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Richard G. Campanella I and Matt J.

Kokan 2

A New Approach to Measuring Dilatancy in Saturated Sands

REFERENCE: Campanella, R. G. and Kokan, M. J., "A New Ap- Procedures and Equipment
proach to Measuring Dilatancy in Saturated Sands," Geotechnical
Testing Journal, GTJODJ, Vol. 16, No. 4, December 1993, pp. 485- The resistivity cone penetration test ( R C P T U ) is a modifica-
495. tion of the standard piezocone test ( C P T U ) . All of the down-
hole electronic e q u i p m e n t used was designed and built at U B C .
ABSTRACT: The determination of in situ properties of sand has The cone used has an end area of 10 cm 2 and a friction sleeve
proven to be a difficult objective, especially when it includes assessing
area of 150 cmL The cone is capable of measuring cone-bearing
volume change characteristics like dilatancy. Difficulty in obtaining
representative undisturbed specimens as well as problems with ex- stress, local sleeve frictional stress, pore pressure at two locations
trapolating laboratory test results to the field has caused many to (either on the face or at the shoulder and behind the friction
place increased reliance on in situ testing. One such test that is con- sleeve), temperature, and inclination simultaneously. The terms
tinuing to gain acceptance is the piezocone penetration test (CPTU). cone bearing, cone-bearing stress, and cone resistance as used in
While the CPTU is particularly good for stratigraphic detailing and
evaluating many geotechnical parameters, the assessment of volume this paper are equivalent and synonomous with the terms cone
change characteristics is, as yet, not well defined. tip stress and cone point stress as used by others. In addition, the
A new approach has been developed which uses the measurement cone is equipped with an accelerometer to record seismic signals
of bulk soil resistivity, a geophysical technique, to evaluate in situ for determination of dynamic soil properties.
dilatancy characteristics of sand. The method makes use of a module
The ability to measure the resistance to current flow in soils
mounted behind a standard piezocone to measure resistivity. The
interpretation is based on the resistivity contrast between remolded has been one of the more recent developments in penetration
sand at constant volume conditions and relatively undisturbed sand. technology at U B C . Currently a five-electrode-array resistivity
These measurements are recorded continually along with the usual m o d u l e is located behind the piezocone, as shown in Fig. 1. The
CPTU data and are therefore logging the dilatancy characteristics at electrode separation varies from 9.5 to 77.5 mm, providing dif-
high-depth resolution. A discussion of the method of analysis, as-
sumptions, and limitations is given, and typical results are presented ferent amounts of lateral penetration of the electrical field. The
and compared. To date the results suggest that the method developed extreme outer electrodes are used to supply the alternating cur-
does not require groundwater sampling or laboratory testing, an ob- rent (ac) at 1000 Hz, but are also used as a-c voltage m e a s u r e m e n t
vious advantage. Thus, a dilatancy parameter is measured in com- electrodes. All inner electrodes are passive in nature and are
bination with the CPTU identified soil stratigraphy and geotechnical used only to measure a-c voltage. A constant peak current, typ-
properties, and all data are obtained at the same speed and reliability.
ically 150 ~ A , a-c source can be adjusted in amplitude according
KEYWORDS: cone penetrometer, resistivity, dilatancy, volume change, to the resistivity of the soil to allow voltage measurements to fall
density, sand, geophysical, geotechnical, properties, in situ testing into the usable range of the data acquisition system after am-
plification. For more information on the design and specific elec-
tronics of the module, the reader should refer to W e e m e e s (1990)
The electronic cone is rapidly becoming the tool of choice for
and K o k a n (1992).
geotechnical engineers who have gained experience in in situ
testing of soil for site investigation. Since its inception in the
Measurement of Soil Resistivity
1960s, electronic cone testing technology has been constantly
evolving, with the d e v e l o p m e n t of new cone designs as well as Geophysical techniques are being used increasingly in pene-
new tests to measure an increasing n u m b e r of in situ parameters. tration testing technology to obtain high-quality geotechnical data.
Recently a resistivity module was developed at the University of These methods are often superior to other methods in that they
British Columbia ( U B C ) (Campanella and W e e m e e s 1990) which are fast, relatively noninvasive, and do not require extensive lab
permits bulk soil resistivity to be measured in situ along with the testing of soils. Resistivity of the soil is not directly measured,
standard piezocone penetration test ( C P T U ) parameters. Resis- but is inferred from the measured voltage across an electrode
tivity measurements have been used to study groundwater con- pair at a constant supplied current, I. The resistance of the soil,
tamination, but can also be used to evaluate soil porosity (Archie from O h m ' s law, is then
R = -- (1)
1Professor, The University of British Columbia, Department of Civil I
Engineering, 2324 Main Mall, Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4.
2Staff engineer, Conetec Investigations, Ltd., 9113 Shaughnessy St.,
Vancouver, BC V6P6R9. Formerly, graduate research assistant, Uni- The resistance is not a fundamental soil property, but rather
versity of British Columbia, Civil Engineering Department. depends on the current path length, L, and the cross-sectional
© 1993 by the American Society for Testing and Materials
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Indian Inst of Tech Kharagpur (Indian Inst of Tech Kharagpur) pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized.

