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Chords: 4000 Root-Position Triad Basics - 6 A triad is a chord composed of three notes stacked in thirds. ‘The lowest note is called the root fifth ‘The note a third above the root is called the third. Example tind ‘The note a fifth above the root is called the fifth. root A triad in which the root is the lowest note is called a root-position triad. Close position indicates containment of all chord pitches within the smallest possible interval. Diatoni Answers in this exercise are limited to diatonic close root-position triads. indicates confinement to the pitches of the prevailing key without chromatic alteration, 1. Each of the notes below is the root of a triad. Draw a note a third above each root. 2 mes 2, Each of the notes below is the root of a triad. Draw a note a fifth above each root. 2 s 3 3. Each of the notes below is the root of a triad. Draw the third and fifth above each root to create close root-position triads. 1 2 3 4 / ap ht -e 4 — —i a x 3 oe eo 4. Triad position is indicated for each of the notes below. Add notes to ereate elose root-position triads. - ae 4— a 1 eo e ath ro thn FE ph is S: s wth tira sits thin Finale Worksheet ‘Make Musie grants pennission t duplicste this worksheet fo ‘Copies may not he sold or included in any materials offered forsale tothe general publi Copyright © 2009 by MakeMusic, Inc ‘on-profit,edustional use only provided each copy includes this copyright notice. Chords: 4001 Root-Position Triad Basics - 9: A triad, in its elemental form, is a chord composed of three notes stacked in thirds. ‘The lowest note is called the root. a ‘The note a third above the root is called the third. Example 2S third ‘The note a fifth above the root is called the fifth. Net ‘A triad in which the root is the lowest note is called a root-position triad. Close position indicates containment of all chord pitches within the smallest possible interval, Diatonie indicates confinement to the pitches of the prevailing key without chromatic alteration. Answers in this exercise are limited to diatonic close reot-position triads. 1. Each of the notes below is the root of a triad. Draw a note a third above each root. 1 2 3 4 2. Each of the notes below is the root of triad. Draw a note a fifth above each root. 1 2 2 oO 3, Each of the notes below is the root of a triad, 1 Draw the third and fifth above each root to create close root-position triads. i i 4 4, Triad position is indicated for each of the notes below. Add notes to create elose root-position triads. 2 root fifth root third fifth third fifth third Fiyale® Worksheets, Copyright © 2009 by MakeMusi, Ine MalkeMusie grants permission to duplicate this worksheet for nan-pr0tt, educational use only, provided each copy includes this copyright notice Copies may not be sold o included in any materials offered forsale co the general public Chords: 4002 Root-Position Triad Basics - 6 9 A triad, in its elemental form, is a chord composed of three notes stacked in thirds. The lowest note is called the root. ‘fifth The note a third above the root is called the third. Example ‘hind The note a fifth above the root is called the fifth. Hi Avtriad in which the root is the lowest note is called a root-position triad. Close position indicates containment of all chord pitches within the smallest possible interval. Diatonie indicates confinement to the pitches of the prevailing key without chromatic alteration. Answers in this exercise are limited to diatonie close root-position triads. 1. Each of the notes below is the root of a triad. Draw a note a third above each root. 1 2 3 4 By: S 2. Each of the notes below is the root of a triad. Draw a note a fifth above each root, ! sa fe + 3. Each of the notes below is the root of a triad. Draw the third and fifth above each root to create close root-position triads. 1 2 3 4 0-4 & bS as 4, Triad position is indicated for each of the notes below. Add notes to create close root-position triads. 2 1 4 f P= root fin root third fifth third fifth third Finale Werksheets, Copyright © 2009 by MakeMusie, Ine ‘MakeMusie grants permission to duplicate this workskest for non-profit, educational use only, provided each copy includes this copyright notice, ‘Copies may'not be sold or includes in any materials offered for sale tothe general public Chords: 4003 Close Root-Position Major Triads I - 6 A root-position major triad is composed of three notes stacked in thirds. ‘The interval between the bottom two notes (root and third) is a major third (M3). PS The interval between the top two notes (third and fifth) is a minor third (m3). ‘The interval between the bottom and top notes (root and fifth) is a perfect fifth (PS). Example Answers in this exercise are limited to elose root-position major triads. 