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Smiling Cars Photoshop Tutorial

Author: Sanja Soltic

In this tutorial I will show you how I transformed this car

and made it look like this.

It’s fun and easy to do so grab a picture, open it, duplicate layer and we can begin

Step 1 - selecting windshield

Select windshield using Magnetic Lasso Tool and paint it white.
Step 2 - Licence Plate
We have to remove license plate to leave enough space for the mouth. Use Clone
Stamp Tool to clone a clean part.
Step 3 - Eyes
Now we need eyes for our car. We will take them from this picture

Use Elliptical Marquee Tool and select right eye from poster image and drag it to your
picture. Duplicate layer and move it to the other side (left eye). Then go to Edit >
Transform > Wrap and set like on the picture below. Do the same for the other eye.
Step 4 - Creating Eyebrows
Now we have to paint eyebrows. Click on Pen Tool, change it to Paths and draw a path.

Now we need to do is to fill that path. Take a sample of car color with Eyedropper Tool,
switch from layers to paths, right click on Work Path and choose Fill Path. From a drop
down list choose Foreground Color, Blend Mode is normal and Opacity is 100%.

Next thing we do is adding some shadows. Double click on the layer, check Drop
Shadow and set everything like on the picture below.
For more realistic look you have to put some effect. Go to Filter > Filter Gallery > Artistic
and choose Smudge Stick.
In the end you have to delete edges with Eraser Tool. Use soft round brush and lower
the opacity to 50%.

Step 5 - Mouth
We'll use poster from step 3 again to select mouth and move to our picture. Take the
Eyedropper and click on the lip. On the new layer draw the lips.

Step 6 – Blur
Make new layer and merge all previous layers (Ctrl+Alt+Shift+E). To blur surrounding
use Filter > Blur > Surface Blur.

After that you have to delete blur effect from the car. For that I will use Mask. Click on
Add Layer Mask (marked with red on a picture below) and paint car in black.
Step 6 – Blur
Make new layer and merge all previous layers (Ctrl+Alt+Shift+E). To blur surrounding
use Filter > Blur > Surface Blur.
Step 7 – Soft Light
Duplicate previous layer and change Layer Mode to Soft Light and lower the opacity to

Step 8 – Lights
Again duplicate previous layer and go to Filter > Render > Lens Flare to create a lights
from headlights. You have to repeat that two times for both headlights.
At the end, set the blending mode for Layer to Hard Light.

Step 9 – Lighting Effects

Finally, the last step. Go to Filter > Render > Lighting Effects and customize the light as
you please. If you don’t what lighting effects on a car you can use mask and delete that.

Here is what we got in the end. Hope you enjoyed.

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