Factors Affecting Resistivity Measurements in Soils

_~rods The electrical resistivity measured across the electrodes is the
bulk resistivity of the soil and is referred to as the apparent
resistivity. It is a combination of the resistivity due to the soil
skeleton itself as well as the resistivity of the pore fluid. In sat-
urated soils, the latter effect dominates.
The bulk resistivity of the soil is related to the resistivity of
tic the pore fluid by the formation factor F, which was originally
lati0n defined by Archie (1942) as follows

~nt F = pd~ (3)

E where Pb = bulk soil resistivity and p/ = pore fluid resistivity.
i E
Lt3 The formation factor, F, is in turn related to soil porosity, (n),
"O c.3
by Archie's equation

F = An m (4)

Jnded This particular relationship holds for saturated porous media

trode where A and m are constants and the constituent particles are
nonconductive relative to the pore fluid. For uncemented soils,
A ~ 1, and for sands, m = 1.5, but as fines and clay content
increases, in increases and can be as large as 1.8 to 3.0 (Urish

Resistivity Measurement in Sands

"E Since sand particles are relatively nonconductive, the flow of
disturbed soil current through saturated sand must occur mainly by electrolytic
conduction. Hence, the bulk resistivity measured in saturated
sands is largely a function of the pore water conductivity and the
° T 0
transition zone amount of conductive pore fluid. The amount of conductive pore
space is influenced by a number of soil-related factors such as
E notded zone porosity, tortuosity of pore space, as well as grain size and shape
O- 0
factors (Urish 1981). It was recognized by Campanella and Wee-
mees (1990) that there was a relationship between cone-bearing
C stress, normalized for the effect of changes in effective over-
t~ burden stress, and formation factor, which suggested that the
measured bulk resistivity must be related in some way to density
FIG. 1 - - P i e z o c o n e penetrometer with resistivity module (RCPTU). and therefore to porosity. Figure 2 shows the sand portion of
the resistivity profile from the Laing Bridge site presented on
top of the cone-bearing results. Also presented are the pore fluid
resistivities measured from groundwater specimens taken with a
B A T groundwater system (Torstensson 1984). The fact that the
area, A, of the effective resistive unit. In the case of the resistivity groundwater is controlling the bulk resistivity response is evi-
cone, with the assumptions that the soil acts as a homogeneous denced by the parallels between groundwater and bulk resistiv-
isotropic media, the electrodes act as perfect conductors, and ities seen in Fig. 2. A t the scale shown, it is apparent that the
the resistivity module circuitry acts as a perfect current supply resistivity values for the 9.5 and 77.5 mm spacings plot near one
source, then the ratio A / L is constant and equal to K. Electrical another and exhibit the same basic trend. However, it is not
resistivity, p, is a fundamental soil parameter which is related by apparent that the resistivity values at 9.5 and 26-mm spacings
the following relationships are almost identical and suggest that, at these two close spacings,
there is little or no change in the soil porosity being sampled
A KV (see Fig. 1). The difference in resistivity between the 9.5 and
p = -~R = KR : I (2)
77.5-mm spacings is due to differences in porosity being sampled
and is the basis for the proposed method for dilatancy charac-
The calibration factor, K , is affected by the geometry of the terization. Also, from 11 to 14-m depth, the changes in cone
electrode dimensions. K can be determined by the direct cali- bearing correspond to the changes in the bulk resistivity profile
bration of the module totally submerged in a constant temper- measured with the large electrode spacing. Since the pore fluid
ature buffer solution of known resistivity. For more information resistivity is constant in this region, it is possible to conclude that
on the calibration procedure, the reader is directed to Kokan the bulk resistivity changes are related to the changes in cone
(1992). bearing.

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RESISTIVITY ( o h m - m ) onstrated quite clearly by Campanella and Weemees (1990). De-

