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Question 1

SAS “Administration” is a _____________ and _____________ implemented as a

three-level structure.

A set of information resources, set of policy issues


B set of policy data collected, information resources


C set of information systems, information resources


D state automated systems, information resources


Question 2
TRUE or FALSE: There were four detailed case studies that provided a comparative
overview of the existing EU policies and projects to achieve energy efficiency – the
integration of energy efficiency and urban sustainability in the Nordic Europe, the
Dutch Kadaster, the Solar Atlas of Berlin and the Sicilian “Carta del Sole”.


Question 3
According to one of our case studies in the chapters, many of the policies and
projects identified aimed to support the energy sources switching between different
types of fuels like fossils and nuclear power to renewables like _____________,
____________, and ____________. 

A solar, wind, and water


B Solar, steam, and sunshine


C Solar, atomic, and water


D Steam, solar, and water


Question 4
According to one of our chapter case studies,  “improving our understanding of how
social complex systems can be managed”, the first step was getting a better
understanding of how interactions between people might give rise to a social
complex phenomenon.  Further, Van Eck et al. (2011) model was identified to provide a
more detailed overview where the role of opinion leaders on the diffusion of a new product
was explored.  From an empirical study standpoint by the authors, it was concluded that
opinion leaders had
a ______________________________ and ______________________________________.

A more central network position, possessed a more accurate knowledge about a

product, and tended to be less susceptible to norms and more innovative.
B less central network position, possessed a more accurate knowledge about a
product, and tended to be more susceptible to norms and more innovative

C more central network position, possessed a less accurate knowledge about a

product, and tended to be more susceptible to norms and more innovative

D major central network position, possessed a more accurate knowledge about a

product, and tended to be less susceptible to norms and more innovative

Question 5
According to Nakamura (1987), the policy cycle outlines the implementation process
of a policy in adherence with some basic steps such as agenda setting (problem
identification), policy formulation, decision-making, implementation and evaluation.
The first stage of the policy cycle is where the _____________________, and it is
the _______________________  and__________________________ as the starting
point of the cycle.

A problem is identified, a stage where the agenda of the policy is formulated,

B Agenda is identified, a stage where the purpose of the policy is formulated,

C problem is identified, a stage where the purpose of the policy is formulated,


D problem is identified, a stage where the purpose of the policy is formulated,


Question 6
TRUE or FALSE: According to Shneiderman and Bederson (2003), information
visualization did not emerge from research in human-computer interaction, computer science,
graphics, visual design, psychology, and business methods; hence, allowing users to
intuitively access results of complex models, even for nonexperts, while not being limited to
intrinsic application fields


Question 7
What is OCOPOMO?

A Its an open collaboration and simulation for modeling project as a case study that
aimed to explore innovative approaches to policy modeling and exploration, and
especially the views and attitudes of the various stakeholders in a sensitive policy

B Its an open collaboration for policy modulation project as a case study to explore
innovative approaches to policy modeling and exploration, and especially to
explore the views and attitudes of the various stakeholders in this sensitive policy

C Its an open collection for policy modeling project as a case study that aimed to
explore innovative approaches to policy modeling and exploration, and especially
the views and attitudes of the various stakeholders in a sensitive policy context.

D Its an open collaboration for policy modeling project as a case study that aimed to
explore innovative approaches to policy modeling and exploration, and especially
the views and attitudes of the various stakeholders in a sensitive policy context.
Question 8
When looking at the Active and Passive Crowdsourcing in government,  there are
four public sector specific crowdsourcing purposes identified by Nam (2012), and
they focus mainly on_____________________ and ________________________ .

A Information implementation, problem-solving and policymaking advice


B Professionals knowledge, and information governance


C information creation, problem-solving and policymaking advice

D Information creation, and knowledge discovery

Question 9
According to Jager and van der Vegt, technological aspects and social aspects are
both critical in the success or failure of introducing………………………?

A new products or

B old gadgets or technologies


C new products or networks


D None of the options.


Question 10
According to the chapter case studies by Melne et al. (2014), irrespective of resource
barriers to implementation, microsimulation models hold……………………………….
for policymaking.
A Mediocre promise

B Less promise

C much promise
D relative promise

Question 11
TRUE or FALSE: The history of the establishment of most of the Think Tanks in the
public administration started as early as the mid-1990s.  According to D. Trutnev et
al., the availability of systems that provided analytical support to the government
authorities included the informational and analytical structures of the legislative
bodies known as the Federation Council and the State Duma of the Federal
Assembly of the Russian Federation.


Question 12
According to Tanko Ahmed’s case study, its evident that the digital divide remains
formidable in scaling information and communication technology (ICT)-enabled
opportunities for effective leadership and development countries lagging behind.
From this case study, it is safe to state that, there is a significant need to bridging the
digital divide from personal to local, national and global e-Participation, as a subset
of e-government in the realm of eDemocracy.  From the chapter case study,
_________________________ was provided as an example of a developing country
that is diverse and divided, has challenges in governance, and its overall democratic
practices often are hinged on effective coordination  

A Italy

B Mongolia

C Nigeria
D Singapore

Question 13
According to Conte et al. (2012), the future of microsimulation is bound with that of
computational of science in general. However, the exponential growth in digital data
availability, allied with burgeoning computational capacities to handle that data offers
unparallel opportunities to model …………………………….., and
A social approaches, processes
B social systems, processes
C social equities, processes
D All of the Options.

