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January 22, 2011 - January 22, 2011, The Afro-American A1


JANUARY 22, 2011 - JANUARY 28, 2011

Lady Bison Snap It’s About What Kind of Janet Jackson Set
Losing Streak B4 Country We Want to Be A7 to Rock D.C. A5

Disconnect May be Preventing Who Should Pay

Police-Community Partnership State Employee
By George Barnette
AFRO Staff Writer
executive, it will not.”
Circle of HOPE, a Prince
George’s based group formed
Pension Benefits?
Prince George’s County officials to promote peace in the county, By George Barnette “I am not interested
and community groups both wants residents to understand the AFRO Staff Writer in raising any taxes and
acknowledge that in order to solve same thing, but Jamal Spratley, the the only way I can see
many of the violent crimes that have group’s CEO and co-founder, says Maryland is heading making that difference up
plagued the county in the early days there’s a bigger issue there. towards a major budgetary is cutting,” Peters said.
of 2011, the community will have “I think the real issue is our crossroads as policymakers “I feel like if the state is
to get involved. However, some community does not have a real rush to develop a plan for really focused on education
community groups think there is a working relationship with law state employee pensions. then it should fully fund
disconnect between the police and enforcement,” Spratley said. “We There are some who the teacher’s pension so
residents that is preventing that from have an adversarial relationship.” believe the counties should I cannot agree with that
happening. Spratley said that former Prince now bear the burden, but decision.”
At a Jan. 18 press conference, George’s Police Chief Roberto Gov. Martin O’Malley A possible solution
County Executive Rushern Baker Hylton worked hard at community wants to reform the system would require the state
made note of the need for citizens policing to build relationships with before shifting costs. and its counties to share
to understand what snitching really residents and community groups in “We owe it to
means and why hard-working the county. He said with Hylton’s our police officers,
taxpayers need to feel free coming ouster, there is a void there that still teachers and other “It is my belief that
forward to the police. hasn’t been filled. hardworking state
Baker spoke of a visit he made “Ex-chief Hylton I could call and employees, and we we cannot have an
also owe it to our
to Community of Hope Church Courtesy Photo/Circle of HOPE say, ‘this is about to happen or that
children, and to our
honest conversation
on Jan. 9 in which the Rev. Tony Jamal Spratley, CEO of Circle of HOPE believes is about to happen,’” Spratley said.
Lee told the young people in the police should form a better relationship with “It was because of a relationship. taxpayers to find about sharing costs, or
congregation about the issue. Baker the community. That’s what law enforcement needs a sustainable way
said he was glad Lee addressed now.” forward that protects even the need to share
our commitments
the issue because young people in the African-American Since that void hasn’t been filled, Spratley says there’s
and maintains fiscal
costs, until we reach
community oftentimes get the message confused. hesitancy for residents or groups to trust police with information
“Snitching is not when you aren’t doing anything wrong and responsibility,” an agreement on how
you tell on somebody who did something wrong,” Baker said. Continued on A4 O’Malley said in a
“Snitching is when you’re in statement. “It is my we can fix the pension
belief that we cannot
violence together and you try
to craft a deal for yourself.
“Honest people – men
Budget, Ethics are Big Concerns have an honest
conversation about
sharing costs, or even the the costs. Last month,
and women who everyday
get up and go to work, do
nothing wrong, should not be
for Prince George’s Legislators need to share costs, until
we reach an agreement on
how we can fix the pension
the Public Employees
and Retirees Benefit
Sustainability Commission
fearful of walking out their By George Barnette
doors,” he continued. “In this system.” voted to do just that over a
AFRO Staff Writer The issue surfaced three-year period.
county, as long as I’m county
last year when several Under this plan, a
The Prince George’s Maryland senators wealth equalization option
delegation in Annapolis is proposed legislation that will be formulated where
beginning the 2011 legislative would shift the full cost of the state will grant aid to
session with some key goals. pensions to the counties. counties based on their
Most include getting funding Sen. Douglas J.J. Peters, wealth, meaning affluent
for the county as it tries to D.-Dist. 23, told the AFRO counties receive less aid.
stabilize its school system he would fight tooth and “The State would then
Hear the AFRO on The Daily and create new jobs. nail so counties like Prince charge the local boards by
Drum, Wednesday at 7 p.m. Prince George’s County George’s would not feel double the increased aid
Executive Rushern Baker has additional economic strain amount for pension costs,”
been working hard with the because of new costs. according to the report.
Prince George’s delegation
Courtesy Photo/Maryland General Assembly Courtesy Photo/
Del. Dereck E. Davis Del. Jolene Ivey Continued on A4
to ensure the county gets its
fair share. With a $77 million
budget deficit for fiscal year
2012, he wants to get every
penny he can from Annapolis. AFRO’s Leading into the Digital Age
“My legislative priority
is protecting the County
and making sure we get the
funding we need,” said Baker.
‘AFRO’ Launches AFRO Premieres Online
“The state has made several
commitments to Prince
IPhone Application Employment Center
George’s County, and I will
not back down until they are
New Rollout Provides Easy News Access By Shernay Williams
AFRO Staff Writer
By Dorothy Rowley
The delegation in The AFRO American Newspapers has recently launched
AFRO Staff Writer
Annapolis appears to be a free job search engine on its website. As a supplement to
on the same page as they the newspaper’s weekly print “Career Corner” employment
For many businesses, the ever increasing pressures of
recognize the dire straits of section, the online employment center will connect readers
keeping pace with the latest advances in technology often
the Prince George’s budget. with national and local jobs. The venue also allows job
makes them feel like they’re falling behind. But officials
“Obviously, we’re trying seekers to post resumes and search extensive jobs listings.
at the AFRO American Newspapers, which has bureaus
to do all we can to keep our During a time when African-American unemployment
in Washington and Baltimore, are keenly aware they must
county from suffering more looms at 16 percent nationwide, the AFRO hopes to
keep up in order to remain competitive in a rapidly changing
than it has to financially when promote business and career opportunities for its readers.
newspaper environment.
it comes to money we’ll get As the newspaper builds its jobs database, employers
With that in mind, publisher Jake Oliver recently
from the state,” Del. Jolene – searching for new hires within the minority community
announced the paper’s launch of a new application now
Ivey, D.-Dist. 47, said. – are offered competitive introductory pricing. The quick,
available for free downloading at the online Apple App Store
Ivey acknowledged efficient self-posting process allows businesses to add their
that gives readers access to breaking news from their IPhone.
another area of concern for listing to the AFRO’s virtual job catalog and conveniently
Also known as a smartphone, the sleek rectangular device
the county‘s elected officials. pay online. Companies will have the option of having their
works more like a palmtop computer than a cell phone, and
She‘s also working on ethics posted jobs appear exclusively on the AFRO site or have
as with many smartphones, it provides owners the choice
reform bills that she says will extended exposure on a nationwide network of affiliate
of watching movies, listening to music, browsing the web
“provide the most honest
Join the AFRO on Continued on A4 Continued on A4
Twitter and Facebook Continued on A4

Copyright © 2011 by the Afro-American Company

A2 The Afro-American, January 22, 2011 - January 28, 2011

AFRO National Briefs

return to the executive director of the D.C.-based National Organization for
beleaguered the Advancement of Haitians. “I know there are outstanding
country. Hours warrants for his arrest because of crimes against humanity and
‘Baby Doc’ Charged with Corruption in Haiti later, Haitian it is their obligation to take a stance on that.”
prosecutors But the country is in dire straits, he said. “That should be the
By Shernay Williams charged the focus, not the diversion created by Baby Doc.”
AFRO Staff Writer former leader with
corruption charges, AFRO Executive Editor Talibah Chikwendu and Managing
Jean-Claude “Baby Doc” Duvalier, former Haitian dictator, including theft and Editor Kristin Gray contributed to this article.
was escorted to court Jan. 18, only two days after his shocking misappropriation AP Photo/Dieu Nalio Chery
of funds, during his Former Haitian dictator Jean-Claude Astronomer Unveils Revised Astrology Chart
15 years as head of "Baby Doc" Duvalier, center, waves to After all those years of checking your daily horoscope,
supporters from a hotel balcony after
the country. you may have been following the wrong astrological sign,
his arrival in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, on
Your History • Your Community • Your News According to Jan. 16. Duvalier returned Sunday to according to an astronomer at the Minnesota Planetarium
The Afro-American Newspapers
Baltimore Office • Corporate Headquarters tweets from Mother Haiti after nearly 25 years in exile, a Society.
2519 N. Charles Street Jones reporter Mac surprising and perplexing move that Parke Kunkle, a board member with the organization,
Baltimore, Maryland 21218-4602 McClelland, who is comes as his country struggles with a claimed that, in the thousands of years since zodiac signs were
410-554-8200 • Fax: 1-877-570-9297
stationed in Haiti, political crisis and the stalled effort to first configured, a “wobble” in the Earth’s rotation shifted our
Founded by John Henry Murphy Sr., August 13, 1892 while Duvalier was recover from last year's devastating view of the stars, making the dates of the current astrological
Washington Publisher Emerita - Frances L. Murphy II at the courthouse earthquake. signs inaccurate.
his supporters were Depending on an individual’s birthday, his or her, their true
Chairman of the Board/Publisher - John J. Oliver, Jr.
Executive Assistant - Takiea Hinton - 410-554-8222 on the street calling for his release, saying, “Time is up!” After zodiac sign may in fact be the preceding one. For example, a
what was described by Associated Press reporter Jonathan M. person born on Sept. 12, who astrologists call a Virgo, may
Receptionist - Wanda Pearson - 410-554-8200
Katz as an “hours long closed-court meeting,” Duvalier left the really be a Leo.
Director of Advertising/Sponsorship Development & Sales courthouse around 6 p.m. EST, McClelland tweeted. Kunkle says the star’s realignment also created a 13th sign
Susan Gould - 410-554-8289 There is much speculation regarding why Duvalier has called Ophiuchus, representing those whose birthday falls
Advertising Manager - Robert Blount - 410-554-8246 returned to Haiti now. Many outside the country are wondering between Nov. 29 and Dec. 17.
Sr. Advertising Account Executive - Annie Russ - 410-554-8235
Advertising Account Executive
if the absence of power left by the devastating earthquake a “Historically, people looked at the sky to understand the
Marquise Goodwin - 410-554-8274 year ago and the contentious, unresolved presidential election world around us,” he told The Minneapolis Star-Tribune. “But
Director of Finance - Jack Leister - 410-554-8242
is the reason. Still others postulate, at least according to tweets today I don’t think people who are into astrology look at the
from McClelland, that he has returned to the country to die. sky very much.”
Archivist - John Gartrell - 410-554-8265
Duvalier mysteriously arrived in Haiti Jan. 16, accompanied Kunkle’s theory has prompted a flurry of attention and
Director, Community & Public Relations by his companion Veronica Roy, after 25 years of exile in confusion, and fueled the centuries-old “beef” between
Diane W. Hocker - 410-554-8243
France. He ruled over the island nation beginning in 1971, astronomers and astrologers.
Editorial following the death of his father Francois “Papa Doc” Duvalier East Coast astrologer Adam Gainsburg told the AFRO,
Executive Editor - Talibah Chikwendu - 410-554-8251 and maintained power until his oust during an uprising in 1986. “Western Civilization has known about this [the Earth’s
Baltimore Bureau Chief - Tiffany Ginyard - 410-554-8269 Human Rights Watch and other international groups have wobble] since 200 A.D. He said while the Earth does
Managing Editor - Kristin Gray - 410-554-8277 called for the controversial leader’s arrest, saying he and his “wobble,” it does not change the current zodiac calendar. And
Washington Bureau Chief - Zenitha Prince - 202-332-0080, ext. 119
father created a vicious dynasty that ordered the death and the Ophiuchus, Gainsburg said, is not a zodiac sign, just a
Global Markets torture of 20,000 to 30,000 Haitians. collection of stars. He said most astronomers have “no concept
Director - Benjamin M. Phillips IV - 410-554-8220
“Duvalier’s return to Haiti should be for one purpose only: of astrology.” “Astronomers have no interest in informing
Washington Circulation/Distribution Manager to face justice,” José Miguel Vivanco, Americas director of themselves in astrology but we always take interest in learning
Edgar Brookins - 202-332-0080, ext. 116 Human Rights Watch said in a statement. “His time to be held about astronomy.”
Baltimore Circulation/Distribution Manager
Sammy Graham - 410-554-8266 accountable is long overdue.” Devine said the new
He has never been prosecuted of any crimes. According astrological calendar would
Production Department - 410-554-8288
to Human Rights Watch, four Haitians recently filed torture not even give an accurate
Washington Office complaints against the former leader in France but charges reflection of personalities. “If
1917 Benning Road, N.E. • Washington, D.C. 20002-4723
202-332-0080 Fax: 1-877-570-9297 were overturned because the country’s statue on crimes against you have been studying the
General Manager humanity was not retroactive. signs like I have for 40 years,
Edgar Brookins - ext. 116
Office Administrator - Mia Hayes-Hawkins - ext. 112
Some civil leaders are urging media to focus on the you will see the character traits
devastation in Haiti – caused by a cholera outbreak, extreme (associated with the signs)
Customer Service, Home Delivery and Subscriptions: poverty and slow earthquake recovery – not on Duvalier’s won’t line-up.”
Customer return. “To the extent that Baby Doc is a citizen of Haiti, many
Courtesy Image
Billing Inquiries: 410-554-8226 say he has the right to visit the county,” said Eric Walcott,
Nights and Weekends: 410-554-8282 Continued on B7
November 1, 2008 - November 7, 2008, The Washington Afro-American A3

Jennifer Hudson and Relatives Identify Body of Her Slain NephewA3

A2 The Afro-American, January 22, 2011 - January 22, 2011 January 22, 2011 - January 28, 2011 The Afro-American
By Alan King sport-utility vehicle sought in from a neighbor about a suspi- posted fliers bearing his photo-

African-American Contributions to Civil War Shown

AFRO Staff Writer connection with the murder of cious vehicle. The man noticed graph around the city. On
Hudson’s mother and brother. the vehicle while walking his Sunday, Jennifer Hudson asked
Jennifer Hudson and other The white, 1994 Chevrolet dog. According to the Chicago for the public’s help in finding
relatives positively identified Suburban with Illinois license Tribune, the boy had been shot her nephew. In her MySpace
multiple times in the back seat
By Brian Englar served in a medical capacity of it,”blog, she thanked
“We and sup-
of the vehicle. The SUV, regis- porters for their prayers and
The Frederick News-Post during the war are highlighted in pride ourselves at being out front
tered to Hudson’s murdered offered a $100,000 reward to
a traveling exhibit at the National whenever possible breaking
brother, was towed with the anyone who returned the boy
boy’s body inside and is being FREDERICK, Md. (AP) Museum of Civil War Medicine downalive.myths.”

