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Final Exam (Take Home) Spring - 2020

Subject: Leadership [12001233] Submission Day: Tuesday

Instructor: Dr. Shahnawaz Adil Submission Deadline: June 16, 2020 @ 12:00 Noon
Program: MBA Max. Marks: 30

Department of Business Administration

 Attempt all questions.
 Each question carries six marks.
 Explain your answers with the help of appropriate examples.
 Plagiarized answers shall be given no credit.
 Write down your answers in a Word file [Times New Roman, 12 font size].
 Use 1.5 line spacing of your answers with one-inch border width from all four sides.
 Write down your registration ID and full name at the top of first page for your
 To give full credit to its original authors, must provide appropriate citations and
references in APA format (as we have learnt in online zoom sessions) for the material
other than your own ideas/viewpoints.
 Clearly state the question number you are attempting.
 Start each question from a fresh new page of your Word file.
 Proofread your answer for any grammatical errors and omissions before final submission.

Q.1 Assume that you are sitting in an informal gathering where two employees (Mr. Nasir and Mrs.
Tariq) from different departments are sharing their remarks about their respective departmental
heads. According to Mr. Nasir, his departmental head tends to be thick-skinned, calm, and
optimistic, tends not to take mistakes or failures personally, and hides his emotions. In contrast,
Mrs. Tariq remarks that her departmental head is passionate, intense, thin-skinned, moody, and
anxious and lose their tempers when he is under stress and especially, when he receives

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1) Which personality trait of OCEAN model Mr. Nasir and Mrs. Tariq were talking about?
The personality trait that both the managers showing Mr. Nasir and Mrs. Tariq is low and
high Neuroticism. Both Having same kinds of personality does not mean they have the
same kind of personality characteristic. Mrs. Nasir tends to be in thick-skinned, comes with
their employees, and optimistic, Mrs. Nasir does not blame anyone for the failure, he takes
all the responsibility of failure try to make the best performance and hides his emotions,
emotional intelligence level is high in Mrs. Nasir therefore, Mrs. Nasir consider in Low
Neuroticism personality traits. Mr. Tariq shows High Neuroticism personality trait which is
completely opposite to the high Neuroticism because Mr. Nasir is passionate, intense, thin-
skinned, moody, and anxious and lose their tempers when he is under stress and especially
when her plan is fail, he will never take any responsibility of any kind of failure. Mrs. Tariq
emotional level of intelligence is low he will not be hiding their emotions to their
employees. Mrs. Nasir having transformational leadership characteristic and Mrs. Tariq
having transactional kind of led

2) As an independent observer, evaluate both sets of remarks in terms of:

a. its practical implications for the quality of dyadic relationship between their
respective departmental heads and their subordinates;
After observing Mrs. Tariq and Mrs. Nasir by applying dyadic relation theory, the
relation between staff and the boss. Mrs. Nasir is supportive of their employees and
having transformational kind of leadership characteristics. Mrs. Tariq is portraying
low neuroticism that mean Mrs. Nasir is always being supportive to their employee,
motivate their employees. If suppose an employee is not performing well and any
kind of failure occurs in the department Mrs. Nasir don’t blame their employee he
always motivates and cheer them. The relationship between Mrs. Nasir and their
subordinates is quite impressive. Staff under the Mrs. Nasir is very much satisfying
to them and perform in an efficient manner to reach the organizational goal. Team
member under the Mrs. Nasir is In- group because they are giving a reward to them
who are performing well.
Staff under the Mrs. Tariq is feeling low want to quit their jobs because personality
trait that Mrs. Tariq portraying is High neuroticism. Team member under the Mrs.

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Tariq is out- group because Mrs. Tariq is moody showing anger when employee is
not performing well. The relation between the employee and their subordinates
immoral. The department wants to switch their jobs because of Mrs. Tariq mood
swing. He is not giving rewards employee, according to their experience not giving
any kind of opportunities. Employee feel demotivated when any kind of failure
occurs because Mrs. Tariq blame to them
b. its (positive or negative) effects on in-role job performance of subordinates;
Under the leadership of the Mrs. Nasir job level of performance of employees is
increasing because Mrs. Nasir always remains calm, don’t blame any of the
employees for the loss. He always remains supportive. Providing reward to them on
the basis of performance, he always motivates the employee to improve the level of
performance, therefore their subordinates want to work them, therefore employee
want to work with them and do their duties in a more efficient manner. Under the
leadership of the Mrs. Tariq level of performance of an employee is not so good.
Employee feel demotivate under the Mrs. Tariq leadership because he always treats
their employees in an inefficient manner. He is not supportive moody, always blame
their employee, having low emotionally intelligent don’t hide their emotion, that
why level of performance is decreasing.
its (positive or negative) effects on discretionary work behavior (such as OCB) of
subordinates; and
Mrs. Nasir and Mrs. Tariq both having effective behavior in the organization. Mrs.
Nasir treat their employees in a lenient manner to increase the efficiency of
employee by giving a reward to them, by appriticating and motivating for them to
increase the level of performance. Will transformational leadership characteristic
solve the employee and organization problem in a creative manner. Mrs. Tariq has
transactional type of leadership characteristics. According to the employee, he is
moody sometime he become supportive to them and sometime if loss is occurring in
the organization, he is going to blame everyone. But Mrs. Tariq also having
effective leadership behavior.
c. department’s overall performance.

