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CGPA of a student can be calculated from the SGPA of the student of semesters till
ODD semester of the Academic session 2019-2020 from the formula provided in the
scheme of courses of University of Delhi. The formula is presented below for ready

where SPGA(𝑆𝑖 ) is the SGPA of the ith semester and 𝐶𝑖 is the total number of credits in
that semester.

Example: A IV semester Students transcript data

Sem Total Credit Total Credit SGPA Credit

Point Secured

I 20 114 5.70 20

II 24 90 3.85 16

III 22 60 3.73 14

Applying the formula we get the CGPA as

CGPA= (5.7 X 20 + 3.85 X 24 + 3.73 X 22) / (20+24+22) = 4.37

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