processed by evidence techni- Nearly 100 years before in downtown Frederick. The museum
Since the was the first to
cians and workers. The body Rosa Parks stood up against The exhibit, entitled Binding display the exhibit
Hudson – who gained as part of a
was later removed and taken to by refusing Wounds, Pushing Boundaries: Civil War medicine conference
after appearing on “American in
the Cook County Medical to give up her seat on a African-Americans in Civil Towson in October,
Idol,” and then won an Wunderlich
Examiner’s office. Montgomery, Ala., bus, Maj. War Medicine, was created by said. Academy Award for her role in
Hudson and other family Alexander T. Augusta took a the Library of Medicine at the Tamara
the movie Aw Dreamgirls
of Lanham –was has
members arrived at thesimilar Medical stand in Washington, National Institutes of Health and visiting the out
stayed museumof the on a Sunday
public eye.
Examiner’s office mid-after-D.C. runs through Jan. 28. afternoon The forChicago
the firstTribune
time report-
noon to identify the body.Augusta,Julian one of King,
13 black Jennnifer Hudson’s“It kind ofnephew.
puts into with edherthatchildren.
a parade Her of daughter
cars moved
Given the choice between surgeons
look- to serve during the perspective a part of history most Aiyana was past
slowly doing hersome
ing directly at the bodyCivil or War, was A spokesman for the office
in uniform and
the murders but is being held in Monday morning, past the
people are completely unaware for a school report.
told the newspaper that Hudson jail for parole violation after
viewing it on a wall-mountedon his way to testify at a court of,” said George Wunderlich, the Aw newssaidvans,
she wasn’t
reporters aware
and curi-
Courtesy Photos martial when he was removed museum’s executive director. of the contributions ousmadeonlookers.
Jennifer Hudson and her mom, Darnell Donerson who
was killed, as well as her brother, Jason.
“She held hands with her family. It was obviously a very emotional moment.”
from a street car for refusing to
stand up front with the driver,
Wunderlich said the National
Museum of Civil War Medicine
African-AmericansNeighbors to Civil stood
quietly and
War medicine. She said she was
reflected on the
as was required of African
“remained has beenbeing
strong for her fami- at theconvicted
forefrontof attempted particularly interested in learning
video screen, the family chose violence.
plate X584859 was found on the latter. According to Americans,
the forcing
ly” and was him clearly
to walkits leader.
of callingmurder
attentionand to the
vehicular hijack- more about Susie
In front of King Taylor,
the Hudson’s
the body of her 7-year-old
nephew Monday, just hours Chicago’s West Side after Tribune, Hudson said, “Yes, to the hearing in
“She the
held rain.
hands with her achievements
fami- ing. of
Cook Black
County doctors
records showa slave who secretly
home, men in heavy jacketslearned to
after his body was found in a police received a 7 a.m. call that’s him.” In another instance,
ly,” the Augusta
spokesman said. and
“It nurses.
that He
he said the
pleaded museum
guilty to both read and write. Taylor
and hooded sweatshirts came served as ato
was attackedwas by obviously
a group ofa very emotional publishedcharges
what was to hisHe was also nursekiss
in 1999. but thealsotwin
acted as a teacher
white crosses bar-

ACORN Fights Back

young Whitemoment.”
men for wearing his knowledge the firstinbook
convicted 1998telling
for posses-for illiterate
ing the namessoldiers. of Donerson and
uniform on a train The in boyBaltimore. the storysion
– the son of Julia of African-American
of a stolen motor vehicle. “IJason. like how she wasn’t
But the incidents didn’t deter
Hudson, Jennifer’s sister –surgeons
had He in was
the Civil War.
released from prison in allowed“Everybody
to learn howis to sickread and
of going
Augusta. “...been missing since
my position as Friday, The book, 2006 after
Prologue seven yearswrite,through
but somehowstuff likewas able to
Leader Calls Voter Registration Fraud Charges ‘Bogus’
this,” Artisha
an officer ofwhen a relative
the United found Julian’s
States, to Change, for was
the attempted
written bymurder and learn,West, and that turned
a former out to of
resident bethe
entitles me to grandmother,
wear the insignia Darnell Dr. Robert carSlawson,
hijackingwho charges.
is a an asset
areatotold thetheUnion army,”
Tribune. “We Awall
By Alan King and Dallas Cowboys players No wonder Obama’s campaign is Donerson, 57, and his uncle, The boy remained missing
AFRO Staff Writer Tony Romo and Terrell Owens, of
trying to distance him from the my office, and if I am either volunteer at the museum. He said. have to stick together. All these
Jason Hudson, 29, shot to death through a long weekend in
group, saying, “Barackafraid Obamaor ashamed to wear them, said Slawson also provided much Staff at the museum said the
young children are dying, and
among the names submitted to in his grandmother’s home in which police and volunteers
Presidential candidate John electionAs the nation celebratesNever
officials. the 150-year anywhere, I am not fit
Organized with ACORN.” the 7000 block of South Yale to hold my of the research for the exhibit, exhibitforhaswhat?”been well-received.
commission,” Augusta wrote in a which will be displayed all over “It’s definitely drawn
AFRO File Photo

McCain’s attack on ACORN – Hurdanniversary

said those workers, of the who But Obama’s
American Civil ties to ACORN run Avenue.
Associated Community were doing War, those
many thingsarewithout long and
remembering letter
thedeep. He taught classes to The Christian Recorder,
An Amber Alert – a desig- the country. interest,” said guest services
Organization for Reform Now – ACORN’s knowledge or of
contributions permis- an African-American
for ACORN. They even endorsed nation for high-risk missing
African-Americans newspaper. “When we heard there was member Katie Reichard. “A lot
confirms the success of the sion, were fired.
to the war. him for President. The story of Augusta and
children – was issued Friday an exhibit being put together, of people have called about this
organization, the head of the “The evidence that has sur- But now ACORN is in trouble.others like him who proudly
after Julian was discovered we really wanted to get a hold specific exhibit.”
group says. faced so far shows they faked Reporter: There are at least missing after the murders.
“This is testimony to the work forms to get paid for work they 11 investigations across the Police arrested William

Obamas Visit Historic Black Church

we’ve done and success we’ve didn’t do, not to stuff ballot country involving thousands of Balfour, the missing boy’s step-
had,” Maude Hurd, president of boxes.” ACORN, she said, is the potentially fraudulent ACORN father and estranged husband
ACORN, said in an interview victim of fraud, not the perpetra- forms. of Julia, at his girlfriend’s
with the AFRO. tor of it. Announcer: Massive voter Southside apartment several
“When this attack started, we Hurd said the only things fraud. And the Obama campaign hours after the murders.
By just announced
Braxtonthat we had bogus are the charges them- paid more than $800,000 to an Balfour’s mother, Michele, has said Monteiro. “The
Special 1.3 AFRO
to the million new vot- selves. And factcheck. org ACORN front for get out the vote told reporters that her son had congregation would also
ers,” she said. “That’s just to say agrees. efforts. nothing to do with the slayings. find it disruptive, having
someone’s running African scared It concluded, “Neither Pressuring banks to issue risky Balfour remains a suspect in Jason Hudson to get swept every Sunday.
because of ACORN’s
Methodist Episcopal success.”
ACORN nor its employees have loans. Nationwide voter fraud. He would like to join a
McCain, who is running for been found guilty of, or even Barack Obama. Bad judgment.
Church has hosted the church but he doesn’t
president on the Republican tick- charged with, casting fraudulent Blind ambition. Too risky for
funeral service of civil rights votes.” America. want to cause too much
et, lashed out at ACORN in the
leader Rosa Parks
final debate against Barack and both The problem came about pri- disruption to the churches
inauguration services for
Obama, contending the group “is marily because of the way Since McCain’s comments, and their congregations.
former President William
on the verge of maybe perpetrat- ACORN operates. Rather than ACORN’s 87 offices have been
SQUARE HIGH He doesn’t want to be a
Jefferson Clinton. Founded
ing one of the greatest frauds in rely on volunteers, it pays peo- bombarded with threats and distraction.”
in 1838,
voter the church,
history known
in this country, ple, many of them poor or unem- racist mail. However, besides
as the National
maybe destroyingCathedral
the fabricof of ployed, to sign up new voters. The day after the presidential cheers and cell phone
democracy.” Methodism, is rich The idea was to help both those debate, vandals broke into the camera flashes, the
in history, which aisnon-partisan, why it being registered and those doing organization’s Boston and Seattle president was anything
site, found those been claims
one ofto the registration. offices and stole computers. but a distraction during
be “exaggerated,” D.C.’s withpremier
“no evi- Maud explained, “We have a After a Cleveland representative The Obama family, from left: Sunday’s service at
dence of ofany
worship – especially
such democracy- zero tolerance policy for deliber- appeared on TV, an e-mail was President Barack Obama, Metropolitan. The choir sang
with fraud.”
a location just a few ate falsification of registration.” sent to the local office saying she Sasha, Michelle and Malia, joyfully, scriptures were read
Hurd believes the McCain Most news account neglect to “is going to have her life ended.”
blocks from the White House. enjoy the worship service on and churchgoers nodded
charges were politically motivat- point out that ACORN is A worker in Providence, R.I.,
At Metropolitan, it’s Jan. 16 at Metropolitan AME their heads as prayers were
ed. required by law to turn in all reg- received a threatening call say-
commonplace to encounter
She said, “Because it’s low- istration forms. And they also fail ing, “We know you get off work
LEFT Church, Washington. delivered
RIGHT and testimonies
men in suits on Sunday
and moderate-income people, to note that it wasand the organiza- at 9” and uttered racial epithets. are Metropolitan AME Church were given. Like any other
morning, but on Jan. 16, it was The president his family greet members and visitors Sunday, the congregation
and people of color, I believe the Jan. tion, in many instances, that first
16. A caller to one office left a Photos by Kea Dupree Photography
anything but ordinary.
McCain campaign thinks those That brought the phony registrations message on the answering Continued on A4
morning, men in
voters are going to vote black suits “Obama represented a long
to the attention of authorities. machine, saying: “Hi, I was just
stood at every
Democratic, vantage
which is notpoint
neces- tradition
The McCainof presidents
apparently calling to let you know that
inside and outside the church
sarily true.” who visited the church.
isn’t interested in those It was Barack Obama needs to get
in downtown
ACORN is Washington,
no stranger to and significant for him to visit on
points, preferring to air mislead- hung. He’s a (expletive deleted)
many of them were not only
controversy. ing ads that seek to
this day, especially being an link Obama nigger, and he’s a piece of
For 38 foryears,
service, but also
the non-partisan to ACORN, thereby
African-American president, undercutting (expletive deleted). You guys are
to protect the president of the
organization has fought for social his political support.
on the day that we celebrated
fraudulent, and you need to go to
and economic justice for low-
United States, Barack Obama, an African American [the McCain: I’m John McCain hell. All the niggers on oak trees.
and moderate-income
and his family. and I approve this message. They’re gonna get all hung hon-
Americans. With 400,000 mem- Rev. Dr. MartinWho
Announcer: Luther King
is Barack eys, they’re going to get assassi-
“Metropolitan A.M.E. was
ber families organized into more Jr.] and his
Obama? A mancontribution to
with “a political nated, they’re gonna get killed.”
chosen because he, (Obama) America,”
baptism performedBraxtonatsaid. warp Another message said, “You
than 1,200 neighborhood chap-
ters in 110to visit
citiesthe local
nationwide, While
speed.” church
Vast ambition.membersAfter col- liberal idiots. Dumb (expletive
ACORN has over He thewasyears
alsoseen and lege,visitors
he moved opened their coats deleted). Welfare bums. You
to Chicago.
impressed with the history
its share of criticism while advo- to get swept
Became down byorganizer.
a community security guys just (expletive deleted)
here,” saidaffordable
cating for Darron Paul housing, outside,
There, Obama the pastor’s office
met Madeleine come to our country, consume
living wages, deputy associate
healthcare for the was fullpart
Talbot, of church staff and
of the Chicago every natural resource there is,
underserved— Whiteand House
organ- bishops, who would ordinarily and make a lot of babies. That’s
branch of ACORN. He was so
of Public
izing voterEngagement.
registration drives. come and go
impressive thatashetheywas pleased,
asked to all you guys do. And then suck
ButAs crowds,
none has been of church
as withering but now had to answer to the
train the ACORN staff. up the welfare and expect every-
and baseless andasObama
this one. Secret Service men with wires one else to pay for your hospital
What did ACORN in Chicago
With the multiplied
presidential outside,
election on engage in? Bullying banks.
their left ears.
bills for your kids. I jus’ say let
Metropolitan’s pastor, the
less than two weeks away, Intimidation tactics. Disruption your kids die. That’s the best Before age five, every room is a classroom.
According to Monteiro,
ACORN’s detractors
Rev. Dr. Ronald E. Braxton, allege the of business. ACORN forced move. Just let your children die.
to issue would
risky home likeloans.
to Forget about paying for hospital
Fun learning opportunities are everywhere. Simple things like
paced has engaged
his office. He hadin mas- attend church services more counting and identifying shapes activate a child’s learning ability,
sive voter registration fraud after The same types of loans that bills for them. I’m not gonna do
met other presidents before, often, and help them enter school more prepared. That’s why PNC
the reported discovery of bogus causedbut the itfinancial
just isn’t feasible.
crisis we’re it. You guys are lowlifes. And I
but this one was different. “He finds it too disruptive,”
in today. hope you all die.”
founded Grow Up Great and its Spanish-language equivalent Crezca
names, such as Mickey Mouse con Éxito, a 10-year, $100 million program to help prepare young
Hurd thinks the hate calls will
children for school and life. Pick up a free bilingual Sesame Street™
cease soon.
“Happy, Healthy, Ready for School” kit at a PNC branch. It’s filled
“In two weeks, I think these
attacks will be over. But I think it with all kinds of simple, everyday things you can do to help a child
will be harder for us to get our learn. Together, we can work with our communities so an entire
name back on good graces generation won’t just grow up... but grow up great.
Identification Statements
Baltimore Afro-American — (USPS 040-800) is published weekly by The Afro-American because they really trashed us in
Newspapers, 2519 N. Charles Street, Baltimore, MD 21218-4602. Subscription Rate: the last few weeks.” To find out more, go to
Baltimore - 1 Year - $30.00 (Price includes tax.) Checks for subscriptions should be made But ACORN will not be
payable to: The Afro-American Newspaper Company, 2519 N. Charles Street, Baltimore, MD or call 1-877-PNC-GROW.
21218-4602. Periodicals postage paid at Baltimore, MD. deterred.
POSTMASTER: Send addresses changes to: The Afro-American Newspaper Company, 2519 “We’ve been fighting for a
N. Charles Street, Baltimore, MD 21218-4602. long time, for over 30 years, for
The Washington Afro-American & Washington Tribune — (0276-6523) is published
the rights of low- and moderate-
weekly by the Afro-American Newspapers at 1917 Benning Road, N.E., Washington, D.C. income people all across the
20002-4723. Subscription Rate: Washington - 1 Year - $30.00. Periodical Postage paid country,” Hurd said. “We’re
at Washington, D.C.
going to continue to fight for
POSTMASTER: Send addresses changes to: The Washington Afro-American economic justice in our commu-
& Washington Tribune, 2519 N. Charles Street, Baltimore, MD 21218-4602.
nities.” TM /©2008 Sesame Workshop. All rights reserved. ©2008 The PNC Financial Services Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
A4 The Afro-American, January 22, 2011 - January 28, 2011 January 22, 2011 - January 22, 2011, The Afro-American A3