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Somehow the department overall performance is satisfactory as well as
unsatisfactory. An employee who is working under the Mrs. Nasir performance of
that employee is satisfactory because their containing low neuroticism personality
trait. All the employees performing in an efficient way because they know that their
department head is calm, giving reward to them if he or she perform in an efficient
way. On the other side employees who are working under the Mrs. Tariq their
performance level is low because they have to work in under pressure. If an
employee not their task on time they will be punished by their boss, they know that
their boss behavior is not cooperative to them therefore, there work performance is

3) Is it possible that a person exhibits both extremes of the personality characteristic (as you
stated in Part 1) in different situations? How? Justify with appropriate examples.
Yes, it is possible that person personality contains both High and Low Neuroticism to make
their organization performance more efficient.
For Example:
Elon musk who is the CEO of three big companies’ tesla, space X and zip. Elon musk
considering one of the top most personality. Elon musk having both of the personality like
Low and High Neuroticism. In low neuroticism Elon Musk always motivate their
employee, showing support to every employee and give training to the employee and
having transformational type of leadership therefore Elon Musk running their all companies
in efficient manner. If there is any kind of problem occur Elon musk always keep calm and
try to handle the situation. Elon musk also showing high Neuroticism characteristic because
if Elon musk providing opportunities to every employee if their employee in their
comployees not performing well Elon musk become moody, show their emotion by
terminating the employee, show anger to them so that employee perform in effective and
efficient manner. Company growth is increasing if Elon musk both the personality trait.
Another example is our Sir Dr. Shahnawaz who is always supportive to their student,
developing confidence to every student. Student who is performing effective manner
submit their assignment on time. Taking participant in the class he will always appreciating
to every student in the class. Therefore Dr. Shahnawaz Adil contain low neuroticism. If

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suppose student is not participating in class, not coming in class on time always late on
class. If sir asked question student not responding to them that why Dr. Shahnawaz Adil
showing high neroticism as well by showing anger to them. Marking absent to them if
student is not on time. To increase student performance Dr. Shahnawaz showing both the
personality trait.

Q.2 With three sources, we have discussed in an online zoom session that IBM conducted 1,500
semi-structured interviews with CEOs of 33 different industries from 60 nations. The results
of the report suggest that over 60% of the CEOs believed that creativity is the most important
leadership quality in the 21st century. The report further concluded that creativity superseded
other critical factors such as leaders’ integrity, global thinking, dedication and even their
fairness in the eyes of the CEOs.
1) Considering COVID-19 pandemic situation and its widespread repercussion on almost
all industries and social life, do you believe that creativity would remain the most
important leadership quality in the 21st century. Why? Justify your plausible arguments
with the help of appropriate examples from any two industries/sectors operating in
COVID-19 is a difficult time for almost all over the world. It is the most difficult time
for human being because it’s the dangerous virus that is spreading very quickly all the
world. COVID-19 also affected the economy of the country. Country growth stops due
this virus. Because everyone wants safe, therefore, they want distance from each other.
Work, education and almost all the activities are stopped due to this current pandemic.
Therefore, creativity is one of the important qualities of leadership that very leaders
have to keep this quality to survive from this difficult time. We are taking the example
of education and a banking sector that why this sector wants a creative leader in this
Education Industry:

Most affected sectors at this current situation is education sector. The education sector is highly

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affected due to coronavirus. Every school, colleges and university are close due to this situation.
Every student education is going to be in loss. Therefore, we want creative leaders to develop new
idea, bring new innovative ideas, motivate, inspire their faculty and students, bring passion to them
that they can continue through. Virtual world. Conduct their online classes through zoom app and
other app give assignment to them and conduct online exam. That's why creative leadership quality
is required and necessary to every education industry in the world. Due to creative idea by the
creative leaders we can deal with this situation.
Banking sector:
Another sector that affecting most is the banking sector. Everybody in the world wants
to safe and want social distance from everyone. But banking sector was not going to
make the policy of work from home. Due to this most of employees who want to be
save not going to bank taking off from the bank that why payment is not cleared on
time. Most of the payment is stopped. Due to safety issues nobody wants to come into
office. Therefore, a creative leader requires in the banking sector who came with new
innovative idea, bring policy to work from home, listen to everyone, if employees feel
safe and secure employee going to do their work in a more efficient manner and that is
only happening because of the creative leader.

