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Activities de ingles

1.- Replace the subject with a pronoun

EXAMPLE: She_ 1. Rosalie gave her sister a blanket.

__________ 2. The children told their mother why they were late.

__________ 3. My father replaced the broken light bulb.

__________ 4. The cats were hiding their toys under the couch.

__________ 5. My brother and I are going to the movies.

__________ 6. Your uncle is taking you and me to the library this afternoon.

__________ 7. I found the key on the table.

__________ 8. The soup is delicious.

__________9. The helicopter flew low over our heads.

__________ 10. The man parked his car in the garage.

__________ 11. Linda and Sophie ordered a milkshake for dessert.

__________ 12. Anthony is registered for the competition.

__________ 13. Gina helped her mother in the garden.

__________ 14. The singer looked straight at Julie during her show.

__________ 15. Mark and I prefer pizza over spaghetti.

2.-Complete the sentences using the verb to be

I ___ a girl.

My father ___ at work.

Trixi and Susi ___ my cats.

The hamster ___ in the cage.

I ___ a painter.

My green pencil ___ on the floor.

Emma and Betty ___ good friends.

___ You from Scotland?

His sister ___ seven years old.

We___ children.

3.-Complete the sentences using the verb to be in positive and negative form.
I am Anna. It is a radio. They are twins.

I am a ballerina. It is not a TV. They are sisters.

I am not a teacher. It is blue. They are not

It ____ a car. It ____ a cake. He ____ a genie.

It ____ _____ a plane. It ____ _____ a lemon. he ____ ____ a boy.

It ____ red. It ____ pink. He ____ blue.

They _____ apples. He _____ Tom.

They ____ _____ He _____ a clown.

oranges. He ____ _____ a genie.

She _____ Emma. She _____ Amelia.

She _____ a baby. She _____ a mother
She ____ _____ a She ____ _____ a
doll. father.

Is he a Spiderman? Is he Peter Pen?

Yes, he is. He is a Yes, _____ ____. _____ _____

Spiderman. __________.

Is he a doctor? Is _____ Aladdin?

Is she Fiona?

Yes, _____ ____. _____ _____


Is _____ Winx?
Are they Nemo and Flounder?

Yes, _____ _____. They _____ __________ and Flounder.

_____ they Shrek and Donald?

4.- Choose the correct answer

What's your name? I'm John I John My name John

How old are you? I have 12 years old I’m 12 years I’m 12 years’ old

Who is your favorite singer? My favorite singer is Beyoncé My favorite singer is Pau Gasol

What country are you from? I Spain I’m Spain I’m from Spain

What is your favorite film? It's Harry Potter Is Harry Potter My film Harry Potter

5.-Complete the sentences using wh questions

__________ is your name?

__________ are you from?

__________ is your favorite singer?

__________ do you live?

__________ is your phone number?

__________ is your favorite hobby?

__________ speaks English here?

__________ is the park?

1. …. are you smiling? – Because I’m happy.

2. ….is your home address? – 5 Yellow Road.

3. …. will you be back? –At 5 o’clock.

4. ….do you like for breakfast? –Apple juice.

5. …. can help me? –Tom can help you.

6. …. phone is it? –Aleck’s.

7. ….do you go to school? – By bus.

8. ….is your favorite sport? – Football.

9. …. are you from? – From Canada.

10. ….is the weather like? – It is cold.

11. …. did you invite to your party? – My friends.

12. …. book is yours? – The red one.

13. ….is your father? – He’s 45.

14. …. will you go to London? – Next month.

15. …. does your sister study? – At the university.

16. ….is your brother’s job? – He is a dentist.

17. …. were you born? – In Australia.

18. ….is your favorite subject? – Physics.

19. …. did you return from Paris? – Yesterday.

20. …. do you like to wear? – Jeans.

6.-Fill in the blanks using the possessive adjectives to complete the sentences.

1. Where is _______classroom? We can’t find it.

2. Susan, is that_______pen on the table?

3. A: What is _______name?

B: My name is Thomas.

4._______names are Kevin and Stewart. They are my friends.

6. He forgot to write _______name on the test!

7. A: What is your phone number?

B: _______phone number is555-9826.

9. The children are crying because they can’t find _______toys.

10. Mariam and Jennifer like _______new teacher.

12. This is a picture of my friend. He is _______best friend.

13. Do you think your father likes _______birthday present?

14. We still have twenty more minutes before _______class begins.

17. Oh no! I can’t find _______keys! Where are they?

18. A : Where is _______brother ?

B: My brother is at school.

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