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ly Designation: D157 - 07 Standard Test Methods for amet bmn pened ad epee ne win or ita, Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of Soil Using Modified Effort (56,000 ft-Ibf/ft*(2,700 kN-mim*))" ones nb oe ie ert np i ot as 8 ‘Spey naan mca ge ac rap and po yn eft grt Da 1, Scape 1.1 These et mets cover laborsry compaction eth ds usd to detrmine the relationship tetwean molding water fener and dry unit weight of 01S (compaction cove) compacted na - 6 n, (10. or 14a ameter mol ‘aha 10.00: (LAB N) summer dropped Com eh of 18.00 in. 457.2 ma) producing» compsetive eff of 3 000 eb? (7004) Nore 1—Th quent pce a ae opted sn S.C cs Ti ne ta e312 1.1 Soiisand soi gargate mixture be regarded 3s slur ceri ie arco rine, campos ‘iste of stra Sil, or mires mat sad processed sais or agtegats suchas gravel or cused rock Here ‘efied to ete solo atl 112 These test melods apy only sols (mater) tat have 30% or less by mass of ier pales reaned on the iin. (13.0) sieve ad have not been previously com acted in the oratory tat do not rene compacted sa "121 For eltioships between uni welghs snd melding ‘water contents of sls with 30 oes by weight of material Fetaned on the Yin (180s) sieve fo unit weights end Ioing sete contents ofthe frctim passing the in (080-m» sive see Pracice DAVIS 13 Tie alematve maods ae yovled, The method sed hall be sind othe specsraon forthe mati Balng tse IF ro muted Is spected the cole soul be ‘ee onthe mater pafton 13 Method & T3L1 Motd—-tin (1016) diameter 131.2 Aatril~Pasing No. (LS) sieve, 1313 Lajers—Five TTA Blows por Ijer25, 13.15 UsageMay be wed 25% oss by mass ofthe ‘material tained on the No.4 (475 mm) soe. However if 5 to 25% by moze of tho materials rind onthe No.4 (675:mm) sive, Method canbe sed bl oversize conte ‘ions be egired(So 4) and there ae no varsages o (Sing Method Ain ths ae T'S Other Lie-I this praatonrequromentcanot be et then Method Boe C maybe sed 32 Method E824 Mottin, 10186) dames 13.22 Materil—Pusog Yin 5-0) seve, 1323 Layers—Five. 1324 Blows per lajer25, 1325 Usage May be used 125% oe ess by mas ofthe serials etaned onthe +n, ( sieve However. 1 $40 2556 ofthe neal ss rsined onthe Hi .5 mn) “Seve, Meth B canbe sso bt oversize coetos il be rnd (Se) Tn he ne, hoy ane ng Wino Bate than Method C are tat salir ame of smple needed andthe smaller molds easler 1 se TTRZ6 Cir Usage this rodatonrequerentcanot te mt then Mito may be wed. 183 Method C V3R1 Mottin, (152m) dimetes, TRB2 MoveriahPassing Sein, (190s) seve 1333 Layers—Five TRA Blows per lyer—86 135 Usago~ May be used if 309% o les (se 1.4) by ms ofthe mitra tied the ei (1.0) sve TSA The in (152-4) dame mold stl at be used svth Matha ete tad sy tn tec ‘Saeed Ips ft sg yi 14 Ie the et pea contains more than 596 by mass of ‘oversize fnction sre acon) and the taal wil nt be i a a ey ae re ere ‘essa “ly o1857 -07 loca ta the et, corectons sas be made tothe ani ‘eg and maldg water content fle test specien ow the ‘sppoprat eld plac nit weight (densi) test specimen ‘ing Practice DAIS, 15 This test method wll generally produc a wall defined mark dry uit weight fo one daling Ss Its {est method Is used for fre aling sl he air it ‘rg mayo! be wel dened, and em les tan ete ‘Sing Test Matis D253 TE Allard ap calcu vassal conform othe guidelines for sgnican igs and unig esablihed In Prac D6026, unless superseded by hes est mtd 1.0.1 For purposes of comparing mesure or caused values) with specified tims. the measured or eaeuted alt) sal be round tothe nese decimal esgic gis in especie ts 16.2 The pocedues used to spectfyhaw date arecllecte! recone or enlelated Sn thls stands re regarded = the Instr standard In aon, dey ar representative of the ‘since igi tht gery shuld be ened. The proce hres wed donot corsde wer vation, purpose for ‘hang the da seca purpose sues, ay conte fons forthe user's bjecives, it Ik cammon practice 10 Increase or rede sigan gts of reported data 10 be “omer ith hes conieatos. Ii beyond the scope ‘ofthese test ets o consider sian gis seed fn rly methods for engineering Sop. IL Th values in in pound unis oto be garded asthe standard, The values sed fo SIs ate proved for Infomation ony except fruits of ts. The unis for mass far ive in lute gor ke "U7 iis common prc the ngncring profession to concer ae pounds to represent bth it of a rd 8 force (i). This piety cambines Io separate Stems of uns that te asolute stem