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Indian RadarOpus Packages List - 2019

Radar Opus Functions & Features Superior

Synthesis TE 2009 Repertory 
Murphy Repertory 3.0 
Jeremy Sherr Mental Qualities Rep 2016 
TRIVEDI N. Repertory of Infertility 
Degroote F. Dream Repertory (Dgt4) 
Boenninghausen Pocket Book (BTPB) 
KENT Repertory 
Phatak Repertory 
Boger, CM - Boenninghausen's Characteristics & Repertory 
Boger, CM - Synoptic Key of the Materia Medica 
Boger, CM - General Analysis 
Boericke - Repertory in Pocket Manual 
Clarke - Clinical Repertory 
J. Ward - Sensations As If 
H. Roberts - Sensations As If 
Bhatia, VR - Miniature Rep. of Remedies in Common Cold 
Choudhury - Hints for Treatment of Cancer 
Drake, OM - Repertory of Warts and Condylomata 
Foster - Toothache and its Cure 
Jefferson Guernsey - Repertory of Hemorrhoids 
Master, FJ - Hair Loss 
Pulford, A and TD - Repertory of Pneumonia 
Sudarshan, SR - Repertory of Non-Malarial Fevers 
Sukumaran, N - Main Symptoms of Heart Problems 
Vithoulkas Experts System 
Bönninghausen polar symptom analysis 
Personal Keynotes 
Keynotes Radar V4 (english) (Version 4) 
Keynotes Allen (english) 
LARA I. - Latent psora 
Veterinary Additions View 
MATEU RATERA M. - First Aid manual 
PETRUCCI R. - Children concepts 
SCHROYENS F. - Acute Diseases 
SCHROYENS F. - Radar concepts 
DRAGOS D. - Mind concepts 
SERVAIS P. - Themes 
VALADARES FONSECA A. - Semiological guide 
Families of Remedies 
BOYD W. - Boyd families 
DORCSI M. - Dorcsi families 
PATERSON J. - Bowel nosodes 
ROSENTHAL C. - Five elements 
ROSENTHAL C. - State of matter families 
SCHROYENS F. - Related remedies 
SCHROYENS F. - Nosodes Families 
STÖTELER E. - Hahnemann disease classification 
BÖNNINGHAUSEN, von C. - Boenninghausen concordances 
BENTLEY G. - Miasms, Dominance and the 7 color groups 
TAYLOR W. - Kingdoms families 
TAYLOR W. - Miasms families 
TAYLOR W. - Periodic Table (Classical) 
TAYLOR W. - Periodic Table (element theory) 
TESTE A. - Teste families 
Maps 
MAP - BENTLEY - Bentley Homeopathic Facial Analysis 
MAP - CREVELD - Creveld Three Trees 
MAP - EVANS Evans - Marine Invertebrates (Family illustration) 
MAP - GRAY - Gray's Provings 
MAP - HATHERLY - Hatherly Guide to Lactation (Family illustration) 
MAP - MASTER - Master; Lacs in Homeopathy (Family Illustratinon) 
MAP - MORRISON - Morrison; Carbons (Family Illustration) 
MAP - PLOUVIER SUIJS - Plouvier-Suijs; Actinides 
MAP - SHORE Shore - Homeopathic Remedies from the Avian Realm 
MAP - TAYLOR - Taylor; Kingdoms 
MAP - VERMEULEN - Vermeulen; Fungi groups 
MAP - VERVARCKE - An Vervarcke An; Vital Approach 
Map - Scholten 
Features Diamond
Additional Softwares
WINCHIP (Patient Management Program) Diamond
Encyclopedia Homeopathica (Books Volume) 1544
RadarOpus Superior
Reference Reference Name
Code Volumes
Soc_Penn Homoeopathic Medical Society Pennsylvania 2
eh.a1 ALLEN Timothy - Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica [Vol. 1-10] 10
eh.a2 ALLEN Timothy - Handbook of Materia Medica and Homeopathic Therapeutics 1
eh.a3 ALLEN Timothy - Primer of Materia Medica 1
eh.aa5 anonymous author - The Poultry Doctor 1
eh.ah1 ANSHUTZ Edward - New, Old and Forgotten Remedies [2nd Ed.] 1
eh.ah2 ANSHUTZ Edward - Sexual Ills & Diseases [2nd Ed.] 1
eh.al1 ALLEN Henry - Keynotes and Characteristics with Comparisons 1
eh.al2 ALLEN Henry - The Materia Medica of some Important Nosodes 1
eh.al4 ALLEN Henry - The Therapy of Intermittent Fever 1
eh.alj1 ALLEN John - The Chronic Miasms, Psora 1
Hom American Institute of Homoeopathy 17
ARENA Gaetano - Preliminary Investigation into an experimental Homeopathic Application
eh.arg1 of Etna lava 1
eh.arg2 ARENA Gaetano - Experimental Homeopathic Research on Opuntia ficus indica 1

