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Established 1879 | Columbus, Mississippi

Tuesday | August 11, 2020

Leach: SEC hasn’t decided ‘whether it’s the dog

or the vehicle’ on playing 2020 football season
Starkville braces for economic impact if conference scraps play ing a potential fall
League, who’s been happily
playing all along, I’m not sure
BY BEN PORTNOY hopeful the SEC and coaches and hope we get the chance to “I mean, I that it does.” around the league would be in share it with everybody around think I’m proba- While Leach’s words are
favor of playing this fall. the country.” bly not supposed sure to garner attention, the
If first-year Mississippi State “Right now college foot- Citing how British Premier to say anything, landscape of college football
head coach Mike Leach has his ball hasn’t quite figured out if League soccer has thrived but I’m not a big has shifted by the minute over
way, the Southeastern Confer- they’re the dog or the vehicle throughout the COVID-19 pan- fan of it,” Leach Leach the past days and weeks.
ence will play football this year. and whether they’re going to demic, Leach argued that oth- said of the Big Late Sunday night, some
As reports surfaced Mon- stay,” he said. “I wish there ers have been able to weather Ten’s impending decision. “If of college football’s brightest
day morning that the Big Ten was more clarity to that. We’re the storm while still playing we are going to cancel I think stars, including Clemson’s
is close to canceling its fall all waiting to see, and we’re sports. He also said he’d want we need to make sure the sci- Trevor Lawrence and Ohio
season, Leach told members of excited about our team, we’re science to back up any deci- ence holds it up, and if you look State’s Justin Fields, tweeted
the Starkville Rotary Club he’s excited about this opportunity sions that are made in cancel- at the British Premier Soccer See LEACH, 3A


property values
increase; city
remains flat
Greg Andrews:
Pandemic may affect
property tax collection

COUNTY — Lown-
des County saw more
than $100 million
of growth in its as-
sessed real and per-
sonal property value
over the past year,
whereas the city of Andrews
Courtesy photo Columbus’ value remained rough-
Community leaders in Starkville shovel dirt during the official groundbreaking for Cornerstone Park off Highway 25 in Starkville ly level compared to the prior year,
on Monday. Construction began this year on the project, estimated at between $18 million and $22 million, to build tourna- according to the latest assessment
ment ready baseball and softball fields at the complex. Voters in 2019 approved an increase in the tourism tax to fund the conducted by Tax Assessor/Collec-
project. “I believe (Cornerstone is) going to be a catalyst for increasing recreational opportunities for our community, espe- tor Greg Andrews.
cially our children,” Mayor Lynn Spruill said during the groundbreaking ceremony, adding the park will contribute to economic The assessment, conducted an-
development and a higher quality of life in Starkville. nually, appraises the value of real
and personal properties within the
county, municipalities and school
districts — an instrumental esti-
mate government entities use to

LCSD files $2 million suit over

leaky roof at New Hope High Caledonia Energy
Partners sees $20M
District will buy up to 10 new buses over next two years ing within two months of completion.

BY THEO DEROSA tion Inc., New Jersey-based GAF Materi-

Nearly 200 leaks occurred within the
first year and caused “massive” damage spike in property value als and Lindsey Roofing LLC. to the school, according to the suit. BY YUE STELLA YU
LCSD’s suit claims it is entitled to An independent inspector — Ben
LOWNDES COUN- the installation of a new roof or its mon- Hixson of Alabama-based Hixson Con-
TY — Lowndes County etary equivalent due to a breach of the sultants Inc. — examined the building LOWNDES COUNTY — A
School District is suing contract the district made with West and delivered a report to the district in new round of property value as-
the contractor, materi- Brothers and its subcontractors and April. Hixson concluded that Lindsey’s sessment, conducted by Lowndes
al supplier and installer materials. The district also cited negli- installation was faulty and that GAF had County Tax Assessor Greg An-
of the leaky roof at the gence, breach of warranty and breach of not communicated with Lindsey about drews, places the actual value of
2-year-old New Hope good faith and fair dealing by the three proper installation and application tech- county-based natural gas company
High School building for Smith defendants. niques. Caledonia Energy Partners at $86.5
$2 million. The $24.3 million New Hope High “Based upon the many facts causing million — a $20-million jump from
The district filed suit in Lowndes School — the most expensive of several the roofing deficiency failures, GAF as last year’s $66.4 million.
County Circuit Court on July 30 seeking district facilities paid for by a $44 million the designer of record and Lindsey Roof- Sheldon Alston, attorney for the
at least $1 million in compensatory dam- bond issue voters approved in 2015 — ing & Sheet Metal are responsible for company, protested the value in
ages and at least $1 million in general was completed in February 2018, and the problems,” Hixson said in his report. front of the board of supervisors
damages from West Brothers Construc- the roof at the new building began leak- See LCSD, 3A See CALEDONIA ENERGY, 6A


1 What kind of animal is a Rhode MEETINGS
Island Red? Today: Starkville-Ok-
2 What cereal did Mikey like, much to tibbeha Consolidated
the surprise of his tablemates? School District Board
3 What country has a Christmastime
of Trustees meeting,
celebration called “La Noche de Ra-
banos” —Night of Radishes? 6 p.m., 401 Greens-
Amelia Sullivan 4 What is the title of the person who boro St.
creates background sound effects for Aug. 13: Oktibbe-
Third grade, Annunciation
films? ha County Board of

96 Low 73
5 Who was the third woman appointed
Supervisors budget
High to the U.S. Supreme Court?
meeting, 9 a.m., Chan-
Humid, chance p.m. storm Answers, 6B cery Courthouse
Full forecast on
Aug. 14: Starkville
page 3A.
Board of Aldermen
work session, 10
INSIDE a.m., City Hall
Aug. 17: Starkville
Classifieds 5B Health 6A
Comics 3B Obituaries 5A Mickale O’Dell lives in Starkville and has a nail Housing Authority
Crossword 6B Opinions 4A business. O’Dell aspires to be a veterinarian or a board meeting, 3
Dear Abby 3B stand up comedian, “whichever one comes first.” p.m., 101 W. Wood St.


2A TUESDAY, AUGUST 11, 2020 The Dispatch •

Mississippi school funding feud

resolved with veto, new bill
Legislators also
expanded a grant Mask up: Mississippi lawmakers
program for businesses
that have been hurt
return amid coronavirus outbreak
State health officer: 49 legislators have tested
by the pandemic positive for the virus, at least four hospitalized­
The Associated Press
The Associated Press
JACKSON — Mississippi leg-
JACKSON — Most Mississippi legislators wore masks and practiced
islators returned to the Capitol on social distancing Monday as they returned to the state Capitol for the
Monday and resolved a dispute over first time since the start of the largest coronavirus outbreak in any
education funding for the budget statehouse in the U.S.
year that began July 1. “Please separate yourselves. I know it’s tempting to congregate and
They also expanded a grant pro- talk,” Republican Speaker Philip Gunn told members of the House.
gram for businesses that have been The state health officer, Dr. Thomas Dobbs, said Monday that 49
hurt by the coronavirus pandemic, Mississippi legislators have tested positive for the virus — more than
increasing the minimum award 25 percent of them. Legislative leaders say most cases have come from
from $1,500 to $3,500. the House.
House and Senate negotiators Dobbs said at least four legislators have been hospitalized, with
discussed a budget for the Depart- three requiring intensive care.
ment of Marine Resources, but did At least 12 other people who work in the Capitol have tested positive,
not reach a resolution by late Mon- and one of them has died, Dobbs said.
day. Talks were expected to contin- The updated numbers are a significant increase from mid-July, when
ue Tuesday. the state Health Department said 30 legislators and 11 others from the
Republican Gov. Tate Reeves on Capitol were known to have tested positive for COVID-19.
July 8 vetoed big parts of the edu- The outbreak among Mississippi lawmakers comprises nearly half
cation budget because legislators of the more than 100 state lawmakers who have tested positive nation-
did not fund a bonus pay program wide, according to an Associated Press tally.
for teachers in schools that either
maintain high academic perfor- and Democrats still controlled both legislators left the Capitol on July
mance or show significant improve- chambers of the Legislature. 1 because the House and Senate
ment. On Monday, the House and Sen- clashed over how to spend $40 mil-
House and Senate leaders said ate passed a separate bill to fund lion a year that the state receives
the omission of the bonus funding the bonus pay for more than 23,000 from oil and gas production in the
was an oversight and the governor’s teachers. Gulf of Mexico.
veto was unnecessary because they The first-year governor said Reeves also vetoed parts of a bill
intended to fund the program in a Monday that he’s not surprised
few months, in time for teachers to that allocated federal relief money
about the override. Reeves said for the coronavirus pandemic, but
receive the extra pay. some House members have hard
On Monday, the Republican-con- legislators were not expected to try
feelings against him because he
trolled House and Senate both vot- to override that action. Instead, a
pushed conservative legislation the
ed to override Reeves’ partial veto fight over the issue will move for-
previous eight years as lieutenant
of the education budget. With a governor. ward in the courts.
two-thirds majority needed in each “If individual members of the House Speaker Philip Gunn and
chamber, House members voted House want to punch me in the face, Speaker Pro Tempore Jason White,
109-17 for the override and senators if they want to stab me in the back, who are both Republican, sued
voted 41-1. that’s fine,” Reeves said. “As long as Reeves last week, arguing that his
It was the first time since 2002 those teachers get the money.” action was improper because the
for legislators to override a gover- Negotiations about the Depart- governor cannot veto portions of
nor’s veto. At that time, Democrat ment of Marine Resources bud- budget bills that deal with condi-
Ronnie Musgrove was governor get originally stalled just before tions for how money is spent.

Mississippi flag design process: Elvis has left the building

Friday, flag commissioners will meet lash to political power
that African Americans
leaders from business, re-
ligion and education were
and choose the final five proposals gained during Recon-
struction. People who
lobbying Mississippi leg-
islators to ditch the flag
BY EMILY designs have magnolias voted in a 2001 election and replace it with a more
WAGSTER PET TUS and stars. Some have chose to keep the flag, but inclusive design.
The Associated Press wavy lines that could the symbol remained di- Two college sports
represent the waters of visive in a state with a 38 organizations leveraged
JACKSON — The new the Mississippi River or percent Black population. their power. The South-
Mississippi state flag will the Gulf of Mexico. The All eight of Mississip- eastern Conference said
not include beer cans, oddball among the survi- pi’s public universities it might bar league cham-
crawfish, a caramel cake, vors has a giant mosquito and a growing number pionships in Mississippi
Elvis or Kermit the Frog. surrounded by a circle of of cities and counties unless the state changed
Mississippi recently re- stars. stopped flying the state the flag. The NCAA said
tired the last state banner On Friday, the nine flag in recent years. that because of the Con-
with the Confederate bat- commissioners will meet For decades, Missis- federate symbol on the
tle emblem that’s widely and choose the final five. sippi legislative leaders flag, Mississippi could not
condemned as racist. A By early September, they said they couldn’t find host events determined
nine-member commis- will agree on a single de- consensus in the House by teams’ performances,
sion will recommend a sign to put on the Nov. 3 and Senate to change the which would affect sports
replacement that cannot statewide ballot. banner. Republican Tate such as baseball, women’s
include the Confederate The commissioners — Reeves was elected gov- basketball and softball.
symbol and must have who were appointed by ernor in 2019 after saying Reeves agreed to sign
the phrase, “In God We the governor, lieutenant that if the flag were to be the bill to retire the old
Trust.” governor and House reconsidered, it should flag after it became clear
The public submitted speaker — could accept only be done in another that legislators had the
nearly 3,000 designs, and one of the public submis- election. two-thirds majority they
the commission narrowed sions, combine elements Momentum shifted in would need to override a
that to 147 proposals that from different designs early June, after the May veto.
were posted Monday to or start from scratch and 25 killing of George Floyd If voters accept the
the state Department draw their own. by a Minneapolis police commission’s proposal,
of Archives and History Mississippi had used officer. The Black man’s that design will become
website. Lost in the first the same Confeder- death sparked global pro- the new flag. If they re-
round were designs with ate-themed flag since tests against racial injus- ject it, commissioners will
food items and celebri- 1894, when white suprem- tice and reinvigorated de- draw a new design and
ties. acists in the Legislature bates about Confederate that will go on the ballot
Many of the remaining set the design amid back- symbols. Within weeks, later.

Pro wrestling star James ‘Kamala’ Harris dies at 70

BY RUSSELL CONTRER AS coronavirus. He was 70. and a spear, Kamala left opponents immobile
The Associated Press In recent years, Harris would headline cards for an easy pin.
had suffered from many against babyface wres- Harris would later join
James Harris, a Mis- health ailments, includ- tlers like the Junkyard the WWE and face Hulk
sissippi-born share- ing having both legs am- Dog, Andre the Giant, Hogan, Jake “The Snake”
cropper who gained putated because of diabe- and Hacksaw Butch Reed Robert and the Undertak-
international fame as tes. in Mid-South Wrestling’s er.
“Kamala the Ugandan Born in Senatobia, territory of Louisiana and Critics charged that
Giant,” a massive profes- Mississippi, the 6-foot-7- Texas. He was managed the character of Kamala
sional wrestler who bur- inch, nearly 400-pound by Skandor Akbar and a was based on racial ste-
ied opponents with his Harris began his wres- masked man named Fri- reotypes as wrestling an-
trademark “splash,” has tling career as Sugar day, who tried to control nouncers often used such
died. Bear Harris and under the wrestler’s behavior. terms as “savage” and
World Wrestling En- other names but wasn’t He’d chop opponents “beast.”
tertainment confirmed considered successful in and often pretended to In interviews later in
his death in a statement the ring. It wasn’t until a bite their faces. His fin- life, Harris said he found
Sunday. promoter suggested the ishing move, the “splash,” the gimmick fun and
Kenny Casanova, who Kamala gimmick loosely consisted of him running meant no harm. But he
co-wrote Harris’ autobi- based on Ugandan dicta- full speed at a downed foe did often tell interview-
ography, wrote on social tor Idi Amin that his ca- while jumping in the air ers he was underpaid
media that Harris died reer took a turn. with his hands extended compared to other wres-
from COVID-19, the dis- Walking into the ring and landing on the op- tlers at the time and treat-
ease caused by the novel with body and face paint ponent’s back. The move ed poorly.
The Dispatch • TUESDAY, AUGUST 11, 2020 3A

Continued from Page 1A
The suit alleges that GAF a willingness to negotiate with No Lindsey representative was provements. That “If we don’t address our need
and Lindsey have not fulfilled the district, GAF feels it has reachable for comment by press millage can go for some new buses now, it’s
their warranties, which include done nothing wrong and has time. unused, and be- going to really come and hit us
Lindsey’s three-year installers’ made no attempt to negotiate. fore setting aside in the future as far as needing
warranty running through 2021 “We’ve been very disappoint- District to bulk up bus fleet the mill for the some,” he told The Dispatch on
and a 20-year guarantee from ed in GAF’s position,” Smith buses, the dis- Monday. “We want to get our
LCSD will also spend up
GAF that runs through Feb. 9, said in a text message. trict had 1.6 mills fleet back into good working
to $1.5 million over the next
2038. Representatives from GAF available. condition.”
two years to improve its fleet
According to the suit, GAF did not return messages from “It makes you Allison Smith put the average cost
has not honored its guarantee, The Dispatch by press time. of school buses. In a 4-1 vote able to do the things you need,
at a public hearing Friday on of one bus at about $82,000 and
nor has it sought to pay any LCSD’s suit called for the and that’s why it’s there for
the Fiscal Year 2021 budget, said the district should be able
amounts under its warranty. defendants to pay attorney fees school districts,” Allison said
the board authorized issuing of the capital improvement mill- to afford at least three new ones
Instead, the company has at- and all other costs and fees in-
tributed the leaks to structur- volved in the matter in addition debt for the project that would age. per year. Allison said he hopes
al problems with the building, to the compensatory and gen- be repaid from a portion of its On the district’s 81 bus to buy up to 10 new buses over
but the district’s suit says such eral damages of no less than $1 dedicated capital improvement routes, 22 buses were made in the two-year period.
problems do not exist. million each. The district also millage. 2010 or before, while 39 were Board member Brian Clark
LCSD Board Attorney Jeff requested extra-contractual Superintendent Sam Allison made in 2013 or before. In front expressed concerns about bor-
Smith, who filed the suit on damages for the breach of good said the district will designate of the board, Allison questioned rowing money but ultimately
behalf of the district, told The faith and fair dealing. one mill for purchasing new the safety of the older buses and supported Allison’s recommen-
Dispatch that while Lindsey and West Brothers said it had buses. LCSD has 3 mills each recommended beginning to re- dation. Board member Jacque-
West Brothers have expressed no comment on the lawsuit. year dedicated to capital im- place the fleet. line Gray opposed.