and the grav ‘nal sje Is scoiilly undestable to combine te use of two separate sof nck pound unis within @ single andord. ese tex methods have been writen wing te {gutta syste fue whn death hee poe Sate, laser the pond (IM) rps of ore Geigh. However the we of bnlanos or sales recording pounds of mass ibn) oF the recording of density i Thm hal ot be ered 3 nonconfocance with hs sar 1.8 This sna doesnot purport addres ofthe saloy concer, If any soca lh Hs se 18 the ‘sparsity ofthe stra his stad to establish apo. (ite safe and halt practices and determine the applica Diy oF regulatory intatns prior tose. 2 Referenced Document 21 ASTM Sandor? C127 Tes Met fo Dery, Reitve Deny (Specie ravi) and Absalon of Cons Agere 2 C136 Test Method fr Slove Analysts of Fine and Coase ‘Agaregacs " DEAS Terminology Relating to Sol, Rock, and Comained Fluids ENE Test Mothods for Laboratory Compaction Charger Ite of Soil Using Stara Er (12 400 1° (600 INmin’) BSA Test Methods foe Speiic Gravity of Sol Sais by Wier Pyenometer DzIGR Test Methods for Calibration of Labortory ‘Mechanical Rammer Sei Compoetrs DBZ Tet Methods for Laboratory Determiraton of Ws ‘ee (Maistre) Content of Sol and Rock by Mase DHS? Practice for Cleiation of Sols or Enginvesing ‘Purposes (Unfed Sol Classification System) DD2ISH Prctie for Deseripion and Tdetieaton of Sis (Vis Maral Pocodur) DSTO Practice for Minus Reguiemants for Agencies “Engaged in Testa andlor Tapetian of Sol and Rock Used in Engoerng Design and Construction A220 Pracices for Preserving and. Transporting Soll Samples ‘DAZE Test Methods for Maximum Index Density and Uni Wilght of Soils Using a Vibratory Table DATIS Practice for Corton of Unit Weight and Water Cone fr Sals Cantning Oversize Paice DATES Guide for Evohating. Selecting, und Spect9ing Balances and Stnds Mase for Us in Sl, Rock, ot CConstcton Mates Testing ABLE Test Methods for Density and Unit Weight of Soi ‘ted Rok n Place bythe Sand Replacement Meo 2 it Pat tn Test Met for Dest of Sl art Rock in Place by the Wher Repacenent Method ina Test Pit has Practice for Using Signent Digs in Geotecead ats SIS Test Methods for Panicle Sie Disibation (Grads "on of Sits Using Sieve Amalyss. LI Specieation or Woven Wie Test Sieve Cath and Tet ‘Sires E10 Practice for the Evahaton of Single Pan Mechel Balances IEEEIASTM S10 Standard for Use ofthe Inertial ‘System of Uns (6: The Meda Met Sytem Terminology 3.1 Definons: See Tamiology D853 fr genera fin “SL molding water conten tho wate content of the sel ata) Specimen nthe mod alr it hasbeen ecnst {ued and compacted ‘3.2 modiedefire—in compaction esting, the term fo she 56000 BOR? (2TOO RN) compoctive effet applod bythe equipment and metods ofthis ts. 31.3 modfed maximum dy ut Weg. Ye (ENT sn) —in compaction tesing the mannan val eed by {he compton curve for 3 compaction tat ang died fo Qh os57 07 1A moc optima water cont ty) —In coms pation testing the water cote at which Be soll can be np tthe main dy wit weight ing node onpetive efor 122 Desintions of Toms Speci o TMs Sanda: BZ oversee acon feoarseHaton), Pe. (8) pr- ton of ttl specimen not ust In prtrming he compaction tet my be the parton of al sectnen eta on th No (45min) seve in Method A. ain. (25:mm) seve In Method Bor Weis (100-mm) sieve Method C 13.22 tat rsction (laceration). 2 66)—the pion of ‘he total specie stdin peri the compton ts may be faction passing de No (75m) sev in Metiod ‘A passing th in (8.5-mm) sive tr Metiod Bo passing ‘Hn (1.0. me) sieve in Mead A. Summary of Test Method 441A soll ac sled molding wae coment placed in fre layers ino mold of given dmesons, with ech aye ‘compte by 25 or 8 los af 10.01 (648 N} acer hopped fom a distance of 1800 ia. W572 mn), subject ‘he ala tl compactive efor of abot 36 00 fb (2700 aN vn) The esting dry un weights determine, The procedure is repeated for ascent numberof molding ster contents to extalsh 3 elatonsp ween the dry anit ‘right and the molding voter conten forthe ai Tis dt, ‘hen plated represent curvinarrebtoahipkiown dhe Compaction curve. The vals of optnum water conte and ‘modfedmaxnnm dy ule weight am deteied fr the competion curve 5 Signileance and Use 51 Sol placed as caging fl fmbankment, founda ‘ion pds roa bast) i compacted toa dense tate to obtain sasfacony engineering ropertis sich a8 shaw stent, empress. or perme nation oordaon sols fc olen compared to prove denying properties. Tebortry compaction ters provide th ss foe eerining