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I .

Fill in the blanks using Present Continuous or Present Simple Tense

1. Snow _____ in the spring months (melt).
2. We ______ tenses in English this week (study).
3. Rebecca is at the cinema. She _______ a romantic film (watch).
4. We are on a train. We ________ to a seaside town (go).
5. It is 2 a.m. Everybody ________ (sleep).
6. My sister _______ in a public office (work).
7. Our car ______ easily in cold days (not/start).
8. Our puppy _____ milk and _____ dog food every day (drink/eat).
9. I usually ______ steak and onions in this restaurant but today I _______ fried chicken (eat).
10. How often _________ (Helen/go) shopping?
11. Fiona _______ (stay) with her aunt now, but she ______ (want) to move somewhere else soon.
12. Why ____________ (you/cry)?
13. _______________ (you/know) whose is that villa? Yes. It _______ (belong) to Paul Richards.
14. ___________ (he/be) at home now? I ________ (not/think) so. He _________ (make) a new film
in Mexico at the moment.
15. What __________ (those people/do) over there? They ________ (clean) the swimming pool.
They usually _________ (come) every Thursday at about 9.30 in the morning.
_____ (15) Points
II. Fill in the blanks using Present Continuous, Present Simple or Past Simple Tense
1. My friends _______ (not/watch) TV every day.
2. I _________ (not/play) the piano now because I ________ (do) my project about Animals.
3. My son and his wife _______ (live) in a house by the sea in France.
4. My sister _______ (not/go) to school yesterday because she ______ (be) ill.
5. Can you _______ (tell) me about your dream house?
6. _______ Steve _______ (visit) his grandparents every week?
7. Yesterday I _______ (go) to a supermarket and _______ (buy) some milk.
8. I _________ (return) home and _________ (make) a pudding. It _______ (be) delicious.
9. We ________ (go) fishing now. _________ you ________ (want) to come? No, thanks. I ________
(do) my homework right now.
10. _______ you _______ to the cinema yesterday? No, we didn’t. We _______ (stay) in the café till
10 o’clock.
11. My sister ________ (watch) TV and I _______ (play) the guitar last night.
12. She __________ (make) some preparations for the party.
13. Tom __________ (ask) the teacher a question a few minutes ago, but she __________ (not
answer) because it __________ (be) a silly question.
14. Who __________ (be) at the baker’s and _________ (buy) some bread a few minutes ago?
15. I __________ (not want) any potato. I _________ (not like) it.
______ (15) Points
III. Fill in the blanks using Past Simple Tense or Past Continuous Tense
1. What _______ she _______ (wear) when you _______ (see) her? Her favourite top, I think.
2. They _______ (get up) early that morning so they ______ (go) for a swim.
3. We _______ (find) the keys we _______ (look) for yesterday.
4. The car ________ (crash) against the wall and a lot of people ______ (come) round.
5. _______ it _______ (rain) when you left for school? Yes, it ________ quite heavily.
6. It _______ (be) a quiet morning: the birds _______ (sing) and the cows _______ (eat). We
_______ (walk) happily when a terrible storm ________ (start) 100 ms away from us.
7. The wind ________ (blow) a big tree down and a black cloud ________ (appear) in the sky.
8. We _______ (can) hear you because we _______ (sing) in the music classroom.
9. The police _______ (discover) that a criminal gang _______ (buy) luxury cars with stolen credit
cards and _______ (organize) an incredible operation to stop them.
10.The firemen ________ (rescue) the old woman who ______ (be) trapped on the third floor of the
burning building. _____ (10) Points

IV. Fill in the blanks using Will, Going to, Present Simple Tense or Present Continuous Tense
1. The new supermarket _____ on 1 May (open).
2. Why are you wearing the swimsuit? I ________ (take) a bath.
3. Can you see the grey sky? It _________ (snow) soon.
4. I must go now. I _________ (play) tennis with Greg tonight.
5. Hurry up! The train _______ (leave) in ten minutes.
6. Why aren’t you learning for the test? You _________ (fail) tomorrow.
7. The exhibition ________ on 1 May. It ________ on 1 May (not open) ( end).
8. I _________ soon. I ___________ soon (not set off) ( return).
9. The film is great. I think it _______ many prizes ( get).
10. I hope you _________ to phone me when you get there ( not forget) _____ (10) Points

