Cyber-Physical Systems and Industry 4.0: Properties, Structure, Communication, and Behavior

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Cyber-Physical Systems and Industry 4.0: Properties, Structure,

Communication, and Behavior

Technical Report · April 2019

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.27890.76485


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1 author:

Naoufel Boulila
Siemens, Munich. Germany


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Cyber-Physical Systems and Industry 4.0:
Properties, Structure, Communication,
and Behavior
Dr. Naoufel Boulila (naoufel.boulila at,
Siemens Corporate Technology

Dr. Naoufel Boulila

Siemens AG
Corporate Technology
Senior Consulant
Certified System Architect
Research and Development for Digitalization and Automation
User Experience Design Germany
81739 Muenchen, Germany

Siemens Aktiengesellschaft: Chairman of the Supervisory Board: Jim Hagemann Snabe; Managing Board: Joe Kaeser,
Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer; Roland Busch, Lisa Davis, Klaus Helmrich, Janina Kugel, Cedrik Neike, Michael
Sen, Ralf P. Thomas; Registered offices: Berlin and Munich, Germany; Commercial registries: Berlin Charlottenburg, HRB 12300,
Munich, HRB 6684; WEEE-Reg.-No. DE 23691322

© Dr. Naoufel Boulila. All rights reserved.

Table of Contents
1. Cyber-PhysicalSystems ........................................................................................................................ 5
1.1. 1.1.Introduction............................................................................................................................. 5
1.2. 1.2.Definitions................................................................................................................................ 6
2. Characteristics and Challenges of ......................................................................................................... 6
2.1. Human in the Loop ........................................................................................................................ 7
2.2. Feedback Systems.......................................................................................................................... 7
2.3. Intelligent Systems .......................................................................................................................... 7
2.4. Tight Integration ............................................................................................................................ 7
2.5. 2.5. Communication Networks ....................................................................................................... 7
2.6. Networked Control ......................................................................................................................... 8
2.7. Wireless Sensing and Actuation...................................................................................................... 8
2.8. Adaptive and Predictive ................................................................................................................. 8
2.9. Non-Functional Requirements (NFR) .............................................................................................. 8
2.10. High Safety Requirements ............................................................................................................. 8
2.11. Dependability ................................................................................................................................ 9
2.12. Distributed Structure ..................................................................................................................... 9
2.13. Predictability/Determinism ........................................................................................................... 9
2.14. Real-Time and Time-Awareness .................................................................................................... 9
2.15. Interoperability.............................................................................................................................. 9
2.16. Interfacing with legacy Systems .................................................................................................... 9
2.17. Modularity and Composability ...................................................................................................... 9
2.18. Cyber Security.............................................................................................................................. 10
2.18.1. Malicious Attacks ...................................................................................................... 10
2.18.2. Resilience .................................................................................................................. 10
2.18.3. Privacy ....................................................................................................................... 10
2.18.4. Confidentiality ........................................................................................................... 10
2.18.5. Intrusion Detection ................................................................................................... 10
2.19. Heterogeneous Models ............................................................................................................... 10
2.19.1. Heterogeneity ........................................................................................................... 10
2.19.2. Multiform Time ......................................................................................................... 10

© Dr. Naoufel Boulila. All rights reserved.

2.19.3. Models of Computation ............................................................................................ 10
2.19.4. Continuous and Discrete ........................................................................................... 10
2.20. Specification, Modeling, and Analysis ......................................................................................... 11
2.20.1. Concurrency .............................................................................................................. 11
2.20.2. Scalability and Complexity Management .................................................................. 11
2.20.3. Validation and Verification........................................................................................ 11
2.20.4. Simulation ................................................................................................................. 11
3. Cyber-PhysicalSystemsApplication Domains ..................................................................................... 12
3.1. 3.1.Healthcare ............................................................................................................................. 12
3.2. 3.2. Industrial Automation & Process control ...................................................................... 12
3.3. 3.3.Communication ..................................................................................................................... 12
3.4. 3.4.Consumer .............................................................................................................................. 12
3.5. 3.5.Energy 13
3.6. 3.6.Infrastructure ........................................................................................................................ 13
3.7. 3.7.Manufacturing ....................................................................................................................... 13
3.8. 3.8.Military .................................................................................................................................. 13
3.9. 3.9.Robotics ................................................................................................................................. 13
3.10. 3.10. Transportation .................................................................................................................... 13
4. Benefits of Cyber-Physical Systems .................................................................................................... 14
5. Basic Building Blocks of Cyber Physical Systems .................................................................................. 14
5.1. Physical component ..................................................................................................................... 15
5.2. Cyber component ........................................................................................................................ 16
5.3. Sensors 16
5.4. Actuators 16
5.5. Sensors and Actuators Collaboration in a Cyber Physical Environment ......................................... 17
5.6. Sensor Networks and Their Components..................................................................................... 17
5.7. Sensor Nodes (Smart Sensor) ....................................................................................................... 18
5.8. Aggregators, Base Stations, and Gateways................................................................................... 18
6. Example of Cyber Physical System ...................................................................................................... 19
7. Cyber Physical Production Systems (CPPS) and Industry 4.0................................................................ 19
7.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 19
7.2 Definitions .................................................................................................................................... 21
7.2.1 Industry 4.0 .................................................................................................................................. 21
7.2.2 Cyber-physical production systems (CPPS).................................................................................... 22
7.2.3 Smart Factory ............................................................................................................................... 22

7.3 Cyber-Physical Production Systems Building Blocks ...................................................................... 22
· Cyber Physical System (CPS) ...................................................................................... 23
· Cyber Physical Transportation System (CPTS).............................................................. 23
· Production Planning Software (PPSW) ........................................................................ 23
· Manufacturing Execution System (MES)...................................................................... 23
· Further CPPS............................................................................................................... 23
7.4 Realization of a CPPS Case Study: Robot-Human Collaboration..................................................... 24
7.4.1 Actors 25
7.4.2 Basic Use Cases for dynamic orchestration ................................................................................... 27
7.4.3 Use Case 2: Wire (silver) & contact bow (copper) ......................................................................... 30

1. Cyber-Physical Systems
During the current decade, several researchers realized that embedded systems are evolving to
systems where physical aspects played a fundamental role [1]. The interaction between the
intelligence provided by distributed interconnected processors and their physical world has gained
high importance.