0 5 10 15 20 25 fining porosity quantitatively from the formation factor, while
possible in theory, has proven difficult in practice. Extensive
site-specific correlations including laboratory testing of recon-
stitutive specimens and pore fluid are required for this to be
achieved. In the Netherlands this approach has been used by
Delft (1982) with limited success.
8 Another approach to the understanding of in situ density in
f" sand has been developed. Rather than trying to look at the
problem of measuring absolute density and comparing it to ref-
erence densities of sands, the authors have undertaken to con-
sider only the density or volume change that occurs during shear.
10. By comparing near field resistivity to far field resistivity, it is
E possible to observe the relative differences in sand porosity or
density between the near field (remolded) and the far field (un-
? disturbed). If the assumption is made that the remolded sand
W near the probe is at or near its critical void ratio (Casagrande
12 ¸ 1936), then one has an in situ reference void ratio and corre-
sponding bulk resistivity. Because denser sands will have higher
bulk resistivities than looser sands, comparison of near and far
field bulk resistivity should indicate whether the soil has become
looser or denser near the probe. Therefore, sands can be iden-
t4 ¸ tified as contractive or dilative based on their volume change
behavior during penetration-induced shear.
RESISTIVITY(,26.0 ram)
RESISTIVITY(,9.5 mm) Theoretical Basis
~ .......
Dilatancy refers to the volume change that sand undergoes
16 when it is sheared. Naturally occurring sands can have substantial
0 25 50 75 100 125 t 5 0 175 200 differences in their dilatancy characteristics. Variations in mean
CONE BEARING (bar) grain size, grading, mineralogy, and in situ stress can all influence
the dilatancy behavior. These observations have been repeatedly
FIG.2--A comparison o f bulk soil resistivity at 9.5, 26.0, and 77.5-
demonstrated during laboratory testing. Steady state concepts
m m spacing, ground water resistivity and cone bearing at Laing Bridge
site (1 bar = 0.1 MPa = 100 kPa = 1 kgf/cm 2 ~ 1 tons/ft2). are the most recent framework in which dilatancy behavior has
been discussed. The basis for this type of analysis is that sand
has a steady state line which exists in void ratio-effective con-
Use of the RCPTU to Determine Sand Behavior
fining stress space (Vaid et al. 1990; Wood 1990). The steady
It was previously shown that cone bearing can be related to state line can be determined from triaxial tests in the laboratory.
the formation factor, which, in turn, can be mathematically re- The position of a sand element with respect to the steady state
lated to porosity in clean well-rounded sands (Campanella and line determines its behavior when sheared. It is well understood
Weemees 1990). Therefore, the formation factor could be used that increasing void ratio or decreasing density promotes volume
as a quantitative means of determining sand density (Delft 1982; decrease or contraction during shear. Similarly, decreasing void
Van de Graft and Zuidberg 1985). Dense sands show higher bulk ratio or increasing density promotes volume increase or dilation
resistivity values than loose sands in a pore fluid of a fixed re- during shear. Furthermore, increasing confining stress promotes
sistivity due to their smaller pore fluid volume. Because the volume decrease or contractive behavior. The position and slope
resistivity module is a displacement device, soil around the probe of the steady state line is different for sands of different com-
is sheared during penetration of the probe as shown in Fig. 1. position. Moreover, even for a given sand, the position of the
The degree of remolding or shearing decreases with increasing steady state line is also stress path dependent (Vaid et al. 1990).
radial distance away from the probe. For the RCPTU, one would Therefore, it appears that steady state concepts must be applied
expect that an electrode spacing capable of allowing the current in the context of the specific soil tested and the direction of
path to pass into the less disturbed formation would be necessary loading.
to obtain a measure of relatively undisturbed or "'far field" bulk While steady state concepts have been discussed mainly in the
resistivity. This requires as large a spacing as practically feasible. context of laboratory tests, recently they have been extended to
Small electrode spacings would in general measure resistivities in situ tests (Been et al. 1987; Sladen and Hewitt 1989). In the
near the instrument, in the "near field," where the soil has been state parameter approach, Been et al. (1987) relate CPT cone
sheared considerably by penetration. In sand, one would expect bearing to the state parameter which defines the nearness of the
that the void ratios in this near field zone of severe remolding soil to the contractive-dilative boundary or steady state line. The
and shearing would be relatively constant, and close if not equal method requires the independent assessment of the steady state
to the critical void ratio at the in situ mean effective stress for line and in situ horizontal stress. While the in situ horizontal
the given sand, assuming grain crushing is minimal. Hence, only stress can usually be estimated, determination of the steady state
the formation factor calculated using the large electrode spacing line requires extensive laboratory testing to be conducted on
should be related to density and cone bearing. This was dem- representative specimens. Sladen and Hewitt (1989) proposed a

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contractive-dilative boundary for sand based on cone-bearing Therefore, if D < 1, then the porosity of the undisturbed sand
stress from back analyses on hydraulic fill structures in the Beau- is smaller than the remolded or steady state porosity and the
fort Sea. Because these methods rely on empirical relationships sand would be dilative (or increase in volume due to shearing).
that were extracted from very specific data bases, they are usually If D > 1, then the porosity of the undisturbed sand is larger than
site specific and the potential exists for misinterpretation of data the remolded or steady state porosity and the sand would be
from other sites. contractive (or decrease in volume due to shearing).
The methodology proposed herein by the authors differs from The dilation parameter was defined in this manner since, of
the above in a fundamental manner. The volume change asso- the four electrode spacings, the 9.5 and the 77.5-mm spacings
ciated with shearing is observed directly. Therefore, there is no represented the smallest and the largest available on the module
need for laboratory or field correlations to predict dilatancy in at the time. The use of a quotient term as the dilation parameter
situ. Dilatancy can be estimated by looking at the volume change was chosen since it implicitly normalizes with respect to the bulk
that has occurred during shear at various distances away from resistivity value. In this way, variation in the pore water resistivity
the penetration probe. The level of shear induced by the pen- with depth does not have an effect on the value of D. Hence,
etration of a probe, such as the cone used in the CPTU, decreases there is no need for pore fluid sampling.
as the radial distance away from the probe is increased. Chong Upon examination of the in situ methods available, it is clear
(1988) describes the volumetric strain as a function of radial that a need exists for developing some type of analytical tech-
distance to be a critically damped compression wave. Since the nique for characterizing the dilatancy behavior of sands for ap-
penetration of the electric field from the resistivity module is plication in stress-deformation modeling and, more specifically,
proportional to the spacing, by varying the spacing one can ex- liquefaction modeling. While the pressuremeter shows great
pect to vary the level of volumetric strain that is measured. promise as the definitive analytical tool for in situ testing, it
Resistivity methods have been used before to measure volume cannot match the RCPTU test in terms of speed and effective-
changes in granular soils. Windle and Wroth (1975) used resis- ness. Furthermore, the pressuremeter requires interpretation of
tivity to determine the volume changes that occur during a pres- a stress-strain relationship to extract comparable dilatancy in-
suremeter test. formation.
In order to demonstrate the usefulness of the RCPTU test, a
field program was carried out at several UBC research sites.
Dilation Parameter