Police-Community Partnership Pension Benefits

Continued from A1 Continued from A1
that they provide. groups. Prince George’s State’s Attorney “The increased aid would cover half of the do,” Baker said. “We just want to make sure
“You’re more than likely to tell your friend, Angela Alsobrooks has started a project total cost of the required retirement payments, that our [Prince George‘s Senate Delegation],
who happens to be a police officer, ‘Look, called “Speak Up,” which will go into Prince but it would cover more than half of the and I think they’re mindful of this, holds us as
this is what’s going on’ when you can trust George’s schools to reach people at a younger increased costs in lower wealth jurisdictions harmless as they can.”
that friend,” he said. “The whole problem is age. and less than half of the increased costs in However, Baker can’t rest easy for the time
mistrust and a lot of times we’d rather deal “I want it to be fully understood that I higher wealth counties.” being as not even the governor is interested in
with street justice.” believe education and prevention are our keys Still, few favor that option as counties any shift to the counties at this point. Despite
However, county officials may be taking to unlocking a longer solution to this homicide like Montgomery and Howard would have to the study, O’Malley is still looking for ways to
Spratley words to heart already as they hold problem,” she said. “The smartest strategy we shell out more percentage wise because of the spare counties that responsibility.
press conferences and reach out to community have is prevention.” formulas, while counties like Prince George’s “The Governor is considering a number of
are looking for more funding to cover options for pension reform with the goal of

Prince George’s Legislators

Continued from A1
budgetary issues they’re already facing.
Prince George’s is already expecting $77
million budget deficit for fiscal year 2012.
putting the system on a path of sustainability
before we can begin a discussion of cost
sharing,” said Shaun Adamec, spokesman for
The shifting costs are believed to tack on at O’Malley. “Options include revising the time
government and most effective government cases by the planning board where there has least another $28 million, according to County it takes for a new employee to become vested
that we can, for the people we serve.” been no appeal. This bill was put in because Executive Rushern Baker. in the system, as well as changing benefit
The ethics legislation is being pushed of alleged cases where council members have “What we’re saying is clearly the state structures for new employees and offering
through by Baker, who has already done reviewed cases to receive some benefit from has more options in terms of revenue than we more options to existing employees.”
things locally to address the issue by developers.
looking into the county’s credit card and
automobile take-home policies and creating
the Accountability, Compliance and
It appears the Prince George’s delegation
is on board with Baker in this regard as well.
Del. Dereck E. Davis, D.-Dist 25, is working
Obamas Visit
Continued from A3
Integrity Board. Now, he wants new laws with Ivey and others in Annapolis to get the
on the books to fight the corruption, which legislation passed. exploded with an enthusiasm that’s unique he gave everyone he encountered that Sunday.
was well documented under the previous “I applaud the county executive for to the Black Church, but on this Sunday, the And, like everyone who encountered Obama,
administration. proposing to close a significant loophole in an enthusiasm had a new attitude. Green was caught up in the rapture of the
“These bills represent a balanced approach otherwise sound public policy decision made It was the same attitude that Metropolitan nation’s leader.
to address past bad practices,” Baker said in a by the General Assembly two decades ago,” member Ernest Green, one of the oldest of The Obama family left Metropolitan
statement. “They are not an attempt to upset Davis said in a statement. “It is imperative the “Little Rock Nine” had when he first A.M.E. Church after the service but stayed in
the balance of power between the executive that we do everything we can to restore public met President Obama, although when he the memories and hearts of those who were
and legislative branches.” trust in our government as we continue on the met Obama, he wasn’t president yet. Before fortunate enough to worship with them and
One bill that Baker is trying to get passed path from good to great.” Obama’s arrival at Metropolitan, Green said, shake their hands. There was never a moment
would close a loophole allowing council The Prince George’s delegation is also “Seeing Obama as a president today visiting when one of the Obamas was not either
members to vote on cases in which they have working on bills preventing cell phone towers my church, makes me, as a teenager of 1957, smiling, praying or worshipping. For everyone
received campaign contributions through a from being built on or near school grounds as know that I was on the right path. This is in attendance, it was a historic moment that
slate. Another bill would prohibit council well as making direct wine shipments legal in something that I could have never predicted.” will continue the legacy of Metropolitan
members from seeking review of site plan Maryland. The president greeted Green with a sincerity African Methodist Episcopal Church.

‘AFRO’ Launches IPhone Application

Continued from A1
hard copies of the AFRO.
“People will still be able to
buy the AFRO where they
and sending e-mails and text AFRO Web manager way for us to connect with Oscar Robinson, a the first Black newspaper to normally pick it up.” Oliver
messages. William Parschalk added readers on the go,” Parschalk Radio Shack manager in showcase this technological said. “But additionally, this
“[The IPhone application] that the new application will said. “We’d like readers Northeast Washington, said innovation nevertheless new IPhone application
is an important first step for enable readers full access to have as many options smartphones are becoming makes this a significant event. will facilitate greater access
us in our quest to make the to news from District of as possible to access their the latest trend among cellular “It’s not too many to the growing volume of
AFRO far more available Columbia, Prince Georges AFRO news AFRO ... as new customers. “All phones weeklies that we’re aware of current late breaking news
to people who need to have County and Baltimore, as technology and mediums of are essentially becoming that have IPhone applications we continue to post on our
quick access to their news,” well as sports and national communication continue to smartphones because they can at all, and as far as I can website.
Oliver said. issues. “This is a great open up.” do so much,” said Robinson. tell, we’re the first African- “Among the many
“They have operating systems American newspaper to have programs we currently have

Employment Center
Continued from A1
that are usually going to be
Android, Windows or Safari
- which means that they run
such,” Oliver said. “But
we’ve always recognized
new technology as being an
on the drawing board is the
ultimate expansion of this
new IPhone application to
on their own networks to give important tool to better serve other smartphone platforms
news sites. and the unemployed in our instantaneous.” owners better access to many the ever changing needs of and eventually to the IPad
“(This is) just another community,” said AFRO To learn more about the of the latest applications.” our readership.” and other tablet formats as
way of using the digital Publisher Jake Oliver. new online employment While readers’ access to Oliver assured that well. Our objective continues
environment to focus “We believe this is a great center, please go to AFRO. the new application would implementation of the to be to expansively deliver
on some of the pressing opportunity for making these COM or call the Advertising not necessarily put the AFRO application will have no the information news to the
needs of the businesses interactions easy and almost Department at 410-554-8289. ahead of the times, being bearing on readers who prefer our community “
January 22, 2011 - January 28, 2011, The Afro-American A5

Community Bowie State ROTC Program

Mentors Baltimore City
Elementary Students
UN Foundation’s ‘Girl Up’ Campaign Kicks The ROTC Bulldog Battalion at Bowie State University

Off in D.C.
recently hosted a group of more than 50 students from The
Young 500 program at Robert W. Coleman Elementary School,
located in Baltimore City, to introduce them to military careers
By Brandi Forte high school including a campus tour and group sessions of push-ups and
Special to the AFRO senior, gender flutter-kick exercises.
discrimination The elementary school students learned about Bowie State
There is a United Nations “girlafesto” that says, “I am a and limited University’s campus during a tour. Following the tour, the
group gathered in the Theodore McKeldin Gymnasium where
girl….I am me. I follow. I lead. I learn. I teach. I change my health care
they competed in a push-up contest where students were given
clothes, my hair, my music and my mind. I have a voice that access are one minute to do as many correct push-ups as possible. The top
speaks, ideas to stand on, and a world to step up to.” only some of three students, including one who completed 60 push-ups, were
The empowering message of the “girlafesto” came alive the disparities awarded T-shirts while the entire group was given additional
for hundreds of area adolescents and teens who attended the impoverished Bowie State memorabilia.
United Nations Foundation Girl Up pep rally hosted at the girls may face. The students were provided lunch while professor of
THEARC in Southeast D.C., which is the first stop on the But Barker military science for the University, Maj. Timothy Blackwell
campaign’s national tour. implored the addressed the group. “The day served as an excellent mentoring
Girl Up is a national campaign that mobilizes American young women opportunity for students at the elementary level,” said Maj.
girls to raise awareness and funds for United Nations and men in Blackwell in a prepared statement. “The ROTC students at
programs targeted towards meeting the needs of girls in attendance to be the University are setting an example for these children to
follow and we hope they will remember this experience when
African countries Malawi, Liberia, Ethiopia and South more proactive
they graduate from high school and begin to make important
America’s Guatemala. in ending social decisions about continuing their education.”
In the spirit of the Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service, inequities. The Young 500 program promotes academic enhancement
the Girl Up launch brought together Estelle, a Grammy “Girl up Photo by Brandi Forte
and interest in higher education. Bowie State University’s
Award-winning singer and songwriter; Nigel Barker, a judge and man up,” Erica Lamberson, a senior at School Army ROTC program plans to continue the partnership with
on “America’s Next Top Model” and Alana Beard, a member an energetic Without Walls Senior High School, and this group as a way to provide direction and motivation to
of the WNBA’s Mystics. Nigel Barker a teen advisor for Girl Up America’s youth.
“American girls take a lot for granted. They need to travel. told the crowd
Get a passport and see another perspective on life,” London- of teenage girls.
born Estelle told the AFRO. “The first step to helping other “Everyone has the power to make a difference. As a father, I
girls in other countries would be by joining Girl Up.” believe fathers must have better dialogue with their daughters.
Adorned in purple, pink and blue, the rally offered hands- We must change the past injustices and make a difference in
on activities and even a female deejay that spun inspirational our daughters and girls lives.”
jams by female artists. According to the United Nations Foundation, a donation of
As Jill Scott’s “Golden” echoed from the speakers, $5 can provide school supplies, health checkups, clean water,
droves of girls bounced from a surreal passport booth to keep them safe from violence and support for girl centers in
informational booths that shared issues girls from around the their communities. In addition it can help families purchase
world face. goats and hens to “serve as incentives to keep their girls in
“These girls have dreams to be educated just like I do but school.”
are not afforded the opportunity,” said Erica Lamberson, a Lamberson is passionate about girl issues and believes
high school senior and one of the 17 Girl Up teen advisors American girls should take greater interest in helping other Courtesy Photo
that represent cities from around the nation. “These girls young women around the world. Students from Baltimore City’s Robert W. Coleman
face so many obstacles. They have to walk miles to get clean “I could not imagine walking miles to get water for my Elementary School participate in a push-up contest
water. Some are married off as teenagers because the families family. I could not imagine not going to school,” Lamberson during a recent visit to Bowie State University’s campus.
cannot afford the economic burden.” said as she stared at a photo of an Ethiopian girl. “I want to go

Local Woman Graduates

Lamberson attends Schools Without Walls Senior High to college, maybe for architecture. These girls have the same
Schools and isn’t bashful when it comes to educating her dreams, too.”
peers about the struggles some “600 million adolescent
girls” in developing nations experience. According to the For more information on Girl Up visit
Air Force Training
Air Force

Bridge in D.C. Airwoman

Cerzell Flannagan
graduated from
Compiled By Herb Quarles Geneva Wade, Carrolena Key, Gwendolyn Harllee, Joan basic military
Anderson, 2. Lola LeCounte, Marvin Raines, Irene Thomas, training at
Tournament Calendar Theodore Austin, 3. Elizabeth Wilson, Norma Vincent, Wilma Lackland Air
Kings & Queens – Open Pairs “C” Regional (1-21-11) Middleton, Bessie Heggs, 4. Naomi Millet, Dorcas Glascoe, Force Base, San
11 a.m. Call Louis Garner at 301-894-1141. Helen McCormick, Pearlena Allen. Antonio, Texas.
Dubridgettes - Open Pairs “C” Regional (1-24-11) 11 She completed an
a.m. Call Virginia Eggleston at 301-577-7176, intensive, eight-
week program
Tournament Results that included
WBU – Individual “C” Regional (1-3-11) 1. Regional training in
Chapman, 2. Jewel Chapman, 3. Clara Berryhill. military discipline
Y-Bridgettes – City Open Pairs (1-5-11) [NS] 1. Alice and studies, Air
Harriston-Karen Pollock, 2. Hazel Ward-Gloria Cobbs, Force core values,
3. Wilma Middleton-Herb Quarles. [EW] 1. Daisy Smith- physical fitness,
Shirley Baker, Helen McCormick-Jane Lee, 3. Lillian and basic warfare
Howard-Bertha Williams. principles and
Eastern – Open Pairs “C” Regional (1-6-11) 1. Reginald skills. Airmen
Chapman-Louis Garner, 2. Virginia Eggleston-Rachel Moore. who complete Courtesy Photo
Capitol – Open Teams “C” Regional (1-11-11) 1. basic training Cerzell Flannagan
earn four credits

Newlyweds Celebrate Photo by Herb Quarles

toward an
associate in applied science degree through the Community
College of the Air Force.