1. Create close root-position major triads using the provided notes as roots. Create the third of the triad by adding a note a M3 above the root. Create the fifih of the triad by adding a note a PS above the root (a m3 above the third). root thied fiah p. Z Example %——« e e 8 fa BN a 6 (8 68 e 2. Triad position is indicated for each of the notes below. Add notes to create close root-position major triads. ES 3 eta i a shiva thine fifth rot 5 8 t= = | ev eo sith third fi Finale* Worksheets, Copyright © 2009 by MakeMusi, tne ‘MakeMusie grams permission t duplicate this worksheet for nonprofit, edvestional use only, provides each copy includes this copyright notice. ‘Copies may not be sold or ieludea in any materials offered for ste to the general publi. Chords: 4004 Close Root-Position Major Triads I - 9 A root-position major triad is composed of three notes stacked in thirds. The interval between the bottom two notes (root and third) is a major third (M3). The interval between the top two notes (third and fifth) is a minor third (m3). The interval between the bottom and top notes (root and fifth) is a perfect fifth (PS). Example Answers in this exercise are limited to close root-position major triads. 1. Create close root-position major triads using the provided notes as roots. Create the third of the triad by adding a note a M3 above the root. Create the fifth of the triad by adding a note a PS above the root (a m3 above the third). root third fifth L ew wit opis: 2 Example a S icated for each of the notes below. Add notes to create close root-position major triads. 3 9g - tira 7 pg i S fifth third third firth Finole* Worksheets, Copyright © 2009 by MakeMusic, ne MakelMusie grants permission o duplicate this worksheet for non-pro%t, edueational use ony, provided each copy includes this copyright notice. ‘Copies may not be sold or includ in any materials offered forsale tothe general public Chords: 4005 Close Root-Position Major Triads I - 6 Aroot-position dis composed of three notes stacked in thirds. ‘The interval between the bottom two notes (root and third) is a major third (M3). The interval between the top two notes (third and fifth) is a minor third (m3). The interval between the bottom and top notes (root and fifth) is a perfect fifth (PS). Answers in this exerci ise ate limited to close root-position major triads. 1. Create close root-position major triads using the provided notes as roots. Create the third of the triad by adding a note a M3 above the root. Create the fifth of the triad by adding a note a PS above the root (a m3 above the third). root third fh ee ¢ ee al a veers e e eo — a, =— ae 2. Triad position is indicated for each of the notes below. Add notes to create close root-position major triads. 1 2 3 4 j 6 7 $= Pts oe Finale" Worksheets, Copyright © 2009 by MakeMusie, In: -MakeMusie grants permission to duplicate this worksheet For nonprofit, educational use oly, provided eack copy includes this copy ‘Copies my not be sold or ineluded in any msterins offered forsale ta the general public. Chords: 4006 Close Root-Position Major Triads II - 6 Create close root-position major triads using the provided notes as roots. Create the third of the wiad by adding a note a M3 above the root. Create the fifth of the triad by adding a note a P5 above the root (a m3 above the third). root third fifth = xz Example = aa # mH ps] 652 6 4 eo = OG Finale* Worksheets, Copyright © 2009 by MakeMusie, In. -MakeMusic grans permission to duplicate this worksheet for non-profit, edacationsl use only provided each copy ineludes this copyright notice Copies may not be sold or included in any materials offered forsale tothe general public. Chords: 4007 Close Root-Position Major Triads II - 9 Create close root-position major triads using the provided notes as roots. Create the third of the triad by adding a note a M3 above the root, Create the fifth of the triad by adding a note a PS above the root (a m3 above the third), root third Example Finale* Worksheets, Copyright © 2009 by MakeMusie, Ine ‘MakeMusie grants permission to duplicate this worksheet foriom profit, education use only, provided each copy includes this copyright notes Copies may not be sold or ineluded in any naterials offered forsale to the gener pubic. Chords: 4008 Close Root-Position Major Triads II - 6 9: Create close root-position major triads using the provided notes as roots. root third fifth Z Example Finale" Worksheets, Copyright © 2009 by MakeMasie, Tn: MalceMusie grants penmission to duplicate this worksheet for non-peot, educational use aly, provide Copies may not be sot or included in any materials offered fer sale to ach copy includes this copyright notice al public. Chords: 4009 Close Root-Position Major Triads IIT - 6 Triad position is indicated for each of the notes below. Add notes to create close root-position major triads. root third a ——= e third fin fifth third I = a 3 3 eS 13 14 +3— 1 a oT Tot sid Finale Worksheets, Copyright © 2009 by MakeMusie, Ine Make Music grants permission to duplicate this worksheet for non-profit, educational use only, provided each copy includes this copyright notice Copies may not be sold or included in any materials offered forsale othe general public Chords: 4010 Close Root-Position Major Triads ITI - 9 ‘Triad position is indicated for each of the notes below. Add notes to create close root-position major triads. root third fifth Example 22 3 ee 328 shied fat am died 7 8 SSH aif — F¥ Pape roo third an tied fia fifth third root eh iS fifth root third