In order to have some way of quantifying the dilatancy

Field Investigation Program and Results
behavior, it is necessary to establish a parameter that is related
to the amount of dilation or contraction observed during Data are presented here from three sites in the lower Fraser
penetration-induced shearing. For this reason a parameter, D, River Delta, British Columbia, Canada. These sites have sig-
the dilation parameter, was defined by the authors to be a ratio nificant sequences of clean fluvial sands, deposited by a pro-
of measured near field to far field bulk resistivities as follows grading Fraser River. Of most concern to designing geotechnical
engineers are the loose, possibly liquefiable sands and nonplastic
D - Pbo95 (5) silts that tend to be found between 5 and 15 m of depth. The
Pb775 present Fraser Delta is a consequence of the latest phase of
deposition from post-glacial ice ablation and Fraser River scour.
The significance of the dilation parameter and its relationship The Fraser Delta consists of a complex sequence of glacial, gla-
to the formation porosity can be seen by combining Eqs 3 and ciofluvial, glaciomarine, and fluvial sediments that extend up to
4, which gives several hundred meters in depth. The most recent sediments are
the fluvial sediments, resulting from continuous cycles of scour
Pb = Ps (An m) (6) and deposition caused by flooding and channel relocation.

substituting Eq 6 into Eq 5 and noting that the formation char-

acteristics and pore fluid resistivity can be considered constant Site Descriptions
at a given depth gives
Arthur Laing Bridge Site
D - psA (n°95)-'~ (7) This site is adjacent to the southern off ramp of the Arthur
pfA (n775) m Laing Bridge at the Vancouver International Airport. It is at the
northeastern limit of Sea Island next to the north arm of the
canceling gives Fraser River and in relatively close proximity to the present delta
front of the Fraser River. The RCPTU profile from one of the
soundings is presented in Fig. 3. The top 4 m Of soil consist of
O = I-"-Iln7751
(8) organic-rich silts and loose silty sands as indicated by the high
ln0951 friction ratio and low cone-bearing stress. Below this is a se-
quence of clean sand extending to about 14 m. This sand shows
a general trend of increasing density with depth. Both the friction
(Porosity)u.d = porosity of undisturbed sand in the far field ratio and the penetration pore pressure response confirm the fact
as measured by the widely spaced electrodes, that the sand between 4 and 14 m is very clean. Below 14 m the
and sand becomes stratified with silty layers. The resistivity profile
(Porosity)r~m = Porosity of remolded sand near shaft as meas- indicates a moderate level of total dissolved solids in the ground-
ured by closely spaced electrodes. water in the upper 10 m of the deposit. The approximate limit

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Ot (bar) Rf (~) U2(m.of water) 9.5mm (ohm-m) PROFILE
~ , i _ i , , i l i
250 5 -t0 90
i l i
0'..~- ' ' ' ; 0 i i i


iO. 10. i0 10
/ 10-



c) 20¸ 20 ¸ ~o~ 20. .



30 30 .... 30 t. 30' ' ' 30

FIG. 3 - - R C P T U sounding f r o m Arthur Laing Bridge site (1 bar = 0.1 MPa = 100 kPa ~ 1 kgf/cm ~- ~ 1 tons/ft2).

