M.P.H.-J., R.D., and C.S.
References (27–70)
Denmark (8028-00005B) and NHM Oslo. S.G. was supported by coordinated logistics of and/or provided modern samples.
MDAR Reproducibility Checklist
Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (H2020 655732 - WhereWolf) C.C. and M.-H.S.S. conducted the laboratory work. S.G.,
and Carlsberg (CF14 - 0995). M.d.M.M. was supported by a J.R.-M., M.d.M.M., L.K., L.A.F.F., F.G.V., J.N., and J.A.S.C. View/request a protocol for this paper from Bio-protocol.
Formació de Personal Investigador fellowship from Generalitat conducted the analyses of data with considerable input from
de Catalunya (FI_B01111). V.V.P., E.Y.P., and P.A.N. were M.-H.S.S., B.P., T.S.-P., T.M.-B., A.J.H., and M.T.P.G. S.G., J.R.-M., 15 October 2019; accepted 6 May 2020
supported by the Russian Science Foundation project no. 16-18- M.d.M.M., L.K., L.A.F.F., F.G.V., J.N., J.A.S.C., P.S., M.-H.S.S., 10.1126/science.aaz8599

Sinding et al., Science 368, 1495–1499 (2020) 26 June 2020 5 of 5

Corrected 25 June 2020. See full text.

CORONAVIRUS nsp8 (14, 15), that increase RdRp template

binding and processivity. RdRp is also pro-
Structural basis for inhibition of the RNA-dependent posed to be the target of a class of antiviral
drugs that are nucleotide analogs; this cat-
RNA polymerase from SARS-CoV-2 by remdesivir egory includes remdesivir (16–18), which
is a prodrug that is converted to the active
Wanchao Yin1,2*, Chunyou Mao2*, Xiaodong Luan3,4,5*, Dan-Dan Shen2*, Qingya Shen2*, Haixia Su1,6*, drug in the triphosphate form [remdesivir
Xiaoxi Wang1, Fulai Zhou1, Wenfeng Zhao1, Minqi Gao7, Shenghai Chang8,9, Yuan-Chao Xie1, triphosphate (RTP)] within cells (19). As
Guanghui Tian1, He-Wei Jiang10, Sheng-Ce Tao10, Jingshan Shen1,6, Yi Jiang1,6, Hualiang Jiang1,6, such, RdRp has been the subject of inten-
Yechun Xu1,6†, Shuyang Zhang4,5,3†, Yan Zhang2,11†, H. Eric Xu1,6† sive structural biology efforts. The structures
of nsp7, nsp8, and the complex of nsp12-nsp7-
The pandemic of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome nsp8 have been determined (15, 20–23), pro-
coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), has become a global crisis. Replication of SARS-CoV-2 requires the viral viding the overall architecture of the RdRp
RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp) enzyme, a target of the antiviral drug remdesivir. Here we report the complex. However, the drug discovery effort
cryo–electron microscopy structure of the SARS-CoV-2 RdRp, both in the apo form at 2.8-angstrom is hampered because the structures of the
resolution and in complex with a 50-base template-primer RNA and remdesivir at 2.5-angstrom resolution. SARS-CoV-2 RdRp in complex with an RNA
The complex structure reveals that the partial double-stranded RNA template is inserted into the central template and with nucleotide inhibitors are
channel of the RdRp, where remdesivir is covalently incorporated into the primer strand at the first not known. In this study, we determined two
replicated base pair, and terminates chain elongation. Our structures provide insights into the mechanism cryo–electron microscopy (cryo-EM) structures
of viral RNA replication and a rational template for drug design to combat the viral infection. of the SARS-CoV-2 RdRp complex: one in the
apo form and the other in a complex with a

