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Blackwell Science, LtdOxford, UKMMIMolecular Microbiology0950-382XBlackwell Publishing Ltd, 2004? 2004543588597Review ArticleThe septal ringD. S.


Molecular Microbiology (2004) 54(3), 588–597 doi:10.1111/j.1365-2958.2004.04283.x


Bacterial cell division and the septal ring

David S. Weiss* answering this question is to identify protein–protein inter-

Department of Microbiology, University of Iowa, Iowa City, actions among the division proteins. I will summarize what
IA 52242, USA. is known about this topic and suggest reasons why
progress has been slow. (ii) How does FtsZ drive cytoki-
nesis? Although the answer remains elusive, recent
experiments suggest the rate-limiting step in turnover of
Cell division in bacteria is mediated by the septal ring, the FtsZ polymer is GTP hydrolysis. I will speculate on the
a collection of about a dozen (known) proteins that implications that this has for the ability of FtsZ to generate
localize to the division site, where they direct assem- force. (iii) How is septum assembly coordinated with par-
bly of the division septum. The foundation of the sep- titioning of chromosomes to daughter cells? At least three
tal ring is a polymer of the tubulin-like protein FtsZ. mechanisms by which FtsK prevents the septum from
Recently, experiments using fluorescence recovery closing on the chromosomes like a guillotine have been
after photobleaching have revealed that the Z ring is elucidated. I will describe these activities, and briefly com-
extremely dynamic. FtsZ subunits exchange in and pare FtsK with a similar protein, SpoIIIE, involved in
out of the ring on a time scale of seconds even while sporulation in Bacillus subtilis. (iv) How are daughter cells
the overall morphology of the ring appears static. separated? Two peptidoglycan hydrolases, AmiC and
These findings, together with in vitro studies of puri- EnvC, have recently been shown to localize to the septal
fied FtsZ, suggest that the rate-limiting step in turn- ring and play an important role in this process in E. coli.
over of FtsZ polymers is GTP hydrolysis. Another I will summarize some of what is known about AmiC
component of the septal ring, FtsK, is involved in and note parallels to the Atl murein hydrolase of
coordinating chromosome segregation with cell divi- Staphylococcus aureus.
sion. Recent studies have revealed that FtsK is a DNA
translocase that facilitates decatenation of sister
Cell division explained in 500 words
chromosomes by TopIV and resolution of chromo-
some dimers by the XerCD recombinase. Finally, two In E. coli, cell division is mediated by a collection of pro-
murein hydrolases, AmiC and EnvC, have been shown teins that localize to the division site, where they appear
to localize to the septal ring of Escherichia coli, where to assemble into a multiprotein complex called the septal
they play an important role in separation of daughter ring (Fig. 1) (for recent reviews, see Rothfield et al., 1999;
cells. Margolin, 2000; Errington et al., 2003; Ryan and Shapiro,
2003). The process starts with polymerization of the
tubulin-like protein FtsZ into the Z ring. The Z ring is the
Scope of this review
heart of the division apparatus – it serves as a landing
This MicroReview opens with a whirlwind tour of cell divi- pad for recruitment of other proteins to the division site,
sion in Escherichia coli. To keep it short and to the point, and might also use energy from GTP hydrolysis to drive
I have made some oversimplifications and relied almost cytokinesis. The other proteins that comprise the septal
exclusively on citations to a collection of review articles ring fall into several functional classes: (i) modulating the
rather than the original studies. The remainder of the assembly state of FtsZ (FtsA, ZipA, ZapA), (ii) connecting
review is devoted to a more detailed and critical look at a the Z ring to the cytoplasmic membrane (FtsA, ZipA), (iii)
few questions that have been the focus of several recent coordinating septation with chromosome segregation
studies. (i) How do the proteins that comprise the septal (FtsK), (iv) synthesis of peptidoglycan cell wall (FtsI,
ring work together during cytokinesis? One step towards FtsW) and (v) hydrolysis of peptidoglycan to separate
daughter cells (AmiC, EnvC). The septal ring also contains
Accepted 21 June, 2004. *For correspondence. E-mail david- many proteins of essentially unknown function [FtsEX,; Tel. (+1) 319 335 7785; Fax (+1) 319 335 9006. FtsQ, FtsL, FtsB (formerly called YgbQ) and FtsN].

© 2004 Blackwell Publishing Ltd

The septal ring 589
ª30 s, a process that requires a third protein, MinE. Oscil-
lation involves redistribution of the Min proteins among
coiled polymers that extend along the inner surface of the
cytoplasmic membrane (Shih et al., 2003). In a variation
on this theme, MinCD of B. subtilis remains statically
associated with the poles; this requires a protein called
DivIVA that is not homologous to MinE of E. coli. The net
effect of MinCD oscillation in E. coli and polar sequestra-
tion in B. subtilis is a time-averaged concentration mini-
mum at the midcell (Meinhardt and de Boer, 2001; Howard
et al., 2001; Howard, 2004). Thus, nucleoid occlusion and
the Min system work together to ensure that the only
permissive site for Z ring assembly is the DNA-free region
that opens up at the midcell as chromosomes begin to
segregate to incipient daughter cells.

