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My India of the Future – Sudarshan Manikantan

The constitution of India grants its citizens - Justice, Liberty Equality and
Fraternity. Of all these I think the most relevant and pertinent topic today is

Are all of us equal? Are all our fellow citizens being treated fairly?

I saw this picture recently on social media and it was an eye opener. (This
picture will come up in my video for a few seconds)

It shows the important difference between Equality and Fairness.

Equality is when everyone is given the same resources, same opportunities

and same treatment. But some people may be under different circumstances
and have special difficulties for which they need special treatment. These
disadvantages can be due to race, gender, disabilities, caste or religion.

Fairness is when we give those disadvantaged people special treatment based

on their needs and circumstances so that they can reach to the same level as
everyone else.

My dream is that, my future India will give all its people a fair treatment, lift
up those who need an extra boost, so that - NO one is left behind, NO one is at
a disadvantage , we all rise together to great heights and live in harmony with
the rest of the world! And We, the youth and the rising stars of DAIS can help
make this dream a reality!

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