template-primer RNA and the antiviral drug
he coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) SARS-CoV-2 is a positive-strand RNA vi- remdesivir.
pandemic that has arisen from wide- rus. Its replication is mediated by a multi- For cryo-EM studies, we coexpressed nsp12
spread severe acute respiratory syndrome subunit replication-and-transcription complex with nsp7 and nsp8 to form the core RdRp
coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection of viral nonstructural proteins (nsps) (11). complex in insect cells (Fig. 1A and fig. S1,
has become a humanitarian crisis, with The core component of this complex is the A to D). The stoichiometric amount of nsp7
more than 1.5 million infections and 87,000 catalytic subunit (nsp12) of an RNA-dependent and nsp8 appeared to be less than that of
deaths reported on 8 April 2020 (1, 2). These RNA polymerase (RdRp) (12, 13). By itself, nsp12, and thus additional bacterially ex-
numbers have increased rapidly to more nsp12 has little activity and its functions re- pressed nsp7 and nsp8 were supplemented
than 2.99 million infections and 207,000 quire accessory factors, including nsp7 and before the final purification step to improve
deaths as of 27 April of 2020 (2). SARS-CoV-2 is
closely related to severe acute respiratory syn-
drome coronavirus (SARS-CoV) and several A n s p 7 (1 -8 3 ) n s p 8 (1 -1 9 8 )
members of the betacoronavirus family, in-
cluding bat and pangolin coronaviruses (3–5).
Compared with the binding behavior of other n s p 1 2 (1 -9 3 2 )
-h a irp in G F A B C D E
coronaviruses, however, the spike protein of
SARS-CoV-2 has a stronger binding affinity
for the host receptor (6–10), which may explain N iR A N In te rfa c e F in g e rs P a lm Thum b
(Q117-A250) (L251-R365) (S397-A581, (T582-P620, (H816-E920)
why SARS-CoV-2 has a much higher incidence K621-G679) T680-Q815)
of human-to-human transmission, resulting
in infections throughout the world. B SARS-CoV-2
5' G C U A U G U G A G A U U A A G U U A U 3' direction of primer elongation
The CAS Key Laboratory of Receptor Research, Shanghai | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Institute of Materia Medica, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 3' C G A U A C A C U C U A A U U C A A U A U U U U U U U U U U 5'
Shanghai 201203, China. 2Department of Biophysics, and -20 -10 -1 +1 +10
Department of Pathology of Sir Run Run Shaw Hospital,
Zhejiang University School of Medicine, Hangzhou 310058, C D RdRp complex (1 µM)
China. 3School of Medicine, Tsinghua University, Haidian RdRp complex (1 µM)
District, Beijing 100084, China. 4Department of Cardiology, Time
RNA only

Peking Union Medical College Hospital, Peking Union Medical

100 µM
10 min

20 min

30 min

45 min

60 min

College and Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, Beijing

10 µM
0 min

5 min

1 mM

5 mM
1 µM

100730, China. 5Tsinghua-Peking Center for Life Sciences,

Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China. 6University of

Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China.

WuxiBiortus Biosciences Co. Ltd., Jiangyin 214437, China. Elongated RNA Elongated RNA
Center of Cryo-Electron Microscopy, Zhejiang University
School of Medicine, Hangzhou 310058, China. 9Center Primer RNA Primer RNA
of Diagnostic Electron Microscopy, Sir Run Run Shaw
Hospital, Zhejiang University School of Medicine, Hangzhou
310058, China. 10Shanghai Center for Systems Biomedicine, Fig. 1. Assembly of an active nsp12-nsp7-nsp8 RdRp complex and its inhibition by remdesivir.
Key Laboratory of Systems Biomedicine (Ministry of
(A) Schematic diagram for the components of the RdRp complex, containing nsp12, nsp7, and nsp8.
Education), Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240,
China. 11Key Laboratory of Immunity and Inflammatory The polymerase motif (A to G) and the b hairpin specific to SARS-CoV-2 are highlighted. (B) Sequence of
Diseases of Zhejiang Province, Hangzhou 310058, China. the RNA duplex with a 5′ U10 overhang as a template for primer extension and RdRp-RNA complex
*These authors contributed equally to this work. assembly. (C) The recombinant RdRp complex shows polymerase activity in vitro. The primer strand is
†Corresponding author. Email: (H.E.X.); (Y.Z.); (S.Z.); labeled with fluorescence at the 5′ end. (D) Elongation of the partial RNA duplex by the purified RdRp (Y.X.) complex and its inhibition by RTP.