Assembly of the septal ring: a model for

Fig. 1. The septal ring. Top: GFP-FtsL visualized by deconvolution protein–protein interactions?
microscopy (modified from Ghigo et al., 1999). Bottom: model for
assembly of proteins into the septal ring of E. coli. First, FtsZ forms Identifying and characterizing interactions among the pro-
the Z ring. FtsA and ZipA join next, independently of one another. teins that constitute the septal ring is important, as this
Once both FtsA and ZipA have localized, the remaining proteins join
the ring in the order indicated. Localization of ZapA has not been
information should help us to understand how these pro-
studied in detail, and the position of EnvC (not shown) is not yet teins work together during cytokinesis. Studies of protein
known. Dependence of FtsK and other downstream proteins on localization in various E. coli mutant backgrounds have
FtsEX is leaky (Schmidt et al., 2004).
revealed a set of dependencies that imply the various
division proteins localize to the septal ring in a defined
Cell division proceeds by the concerted inward growth order (Fig. 1) (Buddelmeijer and Beckwith, 2002; Err-
of all three layers of the cell envelope – the cytoplasmic ington et al., 2003). The process starts with polymeriza-
membrane, peptidoglycan wall and outer membrane. A tion of FtsZ into a contractile ring structure at the inner
plausible model for this process, first put forward by Hale face of the cytoplasmic membrane. FtsA and ZipA bind
and de Boer (1997), can be updated as follows. Constric- directly to FtsZ, and localize next, presumably as the Z
tion of the Z ring pulls the cytoplasmic membrane inward. ring is assembling. Z rings can assemble in mutants that
Proteins involved in peptidoglycan synthesis, such as FtsI lack FtsA or ZipA, but Z rings are not observed in the
and FtsW, reside in the cytoplasmic membrane, so when absence of both proteins (Pichoff and Lutkenhaus, 2002).
the membrane invaginates, peptidoglycan synthesis fol- The ZapA protein, recently discovered in B. subtilis, also
lows. Even as the peptidoglycan layer grows inward, binds directly to FtsZ, so one would expect it to localize
hydrolases like AmiC are at work splitting the septal as the Z ring is assembling, but this has not been studied
murein to separate daughter cells. Finally, the peptidogly- yet. Once both FtsA and ZipA are in place, the remaining
can layer is connected to the outer membrane by a variety proteins are recruited in the following order: [FtsE + FtsX]
of bridging proteins such as Lpp (Braun’s lipoprotein). (probably an ABC transporter complex) Æ FtsK Æ FtsQ
Thus, the outer membrane is expected to follow the pep- Æ [FtsL + FtsB] (probably a heterodimer) Æ FtsW Æ FtsI
tidoglycan passively as new bridging proteins are incor- Æ FtsN Æ AmiC. This order of recruitment is generally
porated in the wake of the peptidoglycan synthases. interpreted to reflect the assembly pathway for a multipro-
Spatial and temporal regulation of cell division is tein complex, and thus makes predictions about which
accomplished primarily at the level of Z ring assembly. Two proteins interact.
mechanisms are particularly important: inhibition of Z ring Several septal ring components have been shown to
assembly at the midcell by nucleoid occlusion and inhibi- bind directly to FtsZ, including ZipA, FtsA and ZapA (Hale
tion of Z ring assembly at the poles by the Min proteins. and de Boer, 1997; Wang et al., 1997; Gueiros-Filho and
Nucleoid occlusion refers to the observation that Z ring Losick, 2002). Immunoprecipation has been used to show
assembly is inhibited in the vicinity of the nucleoid, for that FtsE and FtsX form a complex, as predicted for an
reasons that are obscure. The MinC and MinD proteins ABC transporter (De Leeuw et al., 1999). Immunoprecip-
form a complex, MinCD, which binds to FtsZ and prevents itation has also been used to recover a protein complex
Z ring formation. In E. coli, MinCD has the astonishing containing FtsQ, FtsL and FtsB (Buddelmeijer and Beck-
property of oscillating from pole to pole with a period of with, 2004).
© 2004 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Molecular Microbiology, 54, 588–597
590 D. S. Weiss
Several negative regulators of Z ring assembly have in that organism (reviewed in Errington et al., 2003). (vi)
been shown to interact with FtsZ directly, including SulA, It is not yet known whether the proteins in the current
MinC and EzrA (Hu et al., 1999; Cordell et al., 2003; Hae- model represent a complete set. Six new proteins (FtsB,
usser et al., 2004). SulA and MinC are not part of the ZapA, AmiC, FtsE, FtsX and EnvC) have been added to
septal ring, but the distritubtion for EzrA is more complex. the picture just within the last 3 years (Buddelmeijer et al.,
EzrA is a negative regulator of Z ring assembly found 2002; Gueiros-Filho and Losick, 2002; Bernhardt and de
throughout the low-GC Gram-positive bacteria. In non- Boer, 2003; Schmidt et al., 2004; Bernhardt and de Boer,
dividing B. subtilis cells, EzA is distributed around the 2004).