of potable water corresponds to a bulk resistivity of 25 to 50 Fraser Bridge as well as the northern approach span support
ohm-m (approximately 500 mg/L total dissolved solids). A sharp piers. There has been extensive vibro-replacement densification
decrease in the bulk resistivity is noted at 10 m, at which point done around the main pier as well as the approach span piers.
the resistivity halves. Below the lower silty sand at about 19 m, Annacis Island is located upstream from the previous sites. It is
there is a plastic clayey silt unit containing some thin silty sand a smaller channel island, similar to other islands upstream from
lenses. the mouth of the delta. Figure 5 shows that the site is presently
covered with sand fill to a depth of 3 m near the water table
depth. Beneath the sand fill there is approximately 1 m of clayey
M i l l e r R o a d Site
silt over-bank deposits, which are underlain by sand to a depth
This site is approximately 400 m south of Laing Bridge site, of 7 m, where there is a 1-m silt layer. Beneath 8 m, the sand
also on the eastern limit of Sea Island. One of the RCPTU is fairly clean to a depth of about 19 m. From 19 to about 21.5
profiles from this site is shown in Fig. 4. The upper 6.5 m of the m, weaker silt lenses exist. The silty lenses are marked by sharp
profile consists of sand fill which is characterized by variable decreases in penetration pore pressure and increases in friction
cone bearing arising from the placement technique. Directly under ratio in combination with very reduced cone bearing. The sands
the sand fill are the overbank silts and silty sands characteristic are characteristically loose near the surface throughout the site;
of this part of Sea Island. These deposits are underlain by a hence, vibro-densification was recommended by the geotechnical
sequence of sands with silt layers. The resistivity profile dem- consultants for this portion of the project (Bazett and Mc-
onstrates the present water table level to be at about 6 m below Cammon 1986). This sounding (FRAS2.EDT) is in the untreated
the top of the fill, at about the same level as the first native soils. area. The bulk resistivity at the site indicates a relatively low
These soils are silty with plastic fines, causing the resistivity level of total dissolved solids in the pore fluid. The stratigraphic
profile to approach the 10 ohm-m level. Once into the cleaner variability is also reflected in the measured resistivity.
sands, the bulk resistivity appears to be on average 40 ohm-m
through until about 18 m, where the resistivity drops. This drop, Dilatancy Analysis
as in the Laing Bridge site, is controlled by the changing pore
fluid conductivity. The bulk resistivities are in the same range The dilatancy behavior of sands is affected by mineralogical
as the Laing Bridge site as expected, since the distance between and grain-size factors in addition to placement density and con-
the sites is less than 400 m. fining pressure. Significant variations in mean grain size, grading,
and mineralogy have been observed in the Fraser Delta (Arm-
strong 1984). It is expected that the factors affecting dilatancy
A l e x Fraser B r i d g e Site
behavior also affect measured cone-bearing stress; however, it
This UBC research site is located on Annacis Island in New is not clear whether they are affected in the same manner. This
Westminster, BC. The site includes the north pier of the Alex topic will be addressed as the data are presented.

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Indian Inst of Tech Kharagpur (Indian Inst of Tech Kharagpur) pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized.

Ot (bar) f er) 95
Rf [%) U2(m.owat .mm(ohm-m) PROFL IE
o . . . . .
50 250 0 -5
. . . .
0 ' ' '


t0- + ~0 i "


a_ ~ " :ZZ~ZZSI~IIS~
n . 20 20 ~ --~ ' 20 / EO" SAND
. . . . . . . . . . . . .


30 ' ' ' ' ' . . . . 30 ~ 30 I , , , 30 . . . . 30

F I G , 4 - - R C P T U sounding from Miller Road research site (1 bar = 0.1 MPa = 100 kPa =

1 kgf/cm: -~ 1 tons/fF),

(bar) Ot (%} U2(m.owater)
Af f g.5mm
(ohm-m) PROFL IE
250 5 -10 40 0 100
0 ~
0' ....

iO- lO- tO iO 10

o 20
20 i,~,I
~ 20 20~1SILTYSAND

30 . . . . . . i i +i
F I G . 5 - - R C P T U sounding from Fraser Bridge research site (1 bar = 0,1 MPa = 100 kPa
3 3 30 i

1 kg[/cm z ~- 1 tons/ft2).

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Indian Inst of Tech Kharagpur (Indian Inst of Tech Kharagpur) pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized.

The dilation parameter, D, is presented together with nor- NORMALIZED CONE BEARING
malized cone bearing. The normalization applied here is adapted 0 70 14-0
from that proposed by Sladen and Hewitt (1989). The effective 0 o
stress normalization is as follows SILT AND

Q" \eJ \ ~r'v/ (9)

Q,, = normalized total cone-bearing stress,
Q, = total cone-bearing stress,
Cr'v = vertical effective stress, and
P, = reference stress (atmospheric pressure).
This normalization format was adopted since it appears to be
superior in terms of correcting for overburden effects on meas- ii0 I0 SAND
ured cone bearing. Vertical effective stresses were estimated
using an assumed soil density. Normalized cone bearing has also 123
been shown to be correlated to in situ relative density (Baldi et
al. 1982; Robertson and Campanella 1988), which makes it con-
venient for comparison of the resistivity method of dilatancy
characterization of sands. Sladen and Hewitt's criterion for the
dilative-contractive boundary was Q,, = 70. Sands that are less 15 15
than 70 are considered loose or contractive, while sands that are SILTY SAND