the percent compaction and moling water content nesded © chive th rqule engineering proper and for conling enstctonw sre tat the eed compaction and water gwar oper ain peridot 4 weninge a he meod ‘Shimun yor weigh reed ae i mete ‘un! gt of Compton say hse mated ‘st yi we igs teeta inept ‘tg rom ning ted Dandy ee ‘feces congo sian ya ae el ol a 4 ae it wet ‘mre ier tet ccna Howe Oo i te ae ay sag he bi ened fo ecg ‘pew a te stmm mr crt Teco may ‘er ame Same mre pom dr et re a peer. C(I ESE ey Rae Sec 204511 A ua Lk gen heres ‘ongatin of hens e Bl 42 Dring design ofan englaee fl esting peromed to duties, iis, pees, ar ober pope {es ogee scene tobe prepare y compacting Solas presario ollng wate one o ban» pee {ened ut wegh ts tommon prec et Jetemie the optimum eer cont (rg) ea sian ye iG Con) by mers os cto rt Te spc eon a seated sodig ter cnt (0) ther Meo ry of og () ora optimum (ng) aad a Saeed dy unt wei led wo» pacennge of annum yt ght (oh sac edn tron {either oto pm (ny) oF pina (ry) Bnd they at WBN) Ty be based on at Cxperenc, ot a vane of lcs ny be Sveti 0 Sterne i necessary pret of compaction. 5:3 Expos dts hat he mats outlined i 20° the contctn contol pcs cus Ine extremy Aitcat to implant or leone rests when Sing ‘rh sme sll The flowing subsection dsr piel Froion sls, the prbles elcouied when dealing with ‘has and pose soon fo thse robles. S31 Chere Fmcing~Sols containing more tan 30% ‘versie ftacton nati resned onthe ein (19) Sieve) ae problem: Forsch othe 0 ASTM te tmebod fo cota ir compaction sed ery fw aborts {Evomipye octrmin he sry nainei weght (Geont) of sch sl (SDI Buea of Recanaton, Dene, E6'aed US. Army Cora of Engen, Veabrg, MS) eld diy unt lg of sh cl hy ar CD 8 expat fo peo ELT One ietod to design and conto ie compaction of such ils bo use» tt fl detente roped dope ‘Teompoton ae etal on tt conpaton Ten ‘lca mabod specication o conta the conpaton. Compe Senso etd speciation yp oman the ped ‘Ss of compocion equipment oe a, the it tes, {Recpoble ang of molding voter cone and mabe of — rose eonay than somted yos agy poche uy onan of eet ad get 49112 Anaer metal i 1 apply the se of dy coer factors developed by he USD Breau of Rectan tion Ga) and US. Core of Enger 8). Ths coneton ints may te opted fox sol cotaig up to soa 0 0% overs fon. Bo agencies es le te for thee deny cevecon facto The USD! Bureau of Rela ston wees Dea or D" VALUE, whl te US. Cape of Enyce nx DevayInefeence Corll (1) "E13 The we ofthe placements (est Met ISS-T8, Mating D, i wich the ows ction i ‘elas th fe fac, siaproprnt t temie t Irony dy en gh Yao co colaing vers Facts ©) Alp o1887—07 5:32 Dogradation-Sols ontaning pats tha degrade utng, compaction’ ae a problem, specially when more Gdegraation occurs during Ibortory compaction than field compotion. the piel ease. Deron typially occurs rng the compaction of prnulaereanl sor aggreate ‘Wes deraation acca, the maxim dat weight ceases (2) so tha the resuing labora maximum vale is ‘not eresenave of eld codons. Oe. tse ass, the ‘maximum yun weight Is npossiblet achieve nthe i 5321 Agun for sal sujet 0 deafation te use of et fils and method spetietons may bel. Use of replcemen, fecinigon snot core S23 Gap Grate—Cap-gaded site (ils contuning ‘many age pasties wah sods tices) ae a pele, beeatse the compacted soll wil have lrg vols than sual. To hind ese age vos, sandr et meds (abort or fal) typlealy have 49 be medifed using engineering, Jigen Nore $The ually of te el ody ts sed Sep on comune eel per a the ‘SEs o te cape td edie set Agence at et ‘Stee of cee BaF ey canted pte ped ‘Sete tngomngnpctonte Uses os Sond oe ‘ta ves Ree ous deen aye Pte BD 6. Apparatus 6.1 Mod Assembip—The molds sll be cynical tx soe, mae of rid met abe wrbin the capacity and ‘Ginensoceidested in 61.1 or 61.2 sod Fg. Lad Big 2 ‘See lao Table. The wall ofthe meld may be ol, splt of Tapered The “spi” type may consi evo hallround eto, or secon of lp split slang oe element. which can to scuey locked together to form a ylinder meeting the roguiements ofthis section The opens type stall havea Intra diameter oper hats form sad nt move an 0.200, ‘n/(16.7 min) of mold eight. Eachnod sal havea base plate and an extension colar assembly oth made of rig etal and constructed so try an be securey atacand ‘aly detach fom the mold. The exten eae sembly ‘Sal fave beg extending ave th lop ofthe wld fs [eist 20 nS mm) which ay nla ah upper section thst lars out forma fame, provided