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Division of Angeles City
Sameera, Sapalibutad, Angeles City

Daily Lesson Plan

Grade Level: 11 Quarter/Week: 1-2

Learning Area: Introduction to World Religions and Belief Date: June 18-22, 2018

I. Objective/s:
 Cite regions or places where specific religions evolved (HUMSS_WRB12I/IIIb-2.1)
 Analyze the culture of the region that gave rise to specific religions (HUMSS_WRB12I/IIIb-2.2)
 Explain how geography influences religion and religion affects culture (HUMSS_WRB12I/IIIb-2.3)
II. Content:
I. How World Religions Began
A. Origin of Religion
B. Locations of the major religions
Content Standard:
The learners demonstrate an understanding of:
 The learner demonstrates understanding of historical and geographical
contexts of the different religions.
Performance Standard:
The learners shall be able to:
 The learner conducts a group activity that demonstrates the influence of
a religion in a certain culture

III. Motivation/Strategies:
 Communicate Objectives.
o Trace the origin of religion from Paleolithic to Neolithic Era
o Explain how geography influences religion and culture
o Show the locations of the major religion in the world map
 Group Activity (Draw the world map and mark the specific locations of the major religions)
 Discussions and Summary
IV. Evaluation:
Quiz (Teacher-made)
V. Assignment/Reinforcement:
o Ask the students to answer the following question/s.
 Research about the positive and negative effects of religion in our society.


Irene S. Gomez
SHS Teacher II


Zenaida D. Quiambao
Principal I

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