greater than 70 are considered dense or dilative. Clearly, this AND SAND
criterion cannot be rigorously applied to any type of sand as
dilatancy is affected by factors such as mineralogy, age, and
overconsolidation ratio (OCR). The Sladen and Hewitt criterion CLAYEY
will be checked to see if it is valid for Fraser Delta sands. 20 SILT
0.5 .0 1.5
Arthur Laing Bridge Site DILATION PARAMETER, D
The RCPTUs conducted at this site were located about 2 m ...... DILATION PARAMETER
from a mud rotary drill hole where SPTs were done at 5-ft (1.5- NORMALIZED CONE BEARING
m) intervals. Hence, grain-size data in the sands were available.
FIG. 6--Dilation parameter and normalized cone-bearing stress with
Figure 6 shows the dilation parameter and normalized cone bear- depth for Laing Bridge site (D < 1 dilative; D > 1 contractive).
ing computed to 20 m for the RCPTU shown in Fig. 3. The
sequence of sand between 4 and 14 m is a good one for the
analysis since it is clean, has a uniform grain size (Ds0 = 0.30
mm, ---0.02 mm with fines content less than 5%), and shows
considerable variability in density. There is a noticeable rela- stratified soils below 10-m depth had resistivities around 10 ohm-
tionship between normalized cone bearing and dilation param- m. The previous trends are again evident in the clean sands at
eter. The increases in cone bearing are in sequence with de- Miler Road. Most of the sands appear to have D less than unity,
creases in dilation parameter and hence increases in inferred indicating that they are dilative. One observation that can be
dilation. In the upper part of the sand zone, from 4 to 8 m, the made is that the response of D to changes in cone bearing appears
sands are loose to medium loose as indicated by normalized cone to be attenuated somewhat where the sands are more highly
bearing being in the range of 40 to 60. The dilation parameter stratified.
recorded in this region was greater than unity on average, in-
dicating that contraction was taking place. In the lower sands
Alex Fraser Bridge Site
from 8 to 14 m, which appear to be quite dense as indicated by
normalized cone bearings greater than 70, D is less than unity, The results shown in Fig. 8 are from the RCPTU results shown
indicating dilative behavior. in Fig. 5. In the upper looser sands there is some contraction,
indicated by a greater-than-unity value of dilation parameter.
Below, there is mainly minor dilation, though contraction is quite
Miller Road Site
noticeable at several depths. The relationship between normal-
Figure 7 shows the dilation parameter plotted alongside nor- ized tip resistance and dilation parameter, while evident, is not
malized cone bearing from 8 to 22 m for the RCPTU shown in nearly as good as for the previous two sites. It appears that most
Fig. 4 for the Miller Road site. This sounding was chosen since of the sand lies just on the less-than-unity or dilative side of the
it appears to include mostly clean sands (no grain-size data avail- figure. This site is quite different stratigraphically from the pre-
able) below the water table at resistivities of about 35 ohm-m vious sites. The amount of layering observed in the sands is much
compared to the Laing Bridge site (Figs. 3 and 6), where more greater, and the range of densities is smaller.

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Indian Inst of Tech Kharagpur (Indian Inst of Tech Kharagpur) pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized.


0 70 140 0 70 14O
8 0 - ~ ' ' ' ' ' ..... •


55 --

12 ,
10. SAND

T15 15-
Ix. t ' []_
'/16 16 ¸ C]
It .


25 25
20 20 SAND

30 , "~~ ....... 30
0.5 .0 1.5 0.5 1.0 1.5



FIG. 7--Dilation parameter and normalized cone-bearing stress with
depth for Miller Road site (D < t dilative; D > t contractive). FIG. 8--Dilation parameter and normalized cone-bearing with depth
for Fraser Bridge site, North Pier on Annacis Island (D < 1, dilative," D
> 1, contractive).

With the data from three sites presented in Figs. 6, 7, and 8, nounced when the sands are relatively uniform, such as at the
it is of interest to compare the measured range of the D parameter Arthur Laing Bridge site and Miller Road site. In highly layered
with the theoretical range as calculated from Eq 8. On average and/or stratified sands, such as shown in Fig. 8 for the Alex
it can be assumed (from local experience) that a typical saturated, Fraser Bridge site, observed changes in dilation parameter do
naturally occurring, deltaic sand can have a minimum void ratio not seem to be as large in magnitude as the observed changes
of about 0.55 or a porosity of 0.355 and a maximum void ratio in normalized cone bearing. This is reasonable since the resis-
of about 1.00 or a porosity of 0.500. Now if the critical state or tivity measurement from the 77.5-mm electrode spacing averages
constant volume, fully remolded void ratio (at a moderate ef- over a relatively large distance. In contrast, the value of cone-
fective overburden stress at say 10-m depth) is taken as 0.80 or bearing resistance likely averages the resistance to penetration
a remolded porosity of 0.444, the following theoretical values of over a smaller depth than the resistivity measurement. Thus,
dilation parameter, D, can be calculated from Eq 8 taking m = resistivity is less effective at responding to thin soil layers than
1.5: D = 1.19 (loose) and D = 0.71 (dense). The actual range is the cone bearing.
of D measurements in the sand was from a low of 0.75 to a high
of 1.13. Thus, the measurements are reasonable and within the Normalized Cone Resistance--Dilatancy Relationships
bounds of practical limits. It is anticipated that with the wider
spaced electrode array planned the resistivity measurements will Because the test used to measure D is a modified cone pen-
sample a little more of the undisturbed zone, thus providing a etration test, it is natural to use cone-bearing resistance as a first
slightly wider range of measured D values. basis of comparison. The data presented so far have shown that
From the data presented, it appears that a trend of decreasing there is some basis for developing a functional relationship be-
dilation parameter with increasing normalized cone bearing can tween Q, or Q,,, (normalized) and D. Normalized cone bearing
be demonstrated in clean sands. The relationship is most pro- (according to Eq 9) versus dilation parameter, averaged at 0.25-

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Indian Inst of Tech Kharagpur (Indian Inst of Tech Kharagpur) pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized.