thre sa east 2 075i, {(O-mm) steigt elindies section boat. The extension Calin sal lign wth he nse ofthe mold The Boo of he tase plate ant bottom of the cenaly ress area that ‘cepstral mold sal be pata win 0005 in (Con mm. GAN Mott 4 in-—A old having 4 4000 = 001640, (1016 + 04mm) average nie amet aight of L584 018 (1164 0 mn) anda volume of 00883» 0.005 1 (95.0 + 14.0 em?) Amold assembly having the minimum Feud etre is showa in Fig 6.12 Malt 6 A mal having a 6.000 * 0.26.1, (0524+ 07-m) average side diame a elt of 584 = (0018 (1164 05 mm, and a vlume of 0730 * 0.0008, 1 124 = 25 cm). A meld assembly having the minim requred fears Is shown In Fig. 2 82 Ranmer—A rane, ether manly operated as de ser fre in 6.2.1 or mechanically operated as deserted Jn. 622 The commer shull all fel) rough a dstance of 1800 © 005 i (0572 = 13 ma) fom he suave ofthe specimen. Te welt ofthe rane sal be 10.0 © 02 I (448 = 009 No mas of 4304 + 0.000 excep tae the weight ofthe mecanialrammecs may be adsted 35 dscbed in Test Methods D2168 (see Not 6). The sing {ce ofthe rama shal be planar and cal exep a5 ote 622.1 wih 8 dameter when ew of 2000 0.05 in (2080 O13 mn). The camer shall be replaced If de ig face comes worn or belie to the exten that the flamer exceeds 2000 = 0.0 (00 025 es). me hf eequnten 005381 eae mo rae 200 hr 00 ep 62.1 Manat Rammer—The rine sll be equipped with «gud sleeve thas suficien learance tha the fee Tal ofthe nme shaft and hea le not ett. The gue slsve shall haves les four vent Boles a each en (ht ales tal net wth emers = Yei (192 frm ‘ach el and spaced 0" srt. The miu dameter of te ent oles sal be en (5 mm). Adonal bales or slots may be inceyported in the guide seve Wie" Gynec sain 05894 pin Ape Nf cin von hoe 622 Mechanical Ranmer-Chculer Foce—The rarer Shall operate mechanically n sucha manner os to provide tnlorm and complete coverage of he specie sac. There shal fe 0.10 = 00 in (23 © Onn) clearance bec te ammer andthe inside suce ofthe mold a i small Giametee ‘The mechaniealrammer shall meet the stundudiationaliraion requlements of Test Methods [DzIGa. The mechanical rmmer shall te equlpped wh 2 sve mochanial means to suppor ramimer when nt peraion 2.21. Mechanic! Rammer Soto Zace—The sector face shal be ase with the 6.0m (152) sold in place ft ‘Sear face ame. The skin ace sal have the shape of 2 Sector ofa cle of radius equal 0230 + 002 In (73.7 115 mm) and an atea abou the same ath eiculrface (se 6.2) Therammer shal operate nsich aman that he vere tthe soctr fe posoned athe center othe spect 53 Sample Bxrusor (opona)—A jack, with frame oF cher devien ated forthe pupae of exten compacted ‘peciens fom the ml A flare —A Clase GPS balance meeting the requ ‘mens of Specification D753 fer aalaee of Pg eda, The water content ofthe compacted spcimers is determined lng 2 representative poo ofthe spine, ate han he ttle specimen, ad he representative pation fl han 1000 ga Class GP2 tlance having Ot ready Is eed inorder wo camply wih Test Methods 2216 requ heats fr dein Water cone t 0.1% say dnt tm tems como os Se 3 Byey Tima hie ea ers i OS seagate gee ieee esa toaiyp ne hoon aL ae ae ine Na le tay coe stan eg SCG Ee ta cl Rete can SURAGG i deck TPT We a es am mio. 4 1 nly Bg ch Ef is an tsa hg ar ea eel wPorc onks Stet loa coeet 1, Standardaaton/Caltbaton 7. Resor stanariiatons efor inal ase, tes epi or ober socrenes tht might alec the test rss at Smervals ot exceding 1000 test specimens. or anmly ‘ahihever oes fr the following appara 5 Qh oss7-07 111 Batncoralte fn accordance ith Specification DATES or Practice E319, T.2: Malte the volun x desctbed in Annex Al 7.3. Manual Ramner—Very the ioe fl dance am ‘mer weigh and rare face aren acre with 2 esp the ule sieve regement In acorance vith 6.2.1, Ts Mechanta! Rammer Vest ad jsf necessary tho the mecanieal emer i accortsce sith Tet Mate DDzIGH Inadtion, te eran betwen the arth inside sartace ofthe mol! hall be erie i ceodance with ee, 8 Test Specimen 1 The minimum est specimen (st faction) mass for Metis apd abut 18k, or Method C8 abut 29 ‘gf ry soi Therefore the il samp (ee Practices D220 far prices of presaving and uamporing sol samples) Should have a moist mast of at emt 23 kg and 43 hg, respect, Grater masse wo be ee th vere Fraction lage (ce 102 or 10.3) on aoa mol, ‘ater comet ae daring eompucson ofeach pat Gee Tot, ‘82 If gradation deta not wall, este the percent age of mataral by mas) reaipd onto No. 4 (115-m), hin. (, of