Analysis of The Poetry

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Lecturer Name : Drs. Barnabas Sembiring, M.Si.

Subject of Study : Introduction to English Literature
Student Name : Selviana Dewi
NPM : A1B016027
Semester/Class : II/A
Study Program : English Department Student Association


In Memory Of You
By : Allan Edward

The soft voice with a story book in her hand

Always present in every night
The moon brighter to overcast my eyes
To keep me in dark of night

The forehead kisses

Give the last touches when I asleep
When I open my eyes
I feel,, just in night, I hear the soft voice of you

You are the sunlight in my day

You are the one that makes trouble be gone
You are the words inside my song
You are the eyes that help me to see

She was there,,

The wind brings her soul in far away
I was alone to keep my sweet memories
Clotted longging through your shedow


Voice in Poetry

 Subject Matter : Love and Death

The lines of the poem describe of thesomeone’s memory in past time when he is still child, he
is very loved with her mother but it is not in long time, his mother was past away.

  Theme : the sadness memory of childhood, it seen in the last stanza

“She wes there,,

The wind brings her soul in far away
I was alone to keep my sweet memories
Clotted longging through your shedow”
This stanza describes about Someone’s feeling that hes is very sad with his life

  Atmosphere : sad and disappearance

In the second and last stanza, the lines elaborate to the reader that in the poem the someone
feel sad and disappearance when he still child his mother always exist to him but now it ia
only in her sweet memory.

  Mood and Tone: disappearance

After read the poem, in memory of you elaborates the  sadness memory of childhood and feel
disappearance.seen in the second and las stanza

Charaters and Setting

Inside speaker
“I”  , those lines of the poem describe the meory of the someone

Outside speaker
“her” and “she”

The listener
Parent, youth, childern and adult people

The participant
The moon and story book

Figurative Language:

A paradox is an apparent contradiction that is nevertheles somehow true and also it may be
either a situation or a statement.

1.      Paradox

The moon brighter to overcast my eyes

to keep me in dark of night

in that line there is a contracdictory between brighter and overcast. It just reveals of
imagination of the writer that something brighter is contradict with overcast.

2.      Dramatic irony

the discrepancy is not between what the speaker says and what speaker means but it is
between what the speaker says and what the poem means.
I take the the example of dramatic irony from our poem in memory of you, that my friend
told you before, our poem described about tragedy in past time, the memory of person who
loved her mother and now its become the sweet memories because she was pass away.

The forehead kisses

Give the last touches when I asleep
When I open my eyes
I feel,, just in night, I hear the soft voice of you

She was there,,

The wind brings her soul in far away
I was alone to keep my sweet memories
Clotted longing through your shadow
For those stanza describe about the sorrownes condiotion where the someone feel
disappearance his mother and now just in his memeory.

3.      Situational irony

Situational irony is a style employed when the author creates a situation and leads the reader
to believe that a certain ending is expected, when the actual ending is completely in

In this part there’s an irony refers to the contrast between what is expected and what actually
occurs. Those describe the happiness inside the sadness of in memory of you, because in
first stanza was described about the happiness of child who in every night in every day
mother always present to give the smooth love but it is not in long time.

You are the sunlight in my day

You are the one that makes trouble be gone
You are the words inside my song
You are the eyes that help me to see

She was there,,

The wind brings her soul in far away
I was alone to keep my sweet memories
Clotted longing through your shadow

4.      Verbal irony

Verbal irony as the figurative language of irony which often use in daily languge. Verbal
irony it means that people say something which contradicts with what they  imply, for the
example of verbal irony i thke from song by pink, the tittle

I just guessi just lost my husband, i don’t know where he went

And i don’t need you, I’m havin more fun, and now that we are done.

Question :
1. What are the benefits can you get from this poetry?
2. What the purpose of the author make this poetry?
True Love

I remember the moment with you

Here I keep my heart
Although my days through without you
My heart just for you
If you were gone away
When the night was come
You came to my dream
I hope you will come back soon
You closer to the power of my dream
And without you the world as empty home
Without household furnishings and occupant
a.                   Simple Plan (Any here else but here )
b.                  Simple Plan (Never Should Have Let You Go)
c.                   Taylor (We Are Never Getting Back Together)
d.                  Celine Dion (The Power of Dream)
e.                   Michael Buble (It’s a Beautiful Day)

Analyzed of the poem:

1.      Rhyme Scheme is the rhyming of words at the ends of lines of poetry. The rhyme
scheme that is use:
a.       1st stanza is abaac
b.      2nd stanza is abcbde
I remember the moment with you (a)
Here I keep my heart (b)
Although my days through without you (a)
My heart just for you (a)
If you were gone away (c)
When the night was come (a)
You came to my dream (b)
I hope you will come back soon (c)
You closer to the power of my dream (b)
And without you the world as empty home (d)
Without household furnishings and occupant (e)

2.      Nature is the meaning of a poem.

a.       1st stanza explain about moment
b.      2 nd stanza explain about dream

3.      The stanzas are a series of lines grouped together and separated by an empty line from
other stanzas. This is poem has kinds stanza:
a.       1st stanza have kind of Cinquain consist of 5 lines.
b.      2 nd stanza have kind of Sestet consist of 6 lines.

4.      Symbol is something that is itself and also stands for something else. The poem has
symbols that is:
a.  “And without you the world as empty home” line 5 in word “empty home" this is explain
things that empty or heart that quiet or alone.
b.  “You closer to the power of my dream” in line 4 of stanza 2 and in word “dream” this is
explain a power, hope,
c.  “Without household furnishings and occupant” in line 6 at sentence of word “household
furnishing” this is explain about the behaviora, smile, noticed who have by someone it, and
in the word “ occupant” explain about someone that waiting.

5.      Figurative language is the use of words in an unusual or imaginative manner.

a.       Simile when one thing is explicitly compared to another with the use of the words
“like” or “as. For example ” the world as empty home” in line 5
b.      Imagery is the use of words to create a mental picture of something.
”You come to my dream” line 7.
c.       Personification is the attribution of personality to an impersonal thing.
”when the night was came” in line 6.

6.       The archetype is a reference to a concept, a person or an object that has served as a
prototype of its kind and is the original idea that has come to be used over and over again.
Archetypes are literary devices that employ the use of a famous concept, person or object to
convey a wealth of meaning. There is in line nine that is in sentence “You closer to the
power of my dream” in line 4 of word “ power” about hope and love.

7.      From of the poem is lyric is a poem that focus on creating a mood or recalling a feeling.
Lyric poems express the character, impressions and emotions of the poet. And the kinds
lyric that use is (ode) that explain usually addressed to a person, thing, or routine.

8.       Foot is a combination of stressed and unstressed syllables in a line of poetry.

I remem / ber the mo / ment with you ( this is use anapestic trimeter that consist of 3 feet)
Here I kee / p my heart ( use foot Anapest and in the line have diameter that consist of 3
feets )
Although my / days through/ without you (this sentence use trimeter that consist of 3
feets )
My heart jus / t for you (this is Spondee is a foot with two stressed syllables in the previous
foot. And the meter is diameter consist of 2 feets)
If you were / gone away ( use foot iamb is a foot with two syllables. The stress is on the
second syllable. And the meter is diameter consist 2 feets)
When the nigh / t was come (this is use anapestic diameter that consist of 2 feets )
You came to / my dream ( this is use iamb : a foot with two syllables. The stress is on the
second syllable. And the meter is dimeter 2 feet)
I hope you wil/ l come back soon (this is use iambic diameter that consist of 2 feets)
You closer / to the power / of my dream ( this is use foot anapest And the meter is trimeter
that consist 3 feets )
And without / you the world / as empty home ( this line use Anapest is a foot with three
syllables. Two unstressed followed by a stressed one. And the meter is trimeter consist 3
Without house/ hold furnishings/ and occupant (this is use iamb is a foot with two
syllables. The stress is on the second syllable. And the meter is dimeter 2 feets)
9.      Alliteration is the repetition of beginning consonant sounds. The tongue twister, “Peter
Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers,” overuses alliteration. Alliteration is easy to use, but
it is a challenge to use it well when writing poetry. In this under is alliteration that there are
of poem that is:
a.       Alliteration as in the hard “C” sound: come, closer, keep, back
b.      Alliteration as in the hard “T” sound: to, heart, without, night, the, moment, occupant

10.  Repetition is the recurring use of a sound, a word, a phrase, or a line. Repetition can be
used to appeal to our emotions, create mood, and to emphasize important ideas. there are
word that repetition such as without, you, came, dream heart and I.

11.  The theme is expecting someone who really loves to return to her life and long distance

12.  The tone of poem is soft.

13.  The message of poem is don’t be afraid dream and wish because the dream and wish can
as the power in life us.

Question :
1. What are the benefits can you get from this poetry?
2. What the purpose of the author make this poetry?

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