Yin et al., Science 368, 1499–1504 (2020) 26 June 2020 1 of 5

Corrected 25 June 2020. See full text.

the yield of heterotrimeric complex. The pu- A nsp8-1 nsp8-1

rified nsp12 alone showed little activity in
binding to a 50-base partial double-stranded Interface
template-primer RNA (Fig. 1B and fig. S1E), nsp7 Interface nsp7-nsp8
which is similar to the SARS-CoV nsp12 (14). heterodimer
The presence of nsp7 and nsp8 markedly in- 180°
creased nsp12 binding to the template-primer
RNA (fig. S1E). The nsp12-nsp7-nsp8 complex
also showed RNA polymerization activity
on a poly-U template upon addition of adeno- Fingers
sine triphosphate (ATP) (Fig. 1, B and C). This hairpin
Thumb Thumb
RNA polymerization activity was effectively Palm Palm
inhibited by the addition of RTP (Fig. 1D). B
nsp8-1 nsp8-1
Even in the presence of 10 mM ATP, which is Fingers
within the range of physiological concentra- nsp7-nsp8
nsp7 Interface Interface heterodimer
tions of ATP, 1 mM RTP completely inhibited
RdRp polymerization activity. In addition, 180°
100 µM RTP completely blocked the full ex-
tension but allowed partial extension of the nsp8-2
primer RNA (Fig. 1D), consistent with a de-
layed chain termination mechanism (24). Fingers
However, this mechanism is dependent on
low RTP concentrations and low RTP/ATP Thumb Palm Palm Thumb
ratios. By contrast, 5 mM remdesivir (as a pro-
drug) had no inhibitory effect on the polym- C
erization activity of the purified enzyme (fig.
Thumb Palm
S1F), nor did remdesivir in its monophosphate
H642 Zn2+
form (RMP) (fig. S1G).
The purified RdRp complex is relatively
thermostable, with a melting temperature
of 53°C (fig. S1H). Negative-stain EM visual- C487
ization of the nsp12-nsp7-nsp8 complex dis- C646
played monodispersed particles with excellent
homogeneity (fig. S1I). For the apo nsp12- Fingers
nsp7-nsp8 complex, we vitrified the sample in C310
the presence of the detergent DDM. The ini- NiRAN C306
tial attempt at image processing revealed that Zn2+
the particles are preferentially oriented (fig.
S2A). Therefore, we collected >7400 micro- H295
graph movies of more than 5.7 million par- Interface
ticle projections to increase the number of
projections from the nonpreferential orien- Fig. 2. Cryo-EM structure of the apo nsp12-nsp-7-nsp8 RdRp complex. (A and B) Two views of the
tation. Of these, 81,494 particles were used to cryo-EM map (A) and structure (B) of the apo nsp12-nsp7-nsp8 complex. The color scheme is according to
yield a density map of 2.8-Å resolution (fig. S2, Fig. 1A and is used throughout the figures. (C) The conserved zinc binding motifs are highlighted in the
B and E). Cryo-EM studies of the nsp12-nsp7- apo structure rendered in ribbon. The coordinate details of the zinc-binding residues are shown in stick
nsp8 complex bound with the template-primer representation, with the EM map in gray surface representation.
RNA and RTP (termed the template-RTP RdRp
complex) faced two challenges (fig. S3). First,
most particles were adsorbed to cryo-EM grid
bars rather than staying in the vitreous ice. 2.5-Å resolution structure using 130,386 par- and an extended nidovirus RdRp-associated
Second, the RNA duplex was dissociated from ticle projections. Because of the relatively high nucleotidyl-transferase domain (NiRAN; re-
the template-RTP RdRp complex, likely owing resolution of our structure, the EM map is sidues 115 to 250) (24) with seven helices
to conditions of cryo-EM specimen prepara- clear for key structural features across the and three b strands (15, 23). After the NiRAN
tion. Eventually, we prepared the cryo-EM complex (fig. S4, A to F). domain is an interface domain (residues 251
specimen of the template-RTP RdRp complex The structure of the apo RdRp complex to 365), composed of three helices and five b
at 15 mg/ml, which is much higher than the contains one nsp12, one nsp7, and two nsp8 strands, that is connected to the RdRp do-
normal concentrations used for EM studies proteins, with an overall arrangement resem- main (residues 366 to 920) (Figs. 1A and
of soluble protein complexes. The high con- bling those seen in SARS-CoV and the re- 2B). The nsp12 RdRp domain displays the
centration of the complex has a mass action cently solved structure of SARS-CoV-2 (15, 23) canonical cupped right-handed configura-
effect to stabilize the RNA-protein complex (Fig. 2, A and B). Our structure, which dif- tion (25), with the finger subdomain (residues
and has an excess amount of the complex to fers from the SARS-CoV RdRp structure but 397 to 581 and 621 to 679) forming a closed
escape the absorption of cryo-EM grid bars to is similar to the recent SARS-CoV-2 RdRp circle with the thumb subdomain (residues
enter the vitreous ice (fig. S3). We collected structure, reveals that nsp12 also contains 819 to 920) (Fig. 2, A and B). The closed con-
2886 micrograph movies, which yielded a an N-terminal b hairpin (residues 31 to 50) formation is stabilized by the binding of