Continued from Page 1A
out a graphic calling for, Spruill also chimed in on “We have to be ex- from the Big 12, Pac-12, do so...every day.” begin just a week from
among a slew of other de- impending decisions by tremely conservative ACC and Big Ten were In Starkville, MSU Monday, while the first
mands, a college football college football’s power about how we plan on bud- also slated to meet at Athletic Director John games of the season are
players union. The move- brokers Monday, offering geting this coming year varying times on Monday Cohen offered his support set to be played Sept. 26.
ment, which has been pro- her thoughts on the eco- in case everything goes or in the coming days. for the players’ movement If Leach, his players and
moted under the hashtag nomic impact a canceled south on us in such a way SEC Commissioner via Twitter, writing, “Love numerous administrators
‘WeWantToPlay,’ reached football season would that we can’t recoup and Greg Sankey broke his the passion, perseverance around the country have
the top of the trending have locally. She told The make our budget work,” silence on the current and resilience shown by their way, kickoff will re-
charts in the United Dispatch the city is pro- Spruill said. climate of college football all of our student-ath-
main on schedule.
States on Twitter. jecting a loss of between According to Sports Monday afternoon. San- letes, especially during
“It turns out as of to-
At least 14 MSU play- $800,000 and $1.1 million Illustrated’s Ross Del- key, who has remained these ever-changing cir-
ers tweeted in support of should college sports not lenger, SEC presidents relatively steady and de- cumstances. We will con- day, (playing this fall is)
the movement — includ- occur. In preparation for were set to meet Monday liberate in his decisions tinue fully supporting our still up for debate,” Leach
ing senior running back this, city leaders are pro- regarding the future of thus far, tweeted, “Can we student-athletes, coaches said. “And with the shift-
Kylin Hill, 2019 team posing a 2-mill increase the 2020 season, though play, I don’t know. We ha- and staff, while keeping ing around to some of the
captain Erroll Thompson in the local property tax a vote was not expected. ven’t stopped trying. We their health and safety other conferences, it’s my
and senior wide receiver rate — a measure that is Other conference com- support, educate and care our highest priority.” hope that the SEC holds
JaVonta Payton. expected to be brought up missioners, presidents for student-athletes every At present, SEC train- strong and we still get to
Starkville Mayor Lynn in meetings this week. and athletic directors day, and will continue to ing camps are slated to play.”

Property values
Continued from Page 1A
calculate potential prop- cerns. That increases the 2019, was purchased by School District, that num- mill values, he said. The valued at $749.7 million
erty tax revenue and build value of a mill,” he said. The Hull Group at $3.5 ber rose from $479,000 to mill value usually equals this year, adopt a mill val-
their budgets for the next District 3 Supervisor million — signifying a $536,000 per mill. Due to to .001 percent of the as- ue of $734,000.
fiscal year. John Holli- $9 million decrease in a level city value, Andrews sessed value, Andrews “I’d rather have too
The mixed projections man, who the property’s value, An- projects a $190,000-per- said, but estimating a low- much money at the end
between county and city is acting drews told The Dispatch. mill value in the city and er figure protects the en- of the fiscal year than not
values, Andrews told The president of Only 14 tenants remain at $209,000 per mill in the tities from overspending enough,” he said. “I was
Dispatch, can be largely the board of the mall, which has a ca- school district — the their budget in case the more conservative this
attributed to the differ- supervisors, pacity for 36, he said. same figures he recom- revenue is not there. For year than normal years
ences between area de- agreed. The Despite that loss, he mended last year. example, he recommends because of (the pandem-
velopments over the past revenue said the city’s projected that the county, which is ic).”
year. While the county g e n e r a t e d Holliman
from the
value is better than he had Pandemic ups chance
saw industrial growth and expected. It could mean
the expiration of multiple additional value, he told that the city gained new
of property tax defaults
The Dispatch, could lead Despite the better
“fee-in-lieu” agreements retail stores while losing
to a flat millage rate next outlook, Andrews said
— which offer property tenants at the mall, he
year and fund more future the COVID-19 pandemic
tax breaks to companies said.
projects. might lead to less prop-
for up to 10 years — the Mayor Robert Smith
“I don’t anticipate a tax erty tax revenue than ex-
city experienced a major told The
increase,” Holliman said. pected. More businesses
loss of retail tenants at Dispatch
“(The revenue) is actually could default property tax
Leigh Mall, he said. in a Sun-
going to mean a little bit payments mid-year, he
The county’s assessed day text
more money in the gener- said, some of which have
value rose from $643.8 he and the
al fund, and hopefully we filed bankruptcy since the
million last year to $749.7 city council
can do some more proj- pandemic.
million this year, accord- are “elated”
ects and maybe do some “You can get down to
ing to Andrews’ assess- that The
more road work with it.” December 2020 or Janu-
ment. Lowndes County Hull Group Smith
ary 2021 and start seeing
School District, which he purchased
people not being able to
said had an assessed val- City tax Leigh Mall in January.
pay their property taxes
ue of about $479.5 million
last year, is now valued at
assessment value The lowered assessed
value, he said, would help
because of unfortunate
Compared to the circumstances that we
$551.2 million. county, however, the city The Hull Group renovate
have never seen,” he said.
The increases are tends to lose out on that the property and bring in
The potential for a
mainly due to the expi- revenue, because indus- new tenants.
downturn in collections
ration of 13 fee-in-lieu trial prospects are less Smith said he believes
led Andrews to take a
agreements in December, incentivized to reside in the city’s financial outlook
more conservative ap-
he said, including several the city due to its higher is promising. The city
proach in assessing the
with Indiana-based Steel millage rate, Andrews budgeted for $7.7 million
county’s and the city’s
Dynamics, Inc., Prime said. The total millage in property tax collections
Metals and PACCAR. The rate within city limits is and has collected $7.3 mil-
county still has 41 such 154.33 (county, city and lion so far, he said, and
agreements in effect, doc- school taxes combined), Andrews’ office has hired
uments show. which is almost twice the an agency to collect past-
Fee-in-lieu agree- amount a company has to due property tax revenues
ments, which require at pay (88.26 mills combined from the last seven years.
least $60 million of in- for county and county “I am confident that
vestments under the state school district) if located our finances are moving
law, grant companies that in the county outside the in a positive direction,” he
meet that standard up to city limits. wrote.
10 years when they pay “If I had a major com- The rise and fall of as-
one-third of regular prop- pany located somewhere sessed values also affect
erty taxes to the county in Lowndes County, I’m the value of a mill, which
and its school district. probably going to look at represents the expected
After that, they begin pay- the county, not the city, revenue one mill can gen-
ing full taxes. because of that reason erate. Mills are used to
District 2 Supervisor alone,” Andrews said. calculate property taxes,
Trip Hair- The city’s assessed val- and one mill equals $1 of
ston told ue for Fiscal Year 2020 is property tax levied on
The Dis- $194.8 million — a slight $1,000 worth of assessed
patch on drop of roughly $39,000 value. Each government
Monday compared to that of last entity multiplies the mill
af ternoon year, Andrews said. The value by its millage rate
the increase city’s school district, on to estimate the potential
in proper- the other hand, witnessed property tax revenue it
ty values Hairston a slightly increased value will receive and plan ac-
is “positive from $215.3 million last cordingly.
news” for the county. year to $216.2 million this The county’s mill val-
“That is going to put us year, he said. ue rose to $734,000 from
in a really good position Leigh Mall, valued at $683,000 last year, he SOLUNAR TABLE
The solunar period indicates
peak-feeding times for fish and game.
as far as budgeting con- $12.5 million in fiscal year said. In Lowndes County Major
Minor 12:26a 12:58a
Major — 7:28a
Minor 2:05p 3:02p
Courtesy of Mississippi Department
of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks

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PETER BIRNEY IMES Editor/Publisher
BIRNEY IMES III Editor/Publisher 1998-2018
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BIRNEY IMES SR. Editor/Publisher 1922-1947

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Picking a flag to make us all proud
nybody who paid attention to the one or both of those but are included on ers use the state seal, which includes posing a piece of art that unites people
recent debate over the Missis- the website. “In God We Trust.” with very different opinions. Plus, the
sippi flag should enjoy looking The website also allows viewers to One of the most clever entries flag commission needs to come up with
at the 2,700 proposals that residents mark up to 25 favorites. It would be includes Kermit the Frog, a teddy bear, something that has the best possible
submitted for its replacement. fun over the coming weeks to create a a blues guitar and other items with chance of being approved by voters in
The state Department of Archives separate page that displays the designs Mississippi roots as the centerpiece. the November referendum.
& History put all of them on its website that get the most votes, even though the For true humor, one design is nothing Flag design is a mission in which
Monday. The site is nine-member flag commission is not more than a picture of the Ole Miss the phrase “less is more” applies. A
There is a link on the homepage to view required to choose any specific entry. player who got in trouble for posing as consultant told the commission that a
the submissions, and they are worth a A look through several hundred of a dog in the end zone during last year’s good flag is easily recognizable from a
scroll. It’s evident that a lot of people the designs — a few drawn by hand, Egg Bowl. distance — think the Stars and Stripes
took the challenge seriously and sent in but most using graphic design software A cursory review of the entries — and tiny elements in the design
some very creative work. — indicates that a magnolia blossom makes one thing clear: Designing an rarely work.
About 1,800 of the designs met the is one of the most popular ideas for the effective flag is a difficult assignment. The flag commission has a tough job,
Legislature’s rules for the new flag — it flag. A number of the designs have 20 The Mississippi flag is even more but it has been given a bunch of ideas
cannot have the Confederate emblem, stars to signify that Mississippi was the challenging because of the controversy with which to work. Let’s hope this
which got the former flag finally retired, 20th state to join the Union. Many also surrounding the one it will replace. The leads to something of which we can all
and it must include the phrase “In God incorporate the state’s curvy western new design has to tread gently on those be proud.
We Trust.” Another 900 designs missed river boundary into the design, and oth- angered by that decision, while pro- Greenwood Commonwealth