eh.ath1 ARNDT H.R. - First Lessons in the Symptomatology of Leading Homeopathic Remedies 1
eh.b8 BÖNNINGHAUSEN, von Clemens - The Lesser Writings 1
BLACKIE Margery - A comparison of Arsenicum, Nitricum acidum, Hepar sulphur and Nux
eh.bc3 vomica 1
eh.bcx2 BOCOCK Richard - Proving of Chlamydia trachomatis 1
eh.bcx3 BOCOCK Richard - Proving of Aspartame 1
eh.bcx4 BOCOCK Richard - Proving of Nitrogen 1
eh.bdg1 BEDAYN Greg - Corvus Corax 1
eh.bdx1 BOND Annette - The homeopathic proving of Tungsten 1
eh.bft1 BRADFORD Thomas - Homoeopathic Bibliography of the United States 1
eh.bft2 BRADFORD Thomas - The Life and Letters of Hahnemann 1
eh.bft3 BRADFORD Thomas - Index of Homeopathic Provings 1
eh.bg10 BOGER Cyrus - The Study of Materia Medica and Taking the case 1
eh.bg11 BIGGS K. and GWILLIM L. - Placenta humanum 1
eh.bg2 BOGER C. Boenninghausens's Characteristics and Repertory 1
eh.bg3 BOGER Cyrus - Synoptic key 1
eh.bgl1 BIGGS Kathy, GWILLIM Linda - Placenta humanum 1
BÄHR Bernhard - The Science of Therapeutics, According to The Principles of Homoeopathy
eh.bhb1 [Vol. I] 1
BÄHR Bernhard - The Science of Therapeutics, According to The Principles of Homoeopathy
eh.bhb2 [Vol. II] 1
eh.bjj1 BERJEAU Jean - The Homeopathic Treatment of Syphilis, Gonorrhea, etc. 1
eh.bkh1 BUCK - The Outlines of Materia Medica and a Clinical Dictionary 1
eh.bkl1 BOUKO-LEVY - Homeopathic and Drainage Repertory 1
eh.bkn1 BAKIR Nadia - Homeopathic Proving of Camel's Milk 1
eh.bl1 BORLAND Douglas - Children's Types 1
eh.bl2 BORLAND Douglas - The Treatment of Certain Heart Conditions by Homeopathy 1
eh.bl3 BORLAND Douglas - Influenzas 1
eh.bl4 BORLAND Douglas - Pneumonias 1
eh.bl5 BORLAND Douglas - Homeopathy for Mother and Infant 1
eh.bl6 BORLAND Douglas - Digestive Drugs 1
eh.bl8 BORLAND Douglas - Some Emergencies of General Practice 1
eh.bla1 BELL James - The homeopathic therapeutics of diarrhea [3rd Ed.] 1
eh.bn1 BURNETT James - Enlarged tonsils cured by medicine 1
eh.bn10 BURNETT James - Natrum muriaticum 1
eh.bn11 BURNETT James - Tumours of the breast 1
eh.bn12 BURNETT James - Gout and its cure 1
eh.bn13 BURNETT James - On neuralgia [2nd Ed.] 1
eh.bn14 BURNETT James - Fifty Reasons for being a homeopath 1
eh.bn15 BURNETT James - Organ Diseases of Women 1
eh.bn16 BURNETT James - Vaccinosis 1
eh.bn17 BURNETT James - Fevers and Blood Poisonings 1
eh.bn18 BURNETT James - The New Cure of Consumption by its Own Virus [reprint 4th Ed.] 1
eh.bn2 BURNETT James - Diseases of the spleen 1
eh.bn20 BURNETT James - Gold as a remedy in Diseases 1
eh.bn21 BURNETT James - On Fistula and its Radical Cure by Medicines 1
eh.bn22 BURNETT James - The change of Life in Women 1
eh.bn3 BURNETT James - Delicate, backward, puny and stunted children 1
eh.bn4 BURNETT James - The diseases of the liver [2nd Ed.] 1
eh.bn5 BURNETT James - Diseases of the skin [3th Ed.] 1
eh.bn6 BURNETT James - Curability of tumours by medicines 1
eh.bn7 BURNETT James - Curability of cataract 1
eh.bn8 BURNETT James - Ringworm 1
eh.bn9 BURNETT James - Diseases of the veins 1
eh.bnh1 BERNARD Henri - The Homeopathic Treatment of Constipation 1
eh.bnj1 BANERJEE Prosad - Materia medica of Indian drugs 1
eh.bnj5 BANERJEE Prosad - Chronic disease: its causes and cure 1
BONNEROT - Ulcer of the Stomach and Duodenum. [Translated from French by Rajkumar
eh.bnx1 Mukerji] 1
eh.bnz1 BEGIN Marty - The Firefly (Lamprohiza splendidula) - A Case and the Proving 1
eh.br1 BOERICKE William - Pocket Manual of Homeopathic Materia Medica 1
eh.br3 BOERICKE William, DEWEY Willis - The Twelve Tissue Remedies of Schuessler 1