2) How would you apply divergent and/or convergent thinking in generating novel and
useful contingency ideas to ensure survival of a business organization during the
COVID-19 pandemic situation?
For the survival of business organization in COVID-19 leaders have to think in both
manner convergent and divergent manner. Let discuss about:

Convergent thinking:
Convergent thinking is also known as logical thinking. Convergent thinking is one of the most
important and creative ways of problem solving. Now a day level of efficiency of business
organization is low. Most of the business organizations will stop their working due to the current
pandemic situation. Most of organization terminating the employee because lower efficiency of
business. Salary are not given employee. So therefore, leader has to think in convergent think

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logically. Leader of the organization have to see how the developed countries and well-established
organization was managing their work in COVID-19. Leader follow their creative idea. After
taking their ideas leaders apply to their organization like work from policy online meeting and
communication for the growth of business.
Divergent thinking:
Another name of divergent thinking is horizontal thinking. After convergent thinking leader also
think in a divergent manner for the survival of the business in a COVID-19 situation. In
convergent we get the idea from another organization and countries now in divergent leaders
generate new ideas and think in a creative manner that how we face this situation and how our
organization will perform in a more efficient manner. Like after convergent thinking leaders make
work from policy but after divergent thinking leader will give reward to the employee who are
performing in efficient in this current situation so that other employees perform efficiently and

Q.3 By using appropriate examples, build your plausible arguments for the following questions:
1) Do male and female managers seek power and apply its tactics in different or similar way?
2) Do male and female managers influence their own bosses in different or similar way?

Q.4 Assume that you have been working in a large multinational manufacturing concern that
produces health and safety equipments. Your vice president Bridg. (Retired) Salman Janjua is
very much concerned about the declining performance of his various teams. Therefore, in
order to apply one of his tactics, he has recently asked you to deliver a presentation on how
groups are generally developed over time especially during COVID-19 pandemic situation.
In your leadership course you have leant Gersick’s idea of Punctuated Equilibrium as well as
Tuckman’s four-stage model. Develop a relevant scenario(s) and then apply both frameworks
in order to help your team members understand and differentiate between the two ideas of

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group development. Your answer should include various aspects such as intra – and inter –
sender role conflicts, over-bounding, groupthink etc.

Q.5 Sadler-Smith extended the Wallas’s (1926) four stages of cognitive process of individual
creativity into five stages in 2015 namely, Preparation, Incubation, Intimation, Illumination,
and Verification.
a) What is the contribution of Policastro (1995) w.r.t. the stages of creativity process?
Policastro suggested the new stage of creativity in 1995 that is intuition. Many other authors
have suggested many stages of creativity process Wallas’s suggested four stage of creativity that
is preparation, Incubation, Intimation and verification. In 1995 Policastro also suggested the stage
stages of creativity that in between the Incubation and Illumination that is INTUITION.
Policastro define Intuition is an informative process that help in creative thinking for example in
this stage we think that why problem is occurring we highlight problem in this stage. It also helps
the person to shift their unconscious mind from Incubation to Illumination. But this intuition
stage not consider as the stage of creativity but it is close to Inspiration. By the help Policastro
Sadler-Smith add another stage of creativity that is Intimation which is also between stage of
Incubation and Illumination. Intimation also similar to the stage of Intuition which is suggested
by the Policastro.

b) Create a business scenario and apply these five stages to improve creative performance.
Use real examples, wherever appropriate.
The business scenario we are going to discuss about Increasing of turnover intention in most
of the organization. Most of the organization facing this turnover intention because efficiency
level of organization is decreasing. To solve this problem, we are going to apply the Sadler-
Smith five stages of creativity that is:
Preparation stage is one of the important stages of the creativity because other stage is depending
on this stage. In which we gather all the data we collect all the information identify the problem
why turnover intention is increases. What is main cause of the of the turnover intention. We gather

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the information of our idea why turnover is increasing in an organization why employee in an
organization switch their jobs. Preparation stage is also called planning stage we plan our idea why
of turnover intention is increasing.

This the second stage of creativity in which we are not thinking directly about the problem but it is
some where in our mind that turnover may be cause by demotivation of employee, turnover
may be cause due employee get better opportunity we are thinking about a lot of problem that
turnover may be happening because of this problem. In this stage we just only thinking about
the variety of problems that cause the turnover intention. We are just only observing about
the problem that cause the reason of turnover intention.
Third stage is called intimation stage. In intimation stage we highlight some of the turnover
problem. After intimation we our coming into the conclusion that turnover may be cause by
this reason. Demotivation, only get opportunity, employee is not satisfying from the current
position, lack of salary, work load, and unsuitable environment.
Second last stage of creativity process is Illumination after gathering numerous amounts of
information a creative person finally come to conclusion turnover is increasing due to employee
De-motivation if we controlled on this problem this problem will get resolve. And efficiency of an
organization will also be increasing that is decreasing due to the reason of turnover. Employee
become de-motivated because they do not get proper salary according to their work, due to the
work load and time flexibility. Therefore, turnover intention is increasing in organization

Verification is the last stage of creative process. In which we implement our ideas. This stage is
also known as implementation stage. In this creative person will going to implement their
ideas that they think in last four stage. Apply all these four ideas. We know that why turnover
is increasing in organization we know the main objective to our problem that is De-
motivation of employee. Employee feel demotivated therefore they switch the job resign the
job. Now in verification stage we going to solve that problem by increasing salary of

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employees, manage time flexibility, give training to them and give promotion to them on the
basis of their experience. After this employee feel motivated and never going to switch their

*** End of the examination paper ***

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