Today, many researchers, practitioners, and national academic institutes provide their own
understanding and definitions of Cyber-Physical Systems. An internationally recognized standard
formal definition of Cyber-Physical Systems is still lacking.

The German National Academy of Science and Engineering (acatech) has provided initial description
within the development efforts for an Integrated Research Agenda for Cyber-Physical Systems [2]:

“Cyber-Physical Systems are systems that integrate computing elements with the physical
components and processes. The computing elements coordinate and communicate with sensors,
which monitor cyber and physical indicators, and actuators, which modify the cyber and physical
environment. Cyber-Physical Systems use sensors to connect all distributed intelligence in the
environment to gain a deeper knowledge of the environment, which enables a more accurate
actions and tasks.”

Lee et. al [3] outlines the fact that within Cyber Physical Systems, embedded computers and
networks monitor and control the physical processes including feedback loops where physical
processes affect computations and vice-versa. The design of such systems, therefore, requires
understanding the joint dynamics of computers, software, networks, and physical processes [4]. It is
this study of joint dynamics that sets this discipline apart. Cyber-Physical Systems combine cyber
capabilities with physical capabilities to solve problems that neither part could solve alone [5].

Examples of Cyber-Physical Systems include a wide variety of systems such as aerospace, command
and control, manufacturing, process control, robotic, telecommunication, power grid, and biomedical
systems [6].

The term "cyber-physical systems" emerged around 2006, when it was coined by Helen Gill at the
National Science Foundation in the United States. The terms "cyberspace" and "cyber-physical
systems" stem from the same root "cybernetics". The term "cybernetics" was coined by a group of
scientists led by Norbert Wiener and was made popular by the book Cybernetics or Control and
Communication in the Animal and the Machine [7], an American mathematician who had a huge
impact on the development of control systems theory. Wiener derived the term from the Greek
“Kybernetes” which means, among others, governor. Kybernesis however, and according to Krämer
[8] means control skills and evolved to the English “govern”. For the actual context we consider
systems in which physical objects and computational resources are tightly integrated and show a
degree of continuous inter- coordination.
The goal of the definitions section is to provide a common understanding of the terms as used
within the scientific community which are still valid for the current context.

It is important to mention that Cyber Physical Systems is still in its early stages of development,
therefore, a well-established and generally agreed definition is still lacking.

CPS is the abbreviation of Cyber -Physical Systems and is used in this document.

Components are the building blocks of any systems or sub-system including cyber-physical systems.

Cyber refers to any computing hardware or software resources or both that can achieve
computation, communication, and control functions in a discrete, logical, and switching
environment (e.g. fully switched networks, required for a full-duplex communication).

Physical refers to any natural and human-made systems governed by the laws of physics and
operating in continuous time.

Cyber-Physical Systems consists of computation, communication and control components tightly

combined with physical processes of different domains such as mechanical, electrical, and

Figure 1 shows the core (3C) building blocks for Cyber Physical System, including
Computation, Communication, and Control. That constitutes the core high-level
requirements for a system to be considered Cyber-Physical.

Figure 1. The 3C minimal requirements a system must fulfill to be considered cyber physical

The 3C building blocks can be implemented through various components that can take various
forms according to the application domain and available technologies. These building blocks
are inter- connected and are communication-intensive via well-defined and available

2. Characteristics and Challenges of

Cyber-Physical Systems
Cyber-Physical Systems are systems of systems with a multitude of properties. This implies that the
underlined challenges are numerous as well and are depending on the application domain. The
main requirements for CPS developments and integration are then derived from these challenges.
However, the core design requirement for cyber-physical systems is that the cyber components, the
physical components, and the communication technologies shall be able to collaborate to deliver
the correct and expected functionality. In the following we outline the most common and relevant

2.1. Human in the Loop

Many cyber physical systems include humans as a central component. Humans are very difficult to
model and predict. Therefore, understanding and validating such systems becomes particularly

2.2. Feedback Systems

Cyber components in a CPS application often include algorithms that react to sensor data by issuing
control signals via actuators to the CPS physical components. Such closed-loop feedback systems are
the domain of the control theory field, which studies the stability and the dynamics of such
interactions. Cyber-Physical Systems, however, require extending control theory to take into
consideration the dynamics of software and networks, which can have profound effects on the
stability and the dynamics of the physical subsystems.

2.3. IntelligentSystems
Intelligent systems are systems that emulate human capacities for learning, understanding,
perceiving, and eventually making decisions and take actions. In the context of cyber-physical
systems, there are particular opportunities and challenges associated with controlling or
predicting the behavior of such systems and how their behavior affects the overall system

2.4. Tight Integration

Cyber physical systems computation and physical entities are closely integrated. Physical
entities are then monitored and controlled by computation entities.

2.5. 2.5. Communication Networks

Entities are connected to each other through heterogeneous communication networks typically
involving multiple computational platforms. This is a core aspect and a crucial requirement for the
cyber physical entities.

2.6. Networked Control
Classical control systems use continuous or discrete-time signaling, where the controller continually
or periodically observes and provides actuation to the physical subsystem (e.g. industrial plant). In a
typical CPS architecture, the signaling is mediated by software and networks that do not have such
continuous or periodic behavior.

