CFR 2020 Title16 Vol2 Sec1610 1

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Consumer Product Safety Commission § 1610.

FIGURE 4 TO PART 1610—AN EXAMPLE OF A cordance with the Standard. Therefore,
TYPICAL INDICATOR FINGER persons and firms issuing an initial
guaranty of any of the following types
FIGURE 6 TO PART 1610—IGNITER of fabrics, or of products made entirely
FIGURE 7 TO PART 1610—BRUSHING DEVICE from one or more of these fabrics, are
FIGURE 8 TO PART 1610—BRUSH exempt from any requirement for test-
FIGURE 9 TO PART 1610—BRUSHING DEVICE ing to support guaranties of those fab-
SOURCE: 73 FR 15640, Mar. 25, 2008, unless (1) Plain surface fabrics, regardless of
otherwise noted.
fiber content, weighing 2.6 ounces per
AUTHORITY: 15 U.S.C. 1191–1204. square yard or more; and
(2) All fabrics, both plain surface and
Subpart A—The Standard raised-fiber surface textiles, regardless
of weight, made entirely from any of
§ 1610.1 Purpose, scope and applica- the following fibers or entirely from
combination of the following fibers:
(a) Purpose. The purpose of this acrylic, modacrylic, nylon, olefin, pol-
standard is to reduce danger of injury yester, wool.
and loss of life by providing, on a na-
(e) Applicability. The requirements of
tional basis, standard methods of test-
this part 1610 shall apply to textile fab-
ing and rating the flammability of tex-
tiles and textile products for clothing ric or related material in a form or
use, thereby prohibiting the use of any state ready for use in an article of
dangerously flammable clothing tex- wearing apparel, including garments
tiles. and costumes finished for consumer
(b) Scope. The Standard provides use.
methods of testing the flammability of
clothing and textiles intended to be § 1610.2 Definitions.
used for clothing, establishes three In addition to the definitions given in
classes of flammability, sets forth the Section 2 of the Flammable Fabrics
requirements which textiles shall meet Act as amended (15 U.S.C. 1191), the fol-
to be classified, and warns against the lowing definitions apply for this part
use of those textiles which have burn- 1610.
ing characteristics unsuitable for
(a) Base burn (also known as base fab-
clothing. Hereafter, ‘‘clothing and tex-
ric ignition or fusing) means the point
tiles intended to be used for clothing’’
shall be referred to as ‘‘textiles.’’ at which the flame burns the ground
(c) Specific exceptions. This standard (base) fabric of a raised surface textile
shall not apply to: (1) Hats, provided fabric and provides a self-sustaining
they do not constitute or form part of flame. Base burns, used to establish a
a covering for the neck, face, or shoul- Class 3 fabric, are those burns resulting
ders when worn by individuals; from surface flash that occur on speci-
(2) Gloves, provided they are not mens in places other than the point of
more than 14 inches in length and are impingement when the warp and fill
not affixed to or do not form an inte- yarns of a raised surface textile fabric
gral part of another garment; undergo combustion. Base burns can be
(3) Footwear, provided it does not identified by an opacity change,
consist of hosiery in whole or part and scorching on the reverse side of the
is not affixed to or does not form an in- fabric, or when a physical hole is evi-
tegral part of another garment; dent.
(4) Interlining fabrics, when intended (b) Burn time means the time elapsed
or sold for use as a layer between an
from ignition until the stop thread is
outer shell and an inner lining in wear-
ing apparel. severed as measured by the timing
(d) Specific exemptions. Experience mechanism of the test apparatus.
gained from years of testing in accord- (c) Dry cleaning means the cleaning of
ance with the Standard demonstrates samples in a commercial dry cleaning
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that certain fabrics consistently yield machine under the conditions de-
acceptable results when tested in ac- scribed in § 1610.6.


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