Yin et al., Science 368, 1499–1504 (2020) 26 June 2020 2 of 5

Corrected 25 June 2020. See full text.

nsp7 and nsp8, with one nsp8 molecule sit- against the thumb-finger interface (Fig. 2, also observed in the SARS-CoV RdRp struc-
ting atop the finger subdomain and inter- A and B). In addition, we were able to assign ture (15). These zinc ions likely function as
acting with the interface domain. The closed two zinc ions in the conserved metal binding conserved structural components in maintain-
conformation of nsp12 is further stabilized by motifs composed of H295-C301-C306-C310 and ing the integrity of the RdRp architecture.
the nsp7-nsp8 heterodimer, which is packed C487-H642-C645-C646 (Fig. 2C), which are The structure of the template-RTP RdRp
complex contains one nsp12, one nsp7, and
one nsp8 (Fig. 3, A and B). The second nsp8 was
nsp8 largely invisible in the EM map of the template-
A RTP complex (fig. S4C); therefore, it was not
Fingers Interface included in the final model. In addition, the
template-RTP RdRp structure contains 14-base
nsp7 NiRAN RNA in the template strand, 11-base RNA in the
primer strand, and the inhibitor RMP (Fig. 3,
C and D), which is covalently linked to the
primer strand, as well as a pyrophosphate and
two magnesium ions that may serve as cata-
hairpin lytic ions near the active site (Fig. 3D and fig.
Thumb Palm S4, D to F) (26).
The overall structure of the template-RTP
B nsp8 nsp8
Fingers RdRp complex is similar to the apo RdRp
structure, with nsp12 in a closed conforma-
Fingers Interface Interface tion (Figs. 2A and 3A). The double-stranded
nsp7 o RNA helix, formed by 11 base pairs from the
NiRAN NiRAN Primer template-primer RNA (Figs. 3C and 4, A to E),
Template is held by the finger-palm-thumb subdomains.
Extensive protein-RNA interactions are ob-
served between the template-primer RNA and
nsp12, with a total of 41 residues from nsp12
Thumb hairpin Thumb directly participating in RNA binding (within
Palm Palm
4.0 Å of RNA, 26 residues to the template
C Template groove D strand and 15 residues to the primer strand;
Fig. 4E). Surprisingly, no RNA interactions
Motif F are mediated by nsp7 or nsp8, although these
two proteins are required for RNA binding by
RdRp. Most protein-RNA interactions involve
T687 Motif B
1 NTP entrance the RNA phosphate-ribose backbones, with
Elongation D623
S759 many interactions directly to 2′-OH groups
Motif A
(Fig. 4E), thus providing a basis to distinguish
D760 1
RNA from DNA. There are no contacts from
Motif C
nsp12 to any base pairs of the template-primer
RNA, suggesting a sequence-independent bind-
E Motif
M tif G F ing of RNA by RdRp. This is consistent with
Thumb the fact that no specific sequence is required
Primer Motif F Template
for the enzymatic activity of RdRp at the elon-
I847 gation step.
Motif B At the 3′ end of the primer strand is RMP
RMP Motif A (Figs. 3D and 4, D and E, and fig. S4, E and F),

2.0 Å which is covalently incorporated into the primer


1 Motif D
2 Mg2+
S501 strand at the +1 position (Fig. 4E). Additional
Template nucleotides at the +2 and +3 positions of the
template strand interact with residues from
Motif E Motif G the back of finger subdomain (Fig. 4, A and B).
Motif C
Despite the presence of excess RTP in complex
Fig. 3. Cryo-EM structure of the remdesivir- and RNA-bound RdRp complex. (A and B) Two views of assembly, only a single RMP is assembled into
the cryo-EM map (A) and structure (B) of nsp12-nsp7-nsp8 in complex with template-primer RNA and the primer strand, as observed in the struc-
remdesivir. (C) Surface view of the RdRp active site with the electrostatic potential from red (negative) to ture. Consistent with the data from Fig. 1D, the
blue (positive). For clarity, residues 410 to 442 and 834 to 919 of nsp12 and nsp8 are excluded from primer extension is immediately terminated
the figure. The covalently bound remdesivir in the monophosphate form and the product, pyrophosphate, when RTP concentration is high and ATP/RTP
are shown. The active site is emphasized with a yellow dashed circle. The template groove, the entrance ratio is low. Thus, remdesivir, like many nu-
for nucleotide triphosphate (NTP), and the elongation direction are annotated with different-colored arrows. cleotide analog prodrugs, inhibits viral RdRp
(D) Close-up view of the RdRp active site, showing the covalently bound RMP, pyrophosphate, and activity through nonobligate RNA chain termi-
magnesium ions. Key residues and bases that interact with remdesivir are shown. (E and F) Superposition nation, a mechanism that requires conversion
of the conserved RdRp motifs (A to G) of the RNA-bound complex with the apo structure (colored in gray), of the parent drug to the active triphosphate
with a close-up view at the active site (E) and at the exit of the template and primer strand (F). form (27, 28).