Life Together Idella Ford celebrated her 100th birthday recently with
family and friends at Martin’s Crosswinds in Greenbelt,
Md. In this picture, her great-nieces Judith Brown and
Airwoman Flannagan is the daughter of Raymond
Flannagan of Wyngate Road, Suitland, Md., and cousin of
Sleeprell Rice of Quebec Place, Washington, D.C.
Patricia Hite, welcome her into the building. She is a
member of the VIPs duplicate bridge club, and for many
years served as parliamentarian for the Washington
Bridge Unit. After graduating as a nurse from Freedman’s
Hospital in Washington, D.C., she had a long and
distinguished nursing career including being the first
African-American psychiatric nurse in the U.S. Army.

By Herb Quarles
Special to the AFRO

The family of Elsie Mann Shaw is pleased to announce

her marriage to the Rev. Dr. Alfonso John Harrod. The
ceremony, witnessed by family and friends, took place
recently in the Howard University Divinity School in
Northeast Washington. The Rev. Dr. Frank E. Tucker, pastor
First Baptist Church in Northwest Washington, officiated
during the ceremony. The newlyweds celebrated their union
during a reception at the Golden Flame Restaurant in Silver
Spring, Md. Mrs. Harrod, before her retirement, was an
educator and counselor in the D.C. Public School System,
and Alfonso, who was called out of retirement, is the pastor
at Lanham United Methodist Church on Whitfield Chapel
Road. They reside in Northeast Washington.
A6 The Afro-American, January 22, 2011 - January 28, 2011

Community Calendar
Jan. 20 of the Baltimore Grand Prix. winning documentary Dance LaBelle, Jennifer Holliday Jan. 23 Business & Opportunity
Business Golf Luncheon $45 in advance, $55 at the Party: The Teenarama Story, and Teena Marie ‘The Language You Cry In’ Fair
Renditions Golf Course, door. For more information: that examines the popular TV The Carlyle Club, 411 The Smithsonian The Hilton Garden Inn,
1380 W. Central Ave., 410-300-6511. dance programs of the 1960s. John Carlyle St., Alexandria, Anacostia Community 7301 Waverly St., Bethesda,
Davidsonville, Md. 11:30 Following the viewing, the Va. 7:30-10:30 p.m. This Museum, 1901 Fort Place, Md. 1 p.m. Learn how you
a.m.-1:30 p.m. Harvin Golf Jan. 22 movie’s creators will discuss concert will feature talented S.E. D.C. 2 p.m. This film can transform your skills and
Management Group will Washington’s Dance Party the making of the film. For performances in tribute to a tells the story about the search talents into full careers. For
be kicking off the year by The Smithsonian more information: 202-633- bevy of notable female R&B for meaningful links between more information: workitgirl.
hosting a business golf Anacostia Community 4820. stars. $25-$30. For more African Americans and their
luncheon. The guest speaker Museum, 1901 Fort Place, information: www.brencore. ancestral past. For more
will be avid golfer Jay S.E. D.C. 1-3 p.m. In this film Tribute to Phyllis Hyman, com. information: 202-633-4820. Jan. 23
Davidson, president and CEO discussion, view the award- Rachelle Ferrell, Patti Intro to Jazz Singing
The Mansion at
Strathmore, 10701 Rockville
Pike, North Bethesda, Md.
7:30-9:30 p.m. Jessica
Boykin-Settles, jazz singer
and Howard University
music professor, will lead

start this popular class introducing

participants to elements

of jazz rhythms, harmony
and improvisation. $275

for 6 sessions. For more
information: 301-581-5100.

Jan. 25
NBMBAA DC General Body
Courtyard By Marriott
Capitol Hill, 140 L St., S.E.
D.C. 6:30-9 p.m. Join the
D.C. Chapter of the National

new from
Black MBA Association
for their January general
body membership meeting.
For more information:

Estée Lauder

Black Ski General Body

DAYWEAR SPF 15 19th Street Baptist Church,
Now with the most effective anti-oxidant power ever. No anti-oxidant 4606 16th St., N.W. D.C.
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African-American ski and
testing. The Super Anti-Oxidant Complex helps defend against every key
type of skin-aging free radical to visibly diminish the first signs of aging
recreational organization
such as fine lines and dullness. In Sheer Tint (★ WebID 519741), Creme will be hosting their
(★ WebID 519743) or Lotion. 1.7 oz. $43 each. Visit the Estée Lauder monthly meeting to discuss
counter today for a complimentary personal skincare consultation with an future trips and events. For
expert. Plus, take home a free sample of the proven moisturizer right for more information: www.
your skin. One free sample per customer, while supplies last.
on any $50 cosmetics and fragrance purchase, no promo code needed! Jan. 28
Visit today. Exclusions apply.
Meeting At the Alley Cat
Alley Cat, 2 S. Whiting
St., Alexandria, Va. 7-10
p.m. DMV Billiards Group
will host this meet and
greet featuring free pool
lessons and drink specials.
Also enjoy video games,
darts and foosball. For
more information: www.

Jan. 29
Salute To Excellence-
Community Education
Awards Luncheon
The Sheraton Washington
North, 4095 Powder Mill
Road, Beltsville, Md., 11:30
a.m. The Ladies of Alpha
Kappa Alpha’s Educational
Advancement Foundation of
the North Atlantic Region
will host an awards luncheon
designed to recognize those
in the community who have
made a difference in non-
traditional educational ways
to create an environment
where the youth can grow
and develop a love of lifetime
learning. $50. For more

Dream Big 2011

Hampton Inn Washington,
9421 Largo Drive West,
Largo, Md. 12 p.m.
Motivational speakers
will inform you on how to
change your dreams into a
reality. $35-$45. For more
information: 240-550-7403.

Harambee Dinner Club

DMV Business Networking
Old Town Inn, 14745
Main St., Upper Marlboro,
Md. 4-5 p.m. Baltimore
and Washington, D.C.
metropolitan area business
owners will convene for
this networking event. $5.
For more information:
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January 22, 2011 - January 28, 2011, The Afro-American A7

It’s About What Kind of Country We
Want to Be
Last week, Americans watched as the new Republican Our ongoing debate
majority in the U.S. House of Representatives began a about universal access to
concerted effort to destroy one of President Obama’s signature high-quality, affordable
initiatives – The Affordable Care Act. We need to be clear about health care comes down
all that is at stake. to a straightforward moral
Every senator and representative has been educated about determination.
the mortal consequences of our flawed health care system, so What value will we, as a
none of us can plead ignorance as an excuse. society, decide to place on
When we look deeply into our hearts, we know that saving a human life?
even one death that could have been prevented would be In the resolution of this
unacceptable. Yet, the harsh reality that we are struggling to fundamental, moral debate,
overcome is far worse. America’s minority citizens
The National Academy of Science’s Institute of Medicine must remain unafraid to lift
has been informing us for some time that at least 18,000 our own voices about the
Americans die every year because they lack the affordable critical importance of reform
Elijah Cummings health insurance that could have allowed them to survive. in our own lives.
When I speak to opponents of The Affordable Care Act, As most Americans realize, the objective of our legislation is to expand health coverage to at
I tell them of the neighbors I see every day who are walking least 32 million people who currently have no insurance, providing financial assistance to help
around with cancer – and must choose between feeding their families and the treatment they those with lower incomes purchase their coverage.
need. Although our strategy is being implemented over several years, I am deeply gratified that our
In response to my testimony, all too often, the health care opponents’ eyes glass over. As progress toward this goal is already being felt in our community.
scripture tells us, their “hearts have become hardened.” More children are being insured; our seniors are receiving free preventive care and facing
Nowhere in America is the “butcher’s bill” from our flawed health care system worse than in a smaller “donut hole” in their prescription coverage; insurance plans for the uninsured with
minority communities. That is why we must not allow the suffering in our midst to become lost pre-existing conditions are being provided; young people are now able to stay on their parents’
in a blizzard of statistics and competing claims. insurance until age 26.
As Dr. Lesley Russell observed in a recent monograph for the Center for American Progress, Fewer people with insurance are seeing their insurance canceled when they get sick – and
“The Affordable Care Act will improve health coverage and access to health services for all the annual and lifetime limits on coverage are being eliminated.
Americans, [and] especially for people of color.” We also are determined to expand access to the primary care and medical homes (including
Her article summarizes what so many African Americans already know from our own lives. federally qualified health centers) that can better ensure a regular source of care.
Currently, racial and ethnic minorities make up more than one-half of America’s uninsured. In the ongoing national effort to eliminate racially based health disparities, I was proud to
Without The Affordable Care Act, we will continue to be more likely to be denied adequate have contributed personally to placing the Office of Minority Health within the Office of the
health insurance coverage and continue to have higher rates of infant mortality, disease and Secretary of Health and Human Services.
disability. The Affordable Care Act includes many more examples of constructive change, but the
Without substantial reform, we will continue to be less likely to receive the life-prolonging moral boundaries of this health care debate should now be clear for all to see.
benefits of preventive health screenings, regular health care and necessary medications that can As President Obama once observed, “It’s about what kind of country [we] want to be.”
prolong our lives.
To be certain, arguments about the impact of The Affordable Care Act upon jobs and our Congressman Elijah E. Cummings represents Maryland’s Seventh Congressional District in
national budget are relevant. Personally, I am convinced that supporters make the better case. the United States House of Representatives.
For me, however, there is a larger, more compelling question – and a far more clear-cut

Scott Sisters, Free at Last

Ben Wrobel Gladys has two children,
ages 22 and 15 and two
This month, Jaime and Gladys Scott walked out of prison 16 years after they first entered. grandchildren, ages 7 and 4.
Their double-life sentences were criticized as indicative of the egregious sentencing in our Jealous said that the
criminal justice system, and their release by Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour was hailed as a NAACP will continue
long-overdue victory for justice, as well as an example of a governor using his commutation to ensure that the sisters
powers to right a wrong. receive the best medical care
“I have no doubt that the reason the governor let them out is that this is a grave injustice,” available, and Lumumba
said NAACP President and CEO Benjamin Todd Jealous, who advocated strongly on the said he would help the
sisters’ behalf. “We need more days like this in Mississippi. We need more days like this in this sisters seek a full pardon.
country.” “Our next step is to ensure
The sisters’ release marks the end of a grassroots campaign led by a coalition of concerned that the sisters get the health
individuals and groups, including the sisters’ family Evelyn Rasco and Nancy Lockhart, their care that they need, and
attorney Chokwe Lumumba, the national NAACP, the Mississippi NAACP State Conference ultimately, the full pardon
and other organizations. Supporters from around the country brought attention to the sisters’ Courtesy Photo they deserve,” Jealous said.
imprisonment and petitioned Gov. Barbour for their freedom. NAACP President and CEO Benjamin Todd Jealous, left, According to Jealous, the
“This is a result of all of the individuals across this state and across the country who Jaime Scott, NAACP’s Kim Keenan, Gladys Scott and sisters’ release speaks to the
saw injustice in what was taking place and gave voice to it,” said Mississippi NAACP State NAACP’s Derrick Johnson urgent need for the work the
Conference President Derrick Johnson. “This is a great day to let us know that if we stick NAACP and its allies have
together, work together, we can make mighty things happen.” been doing for more than a
Jamie and Gladys were each arrested as teenagers for a first-time offense in which no one century to encourage governors and presidents to use their clemency powers to advance justice.
was hurt and court records maintain that little more than $10 was stolen. The sisters were “The case of the Scott sisters gives hope to others who are unjustly imprisoned,” Jealous
convicted of luring two men to be robbed by three teenage boys. The boys each received eight said. “During the past few weeks, two governors released Black Americans who had been
years and served fewer than three. railroaded by our nation’s criminal justice system. One week before the Scott sisters were
The sisters’ case has become increasingly tragic and urgent over the years. While in prison, released, New York Gov. David Paterson commuted the sentence of John White, a man who
Jamie lost the use of both her kidneys. was defending his family. We hope that this trend continues in other cases, such as the case of
“They have served more time than they should have served,” Lumumba said. John McNeil, a Georgia man who was given a life sentence for defending his home.”
After leaving prison, the sisters returned to Pensacola, Fla., where their mother and children
live. Jamie has three children, ages 23, 20 and 17, and two grandchildren, ages 5 and 3. Ben Wrobel is a press assistant with the NAACP.

Racial and Ethnic Divide over Gun Rights

Columbine High School. The Washington, D.C. weapons on us as if we were still in the wild, wild west. That attitude has been fueled by hot
sniper.  Northern Illinois University.  Virginia Tech. Red rhetoric that somehow, the federal government is the enemy of the people.
Lake Indian Reservation. Chicago school children. And now, According to Gallup, the polling firm, “Almost half of Americans say they perceive the
Tucson, Ariz. In dramatic ways, shooting deaths have horrified, federal government to be an ‘immediate threat to the rights and freedoms of ordinary citizens.’”
mesmerized and confounded Americans. Yet, an increasing That figure has risen from 30 percent in 2003 to 46 percent in 2010.
number of people say it is more important to protect the rights Forty-eight states have laws that permit citizens to carry concealed firearms in public,
of citizens to own guns than to limit those authorized to carry usually after obtaining a permit from local or state law enforcement authorities. Last year,
lethal weapons. Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer signed into law a bill that allows most adults to carry concealed
In a September survey, the Pew Research Center found firearms without a permit except in such sensitive areas as schools and airports. Only two other
that 50 percent of Americans favor protecting the right to own states – Alaska and Vermont – have similar laws.  
guns over the adoption of stricter gun control laws. There were Jared Lee Loughner, who went on a Jan. 8 shooting rampage in Tucson, legally purchased
important racial and ethnic distinctions. Non-Hispanic Whites his semi-automatic pistol. And, he was acting lawfully when he concealed his weapon at a
favor gun rights by a margin of 54 percent to 42 percent. public rally held by U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz.). Loughner crossed the line, however,
However, people of color hold opposite views. Among
when he pulled his weapon and killed six people and wounded 13 others, including Giffords.
African Americans, two-thirds – 66 percent – favor control
George E. Curry Gun advocates cite the Second Amendment as upholding their right to own guns. It reads:
of guns, compared to 20 percent who favor giving preference
to the right to own guns. Among Hispanics, the gap was even “A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people
larger, with 75 percent favoring tougher gun control laws and only 21 percent giving the edge to to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.”
gun owners. An article in the University of California-Davis Law Review [Winter 1997] by Carl T. Bogus
Considering the national tragedies the nation has witnessed, often via around-the-clock titled, “The Hidden History of the Second Amendment” provides an interesting perspective. 
coverage on cable television, I am somewhat surprised by the shift in public opinion toward the “The Second Amendment was not enacted to provide a check on government tyranny; rather, it
rights of gun owners.  What is not surprising is that people of color are not part of that trend. was written to assure the Southern states that Congress would not undermine the slave system
Looking back on how Black communities have changed for the worse, two factors stand by using its newly acquired constitutional authority over the militia to disarm the state militia
out more than any others: the widespread use and sale of illicit drugs and the accompanying and thereby destroy the South’s principal instrument of slave control,” he wrote.
gun violence. Even how we settle disputes among ourselves has radically changed. When I was Of course, that perspective is rarely expressed by historians. Bogus thinks he knows why:
growing up in the 1950s and 1960s, if I got in a fist fight with a guy, at worst, we might have a “The Second Amendment’s history has been hidden because neither James Madison, who was
rematch the next day. Over the years, however, things have changed. Instead of settling disputes the principal author of the Second Amendment, nor those he was attempting to outmaneuver
by duking it out, it is far more likely that one of the parties will try to settle the feud with a gun. politically, laid their motives on the table.”
Today, elderly people are not exempt from armed robbery and churches don’t stand a prayer According to Bogus, the trend of states relaxing their gun laws is not only dangerous, as we
of a chance of being off-limits to scoundrels. The negative impact of guns has impacted other have seen in Arizona, but based on a flawed reading of the Second Amendment.
aspects of our communities, such as making adults less willing to exercise their authority over
wayward young people for fear of being assaulted or killed. George E. Curry, former editor-in-chief of Emerge magazine and the NNPA News Service, is
Led by the National Rifle Association (NRA), the gun lobby has been very successful a keynote speaker, moderator, and media coach.  He can be reached through his Web site, www.
depicting gun ownership as not only a right but a necessity. It argues that in addition to being  You can also follow him at
able to have a weapon to protect one’s home, citizens need to be able to carry concealed
A8 The Afro-American, January 22, 2011 - January 28, 2011

