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Dylan Galan

Professor Tubbs


8 August 2020

Racial Injustice

George floyd lost his life because a racist white woman called the cops on him; assuming

he had a counterfeit $20 bill, cashiers are supposed to have a pen on them to check money to see

if it is counterfeit, she didn’t even other to do that before callng the police on him. Not only that,

the officer that killed him, knew him prior to that. The Minniapolis Police Depatment took a

week to even have that officer charged with anything. (McCarthy) Black people are murdered

on VIDEO by governemnt officials/ (protectors of the people) and STILL their murderers get

away free without charge because they are white or because they hold a position of power, or

both. Geroge Floyd was just doing his shopping, and unknownly within mere minutes of leaving

the store he was confronted by a group of police officers and was manhandled to the ground. The

police officer, Derek Chauvin, kneeeled on his chest for 9 minutes. George floyd repeated , “I

can’t breathe”, not once did the officer make it easier for him to do so. This past year doesn’t

even include the deaths of many CHILDREN who were murdeed by police officers because

they were threatning; Tamir Rice, Trayvon Martin and many more. Within a month of George

Floyd passing away, a 16 year old boy was murdered by staff after throwign a sandwich, they

kneeled on him too until he couldn’t breathe and he also has received no justice. (McCarthy)

Breonna Taylor was shot over 8 times while she was asleep in her own home no justice. Elijah

Mcclain was injected with 200mg of ketamine and had a bag placed over his head and was held

down by police until he died; still no justice.

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The racism in america is growing more apparent, especially with our sexist, miogynistic,

and racist president who was voted in by majority white america. There are many statements of

proof showing that he does not like black people such as refering to African Americans as, “the

blacks” and “Laziness is the traits of blacks.” (Gass) , and he refuses to aknowedge the Ku Klux

Klan as a terroist organization. The Klan has been terrorizing black people since before 1865

when it was founded. They are a racist terrorist organization and he refuses to acknowledge them

as such. In Charlottsville when there was KKK at the protests inciting violence he said there

were “great people out there” but when discussing black protestors in Ferguson he did not

hesitate to refer to them as “thugs” . Many people against the movement, or qustioners of the

movement have asked “Why him?” it is not solely about him, he is the tip of the ice berg. There

have been hundreds if not thousands of black lives and minority lives lost at the hands of police

brutality per Racism is prevalent within our justice system, actually

it is the backbone of our system. The olice system was founded on being slave- patrol. They

were never meant to protect and serve the community. They were ‘property protectors” they

worked for the elite never for minorites. “99% of killngs by police from 2013-2019 have not

resukted in officers eing charged with a crime” (

The protsting will not stop until there is change. And protsting has not stoppped. The

media has stopped showing the protestors because it has stopped fitting their agenda after calling

BLM protestors hateful and violent when every protest has been peaceful. Violence has always

insighted from random anarchists who join and want to hijakc otherwise know as

Antifa.(McCarthy) The problem is it doesn’t matter what black people do to voice their pain;

kneeling, protesting, rioting, peaceful sit ins, racist bigots will always find a way to complain.

ALL Lives matter is a popular counter group, and it is racist. All lives cant matter until black
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lives do too. All lives matter does not voice out about black deaths, they don’t voice out about

any deaths actually, unless it’s a white person who was killed, and that’s only occasioannylly.

BLM isnt only about black lives, it’s about fighting police brutality, standing up for injustice

and fighting racial inequality. Just a few instances of injustice within the system simply based

off of race: United States vs Booker and Gall vs United States (Ingraham) White protestors

protesting social distancng and wearing masks while weilding guns yet NO police intereference

but black protestors holding no weapons and still beign seen as a threat to police in full riot gear.

(Vox) White school shooters getting little to no jail time vs a black man getting 30+ years in jail

for a minor drug charge. (Ingraham) Black men are incarcerated at a higher rate than any other

race most of which being for criminialized marijuanana charges. (Vox) Even when we had a

black president it was met wth uproar from racist white government heads demanding a birth

certififcate because they thought he was muslim (trump)… no white president HAS ever been

asked to prove their citizenship. Its racist now and it was racist then.

The oppression of black people has been going on for more than 400 years, and bigots

can say that it was a long time ago and to let go stuff their ancestors when through, but it wasn’t

that long ago thaat black people were still being mistreated.Segregation only stopped 56 years

ago. Ruby Bridges, the first black girl to go to an all white school is only 65 years old now.

People who are stilll alive today were affected by the racist and hateful decsision of those in

power who were white. Many decsiosn have been made by our justice system specifically to

harm and or control the black community ithin america. For example: jim crow laws, separate

but equal, busing segregation, abolishing slavery , 3/5ths compromise, stop and frisk. White

people can continue to deny the hateful and recent past, but the facts are what they are, the racial
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injustices america has commited extends past the black community to the asian, indigenous, and

latino community.

The issue is systematic oppression. The police system needs to be completely destoryed

and rebuilt.White priilege is a major factor because our leaders ae white. They do not seek

change and it does not happen; for change to happen the black and brown communities need

them as allies. We the people need to continue protesting against our government for the

changes we wish to see. The amount of minorities in our congress is less than representing of

what our population is. All black lives matter, black trans people, black queer and gay people,

black men, black women and black children.

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Works Cited

Gass, Nick. “The 15 Most Offensive Things That Have Come out of Trump's Mouth.”



Ingraham, Christopher. “Black Men Sentenced to More Time for Committing the Exact Same

Crime as a White Person, Study Finds.” The Washington Post, WP Company, 16 Nov.



Lopez, German. “Report: Black Men Get Longer Sentences for the Same Federal Crime as

White Men.” Vox, Vox, 17 Nov. 2017,


Mapping Police Violence,

McCarthy, Andrew C. “Why Did It Take So Long to Arrest Derek Chauvin?” National Review,

National Review, 29 May 2020,


“NIMH Director's Statement on Racism.” National Institute of Mental Health, U.S. Department

of Health and Human Services, 4 June 2020,


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