cytoplasmic membrane, where it helps prevent Z rings The assertion that most interactions among the late
from assembling at inappropriate sites such as the poles. proteins have yet to be demonstrated needs to be quali-
But in dividing cells a significant fraction of the EzrA pool fied, as there is a recent report of numerous interactions
is recruited to the septal ring in an FtsZ-dependent man- – some expected, some not – using a bacterial two-hybrid
ner (Levin et al., 1999). system based on reconstitution of a phage repressor in
Despite some recent progress towards identifying inter- E. coli (Di Lallo et al. 2003). One concern regarding the
actions among the division proteins, it is remarkable that interpretation of these experiments is that fusions were
so many of the expected interactions have yet to be made to full-length division proteins. Thus, the assay
observed. To some extent this situation may reflect tech- might be detecting co-assembly of proteins into the septal
nical challenges and a lack of effort, but several observa- ring rather than simple pair-wise interactions. This caveat
tions suggest that interactions among the division proteins aside, reconstitution of phage repressor function could
may be more complex than implied by the linear order of reflect direct interactions and implies at the very least that
recruitment observed in E. coli. (i) The FtsQ–FtsL–FtsB the respective division proteins are in very close proximity,
complex mentioned above was detected even in cells which is more than could be inferred from observations of
depleted of FtsK (Buddelmeijer and Beckwith, 2004), colocalization by fluorescence microscopy.
which is required for localization of FtsQ and downstream
proteins to the septal ring. Apparently FtsQ, FtsL and FtsB
Structure and function of FtsZ
are recruited to the septal ring as a preformed complex,
despite the fact that FtsQ can localize to the septal ring Of the dozen or so proteins that comprise the septal ring,
without FtsL or FtsB. (ii) Overproduction of several pro- the most highly conserved is FtsZ. Homologues of FtsZ
teins, including FtsI and FtsQ, by ª 50-fold does not inter- exist in almost all bacteria, many archaea, some chloro-
fere with division, even though much of the ‘extra’ protein plasts and a few primitive mitochondria (Vaughan et al.,
is found delocalized around the membrane or mislocalized 2004). FtsZ is a prokaryotic homologue of tubulin, one of
to the poles (Guzman et al., 1997; Weiss et al., 1999; several major cytoskeletal proteins in eukaryotic organ-
Boyd et al., 2000). This observation is difficult to reconcile isms. Like tubulin, purified FtsZ exhibits GTPase activity
with high-affinity pair-wise interactions, because that and undergoes reversible, GTP-dependent polymerization
should result in sequestration of downstream division pro- into filaments. In vivo, FtsZ forms a contractile ring at the
teins. Rather, it seems likely that some division proteins division site (Bi and Lutkenhaus, 1991). As division pro-
only interact strongly in the context of the septal ring, ceeds, the Z ring constricts, so as to remain at the leading
perhaps because each protein binds weakly to two or edge of the developing septum.
more proteins. (iii) Most of the septal ring proteins are FtsZ of E. coli appears to comprise four domains
associated with the cytoplasmic membrane. Colocaliza- (Vaughan et al., 2004). There is a short and poorly con-
tion of proteins to the membrane increases their local served N-terminal leader (ª15 residues), a highly con-
concentration and might allow weak protein–protein inter- served domain (ª300 residues) that is structurally and
actions to drive assembly of the septal ring. However, functionally homologous to tubulin, a poorly conserved
such weak interactions might be difficult to detect in assay linker (ª50 residues) and a well-conserved C-terminal tail
systems where the proteins are not tethered in close (ª15 residues). The C-terminal tail is the binding site for
proximity. (iv) The septal ring is a transient structure. It two division proteins, FtsA and ZipA (Din et al., 1998; Ma
disassembles by the end of constriction, and at least some and Margolin, 1999; Hale et al., 2000; Yan et al., 2000;
of its components undergo constant turnover even when Haney et al., 2001). As noted above under Assembly of
the ring is present (see below). The cooperativity that the septal ring, FtsA and ZipA are in turn required for
results from a network of interactions would seem well recruitment of downstream division proteins. Recently, a
suited for providing both high affinity and facile disassem- mutant form of FtsA that can support division in the
bly. (v) Most of the same division proteins exist in B. absence of ZipA has been described (Geissler et al.,
subtilis, but exhibit considerable interdependence, as if 2003). The existence of this bypass mutant may simplify
assembly of the septal ring is a highly concerted process efforts to study septal ring assembly and function in vitro

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The septal ring 591
and might also explain why most bacteria lack a clear ZipA these higher-order structures is promoted by cations like
homologue. Ca2+, Mg2+ and DEAE-dextran. Interestingly, two division
The three-dimensional structures of FtsZ from Metha- proteins, ZipA and ZapA, have been observed to promote
nococcus jannaschii and the ab-tubulin heterodimer from bundling in vitro, fuelling speculation that they do so in
beef brain were reported simultaneously, and offered vivo as well (RayChaudhuri, 1999; Hale et al., 2000;
important insights into how these proteins function (for Gueiros-Filho and Losick, 2002). Thus, FtsZ bundles
reviews, see Nogales et al., 1998; van den Ent et al., might be stabilized by lateral FtsZ–FtsZ interactions, by
2001; Romberg and Levin, 2003). Although FtsZ and cross-linking proteins, or a combination of the two. With
tubulin have <20% amino acid identity, they adopt very so many higher-order structures to choose from, it is dif-
similar folds, especially in the vicinity of the GTP binding ficult to say which, if any, is physiologically relevant. The
site, where not only the fold but also several critical amino recent report of a mutant form of FtsZ that fails to support
acid residues are highly conserved. GTP binds at one end division and can assemble in vitro into protofilaments but
of the FtsZ monomer, designated the ‘plus’ end by con- not Ca2+-induced bundles strongly suggests that a higher-
vention. Addition of another monomer completes the order FtsZ structure is involved in cell division (Koppelman
GTPase catalytic site; it is the minus end of the second et al., 2004).