tied Finale® Worksheets, Copyright © 2009 by MakeMusic, Ine, 1s permission to duplicate this worksheet for non-profit, educational use only, provided each copy includes this copyright notice. ‘Copies may not be sok or inchuded in any materials offered for sale tothe gencral pie. MakeMusi Chords: 4011 Close Root-Position Major Triads IIT - 6 9: ‘Triad position is indicated for each of the notes below. Add notes to create close root-position major triads. ‘third fifth Z root Bess Example fifth third fifth third fifth root 9 Spe Ff =r ? sth sity sir wot 2 16 yg) bth - oi $ 1 Se fifth root third third 110 2009 by MakeMus iuestional use on Finale Vorksheots, Copye nls permission to duplicate this worksheet for non-prtit ‘Copies may’ not be sold or included in any mterals offered fr Name_4Q |2- Date Root-Position Triad Basics - [8 A triad is a chord composed of three notes stacked in thirds. ‘The lowest note is called the root fifth ‘The nate a third above the root is called the third. Example BS = wi - ‘The note a fifth above the root is called the fifth. a A triad in which the root is the lowest note is called a root-position triad. Close position indicates containment of all chord pitches within the smallest possible interval. Diatonic indicates confinement to the pitches of the prevailing key without chromatic alteration. Answers in this exercise are limited to diatonic close root-position triads. 1. Each of the notes below is the root of a triad, Draw a note a third above each root. 1 2 3 4 2. Each of the notes below is the root of a triad, Draw a note a fifth above cach root. 2 = 4 3. Each of the notes below is the root of a triad. Draw the third and fifth above each root to create close root-position triads. 1 2 3 4, Triad position is indicated for each of the notes below. Add notes to create elose root-position triads. 1 2 3 4 pao ge | bs ro0t Fits root thine 6 by a Be £ fit ose sith thin Finale’ Worksheets, Copyright © 2013 by MakeMsis, Ine -MkeMusie grants permission to cluplicate this worksheet for nan-prafit, educational use n'y, provided each eopy includes this copyright notice ‘Copies may not be sol or neluded i any materials offered foe sale wo the general public Name_ 401% Date. Close Root-Position Major Triads I - [8 Aroot-position major triad is composed of three notes stacke; s. ‘The interval between the bottom two notes (coot and third) isa major third (M3). oe ‘The interval between the top two notes (third and fifth) is a minor third (m3). ae ‘The interval between the bottom and top notes (root and fifth) is a perfect fifth (PS), Answers in this exercise are limited to close root-position major triads. 1. Create close root-position major triads using the provided notes as roots. Create the third of the triad by adding a note a M3 above the root. Create the fifth of the triad by adding a note a PS above the root (a m3 above the third). root third fifth é Bee | Example l a ke a a eae a= 2. Triad position is indicated for each of the notes below. Add notes to create close root-position major triads. 3 4 g fs third third ih roct 5 6 8 Bw «= 8 B sith third root Finale Worksheets. Copytiaht © 2013 by MakeMtusic, ne MakeMusicgeants permission to duplicate this worksheet for nor-orafit,edveationa wsc oly, provided each copy includes this copyright neice ‘Copies may’ not be sold or inchudcd in any materials offered forsale ta the general public Name, 4ol4 Date Close Root-Position Major Triads I - [8 Create elose root-position major triads using the provided notes as roots. Create the third of the triad by adding a note a M3 above the root Create the fifth of the triad by adding a note a PS above the root (a m3 above the third). root third fifth é BE se Example inal’ Worksheets. Copstight © 2013 by MakeMusi, Ine ‘MakeMusie prans permission i duplicate this worksheet for non-profit, eduealional use ony. provided each copy inchiles this copyright notice Copies my not be sold or ineluded in ny materials fered or ale t the general public. Name_4.015) Date Close Root-Position Major Triads IIT - [8 ‘Triad position is indicated for each of the notes below. Add notes to create close root-position major triads. root third fan Z Example =z third ath fih third oot tied third fifth fiath third root 14 root third third ie! Worksheets, Copyright © 2073 by MakeMusic Ine. ‘MakeMusic grants permission to duplicate this worksheet for nonroii.cducaional use only, provided each eopy includes this copyright notice. ‘Copies may’ at be soll o¢ include! in any’ materials offered forsale wo the general public Chords: 4100 Close Root-Position Minor Triads I - 6 A root-position minor triad is composed of three notes stacked in thirds, ; : : Ms ‘The interval between the bottom two notes (root and third) is a minor third (m3). ar ‘The interval between the top two notes (third and fifth) is a major third (M3), The interval between the bottom and top notes (root and Answers in this exercise are limited to elose root-position minor th) is a perfect fifth (PS). ds. 1. Create close root-position minor triads using the provided notes as roots. Create the third of the triad by adding a note a m3 above the root. Create the fifth of the triad by adding a note a PS above the root (a M3 above the third). root third af Example 2. Triad position is indicated for each of the notes below. Add notes to create close root-position minor triads. 