Edt 503 Carp Mendrin

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For this assignment, I chose to use a pamphlet I created as an elementary teacher to give

out to parents at the beginning of the year. I used a template, but chose to rearrange many of the

elements to fit my needs. Above is an example of what a completed pamphlet would look like.

Each page is printed on a different color of paper and contains a new layer of the information. I

really liked this artifact because I felt that it was well organized, useful for parents, and

functional. When I create them, I plan to put magnets on the back so parents can hang them on

their refrigerators.
Contrast is created in this pamphlet through the use of contrasting hues. According to

Malamed (2015), contrasting hues is the “most obvious” type of contrast and is accomplished by

using different colors. The use of different colors for every section helps to distinguish the pages

and make it more visually interesting. Contrast is created through the typography. The use of

titles in a different, larger font, as seen in the example above, helps draw attention and conveys

importance (2015). In this artifact, contrast is important, as it makes it easier for parents to easily

find the information they’re looking for.

Alignment is demonstrated through the use of a clear and easy to follow layout.

According to Malamed, layout is “essential for any design where a user needs information

quickly and clearly” (2015). Information is organized by topic, which can easily be accessed by

choosing the correct tab on the front. On each page, the information is organized in a manner that

creates a logical visual hierarchy through the use of text boxes and section headers. One

weakness in this area is that some sections, such as the one above, contain more information.

This can seem overwhelming and make it less likely for parents to thoroughly read the content.

Repetition is created by using consistent font styles throughout the artifact. Each page

uses the same header font, body font, and bottom tab font. This helps create a cohesive design,

which in turn creates a more powerful resource. One weakness in this area is that font sizes are

not uniform throughout each page. Font sizes had to be adjusted depending on the size of the

page and amount of information.

Proximity can be seen throughout the artifact through the grouping of information within

each tab, as well as subgroup of the main topic. Visual grouping “lets learners know which

elements are related to each other” (2015). Each section of this artifact has a main topic (e.g.

Ending Routine). From there, each page is broken down into smaller sub topics (e.g. Ending

Instruction, Giving Feedback, etc.). The subtopics are carefully spaced so that it is clear they are

separate sections, but are still related. While proximity was considered throughout the design,

there could be improvements as some pages are smaller, making it more difficult to space out


Malamed, C. (2015). Visual design solutions : Principles and creative inspiration for learning

professionals. Retrieved from https://ebookcentral-proquest-com.ezproxy1.lib.asu.edu

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