monomer that interacts with GTP and the preceding sub- There has been some controversy as to whether
unit. This binding geometry can be used to rationalize why protofilaments assembled in vitro consist primarily of
GTP promotes polymerization of FtsZ and why hydrolysis FtsZ-GTP or FtsZ-GDP (Mingorance et al., 2001; Schef-
of GTP is associated with depolymerization. Moreover, the fers and Driessen, 2002). A recent study has concluded
fact that amino acids involved in GTP hydrolysis are that FtsZ-GTP predominates (Romberg and Mitchison,
derived from both subunits explains why FtsZ assembly is 2004). Assuming that this result holds up to further anal-
necessary for GTP hydrolysis. Interestingly, the minus end ysis, why might it be interesting? As noted by Romberg
of FtsZ is bound by the division inhibitor SulA, which and Levin (2003), a polymer composed of FtsZ-GTP is
prevents FtsZ polymerization by blocking FtsZ–FtsZ inter- stable, whereas a hypothetical FtsZ-GDP polymer is likely
action (Cordell et al., 2003). to be metastable – recall that this is the form that favours
The FtsZ polymer in the Z ring has yet to be observed depolymerization. In other words, an FtsZ-GDP polymer
in electron micrographs. There are several potential rea- would be like a loaded spring that could disassemble
sons for this – it may be too small, the bacterial cytoplasm rapidly, releasing the energy from many GTP hydrolysis
may be too dense to provide contrast, and/or the Z ring events all at once. But if protofilaments consist primarily
might not have a repetitive and ordered structure that of FtsZ-GTP, they would presumably release energy in
would make it visually distinctive. In the absence of a small quanta and are not well suited for generating large
telltale micrograph, conjecture as to the structure of the forces. This is different from microtubules, which are a
FtsZ polymer in the Z ring has been guided by studies of metastable assemblage of tubulin-GDP with a tubulin-
FtsZ polymers formed in vitro (Romberg and Levin, 2003). GTP ‘cap’ at the plus end. Perhaps microtubules need to
Purified FtsZ assembles in a GTP-dependent fashion into generate larger forces because they operate on a greater
protofilaments, linear arrays of FtsZ molecules stacked geometric scale than does the Z ring.
end to end. Protofilaments formed of GTP-bound FtsZ are Because the studies of what nucleotide is bound to
straight, whereas those of GDP-bound FtsZ are curved FtsZ in protofilaments have been carried out with purified
(Lu et al., 2000). Because FtsZ protofilaments are FtsZ in vitro, it must be noted that FtsZ polymers in vivo
observed under a variety of conditions, and because sim- could behave differently. In particular, they might consist
ilar protofilaments are formed by tubulin, there is wide of FtsZ-GDP if the protofilaments engage in lateral inter-
agreement that protofilaments are the fundamental build- actions that stabilize FtsZ-GDP assemblies, as is the
ing block of the Z ring. About one-third of the cellular FtsZ case for tubulin-GDP in microtubules. Alternatively, Z
pool is present in the Z ring, making it six to eight protofil- ring-associated proteins might change the relative rates
aments wide in some E. coli strains (Stricker et al., 2002). of the various steps in the GTPase cycle. Despite these
How the protofilaments are arranged is very much an caveats, studies of FtsZ dynamics in vivo support the
open question. Because the lateral surfaces of FtsZ are notion that GTP hydrolysis is the rate-limiting step in the
different from those of tubulin, FtsZ is unlikely to form cycle of FtsZ assembly and disassembly in the Z ring
structures similar to microtubules (Nogales et al., 1998). (see below).