2.7. Wireless Sensing and Actuation

Low-power characteristic of toddy’s wireless sensors and actuators offers the possibility to be
deployed in high number and in various random physical locations to measure a certain physical
phenomena. This provides higher measurement precision and control of physical processes which
is difficult or not possible to achieve with wired systems. Thus, Cyber-Physical Systems benefit
greatly from the wireless technology, in particular wireless sensor networks can be considered an
inherent component for communication and control. Issues that arise with wireless sensing and
actuation include at least:

· Data models issues for distributed sensor data (dynamic positioning)

· Localization issues (positioning in space) of sensors and actuators, in particular for mobile
· Time-synchronization issues as sensors have their own standalone clock. Time-
synchronization enables coordinated sleep and wakeup times, and time- stamping of sensor
data with globally meaningful time stamps.

2.8. Adaptive and Predictive

It is the ability to reconfigure services and behavior according to current environmental events and
changes occurring at anytime. This is in particular crucial as networks are unreliable and physical
environment is unstable. Adapting to change conditions and predicting changes in the physical
processes is fundamental. The control strategies implemented in the cyber subsystems need to be
adaptive (responding to changing conditions) and predictive (anticipating changes in the physical
processes). In unexpected situations, a Cyber-Physical System should automatically adapt itself to
the new situation without the intervention of human beings.

2.9. Non-Functional Requirements (NFR)

Whether built from the ground up or integrated from existing systems, Cyber-Physical Systems
inherit most of the NFRs including security and reliability. New NFRs can be eventually
discovered and addressed.
2.10. High Safety Requirements
Cyber-Physical Systems including healthcare systems or safety-critical systems such as nuclear plant
cooling systems, tele-surgery or collision avoidance systems, error and failure in might result in
serious casualties. Therefore, each component in the system should be protected against random
failures and react to random faults in real-time.

2.11. Dependability
Cyber-Physical Systems ideally should be dependable systems, which means essentially making
them reliable, maintainable, available, safe, and secure.

2.12. Distributed Structure

All resources and entities are spread on the environment and interacted through network.
Distributed structure affects the reliability of the Cyber-Physical Systems. There are various impacts
due to the nature of distributed structure such as communication problems and scalability.

2.13. Predictability/Determinism
Services should be delivered in a predictable way in terms of time. Cyber-Physical Systems are not
deterministic systems.

2.14. Real-Time and Time-Awareness

Concurrency and asynchronous communication are one of the important challenges during design
and testing of Cyber-Physical Systems. Cyber-physical systems have to manage large amounts of
data that is received periodically from the sensors. Systems that have critical timing constraints
beginning from data processing to control need to have time-critical functions because failures on
time of actions may cause permanent damages for particular systems. Moreover, Cyber-physical
systems typically include software that has timing constraints, including tasks that must be executed
periodically, deadline constraints, or latency constraints. In particular, task scheduling in wireless
sensor networks and in cloud computing- based cyber-physical systems, is central. The classical field
of real-time systems, which provides operating-system-level scheduling strategies, plays a
fundamental role in this.

2.15. Interoperability
The intrinsically heterogeneous nature of cyber-physical systems requires mixing technologies and
tools. Interoperability becomes central.

2.16. Interfacing with legacy Systems

Integrating pre-existing designs (legacy systems) into new designs is a practical necessity for many
Cyber physical systems applications. Such integration becomes particularly challenging when design
methodologies and tools are changing.

2.17. Modularity and Composability

Modularity is the problem of designing subsystems (modules) with well-defined interfaces that
can be used in a variety of contexts. Composability is the ability to combine modules. A related
concern is compositionality, which refers to the ability to understand a composite system by
understanding its components and how they are combined.

2.18. Cyber Security

Cyber Security

M alicious Attacks
Resilience Priv acy

The main goal of cyber security is to build trust in systems.

2.19. Malicious Attacks

All networked computing systems face risk of malicious attacks. As CPS networks become more
open, they too become vulnerable. But even with closed networks, there are still risks due to
incomplete trust in suppliers and due to the possibility of accidental introduction of malicious code.
Particular problems include:

· back doors;
· denial of service attacks;
· Trojan horses;
· Viruses.

2.20. Resilience
Technically, resilience is the ability of a material to absorb energy when it is deformed. In the
context of CPS, resilience is the ability of a system to keep operating normally when stressed by
unexpected inputs, subsystem failures, or environmental conditions or inputs that are outside the
specified operating range. Recovery from failure, Fault tolerance, fault detection, and adaptation are
all techniques that promote resilience.

2.21. Privacy
In the context of CPS, privacy is the problem of protecting information about humans from
unauthorized access by other humans or machines.

2.22. Confidentiality
In this context of CPS, it is the problem of protecting the information flow. Physical components
added to the underlined system considerably increase the difficulty of determining information flow
and the difficulty of mitigating the corresponding confidentiality problem.

2.23. Intrusion Detection
There is a need to consider both physical and cyber intrusions. Technologies that can influence

· Embedded vision: motion detection and tracking, human detection, face recognition
· Timing models: enable detection of timing anomalies, which can reveal intrusion.

2.24. Heterogeneous Models

2.25. Heterogeneity
Cyber-physical systems are intrinsically heterogeneous and include various technologies and a
multitude of devices such as sensor nodes, mobile devices, computers, embedded systems;
different types of communication protocols, hardware and software constraints.

2.26. Multiform Time

The interaction between cyber and physical components is central to cyber-physical systems. These
interactions occur in time. Classical time models for synchronizing actions or time-stamped events
may be inadequate as all entities have not necessarily access to accurate time-measurement. In the
context of CPS, time models shall be able to deal with inconsistent measurements of time, where
different entities of a system may disagree on the current-time of day.

2.27. Models of Computation

It is essential to extend classical computer science computation models and theories to include
handling multiform time and to provide concurrency models matching better the concurrency of the
physical world. For example, considering software components communication which is method-call-
based might be replaced or complemented with an actor-oriented component model. Actors
interact with one another through input-output stimuli rather than method calls. An actor reacts to
input stimulus by changing state and providing output stimulus that other actors can react to.
Computation models can be fundamentally built upon this basic notion of actors.