Yin et al., Science 368, 1499–1504 (2020) 26 June 2020 3 of 5

Corrected 25 June 2020. See full text.

The RMP position is at the center of the A B

catalytic active site (Fig. 3D). As an adenosine R513
monophosphate analog, RMP forms base- Fingers
stacking interactions with an upstream base D499
from the primer strand and two hydrogen Primer
-7 N507
bonds with the uridine base from the tem- R569 S501
Template +3
plate strand (Fig. 3D and fig. S5). In addition, -6K577 N496 V560
RMP forms interactions with side chains from
K545 and R555. Near the bound RMP are two Q541
magnesium ions and a pyrophosphate. Both -5 N543
magnesium ions interact with the phosphate -2 +2 A558
-1 +1
diester backbone and are part of the catalytic Thumb V557
active site. The pyrophosphate is at the gate Palm K545 Fingers
of the nucleotide entry channel to the active
site and may block the entry of nucleotide
triphosphate to the active side (Fig. 3, C
and D). +1
The catalytic active site of the nsp12 RdRp K849 -2 G683
consists of seven conserved motifs (A to G; -1 -1 S682
L854 -5 -3 -2 D684
Figs. 1A and 3E and fig. S6). Motifs A, B, C, and -4 -2 -4
-3 -3 RMP
D are from the palm subdomain, with an SDD -4 -6 A685
R858 -3
sequence (residues 759 to 761) in motif C form- Y689
R836 -5 -1 D760
ing the catalytic active center (Fig. 3D). Both -5 A840 -4 -2
D760 and D761 are involved in coordination -7 L862 D865
-6 S861 S814 S759
of the two magnesium ions at the catalytic F594 S592
Thumb I864 Q815
center. Motifs F and G are located within the F920 M924
finger subdomain; they interact with the tem- Y595 Palm
plate strand RNA and direct this strand into
the active site (Fig. 3E). Motif F also interacts
with the primer strand RNA, with the side











chains of K545 and R555 contacting the +1 base




(Fig. 3D) and thus stabilizing the incoming

nucleotide in the correct position for catalysis. P P P P P P P P P P

The orientation of template-primer RNA in

3’ -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 +1 +2 +3 5’
the active site is similar to the orientation of
template-primer RNA in the poliovirus RdRp U U C U U U U
elongation complex (29) and the hepatitis C H2 N
virus NS5B RdRp inhibitor complex (30) (fig. U U U N

S7). The residues involved in RNA binding N


and those that constitute the catalytic active 5’ -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 O
site are highly conserved (31, 32), highlight- P P P P P P P P O

