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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
National Capital Region
Manila Education Center Arroceros Forest Park
Antonio J. Villegas St. Ermita, Manila

Trends, Networks, and

Critical Thinking in the
21st Century Culture
Understanding Trends and How
They Go Trending

Quarter 1- Week 1
Module 1
Most Essential Learning Competency:
1. Differentiate a trend from a fad
2. Explain the process on how to spot a trend
3. Point out the elements that make up a trend
4. Describe the different characteristics of a trend

Before starting the module, I want you to set aside other tasks that will disturb
you while enjoying the lessons. Read the simple instructions below to successfully
enjoy the objectives of this kit. Have fun!

1. Follow carefully all the contents and instructions indicated in every page of
this module.
2. Write the concepts about the lessons in your notebook. Writing enhances
learning that is important to develop and keep in mind.
3. Perform all the provided activities in the module.
4. Let your facilitator/guardian assess your answers using the answer key card.
5. Analyze conceptually the posttest and apply what you have learned.
6. Enjoy studying!


• Expectations - These are what you will be able to know after completing the
lessons in the module.
• Pre-test - This will measure your prior knowledge and the concepts to be
mastered throughout the lesson.
• Looking Back to Your Lesson - This section will measure the learnings and
skills you understood from the previous lesson.
• Brief Introduction - This section will give you an overview of the lesson.
• Discussion - This section provides a short discussion of the lesson. This
aims to help you discover and understand new concepts and skills.
• Activities - This is a set of activities you will perform with a partner.
• Remember - This section summarizes the concepts and applications of the
• Check Your Understanding - It will verify how you have learned from the
• Post-test - This will measure how much you have learned from the entire

You will understand the elements, characteristics, and process of
the emerging pattern of a trend.

Specifically, this module will help you to:

• differentiate a trend from a fad,
• explain the process on how to spot a trend,
• point out the elements that make up a trend,
• describe the different characteristics of a trend,
• identify and explain the emerging pattern, and
• identify causes and consequences.

Let us start your journey in learning more on Trends and

Fads. I am sure you are ready and excited to answer the
Pretest. Smile and cheer up!


Directions: Choose the letter of the best answer. Then, write your answer in a
separate sheet of paper.
1. Which of the following refers to a movement or behavior geared towards a
certain direction which is bound to change, and can be positive or negative?
A. fad B. forces C. pattern D. trend

2. The following terms are the factors that shape a trend EXCEPT:
A. cultural forces C. human needs
B. globalization D. social media

3. Which of the following refers to a concept which make people highly

interested in for a relatively short period of time?
A. fad B. forces C. infatuation D. trend

4. The following terms are considered as Fad EXCEPT:

A. barbie Doll
B. Ipod
C. pet rock
D. social networking sites

5. Because of this factor, trends develop through global advertising platforms of
transnational corporations shown on traditional media channels and
internet. Which of the following causes develops the trend through global
advertising platforms of transnational corporations publicized on traditional
media channels and internet?
A. digital connectivity
B. globalization
C. human needs
D. social media

Great! You have accomplished answering the questions. You may

request your facilitator to check your work. Congratulations and keep on



Analyze the following pictures. Read the cue words from the ideas beside the
pictures. Find the answer from the jumbled letters below in each item.

Used on
Means of mass
social media
to identify
specific Answer:

Answer: _____________

A set of Data in the

moral form of digits,
principles images, and
___________ _____________
A group or
Use one’s
system of
actively to
ed people or
form ideas

Examine the above pictures with these questions,

How do trends go trending?

Do media and technology necessary to make trends?

How do networks influence an individual to adapt trends?

What are the intellectual tools in recognizing a trend?

Do our values affect the changes of trends?”

These are the questions that you need to reflect as you understand this first lesson.

People of today’s generations are familiar with the term trend through the
popular social media application, specifically, Twitter. Based on usage, a particular
hashtag is trending when it is frequently shared and/or popularly talked about by
other Twitter users. In this sense, trending may be understood to mean popular.
From this, one can infer that a trend is something that is famous or widely known.