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Doors for Minority Women

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“We’re 10 people and we
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more than what we are,”
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MONDAY ONLY! mesmerized by fancy symbols us with a problem and we can says about being a woman in
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cooking. At most, she hoped
to learn more about welding.
That semester, however,
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January 22, 2011 - January 28, 2011, The Afro-American B1

Photos by Andrea L. “Aunni” Young

By Andrea L.
“Aunni” Young
Special to the AFRO

The Capital Area Asset

Builders (CAAB) partnered
with the Washington, D.C. Links chapter, along with want?” Stroman educated attendees about
new Links member, WUSA Channel 9 anchor income, budgeting, credit building, saving
Andrea Roane, to help area residents pay off and their financial rights.
debt, save money, fund education, buy homes Maureen Lewis, a
Attendee Shani Lee Huggins and her
District resident Shani and start new businesses at its recent “CAAB husband recently purchased a home member of Links,
Lee Huggins, who in the Community” seminar and reception at with CAAB’s six-month $3,000 matching expressed her
recently purchased a First Trinity Lutheran Church in Northwest, savings programs, and were educated appreciation for
home with CAAB’s six- D.C. “It was a perfect linking together of the through CAAB’s Money Management 101 the CAAB/Links
month $3,000 matching two organizations (CAAB and Links),” said course. “CAAB fosters healthy savings,” partnership
Roane. “We have similar goals – service to said Huggins. “They prepare you to
savings programs An event the community.” practice saving, having a goal and keeping
participant Financial expert Linda Stroman, who it.”
listen attentively facilitated the CAAB “Can I Afford Offered mainly in D.C.’s financial
to seminar My Life?” financial seminar, helped district, CAAB seminars are also offered
presenters residents answer the question, “Do at churches and other partnering
you need this or is this something you organizations.

Facilitator Linda
Stroman educates
residents about
Second row: Marcella Harshbarger, president of the CAAB Board; budgeting,
Gwen McCall, Links; Maurita Coley, CAAB executive director. First credit skills and
Attendees learn money management skills
row: Janice Anderson, Links; Maureen Lewis, Links and Andrea emergency funding
Roane, Links

Celebrity chef Cheo, left, and event co-chairwomen

R. Denise Everson and Deidra Barksdale present
the entrée winner Frank Malone. Chef Cheo, left, and event organizers present
the dessert winner, Barry Williams.

Chef Earnest Chrapph serves a dish of curry

chicken marsala to Dr. E. Gail Anderson.

Enrique Young and his son Shiloh ; Tony Freeman

with his son, Cryz

Chef Garrett Milliam, 12, serves

up a side dish of sweet cornbread
to an attendee while his father
looks on.

R. Denise Everson (left), and Deidra Barksdale

(right), co-chairwomen, announce raffle winners
with celebrity guest Cheo

Deidra Barksdale, Venida Y.

Hamilton, president, board of
directors, DC Alumni Foundation;
R. Denise Everson, A. Chevelle
Glymph Foster and chef Cheo Event organizers

Chef Barry William’s pineapple rum cake

The Washington, D.C. Alumnae Chapter and Washington D.C. Alumnae Foundation of
was the most popular dessert
First-time Delta Sigma Theta Sorority hosted its “Seventh Annual Distinguished Men Cookin’ with
participants the Deltas Community Fundraiser” recently at the Howard University Armour J. Blackburn
Rico Rowell Sr. Center.
and his son, Under the leadership of A. Chevelle Glymph Foster, chapter president; Venida Y.
Rico Rowell II Hamilton, chairwoman, foundation board of directors and event co-chairwomen Deidra
of Bowie, Md.,
Barksdale and R. Denise Everson, family and friends gathered for an afternoon of fine
present their
Asian salad.
cuisine prepared by local volunteer chefs.
Guests enjoyed a variety of finger-licking, lip-smacking entrees and desserts fit for the
king’s table. Once all the dust had settled, two chefs were singled out as the best: Frank
Malone (entrée winner) and Barry Williams (dessert winner).
Celebrity chef Cheo served as the official host. The chapter and foundation’s mission is A. Chevelle Glymph Foster, chapter
president, speaks about the fundraiser.
to service D.C.- based community programs though sisterhood, education and awareness.
Sponsors and vendors included Frankie Banks Cosmetic Company, Joyce’s Purses and
Things, Black Sauce Kitchen and Rita’s Water Ice.
Photos by

Chef Padua Player

DJ Soprano
mixes old and
new school
R&B hits for
the foodies’ Delta sisters: Andrella Smith, Andrea Smith, Tiki Hall,
listening Erin Clark and Alissa Greer The Rowell family with three generations of male
pleasure. culinary enthusiasts
B2 The Afro-American, January 22, 2011 - January 28, 2011

Faith Pulse
Local Church’s CD Debuts on Billboard Charts
Bishop Alfred A. Owens Jr. and Co-Pastor Susie C. Award winner Maurette Brown-Clark, Courtney Nero, and
Owens, founders and pastors of the Greater Mount Calvary Grammy-Award winner Steve Lawrence (Bishop T.D. Jakes
Holy Church, are celebrating the Greater Mount Calvary & The Potter’s House Mass Choir) all hailed from Calvary’s
Recording Choir and Calvary Records’ new CD, Greater music department.
Mount Calvary LIVE As Told By The Music Ministry, for Calvary Records and the GMC Recording Choir kicked
debuting at No. 7 on Billboard’s Top Gospel Albums chart off the release in true Calvary style with a red carpet
in its first-week sales. “I believe it’s truly a testament to the release event attended by over 2,500 people. “This has truly
vision of the church and will give people another chance energized our church for the New Year and new season for
to experience Calvary,” Bishop Owens said in a prepared the Calvary Nation,” Co-Pastor Susie Owens added in a press
statement. release.
This is the first time that Calvary Records and its  Greater Mount Calvary LIVE As Told By The Music
choir have landed on a Billboard chart. However, its Ministry is an inspiration, 17-song live set that gives its
music ministry is no stranger to the spotlight. The music listeners a front row seat to experience the Pentecostal fervor
department produced the Greater Mount Calvary Men of of a Sunday morning service at the 3,000-member church,
Courtesy Photo
Valor ensemble that won Verizon’s “How Sweet the Sound” founded in 1976. The album was produced by Grammy
Greater Mount Calvary Holy Church’s co-pastor Susie C.
Regional (Washington, D.C.) and National VCast People’s Award winner Steven Ford, who has also produced other
Owens and Bishop Alfred A. Owens Jr. sign copies of the
Choice Awards gospel choir competition in 2010. Stellar artists such as Vickie Winans, Tye Tribbett and Richard
recording choir’s new CD.

African-American Baptist Mission Grants $1 Million to Haiti

Relief Efforts
The African-American Baptist Mission Collaboration collaboration to leverage the impact their members could have
(AABMC) presented Habitat for Humanity International in the region. The collaboration granted Habitat $500,000 in
with a second grant of $500,000 in December to support June 2010, making it the largest faith-based donation Habitat
the homebuilding ministry’s recovery program in Haiti. The had received for Haiti relief. The NAACP branches and units
donation follows a previous gift given to the organization in contributed $50,000 to the second AABMC $500,000 grant.
June, bringing the AABMC’s total contribution to Habitat to “Our commitment to help our brothers and sisters in Haiti
$1 million. The pledge was made and completed in one year. continues with this contribution,” said Dr. David Emmanuel
Immediately following the earthquake in Haiti last year, Goatley, coordinator with AABMC and executive secretary-
Lott Carey Baptist Foreign Mission Convention, National treasurer, Lott Carey Baptist Foreign Mission, in a statement.
Baptist Convention, USA, National Baptist Convention of “The African-American Baptist Collaboration is determined to
America, National Missionary Baptist Convention of America raise our target of $50 million over a five-year period to help
and the Progressive National Baptist Convention formed the rebuild the lives of those hit by the devastating earthquake. We

Courtesy Photo
Dr. Robert G. Murray, Lott Carey Baptist Foreign Mission
Convention; Dr. Julius R. Scruggs, National Baptist Convention,
USA; Dr. T. DeWitt Smith Jr., Progressive National Baptist
Convention; Mike Carscaddon, Habitat for Humanity
International; Dr. Stephen John Thurston, National Baptist
Convention of America; and Dr. C.C. Robertson, National
Missionary Baptist Convention of America
are just getting started in earnest with our assistance, and this
partnership with Habitat for Humanity is one part of a variety
of investments our network is making in support to churches,
clinics, schools, and families.”
The initial funding supported the construction of
transitional shelters to help meet basic needs of more than
1,600 Haitians in Cabaret. “The current gift will be used
in Léogâne to fund more than 80 housing solutions, which
includes materials, construction, site preparation, water,
sanitation, training, community engagement and access to
basic infrastructure such as roads, schools and churches,”
said Dr. Julius R. Scruggs, president of the National Baptist
Convention, USA.
AABMC continues to raise funds to assist with other
earthquake relief related problems. “We are tentatively
scheduling a Summit on Advocacy for Haiti to convene
in Miami,” said. Dr. Caroll A. Baltimore, president of the
Progressive National Baptist Convention. “AABMC will
band with other denominations and organizations to develop
a coherent and concise advocacy strategy to advance in the
United States and with the international community.”
The African-American Baptist Mission Collaboration’s
pledge is not just a financial one; the group is hands-on with

Want a free
the Haiti relief ministry. “Last year in June and October,
pastoral visitation teams made short-term mission assignments
to Haiti,” said Dr. C.C. Robertson, president of the National
Missionary Convention of America. “Eight persons were

checking account? on each team and they visited Port-au-Prince, Cabaret and

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January 22, 2011 - January 28, 2011, The Afro-American B3