ing the conserved mechanism of genome

replication by RdRp in these diverse RNA






viruses and suggesting that it may be pos-

sible to develop broad-spectrum antiviral in-
hibitors such as remdesivir (18) and galidesivir Fig. 4. RNA recognition by the RdRp complex. (A to D) Protein-RNA interactions in the RNA- and remdesivir-
(BCX4430) (33). bound RdRp complex. (E) Diagram of detailed RNA interactions with RdRp. Single-letter abbreviations for
Structural comparison reveals several nota- the amino acid residues are as follows: A, Ala; C, Cys; D, Asp; E, Glu; F, Phe; G, Gly; H, His; I, Ile; K, Lys; L,
ble differences between the apo and complex Leu; M, Met; N, Asn; P, Pro; Q, Gln; R, Arg; S, Ser; T, Thr; V, Val; W, Trp; and Y, Tyr.
structures (Fig. 3, E and F, and fig. S8, A and
B). First, nsp7 moves toward the RdRp core by
1.5 Å (as measured by nsp7 residue F49; fig. S8, very similar, with a root mean square devia- viral RNA polymerase, which does not need
A and B), leading to a rearrangement of the tion of 0.52 Å for all Ca atoms across the whole to consume additional energy for conforma-
interface, which results in weaker association protein. In particular, the structural elements tional changes in the active site during the
of the second nsp8 in the complex. Second, the that make up the catalytic active site can be replication cycle.
loop that connects the first and second helices precisely superimposed (Fig. 3E), which sug- Besides remdesivir, several nucleotide ana-
of the thumb subdomain moves outward by gests that the SARS-CoV-2 RdRp is a relatively log drugs—including favipiravir, ribavirin,
2.8 Å (as measured by nsp12 residue I847) stable enzyme that is ready to function as a galidesivir, and EIDD-2801—efficiently inhibit
to accommodate the binding of the double- replicase upon RNA template binding. Viral SARS-CoV-2 replication in cell-based assays
stranded RNA helix (Fig. 3F). Third, motif G RdRp is a highly processive enzyme with a rep- (35, 36). Like remdesivir, these nucleotide ana-
residues K500 and S501 also move outward lication rate of up to 100 nucleotides per second logs are proposed to inhibit the viral RdRp
by 2.0 Å to accommodate the binding of the (34). No substantial conformational changes through nonobligate RNA chain termination,
template-strand RNA. Outside of these changes, between the apo and active enzyme structures a mechanism that requires conversion of the
the apo nsp12 and the RNA complex nsp12 are are consistent with the high processivity of the parent compound to the triphosphate active

Yin et al., Science 368, 1499–1504 (2020) 26 June 2020 4 of 5

Corrected 25 June 2020. See full text.