eh.br6 BOERICKE William - The Development of Homoeopathy. Presented by Julian Winston 1

J British Homoepathic Journal - 1911, 1912, 1913 19
eh.bra4 BERRIDGE Edward - A Proving of Medorrhinum. Presented by Julian Winston 1
eh.bsd1 BENASSINI S. - Chanel n° 5 Proving 1
eh.bsr1 BENSON Reuel - Homeopathic Nursery Manual 1
eh.btv1 BHATIA V. R. - Influenza and Its Homoeopathic Treatment 1
eh.btw1 BURT William - Characteristic Materia Medica 1
eh.btw2 BURT William - Physiological Materia Medica 1

eh.bur_hom Bureau of Homoeopathics, The - 1924 1

eh.bwa1 BLACKWOOD Alexander - Diseases of the kidneys and nerves 1
eh.bwa2 BLACKWOOD Alexander - Diseases of the heart 1
BLACKWOOD Alexander - A Manual of Materia Medica, therapeutics and Pharmacology with
eh.bwa3 Clinical Index 1

eh.bwa4 BLACKWOOD Alexander - The food Tract: Its Ailments and Disease of the Peritoneum 1
eh.bwa5 BLACKWOOD Alexander - Diseases of the Liver, Pancreas and Ductless Glands 1
BIDWELL Glen - How to Use the Repertory with a Practical Analysis of forty Homoeopathic
eh.bwg1 Remedies 1
eh.bxm1 BURCH Melissa - Stoichactis kenti - Sea Anemone Proving 1
eh.c1 CLARKE John - Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica [Vol. 1-3] 3
eh.c10 CLARKE John - Therapeutics of the serpent poisons 1
eh.c11 CLARKE John - Radium as an internal remedy 1
eh.c12 CLARKE John - The therapeutics of cancer 1
eh.c13 CLARKE John - Cholera, Diarrhoea and Dysentery 1
eh.c14 CLARKE John - Non Surgical Treatment of Diseases of the Glands and Bones 1
eh.c16 CLARKE John - Bird's Eye view - A Lecture on Organon of Medicine 1
CLARKE John - Constitutional Medicine with especial reference to the three constitutions of
eh.c17 Von Grauvogl 1
eh.c20 CLARKE John - Gunpowder as a War remedy 1
eh.c21 CLARKE John - Haemorrhoids and Habitual Constipation 1
eh.c22 CLARKE John - Homeopathy explained 1
eh.c3 CLARKE John - Whooping cough cured with coqueluchin 1
eh.c4 CLARKE John - Diseases of the heart and arteries 1
eh.c5 CLARKE John - Catarrh, Colds and Influenzas 1
eh.C6 CLARKE John - The cure of tumours by medicines 1