1 2 ge pie oe fifth root 3 6 = = Finale® Worksheets, Copye MatkeMusie grants permission to duplicate this worksheet for nonprofit, Copies may not be sold or include in any root fifth 2009 by MakeMusic, Ine onal use only, provided each copy includes this copyright notice als offered forsale to the general public Chords: 4101 Close Root-Position Minor Triads I 9: A root-position minor triad is composed of three notes stacked in thirds. —— M3 The interval between the bottom two notes (root and third) is a minor third (m3). Eps Eb ‘The interval between the top two notes (third and fifth) is a major third (M3), ee The interval between the bottom and top notes (root and fifth) is a perfect fifth (PS) Example Answers in this exercise are limited to close root-position minor triads. 1. Create close root-position minor triads using the provided notes as roots. Create the third of the triad by adding a note a m3 above the root Create the fifth of the triad by adding a note a P5 above the root (a M3 above the third). fifth third Z Lx Example == = Ems root low. Add notes to create close root-position minor triads. 3 4 ale a fifth third 2. Triad position is indicated for each of the notes bel tied fifth fifth third Finale® Worksheets, Copssight © 2009 by MakeMusie, Ine. MalkeMusie grants permission to duplicate this worksheet for non-profit, educational use onl, provided each copy includes this copyright notice ‘Copies may not he sold a included in any materials offered for sale tothe general public. Chords: 4102 Close Root-Position Minor Triads I - 6 9: o A root-position minor triad is composed of three notes stacked in thirds, The interval between the bottom two notes (root and third) is a minor third (m3). ‘The interval between the top two notes (third and fifth) is a major third (M3), The interval between the bottom and top notes (root and fifth) is a perfect fifih (PS). swers in this exercise are limited to elose root-position minor triads. 1. Create close root-position minor triads using the provided notes as roots. Create the third of the triad by adding a note a m3 above the root. Create the fifth of the triad by adding a note a PS above the root (a M3 above the third). oot third ff ¢ ra mo Example eo Cae 1 2 2 6 $ third root fifth root 8 18 = fifth third root, fifth Finate* Worksheets, Copytight © 2009 by MakeMusi, Inc ‘Make Music grants permission to duplicate this worksheet for nonprofit, educational use only, provided exch copy includes this copyright notice. Copies may not be sold or ineluded in any materials offered forsale co the general public Chords: 4103 Close Root-Position Minor Triads II - 6 Create close root-position minor triads using the provided notes as roots. Create the third of the triad by adding a note a m3 above the root Create the fifth of the triad by adding a note a P5 above the root (a M3 above the third). root third sinh Example Makes tonal use only, provided each copy ineludes this copyright otic, Chords: 4104 Close Root-Position Minor Triads II - 9 Create close root-position minor triads using the provided notes as roots Create the third of the triad by adding a note a m3 above the root Create the fifth of the triad by adding a note a P5 above the root (a M3 above the third), root third fifth eoy Es Example == Chords: 4105 Close Root-Position Minor Triads II - 6 2: Create close root-position minor triads using the provided notes as roots. ate the third of the triad by adding # note a m3 above the root ‘eate the fifth of the triad by adding a note a P5 above the root (a M3 above the third), - root : third si Example fe ca woe p= MB=REp: © o e \ + ya ae nts permission to duplicate this worksheet form Copies miay not be sold or included Name_4 [OQ Date Close Root-Position Minor Triads II - 6 Triad position is indicated for each of the notes below. Add notes to create close root-position minor triads. Example “£ a eo root third an Pst third sith fifth third root third finn thitd fifth fifth third root third Uhird fifth Finale” Worksheets. Copyright © 2009 by MakeMusi, Ine [MakeMusie grants permission to duplicate this worksheet for non-profit, eduestionl use only. provided each eopy includes this copyright notice ‘Copies may’ aot be sold or included in any materials offered forsale to the general public Chords: 4107 Close Root-Position Major Triads III - 9 ‘Triad position is indicated for each of the notes below. Add notes to create close root-position minor triads, fifth % we fSosd root third Example | third fiat fifth thi 5 8 HES é DEN ) i root third sit third = | 58 | fifth fifth third 13 I : 8 : p fi rat third tive Finale® Worksheets, Copyright © 2009 by MakeMusi, Inc MakeMusie grants permission to duplicate this worksheet For non-pyoft, educational use ony, provided each copy includes this eopyeightnotiee Copies may not be sold or included in any materials ofered forsale t 1 publ Chords: 4108 Close Root-Position Minor Triads ITI - 6 9: Triad position is indicated