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Examination Control Division

Subiect: - Probability and Statistics(5H602)

Candidatesarerequiredto give their answersin their own wordsasfar aspracticable.
TheJiguresin the margin indicate Full Marks
Necessarvtablesare attachedherewith,
Assumesuitable data if necessary.

In statisticspaperfive candidates obtainthe marksas33, 38, 48,59 and72. Calculatethe
meanand standarddeviationof thesemarks.If 10marksareaddedfor eachstudent,what
will be meanandstandarddeviation? [3+3t
2 . Distinguishbetweenmutuallyexclusiveand equallylikely eventswith examples.Whatis
the use of Bayestheoremin theory of probability?In a college45Yostudentsbelongto
Civil, 3AYoElectronicsand remainingto other faculties.The probability of beingtop is
sVo' 4Vo and 2Yorespectivelyin civil, slectronicsand others. If this year's result is
published,what is theprobabilitythat the topperis form electronics? t6]
3. Define poissonprobabilityDistribution.Write the conditionsfor poissonapproximation
to BinomialDistribution. [Z+3]
A quaiity
a. A control engineersinspectsa randomsampleof 3 batteriesfrom eachlot of24
car batteriesthat is ready to shiprnent.If such a lot contain six batterieswith slight
defects,what is the probabilitiesthat &e inspector'ssamplewill contain. t5]
i) None of the batterieswith defect?
ii) Only oneof the batterieswith defect?
iii) At leasttwo of the batterieswith defect?
5 . Definestandardnormaldistributionwith areaproperty. 16l
6. The marksobtainedby IOE studentsin statisticsare 50 sn averagewith variance16.If
5000studentshavegiventhe exam,find the following:
a) The numberof studentssecuringmarkslessthan40?
b) The numberof studentssecuringmarksbetween35 to 60?
Let X denotesthe amountof time for which a book on fwo-hour reserv€at a college
library is checkedout by a randomlyselectedstudents,and supposethat X has densiiy
0, otherwise
a) Find the valueof k
b) CalculatePCX< l)
c) CalculateP(0.5<X s 1.5)
d) CalculateP(1.5< X)
Definesamplingdistributionof mean.
8. DefineCentralLimit Theorem.In a sampleof 16 observations
from a normal distribution
withmeanof150andavariance of256,whatis(a)p(i<160)(b) p(;>142) lz+41
9. What is the differencebetweencorrelationandregression?
Plot the sampleregressionline
of Y on X.
Speedx 3 0 40 50 60 70
Stoppinsdistancev 160 240 3 3 0 435 500
10.What do you mean by conelation coefficient? Show that correlation coefficient lies
between-1 and+l.
I l. Describethe procedureof the test of significanceof differencebetweentwo meansfor
largesample. t4l
12.Setup an ANOVA table for the following ameproductionof datafor threevarietiesof
wheat,each growth on 4 plots and stateif the variety differencesare significant.Use
s:0.05 t61
Plot of land Varietv of wheat
I 6 5 5
2 7 ) 4
3 J 3
+ 8 4
The following random samplesare measurementof the heat producing capacity
(in millions of caloriesper ton) of specimens
of coal from two mines:
Mine I 8260 8 1 3 0 8350 8070 8340
Mine 2 7950 7894 7904 8i40 7920 784A
Usethe 0.01 level of significanceto test whetherthe differencebetweenmeansof these
two samplesis significant.
13.What do you meanby chi squaredistribution?The following test gives the information
for the engineering studentsinterest with ability in computer. Is there any significant
relationshipbetweeninterestin engineeringandability in computer? tsl
Interestin Eneineerins Low Average Hieh
Ability in computer Low 6 12 5Z
Average JJ 6l 18
14. Two differenttlpes of injection-moldingmachinesareusedto from plasticparts.A part
is considereddefective if it has excessiveshrinkageor is discolored.Two *ndorn
samples'eachof size 300, are selectedand 15 defectiveparts are found in the sample
frorn machine I while 8 defective parts are found in the samplefrorn machine 2. I; it
reasonableto conclude that both machinesproducethe samefraction of defective parts,
usinga = 0.05?
15.The following table showsthe numberof hours45 hospitalpatientsslept following the
administrationof a certainanesthetic.
l0 t2 4 8 8 5
t2 t1 3 8 I t{ t0 4
+ 5 5 8 7 2
8 l3 17 a
J 4 5
3 I l7 10 4 l1 8
a) Find samplemean,samplevarianceandsamplestandarddeviation
b) Computea valuethat measures
the amountof variability relativeto the valueof mean

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