Het, (13.0-m) seve 38 appropriate for selecting Metind A. Bor C, spect. I appears the eeenage retin fires lose the allowable ale for given Method (A.B, oC), hen eth ‘22 Selec « Method Bt allows thigh pecetage setae (BoC. ‘22 Using he seve se cesgnaoa fr me Method of Interest, proces the spmen in acerence with 10.2 103 ere. This detenrines he percentage f mistril elanes for {hat method, I the percentage ened secepable, proceed the percentage resin sot accepuble, go to Mead Bor (Cus the nxt age sieve se. 8253 Determine pecetage rained values wing a repre sentative portion Hern the tol single, ae pefonag Spl or comple ydation analy usng the seve) of Interest nd Test Method DGDI3 ot a6 I only necessary {0 calalt he veto percerages) fr te steve or seve fo whch Informations deste 98. Preparation of Apparsts 41 Selec the proper compoction al) cola and base plate in acorante with the Method (Bor) being ed. Eck ta the volune of the mold Snow and wht te ‘ole was determined with o wits he base plat, Also ‘heck hat the mold feof leks or dns, an that he meld ‘nl ogee propery with the coll and bse pte 192. Check ht te inl or mechan ame scaly {in good working condition an tht pas are mo loo of vor Make any neces atts ora If adj ‘eno eats are made, te farmer must be etna. 10, Procedure 10 Soe 101.1 Do nt reuse sl tat as bon peviousy compacted inthe laboatry. Te ease of reviousy compacted so yk’ 1 signs rete maxim dy nt weigh (0, 1.2 When using this test method for soils coming Iydatd Palos, o in which pst experience nies a ‘ents wll be ere by syn se te mo peepration ‘eto se Seton 102). eee sing, each laboratory aso use the same method of preparation, eter most (refered) raided TOLLS Prepae te sal specimens fr esting in accordance wy 10.2 (eter) or with 103, 102 Mot Preparation Method (ferreq)—Wtout pre oly dying the samplespecimen, process i over 2 No. (675mm) Sein. (0 Sram) oe Yin (0.0m) steve, de- ping on the Meod (A,B, or ) etn sed or equed 5 Evered in 82. For adilonal processing deals se Test Mathod 0913: Determine an fecord the mass of bos he rei and passing porons (oversize acon and es Freon, rerpoctvey) tthe nearest Oven dry the versie Fraction and dlermine and ocr ts ry mass tthe eet Tt appears move thn 059% ofthe ttl dry ase of De Specimen Is adhering to the overt fraction, wash tht fraction. Then determine and record its oven dy mast Be rrorest g Determine anf record the wate come of De Proceed soll eat faction). Using that water content, deter Pine and record the oven dry mass ofthe test faction fo he earest Based on these oven dy ase, the erent versie Tracion, Po and test faction, Px shall be determined aed recorded unless 2 radon saya hs andy boon pe Fonmed, See Section 11 on Caleltons 1021 From he test ction, eet ad prepare at es four (erty Te) suopesinens having molng ter conten ‘Shit dey bracket exited opium water coment A Sthspcimen having malig wate omen clase 0 opumu. ‘Should be prepared ist by tal ads orrerwovals of water and xing (se Nowe 8) Select ncn water contents forthe Fest of the ubspeimens to provide at ast to sspecimers ‘wot and to sobpecinens ry of oping, ad molding Water ‘ones varying bY about 2%. At least two molding water contents ae necessary on he wet and dy sie f opium to ‘fin the dy-unt- weight compaction curve (se 10). Same sll with ery high opin ater coment or lay Zt Compaction care may segue leer toling ater content inert oo wll died teat dy ant wel ‘Molding water cont Increments should not exceed about 1% None $i patie ey eo wal ae 9 ot iret aaa ty ere "Sey ado cmt at lng se Cane yf pn hey eat teeter chy coe mcs a tian oe (theta hems oat pay shy er Sicha Fr chesney ear comt ply se smooth at ner eninge 1122 Thoroughly mix he et ton thn ing e009 select representative sol foreach subspecen (epucon Poin). Sle bout 284 when using Metbad AorB, oF sout 59 bg fr Method C. Test Metiod DEO1S section on Specimen 5 ier kee 1 ALES ESRD enya Sen HERI S151 pra gn hier i Qy o187-07 sed Annex A2 ve adonal etalon obtaining representa. ve sol using hs procedure andthe eas isthe peered rte, To ebiain the subspecimen's molting water contents ‘elected in 1021, 64 oF remove th req amounts of ‘wate as flows: Tadd wate, spray tno the st ing Inigo rriove water, low thei dry na abet {eget ra drying apart sich hat he emperatare ofthe sample does not exceed 40% (°C). Mix the cll Froqunly daring dying to alate an even wale content tal eniy (Eq, tery deny (6). a tn