However, the actual definition of trend is not even nearly associated with
popular. In this lesson, the concept about trend will be discussed to improve your
understanding in our 21st century society.

1 Examining Trends and Fads

It is seemingly drastic swings in mass behavior without obvious external
stimuli. Fads are something that people are highly interested in for a relatively
short period of time. It can be characterized as unpredictable, short-lived and
without social, economic, and political significance (Bikhcandani, 1992).
Karl and Sharpio (1985) described it according to the theory of network
externalities, where the utility of a product increases when more people use it. Life
cycles of a regular product consists of four stages.
 Introduction: The product is introduced to the market; sales are still low and
market share is still insignificant.
 Growth Stage: The product is steadily rise and a significant market share is
 Maturity Stage: The producers aim to keep the market share through
 Decline: The market may dwindle due
to competition or lack of innovation.

A fad is often used interchangeably

with the word trend. Although a fad is short-
lived, what is important to know is that fads
can help predict trends.
Let us take our discussion to a product
that has longer lifespan.

It is a pattern of gradual change in a condition, output or process, or an average
or general tendency of a series of data points to move in a certain direction over
time, represented by a line or a curve on a graph.

It is a new item or a practice that stabilizes and transforms into a habit, a

lifestyle, or an enduring product. Some trends seek to innovate lifestyles and find
practical ways to solve social issues and improve our well-being. It could be a
response to the problems that have confronted groups or societies. It also reveals
the shape of the future.
A significant social trend is best understood as a series of related events that
emanate from a range of causes, manifests a continuity over a a period, and
rebounds to significant social, cultural, economic and political changes. Example of
trends are rising of OFWs, changing roles of women, changing model of mobile
phones, religious fundamentalism as well.

Trends and Fads are sometimes used interchangeably. They are both important
for organizations and people to keep updated with the changing environment.
However, as a member of society, it is important for us to determine the difference
between trends and fads using six elements to deepen our understanding of
survival and adaptability.

Difference of Trends and Fads

TREND Elements FAD
Attractive to the people
Attractive to the People (Degree of
Hyped or advertised
Endures with or without Result
(if hype stops, it also starts
publicity (Impact)
to disappear)
Caters and accepted by a Caters and accepted by a
(Extent of the
wide audience. limited group of people.
No clearly established
Supported by several (Structure that
fads/existing trends enables to be
Can be sustained for a long Sustainability Persists only for a short
period (Length of Time) period of time
Extensive Limited

Emergence of Trends

How do we recognize that a trend is starting to emerge? The capacity to

identify emerging trends is rooted in our capacity to recognize patterns. Our
encounter with patterns was facilitated by experience and processed by the mind
through abstraction and generalization.
According to Philosopher John Locke, there are no innate ideas. All of the
ideas that we have are derived from experience and that every complex idea we
have in our minds can be traced back to a simple idea. It means that experience is
comprised of sensation and reflection. Locke points out that all active mental
process such as analyzing, criticizing, evaluating, and judging form part of the
reflection of experience.
According to Duin and Pekalska (2007), pattern recognition is characterized
by three stages, namely. representation, generalization and evaluation. Adaptation,
which serves as an intermediary stage is also involved in the process.

Real world objects Adaptation

have to be
represented in a Generalization
It represents
formal way. learning Evaluation
methodology or Inference
Observations must be
integrated with the problem statement The mind Estimates how the
existing knowledge. to enhance the abstracts the pattern recognition
final recognition. general idea from performs on known
Largely influences the a pool of existing
success of the stages training and validation
to come. Unsatisfactory:
Previous steps have to
be reconsidered.

Our ability to recognize patterns enables us to see and analyze to identify

emerging trends. There are internal factors that influence such emergence. These
are human needs, historical forces, globalization and digital cone activity, and
social media.