Nevertheless, protofilaments associate laterally into a Several mechanisms have been suggested for how
variety of higher-order structures in vitro, including pairs FtsZ might use GTP hydrolysis to power constriction of
of protofilaments that form tight spirals, sheets of parallel the Z ring during septum assembly (reviewed in Ryan and
and anti-parallel protofilaments, and bundles of protofila- Shapiro, 2003). These are: (i) depolymerization, (ii) sliding
ments that are arranged in complex ways. Formation of of stable FtsZ filaments against each other by a hypothet-

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592 D. S. Weiss
ical motor protein functioning as a ratchet and (iii) curva- The Z ring undergoes rapid turnover
ture of the polymer upon hydrolysis of GTP. While each of
these models is reasonable, it is worth noting that it has The Z ring is like a duck in the water – calm above the
yet to be established whether, let alone how, FtsZ powers surface, paddling like mad underneath. The ‘calm surface’
cytokinesis. It is widely assumed that the septal ring must is a cycle of assembly, persistence, constriction, and dis-
constrict against turgor pressure, which exerts an outward assembly that was revealed by numerous studies using
force of approximately three atmospheres on the cytoplas- FtsZ-GFP or immunofluorescence microscopy (e.g. Add-
mic membrane of E. coli (Cayley et al. 2000). However, inall et al., 1996; Sun and Margolin, 1998). Interestingly,
cell division is accomplished by synthesis of new cell such studies also revealed that Z rings assemble as much
envelope material, so it is not clear to what extent turgor as 20 min before they constrict when growth is slow (dou-
pressure resists invagination of the cell envelope. Another bling time 85 min) (Den Blaauwen et al., 1999). The sig-
reason for suspecting that FtsZ provides energy for con- nificant lag between Z ring formation and constriction
striction is the analogy to eukaryotic cytoskeletal elements probably reflects the time needed to complete assembly
such as actomyosin and microtubules that have been of the septal ring, but also suggests that assembly and
shown unambiguously to do work in animal cells. But constriction are regulated separately. If so, it will be impor-
while the eukaryotic proteins are perhaps best known for tant to identify the signal that initiates constriction.
their capacity to generate force, this is not their only use Several studies indicated that the Z ring can assemble
(Desai and Mitchison, 1997). Microtubules, for instance, and disassemble rapidly, within 1 min or less (Addinall
take advantage of GTP hydrolysis-driven cycles of poly- et al., 1997; Sun and Margolin, 1998; Rueda et al., 2003).
merization and depolymerization to probe the cytosol as Nevertheless, it came as a surprise when fluorescence
they attempt to capture chromosomes during the early recovery after photobleaching (FRAP) revealed that FtsZ
stages of mitosis. By analogy, the ultimate purpose of molecules in the ring turn over rapidly (Fig. 2) (Stricker
GTP hydrolysis by FtsZ might be to allow facile assembly et al., 2002). Briefly, a laser was used to bleach Z rings in
and disassembly rather than exert force on the cell enve- cells that expressed ftsZ-gfp, and return of fluorescence
lope. Of course, these functions of GTP hydrolysis are not to the ring, owing to exchange with unbleached FtsZ-GFP
mutually exclusive. from the cytoplasmic pool, was monitored by time-lapse
A related issue is whether energy might indeed be photography. The initial study found that the half-time for
needed for constriction, but something other than FtsZ is remodelling in E. coli was 30 s, but more recent work,
the source. The only alternative that has received signifi- under different experimental conditions, indicates a half-
cant attention is the idea that inward synthesis of the time of about 9 s in both E. coli and B. subtilis (Anderson
peptidoglycan cell wall might ‘push’ cytokinesis. At et al., 2004). Because all of the other division proteins
present, this seems unlikely because invagination of the require FtsZ for septal localization, if FtsZ subunits are
cytoplasmic membrane has been observed to continue in turning over, the remaining proteins in the septal ring
E. coli and B. subtilis even after synthesis of septal pep- might be too. This expectation was confirmed for ZipA
tidoglycan has been blocked (Daniel et al., 2000; Heidrich (Stricker et al., 2002).
et al., 2002). Moreover, some bacteria lack a cell wall, but A number of additional interesting observations have
use a Z ring for cell division (Wang and Lutkenhaus, come from these studies. First, the rate-limiting step in
1996). turnover is probably GTP hydrolysis. In support of this
For the Z ring to exert force on the cell envelope, it inference, the FtsZ84(Ts) mutant protein, which has a
needs a solid connection to the cytoplasmic membrane. lesion in the GTP binding site and diminished GTPase
There appear to be redundant mechanisms for this. ZipA activity, exchanges about threefold slower than wild-type
is an integral membrane protein and binds directly to FtsZ (Anderson et al., 2004). Moreover, the half-time of
FtsZ (Hale and de Boer, 1997), but is only found in a ª 9 s for turnover of wild-type FtsZ as determined by
subset of the proteobacteria and even there the require- FRAP means that, on average, each FtsZ molecule cycles
ment for ZipA can be bypassed by a mutation in ftsA into and out of the Z ring approximately five times per
(Geissler et al., 2003). FtsA also binds directly to FtsZ. minute. This rate is strikingly similar to the rate of GTP
Although FtsA is nominally a soluble protein, some of it hydrolysis – 5–10 GTP per FtsZ per minute – determined
fractionates with cytoplasmic membrane in E. coli, sug- in vitro under conditions that support formation of protofil-
gesting that FtsA is a peripheral membrane protein aments (Lu et al., 1998; Romberg and Mitchison, 2004).