for each of the notes below. Add notes to create close root-position minor triads. root tt hire fifth ¢ Example 35 mie SEGRE rss 3 third = third o third 28. fifth root fan MakeMusic grants permission to duplicate this worksbect Copies may nat he solr ine root Finale” Works Copyrighe © 2009 by Makedusie, Ine s-profil, Finale* Worksheets, Copyright © 2009 by MakeMuse, Ine ‘MakeMusie gran permission to duplicate ths worssheet for noa-pofi, educational use only provided cach copy ineludes this copyright notice, Copies may not be solé er included in any materials ofered forsale to the general public Chords: 4501 Second-Inversion Triad Basics - 9' A triad in which the fifth is the lowest note is called @ second-inversion triad, As shown in the example, a ee em oe secon-inversion triad is created by simply stacking the pitches of a root-position triad with the fifth in the bass. Example root position second inversion Answers in this exercise are limited to {tonic close-position second-inversion triads. 1, Create close-position second-inversion triads using the given notes as roots. Draw (or imagine) the third and fifth above the given root to create a preparatory root-position triad. In the blank measure, draw the root and the third exactly as they appear in the preparatory triad. Complete the triad by drawing the fifth below the root (an octave lower than the prepartory fifth). sith third rogt | third fifth root Solution Example jon second inversion 2. Triad position is indicated for each of the notes below. Add notes to create close-position second-inversion triads 1 2 3 4 — —— ae shied fifth third ‘ith fifth ‘tied third ith Finale® Worksheet, Copyright © 2009 by MakeMusie, Tc. -MakeMusie grants permission 1 duplicate this worksheet for non-profit, educational use onl, provided exch copy includes this copyright notice Copies may not be sold or included in any materials offered for sale te the general public. Chords: 4502 Second-Inversion Triad Basics - 6 9: Which the fifth is the lowest note is called a nae a A triad i second-inversion triad, As shown in the example, a root third fifth —/ root nd-inversion triad is created by simply stacking the Example JSS <8 pitches of a root-position triad with the fifth in the bass. : root position second inversion Answers in this exercise are limited to ! diatonic close-position second-inver: jon minor 1. Create close-position second-inversion minor triads using the given notes as roots. Draw (or imagine) the third and fifth above the given root to create a preparatory root-position minor triad. In the blank measure, draw the root and the third exactly as they appear in the preparatory minor triad, Complete the triad by drawing the fifth below the root (an octave lower than the prepartory fifth, fifth third woot | third fifth Example % Solution H 6 8 e root root position second inversion [=== 2. Triad position is indicated for each of the notes below. Add notes to create close-position second-inversion minor triads. 1 2 3 sees =F Ap #2 2s p= ——s— =| Sas o oe eo third sith thing sith 5 , —— oa . thd fits fh third Flaale* Worksheets, Copyright © 2009 by MakeMusie, Ine ission to duplicate this worksheet for non-prit, educational use only, provided each copy includes this copyright atic. ‘Copies may not be sold or included in any material orered for sale tothe general public. Chords: 4503 Second-Inversion Major Triads - 6 eo Create close second-inversion major triads using the provided notes as fifths. Create the root of the triad by adding a note a P4 above the fifth, Create the third of the triad by adding a note a M3 above the root. a er a pt bB i fit: ie e To oH | =< ba Es o o nee © © des this copyright notice [MakeMusie grants permission to duplicate this worksheet for non Copies may not be sold or included in Chords: 4504 Second Inversion Major Triads - 9: Create close second-inversion major triads using the provided notes as fifths. Create the root of the triad by adding a note a P4 above the fifth Create the third of the triad by adding a note a M3 above the root. ce root thind é DEMBz i phe Finale* Worksheets, Copyright © 2009 by MakeMusi MakeMusic grants permission to duplicate this worksheet far non-peaft, educational use only, provided eack copy includes this eopytiaht notes. Copies may’ not be sold oF included in any materials offered for sale tothe general public. Chords: 4505 Second-Inversion Major Triads - 6 9: Create close second-inversion major triads using the provided notes as fifths. Create the root of the triad by adding a note a P4 above the fifth. Create the third of the triad by adding a note a M3 above the root. __ fifth, : Toot Example % =| & ne e ° oho eyo ‘Make Musie gras permission t dup! Copies copy includes this copyright notice. ral public. Chords: 4506 Second-Inversion Minor Triads - 6 Create close second-inversion minor triads using the provided notes as fifths Create the root of the triad by adding a note a P4 above the fifth. Create the third of the triad by adding a note a m3 above the root. th aE thie ce f Example gz — DA eo 1 4 EG ——| GHes 6 8 4 : 6 2 eo g ONS 9 10 1 12 ot 4 £ 1, 7 — jg 4 = S Se i e t eo od eo 13 p 4, toe & MakeMusie grants permission co ‘Copies may not be sold included in any materials offered forsale to the general public Chords: 4507 Second-Inversion Minor Triads - 9: Create close second-inversion minor triads using the provided notes as fifths. Create the root of the tid by adding a note a P4 above the fifth Create the third of the triad by adding a note a m3 above the root. Ha root Example 16 Finale® Worksheets. Copyright © 2009 by MaeMusic, Ine. “MakeMusic grants permission to duplicate this worksheet for non-profit, educational use only, provided each copy includes this eapytighenatie ‘pies may not be sold or inehuded in any materials offered forsale o the general pubic. Chords: 4508 Second-Inversion Minor Triads - 6 9: Create close second-inversion minor triads using the provided notes as fifths. Create the root of the triad by adding a note @ P4 above the fifth, Create the third of the triad by adding a note a m3 above the roat. ae root thind é spc 10 ia ‘o= Figale* Worksheets, Copyright © 2009 by MakeMusi, Ine Make Musie grants permission to duplicate this worksheet for aon-profit, educational use ony, provided each copy includes this copyright notee. ‘Copies may ot be sold or included in any materials offered forsale to the general public Name_4450% Date, Second-Inversion Triad Basics - [3 ‘ifth third A triad in which the fifth is the lowest note is called a eae ae ay second-inversion triad. As shown in the example, a second-inversion triad is ereated by simply stacking the pitches of a root-position triad with the fifth in the bass. Example root position second inversion Answers in this exercise are limited to diatonic close-position second-inversion minor triads. 1. Create close-position second-inversion triads using the given notes as roots. Draw (or imagine) the third and fifth above the given root to create a preparatory root-position minor triad. In the blank measure, draw the root and the third exactly as they appear in the preparatory minor triad, Complete the triad by drawing the fifth below the root (an octave lower than the prepartory fifth) fifth third weet i ath pet Example Solution root position second inversion 3 2, Triad position is indicated for each of the notes below. Add notes to create close-position second-inversion minor triads, fifth third fifth, third 5 7 8 J 1 = 3——| eae = shire fin sith hind Finale Worshets, Copyright © 2013 by Make, ne. Malet grat prmision to dpa ne ort! oe nor pal efueational use oy, provi ach copy incest copy naie ‘Copies may not he sole or aneled in any mnaterisls offered for sae wo the general publi Name_ 4510 Date Second-Inversion Major Triads - [8 Create close second-inversion major triads using the provided notes as fifths. Create the root of the triad by adding a note a P4 above the fifth Create the third of the triad by adding a note a M3 above the root. fan root Example 1 12 —— ae ©) 2009 by MakeNusi, Ine ‘Make Music gtans permission to duplicate this wsorksheot for sun-profi, edeaonal se onl provided! ench copy includes this eupy right notes ‘Copies muy nol be sold or included in any materials offered forsale wo ths gene public Name_4 51 Date. Second-Inversion Minor Triads - [8 Create close second-inversion minor triads using the provided votes as fifths. Create the root of the triad by adding a note a P4 above the fifth. Create the third of the triad by adding a note a m3 above the root, aan root third fiih of Example v ri ot 15 16 Ng Bee) pee Finate* Workshwets, Copy‘ight © 2013 by MiakeMusic le. -Makeusie grants permission to duplicate this warkshoet For non-prafit, educational use only. provided cach copy includes this eonyvight nae. Copies may not be sold or inchuded inary materials offered forsale to the genera public Chords: 4600 Chord Quality Puzzles I Close Root-Position Triads - 6 Using the accidentals below, alter one or more notes Problem Solution of each close-position triad to create a chord which # by conforms to the indicated chord quality. Example a dim dim 4 b 5 * bb Do not alter any added accidentals (for example, the Dé in No. 5). If there is more than one solution, choose the one which requires the least number of alterations. aps a ty4 ees 18 oe eo Tr min Aug Maj min dim min Aug. Maj IL 12 ge Gets 6 4 min aim Maj Aug BR 8 18 4 Y. oe 4 & fies ei Ges oe eo dim min Aug Maj permission to duplicate this worksheet for non-profit, educational use only, provided each copy includes this eopyright notice Capes may no be sold of eluded in any material oered for sale tothe general publi, Chords: 4601 Chord Quality Puzzles II Close Root-Position Triads - 9: Using the accidentals below, alter one or more notes Problem Solution of each close-position triad to create a chord which saesee ena conforms to the indicated chord quality. Example JE=S—= | Y= Bj ——— # b 4 * by aim dim Do not alter any added accidentals (for example, the C# in No. 5). If there is more than one solution, choose the one which requires the least number of alterations. Aug min Maj Aug Aug min ‘tim Aug 19 —e— 2 3— aim min Maj Aug Finale® Worksheets, Copyright © 2009 by MakeMusie, Inc ‘Make Music grants permission w duplicate this worksheet for non-profit, educational use only, provided each copy includes this copyright notice. Copies may not be sold or ineluded in any matrinls offered forsale to the general public Chords: 4602 Chord Quality Puzzles II Close Root-Position Triads -6 the accidentals below, alter one or more notes Problem Solution of each close-position triad to create a chord which conforms to the indicated chord quality. \ Example e eo dim dim 4 b 4 7 » Do not alter any added accidentals (for example, the D# in No. 4), If there is more than one solution, choose the one which requires the least number of alterations. 