eh.C7 CLARKE John - Grand characteristics of Materia medica 1
eh.C8 CLARKE John - The prescriber [6th Ed.] 1
eh.c9 CLARKE John - Indigestion - its causes and cure 1
eh.ccrh1 Central Council for Research in Homeopathy - A Proving of Cassia Sophera 1
eh.cda1 CHOUDHURI - A Study on Materia Medica and Repertory 1
eh.cdh1 CHOUDHURY Harimohon - Indications of Miasms 1
eh.cdh2 CHOUDHURY Harimohon - 50 Millesimal Potency in Theory and Practice 1
eh.cea1 CASE Erastus - Some Clinical Experiences of Erastus E. Case 1
eh.chr1 CHAUHAN - Expressive drug pictures of homoeopathic materia medica [Vol. 1] 1
eh.chr2 CHAUHAN - Expressive drug pictures of homoeopathic materia medica [Vol. 2] 1
eh.chs1 COHEN Sigal, MANSHARI Tomer - Monosodium glutamate - MSG Proving 1
eh.cji1 CHATTERJI A. N. - Three in One 1
eh.cka1 CLARKE A. - Decachords 1
eh.cle1 CHAMURLIYSKA Ekaterina - Proving of Coccinella 7-Punctata 1

eh.cls1 CLOSE Stuart - The Genius of Homeopathy. Lectures and Essays on Homeopathic Philosophy 1
eh.clv1 CLEVELAND Charles - Salient Materia Medica and Therapeutics 1
eh.clx1 CHEMLA Chantal- Ultrasound Proving 1
eh.cnj1 O' CONNOR Joseph - The American Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia [2nd Ed.] 1
eh.cns6 SHUKLA Chetna - The Individualizing Examination of the Pavo cristatus 1
eh.cns7 SHUKLA Chetna - The Corvus splendens Proving 1
eh.cns8 SHUKLA Chetna - The Hippocampus kuda Proving 1
eh.cnx1 CHEIN Michael - The Proving of Ritalin 1
eh.cp1 COWPERTHWAITE Allen - Textbook of Materia Medica and Therapeutics 1
eh.csm1 CASTRO Miranda - Borax veneta 1
eh.ctj1 CHATTERJEE T. P. - My memorable cures 1
eh.ctj4 CHATTERJEE T. P. - My Random Notes on some Homeopathic Remedies Reprint 1
eh.ctj5 CHATTERJEE T. P. - Fundamentals of Homeopathy and Valuable hints for Practice 1
eh.ctj6 CHATTERJEE T. P. - Hints on Homeopathic Practice and Children's Diseases 1
eh.ctl1 COLLYER Clayton and DAVIS Jackie - The homeopathic proving of Lavender 1

eh.cvm1 CREVELD Marijke - Diospyros kaki Creveld [Translated from Dutch by Willem Hurkmans] 1