(Sanchez et al., 1994). Finally, Koppelman et al. (2004) If the rate-limiting step in FtsZ turnover is in fact GTP
recently demonstrated that FtsZ can bind to inverted hydrolysis, the Z ring consists primarily of FtsZ-GTP and
vesicles derived from E. coli cells, indicating that FtsZ has a limited capacity to generate force. A second intrigu-
itself has affinity for the membrane or a protein(s) in the ing finding is that turnover does not appear to be coupled
membrane. in any simple way to constriction. The rate of remodelling

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The septal ring 593
Coordinating septum assembly with
nucleoid segregation

As already mentioned, nucleoid occlusion is one mecha-

nism for linking cell division to chromosome segregation.
Another mechanism involves FtsK.
FtsK of E. coli is an enormous protein, 1329 amino
acids in length, and has several activities. The N-terminal
domain (ª200 residues) alone is sufficient to support cell
division (Draper et al., 1998; Wang and Lutkenhaus,
1998). It contains four transmembrane helices (Dorazi and
Dewar, 2000) and localizes to the septal ring, where it is
needed for recruitment of several additional essential divi-
sion proteins (Wang and Lutkenhaus, 1998; Yu et al.,
1998a; Chen and Beckwith, 2001). The essential activity
supplied by the N-terminal domain of FtsK is not entirely
clear. Its role in recruitment of downstream division pro-
teins implies an essential function in assembly of the
septal ring before the onset of cytokinesis, but there is
also evidence that the N-terminal domain of FtsK plays
additional roles during septum closure (see below).
The remainder of FtsK is cytoplasmic. It consists of a
proline- and glutamine-rich region (ª500 residues) that
might serve as a linker followed by a C-terminal domain
(ª500 residues) involved in DNA segregation (Yu et al.,
1998b; Steiner et al., 1999). The C-terminal domain
Fig. 2. Rapid remodelling of the Z ring as revealed by FRAP. Live B.
belongs to the AAA family of ATPases, a set of proteins
subtilis cells expressing ftsZ-gfp were immobilized on a 1% agarose
pad. A laser was used to bleach half of the Z ring in one cell (large associated with a wide variety of cellular activities (Vale,
arrow), and recovery of fluorescence was monitored by time-lapse 2000). Some AAA domains catalyse the folding and
photography. The smaller arrowheads mark the ends of the cell, as
unfolding of proteins, whereas others disassemble protein
determined from a DIC image (B. subtilis grows as a chain of cells
under these conditions.) The recovery half-time calculated from this complexes or generate unidirectional movement along
series was 9.5 s. Figure courtesy of D. Anderson and H. Erickson. tracks.
To understand how FtsK facilitates chromosome segre-
gation, it is helpful to know that newly replicated chromo-
is the same before and during constriction, and ftsZ84(Ts) somes are linked, and that these linkages must be
mutants divide fairly normally at the permissive tempera- resolved for partitioning to go to completion. One way in
ture despite the diminished GTPase activity and slower which chromosomes are linked is that they are catenated.
turnover of the FtsZ84 protein. These observations cau- Catenanes are resolved by Topo IV. The C-terminal
tion against using the observed rapid turnover of FtsZ as domain of FtsK interacts directly with Topo IV, recruits it
support for the notion that depolymerization drives cytok- to the midcell and stimulates its decatenase activity
inesis. A third remarkable finding is that elimination of (Espeli et al., 2003). The other form of linkage is that
ZapA, EzrA or MinCD, all of which are implicated in mod- chromosomes are sometimes dimeric. Chromosome
ulating FtsZ assembly in vivo, had little or no effect on the dimers arise from recA-dependent (homologous) recom-
rate of Z ring remodelling (Anderson et al., 2004). Finally, bination between sister chromosomes, and are resolved
as noted by Romberg and Levin (2003), rapid turnover by XerCD, a recombinase that acts at a 28 bp chromo-
has implications for the regulation of cell division. Because somal site near the terminus named dif. The C-terminal
the Z ring must be actively maintained, assembly of a Z domain of FtsK activates the XerCD recombinase and
ring does not commit the cell to division at that site. positions the dif sites so that they can form an appropriate
Instead, it is easy for cells to disassemble an existing synapse (Aussel et al., 2002; Capiaux et al., 2002).