No payroll tax, CARTOONIST VIEW

no Social Security
y the time you read
this, President Don-
ald Trump’s latest
economic stimulus plan
may be largely forgotten.
But it has revived an un-
pleasant idea that the right
fringe has been peddling
for years: killing Social
Security and Medicare.
We speak of an execu-
tive order that would cut
payroll taxes. Payroll taxes Froma Harrop
fund virtually all of Social
Security and much of Medicare. Without this money,
Americans would have neither.
Oh, but Trump says these taxes wouldn’t exactly
be cut. Rather, they’d be “deferred” through Dec.
31 for workers making less than $100,000. Workers
would be on the hook for the taxes at some later
Can you imagine slapping low- and middle-income
workers with a bill for the back taxes? Neither can I.
Which explains why Trump says that he might
actually extend the deferral or forget about collect-
ing these taxes. As Stephen Moore, a member of his
White House Economic Recovery Task Force, writes
in The Wall Street Journal, Trump could sign a bill
“to forgive these repayments.”
The obvious long-term goal is to destabilize
funding for Social Security and Medicare. For Social
Security, this would be a more direct hit than the
right’s previous privatization schemes. The real world reasserts itself
In essence, low- and middle-income workers are
being offered a modest tax cut in return for consid- ince the death that the dead were the conduct is allowed to continue,
erable insecurity in retirement. This would seem of George Floyd victims of rogue cops then Portland is lost.”
a heck of a time to threaten beloved middle-class beneath the knee or white supremacists. Wheeler, having gotten the
entitlements, but there you have it. of a cop in Minneapo- Indeed, the front message the rioters have been
And here’s the con job: Trump could tell the Trea- lis on Memorial Day, page of Monday’s New trying to deliver, finally ordered
sury to “protect” these programs by putting bonds the nation has been York Times gave voice his city’s police to do “what is nec-
into Social Security and Medicare in place of the instructed by its cul- to the city’s Black and essary” to quell the rioting, even
lost tax revenues, Moore advises. After all, Barack tural elites that this is Hispanic leaders who if it means using tear gas.
Obama did that in 2011. the daily reality that a are objecting to a pro- What has happened in Port-
First off, Obama shouldn’t have done that. Social racist America has too posed $1 billion cut in land, and across much of Ameri-
long ignored the police budget. The ca, was predictable, and predict-
Security is especially sacrosanct precisely because
Our nation, it was people in high-crime ed.
the workers pay for it with their own taxes. Patrick Buchanan
shouted in our faces, precincts, for whom First, the progressives tolerate
More importantly, Obama’s payroll tax “holiday”
is a place where white these leaders speak, and even celebrate civil disobe-
had an expiration date that was honored. Trump now
cops harass, brutalize, assault and want more, not fewer, cops on the dience, because the cause is just
talks about making these payroll tax cuts perma-
kill Black Americans regularly beat. and noble. Then, to hold onto pub-
nent — even as the other side of his mouth says tax
and with impunity. Even Portland, Oregon, which lic attention, the protesters march
collections are only being delayed.
“Defund the police!” the Black has been indulging nightly pro- and block traffic. Next comes the
As an economic shot in the arm, cutting, defer-
Lives Matter demand went out, tests since the killing of George cursing of cops, the throwing of
ring or juggling payroll taxes would do little. After to be echoed and re-echoed by Floyd, seems to be awakening to trash, water bottles and rocks.
all, the people who pay these taxes already have BLM’s amen corner of progres- the real world. Then there’s the smashing of
jobs. Real economists, conservative and liberal, sive elites. When the Department of store windows, looting and arson,
agree on this. The pendulum may be swing- Homeland Security pulled its and Molotov cocktails. Finally,
Today’s economic disaster revolves around those ing back, for this weekend reintro- agents out of Portland and handed there’s instigating violence with
who have lost jobs or businesses during the corona- duced us to the old familiar world. the defense of the Mark Hatfield cops to get footage of police fight-
virus pandemic. Unemployment now stands over 10 In Washington, D.C., about federal courthouse to the state ing back so the law enforcement
percent, higher than at any point during the 2008 midnight Saturday, at a block police, the “peaceful protesters” officers can be painted by the
financial crisis. party in the Southeast sector shifted their attention to the city’s progressive press as stormtroop-
Wouldn’t it be swell right now to have the $1.5 of the city, three shooters fired buildings and Portland Police ers and the Gestapo.
trillion that Trump frittered away in the 2017 tax 100 rounds, wounded 20, killed a Bureau’s East Precinct. In Portland, we reached the
cuts? They came at a time of very low unemployment teenager and left a female police With police personnel corralled point where “peaceful protesters”
and booming stock markets, so there was no need officer in critical condition. inside, the East Precinct was tried to set a building ablaze with
for deficit-exploding stimulus. It appears to have been an barricaded with cars and wooden cops barricaded inside.
Mainly a means to funnel more money to the attempted massacre, a slaughter. planks, and an attempt was made This, as the mayor said, is
upper incomes, the cuts didn’t boost the economy for “More than 115 people have to set it afire by throwing flaming attempted murder.
everyone, as was promised. In the quarter right be- been slain in the District this objects into the building. Today, people watch their
fore the virus hit, the gross domestic product grew a year, a 17 percent increase over Mugged by reality, Mayor Ted leaders in city after city fail to
mediocre 2.1 percent. (Avert your eyes from what’s this time in 2019, which ended the Wheeler seems to have belatedly keep the peace and restore order
happening now.) year with a decade high,” reports awakened to the character of the as protesters riot at will, and they
Or that $1.5 trillion could have been used to re- The Washington Post. protesters he has been coddling: make plans to move out. In the
build America’s infrastructure. That would have cre- D.C.’s numbers, however, pale “When you commit arson with suburbs and country, they quietly
ated good blue-collar jobs, and our roads and bridges by comparison to Chicago, where an accelerant in an attempt to observe the inability of cops to
would more resemble those of a rich country. this weekend recorded 32 more burn down a building that is oc- quell the violence, and they buy
Aside from this devious ploy to weaken popular people shot, with three dead. cupied by people whom you have guns.
programs, the executive order has another flaw. According to the Sun-Times, intentionally trapped inside, you While the right backs Trump’s
The president doesn’t have the power to end a tax. there were 106 homicides in the are not demonstrating, you are stand for law and order, the ulti-
Congress writes tax law, members of both parties city in July, a single-month body attempting to commit murder.” mate battle here may be between
are saying. count almost equal to the toll Equally problematic: “You will liberal Democrats elected to, and
Moore holds that Trump could “pull an end run” D.C. has piled up in all of the first be creating the B-roll film that failing to, run the cities, and the
around Congress. “He should declare a national seven months of 2020. will be used in ads nationally to radical left and Marxists who
economic emergency and announce that the Internal A disproportionate number of help Donald Trump during his welcome their failure as they
Revenue Service will immediately stop collecting the the dead and wounded are Black campaign.” intend to kick the liberals down
payroll tax,” he writes. Americans, and a disproportion- Portland police union president the stairs.
But here’s the deal: No Social Security payroll ate number of the shooters and Daryl Turner was enraged at what Patrick J. Buchanan, a nation-
tax, no Social Security. No Medicare payroll tax, no killers are Black men. he had seen. “I am disgusted that ally syndicated columnist, was a se-
Medicare. If black lives matter, where is our City has come to this,” said nior advisor to presidents Richard
Froma Harrop, a syndicated columnist, writes for Black Lives Matter? Turner. “If it is acceptable for Nixon, Gerald Ford and Ronald
the Providence (Rhode Island) Journal. Her e-mail Rarely in these stories of shoot- rioters to... try and burn down Reagan. His website is http://bu-
address is ings and killings does one read occupied buildings, and if this
The Dispatch • TUESDAY, AUGUST 11, 2020 5A

In virus talks, Pelosi holds firm while Mnuchin wants a deal

‘Anytime they want to meet — and they’re out from unemployment as-
sistance, eviction protections
as guidance from the admin-
istration is sent to the states.
The virus shows no signs
of easing, with more than 5
wiling to negotiate and have a new proposal and other aid that has expired.
But there are limits, and legal
Already, the Department of
Labor is telling governors that
million infections and 160,000
deaths nationwide and stark
— we’re more than happy to meet’ pitfalls, in trying to make an Trump’s promised $400 weekly new evidence that many Ameri-
Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin end run around the legislative jobless benefit boost will actual- cans’ jobs may never return.
branch. ly amount to just $300 if states Treasury Secretary Steven
BY LISA MASCARO “It’s impossible to know Pelosi dismissed Trump’s are unable to provide the rest, Mnuchin, on a conference call
AP Congressional Correspondent whether she has overplayed proposals Monday as an “illu- according to information ob- with governors on Monday, said
her hand until we see if there sion” in an interview on MSN- tained Monday by The Associ- action by Congress remains the
WASHINGTON — Speak- is a COVID package,” says Mi- BC. ated Press. administration’s “first choice.”
er Nancy Pelosi is not about to
chael Steel, a former top aide to Trump acknowledged he’s Senate Democratic leader Mnuchin and Vice President
then-Speaker John Boehner. still quite open to a deal with Chuck Schumer dismissed the Mike Pence urged the gover-
The Democratic leader has
Monday brought no new Congress. “So now Schum- Trump’s administrative actions nors to reach out to congressio-
been here before, negotiating
a deal with the White House talks between Trump’s team er and Pelosi want to meet to as “all sizzle and no steak,” held nal leaders and push for legisla-
to save the U.S. economy, and and negotiators on Capitol Hill make a deal. Amazing how it together by “spit and glue.” tion, according to audio of the
lessons from the Great Re- as the president tries a go-it- all works, isn’t it,” he tweeted In the meantime, countless call obtained by AP.
cession are now punctuating alone strategy. Over the week- Monday. “They know my phone Americans are already feeling “Anytime they want to meet
the coronavirus talks. With end, he launched a series of number.” the squeeze. What had been — and they’re wiling to nego-
Republicans again balking at executive actions that give the With Trump now having a $600 weekly unemployment tiate and have a new proposal
big government bailouts, the appearance of a White House played his hand, however, Dem- benefit boost is gone, as are — we’re more than happy to
Democrats believe they have taking charge but may end up ocrats appear in no rush to federal eviction protections. meet,” Mnuchin said later at
the leverage, forcing President providing little help for ordi- show theirs. Schools that had been eyeing the White House. He confirmed
Donald Trump into a politically nary Americans. It will take days, if not weeks, federal help now face the pros- he has not spoken to the Dem-
risky standoff over help for mil- The president’s orders seek to sort out what Trump intend- pect of reopening on shoestring ocratic leaders since talks col-
lions of Americans. to reverse the devastating fall- ed with his executive actions, budgets. lapsed Friday.

COMMERCIAL DISPATCH a bookkeeper for Cade Jerry Spears; children, In addition to her Presbyterian Ceme-
OBITUARY POLICY Hardware. Dashawn Coleman, parents, she was tery. Robinson Funeral
Obituaries with basic informa-
tion including visitation and
In addition to her Tyrese Coleman and preceded in death by Home of West Point is
service times, are provided parents, she was pre- Ashanti Woods Isom; her husband, Claude in charge of arrange-
free of charge. Extended ceded in death by her siblings, Gary Spears, Fenton Shackelford; ments.
obituaries with a photograph, husband, Henry Labert Daryl Spears, Tami and siblings, Polly Mr. Trulove was
detailed biographical informa- Wright; siblings, Oliver Coleman Groce, Ser- West, James Webb and born Nov. 30, 1943, in
tion and other details families Lipsey, Robert Lipsey, ina Denson, Tawanda Paul Webb. Fulton, to the late Odell
may wish to include, are avail-
infant John Lipsey, Spears, Tammy Bow- She is survived Wilson and Lebon
able for a fee. Obituaries must
be submitted through funeral Dare Lou Sims, Marga- ers, Shaneka Coleman by her children, Ed- Trulove.
homes unless the deceased’s ret Thaxton, Ella Gray, Richie and Kim Cole- ward Shackelford and In addition to his
body has been donated to Rebecca Coleman and man; and four grand- Michael Shackelford; parents, he was preced-
science. If the deceased’s Jo Etta Wright. children. sister Marcell Thomas; ed in death by his wife,
body was donated to science, She is survived by Pallbearers will be and two grandchildren. Janie Trulove; and son
the family must provide official her children, Lucretia
proof of death. Please submit
Gary Spears, Daryl Jason Trulove.
all obituaries on the form pro-
Cole and Becky Butler Spears, Glen Owens, Magnolia Harris He is survived by
vided by The Commercial Dis- bother of Brooksville; Richard Stewart, James COLUMBUS — his daughter, Ashley
patch. Free notices must be four grandchildren; Walker and John Cook. Magnolia B. Harris, 80, Clardy of Cedar Bluff;
submitted to the newspaper seven great-grand- died Aug. 10, 2020, at sister Kay Gregg of
no later than 3 p.m. the day children and two Louise Shackelford her residence. West Point; and three
prior for publication Tuesday step-great-grandchil-
through Friday; no later than 4 SULLIGENT, Ala. Arrangements are grandchildren.
dren. incomplete and will be
p.m. Saturday for the Sunday — Louise Webb Shack- Memorials can be
edition; and no later than 7:30 elford, 78, died Aug. 8, announced by Carter’s made to West Point/
a.m. for the Monday edition. Orene Rawson 2020, at her residence. Funeral Services of Clay County Animal
Incomplete notices must be re- COLUMBUS — Funeral services will Columbus. Shelter, 5122 Old Tib-
ceived no later than 7:30 a.m. Orene Rawson, 66, died
for the Monday through Friday be at 3 p.m. Wednesday, bee Road, West Point,
editions. Paid notices must be
Aug. 10, 2020, at Baptist at Otts Funeral Home Sidney Williams Jr. MS 39773.
finalized by 3 p.m. for inclusion Memorial Hospi- Chapel, with James COLUMBUS — Sid-
the next day Monday through tal-Golden Triangle. Godsey officiating. ney Williams Jr., 69,
Thursday; and on Friday by 3 Arrangements are Burial will follow in Tay- died Aug. 7, 2020, at his
p.m. for Sunday and Monday incomplete and will be lor Springs Cemetery. residence.
publication. For more informa- announced by Lown-
tion, call 662-328-2471. Visitation will be one Arrangements are
des Funeral Home of hour prior to services incomplete and will be
Columbus. at the funeral home. announced by Carter’s
Thomas Millender Otts Funeral Home of Funeral Services of
SALTILLO — Jammy Coleman Sulligent is in charge of Columbus.
Thomas Millender, 87, GUIN, Ala. — Jam- arrangements.
died Aug. 10, 2020, at my “Jody” Coleman,
Creekside Manor As-
Mrs. Shackelford Dwight Trulove
49, died Aug. 7, 2020, at was born Aug. 5, 1942, WEST POINT —
sisted Living in Saltillo. North Mississippi Med- in Fulton, to the late Dwight Wilson Tru-
Arrangements are ical Center of Hamilton, Elmer Webb and Verna love, 76, died Aug. 10,
incomplete and will be Alabama. Edwards. Shew was a 2020, at NMMC-Tupe-
announced by Lown- Funeral services will graduate of Itawamba lo.
des Funeral Home of be at 11 a.m. Wednes-
Columbus. County High School A graveside ser-
day, at Otts Funeral and was a member of vice will be at 10 a.m.
home Chapel, with Taylor Springs Freewill Wednesday, in Cedar
Elizabeth Wright the Rev. Tony Crump Baptist Church. Bluff Cumberland
BROOKSVILLE officiating. Burial will

Peggy Ramsey
— Elizabeth Lipsey follow in Furnace Hill
Wright, 92, died Aug. 8, Cemetery. Visitation
2020, at Trinity Health- will be one hour prior
care. to services at the funer- Funeral services for Peggy Mortimer Ramsey
A private grave- al home. Otts Funeral of Winona will be held at 10:00 AM on Tuesday,
side service was held Home of Sulligent, August 11, at First Baptist Church in Winona, with
Monday, at Brooksville Alabama is in charge of burial following in Winona Garden of Memory.

Corey Doyle
Cemetery, with Kathy arrangements. Rev. Tommy Gillon and Rev. Jay Anderson will
Brackett officiating. Mr. Coleman was officiate the services.
Cockrell Funeral Home born June 8, 1971, in Pallbearers will be James “Bubba” Smith, Trey
of Macon was in charge Vernon, Alabama, to Allman, Tommy Reid, Steve Brown, Dr. Keith Corey Scott Doyle, 31, of Columbus, MS
of arrangements. Sadie Kennedy Spears Rushing and Larry Pearson. passed away Saturday, August 8, 2020, at his res-
Mrs. Wright was and the late James Honorary pallbearers are current and former idence.
born Nov. 17, 1927, in Coleman. He attended employees of Anel Corporation, Board of A graveside service will be Wednesday, Au-
Carrollton, Alabama, to Hamilton, Alabama Directors of Dizzy Dean Baseball and Henry gust 12 at 10:00 AM at Christian Chapel Church
the late William Tolif- schools and was for- Allman. of Christ Millport, AL with Rev. Paul Howard of-
ero and Ellie Mae Ed- merly employed with Visitation was Monday, August 10, from 5:00 ficiating. Interment will be in Christian Chapel
monds Lipsey. She was Buccaneer Homes. until 8:00 p.m. at Oliver Funeral Home in Winona. Church of Christ Cemetery with Lowndes Funer-
a graduate of Carrollton In addition to his Mrs. Ramsey, 82, passed away at Baptist al Home, Columbus, MS directing.
High School and was mother, he is survived Memorial Hospital in Columbus on Saturday, Mr. Doyle was born January 3, 1989, in Amo-
formerly employed as by his step-father, August 8, 2020. She was born to John B. and ry, MS to Pennie Lynn Rainwater and Kenneth
Hazel Jefcoat Mortimer on September 19, Wayne Doyle. He loved going hunting and watch-
1937. She was a retired office manager for Anel ing racing. Mr. Doyle worked in construction
Corporation in Winona. She was a member of the for 10 years. He attended Lighthouse Baptist
former Winona Lions Club and was involved with Church.
the Winona Parks and Recreation her entire adult Mr. Doyle is preceded in death by his pater-
Shooting near White House life. She was a member of the National and State
Board of Directors of Dizzy Dean Baseball and
nal grandfather, Kenneth Doyle and his maternal
grandfather, Ray Rainwater.
interrupts Trump’s briefing on TV was heavily involved in excess of thirty years.
She was a member of First Baptist Church of
Mr. Doyle is survived by his father, Wayne
(Janice) Doyle of Columbus, MS; mother, Pennie
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS livan, chief of the Secret Winona where she served as organist, children’s Doyle of Steens, MS; son, Hunter Bryce Doyle of
Service Uniformed Divi- choir director, pianist, and was the First Grade Orange Beach, AL; brother, Kevin Wayne Doyle
WASHINGTON — A sion. Sunday School Class teacher for over fifty years. of Columbus, MS; step-sisters, Ivy (Justin) Har-
uniformed Secret Service The name of the man, She is survived by her three sons, Mike ris of Columbus, MS and Amy (Robert) Moore
officer shot and wounded 51, and his condition were Lum (Debbi) of Columbus, Gary Lum of Columbus, MS; paternal grandmother, Shirley
a man during a confron- not released by Sullivan. (Anne) of Madison, and Dr. Randy Ramsey Doyle and maternal grandmother, Gaila Rainwa-
tation near the White The District of Columbia (Amy) of Flowood; her sister, Martha Lee of ter.
House that led to Presi- fire department said the Hattiesburg; nine grandchildren and three great- Pallbearers will be Davie Howard, Colby
dent Donald Trump being man suffered serious or grandchildren. Doyle, Justin Harris, Robert Moore and Dennis
abruptly escorted out of possibly critical injuries. She was preceded in death by her parents. Rainwater.
a briefing room during Sullivan said the man Memorial contributions may be made to MS Memorials may be made to Teen Challenge 5
a televised news confer- had claimed he was Dizzy Dean Scholarship, c/o Brent Frye, PO Box Buford Ln, Poplarville, MS 39740.
ence Monday, authorities armed, moved aggres- 5327, MS State, MS Compliments of
The White House com-
sively toward the officer,
and appeared ready to
39762. Lowndes Funeral Home
Oliver Funeral Home of Winona (www.
plex was not breached fire before the officer shot is handling the arrangements.
and no one under Secret him once. Sullivan did not
Service protection was address whether the man Paid Obituary - Oliver Funeral Home
in danger, said Tom Sul- had indeed been armed.
6A TUESDAY, AUGUST 11, 2020 The Dispatch •

n Choose baked potatoes over French fries: Potatoes are very filling and a common side to many dishes. That said,
the method in which they’re prepared largely determines their health effects. For starters, 100 grams of baked potatoes
contain 94 calories, while the same amount of French fries contains over three times as many, or 319 calories.
Furthermore, deep-fried French fries generally contain harmful compounds, such as aldehydes and trans fats. Replacing
your French fries with baked or boiled potatoes is a great way to shave off calories and avoid these harmful compounds.