the ry wa velght (E46) alos 11.221 Mots Dens anni a glad wee: Pa = Moist dens of compacted subspecies (compo thon pola, ousting, ge’ or kam M, = tats of molt sali mold and mal. nearest My = mas of compaction meld eset VS Nolan of eompacion mold, en of ne Annex Ai and = Comvemion constint depending gp density ans Sr volume uns Use Ifo glen” and volune ‘an Use 1000 forges and volume in Use (0.004, fo kom? and volume in Use 1000 for gin and volume in em 11.222 Bry Densiy Te o he: | SES dey dest, of camgacion poi, ow spent digits, eam? or | toi and wy = ng en of compaction ph, nat aK M223 Dry Unie Hehe wee Kix cy in t,o, ene a in kN’, J dy ant weight of compaced specimen, four sig ‘es ae KN Ky ~ comersin const, depending om density units, Use {52:28 for deray pon" or use LOGZIZB fr lens e/ ‘Ky = conversion const, depending on deny units, Use ‘38065 for derty in glem® oF use ODESDGG for density in a. 113 Compaction Carve—Pot the diy unit weight and smoling wat conten vale, he saturation curve Ge 1.8.2), fda th compaction curve sa smth cave trough he plots example Fig) For each pout onthe compaction ive, cleat, ora la dry wit weight the ees! (1 TORE. kN?) and molding Water coment tothe fearet 01%, From the compaction curve, determine he Compaction resus optimum water conten to neaet 0.1% fad maxima dey ut weight to the nearest 0.1 (0.02 Nin) Ipmee than 5% by mass of oversize materia wis removed fom the samplelsjecinen, cal de come {pina water cent nd tina dry wie weight of he ‘al mate wing Pracuce DATIS. Tus conection may Bo ‘ade tothe appopite eld tn place density tt specimen ‘ater han to te aberatory compaction ress 11.31 Tn these pls, the scale sensi sould remain ‘he same, tats the change In molding water omen or ry ‘weight per svson fs consane between pls. Typaly the change in dry unit eit per dision fs evice that of ‘png water conten’ (2 BT 1% w pe major isin). ‘Thetfore any change inthe shape ofthe compaction cure ‘ ly orss7 07 COMPACTION TEST Nov: 1-8 Ut Wight sy nt Thy ae plat ee fiers pape ey Abate tat ongetn Bs nr al fe acy ne ongucton cae ic sample Compaction Cre ting cel of tong dat mater, ot he ploting scale. However, oe to one rato shoul be ued for sls have # tenet fat vpan ae Ge 12) sil hy ‘ast soc lately fee ning oes Up te po of TLS The shape of the compaction cave the wet side an optimum shold ypc follow that of the stration fave The shape of th compaton cave on te dy sie of fiom may e relate tor up al down when tn Some sot sich eae ee deg ons or laste os repre ig the mol procedures faving ling wate ‘Sets cle oo ess hn the Silage i 1112 Po te 100% sawation ie, bed on eter an stated of 4 measured spetie gra Vaes of wate Content forte conition of 100% satan canbe cleat span in 4 ee example. 8) congo ct sigan ht 10% ec Sorte space mere tone hae ‘Sve specic Em merece Sis i oe ce este ie me Lt Satiration Poi —To cles pons fx ploting he 10058 sation crv cro slave, set aso dey soit weight, clei coresgnding ales a water Content coespanding 1 the condon of 10 saturation x flows NEY 19) ra a ® shee Mr = water content for complete saturation, nearest on, Ye = tnt eight of water, 62.52 10.789 KN) at bre, Ye = dey nit wight of sl EN? GNI), thes ir 6, = Speie gray of soi cima or measured) 0 ‘eset GT vale, ee 111 4.1 Speci gravity may be ented for the tet ration tes fest dit frog ter sil having the she soil slasifeaton and source oexparence. Others, a specie gan test (est Method C127, Test Method D854, o ba 5 wees, 12, Report: Data Sheet9Form’s) 121 The methodology wad to specify ow dita ae re ore on te tet data seer), as deserted blow, fovzed i Section 18, 122 Theda sheen) hal conan a & nim the flowing irate 1221 Med used (A,B, o& O. 1222 Preparation method used (nos or dy) 1223 Asveccived water conten H datsmined, nearest 16 1224 Med optimum water content Mey one oo 1% @y 01887-07 122.5 Modified maxima (optimum) dey unt weight, Mod ae et LIU of O02 tN 122.6 7p of ramme (ral or mechanic, 1227 Sal stove data when apliable for selection of Mati (A,B. €) wo. 228 Description of sample ase htt (8 4 mining, color and prop name and sym), by Praciee D2, stalin by Test Meo D287 12.29 Specie gravity and method of determination, near st 001 vale 122.10 Tentfcaton of sample used In test for example, oct aumbevrame, location ph nd tho Tike 122.11 Compaction curve pot soving compaction points sed esablsh comjocton curve ad 100% saturation fave, value or pol of sraxinam dry wat Welght