Factors Shaping Trends

Understanding factors that shape trends can provide us insights into how to
predict trends, how they are developing, and how they are sustained. The following
terms are just some of the factors that shape a trend:
• Human Needs
Humankind will instinctively tend to its needs. Our desire to build a
better world or improve the quality of life compels us to discover,
invent and explore new technologies, products, services, forms of
knowledge and skills. In meeting our needs, we enhance our
intelligence, creativity, and social skills that in turn, increase our
chances for survival.
• Historical Forces
Humankind creates responses in social issues. The response varies
how the government impose its power while the citizenry can act on
its own. The role of the government is to formulate policies to
response societal needs, but when polices are enforced, behaviors
change and become trends that are practiced by citizenry.
• Globalization
The global exchange of goods and services increased the interaction
between states and societies. The globalizing world integrates
information through global advertising using technologies. Thus,
trends and innovations are also carried on a global scale, ensuring the
resilience of the products.
• Digital Connectivity and Social Media
Social Media continue to expand and grow. For example, Facebook
has grown into most popular social networking site, catering
businesses and entrepreneurial initiatives in the Philippines. Products
gain mileage because of the advertising using this platform.

Social media’s use of trending is not exactly how trends are defined in this
lesson. For example, twitter declares the topic as “trending”. These topics could be
a local or global event that had just happened, a developing news story or perhaps
a call to action. The trends that it establishes is often unpredictable, it can rise
based on popularity given a short period of time, which could be hours or a few

Activity 1.1. IN? OR OUT? (Critical Thinking)
Objectives: To differentiate trend from fad through identifying product or situation
in society.

Directions: Read the following items. Write IN if you consider this as Trends in the
society and OUT if Fads.
1. Loombands _____________
2. Rising of OFW _____________
3. Samyang noodles _____________
4. Yoyo _____________
5. K to 12 Education Curriculum_____________
6. Taking Selfie _____________
7. Tamagotchi _____________
8. iPhone _____________
9. Ice Bucket Challenge _____________
10. Leather Shoes _____________

Guide Questions:

Direction: Read each question carefully. You may write your answer in a separate
sheet of paper.
1. How will you determine if a product is a Trend and a Fad?
2. What are the challenges in sustaining a trend?
3. How is a fad illustrated through a life cycle of a product?

Activity 1.2. Trend of Your Choice (Creativity, Critical Thinking)
Objective: To demonstrate awareness and develop appreciation of pattern
recognition by identifying the emergence of trends.

1. Choose one specific trend areas- fashion, movies, music, games and gadgets.
2. Identify the emerging patterns that led to its trend from 1960’s to present.
3. Elaborate the relatiosnhip between causes and consequences within these

Classic Pop-1960s

Soft Rock-2000s
Love Songs-2010s

Activity 1.3. Trend to Fad (Creativity, Critical Thinking, Character,
Objective: To create a fad from a trend with special features to make our future
better through innovation.

1. Inside the box below , draw an important product or item you regularly use..
2. Add extra features to this item that you think could turn it into a fad.
3. Provide a brief explanation of the innovation that you have made.


Activity 1.4. What You Gonna Do? (Character, Creativity, Critical
Objective: To develop good decision-making using fad or trend real-life scenario.

Directions: Read and analyze the following fad or trend situations. What are you
going to do if you encounter these scenarios? You may write your answer in a
separate sheet of paper.

1. Your friend is an avid fan of K-Pop group. She insists that you go with her to
watch their concert which ticket costs P7,000.00.

2. The Department of Education announced that the learning modality will be

blended and distance learning. Your classmates bought gadgets that will
suffice their online class as education platform.

3. Your friends push you to take the course of BS Computer Engineering so

that you will always bond with them and make group works together.

Your Societal Role

You have learned that human’s capacity to adapt helps ensure our
continuous survival. You also became aware that trends keep us develop to signify
human’s satisfaction. To have a clear idea of these concepts, you have to check
your understanding and perform the task.

Directions: Cross out the following trending products that you usually used.
Reflect on your practices as a user of these products.