I O0
150. • 0 ooooo MILLER ROAD SITE
0 o

0o 80-
• • ~0 • OI •
• 0
• • 0 0
Z • •ldp • ,_~(~o o

100 .,.- o • O (OgD

• ;0~

rn IIW• III~0 ~ 0 0 0 60-
• 0 ~ ' 0 ~)
Z • eeI
Z . . W
(D I •
E3 >
i,i ~u c D •
N • • •o In o•

< 5O i,i

Z [.°o o

0 , i i I i i , i I i i i ~ i | [ i i i f j i i i 1
0 i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i t t l p * l l l l l l l t
0.7 0.8 0.9 t.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 0.7 0.8 0.9 .0 1.1 1.2 1.5

FIG. 9--Normalized cone bearing versus dilation parameter for Laing FIG. lO--lnterpreted relative density versus dilation parameter for sand
Bridge site (sand from 4 to 14 m) and Miller Road site (sand from 8 to at Laing Bridge site .from 4 to 14-m depth.
18 m).

m intervals in the clean sands, is shown in Fig. 9. The results value of approximately 40% at D = 1 at the boundary between
from the Laing Bridge site show an extremely good linear cor- dilative-contractive behavior. The linear relationship is not sur-
relation between normalized cone bearing and dilation param- prising since relative density is also a function of normalized cone
eter. The Miller Road site also shows a good trend, but the slope bearing to a power function of vertical effective stress (Bellotti
appears somewhat steeper than the previous site. For the Miller et al. 1985).
Road site, it seems clear that on balance there is less dilation
for a given value of normalized cone resistance than for the Laing
Densification Control
Bridge site. Approximately 6.5 m of sand fill above the water
table is present at the Miller Road site. This corresponds to an One of the areas in which the CPTU is becoming the preem-
increase in vertical effective stress between 100 and 125 kPa, inent test is for compaction or densification control. It is believed
causing increased confining stress which has been demonstrated that the dilation parameter could be used as an independent
to decrease observed dilative behavior in laboratory tests on method of assessing ground improvement for any method of
sands. densification. Figure 11 shows normalized cone bearing and di-
Sladen and Hewitt (1989) suggest a value of Q,n = 70 for the lation parameter for two RCPTUs at the Alex Fraser Bridge site
boundary between contractive and dilative behavior. Given the where one was just inside the treatment area and between "stone"
data presented in Fig. 9, which show a mean value of Q,, = 55 columns, while the other was some 15 m east in the untreated
(normalized Q,) at D = 1, Sladen and Hewitt's value may be area. The change in normalized cone bearing is noticeable, with,
overly conservative when applied to Fraser Delta sands. in most cases, an increase in normalized cone bearing observed
in the improved area. The dilation parameter decreases concur-
rently with increases in normalized cone bearing. This suggests
Relative D e n s i t y - - D i l a t a n c y Relationships
that the densification has improved the site characteristics by
Although relative density or density index, Dr, is a difficult causing the sand to undergo increases in density, causing in-
parameter to evaluate, it continues to be used as a guide in creased dilation or a decrease in the dilation parameter D.
design. Recent calibration chamber testing has provided useful
correlations between cone-bearing resistance and relative density
for several reference sands (Baldi et al. 1982). One of the ref-
erence sands, Ticino sand, is of moderate compressibility and is There are several practical applications where the RCPTU can
similar in characteristics to the sands found in the Fraser River be successfully employed to increase the level of confidence for
Delta. Using the cone interpretation computer program CPT[NT design specifications. All of these applications would likely re-
ver 4.2, developed at UBC, it was possible to estimate D r for quire the condition of saturated soil since it has been shown that
the Fraser Delta sands using the correlations for Ticino sand. bulk soil resistivity measurements are dominated by the pore
A typical relationship for relative density versus the dilation fluid resistivity. Ordinarily, high groundwater tables are asso-
parameter, D, for the two soundings at the Laing Bridge site is ciated with coastal, river delta and low land developments where
shown in Fig. 10. The results suggest a good linear relationship most of the loose and soft soil problems exist. In a dry soil the
between D and relative density or density index, with a mean pore volume acts as an insulator rather than as a conductor, and

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Indian Inst of Tech Kharagpur (Indian Inst of Tech Kharagpur) pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized.