‘Kam’s Kapsules’: Weekly Film Previews

Pr. George’s Man

Stakes Claim in Online
Janet Jackson Set to Rock D.C.’s
Radio Movement
By Brandi Forte We strive to be the first
DAR Constitution Hall
From the sultry “Anytime, Anyplace” to the upbeat her gratitude and excitement for the upcoming show with the
Special to the AFRO international Internet radio
“Escapade,” Janet Jackson’s fans in the following statement: “I thank my fans who have voted
show that connects the global
Baltimore-Washington metropolitan area will and helped me choose the cities we are announcing today.
The future of African- community to a myriad of
enjoy an intense lineup of the multitalented Each of you are so important to me,” said Jackson. “These
American radio appears positive forward-thinking
star’s biggest hits when she heads to DAR concerts will be different from anything I have ever
bright. According to the ideas and concepts while
Constitution Hall March 22. done. I will be as up close and personal as possible.
Federal Communications providing entertainment. By
The legendary icon took the These concerts are not about special effects. This is
Commission, there are 337 doing so, we will introduce
suggestions of her fans to heart and a love affair between me and those of you who have
Black-owned radio stations our listeners to various
after her start in Asia, she will be supported me and my work for all these years. I’ll be
throughout the country, cultures, entrepreneurial
bringing the tour to the United singing and dancing from my heart. The music will
and radio pioneer and ideas, as well as many other
States and Canada. Jackson will all be songs that you’ve made number ones for me.”
mogul Cathy Hughes has proactive activities, while
perform songs from her 35 No.1 Janet will also select the first fan winner from
monopolized 28 of those simultaneously introducing
hits in 35 global cities. each of the selected cities. The winner will be
a diverse group of talented
This tour will differ from announced on and will
individuals that are worthy of
her previous concert schedules receive an autographed copy of Number Ones and
in that she will perform music an autographed copy of her upcoming book, True
We pride ourselves in
exclusively from her chart- You,which hits stands Feb. 8.
delivering authentic music
topping CD Number Ones. There Published by Karen Hunter Publishing – an
and keeping our listeners
will also be a focus on venues that imprint of Gallery Books at Simon & Schuster
informed with current
will allow Janet to be up close and – True You reveals Jackson’s unique, insider’s
news as we get it. We are a
personal in an intimate setting. perspective on dieting and exercise with help
community-oriented radio
Arthur In each selected city, Jackson from her personal nutritionist, David Allen. True
show and we take pleasure in
Medley will offer something new, ensuring You also chronicles the famed singer’s lifelong
Courtesy Photo participating and broadcasting
no two shows are alike. According struggles with weight and self-esteem. The book
at local events.
to event organizers, “This tour is Janet is a self-help/esteem book where Janet will use
radio markets. Meanwhile,
more revealed, more intimate, and more anecdotes from her real life to illustrate the power of
hundreds of budding Black AFRO: How did the idea
personal than ever before. Don’t look self-esteem and how she struggles and her continued
entrepreneurs have discovered of launching an online radio
for special effects. Just listen to and growth as an artist and a woman.
online radio as a new launch station begin?
look at Janet, as you have never seen
pad for success. AM: I have always had
her before.” For more information about Jackson’s visit to D.C,
Arthur Medley, president an entrepreneurial spirit from Courtesy Photo
The Gary, Ind., native expressed Janet Jackson see
of Illastr8 Internet Radio in me being a music producer
Largo, Md., understands the and being indirectly involved
past history, struggles and in the music/entertainment AM: Perseverance and Simpson, who have taken AM: We interviewed Mr. sure that whatever God has
triumphs of Black radio since industry. Radio is completely dedication is the key. Without this industry from both sides Roach Brown, who served planned for me will be.
its inception in 1949. As a a new endeavor for me, but I dedication in your desires, and completely shifted the a life sentence in Lorton
matter of fact, Medley has enjoy and have had success in whatever that may be, you look and feel of urban radio. Correctional Facility and AFRO: How do you
plans to engineer a global establishing and creating my have to persevere through Moguls and entrepreneurs like created a movement called see the future of African-
movement. Radio trailblazers own avenues to build on that. the tough times which will them have lifted us up as a the “Inner Voice” while American radio?
Jesse Blayton Sr., Alex [It] could be sustainable for ultimately make you a people to make us believers in incarcerated. He ultimately AM: The future of
Leech, Leonard Evans, Percy years to come. stronger and more sustainable our own abilities. What they paved the way for other African-American radio
Sutton and Cathy Hughes human being. represent translates to prestige inmates to be heard. He was looks bright. I just believe
provided the blueprint, and AFRO: Where is the radio Life growing up was and longevity. provided parole in 1976 via that we as a people should
now Medley, a new kid on station located and what are actually not bad. I have the former late President be more assertive in our
the block, is excited about the air times? always had support and AFRO: Recently, who are Gerald R. Ford. Inspirational approach and don’t get
the innovative opportunity. AM: We are located at great people in my corner to some of the celebrities you individuals and stories like frustrated when things don’t
He shares with the AFRO 1300 Mercantile Lane, Suite participate in my success. have had on your show? this makes up the essence of go quite our way. We must
his outlook, dreams, advice 100B in Largo, Md. We air We all have setbacks and AM: Comedian Chris our show and what we pride adhere to the thinking of
for other entrepreneurs between the hours of 6 to challenges, but it is how you Thomas, model Ophelia from ourselves. our forefathers. It is in our
and how he plans to take 8 p.m. every Wednesday. overcome them that makes “For the Love of Ray J,” best interest as the economy
Illastr8, which was launched Currently, we are live on you who you are. Seezinz (“Flavor of Love”) AFRO: Do you have plans changes and opportunities
in November 2009, to new the Internet via IM4 Radio and pioneer band Full Force... on going AM/FM? present themselves to African
heights in 2011. Broadcasting Network. AFRO: Who in radio do just to name a few. AM: We have expansion Americans, to stake our claim
you look up to? plans in 2011-12 to move to and continue to move forward
AFRO: What makes AFRO: How can you AM: I of course look up AFRO: What is one XM Radio, so look out for us. understanding mass media unique? connect the dots from your life to radio pioneers such as of your most memorable As long as I keep this idea in and entertainment thrives off
Arthur Medley: growing up until now? Cathy Hughes and Donnie interviews? the forefront of my mind, I’m of our ingenuity.

Reader’s Corner ‘Poetry Extravaganza Day’ Celebrated in D.C.
Before Bo Jackson and Cam By Patrick D. McCoy
Newton, Thom Gossom made Special to the AFRO
history in 1970 by walking onto
the Auburn football team as a wide Mayor Vincent Gray declared “Poetry Extravaganza Day”
receiver—and ended up being one in D.C. on Jan. 15 during a celebration at the Martin Luther
of the first African Americans to King Jr. Memorial Library in the Great Hall. Sponsored by
integrate the team and the first The Coalition for African Americans in the Performing Arts
African-American athlete to (C.A.A.P.A.), the 15th anniversary presentation featured
graduate from the nearly all-White readings and performances by some of the area’s finest poets.
university. Featured prominently on the program was poetry ensemble
Even the flap copy to his Collective Voices, comprised of members Joy “Sistah Joy”
book, Walk-On, a memoir that Matthews Alford, Sylvia Dianne “Ladi Di” Beverly, Andre
outlines his “reluctant journey into “Brenardo” Taylor, Evette “Billye” Keene Okera, Carolyn
integration,” sets the tone of his missive by stating that Gossom Cooley-Joyner, Angela Boykin-Turnbull, Dyone Mitchell,
did not set out to be a groundbreaker or trailblazer. He didn’t Avery Lanier Tynes and Darrick “Bro. Malcolm” Johnson. Courtesy Photo

apply to Auburn with the goal of integrating the team or being The event’s emcee was Josephine Reed, managing producer, Sistah Joy, founder of Collective Voices; Terri Allen,
the first Black anything from the almost all-White college. He audio division at the National Endowment for the Arts and the Coalition for African Americans in the Performing Arts;
was talented and smart—and he just had a love of football and Malcolm X Drummers and Dancers, founded by Doc Powell, Brenardo, Carolyn Joyner and Ladi Di
really wanted to play at Auburn. Earning a scholarship after provided accompaniment to the moving readings. Meanwhile,
one season, he became the teams’ best receiver and a three-year soprano Karen Wiggs-Wilbanks lent her soaring voice to the Committed to “bringing color to the classics” C.A.A.P.A
starter. singing of “Lift Every Voice and Sing” and “If I Can Help works diligently to further King’s vision by offering the arts
“I always knew I would write this book,” said Gossom Somebody.” A reception and book signing followed the and classical music to the African-American community.
in a prepared statement. “It was evident by what we were celebration.
going through that history was being made, and it needed to This special program celebrated the life and legacy of Dr. For more information, visit
be chronicled. Sometimes I’m not sure that within the sports Martin Luther King Jr. in one of the many places named in his Patrick D. McCoy is an arts columnist and musician
industry today, athletes have a good sense of what barriers were memory. Written statements of congratulations came from the residing in the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area. His online
being broken and what myths debunked that paved the way for mayor, Washington, D. C. poet laureate Dolores Kendrick, the column can be read at
their success and place on the team. I wanted my book to tell a Prince George’s Arts Council and the C.A.A.P.A. washington-dc/patrick-mccoy.
story that respected the times, and chronicled one of the biggest
cultural changes since the Civil Rights Movement.” Nigger for Life The poetry book explores Hall’s painful realization of an
Walk-On is also a testament to Auburn’s courage as sports Born and raised in Warren, Ohio, Nigger for Life author “unspoken America” where he is judged primarily by his skin
pioneers. “Auburn signed the first black basketball and football Neal Hall is the textbook definition of an American success. color and not his Ivy League education and intelligence.
players in the deep south, knowing it would not be a smooth Hall attended Cornell University where he excelled at school Noted scholar Cornel West praised the book, saying
journey to today,” said Gossom and garnered much in the nature of sports accolades. He went Hall’s “poetry has the capacity to change ordinary people’s
Final word: Heart-warming underdog story particularly on to receive a medical degree from Michigan State and his philosophy on social and racial issues.”
touching for sports enthusiasts ophthalmology surgery subspecialty training from Harvard Final word: Striking, rare look at America through the
Available now at Borders Books and online at Amazon and University. Despite his track record of accomplishments, Hall viewpoint of a Black surgeon/poet/activist believes some Americans will still see him as a “nigger for life.” For more information visit
B4 The Afro-American, January 22, 2011 - January 28, 2011

Hue Jackson Named 15th Black Howard Women’s Basketball

Head Coach in NFL History Lady Bison Snap Seven-Game
Losing Skid with Two Wins
By Perry Green
AFRO Sports Editor
By Perry Green
Former Baltimore Ravens
AFRO Sports Editor
quarterback coach Hue Jackson became
the 15th African-American head coach Howard University’s
in NFL history after his latest promotion women’s basketball team
from Oakland Raiders owner Al Davis. snapped their seven-game
Jackson, 45, served as the Raiders losing skid by winning against
offensive coordinator in 2010 under two Mid-Eastern Athletic
former head coach Tom Cable. He ran Conference opponents this
the play calling duties for the Raiders week.
last season, leading them to more than The Lady Bison (5-13
twice as many points in 2010 as they overall, 2-3 MEAC) first
scored in ‘09. Jackson’s rejuvenated ended their losing funk on
offensive unit helped Oakland win eight Jan. 15 by beating the North
Courtesy Photo/Howard Sports Information
Carolina A&T Lady Aggies,
games last year, avoiding an eighth Howard’s Saadia Doyle scored 17 points against N.C.
69-53, at Burr Gymnasium.
straight losing season. Before he joined A&T and 29 points against Norfolk State to help the Lady
Howard head coach Niki
the Raiders, he served as the Ravens’ Geckeler called it one of the
Bison win two straight games.
quarterbacks coach from 2008-‘09, better performances from her double-double against North Carolina A&T
helping develop third-year quarterback team all season. on Jan. 15 with a game-high 29 points and
Joe Flacco into one of the top productive “The difference between this conference 15 rebounds. Cheyenne Curley-Payne also
passers in the league. game and the last two is the fact that the contributed to Howard’s success during their
“I’m excited about Hue getting the team was able to stay poised,” said Geckeler. two-game winning streak, scoring 21 points
head coaching job,” Raiders tight end “They were focused from start to finish. and six assists against the Lady Aggies, and
Courtesy Photo
We were able to maintain our composure scoring 13 points with eight assists against
Hue Jackson is the third Black NFL head coach Zach Miller told ESPN in a phone Norfolk State.
interview. “I really like the direction throughout the game.”
named this year. “Cheyenne has done a great job as
our offense is going and how much we Howard followed up with another
impressive home performance on Jan. 17 by a leader,” coach Geckeler said of her
improved. This was the best offensive
crushing Norfolk State, 65-43. sophomore point-guard. “Everyone is able to
year we’ve had since I’ve been a Raider. I’m excited to have the continuity.”
Lady Bison’s Tamoria Holmes scored feed off of her.”
Jackson is now the third Black NFL head coach named this year, following the Howard will see its next MEAC action
a career-high 22 points against the Lady
Minnesota Vikings’ Leslie Frazier and the Denver Broncos’ Eric Studesville, both named Spartans, while star Saadia Doyle followed on Jan. 22 with a road trip to Florida A&M
interim head coach for their teams during the ’10 season. Frazier was named the Vikings’ with 17 points. Doyle had led recorded a University.
permanent head coach on Jan. 3, while Studesville went back to his former position as the
Broncos’ running backs coach after John Fox was named the new head coach last week.
There are now seven African-American head coaches currently in the league, including
Jackson, Frazier, the Cincinnati Bengals’ Marvin Lewis, the Pittsburgh Steelers’ Mike
Lady Firebirds Push Winning Streak
Tomlin, the Indianapolis Colts’ Jim Caldwell, the Chicago Bears’ Lovie Smith and the
Tampa Bay Buccaneers’ Raheem Morris.
to Four Games
David Shaw, another former Ravens assistant coach, was also recently hired as head By AFRO Staff
coach of Stanford University’s football team. Shaw, a 38-year-old African American,
The University of the District of Columbia women’s basketball team extended its current
served as offensive coordinator under former Stanford head coach Jim Harbaugh, who was
winning streak to four games after a Jan. 16 matchup against Philadelphia University. The Lady
just named the new head coach of the San Francisco 49ers. Shaw not only served the last
Firebirds edged Philadelphia,
four years on Stanford’s football coaching staff, but is also a former player and graduate of 59-52, improving to an 11-6
the university. He served from 2002-’04 as the Ravens receivers/quarterbacks coach. overall record on the season.
“David has the experience, intellect, coaching skills and organizational abilities to be UDC graduate student
a tremendous head coach,” said Athletic Director Bob Bowlsby via Stanford University’s Niqky Hughes led her team
athletic website. “He understands the combination of world class academics and world with 19 points, including five
class athletics that is three-pointers, while senior
required at Stanford.” forward and team captain
Lillian McGill followed with
her eighth double-double of
the season, finishing with 18
points and 15 rebounds.
UDC’s men’s basketball squad also extended a
winning a streak, claiming
Courtesy Photo/UDC
their second straight victory
UDC’s Niqky Hughes scored 19 points in a win over
Philadelphia University on Jan. 16. Continued on B5

Hampton and Morgan State Top HBCU

Basketball Power Rankings
By Donal Ware 1. (tie) Morgan State/ 8-7/ 76  
Special to the AFRO 3.  Bethune-Cookman/ 10-8/ 62    
4.  Jackson State/ 9-9/ 51      
Fuquay-Varina, N.C. - Hampton and Morgan State are 5.  Tennessee State/ 8-9/ 38                    
atop the HBCU Division I national basketball Others receiving votes: North Carolina Central (7-8) 12,
power ranking poll, while Xavier (La.) remains on top in the Coppin State (7-9) 6.
Division II/NAIA poll.  
Hampton and Morgan State received an equal amount Top 10 HBCU Division II/NAIA Basketball
of first and second place votes to tie for the No. 1 spot.  Poll
Bethune-Cookman (8-8) moves up one spot from last week School/ Wins-Losses/ Points     
to No. 3 and remains undefeated in the Mid-Eastern Athletic
Conference. BCC is also one of the hottest teams having 1.  Xavier (La.)/ 17-2/ 59            
reeled off five-straight victories. Jackson State went 1-1 last 2.  Winston-Salem State/ 11-2/ 49      
week and dropped to No. 4, while Tennessee State remained 3.  Bowie State/ 9-2/ 45     
No. 5. 4.  Tougaloo/ 12-3 / 8      
In the Division II/NAIA top 10 poll, Xavier (La.) received 5.  Shaw/ 10-5/ 31     
all but one first place vote to keep the top spot. Winston- 6.  West Virginia State/ 10-4/ 27      
Salem State has won five of its last six and moved up one 7.  Kentucky State/ 7-3 / 21     
spot from last week to No. 2.  Bowie State received the other 7. (tie) Cheyney State/ 10-3/ 21     
first place vote and is No. 3. Tougaloo moved up two spots to 9.  Elizabeth City State/ 9-4/18
No. 4, while Shaw dropped three spots to No. 5.  Of the five 10.  Texas College/ 9-6/ 13   
remaining teams, West Virginia State and Cheyney State made Others receiving votes: Johnson C. Smith (7-4) 7,
the most significant jumps, the Yellow Jackets moving up two Virginia Union 1.
spots to No. 6, while the Wolves moved up three spots to No.
7. Kentucky State is tied with Cheyney at No. 7 followed by The basketball poll is presented by
Elizabeth City State at No.9 and Texas College at No. 10.   DWCommunications, LLC parent company of FROM THE
PRESS BOX TO PRESS ROW and  FROM Top 10 HBCU NCAA Division I Basketball THE PRESS BOX TO PRESS ROW is the nationally
Poll syndicated radio sports talk show which places major
School/ Wins-Losses/ Points emphasis on HBCU Sports. The voters are made up of media
members from around the country who cover Division I,
1. Hampton/ 14-4/     76                Division II and NAIA basketball.
January 22, 2011 - January 28, 2011, The Afro-American B5


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CIAA Coach
of Week for
Third Time
This Season

Courtesy Photo/BSU
Darrell Brooks was named
CIAA Coach of the Week
after leading Bulldogs to
three wins last week.