Question 14
TRUE or FALSE: According to a case study in the chapters, D. Navarra and S. Milio,
pointed out that the point of departure of the EU’s European Commission of 2007
energy policy was due to: Combating climate change, limiting the EU’s external
vulnerability to imported hydrocarbons, and promoting growth and jobs, thereby
providing secure and affordable energy to consumers.


Question 15
The essential characteristics of
microsimulation are__________________________________________________________

A the use of empirical macro-level data both to form a starting sample and from
which to derive equations to drive the simulation forward; the integration of data
and equations from disparate sources; the use of a stochastic simulation process
that generates both aggregate and distributional effects; and the facility to be able
to manipulate the underpinning model to test counterfactuals or policy scenarios.
B the use of empirical micro-level data both to form a final sample and from which to
derive equations to drive the simulation forward; the integration of data and
equations from disparate sources; the use of a stochastic simulation process that
generates both aggregate and distributional effects; and the facility to be able to
manipulate the underpinning model to test counterfactuals or policy scenarios.

C the use of empirical data both to form a starting sample and from which to derive
equations to drive the simulation forward; the integration of data and equations
from disparate sources; the use of a stochastic simulation process that generates
both aggregate and distributional effects; and the facility to be able to manipulate
the underpinning model to test counterfactuals or policy scenarios.

D the use of empirical micro-level data both to form a starting sample and from
which to derive equations to drive the simulation forward; the integration of data
and equations from disparate sources; the use of a stochastic simulation process
that generates both aggregate and distributional effects; and the facility to be able
to manipulate the underpinning model to test counterfactuals or policy scenarios.
Question 16
TRUE or FALSE: Participation restricts members of the public to contribute ideas
and expertise so that their government can benefit from information and knowledge
that is widely dispersed in a society, in order to design well-defined policies that
directly benefit that society.

Question 17
TRUE or FALSE: The coupling of visualization techniques and computational models
supports different stakeholders view in the policy-making process.


Question 18
What are the three stages of the government passive crowdsourcing approach:

A listen, analyze, and receive

B Talk, listen, and receive

C Analyze, listen, and


D All of the Options

Question 19
In one of our chapter case studies by Lay-Yee and Cotterell (in press), we learned
that the role of microsimulation in the development of public policy was very critical. 
To support this empirical concept, Fergusson et al. (1989), and Gibb et al. (2012),
also added that CHDS data could be used for the following reasons to confirm their
research outcome for three purposes:  ………………......, ……………………….,
A form a comprehensive sample providing final conditions to the simulation,
generate statistically derived simulation rules, and provide a benchmark with
which simulated results could be compared to gauge reproducibility
B form starting sample providing initial conditions to the simulation, generate
statistically derived simulation rules, and provide a benchmark with which
simulated results could be compared to gauge reproducibility

C Form a final sample providing initial conditions to the simulation, generate

statistically derived simulation rules, and provide a benchmark with which
simulated results could be compared to gauge reproducibility

D None of the Options.


Question 20
The merits of including visualization techniques into the policy-analysis process have
been noted in our weekly chapter case studies and described as a facet bridging the
knowledge gaps in a collaborative policy-making life cycle. This approach helps non-
IT experts to get access to _______________________.
A complex visualization and computational models

B Policy engagement computational models


C Simulation and computational models


D complex computational models


Question 21
The eeMeasure methodology – a methodology that has been developed to evaluate
energy efficiency by relying on Internet-based ICT.  It is also based on experimental
projects carried out in public buildings and social dwellings.  The eeMeasure
provides a good first example of a _____________________ that is aiming to
increase energy efficiency by using a common data collection approach and a single
software system to collect and accommodate energy savings data across the pilot
projects in both residential as well non-residential buildings. 

A ICT methodologies

B European e-government policy


C eeMeasure mandate

D greenhouse gases and emissions


Question 22
Despite the alleged importance of scientific advice in the policy-making process, it’s
evident that scientific results are often not used.  Our chapter authors proposed a
science-policy interface that would be realized by the inclusion of information
visualization in the policy analysis process.  That way, the gap between both fields
can be addressed based on the current challenges of science-policy interfaces with
visualizations.  According to Shneiderman and Bederson (2003), information
visualization emerged from research in ______________, _______________,
_________________, Visual design, Psychology and business.

A human-computer interaction, computer science, graphics

B Human interaction, computer interfaces, graphics

C Human-computer interaction, computer modeling, policy-


D None of the options.


Question 23
Thinking about the approaches to policy implementation, policies can be
implemented in different ways. However, according to Berman (1978), when
governments execute policies to influence local authorities, it is

A Micro-implementation

B Macro-implementation

C Socio-implementation

D Top-down approach

Question 24
TRUE or False: Transparency partially promotes accountability by providing the
public with information about what the government is doing.

Question 25
The three-levels of a structured SAS “Administration” are the
___________________, _______________, and __________________.

A Policymaking, central information, and implementation


B Central information system, information, and resources


C Collection of data, systemization and analysis, and regional


D central information system, departmental, and regional


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