Online Candidate Interview Form Education - OSHC (Rafael Bautista) PDF

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submission date: 25-Oct-2019

Online Candidate Interview Form

Education - OSHC

1 candidate name Rafael Bautista

2 candidate id 903200214

3 Outline what you consider to be your main objective when working with children aged 5- 12 years and
what you hope the children would gain with having you for the day.

Keep them safe and engaged, fostering an environment that encourages learning and sharing. I am a
resourceful person with a wide range of interests (math, science, art, literature, cycling) so I will strive
to help them with questions from school while motivating them to try new things and challenges; I like
to share my knowledge and encourage inquisitive thinking, so the children will benefit from me working
with them because I can answer their questions in creative and fun ways often inspiring new useful
questions, I consider myself a good guide to self-learning since I have self-learned many of my skills. I
am a joyful an outgoing person that can inspire thinking out of the box and novel ways to aproach

4 Describe your understanding of ‘My Time Our Place’.

It is a framework that aims for all kids to experience meaningful and joyful learning that improves their
childhood experience. It strives to provide children with a sense of belonging while allowing them to be
themselves, experience and find meaning in the world around them. It is based on fostering the
children's identity, connecting them to the world, encourage strong communication skills, make them
confident and engaged learners and in general providing a sense of wellbeing.

5 With regard to ensuring a safe, healthy and clean environment – identify 3 potential hazards you may find
in an Early Childhood Centre

-communicable diseases -bullying and harassment -slips, trips and falls

6 Name some strategies you would use for behaviour management with school aged children.

-Lead by example, and model positive behaviour. -Share the discussion about setting rules and
establishing consequences for breaking them. -Talk to them about their choices and possible
consequences. -Always reinforce and reward positive behaviour with warmth and praise.
document no: AU-EDU-CAN-FRM-124 version: 1.1
7 Describe what you would do if you suspected a child has a temperature?

Measure it with a thermometer, keeping the kid hydrated, report to my superior or person in charge of
first aid.

8 If an accident occurs during your care, what steps would you follow?

Keep the kid calm and relaxed, assess the damage and underlying risk, report to my superior or person
in charge of first aid.

9 Explain what action you would take if you suspect a child is being neglected or abused (at home or work)?

Report to my superior

10 Name activities you would expect to find in an Out of School Hours Care service.

Art and craft, games, reading, sports, music

11 List what you consider your role & responsibilities to be as a casual staff member.

Be a good role model for children, being responsible, punctual and throughout with my duties, show
commitment and initiative.

12 Randstad Education is an Equal Employment opportunity employer; define your understanding of EEO in
the workplace.

Not discriminating under any circumstance, offering the same opportunities for development regardless
of gender, race, religious beliefs, age,

13 Randstad Education works with a number of clients with a variety of cultural backgrounds. If applicable,
please name any kind of setting or environment you would feel uncomfortable working in.

I have no problems

14 If applicable, specify any injuries/ conditions that would affect you in the workplace.

I have no problems

15 Any other comments?

No other comments

16 Are you interested in permanent work? Y N

document no: AU-EDU-CAN-FRM-124 version: 1.1

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