By AFRO Staff

Bowie State University’s

Darrell Brooks was named
the Central Interscholastic
Athletic Association (CIAA)
men’s basketball Coach of the
Week on Jan. 17 after leading
the Bulldogs to conference
wins over Winston-Salem
State University, Shaw
University and St. Augustine’s NOW THROUGH SUNDAY

College last week. This
marked the third time this
season Brooks has been
named CIAA Coach of the

The second-year head
coach led BSU to an 86-76
win against WSSU on Jan. 10;
an 85-74 victory over Shaw
on Jan. 13 and a 67-54 win
over St. Augustine’s on Jan.

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Bulldogs senior Eric Vann
led the team in scoring in two
of the three wins, including a
career-high 26 points against orig.*
Winston-Salem State. Junior prices
Darren Clark also played well,
scoring 51 total points during
the three game-winning
thousands of items when you take an

extra 2O% off

streak last week, while Byron
Westmorland added his own
impressive performance of a
career-high 27 points scored
against Shaw.
Bowie State is now No. already reduced prices
1 in the CIAA Northern
Division with a 9-2 overall
record, 4-0 in the CIAA.
The Bulldogs will see more
conference action over
the weekend with a home
matchup with Chowan
University on Jan. 22

Lady Firebirds
Push Winning
Streak to Four
Continued from B4
on Jan. 15 against Central
State. Junior Brandon
Herbert scored a season-
high 31 points to help his
team beat Central State,
110-100. Herbert is the
first UDC player to score at
least 30 points this season;
unfortunately for the
Firebirds, their record is only
4-11 this season.
UDC’s men’s squad will PAST 90 DAYS. EXTRA SAVINGS ARE IN EFFECT 1/201/23/11. *Intermediate price reductions may have been taken. Orig. items are
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6120024A.indd 1 1/18/11 10:29:44 AM

known shall enter their
Administration No. appearance in this
2010ADM1218 proceeding. Objections
Theodore E. Powell to such appointment
Decedent shall be filed with the

Register of Wills, D.C.,
The Afro-American, January 22, 2011 - January 28, 2011
515 5th Street, N.W.,
3rd Floor Washington, August 1, 2009 - August 7, 2009, The Washington Afro-American B7
D.C. 20001, on or be-
fore July 7, 2011. Claims

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address is 712 Quade
against the decedent
shall be presented to the la 202-332-0080

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pointed personal repre-
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Rent it •• Hire
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who died on August 22, before July 7, 2011, or
2010 without a will, and be forever barred. Per-
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Effective immediately,
ment for publication The
of all legal notices.
IN RE: fore July 7, 2011. Claims Road, N.E., Washington, D.C. 20002-4723, Attn: Clsf. Adv.
Tia Lynnisha Garrett against the decedent Washington Law
20 Words Dept.
Afro American Newspapers
Payment will be accepted in the form Applicant
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will require prepayment for
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result in
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before July 7, 2011, or
be forever barred. Per-
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Ellis and having applied
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ceive a copy of this no-
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Register of Wills, includ-
Administration No.
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in the suspension of any ing name, address and
DONATION ORDERED, that all per- 2010ADM1248
HEARTLAND EX- sons concerned show relationship. Edyth V. Anderson
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derson, who died on Legal Advertising Rates
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sion. All unknown heirs
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ARC, NO KILL Animal MISC. / Applicant Attorney
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please call 1-800-237-6892, ext. Attorney
Ronald Nathaniel Little Name of newspaper: 2010ADM1251 Attorney NOTICE OF
- Help fight cancer. Call William Eric Johnson, NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT,
BUSINESS for judgment changing
Ronald Nathaniel Little
Washington Law
Reporter Decedent NOTICE TO

SERVICES name to Ayyub Shuaib Barbara V. Hubbard W. Alton Lewis, Esq Superior Court of CREDITORS
Superior Court of AND NOTICE TO
Advertise in our Sulaiman and having Personal 1450 Mercantile Lane, the District of the District of UNKNOWN HEIRS
DAILY CLASSIFIED applied to the court for Representative Suite 155 Columbia UNKNOWN HEIRS Columbia M a r y Wa s h i n g t o n ,
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Bills, Debts, Financial CONNECTION today. whose address is 11714 V. Street, SE Washing-
of the notice required by TRUE TEST COPY Attorney Case No. 0000158-11 Case No. 0000130-11
problem! Let us help! Place your Classified Ad law in such cases; it is REGISTER OF WILLS NOTICE OF IN RE: Brookeville Landing IN RE: ton, DC 20020 was ap-
Monday thru Friday in by the Court this 28th 1/7, 1/14, 1/21 Terri Thompson Court, Mitcheiville, Elena Laura Zamfir pointed personal repre-
Quick low rat Personal, APPOINTMENT,
day of December 2010. Mallett Maryland 20721, was Applicant sentative of the estate of
Business Auto Debt con- 14 Daily newspapers. Superior Court of
NOTICE TO appointed personal re- Margaret Lee Washing-
ORDERED, that all per- CREDITORS Applicant ORDER OF
solidation, Home loan Have 2.8 million people sons concerned show the District of ORDER OF presentative of the PUBLICATION ton, who died on May
AND NOTICE TO estate of Elizabeth D
Bad credit ok. No ap- read your ad every cause, if any there be, District of Columbia
on or before the 1st day PROBATE DIVISION CHANGE OF NAME Bacon, who died on Elena Laura Zamfir hav- and will serve without
plication fee Apply call. Monday thru Friday for Washington, D.C. William Eric Johnson, Jr.
of February 2011, why Terri Thompson Mallett November 24, 2010 with ing filed a complaint for Court supervision. All
1 877 674 6660 just $199.00 per day. the prayers of said com- 20001-2131 whose address is 805
having filed a complaint a will, and will serve j u d g m e n t c h a n g i n g unknown heirs and heirs
Parrot Court, Hyattsville,
Call 410-721-4000x19 plaint should not be Administration No.
Maryland 20785 was ap- for judgment changing without Court supervi- Elena Laura Zamfir whose whereabouts are
2010ADM1224 Terri Thompson Mallett sion. All unknown heirs name to Elena Laura unknown shall enter
for information or visit granted; provided that a
Joyce Biggs Washing- pointed personal repre- a n d h e i r s w h o s e O'Neale-Saimac and their appearance in this
Furniture our website:
copy of this order be
ton sentative of the estate of
name to Terri Allyn
published once a week Thompson and having whereabouts are un- having applied to the proceeding. Objections for three consecutive Decedent William Eric Johnson, applied to the court for known shall enter their court for an Order of to such appointment
weeks before said day Wesley L. Clarke Sr. who died on Novem- an Order of Publication appearance in this Publication of the notice shall be filed with the
LEATHER LIVING in the Afro-American 1629 K Street NW ber 16, 2010 without a of the notice required by proceeding. Objections required by law in such Register of Wills, D.C.,
will, and will serve with-
ROOM SET. In origi- SERVICES/ Newspapers. Washington DC 20006
Attorney out Court supervision.
law in such cases; it is to such appointment (or cases; it is by the Court 515 5th Street, N.W.,
nal plastic, never used.
that pursuant to SCR by the Court this 7th day to the probate of de- this 6th day of January 3rd Floor Washington,
MISC. 205(b) notice be sent to NOTICE OF All unknown heirs and of January 2011. cedent¬s will) shall
cedent’s will) shall be
be 2011. D.C. 20001, on or be-
Orig price $3000, Sac- the DC Chief of Police APPOINTMENT, h e i r s w h o s e ORDERED, that all per- filed with the Register of ORDERED, that all per- fore July 21, 2011.
rifice $975. Can deliver. and to the DC Depart- NOTICE TO whereabouts are un- sons concerned show Wills, D.C., 515 5th sons concerned show Claims against the de-
OCEAN CITY, ment of Corrections by CREDITORS known shall enter their cause, if any there be, Street, N.W., 3rd Floor cause, if any there be, cedent shall be pre-
Call Bill 301-841-7565 AND NOTICE TO
MARYLAND. Best registered or certified appearance in this on or before the 12th Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . on or before the 10th sented to the under-
mail and that proof of UNKNOWN HEIRS proceeding. Objections day of February 2011, 20001, on or before July day of February 2011, signed with a copy to the
Cherry Bedroom Set. selection of affordable service of mailing be Joyce Moreland, whose to such appointment why the prayers of said 14, 2011. Claims against why the prayers of said Register of Wills or filed
Solid Wood, never used, rentals. Full/ partial made in the manner pro- address is 2901 32nd shall be filed with the complaint should not be the decedent shall be complaint should not be with the Register of Wills
weeks. Call for FREE vided in SCR Probate Street, SE Washington Register of Wills, D.C., granted; provided that a presented to the under- granted; provided that a with a copy to the under-
brand new in factory Rule 14(b). DC 20020 was ap- 515 5th Street, N.W., copy of this order be signed with a copy to the copy of this order be signed, on or before July
boxes. English Dovetail. brochure. Open daily. JUDGE pointed personal repre- published once a week Register of Wills or filed published once a week 21, 2011, or be forever
3rd Floor Washington,
Original cost $4500. Sell Holiday Real Estate. A TRUE COPY TEST: sentative of the estate of D.C. 20001, on or be- for three consecutive with the Register of Wills for three consecutive barred. Persons be-
1-800-638-2102. Online 1/7, 1/14, 1/21 Joyce Biggs Washing- fore July 7, 2011. Claims weeks before said day with a copy to the under- weeks before said day lieved to be heirs or
for $895. Can deliver. ton, who died on in the Afro-American signed, on or before July in the Afro-American legatees of the decedent
Call Tom 240-482-8721 reservations: www. Superior Court of November 15, 2010
against the decedent
who do not receive a
shall be presented to the Newspapers. 14, 2011, or be forever Newspapers. the District of without a will, and will
undersigned with a copy
that pursuant to SCR barred. Persons be- 0 that pursuant to SCR copy of this notice by
District of Columbia serve without Court su- 205(b) notice be sent to lieved to be heirs or 205(b) notice be sent to mail within 25 days of its
PROBATE DIVISION pervision. All unknown to the Register of Wills
the applicant's creditors legatees of the decedent the applicant's creditors first publication shall so
HEALTH & Washington, D.C. heirs and heirs whose or filed with the Register
by registered or certified who do not receive a by registered or certified inform the Register of
20001-2131 of Wills with a copy to
MEDICAL Administration No.
whereabouts are un-
known shall enter their the undersigned, on or mail and that proof of copy of this notice by mail and that proof of Wills, including name,

service of mailing be mail within 25 days of its service of mailing be address and relation-

2010ADM1218 appearance in this before July 7, 2011, or

made in the manner pro- first publication shall so made in the manner pro- ship.
HIP REPLACE- Theodore E. Powell proceeding. Objections be forever barred. Per- vided in SCR Probate inform the Register of vided in SCR Probate Date of Publication:
Decedent to such appointment sons believed to be January 21, 2011
MENT SURGERY: If Rule 19(b). Wills, including name, Rule 19(b).
NOTICE OF shall be filed with the heirs or legatees of the JUDGE address and relation- JUDGE Name of newspaper:
you had hip replacement APPOINTMENT, Register of Wills, D.C., decedent who do not re- A TRUE COPY TEST: Afro-American
surgery between 2005 NOTICE TO 515 5th Street, N.W., ceive a copy of this no- 1/14, 1/21, 1/28 Date of Publication: Washington Law
-present and suffered CREDITORS 3rd Floor Washington, tice by mail within 25 January 14, 2011 Superior Court of Reporter
AND NOTICE TO D.C. 20001, on or be- days of its first publica- Superior Court of the District of Mary Washington
problems requiring a UNKNOWN HEIRS fore July 7, 2011. Claims tion shall so inform the the District of
Name of newspaper:
District of Columbia Personal
second revision surgery Barbara P. Hale, whose against the decedent Register of Wills, includ- District of Columbia Washington Law PROBATE DIVISION Representative
you may be entitled to address is 712 Quade shall be presented to the ing name, address and PROBATE DIVISION Reporter Washington, D.C. 202-658-5549
Street, Forest Heights, undersigned with a copy relationship. Washington, D.C. 20001-2131 TRUE TEST COPY
compensation. Attorney MD 20745 was ap- to the Register of Wills Date of Publication: 20001-2131
Russell J. Bacon Jr.
Administration No. REGISTER OF WILLS
Charles Johnson 1-800- pointed personal repre- or filed with the Register January 7, 2011 Administration No. Representative
2011ADM0016 1/21, 1/28, 2/4
sentative of the estate of of Wills with a copy to 2010ADM1252 Margaret Lee

535-5727 Name of newspaper: 1-301-218-2990
Theodore E. Powell, the undersigned, on or Afro-American Elizabeth D Bacon Washington
who died on August 22, TRUE TEST COPY Decedent
before July 7, 2011, or Washington Law Decedent REGISTER OF WILLS
2010 without a will, and be forever barred. Per- Reporter Winfred R Mundle Sr, Dr. Elena M. Tilly Esq
1/14, 1/21, 1/28 6931 Arlington Blvd.
HELP WANTED - will serve without Court

sons believed to be William Eric Johnson Jr Esq
supervision. All un- heirs or legatees of the 901 6th Street SW Suite 302
DRIVERS known heirs and heirs decedent who do not re-
314A Bethesda MD 20814
whose whereabouts are ceive a copy of this no-
Washington DC 20024 SUBSCRIBE Attorney