Health tips from Dr. Oz and Dr. Roizen

Top 10 ways to dodge ■ Adopt a Mediterra- Bonus! training, executive function and researchers did in a study
nean diet. Boosting you aren’t processing speed. in JAMA Internal Med-
Alzheimer’s disease ■ And talk to your a child’s much The 2,675 middle-aged icine that looked at the
Ronald Regan, Rosa doc if you have frequent CRF also more adults in the study took life-extending properties
Parks, Peter Falk and lightheadedness or diz- fuels fit than thinking and memory of a plant-based diet. They
Aaron Copeland are four ziness upon standing. kids’ when you tests at its start and then reviewed data on 400,000
very different folks, all brain start- at a follow-up five years U.S. adults 50 and older
of whom had one thing
in common: Alzheimer’s Is your child at risk power. ed, try
later. Overall, people over a 16-year period and
figured out that the risk
Studies with all three risk factors
disease. In the U.S. for premature heart show it ing. were nearly three times of death fell 12 percent for
it’s estimated that 5.7 disease? Nearly 60 improves But we as likely to experience a men and 14 percent for
million people have the
condition, and the num-
percent are! cognitive
Drs. Oz and Roizen
suggest faster cognitive decline women for every 3 ounces
When you hear the abilities you don’t in middle age as those of plant protein they ate
ber is projected to hit 16 abandon without the risk factors. per 1,000 calories con-
Bee Gees plead, “How and helps
million by 2050. either sumed.
can you mend a broken with con- Specifically, more than
Maybe not. A study But even a smaller
heart?” we doubt you’re centration and attention. workout style completely. 10 percent of those with
in the Journal of Neu- Choose your core workout bump in consumption
thinking, “Hmmm, Win, win. diabetes had an accelerat-
rology, Neurosurgery (three-plus days a week) of plant protein made a
that could be a good ed midlife decline in brain
& Psychiatry analyzed and add in one or two difference: Swapping 3
current research and
question to ask about Do you get more fit days of the complementa-
power, compared with 4.7
percent of those without percent of calories from
my little kid’s ticker.”
came up with the top
But an alarming new
from aerobics or ry style to avoid boredom diabetes. Nearly 8 percent animal to plant protein
10 evidence-based risk
factors for Alzheimer’s scientific statement from strength training? and achieve maximum of current smokers had was enough to reduce
the American Heart Brie and Nikki Bella agility, strength and car- faster cognitive decline, the risk of death for both
that you can avoid with are identical twins who dio fitness. sexes by 10 percent.
Association, published compared with 4.3 per-
lifestyle changes and entertained folks as a The most damaging
in the journal Circula- cent of those who never
medical care.
The risks are: lack of tion, reveals that almost professional wrestling tag Early cognitive smoked. animal proteins were red
meat and eggs — and the
team for the WWE. Nikki The study under-
education; insufficient 60 percent of U.S. kids
don’t have healthy car- says lifting weights works
dysfunction linked to scores the importance of best benefits came from
cognitive activity; obe-
diorespiratory fitness, to trim her down and stay CVD, diabetes, smoking knowing your numbers cutting them out entirely.
sity late in life; depres- In an episode of “The That’s what we’ve said in
a key measure of phys- strong. Brie says staying — blood pressure, LDL
sion; chronic stress; Simpsons,” Homer, who this column for the past 12
ical fitness and overall fit takes a mix — say, a cholesterol level, blood
diabetes; head trauma; never completed high years, based on the data
health. 14-minute barre routine sugar and BMI — from
high blood pressure in school, decides to take of the Stan Hazen at the
CRF is a measure on busy days and two your 20s on, and using
middle age; elevated an exam to finally get his Cleveland Clinic. That duo
of the capacity of both hours at the gym when your cognitive powers
homocysteine level degree. The problem is, (plus processed meat) is
circulatory and respira- there’s time. They’re an to discover the joys of
(it increases the risk
tory systems to supply example of what research- his lifestyle choices have healthy nutrition, physical so damaging because they
for artery damage and made his memory a little encourage certain intes-
oxygen to the power cen- ers from Australia found activity and steering clear
blood clots, and usually shabby. “All right, brain,” tinal bacteria to produce
indicates a B12 defi- ters in skeletal muscles’ when they looked at how of all smoking.
cells. That’s how energy 30 sets of identical twins he pleads, “you don’t like inflammatory mediators
ciency); and low blood me and I don’t like you, that promote cancer,
pressure on standing, is produced during responded to endurance Planting the seeds
activity. In children, a (aerobics) and resistance but let’s just do this, and I dementia, arthritis, heart
also called orthostatic
low or unhealthy CRF (strength) training. can get back to killing you of longevity disease and stroke. So
hypotension, which can with beer.” At least Homer Vegans and vegetarians gobble, gobble — not
cause dizziness, weak- leads to premature heart Their study, published
in the Journal of Phys- was smart enough to are still pretty rare in the turkey, but tofu, beans,
ness and falls. disease, Type 2 diabetes
iology, reveals that the know his notoriously poor U.S. In a Gallup poll from nuts, seeds, 100 percent
If any of those risk and high blood pressure.
response to exercise is habits were hurting his 2018, only about 8 percent whole grains and a variety
factors applies to YOU, Plus, kids with lousy
highly individual, even academic performance. of 30- to 49-year-olds said of fruits and vegetables.
take steps to regain con- CRF are at increased
for identical twins. That A recent study, pub- they were vegetarians Mehmet Oz, M.D. is
trol of your brain health. risk for premature death
helps explain why some lished in the journal Neu- and 4 percent said they host of “The Dr. Oz Show,”
■ Sign up for a class, from heart disease and
people say “Sweating to rology, suggests cardio- were vegans. Surprising- and Mike Roizen, M.D. is
challenge yourself with stroke as adults.
the oldies” builds endur- vascular disease (Homer ly, fewer young folks, 18 Chief Wellness Officer and
new interests. If your child is
ance and muscle, while had a triple bypass in to 29, were off meat: 7 Chair of Wellness Institute
■ Take steps with overweight, obese or
others find it leaves them season four), diabetes and percent were vegetarian at Cleveland Clinic. To live
your doctor to address sedentary, ask your doc
excess weight and to assess his or her CRF as untrained as when they smoking in middle age and 3 percent were vegan. your healthiest, tune into
started their ongoing are reliable predictors of Go figure. “The Dr. Oz Show” or visit
control your diabetes (or using a cardiopulmonary
routine — and why other early decline in memory, Well, that’s what
better yet, reverse it). exercise test. And start
■ Always get medical doing interval or HIIT folks find that strength
attention for any head training two or three training builds muscle
bump or bang. times weekly with your and endurance, but aero-
■ Start treatment child — that’s alternat- bics don’t.
for chronic stress and ing bursts of vigorous If you’re frustrated by
depression, and exercise activity with rest or how slowly you’re getting
300 minutes a week. low-intensity activity into shape, the study also
That eases depression (for example, running found that almost every-
and stress for many fast for one or two min- one can improve fitness
folks. utes, then walking or with the right exercise
■ Reduce high blood jogging slowly for three program. “Low-respond-
pressure with weight minutes, and repeating ers to one mode may be
loss, nutritional chang- five times). Measur- ‘rescued’ by switching to
es, medication and able improvements can an alternate mode of exer-
exercise. happen in a couple of cise,” say the researchers.
■ Have a blood test to months. Get retested, So, if after three months
check your B12 level. and keep it going. of aerobic or strength

Caledonia Energy
Continued from Page 1A
during its Aug. 3 meeting, paying a full annual tax the depreciation over the
claiming the company of $1.1 million in 2017 and years as well as a collapse
should have been valued 2018 — an amount that in the natural gas storage
much lower at $12 million, factored in the deprecia- industry.
a figure based on the sale tion of those assets over “The costs of the items
price of the company to the 10-year period. that were spent years ago
ArcLight Capital Partners Andrews previously … don’t have any correla-
in October 2018, he said. told The Dispatch the tion to the current day
“Eighty-some million protest didn’t begin until value,” he said. “The nat-
dollars is obviously way the company started pay- ural gas storage market
out of whack,” he told The ing full taxes. His assess- has shifted dramatically,
Dispatch on Monday af- ment, he said, is based on and therefore, it’s now
ternoon. “With that, (the the company’s own report not worth close to what (it
company has) no choice of its equipment cost. used to be worth).”
but to object to the assess- Additionally, Andrews Andrews’ office inves-
ment and file appeals from said, Sempra, a subsidiary tigated the company last
that point.” of ArcLight, purchased in
year for under-reporting
The company, protest- January a storage facility
its assets for 13 years and
ing the assessment, also of similar capacity to Cale-
found out documentation
filed a lawsuit against donia Energy Partners
discrepancies between
the county in December, in Simpson County. The
the company’s federal
which is ongoing, Alston company was sold at $173
said. On behalf of the million, for a price of $8 and county reports. For
company, he said he has million per BCF (billion example, the company’s
argued with the county cubic feet), which is used asset list in 2018 shows it
over the issue for about to measure a facility’s cav- owned 10 wells, instead of
the past 18 months. ity capacity, he said. the nine wells it had been
The company, valued “We’ve got 20 BCFs in reporting to the county
at $101 million in 2006, Caledonia. That’s $160 since 2006, The Dispatch
entered a 10-year fee-in- million, not $11 million,” reported.
lieu agreement with the he said. “You do the Alston said he is un-
county, which generated math.” aware of any underreport-
$500,000 in annual taxes Alston rejected An- ing and does not believe
(one-third of what it would drews’ cost-based assess- that has ever happened.
have otherwise paid) ment, claiming it is based Andrews declined to com-
while the agreement last- on the original equipment ment further on the issue,
ed. Following its expira- cost, which he believes citing concerns about the
tion, the company began should be lower due to ongoing lawsuit.

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SEC Commissioner Greg Sankey speaks during a press conference after it was announced that the Southeastern Conference Tournament was canceled due to Coronavirus con-
cerns on March 12 at Bridgestone Arena in Nashville, Tenn.,

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS — might call off their sea- rest of Conference USA is uled to meet Tuesday, a missioner Greg Sankey canceled,” the president
sons and explore the pos- going forward with plans person familiar with the posted on Twitter. ”Can tweeted.
President Donald sibility of spring football. to play. meeting told AP condition we play? I don’t know. We That didn’t help the
Trump on Monday joined The Mountain West A Big Ten spokes- of anonymity because the haven’t stopped trying.” Mountain West, which
a U.S. senator and a num- became the second con- man said no votes on fall meeting was not being A growing number of announced all fall sports
ber of coaches calling to ference in the NCAA’s sports had been taken by made public, athletes have spoken out including football were
save the college football Football Bowl Subdivison its presidents and chan- The powerful South- about saving the season, postponed. Though Air
season from a pandem- to do just that, joining the cellors as of Monday eastern Conference made with Clemson star quar- Force would be permitted
ic-forced shutdown as Mid-American Confer- afternoon. The confer- clear it was not ready to terback Trevor Lawrence the opportunity to play
supporters pushed the ence in giving up hope on ence’s athletic directors shutter its fall season. among a group posting to the other service acade-
premise that the players playing any sports in the were scheduled to meet “Best advice I’ve re- Twitter with the hashtag mies, Army and Navy.
are safer because of their first semester. Back east, later in the day, but it’s ceived since COVID-19: #WeWantToPlay. Trump Old Dominion dropped
sport. Old Dominion canceled the university presidents ‘Be patient. Take time threw his support behind out earlier in the day. The
There was speculation fall sports, too, becoming who will have the final when making decisions. them Monday. Virginia school, a relative
two of the five most pow- the first school in college say on whether football This is all new & you’ll “The student-athletes newcomer to major col-
erful conferences — the football’s highest tier to is played. In the Pac-12, gain better information have been working too lege football, canceled fall
Big Ten and the Pac-12 break from its league; the presidents were sched- each day,’” SEC Com- hard for their season to be See FOOTBALL, 2B