and ptm water content 122.12 Percenages er te Foctons retained (P) and psig Pte sow used in Mth A BoC, nares 1% Inadalon if eompaeion ds (Mor ad Miya) ‘rece forthe oven fraction inlet dat Nowe The De Stn utenti Seon 12 el eee pain fl es ees esi ‘toe. The raumons ayo wing wes oe meet ot lc cae: a eran ne at ced i ote Siena eins fe iit es Ts pre ‘Stren it jon ett ung or ping onpecon ce aot at tr hows ao fame ocd by ‘Sry ote se degre eon 15, Precision and Bias 1.1 Preision—Data ae being eval to determine the precision of tis test method, In aden, pertinent dota lng solid fom uses of tho test med 132 Blar—It is noe ons o obtain nfraton on bios becnse no thermos valeto deen the values of ‘voted maximum ry tit weight and mad Bed opin 1. Keywords HL compaction characters; density impact compae: on ug modified fr abrsory test aed pro test moire deny carves aol compaction ANNEX (tandary Ifomaton) [Al VOLUME OF COMPACTION MOLD ALA Scope volume of compaction mold |ALLZ The volume s determined by two methods water filled method ond liner menirenen mato ‘ALLS The water ling method forthe 4s. (18.5) smc. when sing 3 bln vnfable to vent. does mt eld four sgn gre for ts vole, js ce. Based fn Prsctice 6026, ths ints the denstyrunit welt dtm Tatlons previously presented fom for co tee sgnfican figures To prevent his tation. te water ling method hs tne ast rm hat presente in ely esos of ts es ed AL? Apparatus ‘A121 In adiion to the sppratas Rte n Section 8, the folowing sae requ ‘AL2IL Kerner or Dial Colfer, having» measuring ange fattest 019 6 (150 ma) and dab atest 001 tn (0.02 mm "AL212 Inte Mlromeer pina) having @ measuring range ofa east 21 12 In (010300 me) and reads tt Teast 0.001 in (002 mm) "A123 Depth Meaneter pon) having 2 messing ange of at eas O10 8 in 010150) and eae east (001 in (0.02 ma. ALZL4 Plasto or Gis Pltes—Tyo plastic or hss pts abut Bin by Bin by en. thi (0m By 200 ma by 8 rm. A215 Tenmonater or eter Termonstrc Deice— ing ety 9° on men mice re ora |ALZ.LG Stopcok Grease or similar saan ALZLT Died Wer or Dente Ver Babe pe of det may be ed ol ie mld whe deteining the old Volume sing the wer filing tet. Distled ter lesonied water may be purchased and Is avaable in ost, ‘grocery stores. Inthe prota fer te wae filing mete ‘islet water, o donee water, greed to a3 water ALZIB Miscellaeoos equipment—Balb sya, towels, ALS Precautions [ALLL Perfor ths method in an rea sold from daft or exzeme temperature Mucutons ALA Procedure ALA iver iting Morbo [ALALLI Lightly gress the botiom ofthe compaction mold and pace tom one the platc ur gas pater, Lgl grease ‘he tp of the mold. Be crf sat to get grease on be inside tf he mold Ii necessary ous the base pata Noted {0.47, pace the greased mod ono he base plate and secate with the locking state ‘ALL Deter the mass ofthe greased mi an bth peter gas pas to the mart Ig and ecard, May When Thetaae plates being used ae ofthe botiom postiCor lass fe deine the mas of the mol, bee pte ad ® sng Qy orssr 07 pbstc or pls plate tbe wd on tp of the mod 1 the earest tg and econd. ‘ALAL13 Place the mold and the tom plate on 2 fm, level seace and ihe mold with vat slghly above es 1m ‘LALA Side te second ple om te fp surface of the ‘mold soa the ma temas completly filed with Wat nd Sir bubbles are not enapped. Add o¢ remove Wate as cssary with abl yige ‘ALLS Completely dry ay exes wate from the ouside ofthe told an plates |ALAL6 Determine the mass of the mol, plates and water and record othe nearest 1B, Maw [ALALT Determine the temperature of he water ithe smooth eat O.1°C and eer, Dee ed ecnd the ens of wots fom the bl gen n DBS ore flows: ee ™ LOOOMOME (277 10% x T= 10) 78 aun Bee dent of wats nearest 0.0001 glen? and HS calraon tt temperature arest 1° ALAS Calelte the mass oF yar In the mold by sbacig the mass deemed x ALL2 rom the ass ‘termined in ALLL. 