Make-Up Mobile phone Rubber Shoes Dishwashing soap WI-FI

Disinfectant Jeans Electric Bath and Face Party Foods

Alcohol Fan Towel

Reflective Thinking Questions:

1. What are your roles in order to sustain the enabling effects of the trending
products and on the other hand, your role in order to counter its disabling

2. How is critical thinking developed in a way we create and subscribe to fads and

• A Trend is a pattern of gradual change in a condition, output, or process, or
an average or general tendency of a series of data points to move in a certain
direction over time.
• Fad is something that people are highly interested in for a relatively short
period of time.
• The elements of a trend and fad are appeal, result, scope, support,
sustainability and value. Although they have the same elements, the
characteristics of these elements differ with respect to a fad and a trend.
• Identifying the emergence of trends is characterized by our ability to
recognize patterns. The process of pattern recognition is characterized by
three stages, namely, representation, generalization and evaluation, while
adaptation is considered as an intermediary stage between representation
and generalization.
Directions: Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen
letter in a separate sheet of paper.

1. Which of the following refers to a pattern of gradual change in a condition,

output, or process, or an average or general tendency of a series of data points
to move in a certain direction over time?
A. pattern B. fad C. trend D. forces

2. Because of this factor of trends, the globalizing world integrates information

through global advertising with the use of technologies.
A. Globalization C. Digital Connectivity
B. Human Needs D. Cultural Forces

3. Which of the following elements refers to the degree of attraction that a fad or a
trend causes on people?
A. result B. scope C. support D. appeal

4. To identify emerging trends, we must recognize patterns. Which stage of the

pattern represents learning methodology or problem statement to enhance the
final recognition?
A. representation B. adaptation C. generalization D. recognition

5. A fad is a product that increases when more people use it. Every product has
four stages. In which stage that the producers aim to keep the market share
through innovations?
a. Introduction B. Growth C. Maturity D. Decline


Ariloa, M. (2016). Trends, Networks, and Critical Thinking in the 21st

Century. Unlimited Books Library and Services Publishing Inc. First

Arzadon, M., (et al). (2018). Trends, Networks, and Critical Thinking. Vibal
Group Inc.

Mangiduyos, G. (2016). Trends, Networks, and Critical Thinking in the

21st Century. Rex Bookstore. First Edition.

Online Sources

Bickandani S., Welch I. & Hirshleifer D. (1992). A Theory of Fads, Fashion,

Custom, and Cultural Change as Informational Cascades. Journal of
Political Economy. University of Chicago Press. Retrieved

Duin R. & Pekalska E. (2007). The Science of Pattern Recognition.

Achievements and Perspectives. Retrieved

Market Research. (2014). 4 Stages of the Product Life Cycle Require a

Different Market Research Strategy. Retrieved

Writer: Paulyne Joanne R. Pascual, T-III

Editor: Amalia C. Solis - EPS
Reviewers: Mark Lester C. Cuayzon, MT II (Content), Restituto G. Lumacang
Jr., T-III (Language)
Management Team: Maria Magdalena M. Lim-Schools Division
Superintendent-Manila, Aida H. Rondilla-Chief Education Supervisor Lucky S.
Carpio-EPS and Lady Hannah C. Gillo, Librarian II-LRMS

Name ____________________________________________ Grade and Section ___________

School: ______________________ Date: _____________ Subject Teacher: ____________
Quarter: 1st Module No.: 1 Week No.: 1
MELC: To understand the elements, characteristics and process of the emerging
pattern of a trend.
Objectives: To analyze the potential trend in present time using reflective
Topic: Examining Trends and Fads

Analyze the trajectory of social change in our present time and try to spot a
potential trend. Use the following questions to guide you.

1. What are the trends and fads that circulate in your community? How do they
influence you in a daily basis?

2. Cite one politically inspired trend that you have noticed since the installation
of the new administration in 2016. How can you innovate your lifestyle with
this trend?
1. D 1. C
2. C 2. C
3. A 3. D
4. D 4. A
5. A 5. C

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