o 70 140
0.5 1.0
i i i i i i i [i ~
r i i i i I I i
a i L a I ,
The data presented from three sites illustrates the useful ap-
plication of geophysical measurements, namely, soil resistivity
in combination with the piezocone penetration test to the study
f~ of practical problems in geotechnics. The measurement of rel-
ative porosity changes between undisturbed and remolded sand
6 ¸ during penetration-induced shearing is a concept that is both
novel and important for understanding dilatancy behavior of
sands in situ.
A dilation parameter, D, is proposed which is directly calcu-
1 lated from the ratio of bulk soil resistivity for closely spaced
..--.: electrodes to widely spaced electrodes. As D increases, and is
larger than 1, the sand is becoming more contractive during
laJ ( shear, and as D decreases, and is less than 1, the sand is becoming
more dilative. D = 1 is the dilative-contractive boundary. The
2:. dilation parameter measurements have been shown to lie within
the range of possible theoretical values. The usefulness of the D

12- 12
parameter measurement and subsequent conclusions are high-
lighted by the fact that no pore water specimens are required
and no lab tests are needed to establish the critical state density.
By comparing the resistivity measurements at different elec-
trode spacings, it may be possible to consider the effect of dif-
15 15 ferent levels of shearing on porosity. It is the authors' belief that
- - IMPROVED the proposed dilation parameter provides additional independent
information about sand behavior. Such information can be used
FIG. 11--Comparison of improved and unimproved soil at Fraser as a practical supplement to any field investigation currently using
Bridge site using normalized cone bearing and dilation parameter. the CPTU or seismic CPTU as its principal investigative tool. It
should also encourage those who are currently using other in situ
tests to gain similar information about sand behavior to consider
it is unlikely that a measurable change in bulk resistivity would use of the RCPTU.
result from a change in density. However, that aspect has yet to Further research will concentrate on changing the electrode
be fully evaluated. spacings used for measuring resistivity as well as increasing the
Dilation parameter measurements would be particularly useful scope of test sites, especially to include ground improvement
in providing a better understanding of the fundamental behavior sites in loose sands. Currently, a new resistivity module is being
of sands with respect to liquefaction susceptibility and volume built at UBC that has a maximum electrode spacing which is
change behavior during shearing. As an index value related to double the current largest spacing. This new probe will assist in
volume change behavior, the D parameter in combination with determining the optimum spacing for dilation parameter meas-
classification, strength, seismic, and seepage parameters adds an urements. It would also be of interest to evaluate the sensitivity
enormous dimension to the interpretive power of the piezocone of the D parameter over a wider range in pore fluid resistivity,
for site characterization. which we feel will naturally occur with increased experience at
Densification control is a particularly good application for the different investigation sites.
multiple electrode resistivity piezocone as has been demonstrated Probably the best technique for correlation testing is the use
in the preceding discussion. Measurement of the dilation param- of a large-scale calibration chamber where a saturated sand at
eter can be used as an additional specification for densification. known uniform density, dilation characteristics, and pore fluid
Soil improvement specifications can be modified to include a resistivity would be penetrated by a multiple electrode resistivity
required D value for densification. RCPTU could be useful in cone. Unfortunately, such a test is both very difficult to perform
setting design specifications for manmade sand islands, such as and very expensive. Thus, performance evaluation at well-
those constructed in the Beaufort Sea for drilling platforms, be- documented field sites associated with specific applications like
cause of the relative uniformity of dredged sands used in con- ground improvement will provide the necessary indirect verifi-
struction and the resistivity range of the pore fluid. cation and experience in the near future.
In addition, the resistivity measurements on their own are of
particular use to study groundwater contamination and contam-
inant transport (Campanella and Weemees 1990). Because of
current environmental concerns, many projects require the as- Acknowledgments
sessment of both physical and chemical stability. One such ob-
The authors wish to acknowledge:
vious project is the stability of mine tailings dams and waste
ponds where earthquake stability and liquefaction are as impor- • the financial support provided by the Natural Sciences and
tant as groundwater contamination from acid drainage and toxic Engineering Research Council of Canada
wastes. The advantages of using a multiple electrode resistivity • the technical expertise cheerfully provided by Scott Jackson,
module together with a piezocone (RCPTU) for detailed stra- Harald Schrempp, and Art Brookes
tigraphic logging, determining seepage characteristics, liquefac- • the assistance of graduate students R. T. Murthy, Renato
tion, and dilatancy parameters as well as contaminant transport Cunha, J. Wang, and the 577 class in Site Exploration Methods
assessment and monitoring are obvious for such a project. in carrying out much of the field work
Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Mon Mar 5 11:31:29 EST 2018
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Indian Inst of Tech Kharagpur (Indian Inst of Tech Kharagpur) pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized.

• Glenn Jolly of A d a r a Ltd., Vancouver, who made available Delft Soil Mechanics Laboratory, 1982, "Results of Density Measure-
ments In Situ in Sand at the Holmen Site in Drammen, Norway,"
a large constant temperature bath for use in the calibration of
Report BO-262520/23 SE-690276/2, Delft, The Netherlands.
the resistivity cone Kokan, M. J., 1992, "Dilatancy Characterization of Sands Using the
Resistivity Cone Penetration Test," M.A. Science thesis, Department
of Civil Engineering, The University of British Columbia, Vancouver,
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