'ALAL9 Calculate the volume of water by dividing the nas of wate by te dersty of wate Record hs vue to the pares 1 fr te 10.6-n) elder nearest forthe Gn. (1524 mo. To dtemine the vole (tthe old Sn, mail the vols in em? by 1% 10" ‘ALALIO If the watering eto Is Being used 10 Asermine the mls volume apt checked by Ins mess ‘ment mati, repeat thi wore. Seerition(Al-13 [RLLLS) and date apd eco the average val, Vn 8 prescsbe |ALA2 Linsar Measurement Mthot ALAZLL Using eter the verier caliper or the inside njeromatr(pefeabe, measure he Hide dlameter (D) of the mold se thes atthe lop ofthe a ad se tines atthe boom ofthe rok spacing each of the Sb tp and Dots easement ely around the Ins ceuorence oft told. Record the vals tothe nearest O01 In (002 mm) Datei and cond the aerage ID th nearest 0001 in. (0.02 ram) dy ‘Vey io this 1D i win speciBod tolerances, 4.000% O16 in (10L6 * 14m; fe Sead the mol ALA22 Using te vere caliper on doth micrometer (erferbi), menue the inside eight ofthe mold to he ase Fle Tn these measurements, ake lee or more measure fens equily spaced stand he use exeunfeence of te ‘told, sd preferably one in the ener ofthe ld. ba 9 requ (se the stralgvedge to fiat the later measure tent and comet the messureman forthe tks of the $Slghedg) Record hese vals tothe nearest 01 In (102 rim) Determine and rocord the averge of thee elt roeaorement he nerest 001 (0.02) Hag Vi tds height swt peti lances, 384 © 8.08 in (16. 08 mm): at discard the mol ‘A142. Calelate the volume ofthe mold to four signi a digs nem as lows: ven tala ony whee Ve = volume of mo by near measremens to fur Sonia digs, cx” Ky = corsa conver ncareents mde in inch Gn) tr, Use 16387 for meserement in inches, Use 10" for measurements nm. = haisy Tg = avenge igh 0 (ne, ad ein yen eny ee os vegan ns out en map he sve vay ALS Comparis Mota ‘A151 The volume obtained by eer mead shuld be ‘within the volume Clsrance requirements of 6.11 and 61.2, ting ether orem? or To conver en 10, dec by BSI record vo the nearest 00001 "ALS2 The difernce between he two methods shold not ‘evened 05% ofthe nominal volume ofthe mold, eo "A153 Repeat te dtrmlnaton of vole whlch I most sospec or bath f these etera ae not met "RLS. Fae oabin ststcory agreement tween te ‘wo tod even aller several tal san caton atthe ‘molds body defoamed and shold be placed ‘ALS Use the volume of the mold determined using the ater filing method or Inear meted, or average of both Ines the stadaried vole fr calling tbe most Akeni (ee 11221. Tis vue (fn emo msl ve our significant igs. Te se of «volume inf long with ‘nase in shall a be vegatded as a nocouformance with this standard of Results and Standardized Volume of trey JOA RK SSRI ety Sg 015901 pA ae pe nd Alp 1867-07 [REFERENCES (eon, AN nd Sale. Face ning Capac Tu Ras gy Rech Hows Balen Si en Nan! Ace of Sees trl Ree Cel eg fon be, 2 p78. (lee 1” Mam of So Looty Fg me 1 Sed ‘iia an Cnr Ta Pc Pre on, Sc Et Ma Ute Sts Bar Reo Pt 1h (0 Ent Ma te Ss Bar Reo Pat 2, Tid (@ Tay Vn Dmg RT "Copin Cn Eat Rick Mur New Ach Gaon) err ODI 1, No 3, pene 19H pe. T-86 SUMMARY OF CHANGES Commit, DIB has Went id the locaton of selected changes t0 this standard since the last sue (18ST =O) that nay imc the we of tsar (Approved November 1, 207) (Moved Note 1 and Note 3m the ext, Also, ad in 1.2 "ise compiced sci canal be reuse, since M8 sich an Inport st (2 "Toe amuse of llowabl oversie Satin increased to 25 ‘efor Method A&B (3) In 8, imped te descrpion ofthe gradation conto lng th section ofthe mtd (GO Upited the section a ur (@) Add reference to DEDI3 fee gradation and sample! specimen processing. (6) In Teemnoiogy relocated some tam to deitons and ‘made editor changes (7 Inapparats fr overs, aks th gudanc that thy should vented outside the baling In mixing ols, dee miner ‘options. The sector fae bo be wed forthe n.d snd ‘eget fr balances wos changed w conform to the ast ‘son of DZZ16 used to determine water content (@) More guidances povided In oioving aes: why one shall tess compte sol 8) pling compton cv.) Using molding water content to check the one taken ae ampocton apo determine magnitee of boeing.) rope ten frame during compaction ad what odo when he Famer cases 10 sll © flow up the sides.) resving he Collar and mold rom bese plate. 1 rimming sibspeciners coming se etng pores for ese (Seton 10:8 was rewarded to permit aerate mens for obtaining water content samples fom compact spec mens and 1 clay the equerons of D226 (19. Changed the ie and revise the Calculations scion. (i). Update the Report section o agree eth D183 req: (12 Upset te Anne on vets of mol allow either ‘wae filling o near metodo deen the vue of te od to measure temperature f 01°C instead of nears °C ad usa 8S (or equation) for density of wae Ast unto soja spacing wy ata st ncn ta es ‘nsdn a sar ae bt en aly a a ml ak ‘Tagen on po ty oo ean Subtheme tien eeenae eran irs ant oTOSI2a00 eons) SONNE HED Fw smcesneny femal Beg Ie AST noe ica iin ty ALN SGN ey Seg 8410S pi Ape ei in

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