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Bi 2 Functions? notions “he famous pyramids aethe shin. ae located jst oie he oy 20 Describing past experiences and storytelling 2 Last year we went to Thad for cur boy We ao ted os of dierent kins of food We hac great me. 21 Describing feetings, emetions atihuses fe Yes lagree Be ihn you are abso rignt Socovam| fe Neier do Wel actualy Wel not realy Tov sory jk youre wrong ® see wat you mean bat 33 Taking about flrs and books Men Streep wes bat 2 twas cet folow. vas stn Chicago, les about a women nro went ‘wound the werd ® Ifyou tke action movies you wie ths one fe 3 hy ending. | think you should reac this book ied ts book because 39 Discourse Functions 40 Itating and closing conversation Intatng HilMy names Paula wa Excuse me: canta to you for te? fe Gxuse me please, Iwonder you could hep me © Let me reduce myst Guess what! © Yau wil never bee what Isa yestrtay Closing: Ws been nce tang to you Bye Imsony, ve gt to go now. Must go~see you ter 1 See you tr. Take care (0 you know what I mean? w Do youunderstane? From Kstoners point of vow sory, dd yousay 7 ths what youre saying? Changing the tape nay oy ne way there's someting se | wanted to telyour Resuming a corwersation ny. Away. hat was sai? What were we taling ou “To oot back to what was saving Continuing Anyway, © So,as was soying Okay, 49 Connecting words expressing cause ‘and eect, contrast ec. (On he other han, we cou! tay af homme and watch telewson However. his depends en the number 1 people youve sited 1s Therefore tis cheaper ture informal spoken take the bus 59 Questions 61 Wh-questions inthe past © io did yousee athe party? © Hove long have you been sucing Engi? 1 Wy did yous What happened the \at have you been cing since yes lot school? 62 Compl quest 208 55 Verb forms 1 Iwas coming home trom work when the ean fet of me suddenly stopped hit see. They hit each ote 69Used to 1 They used io ein Portugal When | went to pray schoal used to walt schol wih 9 fen bu my ‘mathe wed 9 calect me the atermoans to fke ahes uring the sure hoeay we woud get upeary and goto the besch 71 Past portect The trainhad ot when got tothe stain Joan had aeagy 6 Look at hase duds ts gong ton. He wl pass his diving test evertuay 77 Funure cominuous be working iat tomorow, He! be ating on he ast in from Manchest, 0 Present Perfect 8 1Present perfect ‘Shes jist gane tothe shop ytd but have Fished yet. hast ved a He: 82 Present parfect, past simple ®ve been Thales twes. | went ‘there 2003 anc 2007, Have You been here? He's won evry mach so fac He wn every tournament ist yea ve had about 9 cars We went out together fr sx months ‘When | was at schon | stucied French about S yeas 83 nt perect continuous {How long have you been paying tenis? ws been rabiog non stop fortwo aysnow. fs Hes been almerning, ng onthe report £29 Conditionals 90 Zero and frst condtional yo heat water, bois ton it sitehes off hin et be angry. What wil te do the does find job? 2 Wellgo swimming he wter is warm enough ‘91 Second and thal conditional loner Fé by big house in the counts What woud you do they asked you 94 Phrasal Verbs 96 Extended phrasal verbs He tenedthe,obs down 97 Passives 98 Simple passive & Thelock was broken ‘© Thetrees were damaned by the storm Rome wast but ina day 100 Other ver forms 101 Reported speech range of tenses) She sad she Iked brown brea ss He asted she wanted to go home «John toe them the mactine was working, She expined that shel lost my telephone number. 106 Medals: Posstilty 109 Might, may, wil protibly ight bea an Poult X Petra wl xobobly be at oo. she’ usualy te, = We may goto Eay this yar, eve yeu going to havea party your ew fiat doit ko ay may no Passengers must nt put toe fet onthe seas cant come tonight because | have {to meet my couse 117 Neos to 1 need to get back to work ‘Do you reay need fo wear such ci ears? fe Do We need to tuy tickets btore we ‘Sho mit have gone home, 134 Articles 138 With countable ané uncountable Broad range (eg, al the most, bot) Ai 151 Adverbs | 1 He stay behing yesterday & They often pay unstars. 9 Ths cheese sa bt had 156 Adverbil phrases of cegres/evtnt, He speaks too quit. ‘= here wil probably be some speeches ster the mea. 2 Hell dete win 157 Comparative and superlative form of adverbs & Paula got ready nore auc then tte oners lnson Button was faster in precis mata e's geting worse The person who most equi got Aves Argo, ‘Sig worked the hrcest aie ed the worst inthe exam, 4 Paulo did he best a mats 160 intensiners Broader range of intersiters (such a8 too, s0 enough) He's really good diver. 15 Dowe have enough cake to go ound? © He came back so sue Shes so inegetits scary. The al was jist 00 fast. He quite good at science. 164 Wide range (suchas extremely much too) We dd que wat ve gota erty cut acon ‘orate. 6 The maths test wes unbelievably oxy. 8 Thats muah too cat for a 8 test 166 Lexis the town, shops 9 199 News, titesyles and current afar 200 Mesa nd you he lier 181 Callecaion

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