2.28. Continuous and Discrete

Physical subsystems operate in a time continuum, whereas cyber subsystems are composed of
discrete, stepwise operations. A key challenge for cyber physical systems is to integrate the
engineering abstractions for continuous dynamics (such as differential equations) with computer
science abstractions (such as algorithms).

2.29. Specification, Modeling, and Analysis

2.30. Concurrency
Cyber-physical systems are intrinsically concurrent. The cyber and the physical sub-systems coexist
in time where concurrent processes are common. Models of concurrency in the physical world
(coexisting physical dynamics in a time continuum) are very different from models of concurrency in
software (arbitrary interleaving of sequences of atomic actions), and very different from models of
concurrency in networks (asynchronous, partially-ordered discrete actions or clock-driven time
slots). It is fundamental to bring together these divergent models of concurrency, and ensuring
interoperability and communication between components that have divergent models of
concurrency, is a central problem in CPS.

2.31. Scalability and Complexity Management

Cyber-physical systems are inherently heterogeneous, combining physical dynamics with
computational processes. The physical domain may be multi-physics, combining for example
mechanical motion control, chemical processes, biological processes, and human operators. The
cyber domain may combine networking technologies, programming languages, software component
models, and concurrency mechanisms. The challenge, therefore, is to provide design methodologies
and tools that support those methodologies that scale to large designs to facilitate analysis and to
promote understanding of complex systems.

2.32. Validation and Verification

Validation is the process of determining whether a design meets the needs of the user, whereas
verification is the process of determining whether a design meets a set of requirements,
specifications, and regulations. If the requirements, specifications, and regulations are given in a
formal language, then it may be possible to automate verification, resulting in a process known as
formal verification. Simulation may also be used for validation. In the context of CPS, the validation
and verification processes are then more complex and difficult to perform. Several empirical and
technical approaches have to be combined to ensure the coverage of the whole system.

2.33. Simulation
Simulation is the process of validating a design by imitating its behavior for a given set of inputs. Particular
CPS challenges include:

· Heterogeneous simulation: co-simulation of diverse physical and cyber subsystems;

· Multi-resolution simulation: co-simulating subsystems expressed at different levels of abstraction
or with different time scales and precisions;
· Models of time: distributed cyber-physical systems cannot precisely share a single measurement
of time, and discrepancies in their measurements can lead to unexpected artifacts, so simulators
need to accurately model these discrepancies.
· Hardware in the loop simulation: This is where a subsystem simulation interacts in real
time with hardware realizing either a physical or a cyber sub-system.

3. Cyber-Physical Systems Application

In the following we outline few examples of cyber-physical applications.

3.1. Healthcare
Many health care systems are cyber-physical systems. In hospitals, for example, information from
many sources like bedside monitors, lab results, and practitioner observations are combined to
inform interventions. Today, many components of the health system operate in isolation and some
limited integrated solutions are available. In the future, they will be combined into networked
closed-loop systems with humans in the loop to improve medical workflows and patient safety.

3.2. Industrial Automation & Process control

Process Control Systems (PCS) nowadays are examples of cyber-physical systems. In the process
industry process refers to the methods of changing or refining raw materials to create an end
product. Control refers to the methods that are used to control process variables when
manufacturing a product. Process industries include (petro) chemical, food, water treatment, power
and other industries. Other examples include:

· Physical infrastructure monitoring and control

· Electricity generation and distribution
· Buildings and environmental controls

3.3. Communication
Most of communication systems are cyber-physical systems because of the digital control and
the contention for physical resources such as radio spectrum and fiber channels. E.g.:

· Cellular backhaul
· Sensor networks
· Wireless

3.4. Consumer
Cyber -physical systems are also part of various consumer applications such as:

· Smart homes
· Interactive games

· Video systems

3.5. Energy
Energy production, distribution, and optimization are all CPS applications areas. For example, the
smart grid combines multiple electric power production plants with a multiplicity of loads using
dynamic load balancing and dynamic pricing with demand-response strategies. Smart buildings
integrate sensors (typically wireless) into control systems for lighting, HVAC (heating, ventilation, and
air conditioning), and safety (fire monitoring and evacuation).

3.6. Infrastructure
Society depends on critical infrastructure (electric power, water, roadways, etc.). CPS can help
manage and maintain such infrastructure by providing:

· disaster recovery
· structural health monitoring
· water distribution optimization
· water safety monitoring

3.7. Manufacturing
Manufacturing systems that include robotic machinery, embedded vision, or any computer-
controlled actuation are cyber-physical systems.

3.8. Military
Many military systems are cyber-physical systems. E.g.:

· Command and control including drone systems

· Defense systems

3.9. Robotics
Robotics is a rich area of research and development that encompasses a range of intellectual topics
from motion control to artificial intelligence. E.g.: mobile and autonomous robots.

3.10. Transportation
Transportation applications of CPS include:

· automotive systems
· avionics and aerospace
· elevators, escalators, and moving sidewalks
· railroads
· traffic management

Major issues transportation system design includes safety, efficiency, and response to emergencies
and disasters.

4. Benefits of Cyber-Physical Systems

Cyber-Physical Systems are the central engine of innovation for a broad range of industrial sectors.
It represents the technology that transforms business, products, and the global economy and
creates new markets.