2 SAB Maj IS — dim min Maj dim | Pott Maj dim min 14, 15 16 sft 8 : ante ——— eo eo dim min Aug 18 ‘i Maj Finale® Worksheets, Copyright © 2009 by MakeMusie, ne -MatkeMusie grants permission to duplicate this worksheet for non-profit, educational use only, provided each copy includes this copyright notice Copies may nat be sold or included in ny fered for sale tothe general public Name_ 4605 Date Chord Quality Puzzles I Close Root-Position Triads - [8 Using the accidentals below, alter one or more notes Problem Solution of each close-position triad to create a chord which conforms to the indicated chord quality. Example dim a aa Do not alter any added accidentals (for example, the Dé in No. 5). If there is more than one solution, choose the one which requires the least number of alterations, dim min Aug Maj min dim Maj Aug dim Aug i7 18 Brg — || 2 dim min inal Worksheets, Copy “MakeMusic grants permission to duplicae this worksheat for non-profit. al use J each copy includes this eapysight nutes Copies may not be sald or ined in any materials offered fos Sale othe Beneral public Chords: 4700, Chord Quality Identification Close Root-Position Triads - 6 Indicate the chord quality of each triad using one of the following abbreviations o-4 Example “e Maj (major) min (minor) eo dim dim (diminished) Aug (augmented) Sere Finale* Worksheets, Copyright © 2009 by MakeMuse, Ine (MakeMusic grants permission to duplicate this worksheet for ton-prfit, educational use only, provided each copy includes this copyright notice, Copies may not be sold or ineiuded in any materials offered forsale to the general public Chords: 4701 Chord Quality Identification Close Root-Position Triads - 9: Indicate the chord quality of each triad using one of the following abbreviations - Example JEF—bR Maj (major) min (minor) dim dim (diminished) Aug (augmented) Wy 8 ca a Ag Finale* Worksheets, C “MakeMusic grants prmission to duplicate this worksheet for no Copies may not be sold or included Jat 2009 by MakeMusie, Ine ‘oft, educational usc nly, provided cach copy includes this copyright notice ‘any materials offered forsale to the general puakc Chords: 4702 Chord Quality Identification Close Root-Position Triads - 6 9: Indicate the chord quality of each triad using one of the following abbreviations: , Example min (minor) Maj (major) dim dim (diminished) Aug (augmented) 15 16 Gee 2g 4 f eo eo ain rain 19 20 “oe 8 o me Finale® Worksheets, Copyright © 2009 by MakeMusic, In calucational use oaly, provided each cony includes this copyright notice MakeMusic grants permission to duplicate this worksheet For non-p ‘Copies may not be sold or included in any metcrals offered for sale tothe general public. Chords: 4900 Triads and Major Scales I - 9: In the example below, root-position triads are built on each seale degree of a C major scale. Each triad is named in accordance with two related chord identification systems, 1. The letter name of each root is combined with a chord-quality designation to form a chord symbol. 2. Roman numerals associate each scale degree with a chord quality. Chord qualities for each scale degree are consistent in all major scales: I, IV and V are major in all keys; ii, iv, and vi are minor, vi is diminished. T Scale Deg t gree iE g cMalr EE f =—— i ————— Chord Symbol = C Maj. Dmin’ ~Emin FMaj GMaj Amin Bdim C Maj i v vi vii? I 6 T Roman Numeral I ii iii Iv Key signatures in the following exercises designate major keys. As in the C Major example above, there are four elements associated with each item: scale degree, notes, chord symbol and Roman numeral. From the one element given, deduce the remaining three and provide the answers as shown in the example below. Scale Degree ae pa a 3 EB = = l Solution p= 8 j= =] Maj G Maj Dmin Example Dmin Chord Symbot Roman Nu Chords: 4901 Triads and Major Scales I - 6 9 In the example below, root-position triads are built on each seale degree of a C major accordance with two related chord identification systems. sale, Each triad is named in 1, The letter name of each root is combined with a chord-quality designation to form a chord symbol 2. Roman numerals associate each scale degree with a chord quality Chord qualities for each scale degree are consistent in all major scales: J, TV and V are major in all keys; ii, iv, and vi are minor; vii® is diminished. ‘ s > a 4 a ~ a 3 é 7 H Seale Degree = = —— Chord Symbol = CMaj- = Dmin | Emin FMaj GMaj Amin Bdim — C Maj Roman Numeral I ii ili Iv v vi vii? I Key signatures in the following exercises designate major keys. As in the C Major example above, there are four elements associated with each item: scale degree, notes, chord symbol and Roman numeral. From the one element given, deduce the remaining three and provide the answers as shown in the example below. Scale Degree etree eect eas 5 Example = | Solution ) — 8 8 Chord D min FE Maj GMaj_ Dimin Nov ii Ebina, Crmin F Maj Germin Emin Amey P Msi GMa, =z ANSE eee area a i Chords: 4902 Triads and Major Scales I -6 In the example below, root-position triads are built on each seale degree of a C major seale. Each triad is named in accordance with two related chord identification systems. 