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A creative environment is a place/surrounding, which fosters the spirit of creativity amongst

the people present in it. It is not necessarily a place, which is very fancy, highly equipped
with all the amenities, or fully conditioned. It can be anything from a simple quiet room to
even a garage.
Following are the characteristics of a creative environment:

The environment feels great, since everyone is busy innovating, and generating creative
ideas. It is very mesmerizing to see some of the best brains devoting their time for the
generation of ideas, or the improvement of existing ideas. Seeing such people, working in
such a peaceful environment, encourages you to also work hard.

What makes this space supportive of creative thinking and innovation?

The presence of innovative people and the influx of creative ideas, throughout the
environment, fosters the spirit of creative thinking and innovation. You get inspired by the
way of thinking of such people, and get motivation to work in a similar way.

If there are such people in your space, what are they saying and doing that supports creative
thinking and innovation?

People in such a space, are constantly working upon new creative ideas and the refinement
of the original ones. They are constantly looking out for more possibilities, and continuously
broadening the horizon of critical thinking. They also discuss their ideas amongst each other
and communicate effectively, to allow the influx of ideas. They constantly motivate each
other, so that the work never stops.


Characteristics of a non-creative environment:

Well, there is not much difference in appearance between a creative and a non-creative
environment, they both look the same, however, they are very much different in terms of
productivity and generation of ideas. In a non-creative environment, people work
continuously, sometimes even overtime, however, they just complete their work, rather
than enjoying it. They work on the pre-existing ideas of their seniors, without creating room
for their own thinking. Everyone is completely absorbed in their work, without discussing
each other’s perspective/views. Hence, the basic characteristics of such an environment are
lack of discipline, no enthusiasm, and lack of inspiration.

Changes in the non-environment to make it more creative:

 Allow the communication of people amongst themselves, so that they can share their
ideas with one another, to allow the influx of ideas in the environment.
 Give the freedom/independence to people, to allow them to think creatively
themselves, without relying on some other person’s thoughts.
 Broaden your perspective, so that you can one can perceive a situation in many
different ways.
 Make the environment energetic and jolly, so that people are interested in their work,
and work hard for the fulfilment of their goals.

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