Building systems that integrate computational and physical objects requires new systems science
foundations. This opens up new research possibilities based on currently available technology as well
as and new technology enablers. By merging computing and communication with physical processes,
cyber- Physical Systems bring many benefits including:

· Safer and more efficient systems

· Reduce the cost of building and operating systems
· Build complex systems that provide new capabilities
· Add capabilities to physical systems
· Fusion of physical and computational sciences
· The decreasing cost of computation, networking, and sensing
· Computers and communication are ubiquitous and enable national or global scale CPS
· Social and economic forces require more efficient use of national infrastructure

5. Basic Building Blocks of Cyber Physical

Cyber -physical systems typically include a network of devices that receive and perform physical
actions while simultaneously being controlled and monitored by software. Cyber-Physical Systems
can be seen as the integration of embedded systems, sensors, communication networks, and control
systems. The main purpose of using a cyber infrastructure (including sensing, computing, and
communication hardware and software) is to monitor (from physical to cyber) and control (from
cyber to physical) the physical world (see Fig. 2).

Figure 2. Interaction of cyber and physical domains in CPS and control loop

Figure 3. Main building blocks of a cyber physical system

Cyber-physical systems are systems of systems. The basic building blocks are the following:

5.1. Physical component

Large scale cyber-physical systems usually involve physical infrastructures such as flow networks,
and various data originating from different nodes. Sensors are spread over those nodes to capture
the data generated. Collected data is then forwarded via networks to one or more central locations
called sinks or base stations. The data is analyzed and appropriate responses are made, either locally
at the sink or at a remote system [9]. The physical component include among others:

· Physical Environment
· Embedded systems

5.2. Cyber component

The Cyber component provides computational and control mechanisms to cyber-physical systems
(Figure. 3). It facilitates the fusion and analysis of data received from various sources and the overall
decision making process. Remote network access that facilitates efficient interaction among various,
possibly physically isolated, collaborating units of a cyber-physical system as well as efficient system
administration, is an integral part of the cyber component [9].

5.3. Sensors
A sensor generally refers to a device that converts a physical measure into a signal that is read by
an observer or by an instrument [10]. The sensors that can be deployed in Cyber-Physical
Systems range from simple detectors that only measure one particular physical parameter to
complex environment sensors such as video and radar, and biosensors that can be implanted into
patients’ bodies to record complex health-related processes and sensor networks incorporating a
large number of often heterogeneous sensors.

Figure 4. From left to right demonstrates how a sensor works. Whereas reading it from right to left
illustrates how an actuator works.

5.4. Actuators
Actuators are the counterpart of Sensors which function the other way round (Fig 4.). Their main
task consists in converting the electrical signal (digital values) into a physical phenomenon, e.g. into
mechanical movements or other physical parameters such as pressure and temperature, or displays
for quantities measures by sensors (e.g. speedometers, temperature reading for thermostats), thus
producing an effect on the environment. The actuators used by Cyber-Physical Systems range from
simple, often mechanical controllers in control circuits, e.g., valve trains, to electromechanical and
hydraulic drives and complex control systems, e.g., for the longitudinal and lateral guidance of
vehicles or entire traffic flow via the coordinated interaction of several heterogeneous actuators in
actuator networks.

5.5. Sensors and Actuators Collaboration in a Cyber Physical Environment
Sensors and Actuators provide the capability for the Cyber-Physical Systems to monitor and influence
their physical environment. Sensors record qualitative or quantitative measurements of the
environment’s physical or chemical properties such as temperature, pressure, humidity, sound or the
materials it is made of and convert these measurements into a format that can be processed digitally.
Sensors measure multiple physical properties and include electronic sensors, biosensors, and
chemical sensors. These sensors are regarded as the interface between the physical world and the
world of electrical devices, such as computers [11].

5.6. Sensor Networks and Their Components

A sensor network can be described as a collection of sensor nodes which coordinate to perform
some specific action. Unlike traditional networks, sensor networks depend on dense deployment
and coordination to carry out their tasks.

A (smart) sensor network consists of a group of smart sensors that are wired or wirelessly
connected to another smart sensor or to a common aggregator. In networking terminology, each
component in the network that has a communications module is called a node. A node that
generates data is called a source node, while a node that requests data is called a sink or sink node.
A sink can be another sensor node on the network, a gateway to another larger network, or a local
aggregator (Fig.5). A source node can report routine data, an alert, or maintenance data.

Figure 5. Typical sensor and actuator network

The sensor network performs two key tasks: data gathering and data dissemination. Data gathering is
about data capturing and transferring from each sensor node to a sink. The source sends data to the
17 the data. Data dissemination is the process for
sink periodically or on demand, and the sink processes
routing queries or data around the sensor network. Data dissemination is a two-step process. In the
first step, the sink node describes the data it is interested in and broadcasts this descriptor, which is
called “interest”, across the network. Each node maintains an interest cache of all data to be
reported. In the second step, the nodes that have data of interest send this data to the sink.

Earlier, sensor networks consisted of a small number of sensor nodes that were wired to a central
processing station. However, nowadays, the focus is more on wireless, distributed, dynamic, and
sensing nodes.

5.7. Sensor Nodes (Smart Sensor)

A sensor node is a smart sensor that is capable of gathering sensory information, performing
some processing, and communicating with other connected nodes on the network.

5.8. Aggregators, Base Stations, and Gateways

Today, sensor nodes usually require a collection point where the data can be processed, stored, or
forwarded onward to other networks via longer-range and higher-throughput wired or wireless
communications mechanisms. A variety of terms are used to describe various data collection and
translation points in sensor networks. Computing devices, such as M2M devices or PCs, can be
configured to act as aggregators, gateways, bridges, base stations, or coordinators.