septal ring to abort division, as occurs during the SOS Finally, the cytosolic portion of FtsK is an ATP-dependent
response to DNA damage in E. coli (Bi and Lutkenhaus, DNA translocase (Aussel et al., 2002). There are several
1993), or to redeploy FtsZ to another site, as occurs possibilities, none of which are mutually exclusive, for how
during the switch from medial to polar septation during the translocase activity might facilitate chromosome seg-
sporulation in B. subtilis. (Ben-Yehuda and Losick, 2002) regation. These include aligning dif sites, creating a
© 2004 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Molecular Microbiology, 54, 588–597
594 D. S. Weiss
domain of supercoiled DNA where Topo IV acts and peptide cross-links. It has long been appreciated that
pumping DNA away from the closing septum. murein hydrolases are needed for splitting of the septum
Depending on the growth conditions, the C-terminal to separate daughter cells, but proving this point in E. coli
domain of FtsK is only essential in the ª 10% of cells in a has been difficult because hydrolase mutants usually
population that contain chromosome catenanes or dimers grow and divide normally. This presumably results from
that need to be resolved. Most of the cells in a culture the tremendous redundancy of these enzymes, as there
(ª 90%) divide well even if the C-terminal domain of FtsK are 18 known peptidoglycan hydrolases in E. coli. The
is absent. recent construction of mutants deleted for multiple hydro-
FtsK belongs to a large family of proteins implicated in lase genes (up to seven) has provided the missing proof
DNA translocation. Another well-studied member of this (Heidrich et al., 2002). Septum cleavage is retarded in
family is SpoIIIE, a protein required for sporulation in B. such mutants, resulting in the formation of chains of cells
subtilis. Sporulation involves an asymmetric division event anywhere from 3 to 100 cells long, depending on the
to create a large mother cell (that ultimately lyses) and a number and identity of the hydrolases inactivated.
small forespore (that ultimately matures into a spore). The Whereas most of the known E. coli murein hydrolases
fact that cell division occurs close to one pole means that contribute to septum cleavage, two amidases, AmiA and
DNA has to move farther to be properly partitioned to the AmiC, appear to be especially important (Heidrich et al.,
forespore than to a daughter cell during vegetative growth, 2001). AmiA and AmiC are exported to the periplasm by
when division occurs at the midcell. For this reason, the twin-arginine protein transport (Tat) pathway, which
sporulation provides an excellent model system for study- probably explains why Tat mutants form chains of cells
ing chromosome movement. SpoIIIE localizes to the polar (Bernhardt and de Boer, 2003; Ize et al., 2003). An AmiA-
septum, where it appears to function as a unidirectional GFP fusion protein is distributed fairly uniformly through-
pump that exports DNA from the mother cell to the out the periplasm, but AmiC-GFP localizes to the septal
nascent forespore (Bath et al., 2000; Sharp and Pogliano, ring during cell division (Bernhardt and de Boer, 2003).
2002). In addition, the N-terminal membrane anchor AmiC has four functional domains: an N-terminal Tat sig-
domain of SpoIIIE is needed for a membrane fusion event nal sequence (ª 30 residues), a targeting domain (ª 150
at the completion of engulfment, a phagocytosis-like pro- residues), a potential linker sequence (ª 60 residues) and
cess in which the cytoplasmic membrane of the mother an amidase catalytic domain (ª 170 residues). Although
cell envelops the forespore (Sharp and Pogliano, 2003). the Tat signal sequence is required for export, the target-
Whether FtsK participates in membrane fusion during ing domain is both necessary and sufficient for localization
cell division in E. coli is not yet known. While an ftsK of GFP to the septal ring (Bernhardt and de Boer, 2003).
depletion strain forms smooth filaments, indicating that Localization of AmiC depends on FtsN, making AmiC the
FtsK is required to initiate cytokinesis, several point and last known recruit to the septal ring. More recently, a
truncation mutants form deep constrictions, as if these second murein hydrolase that localizes to the septal ring
forms of FtsK are specifically defective in the final stages in E. coli has been discovered (Bernhardt and de Boer,
of septum closure (Begg et al., 1995; Diez et al., 1997; 2004). This enzyme, named EnvC, has homology to lyso-
Wang and Lutkenhaus, 1998; Yu et al., 1998a). These staphin and is probably a metal-dependent endopepti-
observations are consistent with a defect in membrane dase that cleaves peptide cross-links.
fusion, but it has also been suggested that FtsK is needed Some Gram-positive bacteria contain only a few murein
for the final stages of peptidoglycan synthesis because hydrolases, and in such organisms loss of a single hydro-
FtsK deletions can be rescued by deleting dacA, which lase has been found to prevent cell separation. Of partic-
encodes a carboxypeptidase (Draper et al., 1998). FtsK ular interest here, because of the analogy to AmiC, is the
deletions can also be suppressed by overexpression of Atl (autolysin) enzyme of S. aureus. The Atl protein local-
FtsN (Draper et al., 1998), the structure of which has izes to the division site, a structure called the equatorial
revealed a potential peptidoglycan binding site (Yang surface ring, and mutants that lack atl grow as large clus-
et al., 2004). ters of cocci (Baba and Schneewind, 1998). Localization
to the equatorial surface ring is mediated by the repeat
Separating daughter cells domains R1 to R3, which are not homologous to the
targeting domain in AmiC. The actual targets recognized
The murein hydrolases, some of which function as autol-
by Atl and AmiC – perhaps a protein, perhaps a modifi-
ysins, constitute a diverse set of enzymes that attack
cation of the peptidoglycan – have yet to be identified.
different types of bonds in the peptidoglycan sacculus –
lytic transglycosylases hydrolyse the glycan backbone,
Some issues for the future
amidases cleave between the glycan backbone and the
peptide side-chain, and D,D-endopeptidases cleave the This MicroReview has touched upon some recent insights

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The septal ring 595
into the mechanism of bacterial cell division, especially Anderson, D.E., Gueiros-Filho, F.J., and Erickson, H.P.
the astonishingly rapid turnover of the Z ring, the function (2004) Assembly dynamics of FtsZ rings in Bacillus subtilis
of FtsK and the identification of proteins responsible for and Escherichia coli, the effects of FtsZ-regulating pro-
teins. J Bacteriol 186: 5775–5781.
separating daughter cells once septation is complete.
