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Directive Principles of State Policy

 In form of instrument of instruction from Government of India Act 1935.

 In part IV (article 36 to 51).
 Ideological Classification
1. Socialist
2. Gandhian
3. Intellectual Liberal principles
 Social and Economic democracy must precede over political democracy.
 Made Unenforceable because of Lack of resources.
 Can be enforced by legislating laws.
 Scholarly Opinions-
1. KT Shah – Pious Declaration and compared them with bank cheques which can
be payable only when resources of the bank permits.
2. TT Krishnamachari – Dustbin of Sentiments.
3. Naseeruddin – New Year resolutions to be broken on 2nd January.
4. Ivor Jennings – Pious aspirations.
 Dr. B.R. Ambedkar – Though there are no legal sanctions behind dpsps but there are
greater sanction i.e. political sanctions.
 Doctrine of Harmonious Construction – In Sajjan Singh vs. State of Rajasthan
 At times SC asked Govt. to implement DPSPs like in Sarla Mudgal case and Shah Bano
 SC in Unnikrishnan vs. State of Andhra Pradesh – RTE as FR and read ar 21 with ar 41 &
 Gunnar Myrdal in his book Asian Drama- India is a soft state good at policy formulation
but bad at its implementation.
 Conclusion – the objectives incorporated by DPs have been achieved with partial
success, wrt modernization of agriculture, reducing female illiteracy considerable
success have been achieved but still there are grey areas left. Nonetheless the efforts
are going on to interlink the growth with social justice.
1. DPSPs are mere pious declarations, critically examine the statement.
2. Social and political democracy must precede over political democracy critically examine
the statement.
3. Political Sanctions are greater than legal sanctions critically examine the statement

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