Sensor netw ork Smart sensor Aggregator

+ Dissiminate Data() : void

+ Gather Data() : void

Sensor Node Gatew ay Local Aggregator

Generate Data Request Data

Source Node Sink Node

+ Report Al ert () : void

+ Report Maintenance Data()
+ Report Routi ne Data() : void

Figure 6: Sensor Network Meta-Model (a Sink Node behaves as Sensor, gateway or Local Aggregator,
or all of these at the same time)

6. Example of Cyber Physical System
The following is a self contained example of a Cyber Physical System that outlines main hardware
components as described below:

Figure 7. CPS System Components

· sensors and actuators interacting with a physical environment in a closed control

loop, e.g., acceleration, gyroscope sensors and electrical motors;
· power supply, like a battery in the case of a mobile system;
· analog hardware components, like power electronics;
· digital hardware components, like digital converters;
· different types of network for the communication of the different components,
· Heterogeneous software micro processors/controllers for the execution of software
(application software, real-time operating systems, and hardware-dependent software)

7. Cyber Physical Production

Systems (CPPS) and Industry 4.0
7.1 Introduction
CPSs are the enablers of a new generation of smart systems that have a huge economic impact.
Combining the cyber and physical worlds allows the emergence of technologies that fosters
innovation engine for a broad range of industries, creating entirely new growing markets and

In the manufacturing context, CPS combines progress achieved by large computing systems on
modeling, planning and prediction. This is made possible using data that is produced during
manufacturing processes by many small data driven devices like sensors, actuators, and RFID. All is
enabled by advances in M2M communications and control systems. These CPS-based systems are
called Cyber-Physical Production Systems (CPPSs).

Cyber-Physical Production Systems (CPPSs) are relying on the newest and continuous developments
of computer science, information and communication technologies on the one hand, and of
manufacturing science and technology, including the integration of production and logistics, on the
other hand. That is leading to the 4th Industrial Revolution referred to as Industry 4.0.

Figure 8: The 4th Industrial Revolution [Source: DFKI]

According to the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Germany (BMBF) : “Industry is on the
threshold of the fourth industrial revolution. Driven by the Internet, the real and virtual worlds are
growing closer and closer together to form the Internet of Things. Industrial production of the future
will be characterized by the strong individualization of products under the conditions of highly
flexible (large series) production, the extensive integration of customers and business partners in
business and value- added processes, and the linking of production and high-quality services leading
to so-called hybrid products [12]”.

CPPS enable and support the communication similarly between humans, machines and products. The
elements of a CPPS are able to acquire and process data, and can self- control certain tasks and
interact with humans via interfaces [16].
One of the main goals to achieve is the optimization of the production lines and processes. That is,
machines are aware of their context, can reconfigure themselves adapting to production conditions
and communicate independently and wirelessly with one another [13].

Another interesting aspect is the concept of Virtual Factories which is concerned with performing
managerial control through the Cloud. This provides a high flexibility to react to market through
intelligent orchestration of the production systems, including product properties, costs, logistics,
security, time to market and sustainability. Full integration of the value chain is enabled through
internet-based business processes, cloud computing, and smart products.

Figure 8 illustrates the various layers of cyber physical production systems, the interaction with
humans using Human Machine Interfaces.

Figure 9: Interaction between humans and machines via Cyber-Physical Systems

7.2 Definitions
In the following we provide few relevant definitions related to CPPS:

7.2.1 Industry 4.0

Industry 4.0 is a term used to describe the fourth Industrial Revolution which basically a high-tech
vision started by the German government. It is based on the technological concepts of cyber-
physical systems (CPS), the Internet of Things (IoT) and the Internet of Services (IoS) to promote the
vision of the Smart Factory.

A brief definition is provided by Kagermann [15]: “Crosslinking of cyber-physical systems (CPS)
and integration into production and logistics”.

7.2.2 Cyber-physical production systems (CPPS)

CPPS consist of autonomous and cooperative elements and sub-systems that are getting into
connection with each other in situation dependent ways, on and across all levels of production, from
processes through machines up to production and logistics networks [14].

7.2.3 Smart Factory

It is the “Crosslinking of machines and equipment as well as intelligent products, which can be
clearly identified and located and which will find their way through the production“ [15].

An attempt to provide the big picture of industry 4.0 and the relationship to the various
technological concepts, Figure 10 illustrates the underlined abstraction model. Essentially, it shows
how industry 4.0 is built on top of the internet of services, which in turn is built upon Smart
Factories. Smart Factories are built on top of Cyber Physical Systems, which in turn uses the Internet
of Things technologies and infrastructure for its purposes.

Figure 10 Industry 4.0 based on existing technologies

7.3 Cyber-Physical Production Systems Building Blocks

Cyber-Physical Production Systems enable the following:

· Capture data through integrated sensors and measurement systems in real time.
· Store and analyze data for the purpose of the construction of system Models.
· Using actuators and multimodal Human-Machine interfaces to interact actively with the
physical, human, and digital world
· These are connected to each other and the Internet of services and the Internet of things
over digital communication devices.

The main task of a CPPS is to process raw material and requires a Production Planning Software
(PPSW) to define, specify, and setup the objectives and the corresponding functionalities.

A Cyber Physical Production System (CPPS) is composed of the following building blocks (Fig. 11):

Cyber Physical System



Cyber Physical Transport System Cyber Physical Production System


ContextStrategy Strategy

Manufacturing Execution Production Planning Softw rare

System (PPSW)

Figure 11: CPPS Building Blocks (UML Composite Pattern)

· Cyber Physical System (CPS)

At least a CPS system has to be there to build up a CPPS system
· Cyber Physical Transportation System (CPTS)
CPPS can include a CPTS but not necessarily. CPTS is a subclass of CPS and is essentially
enabling an Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS). CPTS fulfills the requirements of high
reliability and safety, economy, comfort, and efficiency. CPTS realizes seamless integration
of computation, communication, sensing, control and traffic systems and can achieve
information sharing and collaboration with other subsystems.
· Production Planning Software (PPSW)
A PPSW is one essential component in a CPPS system
· Manufacturing Execution System (MES)
MES is a control system for managing and monitoring work-in-process on a factory floor. An
MES keeps track of all manufacturing information in real time, receiving up-to-the-minute data
from robots, machine monitors and employees.
The strategy object context whether to use PPSW, MES, or both
· Further CPPS
A CPPS system can include further CPPS systems, and can be extended with new CPPS
systems at run time. 23
7.4 Realization of a CPPS Case Study: Robot-Human Collaboration
Siemens Corporate Technology has developed a production cell to demonstrate the
reusability and flexible usage of production resources on the shop-floor. Within the
project a human-robot-collaboration module is being developed and integrated in the
existing production cell. With this new module the safe and easy usage of human- robot-
collaboration in production will be demonstrated.
The production cell is built like a honeycomb. The central module (1) is a turntable with 6
work piece holders. Each work piece holder could be different to hold various parts. At
the moment there are 2 different types of work piece holders. With each step the
turntable rotates 60° and snaps in at the destination position.

