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7 weeks to a

Life Beyond Limits

with Dr. Jean Houston


Let’s take the possibilities inherent in the Quantum world work with them to re-story our
lives. To do this, you’ll suspend disbelief and imagine very vividly that you can enter into the
place where your own life story can be re-patterned, re-storied from the age and story that
you are living right now. It’s your second chance, your re-genesis.

By now, you’ve accumulated a good deal of life experience. Chances are you have experi-
enced a full spectrum of lessons, joys, and sorrows, but now wish to consciously enter into
the co-creation of an improved, more vital, more creative story for the years to come.

Close your eyes . . . take a few deep breaths . . . and travel now to that place of Quantum
possibilities where you can choose the patterns for your life to come. Try out new possibili-
ties on the screen of your mind. Imagine things you want to accomplish, like a new career,
richer relationships, travel, or the impact you’d like to make on the world.

Choose the possibilities you feel most drawn to. See them in great detail on that inner-
screen, feel them, and above all, know them as potential realities that can manifest into the
space-time world in which you exist. Do this until you feel the living force of their reality.
Know that the quantum field is drawn into your vision and is adding elements, coincidences,
resources, appropriate people, ideas and opportunities to help in the realization of your
new story. This is where the interdependent co-arising of you and the Universe together

The more often you do this practice, the faster it will grow to the point where desires that
begin in you as merely imaginative possibilities will quickly become actualizing probabili-
ties. And then, as opportunities come your way, you must meet them with gratitude as they
begin to fit into this new story you have set in motion.If you want to experience the full
life-changing benefits of this practice, I recommend doing it at least as often as once a day.
If you do, you’ll may well find that something (and maybe many things) will begin to shift in
your life far sooner than you might imagine possible.

Copyright Evolving Wisdom 2015. All rights reserved.

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