Starkville Academy softball rockets past Hebron Christian Former MSU standouts
they needed.
Sure, Hebron helped
younger — are starting
to catch on to his offen-
Koiva’s arm, the Vols al-
lowed four straight runs
Moreland, Woodruff
PHEBA — After the
out with a grab bag of
miscues — allowing a bat-
sive philosophy: swing
aggressively with no
and let the contest con-
thriving in truncated
Starkville Academy soft-
ball team stranded two
ter to reach on a dropped
third strike, a hit by pitch
strikes or one strike and
protect with two. Above,
“We’re still learning
the game within the
MLB season
runners in the top of the and an error were some all just put the ball in play game — the little things,” BY GARRICK HODGE run walk off shot in the
third inning of Monday’s of them — but Starkville and make opposing play- Berryhill said. “We don’t ninth inning.
game at Hebron Chris- Academy came out of the ers get you out, Berryhill understand all that yet.” Meanwhile, Milwau-
tian School, the Volun- fourth inning with a 6-2 stresses. Hebron coach Rease Former Mississippi
kee Brewers ace Brandon
teers’ Browning Hughes lead and all the momen- A combined 50 runs Gairhan credited his Ea- State standout Mitch
Woodruff has continued
gathered her teammates tum they could ask for. in their past two contests gles (1-3) for making a Moreland is delivering
for the Boston Red Sox to assert his dominance
in the visiting dugout. So it wasn’t surprising — Starkville Academy run in the fifth inning,
so far in Major League on the
“‘We’re still in this,’” when the Vols came back won 34-14 at Oak Hill but naturally, he wished
Baseball’s truncated sea- mound,
the sophomore second out for the top of the fifth, Academy on Thursday it had come before things
son. pitching to
baseman reminded the scored nine more runs — is a good sign the Vols went south.
Through Sunday’s a 2.53 ERA
Vols, who trailed 2-1. and effectively put the are achieving what their “If we would have
games, the 6-foot-3, in 21.1
“We’re not out of it.’” game away. Starkville coach wanted. stopped the snowball ef-
fect those two innings be- 245-pound first baseman innings
Starkville Academy Academy (3-2) beat He- But Berryhill said
fore, we would have been has been a force offen- with 26
quickly proved her right. bron 16-6 on the run rule some of the minor things
right in it,” Gairhan said. sively for the Red Sox in strikeouts.
Hughes said her team in six innings to claim its he wants his team to do Moreland
Still, he’s happy to see 2020 in just 10 games, Wood r u f f
gets motivation from ev- third straight win. aren’t quite there yet.
Hebron’s offense rounding hitting .323 with six sits with a
ery run it scores, so when “One’s an accident,” Take the bottom of the
into form. The Eagles fi- home runs, 12 RBI and 1-1 record this season.
Fallon Parker led off the Vols coach Lee Berry- fifth, which Starkville
nally looked capable at the seven runs scored. Mo- New York Yankees
fourth with a single and hill said. “Two’s lucky. Academy entered with a
plate Friday in their lone reland had his best game reliever Jonathan Holder
scored after Hebron’s Three’s a winning 15-2 lead. Instead of clos- of the season on Sunday
catcher misfired trying to streak.” ing out the game on the win, a 7-1 victory over Cal- is having a magnificent
houn Academy, and Gair- against the Toronto Blue start for the Yankees
catch Parker stealing, the Berryhill said his hit- 10-run mercy rule right Jays, hitting two home
game was tied and the ters — many of them are then and there and pre- han hopes to see more of with a pristine earned
runs that include a two-
Vols had the jump-start Hughes’ grade level or serving pitcher Calliope See SOFTBALL, 2B See MLB, 2B
2B TUESDAY, AUGUST 11, 2020 The Dispatch •

Phillies hit 5 homers to back Aaron Nola, beat Braves 13-8

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS August 20, 2019. bring ladders to peek into the a pretty big hurdle, but if you Snitker said there’s still hope
Phillies manager Joe Girardi ballpark and others sit on lawn can keep a game doable or rel- he pitches this season.
PHILADELPHIA — Aar- said he removed Nola because chairs. They watch the game on atively close in this ballpark, it’s Phillies: RHP David Robert-
on Nola got enough run sup- there have been many injuries a television hanging on a brick one of those places that you nev- son and LHP Ranger Suárez
port that even another dismal to pitchers across the majors. wall in Ashburn Alley out in er know what might happen. It are throwing at the team’s
performance by the bullpen “My job is to protect players left-center field. can be haunted here sometimes complex in Clearwater, Flori-
couldn’t ruin. from themselves,” he said. “I Gregorius made it 10-1 in that ninth inning. It was good da. Robertson, a former closer,
Didi Gregorius hit a grand feel bad for pulling him.” during a seven-run second in- to see them come back and is returning from Tommy John
slam, Bryce Harper blasted a The Phillies had lost Nola’s ning that chased Newcomb. show some life. You just never surgery. Suárez tested positive
three-run shot and the Phila- last nine starts, scoring only 27 Quinn started the inning know.” for COVID-19 before the sea-
delphia Phillies beat the Atlanta runs combined in those games. with a liner out to left. After son. ... Harper said he’s fine af-
Braves 13-8 Monday night, giv- Strikeout machine ter getting hit on the right hand
Roman Quinn, Jean Segura Realmuto’s RBI single ended
ing Nola his first win in nearly Nola has 14 double-digit by a pitch. The ball hit part of
and J.T. Realmuto added solo Newcomb’s night, Gregorius
a year. strikeout games in his career a protective covering he wears.
shots for Philadelphia, which launched Robbie Erlin’s first
Nola (1-1) allowed one run, and two in a row for the second Harper stayed in the game.
bounced back after getting pitch into the right-field bleach-
two hits and struck out 10 in time. He fanned 12 in a 3-1 loss
eight innings. He threw just swept in Sunday’s doublehead- ers for his sixth career slam.
89 pitches but was denied an er to earn a split of the four- Newcomb surrendered eight to the Yankees last Wednesday. Up next
opportunity for his first career game series. runs and six hits in 1 1/3 in- Braves: RHP Touki Tous-
complete game in his 130th The Phillies jumped on nings. Franchise first saint (0-0, 6.08 ERA) starts
start. Two relievers gave up sev- Braves lefty Sean Newcomb Travis d’Arnaud hit a solo The Phillies had four hom- Tuesday night in New York and
en runs in the ninth. (0-2) in the first when Harp- homer off Nola. Johan Camargo ers and scored 10 runs within LHP Jordan Montgomery (1-1,
“Obviously, I wanted to,” er drove a 3-1 pitch way out to connected off Nick Pivetta, who the first two innings of a game 5.59) goes for the Yankees in
Nola said about finishing the right-center into Atlanta’s bull- yielded six runs and recorded for the first time in club history, the opener of a two-game inter-
game. “I understand where pen, setting off air horns and just one out in the ninth. Austin according to Elias Sports Bu- league set.
they’re coming from, for sure.” cow bells from fans gathered Riley hit a two-run shot off Trev- reau. Phillies: RHP Zack Wheel-
Nola said he would’ve fought outside the stadium. or Kelley before the side-wind- er (2-0, 2.08) takes the mound
harder to stay in the game if it The group, which calls it- ing righty got the final out. Trainer’s room against Orioles RHP Alex Cobb
were 2-1 or 3-1. The ace right- self the “Phandemic Krew,” “They keep banging away Braves: LHP Cole Hamels (1-1, 2.51) in the start of a three-
hander was 0-5 in nine starts has grown from a few people and coming back,” Braves man- (shoulder) still hasn’t thrown game interleague series Tues-
since his last win at Boston on to more than 30. Some folks ager Brian Snitker said. “It was off a mound but manager Brian day.

Continued from Page 1B
the same from his team. was its best unit in its first three (Fulgham was OK.) said Eaton, a junior who drove Starkville Academy also has
“I did like to see them fight games, it was more than lack- Gairhan also said he didn’t in Hebron’s first two runs at the a quick turnaround, hosting
back at that one point,” he said ing Monday. Time after time, fly like how the team watched too plate. Kirk Academy at 6 p.m. today.
of the fifth-inning comeback. balls clanked off gloves; ground many Koiva pitches sail by for Eaton said hitting her tar- The Vols can win their fourth
“Even though it was a little balls rolled away from fielders. strikes and lamented the strug- gets is one of the main things straight and build on a sudden
too late, at least we tried to put One high fly into right center gles of Eagles starter Aubrey she wants to improve, and Gair- momentum swing that doesn’t
something together — bet- glanced off center fielder Paityn Eaton and reliever Reese Wil- han hopes that betterment and come around too often.
ter than just completely going Fulgham’s glove and hit her in liams to hit their spots from the more can be delivered in time “It’s great,” Hughes said.
down.” the face, allowing two runs to circle. for today’s home game against “It’s been a while since we’ve
But while the Eagles’ fielding score and causing a brief delay. “It was a tough game today,” Kemper Academy at 6 p.m. had that streak.”

Continued from Page 1B
sports less than a week af- baugh wrote. be completely safe — tive for people who want said only an NBA-type healthy for young people,
ter C-USA set out a plan to Nebraska coach Scott that’s absolutely true; it’s college football to happen bubble can really protect she said.
play a football season. Frost made similar claims always true,” he wrote. whether to score politi- college athletes more “The worry with the
“We concluded that the and said if the Big Ten “But the structure and cal points or for revenue than the general popula- U.S. is, and this is some-
season — including travel doesn’t play, that might discipline of football pro- purposes,” said Zachary tion and keep the season thing I put to the sports as
and competition — posed not stop the Cornhuskers. grams is very likely safer Binney, an epidemiologist from being disrupted by well, we all do want sports
too great a risk for our “Our university is com- than what the lived expe- with Oxford College at the virus. back, but it’s going to be
student-athletes,” ODU mitted to playing no mat- rience of 18- to 22-year- Emory University. “But “If we’re going to try incredibly aggravating if
President John Broderick ter what, no matter what olds will be if there isn’t a I’ve yet to see anyone of and minimize the risk of we try and bring it back
said. that looks like and how season.” them do it with actual the virus, it’s really that and we have to cancel the
Michigan coach Jim that looks,” Frost said. Michigan’s situation data. the setting of the country season because it’s not
Harbaugh took a different “We want to play no mat- falls in line with what “Estimate the risk for as whole is the issue, not working,” she said. “And
stand, saying the Wolver- ter who it is or where it is.” many medical staffers are me of what would have really actually the sport,” that it delays us for yet
ines have shown that play- Ohio State coach Ryan seeing on their campuses. happened with these stu- said Adalja, a member of
another year and we can’t
ers can be safe after they Day said the Buckeyes “We’ve seen it spread dents were they not to the NCAA’s COVID-19
have any sports for the
return to school. He cited might look elsewhere thus far within room- play college football ver- advisory panel.
rest of the year because
Michigan’s COVID-19 for games, too, and Penn mates and outside of sus what’s going to hap- The number of cas-
our virus outbreak is too
testing stats, including State coach James Frank- our facilities primarily. pen to them if they do? es per day has declined
11 positives out of 893 uncontrollable.”
lin on Twitter implored We haven’t seen a lot of That’s actually a really recently, but not for
administered to the mem- Big Ten leaders to have spread within athletic fa- complicated, really diffi- long enough to say the Adalja said the window
bers of the football pro- patience, delay and seek cilities themselves,” said cult question to answer. pandemic has been con- for a college football sea-
gram and none in the last clarity. Dr. Kyle Goerl, medical I don’t think we know for trolled, said Lucia Mul- son is closing.
353 tests. Sen. Ben Sasse, a director at Kansas State. sure.” len, an epidemiologist and “Because of the fact
“I’m not advocating Nebraska Republican, Doctors and epidemi- The number of con- analyst for the Johns Hop- that we cannot solve these
for football this fall be- picked up on the saf- ologists outside of college firmed infections in kins University Center for simple problems in a larg-
cause of my passion or er-with-football theme in sports are less convinced the U.S. is more than 5 Health Security. er community of testing,
our players desire to play a letter to the presidents that big-time college foot- million, the most in the Mullen hears echos tracing and isolating,”
but because of the facts and chancellors of the Big ball programs decrease world. of the nation’s debate Adalja said. “If we can’t
accumulated over the Ten. the risk of getting and Dr. Amesh Adalja, a se- over reopening schools solve those problems
last eight weeks since “Life is about tradeoffs. spreading COVID-19. nior scholar at the Johns in the case made by foot- there, it’s going to be very
our players returned to There are no guarantees “This is a very conve- Hopkins University Cen- ball players and coaches. hard to do that in a college
campus on June 13,” Har- that college football will nient, self-serving narra- ter for Health Security, Structure and support is campus atmosphere.”

Continued from Page 1B
run average of zero, not allowing a single Through 15 games, Adam Frazier Graveman was recently placed on the Dakota Hudson. Considering the Car-
run in 6.2 innings of work. The former is batting .177 with two home runs and 10-day IL by Seattle and will miss an un- dinals have only played five games this
MSU breakout has struck out six batters four RBI for the Pirates. specified amount of time. season due to multiple postponed games
in 2020. Seattle Mariners pitcher Kendall In other news, outfielder Hunter Ren- because of excessive players testing
Moving from one reliever to the next, Graveman started two games for the froe has clubbed two home runs and positive for COVID-19, Hudson has only
Pittsburgh’s Chris Stratton has also lim- Seattle Mariners this season and struck driven in nine runs for the Tampa Bay made one start this year. Should the Car-
ited opponents’ bats, delivering a 2.89 out 10 batters in 8.2 innings of work Rays in 15 games thus far. dinals return to action Friday against
ERA with 13 strikeouts in 9.1 innings of while also allowing eight runs. Unfor- It’s been a long wait to return to the the Chicago White Sox, it is still unclear
work in 2020. tunately for the former MSU standout, mound for St. Louis Cardinal pitcher when Hudson will next take the mound.
The Dispatch • TUESDAY, AUGUST 11, 2020 3B

AP study: MLB average salary under $1.3M; Scherzer tops list

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS der the formula agreed down from $4,375,486 at roster expansion to an million. The union fought lan Arenado ($12.96 mil-
to in March by MLB and the start of the 2019 sea- active limit of 30 per team to keep the prorated pay lion), Houston second
NEW YORK — Ma- the union, a figure the son. at the season’s start, add- called for in the March baseman José Altuve
jor League Baseball’s union wound up keeping Unhappy with flatten- ing more major leaguers deal, while MLB argued it ($12.63 million), Astros
eye-popping salaries during bitter negotiations ing salaries during the making the $563,500 needed additional cuts to pitcher Justin Verlander
took an astonishing dive that failed to produce an first four years of a col- minimum or close to it. play in empty ballparks. ($12 million) and Na-
during the coronavirus agreement. Commission- lective bargaining agree- There were 1,007 players As a result, MLB called tionals pitcher Stephen
pandemic to their lowest er Rob Manfred unilater- ment that runs to Decem- on opening-day rosters for the shortest schedule Strasburg ($11.7 mil-
level in nearly a quar- ally announced a 60-game ber 2021, players spoke and injured lists, up from since 1878. lion).
ter-century, according to regular-season schedule even before the curtailed 878 last year. Los Angeles Dodgers Each player’s figure
a study by The Associated that started four months season of seeking large Scherzer’s $210 mil- pitcher Clayton Kershaw includes his adjusted
Press. late on July 23, down from changes. Talks figure to lion, seven-year contract was second on the open- 2020 salary plus a prorat-
Washington pitcher the normal 162 games for be the most contentious includes a $50 million ing day list at $16.3 mil- ed share of his signing
Max Scherzer topped the each team. since the 1994-95 strike, signing bonus — baseball lion, boosted by a $23 mil- bonus. For players such
shortened season’s list at Salaries averaged the last shortened sea- signing bonuses are dis- lion signing bonus. as Scherzer, parts of sal-
$17.8 million, his income $1,295,942 on expanded sons before this one. tinct from salaries and not Los Angeles Angels aries deferred without
partially protected by a opening-day rosters after Even with contracts subject to reduction. His outfielder Mike Trout interest are discounted
huge signing bonus. That prorated pay was factored at full value and project- $35 million salary, which was third at $15.8 million, to present-day value.
is the lowest amount for in, according to the AP ed for 25-man active is entirely deferred, was followed by San Diego The player pool includes
baseball’s highest-paid study. That must feel like rosters, this year’s aver- sliced to $12.96 million. shortstop Manny Macha- Minnesota pitcher Mi-
player since Los Angeles a throwback paycheck, age of $4,520,010 would MLB’s initial proposal do ($15.1 million), Hous- chael Pineda, who has a
Dodgers pitcher Kevin similar to a vintage jer- have represented just a in late May would have cut ton pitcher Zack Greinke guaranteed contract and
Brown made $15.7 million sey -- it’s the lowest av- 3.1% increase over 2016′s the highest-paid stars the ($14.1 million), New York started the season on
in 2000. erage in the AP’s annual $4,381,980. most, and Scherzer’s 2020 Yankees pitcher Gerrit the restricted list while
Players receive about opening-day study since Part of the drop in the salary would have been Cole ($13.3 million), Col- completing a suspension
37% of their 2020 pay un- $1,176,967 in 1996 and average was caused by reduced to about $4.85 orado third baseman No- for a banned diuretic.