In the following we introduce initial use cases for the production cell including Robot-Human
The use cases deal with the dynamical orchestration of the demonstrator as illustrated in
figure 12.

Figure 12: The production cell used for Robot-Human Collaboration scenario

7.4.1 Actors
In the following are the actors participating in the various uses cases describe below.

CPPS Actor

M anual Control Inv erter Controller

M odule Center M odule (M iyachi)
Welding M odule
Soldering M odule

Figure 12. CPPS Actor is an abstract actor whose role is fulfilled by concrete various actors

The actors are listed with a short description of their roles and tasks in the table below.

Actor Parts (Structure) Description

User The user interacts with the MSO production

cell. The user places a container with the
required metallic parts for the RFID-Reader
to scan, and can initiate processes, puts
parts into a mount at the turntable of the
center module, removes parts from the
mount and can interrupt the processes. The
user can also interact with the Coordinator
Manual · RFID-Reader for Orders The manual control module is the subsystem
Control · Buttons for Controlling where the user can access the turntable of
Module the center module. It includes an RFID
reader to scan orders
(e.g. RFID tags on containers of parts),
buttons to start/stop processes respectively
to turn the turntable clockwise or anti-
Center Module · Controller The center module is the turntable with the
· Turntable with mounts mounts which hold the parts to be welded
resp. soldered.
Welding Module · Controller The Welding Module is used to
· Welding Head permanently connect two pieces of metal.
· (pneumatic) Lifter For now it can be used only for wire
(copper) & contact bow (silver) (“Litze
Soldering Module · Controller (Kupfer) & Kontaktbügel
The Soldering (Silber)”)
Module is used to
· Welding Head permanently connect two pieces of
· (pneumatic) Lifter metal. For now it can be used for each
· Solder feed of the three combinations:

wire (copper) & contact bow (silver)

(“Litze (Kupfer) & Kontaktbügel
(Silber)”) wire (copper) & contact
bow (copper) (“Litze (Kupfer) &
Kontaktbügel (Kupfer)”) coil &
clamp („Spule & Klemme“)

It has to be considered that the mounts for

the different parts have different height, i.e.

Coordinator · PC The Coordinator runs the coordinator
· Touch Panel software and interacts with the different
controllers and the user.
Inverter · Inverter Controller The Inverter Controller controls the current
Controller · Interface Distributor flow for the both welding heads in the
(Miyachi) Welding and the Soldering Module. It
consists of the Inverter Controller itself and
an auxiliary component which distributes
the different programs to the two welding

7.4.2 Basic Use Cases for dynamic orchestration

Here we look at use cases for the MSO demonstrator, exploring the possibilities for dynamic
orchestration. The use cases are meant to understand the demonstrator more deeply and detect
gaps in the current descriptions. Furthermore the use cases are the base to derive the
requirements for the dynamic orchestration models and their description in the semantic wiki.

The use cases focus on those cases where the production is started by reading the RFID tags
of the containers which hold the parts. Furthermore it is assumed that human interaction is

There are four different RFID tags identifying four different orders. For each order, one use
case is generated. The orders are:

· Wire (copper) & contact bow (copper)

· Wire (silver) & contact bow (copper)
· Coil & clamp
· Not valid

All above operations turn down to two main operations which are welding and soldering.
There are common initialization steps that are performed equally for both soldering and
welding operations.

These common steps are captured by Use case 1 which is described using the following UML
sequence diagram:

Use Case Connect wire and contact bow (copper to copper)

Requirement -
Description The typical process for soldering the two parts

Rationale The why of the existence of this use case

Precondition The production cell has been initialized and every component is
available and working properly.
The production cell is in a state to accept a new order.
Post-condition Execution performed successfully and the tow parts are connected and are
available for the user to pick up

Priority -

Actors User, RFID Reader, Coordinator,

Trigger The moment the soldering process begins after the two push buttons are
pressed by the user.

Main flow of
events Step Actor Description

The user places the container with the RFID-Tag

1 User
for Order 1 in front of the RFID Reader.

The RFID reader scans the tag then sends the

2 RFID Reader
resulting data to the coordinator.

The Coordinator interprets the data and

3 Coordinator
registers that there is an order.

The coordinator extracts from the order the

information about the two copper parts. Then
4 Coordinator the coordinators checks whether the available
technique for connecting the two parts is
soldering and that the Soldering Module is able
Theexecute this task
coordinator (process
extracts frommatching)
the order
5 Coordinator information and the process matching which
mount has to be used and that the turn table has
such a mount. (matching parts to mount)
6 Coordinator The coordinator requests the state of the
Soldering Module, i.e. how much solder is left in

and how the solder feed is adjusted (position,
especially height)

The coordinator matches the information with

7 Coordinator the data gathered before: it notices that the
solder feed is in the correct position (height)
and that enough solder is left.
The Coordinator requests the state from the
8 Coordinator
Center Module (including the turn table
From the status information the Coordinator
determines the position of the required mounts.
9 Coordinator It chooses the one next to the Manual Control
Module and requests that the Center Module
turns the turntable so that this mount is at the
Manual Control
The Center Module
Module turnsand
thecan be filled.
turntable in the
10 Center Module requested
11 User The user puts the two parts onto the mount.

