Drama A A

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Name of the Trainee: Fazilet KAPLAN

Age: 15-17
Level: intermediate
Objectives: Learners can skim, scan the reading passages. It will improve their cognitive
skills. They can outline the text and make inferences easily.
a) for drama: to raise awareness of gestures, body language and feelings.
b) for language item/skills involved: free speaking activity and speaking activity
using type 2, reading activity and writing activity.
Materials: flash cards, the text, role cards, colourful pieces of papers, pictures, video.
Assumptions: the drama activity can impress the learners, so they can participate the
classroom activities more enthusiastically. This activity can improve their imagination.
Antipated Problems: The students may not be willing to act drama related to that subject.
The teacher may lose the control of the class during grouping.


Aim: They will have acted out according to instructions given in the role cards. They will
have comleted and improvised the rest of the story. They will have acquired with the subject.
They will have encouraged thank to this activity. They will have learned to study in co-
operation. This activity will have supplied the interaction between students. Also, they will
have studied the structure “Type 2 Present Unreal”.
Procedure: The teacher asks her students some questions such as whether they think that there
are only humans in the space or not. Then, she shows pictures about aliens. She asks them
whether they wonder that if people heard that the Martians were coming, what they would do
or not. Then she divides the class into the groups by giving pieces of papers. Then, she tells
the activity. She gives envelops to each group. They open it and choose a role card. Teacher
gives them time to study it. Then, they act out. After role playing, the teacher asks all the class
some questions using Type 2.
1- The teacher asks her students some questions. “Do you think that we are alone in the
space? Is it possible that there are other creatures? Did you ever watched a film about
aliens, Martians? If a group of people came across Martians, what would they do?”
2- She asks them to act it in the class.
3- She tells the activity. “There are role cards in it. You will choose one of them. There is
a radio programmer who reads a play about the Martians. He makes an announcement
to clarify that it is a play. However, some people do not hear it. There is a family who
are travelling. The father switch on the radio but they thinks that it is real because they
do not hear the announcement. Their characters are written in the papers. If they heard
it, what would they feel? What would they do? Let’s watch it!”
4- She gives the envelopes.
5- Students choose the roles.
6- The teacher gives them time.
7- The students act it out.
8- After play, the teacher asks some questions to the students. “If you were the mother,
what would you do?” She asks the questions changing the people.

Aim: At the end of the lesson, learners will have skimmed and scanned the passage. They
willl have learned to look at the passage quickly and found the main idea thanks to these
subskills. They will have made inference. They will have spoken about this subject.
Procedure: Firstly, students read the passage quickly and match the paraghraphs with the
sentences given. Then, they read the text again and try to answer the questions. Finally, they
match the definitions with the underlined words in the text.
1- Teacher wants students to read the text quickly.
2- Then they match the summaries with the paragraphs.
3- They read the text once more in detail.
4- They answer the questions given.
5- They match the definitions with the underlined words.


Aim: They will have written a story on their own. They will have used the information which
is learned that day. Also, they will have done a speking activity in the end.
Procedure: Teacher divides the class into the groups. They watch a scene from the film “Mars
Attacks!”. Then, teacher asks them to make up a story for rest of that scene. Teacher gives
them time to write it. After they write the story, they share it with their peers.
1- Teacher divides the class into the groups.
2- The students watch a scene from the movie “Mars Attacks!”
3- Teacher wants them to make up a story for the rest of it.
4- Learners write the story.
5- They share it in the class.

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