form (33). The structure of the template-RTP 4. T. T.-Y. Lam et al., Nature 10.1038/s41586-020-2169-0 Commission of Shanghai Municipal 20431900100 and Jack Ma
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rationalize how these drugs inhibit the ac- (2020). Major Project for New Drugs 2019ZX09734001-002, CAMS
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SARS-CoV-2 replication (36). The N4 hydroxyl 10. A. C. Walls et al., Cell 181, 281–292.e6 (2020). Science Foundation of China 31970130 and 3167083 to S.-C.T.;
group off the cytidine ring forms an extra 11. J. Ziebuhr, Curr. Top. Microbiol. Immunol. 287, 57–94 National Key R&D Program of China 2016YFA0502301 to Y.X.; and
(2005). National Natural Science Foundation 31770796 and National
hydrogen bond with the side chain of K545, 12. D. G. Ahn, J. K. Choi, D. R. Taylor, J. W. Oh, Arch. Virol. 157, Science and Technology Major Project 2018ZX09711002 to
and the cytidine base also forms an extra 2095–2104 (2012). Y.J. Author contributions: W.Y. designed the expression constructs,
hydrogen bond with the guanine base from 13. A. J. te Velthuis, J. J. Arnold, C. E. Cameron, purified the RdRp complex, prepared samples for negative-stain
S. H. van den Worm, E. J. Snijder, Nucleic Acids Res. 38, EM and data collection toward the structures, and participated in
the template strand. These two extra hydro-
203–214 (2010). figure and manuscript preparation. X.L. designed RdRp activity
gen bonds may explain the apparent higher 14. L. Subissi et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 111, E3900–E3909 assays and remdesivir inhibition experiments as well as expression
potency of EIDD-2801 in inhibiting SARS- (2014). constructs of the RdRp complex. C.M. and D.-D.S. evaluated the
CoV-2 replication. 15. R. N. Kirchdoerfer, A. B. Ward, Nat. Commun. 10, 2342 specimen by negative-stain EM, screened the cryo-EM conditions,
(2019). prepared the cryo-EM grids, and collected cryo-EM images with
The COVID-19 pandemic has inflicted emo- 16. M. Wang et al., Cell Res. 30, 269–271 (2020). the help of S.C.; D.-D.S. and C.M. also performed density map
tional pain and economic burden across the 17. M. L. Holshue et al., N. Engl. J. Med. 382, 929–936 (2020). calculations. Q.S., H.S., and W.Z. participated in model building and
globe. Enzymes that are vital for the viral life 18. T. K. Warren et al., Nature 531, 381–385 (2016). refined the final models. H.-W.J. and S.-C.T. provided nsp7 and
19. D. Siegel et al., J. Med. Chem. 60, 1648–1661 (2017). nsp8 genes. X.W., F.Z., and M.G. participated in expression,
cycle are suitable antiviral drug targets be- 20. Y. Zhai et al., Nat. Struct. Mol. Biol. 12, 980–986 (2005). purification, and functional assays of the RdRp. Y.-C.X., G.T., and
cause they differ from host proteins. Among 21. W. Peti et al., J. Virol. 79, 12905–12913 (2005). J.S. made the remdesivir triphosphate form. Y.J. participated in
viral enzymes, RdRp is the primary target 22. M. A. Johnson, K. Jaudzems, K. Wüthrich, J. Mol. Biol. 402, experimental design and manuscript editing. H.J. conceived and
619–628 (2010). coordinated the project. S.Z. conceived the project, initiated
of many existing nucleotide drugs. In this 23. Y. Gao et al., Science 368, 779–782 (2020). collaboration with H.E.X., and supervised X.L. Y.X. analyzed the
paper, we report the structures of the SARS- 24. K. C. Lehmann et al., Nucleic Acids Res. 43, 8416–8434 structure and modeling and participated in figure preparation. Y.Z.
CoV-2 RdRp complex in the apo form as well (2015). supervised Q.S., C.M., and D.-D.S; analyzed the structures; and
25. S. M. McDonald, WIREs RNA 4, 351–367 (2013). participated in manuscript writing. H.E.X. conceived and supervised
as in complex with a template-primer RNA 26. M. J. van Hemert et al., PLOS Pathog. 4, e1000054 (2008). the project, analyzed the structures, and wrote the manuscript,
and the active form of remdesivir. The struc- 27. E. P. Tchesnokov, J. Y. Feng, D. P. Porter, M. Götte, Viruses 11, with input from all authors. Competing interests: The authors
tures reveal how the template-primer RNA is 326 (2019). declare no competing interests. Data and materials availability:
28. C. J. Gordon et al., J. Biol. Chem. 295, 6785–6797 (2020). Density maps and structure coordinates have been deposited
recognized by the enzyme and how chain
29. P. Gong, O. B. Peersen, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 107, for immediate release. The Electron Microscopy Data Bank accession
elongation is inhibited by remdesivir. Struc- 22505–22510 (2010). numbers and Protein Data Bank identifiers are EMD-30209 and
ture comparison and sequence alignment 30. T. C. Appleby et al., Science 347, 771–775 (2015). PDB ID 7BV1 for the apo RdRp complex and EMD-30210 and
suggest that the mode of substrate RNA rec- 31. A. J. te Velthuis, Cell. Mol. Life Sci. 71, 4403–4420 (2014). PDB ID 7BV2 for the template RNA and remdesivir–bound RdRp
32. S. Venkataraman, B. V. L. S. Prasad, R. Selvarajan, Viruses 10, complex. Materials are available upon request. This work is
ognition and remdesivir inhibition of RdRp 76 (2018). licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
is highly conserved in diverse RNA viruses, 33. T. K. Warren et al., Nature 508, 402–405 (2014). (CC BY 4.0) license, which permits unrestricted use, distribution,
providing a foundation for designing broad- 34. G. Campagnola, S. McDonald, S. Beaucourt, M. Vignuzzi, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is
O. B. Peersen, J. Virol. 89, 275–286 (2015). properly cited. To view a copy of this license, visit https://
spectrum antiviral drugs based on nucleo- 35. C.-C. Lu, M.-Y. Chen, Y.-L. Chang, J. Chin. Med. Assoc. 10.1097/ This license does not
tide analogs. Moreover, our structures provide JCMA.0000000000000318 (2020). apply to figures/photos/artwork or other content included in the
a solid template for modeling and modifying 36. T. P. Sheahan et al., Sci. Transl. Med. 12, eabb5883 article that is credited to a third party; obtain authorization
(2020). from the rights holder before using such material.
the existing nucleotide drugs, including the
highly potent EIDD-2801. Together, these ob- ACKN OWLED GMEN TS
servations provide a rational basis to design The cryo-EM data were collected at the Center of Cryo-Electron
even more potent inhibitors to combat SARS- Microscopy, Zhejiang University. We thank MedChemExpress
Figs. S1 to S8
for making remdesivir. We also thank J. Richardson, D. Richardson,
CoV-2 infection. Table S1
and T. Croll for help with validating the structures. Funding:
References (37–46)
This work was partially supported by the National Key R&D
RE FE RENCES AND N OT ES Programs of China 2018YFA0507002; Shanghai Municipal Science View/request a protocol for this paper from Bio-protocol.
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2. E. Dong, H. Du, L. Gardner, Lancet Infect. Dis. 20, 533–534 to H.E.X.; Zhejiang University special scientific research fund 8 April 2020; accepted 28 April 2020
(2020). for COVID-19 prevention and control E33 and the National Science Published online 1 May 2020
3. P. Zhou et al., Nature 579, 270–273 (2020). Foundation of China 81922071 to Y.Z.; Science and Technology 10.1126/science.abc1560