The user indicates to the Coordinator that the

12 User process can start
by pressing two push buttons at Manual Control
The Coordinator starts the process: it requests that
13 Coordinator the Center module positions the mount at the
Soldering Module
The Center Module turns the turntable in the
14 Center Module requested
way; the mount with the parts is now at the
Soldering Module
The Center Module reports to the Coordinator
15 Center Module
that the mount is in the correct position.

The Coordinator request the Soldering Module to
proceed with the soldering process

The Soldering Module positions the welding

17 Soldering Module
head at the correct position.

The soldering Module identifies the correct

18 Soldering Module program at the Inverter Controller (no. 28) and
requests that this is run
19 Soldering Module Soldering Module and Inverter Controller run the
soldering process in sync. (e.g. current flow and

of solder have to be synchronized, lifting and
lowering of welding head have to be also in sync
with the inverter program.
Soldering Module
After finishing the soldering task the Soldering
Module reports success to the Coordinator

Coordinator, The Coordinator requests the Center Module to

21 turn the turntable until the mount with the
Center soldered part is at the Manual Control Module.
22 User The User takes the soldered part from the
The User informs the Coordinator (Button at
23 User Manual Control Module resp. Touch Panel)
that the part is removed.
Exceptions All other scenarios, branches, exception


Step 4: “that the Soldering Module is able to execute this”

This has more than one dimension: at first, the hardware has to be capable of the required task
but furthermore there has to be a suitable program at the Inverter Controller (Miyachi)
Assumption: for now it is only possible to choose one of the existing programs. But for the future
one could think about automatic creation of such a program, depending on geometry and materials
of parts to be soldered.

7.4.3 Use Case 2: Wire (silver) & contact bow (copper)

Use Case Connect wire and contact bow (copper to copper)

Requirement ID -

Description Dynamic choosing of a processing procedure

Rationale In this case, both processes can be used: either soldering or welding. A process has to be
chosen by the coordinator.

Precondition The production cell has been initialized and every component is working.
The production cell is in a state to accept a new order.

Post-condition The two parts are welded to each other.

The production cell is in a state to accept a new order.

Priority How critical it is to the system, i.e., how important to implement in the first place

Actor Main actor role name

Trigger The user takes the container with the RFID Tag for Order 2 (Wire (silver) & contact bow
and places it in front of the RFID Reader.

Main flow of Step Actor Description


The user takes the container with the RFID Tag for
User, Manual Control
1 Order 2 (Wire (silver) & contact bow (copper))
and places it in front of the RFID Reader.

Manual Control The RFID reader reads the tag and sends the data from
Module, Coordinator the tag to the coordinator.

The Coordinator interpretes the data and registers that

3 Coordinator
there is an order.

The coordinator extracts from the order information (a

silver and a copper part) and the coordinators process
library that possible techniques for connecting the two
4 Coordinator
parts are soldering and welding and that the Soldering
Module resp. the Welding Module are able to execute
the appropriate process (process matching)

The Coordinator decides which module has to be used.

4a Coordinator It looks in a table which the preferred process is and
accordingly chooses the process. Here it is welding.

The coordinator extracts from the order information

and the process matching which mount has to be used
and that the center table has such a mount. (matching
5 Coordinator parts to mount)

Here it must be a mount with the Mount-ID (German:

Aufnehmer-ID) “01 02”

The coordinator requests the state of the Welding
Welding Module

7 Coordinator The coordinator matches the information with the data

gathered before: it notices that the Welding Module

can fulfil the process.

Coordinator, Center The Coordinator requests the state from the Center
Module Module

From the state information the Coordinator

determines the position of the required mounts. It
Coordinator, Center chooses the one next to the Manual Control Module
Module and requests that the Center Module turns the
turntable so that this mount is at the Manual Control
Module and can be filled.

The Center Module turns the turntable in the

10 Center Module
requested way.

11 The user puts the two parts onto the mount.
Center Module

The user informs the coordinator that the process

12 User, Coordinator can start
(Button at Manual Control Module, Touch Panel?)

The Coordinator starts the process: it requests that the

Coordinator, Center
13 Center module positions the mount at the Welding

The Center Module turns the turntable in the

14 Center Module requested way; the mount with the parts is now at the
Welding Module

Center Module,
The Center Module reports to the Coordinator that the
mount is in the correct position.

Coordinator, Welding
Module The Coordinator request the Welding Module to
proceed with the welding process

The Welding Module positions the welding head at the

17 Welding Module
correct position.

The Welding Module identifies the correct program at

Welding Module,
18 the Inverter Controller (no. 1) and requests that this is
Inverter Controller

Welding Module, Welding Module and Inverter Controller run the

Inverter Controller welding process in sync. (e.g. current flow has to be
synchronized, lifting and lowering of welding head have

to be also in sync with the inverter program.

Welding Module,
After finishing the welding task the Welding Module
reports success to the Coordinator

Coordinator, The Coordinator requests the Center Module to turn

21 the turntable until the mount with the welded part is
Center Module at the Manual Control Module.

22 User, Center Module The User takes the welded part from the mount.

User, The User informs the Coordinator (Button at Manual

23 Control Module resp. Touch Panel) that the part is
Coordinator removed.

Exceptions Different scenarios can be:

only one of the processing modules is available. Then the coordinator will initiate the
process with the available module. (Only if quality would not be sufficient the coordinator
would deny the operation. See note to step 4a below)


Step 4a: For the moment it is assumed that there is a simple preference: welding before soldering
because welding delivers connections which are more stable. In coming versions the order could
specify a preference as well e.g. choosing the cheapest which fulfills some quality criterion or the
hardest or a compromise of hard and flexible ...
This would require an elaborated model for encoding order attributes on the one side as well as
on the product and process side.
Furthermore, this is the only additional step to use case 1.
Step 21: perhaps security step in between: cooling down of the material


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