1. The letter name of each root is combined with a chord-quality designation to form a chord symbol. 2. Roman numerals associate each seale degree with a chord quality Chord qualities for each scale degree are consistent in all major scales: 1, IV and V are major in all keys; ii, iv, and vi are minor: vii® is diminished, Seale Degree , 3 3 a 3 é z ? © Major oe Chord Symbol = C Maj Dmin Emin FMaj GMaj_ Amin Bdim — C Maj Roman Numeral | ii iit Wv v vi vii? I Key signatures in the following exercises designate major keys. As in the C Major example above, there are our elements associated with each item: scale degree, notes, chord symbol and Roman numeral. From the one element given, deduce the remaining three and provide the answers as shown in the example below. Seale Degree asso ees aS ere Example i Solution 2 oe " Chord Symbol ste Dmin FMaj GMaj Dmin Iv. v ii Roman Numeral ve eile aS it Seek Ges Boas Eb Maj Ema, x a Tape Chords: 4903 Triads and Major Scales II - 9: Key signatures in the following exercises designate major keys. There are four elements associated with each item: scale degree, notes, chord symbol and Roman numeral. From the one element given, deduce the remaining three and provide the answers as shown in the example below. Seale Degree 5 4 3 2 aj CMaj Gmin Example Chord Symbol Gmin Roman Numeral yee cecil Aste Ne 4 ee evi SOIL eae nee a ote 2. Chords: 4904 Triads and Major Scales II - 6 ¥: Key signatures in the following exercises designate major keys. There are four elements associated with each item: seale degree, notes, chord symbol and Roman numeral. From the one element given, deduce the remaining three and provide the answers as shown in the example below. Scale Degree Geaeees me 5 ios Example Solution Chord Symbo! G min BhMaj CMaj_ G min Roman Numeral WV. v ii oe oe 2 Eittas, Ekmin i%min C8 min Grin Crvin "Daim F min a Emin Brain Emin Cdim ef i ran rin GF min vii® vi p> See 8 ee aneeeas Chords: 4905 Triads and Major Scales I - 6 Key signatures in the following exercises designate major keys. There are four elements associated with each item: scale degree, notes, chord symbol and Roman numeral. From the one element given, deduce the remaining three and provide the answers as shown in the example below. a> ie 4 Seale Degree Example Solution Chord Symbol FMaj GMaj Dmin Roman Numeral wv v ii Name. 4 ( Date. Triads and Major Scales I - iB In the example below, root-position triads are built on each scale degree of a C major scale. Each triad is named in accordance with two related chord identification systems. 1. The letter name of each root is combined with a chord-quality designation to form a chord symbol. 2, Roman numerals associate each seale degree with a chord quality. Chord qualities for each seale degree are consistent in all major scales: 1, 1V and V are major in all keys; ii, iv, and vi are minor; vii® is diminished, Scale Degree it A Mejor Chord Symbol = C Maj Dmin | Emin =FMaj = GMaj Amin Bdim © Maj Roman Numeral I ii iii Iv v vi vii® 1 Key signatures in the following exercises designate major keys. As in the C Major example above, there are four elements associated with each item: scale degree, notes, chord symbol and Roman numeral, From the one clement given, deduce the remaining three and provide the answers as shown in the example below. wo Scale Degree 5 4 2 Example 1 Chord Symbol Solution | be Roman eh ii i «© Finale Worksheets, Copyright © 2013 by Make Msc, le. MatkeMusic grants permission to duplicate this worksheet for non-profit, edacational wse onl provided cach copy includes this copyright notes. Copies may not he sole or include! in any materials allerod tr sale tothe general public Name_49 07 Date, Key signatures in the following exercises designate major keys. There are four elements associated with each item: scale degree, notes, chord symbol and Roman numeral. From the one element given, deduce the remaining three and provide the answers as shown in the example below. Triads and Major Scales II - | Scale Degree ee eeeseeace Example | Solution Chord Symbol Dmin Roman Numeral Er t E Day Chin Femin Dh, PS =x" foe ens asa [WASBREEEsa eg ra eects Bei eee. is vit eeeedt vile es eteiUteteriN wy Pee | Beal Afni, Cedin Shin, Dtmin fein Fain Emin Bonin Mw veo Ww jiowo vi iti 3 by MakeMase he ional use only. provid ‘als ofr For sale tothe Finale Worksheets, Copyright MakeMusic grants pormission to duplicate this workshoot for non-profit. Copies mag nat he sald or chated in any I copy includes this cops right notice, al public

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