Comics & Puzzles

Dear Abby
EAR ABBY: do to erase their she likes, books she reads
My wife and biases. From or what she did the previous
I have been your description, weekend. Her answers are
together since we you have done usually short and without
were 16, married enough good elaboration. I even share with
for 25 years. Her deeds for your her things that I do in my life,
parents took me in-laws to have but never once in the five years
in as a teenager, shown them the I have known her, has she ever
and her family has kind of person initiated a conversation with
been my family you are. me or asked me about my life.
ever since. You have She acts differently with other
I’m the kind mentioned only male co-workers. She does
ZITS of person who your brother-in- things for them, smiles at them
loves everyone law the felon and and seems genuinely inter-
equally. I will bend his radicalized ested in their conversation. It
over backward for daughter. Where really stings every time I see
someone in need does the rest of her socialize with others and
and have done
Dear Abby the family stand ignore me. What can I do to get
so for my wife’s on this? If they out of this psychological rut I
family many times. are joining in and allowing you am in? — STUCK IN ILLINOIS
Over the last few years, to be isolated, quit trying to DEAR STUCK: Your co-work-
my wife’s brother, nephew and impress them. Instead, spend er may have picked up on the
niece have turned against me. your time with people who fact that you are attracted to
They’ve called me controlling, like, understand and accept her and it is not reciprocated,
hateful and racist. I am none you for who you are and don’t which is why she keeps your
of those. I am, though, a law look back. Your brother-in-law relationship strictly formal and
enforcement officer and a and his kids will come looking work-related. I am sure this
GARFIELD Christian. My wife’s brother is a for you as soon as they need stings, and for that you have
convicted felon, and her niece something else from you, but my sympathy.
went to one of those anti-every- when they do, I sincerely hope You now must do what
thing colleges. you’ll resist the temptation to everyone else in your situation
This has created a rift in the buy your way back in. does, which is concentrate
family and caused my wife and DEAR ABBY: I work closely on meeting women who are
me to feel hated and isolated, with a woman who is 21 years available. You are not going to
which has ruined family gath- younger than I. We are both find what you’re looking for in
erings and holidays. How can I single. Because of our age your workplace. What’s going
fix this? What can I do to help difference and professional on is not healthy for you or
them see me for who I am, relationship I am not looking to conducive to a productive work
instead of their biases based date her. However, over the last environment. If you can’t quell
on my religion and occupation? couple years I have developed that crush on her, you may
— REALLY NOT LIKE THAT romantic feelings for her. have to change jobs so you
DEAR REALLY NOT: There I converse with her by won’t have to work so closely
CANDORVILLE is nothing you can or should asking questions about movies with her — or at all.

TODAY’S BIRTHDAY way to enlightenment — light- more like just part of making
(Aug.11). You care deeply, so ening up. yourself into the person you
you involve yourself deeply, but TAURUS (April 20-May 20). want to be. Thinking about it
not with everything, only with You’ll be conducting experi- this way is energizing.
things that are inherently mean- ments today. You may feel like LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). Solo
ingful and/or part of a larger you’re all over the place, but goals should not be cake-sized.
mission. You’ll gain fans of your there’s a great deal of cohesion It will take you so long to eat
work, which makes people’s in your actions because it’s all the whole thing that by the time
lives better. You’ll turn attention coming from you. you get midway through, it will
into the means to spoil your GEMINI (May 21-June already be stale. Make your
family in some ways and give 21). You do a job justice by personal goals small as a cake
unforgettable experiences. embracing the planning phase pop and life will be sweet.
BABY BLUES Gemini and Cancer adore you. of it. Take all the time you need. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22).
Your lucky numbers are: 5, 33, Then, when the actual events There’s no one-size-fits-all route
59, 2 and 18. are upon you, you’ll be cool, to success. Some learn the
ARIES (March 21-April 19). calm and collected, ever-confi- most through reading; others
To think in terms that are overly dent that your vision is coming have to get elbow-deep into proj-
profound is to push fun away together. ects and really understand them
from yourself. The good news CANCER (June 22-July 22). from the ground level. You’ll find
is that getting the fun back is You used to think of something your style and work it.
easy; it also happens to be the as hard work and now you see it LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23).
When you repeatedly try a thing
and somehow it just keeps
not working out, do you need
persistence or change? Much
depends on the feeling you get
and the spirit of your attempts.
21). Once the work is out of
your hands, it becomes a mirror
in which your current standard
of output is reflected. This is
why it will be well worth the ex-
tra time it takes to double- and
triple-check your work.
21). You are unique, and the
way you do things cannot be
duplicated by anyone else. Sure,
you could get a replacement to
fill in, but it just wouldn’t be the
same. Your loved ones know
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan.
19). If you know you don’t care
about something, what is it
doing on your to-do list? Go
through your various projects,
possessions and responsibil-
ities and determine what is
relevant to who you are today.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb.
18). How are you talking to
yourself these days? Self-talk
is a behavior. It’s hard to see it
that way because it is not evi-
denced so clearly in action. And
FAMILY CIRCUS yet, to an astute and soulful
observer, of course, it is.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March
20). Do not debate with your-
self; rather, see what needs
to be done and then jump in
and start doing it immediately.
Things either come together
quickly, or you figure out they
are not worth your time.

4B TUESDAY, AUGUST 11, 2020 The Dispatch •
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be received by the Board of Su- to complete the work. this form. Bids may be submit-

Ads appear in The Commercial Dispatch,

pervisors of Oktibbeha County,
Mississippi at the Oktibbeha
County Court House, 108 East
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ically submitted at

The Starkville Dispatch and Online

Main Street Starkville, Missis-
sippi 39759 until 10:00 A.M.
Thursday, September 10th,
Bid I: Furnish and install 4” www.pritchardengineeringplans.
wide thermoplastic traffic stripe com under the project page. No
(skip yellow) (90 mil) in accord- oral, telegraphic, telephonic, or
2020 for miscellaneous county ance with Section S-621 of the e-mail proposals will be con-
road and bridge repair at which
time they will be publicly
To place ads starting at only $12,
Standard Specifications for sidered. For sealed bids, the
State-Aid Road and Bridge Con- current Certificate of Respons-
opened and read 662-328-2424 or visit
struction, latest edition. ibility Number of the bidder
shall appear on the outside of
Bid A: Furnish and install soil- Bids shall be based on a rate each sealed envelope contain-
cement base stabilization for ing a proposal, said envelope
county roadways THEinDISPATCH
accord- nper mile and shall include all
materials n TUESDAY,
and labor necessary beingAUGUST 11, 2020
plainly marked n 5B
Bid for
ance with Section S-308-A and to complete the work. Oktibbeha County Road and
S-308-B of the Standard Spe- Bridge Repair. If submitting
cifications for State-Aid Road $__/ PER MILE electronically, please include
and Bridge Construction, latest this information on a cover
Legal Notices Legal Notices Legal Notices Legal Notices
edition. Application rate is LegalJ:Notices
Bid Furnish and install 4” Legal Notices
page with your bid submission.

