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2 Whisper! ‘Two-part Chorus and Piano* Words and Music by Greg Gilpin Ranges: Past] fies With energy and fun! = ca. 100 ee ee f a mp SS = Ta to whis = per something fo you, Whit - pet, whit - pe Pp 4 fm = === == 1 some - thing Duration: approx. 2:00 slso available: PerformanceAccompaniment CD (99/2789H) «5 2011 Heritage Musi Pres, division of The Lorene Comoraion, Allright sere Printed in USA. Musi Pree ono te ptition ia rnin offenses pce : ra LICENSE DOES NOT GRANT PERMISSION TO PHOTOCOPY TH MUST 15/28)2-2 Nev ue some-thing now, need to whis ~ per some-thing now, need to whis - per » whis - per something now. whisper something now. some-thing Whis -per, whis - per 15281283 some-thing 10 you, some-thing need to whis ~ per some-thing now. 1 need to whis - per some-thing to you. Whis-per, his - per 2a raft No one can hear me, nf a something now, 1 must whis - per. 2 mp Pp No one can hear me, No one can hear me. mp. W must whis ~ per Ispsi2H4 must whis - per. Whis ~ per. Make whispering noises. Make whispering noises. kal P Come a bit clos - er while. «1 whis - p z u Come a bit clos - er while. 1 whis - per. 15281215 must whis - per in-your ear. Come a bit — clos » er must whis- per in your ear Come a bit clos = er whis - per n your ear whis ~ per. must whis - per in your ear. Come a bit clos - er while. «I whis-per. —1_—amust_whis - per 15281286 1528127 whis - per, his - per. Come 1 your car. Come a bit — clos - er whis + per must whisper in your Can you hear me? while 1 whis- per Can you hear me? Loud - er, please aft Please, a little loud - er: 58 sub. Whis - per! you hear me? sub. p ql Whis - pert little loud - er Can you hear me? you hear me? mp Loud - er, please. 15281288 mf. Please, a little loud - er Make whispering noises. Make whispering noises. need to whis - per 15281209 some-thing to ft you. Whi suh.p Whis - per! Whis - per, whis - per 10 some-thing now. 1 need (o whis - per some-thing Whisper, whis- per some-thing now. whis - per, whis - per. whis - per 1 must whis - per 1sast2n-t0 kg while Come a bit clos = er while 1 whis-pe. must whis - per mp 8 | 0 86 1 whis - per, whis - per. Whis - per, his - per, his - per - ing, i Whis - per, whis - per, bet some-one's lis = ten - ing, Whis = per, his - per, ISABIZH-IT a | | tl olrarazalizased 92, =——— 2 whis - per - ing. Sshh, whis ~ per, — sshh, ——e Whis whis - per, sshh. whis - per - ing. Sshh, whis - per, sshh, —whis - per. Sshh, whis - per, shh, whis - per, sshh. Sh for fal 0 sub ft sub teas or lenger Are you lis-ten-ing? — Whis- per! Ssh ‘Si for fl two sub sub p Beat fone W whis ~ per, sshh. Are you lis-ten-ing? — Whis - per! Ssh! 15281211-12

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