V. Put the verbs into Present Perfect Tense

1. He _______ (write) a letter today. 2. _____ you _____ (have) breakfast this morning?
3. I ________ (not eat) anything since 7 o’clock. 4. They __________ (water) the flowers.
5. _______ she ______ (help) her mother? 6. The girls ________ (visit) their friends this summer.
7. The milkman ________ (bring) the milk yet. 8. Someone ________ (take) my bike.
9. I _______ (buy) a new table. 10. The sun _____________ (rise).
11. The girl ________ the vase (drop). 12. The bank _________ (close).
13. Dad __________ (not return) from work. 14. I __________ this film before ( not see)
15. Where _______ you ______ (be)? I ________ (be) to the doctor. _____ (15) Points

VI. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the adjective/ adverb
1. Tom is _______. He walks _______ (slow).
2. She is _______ girl. She climbed up the ladder ________ (careful).
3. The dog is _______. It barks ________ (angry).
4. He acted _________. He is an _________ actor (excellent).
5. They learn English ________. They think English is ________ language (easy).
6. Max is a _______ singer. He sings _______ (good).
7. It’s _________ cold today. The cold wind is _________ (awful).
8. The little boy looked _______. I went over to comfort him (sad).
9. I tasted the soup ______ (careful) but it tasted ________ (wonderful).
10. Dogs rely on their noses as they can smell ____________ (extreme/good). _____ (10) Points

VII.Choose the correct ed/ing adjective

1. The film is very excited/exciting.
2. It was not surprised/surprising she failed her tests. She never studied.
3. I’m getting bored/boring with this book. Nothing ever happens.
4. These instructions are extremely confused/confusing. Can you help me?
5. I’m shocked/shocking that he could do something so stupid and dangerous.
6. I was not amused/amusing to be kept waiting so long.
7. Our new English teacher is very frightened/frightening. We sit there like mice.
8. It was very disappointed/disappointing not to be selected for the basketball team.
9. I am excited/exciting about the tennis tournament tomorrow.
10. The news was quite puzzled/puzzling. _____ (10) Points
VIII. Complete the sentences using the comparative and the superlative form of the adjectives
1. Jeremy is 10 years old. Jenny is 8 years old. Jeremy is _______ _______ Jenny (old).
2. Alps are very high. They are ________ ________ Mountains in Europe (high).
3. An ocean is ______ ______ a sea (large).
4. A Rolls Royce costs a lot of money. A Twingo costs less. A Rolls Royce is ______ ______ _______
a Twingo (expensive).
5. John’s results were bad. Fred’s results were very poor. Fred’s results were ______ ______ John’s
6. This exercise is not very difficult. It’s _______ _______ I expected (easy).
7. The weather is not good today. It’s raining. I hope the weather will be _______ next week (good).
8. In the government of a country, the President is ______ _______ _______ person (important).
9. People say that Chinese is _______ _______ to learn than English (difficult).
10. I _____________________ (not/earn/much/money) you do.
_____ (10) Points

IX. Complete the sentences with a/an/the or (-) nothing

1. Lisa is _____ waitress at the local Chinese restaurant.
2. We stayed at _____ hotel near _____ River Thames.
3. I must go to _____ bank and see my bank manager.
4. I have two children _____ boy and _____ girl. ______ boy is ten and ______ girl is six.
5. Bruce and Mary are _____ nice couple. Mary has _____ clothes shop, and Bruce works in _____
6. There was _____ car outside the bank. ______ car had ______ flat tire.
7. If you want to chop the onions, you’ll need ______ knife.
8. I bought ______ dictionary and ______ pen yesterday.
9. I’m going out for _____ walk. Have you seen my shoes? Yes, they’re on ______ floor in _______
10. I think _______ women should play a more active role in politics.
_____ (5) Points

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