Given Drawing:: Experiment No. 7 Aim: Cad Exercise

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Experiment No.


Given Drawing:

Command Used:

Line: Draws lines at any length. You can enter x, y, z coordinates of the point to specify start and end
point of 2D or 3D entities.>>When using LINE command, system will always prompt to enter point,
before pressing ENTER to finish the command, users can specify series of points, but each line is an
independent object.

Circle : Draws a circle of any size. Predicted method of drawing circle is through center point and radius,
but there are many other ways to draw.

Offset : Creates a new entity at the specified distance from an existing entity or through a specified point.

Fillet : FILLET Creates fillets round the edges of two arcs, circles, elliptical arcs, lines, poly lines, rays,
sp lines, or x lines with an arc of a specified radius. FILLET also rounds the edges of 3D solids.


Radius of circle <6>: 4.50>>Command: '_pan>>Press Esc or Enter to exit, or right-click to display shortcut
menu...>>Cancel>>Command: TR>>Select cutting entities for trim <ENTER to select all>:

Using all entities as trim boundary.>>Select entity to trim, or press Shift and select entity to extend, or
[Edge mode/Fence/Projection/Delete/Undo]: >>Select entity to trim, or press Shift and select entity to
extend, or [Edge mode/Fence/Projection/Delete/Undo]: >>Entities in set: 1>>Command:
_DELETE>>Entities in set: 1>>Command: _circle>>2Point/3Point/TTR(tan
tanradius)/Arc/Multiple/<Center of circle>: TTR>>Select first tangent point:
Select second tangent point: >>Radius of circle <4.5> : R>>Unable to recognize entry. Please try
again.>>Radius of circle <4.5> : .38>>Command: _mirror>>Entities in set: 1>>Specify first point of mirror
line:>>Specify second point of mirror line:>>Erase source objects? [Yes/No] <N> :>> Command: _circle

2Point/3Point/TTR(tan tan radius)/Arc/Multiple/<Center of circle>: TTR>>Select first tangent point:

>>Select second tangent point: >>Radius of circle <0.38> : >>Command: _circle>>2Point/3Point/TTR(tan
tan radius)/Arc/Multiple/<Center of circle>: TTR>>Select first tangent point: >>Select second tangent
point: >>Radius of circle <0.38> : >>Command: _circle>>2Point/3Point/TTR(tan tan
radius)/Arc/Multiple/<Center of circle>: TTR

Select first tangent point: >>Select second tangent point: >>Radius of circle <0.38> : >>Command:
_offset>>Specify offset distance or [Through(T)/Drag(D)/Erase(E)/Layer(L)] <Through>:.63>>Select
object to offset, or [Exit(E)/Undo(U)]<Exit>: >>Specify point on side to offset or
[Exit(E)/More(M)/Undo(U)] <Exit>:

Select object to offset, or [Exit(E)/Undo(U)]<Exit>: >>Specify point on side to offset or

[Exit(E)/More(M)/Undo(U)] <Exit>: >>Select object to offset, or [Exit(E)/Undo(U)]<Exit>: >>Fillet
(radius=0): Settings/Poly line/Radius/Trim/multiple/<Select first entity>: >>Select second entity:
>>Command: TR>>Select cutting entities for trim <ENTER to select all>: >>Using all entities as trim

Select entity to trim, or press Shift and select entity to extend, or [Edge
mode/Fence/Crossing/Projection/Delete]: >>Command: _fillet>>Fillet (radius=0.38): Settings/Poly
line/Radius/Trim/multiple/<Select first entity>:

Select second entity: R>>Select second entity: .38>>Select second entity: >>Command: >>Command:
_fillet>>Fillet (radius=0.38): Settings/Poly line/Radius/Trim/multiple/<Select first entity>: R>>Fillet
radius <0.38>: .38>>Fillet (radius=0.38): Settings/Poly line/Radius/Trim/multiple/<Select first entity>:
>>Select second entity:

Command: >>Command: _fillet>>Fillet (radius=0.38): Settings/Poly line/Radius/Trim/multiple/<Select

first entity>: R>>Fillet radius <0.38>: .38>>Fillet (radius=0.38): Settings/Poly
line/Radius/Trim/multiple/<Select first entity>: >>Select second entity:


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