39.71 pounds per square yard wide thermoplastic traffic stripe
IN THE SPECIAL COURT OF EM- IN THE CHANCERY COURT OF IN THE CHANCERY COURT OF for 8 inch incorporation depth (continuous yellow) (90 mil) in Each Bid must be accompan-
INENT DOMAIN LOWNDES COUNTY, MISSIS- LOWNDES COUNTY, MISSIS- over 22 feet roadway width. accordance with Section S-621 ied by a bid bond/security de-
LOWNDES COUNTY, MISSIS- SIPPI SIPPI of the Standard Specifications posit or certified check in an
Call us: 662-328-2424 SIPPI
Bids shall be based on a rate
per mile and shall include all
for State-Aid Road and Bridge
Construction, latest edition.
amount equal to 5% of the bid,
payable to Oktibbeha County
COLUMBUS REDEVELOPMENT TATE OF WILLIAM DAVID PLAINTIFF materials and labor necessary as bid security. In the event
Legal Notices AUTHORITY PLAINTIFF PLYLER, DECEASED to complete the work. Bids shall be based on a rate that an electronic bid is submit-
VS. per linear foot and shall in- ted, a copy of the bid bond
The following vehicle has been VS. CAUSE NO.: 2020-0136-JNS $__/ PER MILE clude all materials and labor must be included with the sub-
abandoned at Shelton's Tow- CAMERON COLEMAN DEFEND- necessary to complete the mission. If submitting electron-
ing, 1024 Gardner Blvd., IRENE COBB, ET AL. DEFEND- MARY ANN PLYLER, ADMINIS- ANT Bid B: Mill existing asphalt work. ically, a hard copy of all bid
Columbus, MS 39702. ANTS TRATRIX and/or DBST and furnish and documents must be provided
CAUSE NO. 2020-0273 install soil-cement base stabil- $__/ PER LINEAR FOOT within 3 business days if re-
RE: 2002 Jeep Liberty NO. 2019-0005-ED2 SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION ization for county roadways in quested after the bid opening.
VIN# 1J4GK58K82W245182 SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION accordance with Section S-308- Bid K: Furnish and install ther-
ALIAS SUMMONS BY PUBLICA- THE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI A and S-308-B of the Standard moplastic legend (white) (120 John Montgomery, President
This vehicle will be put up for TION THE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI Specifications for State-Aid mil) in accordance with Sec- Oktibbeha County Board of Su-
sale on the 18th day of August, TO: All Unknown Heirs-at-Law of Road and Bridge Construction, tion S-621 of the Standard pervisors
2020 at 10:00 am at Shelton's TO: RONALD GRAY, LOUIS William David Plyler, deceased, TO: CAMERON COLEMAN who latest edition. Application rate Specifications for State-Aid
Towing, 1024 Gardner Blvd., GRAY, THE UNKNOWN HEIRS- and Any Unknown Parties In In- is not to be found in the State is 39.71 pounds per square Road and Bridge Construction, Publish Dates: August 11,
Columbus, MS 39702. AT-LAW AND DEVISEES OF THE terest of Mississippi on diligent in- yard for 8 inch incorporation latest edition. 2020 and August 18, 2020
FOLLOWING DECEASED INDI- quiry and whose post office ad- depth over 22 feet roadway
PUBLISH: 8/4 & 8/11/2020 VIDUALS: VIOLA SYKES, NOLA All Unknown Heirs-at-Law of Jef- dress is unknown. width. Bids shall be based on a rate IN THE CHANCERY COURT OF
SMITH, WALLACE GRAY, AND frey Mark Plyler, deceased, and per square foot and shall in- LOWNDES COUNTY, MISSIS-
ALL PERSONS OR ENTITIES Any Unknown Parties In In- You have been made a Defend- Bids shall be based on a rate clude all materials and labor SIPPI
Advertisement for Bid per mile and shall include all necessary to complete the
HAVING OR CLAIMING A LEGAL terest ant in the suit filed in this
OR EQUITABLE INTEREST IN Court by Chyna Marchbanks materials and labor necessary work. IN THE MATTER OF THE ES-
Elevator Upgrade for Education to complete the work.
CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY LOC- You have been made a defend- seeking custody of the minor TATE OF WILLIAM DAVID
Building $___/ PER SQUARE FOOT
ATED IN BLOCK 22 NORTH OF ant in the Petition for Adjudica- child, Camilla Coleman. PLYLER, DECEASED
MAIN STREET, AT 311 4TH AV- tion of Heirs-at-Law [Doc. No. $___/ PER MILE
Sealed Bids may be mailed to Bid L: Furnish and install 4”
ENUE NORTH, COLUMBUS, 13] filed by the Administratrix, YOU ARE SUMMONED TO AP- CAUSE NO.: 2020-0136-JNS
the Office of Purchasing or sub- Bid C: Removal of existing as- wide traffic stripe (continuous
mitted electronically via phalt pavement on county road- white) in accordance with Sec-
SIPPI 2020, seeking to determine THE PETITION FILED AGAINST NOTICE TO CREDITORS ways in accordance with Sec- tion S-619 of the Standard
the heirs-at-law of William Dav- YOU IN THIS ACTION AT 9:30
sources/purchasing/bids. The tion S-202 of the Standard Specifications for State-Aid
You have been made Defend- id Plyler, deceased, and Jef- O’CLOCK, A.M., ON THE 15TH STATE OF MISSISSIPPI
bid opening will be held in the Specifications for State-Aid Road and Bridge Construction, COUNTY OF LOWNDES
ants in a lawsuit filed in this frey Mark Plyler, deceased. DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 2020 IN
Office of Purchasing, Whitfield Road and Bridge Construction, latest edition.
Court by the Columbus Re- Other than you, the only other THE COURTROOM OF THE WEB-
Hall, Columbus, MS at 2:00 latest edition.
development Authority to con- interested parties in this ac- STER COUNTY COURTHOUSE Letters of Administration have
p.m. Monday, September 14, Bids shall be based on a rate
demn by eminent domain cer- tion are Mary Ann Plyler, Willi- IN OKOLONA, MISSISSIPPI, been granted and issued to the
2020 at which time they will be Bids shall be based on a rate per mile and shall include all
tain real property located in am Lester Plyler, Philip D. AND IN CASE OF YOUR FAIL- undersigned upon the Estate of
publicly opened and read. Spe- per square yard and shall in- materials and labor necessary
Block 22 North of Main at 311 Plyler and William Alexander URE TO APPEAR AND DEFEND, William David Plyler, deceased,
cifications may be obtained clude all materials and labor to complete the work.
4th Avenue North, Columbus, Neely. A JUDGMENT WILL BE by the Chancery Court of
from: necessary to complete the
Mississippi. The property is ne- ENTERED AGAINST YOU FOR Lowndes County, Mississippi,
cessary to renew and redevel- You are summoned to appear THE RELIEF DEMANDED IN THE work. $___/ PER MILE on the 31st day of July 2020.
Office of Purchasing
opment blighted conditions in and represent your interests COMPLAINT. This is to give notice to all per-
Whitfield Hall $__/ PER S.Y. Bid M: Furnish and install 4”
accordance with the Urban Re- against said Petition before the sons having claims against
1100 College Street, MUW wide traffic stripe (skip yellow)
newal Plan (Burns Bottom) of Honorable Joseph N. Studdard, You are not required to file an said estate to Probate and Re-
1628 Bid D: Furnish and install in accordance with Section S-
the City of Columbus, Missis- Chancellor of the 14th Chan- answer or other pleading, but gister same with the Chancery
Columbus, MS 39701 double bituminous surface 619 of the Standard Specifica- Clerk of Lowndes County, Mis-
sippi. cery District at 9:00 a.m. on you may do so if you desire.
Telephone (662) 329-7126 treatment for county roadways tions for State-Aid Road and
the 16th day of September sissippi, within ninety (90) days in accordance with Section S- Bridge Construction, latest edi- from the first publication date
You are summoned to appear 2020, at the Lowndes County Issued under my hand and the
tract_bid_search/Home/Sell 410 of the Standard Specifica- tion.
and defend against the com- Courthouse in Columbus, Mis- seal of said Court, this 29TH of this Notice to Creditors. A
On this website, once you have tions for State-Aid Road and
plaint or petition filed against sissippi, and in case of your day of July, A.D., 2020. failure to so Probate and Re-
registered as a supplier, you Bridge Construction, latest edi- Bids shall be based on a rate
you in this action at 1:30 failure to appear your interest gister said claim will forever
can find the open bid under tion. Application rate is 100.0 per mile and shall include all
o’clock p. m. on the 9th day of in this matter will not be con- CINDY E. GOODE bar the same.
“Procurement Opportunities”. gallons CRS-2P and 5.68 tons materials and labor necessary
September, 2020, in the sidered. Chancery Clerk of Lowndes
second floor courtroom of the County, Mississippi #57 stone per station for Mat to complete the work. This the 31st day of July 2020.
When searching for the con- Coat and 90.0 gallons CRS-2P
Lowndes County Courthouse in You are not required to file an
tract bid, refer to and 3.79 tons #7 stone per $___/ PER MILE
Columbus, Mississippi, and in answer or other pleading, but BY: TINA FISHER /s/ Mary Ann Plyler, Adminis-
RFX#3160003838. station for Seal Coat.
case of your failure to appear you may do so if you desire. tratrix
and defend, a judgment will be PUBLISH: 8/4, 8/11 & Bid N: Furnish and install 4”
Mississippi University for Wo- Bids shall be based on a rate wide traffic stripe (continuous
entered against you for the Issued under my hand and the 8/18/2020 PUBLISH: 8/4, 8/11 &
men reserves the right to re- per mile for a 20 ft. roadway yellow) in accordance with Sec- 8/18/2020
money or other things deman- seal of said Court, this the 7th
ject any or all bids. and shall include all materials tion S-619 of the Standard
ded in the complaint or peti- day of August 2020. IN THE CHANCERY COURT OF
tion. LOWNDES COUNTY, MISSIS- and labor necessary to com- Specifications for State-Aid
PUBLISH: 8/11 & 8/18/2020
CINDY EGGER GOODE, CHAN- SIPPI plete the work. Road and Bridge Construction, ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS
You are hereby further given CERY CLERK latest edition.
IN THE CHANCERY COURT OF (10) days prior to the date of SIPPI TATE OF STEVE ERWIN CURRY, Bids shall be based on a rate
LOWNDES COUNTY, MISSIS- the trial on September 9, DECEASED Bid E: Furnish and install hot per linear foot and shall in-
mix asphalt paving for county clude all materials and labor OKTIBBEHA COUNTY ECONOM-
SIPPI 2020, you are required to file (SEAL) IC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY
the Statement of Values pursu- BY: /s/ Shantrell W. Grander- CAUSE NO.: 2020-0055-JNS roadways in accordance with necessary to complete the
Section S-403 of the Standard work. STARKVILLE, MISSISSIPPI
PALMER HOME FOR CHILDREN ant to Miss. Code Ann. §11-27- son, D.C.
AS NEXT FRIEND AND PRESENT 7, which shall be treated as JAMIE MICHELLE CARAG, PETI- Specifications for State-Aid
Road and Bridge Construction, $__/ PER LINEAR FOOT Sealed bids for the North Star
CUSTODIAN OF THE MINOR pleadings in this action. The PUBLISH: 8/11, 8/18 & TIONER (Starkville/Oktibbeha Co.) In-
CHILD HEREIN PETITIONER date of the filing of the Com- 8/25/2020 latest edition. Material shall be
plaint herein is the 10th day of NOTICE TO CREDITORS a surface course meeting Bid O: Furnish and install traffic dustrial Park, Sign will be re-
MDOT specifications for MT- legend (white) in accordance ceived by the Oktibbeha County
VS October, 2019, and the name IN THE CHANCERY COURT OF Economic Development Author-
and address of the attorney for LOWNDES COUNTY, MISSIS- STATE OF MISSISSIPPI 9.5. with Section S-621 of the
Standard Specifications for ity (OCEDA) at their office at
DANNY DEE HARPER, JR. AND Stegall, P. O. Box 7120, Tu- Bid is for a 2 in. lift on a 20 ft. State-Aid Road and Bridge Con- 200 East Main Street, Stark-
roadway and shall include all struction, latest edition. ville, MS, until 2:00 P. M.,
UNKNOWN FATHER RESPOND- pelo, Mississippi 38802. Oth- PALMER HOME FOR CHILDREN Letters of Administration have September 10, 2020, and then
ENTS er than the Statement of Val- AS NEXT FRIEND AND PRESENT been granted and issued to the materials and labor necessary
to complete the work. Bids shall be based on a rate at said office publicly opened
ues you are not required to file CUSTODIAN OF THE MINOR undersigned upon the Estate of and read aloud.
CAUSE NO. 2020-0264 an Answer or other pleading CHILD HEREIN PETITIONER Steve Erwin Curry, deceased, per square foot and shall in-
but you may do so if you de- by the Chancery Court of $__/ PER MILE clude all materials and labor
necessary to complete the This project includes all items
SUMMONS sire. MEGAN ELIZABETH MERRITT Lowndes County, Mississippi, related to the construction of
(Service by Publication) AND JUSTIN MATTHEW on the 29th day of June 2020. Bid F: Furnish and install HP- work.
10x42 piles in accordance with sign located at the North Star
Issued under my hand and the BRANCH CO-PETITIONERS This is to give notice to all per- Industrial Park.
THE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI seal of said Court, this 30th sons having claims against Section S-803 of the Standard $__/ PER SQUARE FOOT
day of July, 2020. VS said estate to Probate and Re- Specifications for State-Aid
Road and Bridge Construction, Proposals shall be good for a The above general outline of
TO: JOHNETTE COLLEEN FAIR- gister same with the Chancery features of the work does not
LEY whose address, PO Box TERESA BARKSDALE, CLERK UNKNOWN PUTATIVE FATHER Clerk of Lowndes County, Mis- latest edition. Length = 20 ft. period of 180 days from date
of signing. in any way limit the responsibil-
and whereabouts is unknown SPECIAL COURT OF EMINENT RESPONDENT sissippi, within ninety (90) days ity of the Contractor to perform
after diligent search and inquiry DOMAIN, from the first publication date $__/ PER EACH
Plan Holders are required to all work and furnish all labor,
LOWNDES COUNTY, MS CAUSE NO. 2020-0260 of this Notice to Creditors. A equipment and materials re-
TO: DANNY DEE HARPER, JR. failure to so Probate and Re- Bid G: Furnish and install HP- log-in or register for an ac-
whose address, PO Box and BY: Ann Marie Langford, D.C. SUMMONS gister said claim will forever 10x42 piles in accordance with count to view or order bid docu- quired by the specifications
Section S-803 of the Standard ments at www.pritchardengin- and the drawings referred to
whereabouts is unknown after (Service by Publication) bar the same. therein.
diligent search and inquiry Publish: 8/4, 8/11, Specifications for State-Aid Bid docu-
8/18/2020 THE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI This the 27th day of July 2020. Road and Bridge Construction, ments are non-refundable and
TO: UNKNOWN FATHER, whose latest edition. Length = 30 ft. must be purchased through the CERTIFICATE OF RESPONSIBIL-
website. Questions regarding ITY: Each contractor submit-
address, PO Box and where- IN THE CHANCERY COURT OF TO: UNKNOWN PUTATIVE FATH- /s/ Jamie Michelle Carag
abouts is unknown after dili- LOWNDES COUNTY, MISSIS- ER, whose address, PO Box $__/ PER EACH website registration and online ting a bid in excess of
orders please contact Plan $50,000.00 must show on his
gent search and inquiry SIPPI and whereabouts is unknown PUBLISH: 8/11, 8/18, & bid and on the face of the en-
after diligent search and inquiry 8/25/2020 Bid H: Furnish and install 4” House at 662-407-0193. For
wide thermoplastic edge stripe questions related to the con- velope containing the bid, his
You have been made a Re- IN RE: ESTATE OF OLIVIA DI-
spondent in the suit filed in ANE WARD GATEWOOD, DE- You have been made a Re- (continuous white) (60 mil) in tract documents contact the of- Certificate of Responsibility
STATE OF MISSISSIPPI accordance with Section S-621 fice of Pritchard Engineering, Number, as required by Sec-
this Court by Palmer Home for CEASED spondent in the suit filed in
Children, seeking Petition for this Court by Palmer Home for
OKTIBBEHA COUNTY of the Standard Specifications Inc at (662) 324-2205, 100 Mi- tion 31-3-21 and 31-3-15, Mis-
for State-Aid Road and Bridge ley Road, Starkville, Missis- sissippi Code of 1972. If the
Termination of Parental Rights. DAVID WARD GATEWOOD, AD- Children, seeking Petition for
Termination of Parental Rights. POSALS Construction, latest edition. sippi 39759. No partial sets of bid does not exceed
drawings of project manuals $50,000.00, a notation so
You are summoned to appear Co-Petitioners other than you in MISCELLANEOUS COUNTY stating must appear on the
and defend the complaint or CAUSE NO.: 2020-00150-JNS this action are Megan Eliza- Bids shall be based on a rate will be issued.
ROAD WORK per mile and shall include all face of the envelope.
petition filed against you in this beth Merritt and Justin Mat-
action at 9:00 O’clock a.m. on NOTICE TO CREDITORS thew Branch. materials and labor necessary Proposal shall be submitted on
the 18th day of September,
Sealed or electronic bids will to complete the work. this form. Bids may be submit- Each bid must be submitted in
be received by the Board of Su- ted in person, or for those in- a sealed envelope, addressed
2020, at the Oktibbeha County STATE OF MISSISSIPPI You are summoned to appear
Courthouse in Starkville, Mis- COUNTY OF LOWNDES and defend the complaint or
pervisors of Oktibbeha County, $__/ PER MILE terested, bids can be electron- to OCEDA, 200 East Main
Mississippi at the Oktibbeha ically submitted at Street, Starkville, MS 39759.
sissippi, and in case of your petition filed against you in this County Court House, 108 East
failure to appear and defend a Letters Testamentary have action at 9:00 O’clock a.m. on Main Street Starkville, Missis- Bid I: Furnish and install 4” www.pritchardengineeringplans. Each sealed envelope contain-
judgment will be entered been granted and issued to the the 9th day of September, wide thermoplastic traffic stripe com under the project page. No ing a bid shall be clearly
against you for the money or
sippi 39759 until 10:00 A.M.
undersigned upon the Estate of 2020, at the Oktibbeha County Thursday, September 10th, (skip yellow) (90 mil) in accord- oral, telegraphic, telephonic, or marked on the outside as: BID
ance with Section S-621 of the e-mail proposals will be con- ENCLOSED “North Star Indus-
other things demanded in the OLIVIA DIANE WARD GATE- Courthouse in Starkville, Mis- 2020 for miscellaneous county trial Park, Sign” and the envel-
complaint or petition. WOOD, Deceased, by the Chan- sissippi, and in case of your Standard Specifications for sidered. For sealed bids, the
road and bridge repair at which
cery Court of Lowndes County, failure to appear and defend a time they will be publicly State-Aid Road and Bridge Con- current Certificate of Respons- ope should also bear on the
struction, latest edition. ibility Number of the bidder outside the name of the Com-
You are not required to file an Mississippi, on the 6th day of judgment will be entered opened and read aloud. pany and the Company’s ad-
answer or other pleading but August, A.D., 2020. This is to against you for the money or shall appear on the outside of
you may do so if you desire. give notice to all persons hav- other things demanded in the Bids shall be based on a rate each sealed envelope contain- dress. If forwarded by mail, the
Bid A: Furnish and install soil- per mile and shall include all ing a proposal, said envelope sealed envelope containing the
ing claims against said estate complaint or petition. cement base stabilization for bid must be enclosed in anoth-
Issued under my hand and the to Probate and Register same materials and labor necessary being plainly marked Bid for
county roadways in accord- to complete the work. Oktibbeha County Road and er envelope addressed to
seal of said Court, this the with the Chancery Clerk of You are not required to file an ance with Section S-308-A and OCEDA, 200 East Main Street.
20th day of July, 2020. Lowndes County, Mississippi, answer or other pleading but Bridge Repair. If submitting
S-308-B of the Standard Spe- $__/ PER MILE electronically, please include Any bid not received in writing
within ninety (90) days from you may do so if you desire. cifications for State-Aid Road at this office by the date and
Cindy E. Goode this date. A failure to so Pro- this information on a cover
Clerk of Lowndes County, Mis- bate and Register said claim Issued under my hand and the
and Bridge Construction, latest Bid J: Furnish and install 4” page with your bid submission. time specified will be declared
edition. Application rate is wide thermoplastic traffic stripe late. OCEDA will not be re-
sissippi will forever bar the same. seal of said Court, this the 39.71 pounds per square yard sponsible for delays in delivery.
20th day of July, 2020. (continuous yellow) (90 mil) in Each Bid must be accompan-
for 8 inch incorporation depth accordance with Section S-621 ied by a bid bond/security de- It is solely the responsibility of

