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Percent means per hundred. r % means
A percent can be expressed as a fraction with a denominator of 100 or as a decimal.
For example, 19 %= =0.19
To find a certain percent of a numbers, multiply the number by the percent expressed as a
fraction or as a decimal.
For example: 5 % of 300= ×300 = 15
Percent change.
Actual Increase Actual Increase
Increase Percentage = x 100
Original Value Original Value
For example, if the price of an item increases from 25 to 30, increase percentage is given by,
Increase percentage ¿ ×100 ¿ 20 %
Actual Decrease
Decrease Percentage = × 100
Original Value
For example, if the price of an item is reduced from 30 to 25,
Decrease percentage= ×100 = 16 2/3 % = 16.67 %
We observe that percentage increases from 25 to 30 is not the same as percentage decrease
from 30 to 25.
Some important results
1. If a number is increased by x% and further increased by y%, then
net percentage increase ¿ x+ y +
100 )%
2. If a number is increased by x% and then decreased by y%, then there will be increase
or decrease depending on the value obtained is positive or negative.
decrease percentage = (x-y- )%
3. If a number is decreased by x% and further decreased by y%, then
net percentage decrease ¿ −x− y +
4. If a number A is x% more than B, then B is [
100+ x ]
× 100 % less than A.

5. If a number A is x% less than B, then B is [100−x ]
×100 % greater than A.
6. If a number A is increased by x %, the number B should be reduced by
[100+ x ]
× 100 % so as to keep the product AB of the numbers, the same.
If a number A is decreased by x%, then the number B should be increased by
[100−x ]
×100 % so as to keep the product AB of the numbers, the same.


When goods are purchased for one sum of money and sold for another, there is a profit or
loss, according as the selling price is greater or less than the cost price.
Profit = Selling price - Cost price
Loss = Cost price - Selling price
Percentage of profit or loss is generally represented as a percentage of cost price, unless,
otherwise specified.
Actual Profit
Profit Percentage ¿ ×100
Cost Price
Actual Loss
Loss Percentage ¿ ×100
Cost Price
Selling Price× 100 Selling Price ×100
¿ =
Cost Price 100+ Profit Percent 100−Loss Percent
[Whenthere is a Los] [When there is a Loss ]
(Cost Price ) ( 100+ Profit Percent ) ( Cost Price ) (100−Loss Percent )
Selling Price ¿
100 100
When selling Price of two articles is the same, one is sold at a gain of r% and the other is sold
at a loss of r%, there is always a loss and Loss Percentage= %
Some low priced article say such as shirt, trousers, saris or salwar has a tag which indicates
the price at which it is sold. Some of the high priced articles such as four wheelers and two
heelers has a list on which the price is indicated. Such tag price or list price is called
MARKED PRICE (MP). Discount is calculated on the Marked price.
Suppose the marked price of an article is Rs. 400 and the discount offered is 20%, then the
discount = * 400 =80. Hence the selling price = 400-80 =320.
mp−sp 100−d %
Discount in rupees = mp-sp. d% = *100 sp = mp mp = sp
mp 100
100−d %
d 1% d2%
Net Selling Price = M.P 1− (
1− )(100 )
after a series of two discount of d1 % and
d2 %.
Two Successive discounts of d1% and d2 % are equivalent to a single discount of
d 1∗d 2
(d 1+d 2−
% )
1. Find 35% of 250 + 25% of 350 is
a. 87.5 b. 125.5 c. 175 d.185
2. Find 48% of 200 – 18% of 400 is
a. 12 b. 24 c. 36 d.48
3. 5 is what percent of 50?
a. 10% b. 20% c. 5% d.15%
4. The difference between 49% of a number and 14% of the same number is 8920. What would be the
70% of that number?
a. 18,000 b. 18,575 c. 17,840 d.16,850
5. In an examination 40% are the pass marks, if a student gets 22 & fails by 8 marks, what are the
maximum marks?
a. 80 b. 75 c. 100 d. 50
6. P’s height is 25% less than that of Q, how much percent Q’s height is more than that of P?
a. 25% b. 30% c. 10% d. 33.33%
7. What percentage of a day is 3 hour & 45 minutes?
a. 12.5% b. 15.625% c. 25% d. 22.5%
8. A student multiplied a number by 3/5 Instead of 5/3. What is the numerical percentage error in the
a. 34% b. 44% c. 54% d. 64%
9. Mohan’s salary was 1st increased by 20% and then decreased by 20%. If his present salary is Rs.
7200, then what was his original salary?
a. Rs. 8000 b. Rs. 7500 c. Rs. 7400 d. Rs. 7200
10. What is the single equivalent discount to discount series of 32% and 8%?
a. 37.44% b. 39.20% c. 40% d. 38%
11. A watch was sold at a loss of 10%. If it was sold for Rs.140 more, there would have been a gain of
4%. What is the cost price?
a. Rs. 1140 b. Rs. 860 c. Rs. 1000 d. Rs. 760
12. A man purchases 8 pens for Rs.9 and sells 9 pens for Rs.8, how much profit or loss does he make?
a. 20.98% profit b. 20.98% loss
c. 20.89% profit d. 20.89% loss
13. A man sells two articles for Rs. 3600 each and he gains 30% on the 1 st and loses 30% on the next.
Find his total gain or loss?
a. 9% gain b. 9% loss c. Rs. 324 loss d. Rs. 324 gain
14. A shopkeeper buys mangoes at the rate of 4 a rupee and sells them at 3 a rupee. Find his net profit or loss
a. 20% b. 28% c. 33.33% d. 35 2/7%
15. A merchant marks his goods up by 75% above his cost price. What is the maximum % discount
that he can offer so that he ends up selling at no profit or loss?
a. 42.86% b. 38% c. 43.45% d. 50%
16. If P sells a item to Q at a profit of 20% and Q sells it to R at a profit of 25%. If R pays Rs.225 for
it. Find the cost price paid by P
a. 175 b. 200 c. 150 d. 125
17. A farmer purchase an article for Rs.25 and sells it for Rs.28. Find his gain percent
a. 6% b. 12% c. 18% d. 24%
18.Puja sold her mobile for Rs.2650 and earned a profit 25%. What is the cost price of the mobile?
a. 2200 b. 2150 c. 2120 d. 200
19. A person bought a cycle with an extra discount of 20% on the reduced price and then deducted
10% from on marked price. If marked price was Rs.2400. What price did he buy that cycle?
a. Rs 1680 b. Rs. 1720 c. Rs. 1728 d. Rs. 1848
20. A dishonest wholesaler sell his goods at a cost price and use weight of 800 gm instead of a
kilogram weight. What profit percent he is make?
a. 20% b. 25% c. 30% d. 35%

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