TRUCK DRIVERS unknown shall enter tice by mail within 25 Attorney NOTICE OF
their appearance in this
proceeding. Objections
days of its first publica-
tion shall so inform the
2011 PAY RAISE! to such appointment Register of Wills, includ- 1/7, 1/14, 1/21 NOTICE TO CREDITORS
shall be filed with the ing name, address and CREDITORS AND NOTICE TO
Register of Wills, D.C., relationship. AND NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS
515 5th Street, N.W., Date of Publication: UNKNOWN HEIRS M a r y Wa s h i n g t o n ,
3rd Floor Washington, January 7, 2011 Russell J Bacon Jr., whose address is 1241
Superior Court of
the District of
District of Columbia January 22, 2011 - January 28, 2011, The Afro-American B7

AFRO National Briefs

Washington, D.C.
Administration No.
Superior Court of 2011ADM20 WMATA Certified DBE Firms
the District of CarlaSubcontractor
F. Cohen Bids - Bid Packages #3 & 4
District of Columbia Decedent Continued from A2
Replacement of Southeastern Bus Garage
Solicitation Kaufman
Landscaping, Fencing, Masonry,
Dominic Johnson,
Washington, D.C.
Misc. & Drysdale
Metals, Waterproofing & Caulking, Millwork,
CharteredDivision 8 - Doors and Windows,
Officials: Magnetic North Shift ‘Not an Event’ the 17-year-old
Administration No. One Thomas
Division 9Circle- Finishes (excluding painting), A shift of the magnetic north pole earlier this year cousin of the
Talaiferro M. Barnes
NW. SuiteDivision
10010 - Specialties, Bridge Cranes,
20005Portable Cranes generated widespread interest and some concern, but experts 15-year-old boy,
Brenda L. Hopkins Esq
A pre-bid meeting will be held on January 31st at from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) said regular, natural testified against
10:00 AM OFat The Potomac Job Corps
3724 Twelfth Street NE (e-mail below for directions to
APPOINTMENT, process is nothing to be worried about. Shannon during the
Washington DC 20017 NOTICEThe TOPotomac Job Corps)
Attorney Hensel Phelps Construction Co.
CREDITORS The pole shifted 40 miles towards Russia around the first trial.
AND 4437 Brookfield
TO Corporate Dr., Suite 207
HEIRS VA 20151-1691
of the year. The shift can be a nuisance for planes that use old- “Silvonus
NOTICE TO Contact:
David Cohen, whose ad- Jarett Lowman for information
fashion compasses for navigation, but Jeffrey Love, USGS came around
CREDITORS dress is 1322 Holly
AND NOTICE TO Street NW, Washington Phone: 703.828.3200 advisor on geomagnetic research, said the Earth’s magnetic and stomped
UNKNOWN HEIRS Fax:703.802.1580
Patricia Barnes
DC 20012, was
Hensel Phelps
pointed personal repre-
Construction Co. is an poles are in constant flux due to changes in the Earth’s core. him,” Johnson
Brookes, whose ad- sentative of the estate of Opportunity Employer.
Equal Employment
“It’s not really an event I would say—it’s a continuous
dress is 12512 Carla F. Cohen, who said according
Whiteholm Drive, Upper died on October 11, process,” said Love. “The Earth’s magnetic pull and the shape to the Chicago Courtesy Photo
Marlboro, MD 20770 2010 with, Western
Archer a will, andContractors,
will Ltd. is seeking
was appointed personal serve without from
participation Courtbona su- fide subcontractors, Anne of the geomagnetic field is changing all the time. “I would not Sun Times. “He A Chicago man has been convicted
representative of the
estate of Talaiferro M.
Arundel Broadneck
pervision. All unknown WRF, ENR Upgrades. All
and heirs whose quotes are due before
say this is significant or unusual,” he added. “It is an ongoing stomped him in the in the beating death of teen honors
Barnes, who died on Tuesday, February
whereabouts are 1st,un- 1:30 p.m. Fax quotes to: process, which is an interesting phenomenon.” head.” student Derrion Albert (pictured).
June 20, 2010 with a (404) shall
known 495-8701enter referencing
their project name and
will, and will serve with- scope of work.inEnhanced
appearance this Nutrient Removal Up- Love said the shifting is caused by liquid iron at the Earth’s Shannon’s
out Court supervision. grade Facilities, which includes a new Blower
All unknown heirs and
proceeding. Objections
to building addition, oxidation
such appointment (or ditch modifications, core, which is perpetually in motion. That motion creates lawyer, Robert Byman, argued that the pair were involved a
h e i r s w h o s e
whereabouts are un-
to effluent filter system,
the probate
facility, ultraviolet
of de- mudwelll post aeration
will) shallradiation
be disinfection system, electric currents in the core, which in turn, creates magnetic fight rather than an attack, and that Albert was one of several
known shall enter their effluent pumping
filed with the Register
provements and
electrical system im-
control system im-
fields. The motion of the Earth’s core changes over time and people who attacked Shannon. He claimed that Shannon
appearance in this Wills, D.C., 515 5th
proceeding. Objections provements.
Street, N.W., 3rd - AllFloor
other work specified herein therefore, the planet’s magnetic fields change as well. wanted to stay out of the fracas.
and/or indicated on the documents. Plans are
to such appointment (or
to the probate of de-
Wa shingto
, D .C.
on or before July
link: https://sharepoint. But the shift had at least one real effect. In Florida, planes “Derrion Albert didn’t deserve to die that day, but he was
cedent¬s will) shall
cedent’s will) shall be
filed with the Register of
be 21, 2011. Claims against
default.aspx Sign in on the left side “employee ∫employee were grounded as Federal Aviation Administration officials a willing participant in that brawl,” Byman said, according to
the decedent shall walshgroupawsubs
Wills, D.C., 515 5th
to Quotes
the under-
will be evaluated on scope, forced workers to repaint the signs at Tampa International The Chicago Tribune. “All Silvonus Shannon wanted to do
Street, N.W., 3rd Floor
Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C .
a copy tofinancial
of factors.
Wills orEOEM/F
condition, and other Airport’s primary runway to account for the shift. that day was get home.”
20001, on or before July
21, 2011. Claims against
with the Register of Wills
with a copy to the under-
Love said that shifting had nothing to do with the recent However, the video and prosecutors painted a different
the decedent shall be signed, on or before July phenomenon of large numbers of dead birds and fish being story. According to reports, in the video, Shannon can be seen
presented to the under- 21, 2011, or be forever
signed with a copy to the barred. Persons be- found at several locations worldwide. kicking Albert, who lay on the ground after being hit punched
Register of Wills or filed lieved to be heirs or
with the Register of Wills legatees of the decedent and hit repeatedly. Prosecutors say Shannon jumped in the air
with a copy to the under-
signed, on or before July
who do not receive a
copy of this notice by
NAACP Receives $100,000 Grant from Coca-Cola and delivered a final stomp as Albert’s body lay motionless.
21, 2011, or be forever
barred. Persons be-
mail within 25 days of its Foundation for Health T-awannda Piper testified that she watched the brawl
first publication shall so
lieved to be heirs or inform the Register of Program unfold from her office window about a half-mile from the
legatees of the decedent
who do not receive a
Wills, including name,
address and relation-
The Coca-Cola incident. She said she went outside after the attack and
copy of this notice by ship. Foundation, the philanthropic brought Albert in.
mail within 25 days of its Date of Publication:
arm of the Coca-Cola Co., “He took a deep breath,” she said on the stand. “There was
To Advertise call 202-332-0080

first publication shall so January 21, 2011

inform the Register of
Wills, including name,
Name of newspaper:
Afro-American has awarded the NAACP nothing else.”
address and relation-
Washington Law $100,000 for Project Three other men, Eric Carson, Eugene Riley and Lapoleon
Date of Publication: David Cohen H.E.L.P. (Healthy Eating, Colbert, are awaiting trial on charges in Albert’s murder.
January 21, 2011 Personal
Name of newspaper: Representative Lifestyle Change and
Washington Law TRUE TEST COPY
202-723-0707 Physical Activity), a program Report Shows Discrepancy in Young Adult Sexual
Reporter REGISTER OF WILLS dedicated to promoting active Activity Claims
Patricia Barnes Brookes 1/21, 1/28, 2/4
Personal and healthy living. The foundation also granted $35,000 to Family doctors should consider screening young adults
301-390-3222 the NAACP New York State Conference for their education for sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) even if they claim
initiatives. The grants are part of $19 million donated in abstinence, researchers suggest in a new report released in the
1/21, 1/28, 2/4 2010 to support community programs focusing on water Pediatrics Journal early this month.
Superior Court of conservation, community recycling, active healthy living and After testing approximately 14,000 young adults with
the District of
District of Columbia education. an average age of 22, the researchers found over 10 percent
Washington, D.C. The grant money will be distributed to five local of participants who tested positive for STDs claimed they

20001-2131 NAACP branches through funding of Project H.E.L.P., a hadn’t had sex in the last year. Moreover, a fraction of those
Administration No.
2011ADM20 national program designed to create awareness and educate individuals claimed they were virgins.
Carla F. Cohen
Decedent underserved communities about healthy living. The pilot Participants completed online questionnaires in 2001 and
Beth Shapiro Kaufman
Caplin & Drysdale
program will focus on the entire family to promote healthy 2002 about their sexual activity and provided urine samples
Chartered behaviors and advocate for healthier environments in that were tested for chlamydia, gonorrhea and trichomonas
One Thomas Circle
NW. Suite 100 communities. vaginalis. The study included a nearly even number of men
Washington DC 20005
Attorney “We are truly grateful to the Coca-Cola Foundation for and women, as well as 67 percent Whites and 16 percent
NOTICE OF their support,” stated NAACP Chairwoman Roslyn M. Brock Blacks.
NOTICE TO in a prepared statement. “This will increase our efforts to Just over 960 participants tested positive for one of the
AND NOTICE TO effectively improve the health of families and communities. three STDs, but 118 of them had claimed abstinence and 60
David Cohen, whose ad-
Young people living in communities where families practice said they had never been sexually active.
dress is 1322 Holly healthy lifestyles and have access to nutritious food and Age, race, gender and level of education were not
Street NW, Washington
DC 20012, was ap- recreational areas also demonstrate higher academic associated with the discrepancy, the researchers noted.
pointed personal repre-
sentative of the estate of achievement and lower involvement in high-risk activities. “This counterintuitive finding suggests that sole reliance on
Carla F. Cohen, who
died on October 11,
Health and education are essential core elements to enhance young adults’ self-reported penile/vaginal sexual activity as a
2010 with, a will, and will our children’s ability to realize their greatest potential.” marker for STD acquisition risk may be imprecise, and further,
serve without Court su-
pervision. All unknown Since 1986, the Coca-Cola Foundation has awarded a total could be problematic,” researchers said in the report.
heirs and heirs whose
whereabouts are un-
of $2.1 million to the NAACP, including over $490,000 to Dr. Renata Arrington-Sanders, assistant professor of
known shall enter their various local chapters, $578,000 to the National Chapter for Adolescent Health at Johns Hopkins Children’s Center, said
appearance in this
proceeding. Objections Annual National Conference Sponsorship, $500,000 for the the discrepancies between the self-reports and test-results
to such appointment (or
to the probate of de- Legal Defense Fund and $522,000 for the Atlanta chapter. present a common problem.
cedent¬s will) shall
shall be
“People underreport in general,” she told the AFRO. “Some
cedent’s will)
filed with the Register of
Wills, D.C., 515 5th
Street, N.W., 3rd Floor
Chicago Man Convicted in 2009 Beating of Honors people don’t feel as comfortable reporting in a survey…or
Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . Student speaking about STD’s in a clinical setting with a provider.”
20001, on or before July
21, 2011. Claims against
A Chicago man was found guilty on Jan. 10 of first-degree In their conclusions, the researchers suggest all young
the decedent shall be murder in the videotaped beating death of a high school people, “whether their sexual history indicates they are
presented to the under-
signed with a copy to the honors student. Silvonus Shannon, 20, faces up to 60 years recently sexual active or not, should be tested for prevalent
Register of Wills or filed
with the Register of Wills in prison for his role in the attack. He was the second person STDs, like those assayed in this study.”
with a copy to the under-
signed, on or before July
convicted in the 2009 beating death of 16-year-old Derrion Also noteworthy in the study, Black participants were
21, 2011, or be forever Albert, and was shown on the grainy videotape stomping more than six times more likely than White participants to test
Strictly Personal
barred. Persons be-
lieved to be heirs or Albert repeatedly outside of Fenger High School in Chicago. positive for one of the venereal diseases and risks were also
legatees of the decedent
who do not receive a Last month, a 15-year-old boy, the first person convicted higher for participants without a high school degree.
copy of this notice by
mail within 25 days of its
Pen Pals in the 2009 beating, was found delinquent in juvenile court.
first publication shall so

inform the Register of
Wills, including name,
Senior white
address male searching for a lady to be able to help ar-
and relation-

Date of Publication: Please call William 410-458-2480.

range furniture.

January 21, 2011 ---

Name of newspaper:
Truthful man seeking spiritual pen pals. Womb my emana-
tion. Law is unification. Breath, knowledge and conscious-
Washington Law
District of Columbia Bureau Chief
ness! William Piggie, P.O. Box 565, Pittsboro, N.C. 27312
David Cohen
--- This person will be responsible for reporting on local, national
202-723-0707 and international newsworthy events, serving as the departmental
REGISTER OF WILLSLonesome Hearts - Pen Pals personnel manager and monitoring the progress of articles in pro-
cess and upcoming editions of the newspaper.
To have a notice
1/21, published in the Strictly Personal Section,
1/28, 2/4

write the message you want printed in the space below. This person will also be responsible for maintaining several
Enclose ten dollars ($10.00), check or money order for 25 blogs, producing and anchoring webcasts, features writer for
words. NO CASH PLEASE. Additional words will cost 50 supplemental publications, copyediting and proofreading, newsroom
cents each. administration, reviewing the public e-mail inbox, helping to co-
ordinate and addressing tour groups on their visits to the company,
coordinating internship program, and representing the company at
public events.

The minimum qualifications for this position include a bachelors

To answer a Lonesome Heart notice, enclose a check or mon- degree in journalism and three (3) years practical experience.
ey order for $2.00 for each letter you wish to have forwarded.
Annual salary of $52,000. Send all resumes to:
NO CASH PLEASE. Be sure to include the fox number of

the person you wish to contact. John E. Leister
The AFRO American Newspapers
All letters, queries and notices should be sent to: 2519 N. Charles St.
2519 N. Charles Street
Baltimore, MD 21218 No telephone calls will be accepted.
B8 The Afro-American, January 22, 2011 - January 22, 2011

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