Yin et al., Science 368, 1499–1504 (2020) 26 June 2020 5 of 5


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By Montrai Spikes

The pressure to assimilate

hy are you dressed so nicely?” a fellow graduate student asked me in passing, after noticing
my collared shirt, slacks, and dress shoes. “Oh, I have to teach today,” I replied. He stopped and
stared at me for a few moments, the confusion written plainly on his face. “As a Black man,
students treat me with more respect when I dress up,” I explained. What I did not say was, “Our
society’s current idea of professionalism is so intertwined with straight, white, masculinity that
underrepresented people must go above and beyond or risk being seen as incompetent.”

I love teaching. However, for a Black people of color in STEM. My guard

man in a STEM department, it can dropped, the Ebonics slipped out, and
be taxing, frustrating, and daunting for a short period I was simply me.
to figure out how to present myself As I shifted our conversation to his
to undergraduate students. Taxing assignment, he said offhandedly, “I
because I have to learn to interact wish you were more like this in class.”
with students who may have pre- He wasn’t ill-intentioned, but his
conceived notions of my abilities. comment did prompt introspection.
Frustrating because the number of I realized that although my
colleagues who share my experi- “professional” mask appealed to
ences or can offer me guidance is my white students, it had unfore-
essentially zero. Daunting because seen consequences. The mask I
for some of these students, their ex- crafted was disingenuous and was
perience with me will likely shape alienating students of color while
how they view all people of color. reinforcing the misconception that
During my first year as a teach- the only way to succeed is through
ing assistant (TA), I noticed some cultural assimilation.
students didn’t fully trust or respect “The mask I crafted was After this revelation, I discarded
me as an instructor. For example,
one of my students emailed another
disingenuous and was alienating my mask. I continued to dress nicely
because that’s something I enjoy. But
TA to ask the very same question I’d students of color.” I started to speak Ebonics more. I
answered for them earlier in the day. also decided to take time, at the be-
Another incident that got under my skin was when a stu- ginning of every semester, to tell my students about my edu-
dent said I looked like rapper Wiz Khalifa, then proceeded cational and cultural background. This serves a dual purpose:
to touch my dreadlocks. I felt embarrassed and violated, but It outlines my teaching qualifications and demonstrates, to
I pretended their comment and action didn’t bother me. I underrepresented students especially, my pride in my culture
feared that correcting the student would only present me as and upbringing.
an “angry Black man.” Admittedly, I’m not sure whether this is the best approach,
To garner more respect and confidence from my students, and I do feel disheartened that I have to make a special effort
I started to diligently craft a mask that I thought would to build credibility with my students. But I have noticed it has
signal my professionalism. I wore nice clothes on teaching paid dividends. All my students have remained engaged, my
days and I reduced my use of Ebonics, an English dialect underrepresented students seem empowered, and I no longer
spoken by some Black Americans that I often used grow- feel the need to put on an insincere mask.
ing up. This mask seemed to work. I noticed my students I encourage my STEM colleagues to think seriously about
were more engaged, asking questions and seeking me out who is more professional. Is it the man who wears button-
for help. But the effort of maintaining my facade ultimately down shirts or the person who is knowledgeable in their field?
became unsustainable. Eventually, my mask cracked. Is it the woman with straight hair or the person who leads

I was waiting in my office for a student, another Black productive discussions? A true professional doesn’t have a
man, to arrive to discuss his lab report. As I responded to prescribed appearance. I’m a young Black man with tattoos
emails, a rap album by Kendrick Lamar was playing. I was and dreadlocks who is fluent in Ebonics. I’m also a behavioral
startled when the student exclaimed, “Yo! Trai, I didn’t know ecologist, activist, and educator. I am a professional. j
you got down with Kendrick.” This catalyzed an animated
discussion about rappers, growing up in big cities, and Montrai Spikes is a Ph.D. student at the University of Oklahoma.

1506 26 JUNE 2020 • VOL 368 ISSUE 6498 SCIENCE

Published by AAAS

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