Aussel, L., Barre, F.X., Aroyo, M., Stasiak, A., Stasiak, A.Z.,
Despite this progress, we still know very little about how and Sherratt, D. (2002) FtsK is a DNA motor protein that
a mother cell becomes two daughters. Considering only activates chromosome dimer resolution by switching the
the subset of topics covered here, a number of important catalytic state of the XerC and XerD recombinases. Cell
questions remain to answered. Does FtsZ drive constric- 108: 195–205.
tion, and if so, how? Why is the N-terminal domain of FtsK Baba, T., and Schneewind, O. (1998) Targeting of muralytic
essential? How do the division proteins interact, and how enzymes to the cell division site of Gram-positive bacteria:
repeat domains direct autolysin to the equatorial surface
do these interactions enable these proteins to work
ring of Staphylococcus aureus. EMBO J 17: 4639–4646.
together during cytokinesis? Beyond these questions lie Bath, J., Wu, L.J., Errington, J., and Wang, J.C. (2000) Role
many others pertaining to issues that this MicroReview of Bacillus subtilis SpoIIIE in DNA transport across the
has not attempted to discuss in any serious fashion. How mother cell-prespore division septum. Science 290: 995–
is septal peptidoglycan synthesized, and how is this pro- 997.
cess regulated? Many division proteins are of essentially Begg, K.J., Dewar, S.J., and Donachie, W.D. (1995) A new
unknown function – what do they do? Escherichia coli cell division gene, ftsK. J Bacteriol 177:
Finally, given that cell division has so far only been
Ben-Yehuda, S., and Losick, R. (2002) Asymmetric cell divi-
studied intensively in E. coli and B. subtilis, one wonders sion in B. subtilis involves a spiral-like intermediate of the
how widely the paradigm will pertain. While genome cytokinetic protein FtsZ. Cell 109: 257–266.
sequencing has revealed that the cell division proteins Bernhardt, T.G., and de Boer, P.A. (2003) The Escherichia
known from E. coli and B. subtilis are, to a first approxi- coli amidase AmiC is a periplasmic septal ring component
mation, widely conserved among the bacteria, there are exported via the twin-arginine transport pathway. Mol
important differences (Rothfield et al., 1999; Margolin, Microbiol 48: 1171–1182.
Bernhardt, T.G., and de Boer, P.A. (2004) Screening for
2000). The apparent lack of FtsZ in chlamydiae and myco-
synthetic lethal mutants in Escherichia coli and identifica-
plasma, and the recent characterization of a cyanobacte- tion of EnvC (YibP) as a periplasmic septal ring factor with
rial division protein with no clear homologue in E. coli or murein hydrolase activity. Mol Microbiol 52: 1255–1269.
B. subtilis (Mazouni et al., 2004), are but two examples. Bi, E., and Lutkenhaus, J. (1993) Cell division inhibitors SulA
At first the diversity will complicate our picture of cell and MinCD prevent formation of the FtsZ ring. J Bacteriol
division, but ultimately themes will emerge, and with these 175: 1118–1125.
themes will come an understanding of which details are Bi, E.F., and Lutkenhaus, J. (1991) FtsZ ring structure asso-
ciated with division in Escherichia coli. Nature 354: 161–
just details and which are of more fundamental
importance. Boyd, D., Weiss, D.S., Chen, J.C., and Beckwith, J. (2000)
Towards single-copy gene expression systems making
Acknowledgements gene cloning physiologically relevant: lambda InCh, a sim-
ple Escherichia coli plasmid-chromosome shuttle system.
I thank Laura Romberg and Ken Marians for helpful discus- J Bacteriol 182: 842–847.
sions, Piet de Boer, Harold Erickson, Joe Lutkenhaus, Laura Buddelmeijer, N., and Beckwith, J. (2002) Assembly of cell
Romberg and several anonymous reviewers for comments division proteins at the E. coli cell center. Curr Opin Micro-
on the manuscript. Thomas Bernhardt, Piet de Boer, David biol 5: 553–557.
Anderson and Harold Erickson graciously communicated Buddelmeijer, N., and Beckwith, J. (2004) A complex of the
results before publication. I thank Mark Wissel for help with Escherichia coli division proteins FtsL, FtsB and FtsQ
preparing Fig. 1, and David Anderson and Harold Erickson forms independently of its localization to the septal region.
for supplying Fig. 2. The work in my lab is supported by a Mol Microbiol 52: 1315–1327.
grant from the National Institutes of Health (GM59893). Buddelmeijer, N., Judson, N., Boyd, D., Mekalanos, J.J., and
Beckwith, J. (2002) YgbQ, a cell division protein in Escher-
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