Service Directory
Shantrell W. Granderson This the 6th day of August over 22 feet roadway width. the vendor that bids to reach
Deputy Clerk 2020. Cindy E. Goode of the Standard Specifications posit or certified check in an
(Seal) Clerk of Lowndes County, Mis- for State-Aid Road and Bridge amount equal to 5% of the bid, the opening on time. Any bid
Bids shall be based on a rate Construction, latest edition. payable to Oktibbeha County received after deadline will be
/s/ /S/ David Ward Gatewood sissippi per mile and shall include all returned unopened. Bids or al-
Dated: 7/24/2020 DAVID WARD GATEWOOD as bid security. In the event
Shantrell W. Granderson
materials and labor necessary Bids shall be based on a rate that an electronic bid is submit- terations by fax or phone will
to complete the work. per linear foot and shall in- ted, a copy of the bid bond not be accepted. Electronic
Publish: 7/28, 8/4 & PUBLISH: 8/11, 8/18 & Deputy Clerk
8/11/2020 8/25/2020 (Seal) clude all materials and labor must be included with the sub- bids shall be accepted, if re-
$__/ PER MILE necessary to complete the mission. If submitting electron- ceived prior to the bid date and
Dated: 07/24/2020 Promote your small business starting at only $25
Bid B: Mill existing asphalt
work. ically, a hard copy of all bid time.
One call will bring you results. and/or DBST and furnish and $__/
documents must be provided
No bidder may withdraw his bid
Publish: 7/28, 8/4 & Buildingsoil-cement
& Remodeling base stabil- CarpetPER LINEAR FOOT
& Flooring within
business days if re- Painting & Papering
662-328-2424 8/11/2020
install quested after the bid opening. within ninety (90) days after
ization for county roadways in Bid K: Furnish and install ther- the actual date of the opening
accordance with Section S-308- moplastic legend (white) (120 John Montgomery, President thereof.
A and S-308-B of the Standard mil) in accordance with Sec- Oktibbeha County Board of Su- Ext/Int Painting.
Specifications for State-Aid tion S-621 of the Standard pervisors EVIDENCE: No bid will be
Sheet Rock Hang, Finish &
opened, considered or accep-
Road and Bridge Construction, Specifications for State-Aid Repair. Pressure
latest edition. Application rate Road and Bridge Construction, Publish Dates: August 11, ted unless the aboveWashing.
is 39.71 pounds per square tionFree Estimates.
is given Ask for
as specified.
latest edition. 2020 and August 18, 2020 specials! Larry Webber,
yard for 8 inch incorporation
depth over 22 feet roadway Bids shall be based on a rate Awarding public contracts to
width. per square foot and shall in- non-resident Bidders will be on
clude all materials and labor the same basis as the non-res-
Bids shall be based on a rate necessary to complete the identSULLIVAN’S
bidder’s statePAINT
Looking for goods per mile and shall include all work.DAVID’S CARPET & contracts to Mississippi Con-
Specializing in:
materials and labor necessary tractorsSpecial
bidding Prices.
under similar
Residential Carpentry, UPHOLSTERY circumstances. In order to en-
to complete the work. $___/ PER SQUARE FOOT
CLEANING Interior & Exterior Painting.
Electrical, Painting, sure that Mississippi’s Golden
or services? Appliance Repair & Minor 1 Room − $50 662−435−6528
Rule is followed, state law re-
$___/ PER MILE Bid L: Furnish and−install
Plumbing. Free estimate. 2 Rooms $70 4” quires a non-resident bidder to
wide3+traffic stripe−(continuous Tree Services
Bid Call
C: Removal of existing as-
662−570−5570. Rooms $30 EA
white) in accordance with Sec- attach to his bid, a copy of
phalt pavement on county road- tion Rugs−Must Be Seen
S-619 of the Standard his/her resident state’s cur-
ways in accordance with Sec- Car Upholstery
Specifications Cleaning
for State-Aid rentA laws
& T pertaining to such
tion S-202 of the Standard Available
Road and Bridge Construction, state’s treatment of non-resid-
Lawn Care / Landscaping Bucket truck
ent contractors. & stump
Specifications for State-Aid latest edition.
Road and Bridge Construction,
removal. Free est.
latest edition. Bids shall be based on a rate JESSE & BEVERLY’S Each Serving
Bidder mustColumbus
deposit with
per mileServices
and shall include all his proposal,
since 1987.a Bid Senior
Bond or
disc. inCall
an Alvin
amount @
Bids shall be based on a rate materials and labor necessary Mowing, cleanup,
per square yard and shall in- to complete the work.
WORK WANTED: Licensed equal to five percent (5%) of
clude all materials and labor landscaping, sodding, his bid, payable to OCEDA,
"We’ll go out on a limb for as
& Bonded. Carpentry, minor & tree cutting. bid security. The successful
necessary to complete the $___/ PER MILE
electrical, minor plumbing, you!"
work. 662−356−6525 bidder will be required to fur-

Find it in the
insulation, painting, demo− nish a Payment Bond and Per-
Bid M: gutters
lition, Furnish and install 4”
$__/ PER S.Y. wide traffic stripe (skip yellow) SAM’S LAWN SERVICE No formance
each in the
pressure washing, land−
in accordance with Section S- amount of one hundred per-
lawn too large or too small. Work
cent fromofa the
(100%) bucket truck.
Bid D: Furnish and install scaping, cleanup work.
619 of the Standard Specifica- Insured/bonded.
find the best deals 662−242−3608.
double surface Mowing, trimming & amount.
tions for State-Aid Road and weedeating. Call Jimmy Prescott for free
treatment for county roadways Bridge Construction, latest edi-
when youwith advertise

in accordance Section S- tion.
Call 662−243−1694 Bid documents
estimate, are being made
410 of the Standard Specifica-
HILL’S PRESSURE available electronically and via
tions for shop here!
State-Aid Road and WASHING. Commercial/
Bids shall be based on a rate original paper copy (if reques-
Bridge Construction, latest edi- Residential.
tion. Application rate is 100.0 concrete,
per mile and shall include all
sidewalks & If you don’t advertise your business,
ted). Plan holders are required
to register for an account at
materials and labor necessary
gallons CRS-2P and 5.68 tons mobile washing.
to complete Free est.
the work. how are they gonna know? to
view and order Bid Documents.
#57 stone per station for Mat 662−386−8925.
Coat and 90.0 gallons CRS-2P $___/ PER MILE All plan holders are required to
and 3.79 tons #7 stone per have a valid email address for
OCEDA, 200 East Main Street.
6B Tuesday,
Any bid August
not received 11, 2020
in writing The Dispatch •
at this office by the date and
time specified will be declared
late. Notices will not be re- Medical / Dental Houses For Rent: East General Merchandise
sponsible for delays in delivery.
It is solely the responsibility of
BUSY DENTAL office has 3BR/2BA for rent in New ROOM FOR RENT,
the vendor that bids to reach
the opening on time. Any bid
opening for full time front Hope School District. FULLY FURNISHED ON THE WEB
office staff. Our office is No pets, no HUD, Credit IN WEST POINT.
received after deadline will be
returned unopened. Bids or al- seeking an individual who check. $790/mo. Includes appliances, Visit
has experience in front of- 662−386−3803. furniture & utilities.
for a printable copy of
terations by fax or phone will
not be accepted. Electronic fice. Applicant must have $400/mo. 662−295−4701
bids shall be accepted, if re- professional appearance, Houses For Rent: Other
ceived prior to the bid date and
basic understanding of these puzzles.
Too much
time. insurance, computer skills, NEAR CAFB: 3BR/2BA @
be organized and hard 525 Co−Op Rd, Columbus.

No bidder may withdraw his bid
within ninety (90) days after working. We offer a great 1600sqft, quiet area,
the actual date of the opening work environment. Columbus City Schools.
thereof. Experienced applicants ALL appliances, washer/
only. If interested please dryer, pool table, & dining
EVIDENCE: No bid will be forward resume to room furn incl. Large
opened, considered or accep- Healthylifestyle496@gmail. private lot close to golf
ted unless the above informa- course. $850/mo + dep.
tion is given as specified.
Restaurant / Hotel
Awarding public contracts to Mobile Homes for Rent
non-resident Bidders will be on
the same basis as the non-res- SUBWAY SANDWICH is now
ident bidder’s state awards hiring: Walmart location 3BR/2BA Trailer, New
contracts to Mississippi Con- #37878: Opening Shift Hope school dist. $650/
tractors bidding under similar 7am-2pm, starting $9.50. mo & $650 dep. No pets,
circumstances. In order to en- Evening Shift 2pm-9pm no drugs, no partying. Call
sure that Mississippi’s Golden starting $8.25. b/w 10a−9p. 662−386−
Rule is followed, state law re-
quires a non-resident bidder to Alabama Street #2702: 4292. NO TEXT MGS.
attach to his bid, a copy of Any Shift 9:30am-10pm.
his/her resident state’s cur- Pay rate set at interview. RV/MOBILE HOME SITE
rent laws pertaining to such Apply @ East or West Columbus or
state’s treatment of non-resid- or send application to near CAFB, Caledonia
Start your
ent contractors. schools. 601−940−1397.
Each Bidder must deposit with
his proposal, a Bid Bond or
de-cluttering by
Certified Check in an amount
equal to five percent (5%) of
his bid, payable to OCEDA, as Rentals Real Estate placing a garage Sudoku YESTERDAY’S ANSWER
bid security. The successful
bidder will be required to fur-
nish a Payment Bond and Per- Ads starting at $25
Ads starting at $25 sale ad today! Sudoku
Sudoku is a number- Yesterday’s answer
formance Bond each in the placing puzzle based on
amount of one hundred per- Commercial Property For Sale Sudoku
a 9x9 gridis a several
with num- 3 5 8 1 6 7 4 9 2
Apts For Rent: West
cent (100%) of the contract
Ads starting at... ber-placing
given numbers.puzzle
The object 7 4 9 2 8 3 5 6 1

2020 Conceptis Puzzles, Dist. by King Features Syndicate, Inc.

based onthea 9x9
MILITARY QUICK STOP for is to place numbers 1 6 2 4 9 5 8 3 7
Bid documents are being made lease or sale. High traffic
count. Busy location. 1 day $10 grid
1 to 9with
in theseveral
empty spaces 4 7 3 6 5 8 2 1 9

available electronically and via
original paper copy (if reques- Possibly some owner given
so thatnumbers.
each row, eachThe 5 2 6 3 1 9 7 4 8
ted). Plan holders are required
to register for an account at
Apartments & Houses
financing. B.F. at 662−329
−3833 or 662−889−0837. 3 day $18 object
column is
contains the1same
3x3 the
box 8 9 1 7 4 2 3 5 6
to 9 number
the empty spaces so 2 1 7 9 3 4 6 8 5 to

6 day $34
view and order Bid Documents. Houses For Sale: Other only once. The difficulty
All plan holders are required to
have a valid email address for
1 Bedrooms that each row, each
level increases from
9 3 5 8 2 6 1 7 4
column and each 6 8 4 5 7 1 9 2 3
registration. Electronic bids 2 Bedroooms House & 5 wooded acres in
Vernon, AL. Inside city Monday
3x3 boxtocontains
shall be submitted through
Price includes 4 lines of text;
Difficulty Level 8/10 3 Bedrooms limits, but with the privacy

$1/line after base cost. the same number only once. The difficulty level
Bid documents are non-refund- of living in the country.
able and must be purchased Furnished & Unfurnished Turner Hill Subdivision. Fish increases from Monday to Sunday.
through the website. Please pond, block shop bldg,
contact Plan House Printing at
(662) 407-0193 with ques-
1, 2, & 3 Baths storage bldg & large storm
Lease, Deposit
shelter. 2,100 sqft. Older
tions regarding website regis-
home, quality construction,
tration and online orders.
& Credit Check 1956, can easily be up−
OCEDA hereby notifies all Bid- dated. See North MS
ders that it will affirmatively in- Craigslist, real estate, for Ads starting at $12
sure that in any contract
entered into pursuant to this 327-8555 photos. No texts please!
Call for appointment to Motorcycles & ATVs
advertisement, disadvantaged see. $139,000.
and women’s business enter- Apts For Rent: Other
205−695−2146 2005 HONDA 250 REBEL
prises will be afforded the full
opportunity to submit bids in Black, red, and gray.
response to this invitation and Lots & Acreage 1,428 miles. $1500.
will not be discriminated 662−364−0120.
against on the grounds of race, 1.75 ACRE LOTS. Good/
color, or national origin in con- Bad Credit Options. Good
sideration for an award. credit as low as 20% down,
OCEDA reserves the right to re-
ject any bids and all bids and
$499/mo. Eaton Land,
662−361−7711. Community
waive any informality.
LOWNDES COUNTY, MS: Ads starting at $12
BY: /s/ Lynn Spruill 36 ACRES ON GATLIN RD.
OCEDA Excellent timber & building
sites. $72,000. For more Free Pets
DATES OF PUBLICATION: info, call 205−799−9846
August 11, 2020 or 205−695−2248. FREE TO good home. Male
August 18, 2020 mixed breed, brown, black,
white with 8 patch on back.

Garage Sales
Will be neutered. Does not

like cats. House trained.
Call 662−435−2722.
Lost & Found Pets
Two free signs
Call us: 662-328-2424
BROWN & White Pit Bull
Estate Sales with black collar went
General Help Wanted COLEMAN Burns Estate Sale
missing Sun. from the
Humane Society. Answers
RENTALS to the name Princess. Call
823 8th St. North
least 4 yrs. of experience. Columbus, MS 39701
Ideal candidate will have an 1 BEDROOM Fri. Aug. 14, 9am−5pm
eye for detail, be depend- Sat. Aug. 15, 9am−5pm
able, have good communic-
2 BEDROOMS Sun. Aug. 16, 1pm−5pm
ation skills, reliable trans- 3 BEDROOMS Selling contents of nice
portation & basic tools. We home and work shop,
LEASE, house is full of antique and
© The Dispatch

specialize in home remod-

els & new construction. quality used furniture,
Call 662-312-3130 for info.
DEPOSIT washer & dryer, glassware,
AND linens, kitchen items, old
collectible toys, art work,
AREA BUSINESS CREDIT CHECK records, books, clothes,
is seeking a mature, jewelry, out door items, Let us help you. Advertise here!
motivated person who
enjoys interacting with
662-329-2323 shop full of tools, 1000’s
of items, don’t miss this
people, being outdoors 2411 HWY 45 N great sale. See photos
1 Fable finish
and multitasking. Skills Call Five Questions:
related to maintaining COLUMBUS, MS Benny Shelton, Stewart’s 6 Enter a pass-
equipment and/or farm Antiques, Columbus, MS
word, say
1 Chicken
work are desired but not 662−251−1515
required. Person needs to 11 Wonderland
be flexible enough to pitch visitor
in where ever needed but
also keep their core
responsibilities in mind.
Have a rental property? Merchandise 2 Life
12 Chicago
If you enjoy a different ex- List it here for fast results. 13 1998 Usher
Ads starting at $12
perience on the regular,
meeting new people and 3 Mexico song
believe in customer
15 Cain’s mother
Houses For Rent: North Bargain Column
satisfaction this job might 16 Use a spade
be for you. STILL AVAILABLE−HOUSE VHS STORAGE BOX. VHS 4 Foley artist 17 Some amount
Please submit resume to: FOR RENT @ 56 Mason Dr. WOODEN STORAGE BOX, of
Blind Box 675 c/o The No HUD. No pets. 3BR/ 24 COUNT SLOTS WITH 4 18 Waiter’s job
Commercial Dispatch
PO Box 511
1.5BA. Col Schools. Asking
$760/mo. + Dep. $760.
5 Sonia Sotomay- 20 Garden tool
Columbus, MS 39703 662−549−9298. 662−245−3635 or 21 Squid’s squirt
22 Scarlett’s fans 19 Arbor climber
home 42 Appears 22 Makes bows
23 Extends 43 Stair part 23 Cuts drasti-
across DOWN cally
26 Autumn quaff 1 Lion features 24 Bitter brew
27 Overdue 2 Green shade 25 Not in cus-
28 That girl 3 Kitchen gadget tody
29 Completely 4 Top card 26 Cheese
30 Is furious 5 Intros choice
34 Neptune’s 6 Skier’s spot 28 Penn of “Milk”
domain 7 Surprised 30 Battle remind-
35 Scoundrel sounds ers
36 Bullring cry 8 Noble knight 31 Speckled
37 Invariable 9 Magnetite, e.g. horses
40 “Enigma 10 Annual cele- 32 Cow of ads
Variations” bration 33 Discourage
composer 14 Shaving 38 River blocker
41 Palmer, to his mishap 39 Cal. column

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