eh.dct2 DUNCAN T. C. - Hand Book on the Diseases of the Heart and their Homeopathic Treatment 1
eh.dfg1 DRANSFIELD Gill - The Homoeopathic Proving of Spectrum 1
eh.dg2 DUDGEON Robert - Lectures on the Theory and Practice of Homeopathy 1
eh.dgs1 DOUGLASS Melford - Skin diseases 1
eh.dgs4 DOUGLASS Melford - Pearls of Homeopathy 1
eh.dh1 DUNHAM Carroll - Lectures on Materia Medica 1
eh.dh5 DUNHAM Carroll - Symptoms, their Study or 'How to Take the Case' 1
eh.dh6 DUNHAM Carroll - The Science of Therapeutics. A collection of papers 1
DOMINICI G., GULIA P. and PITARI G. - Etna lava - Proving Symptomatology and Clinical
eh.dma1 Results 1
eh.dmk3 DAM Kees - Ayahuasca - The Vine of the Soul 1
eh.dmk4 DAM K. - Proving of Lac elephantis (maximus maximus) 1
eh.dna1 DUMITRESCU-NOICA A. and BALTAC A. - Proving of Geranium robertianum 1

eh.ds1 DESAI Bhanu - How to find the Similimum with Boger-Boenningshausen's Repertory 1
eh.dw1 DEWEY Willis - Essentials of Homeopathic Materia Medica 1
eh.dw5 DEWEY Willis - Practical Homeopathic Therapeutics 1
eh.dyb2 DIGBY Berkeley - Lac caninum 1
eh.ebh1 EBERLE H., RITZER F. - Uranium metallicum 1
eh.ebh4 EBERLE H., RITZER F. - Haliaeetus leucocephalus 1
eh.elm1 ENGLISH Mary - Tempestas - Storm - A Remedy Proving 1
eh.elm2 ENGLISH Mary - Proving of Naufragium helvetia 1

eh.elm3 ENGLISH Mary - The Homeopathic Proving of 'Ruina castellum' - Old Wardour Castle 1

eh.elm4 ENGLISH Mary - The Homeopathic Proving of 'Calculus orbis' - Stanton Drew Stone Circle 1
eh.ens1 ENNIS Sylvia - The Natural Choica Sickle Cell 1
eh.erp1 EYRE Phyl - Proving of Mobile Phone Radiation 1
eh.es1 EISING Nuala - Granite, Marble and Limestone 1
eh.es2 EISING Nuala - Provings of Ignis alcoholis and Succinum 1
eh.es3 EISING Nuala - Vacuum - The Proving 1
EPPS John - Domestic Homoeopathy: Rules for the Domestic Treatment of the Maladies of
eh.esj1 Infants, Children, 1
eh.evm3 EVANS Madeline - Meditative Proving of Amber 1
eh.evm4 EVANS Madeline - Meditative Proving of Turquoise 1
eh.evm5 EVANS Madeline - Meditative Proving of Walnut Tree 1
eh.evm6 EVANS Madeline - Meditative Proving of Yew Tree (male) 1
eh.fb10 FOUBISTER Donald - The Significance of Past History in Homeopathic Prescribing 1
eh.fb2 FOUBISTER Donald - Homeopathy and Pediatrics 1
eh.fb4 FOUBISTER Donald - The carcinosin Drug Picture 1
eh.fr1 FARRINGTON Ernest - Clinical Materia Medica 1
eh.fr2 FARRINGTON Ernest - Comparisons in Materia Medica with Therapeutic Hints 1

eh.fr3 FARRINGTON Ernest - Therapeutics Pointers and Lesser writings with some clinical cases 1
eh.frh1 FARRINGTON Harvey - Homeopathy and homeopathic Prescribing 1
eh.fsp1 FRASER Peter - Proving of Pavo cristatus 1
eh.fsr1 FISHER Charles - Homeopathy in obstetric emergencies 1
FORTIER-BERNOVILLE Maurice - What we must not do in Homeopathy [Translated from
eh.ftb1 French by R. K. Mukerji] 1
FORTIER-BERNOVILLE Maurice - Syphyilis and Sycosis [Translated from French by R. K.
eh.ftb8 Mukerji] 1
eh.fyz5 FAYAZUDDIN M. - Surgeon's Friends in Homeopathy. Succus Calendula 1
eh.fyz6 FAYAZUDDIN M. - Hypericum - A Study 1
eh.fyz7 FAYAZUDDIN M. - Surgeon's Friends in Homeopathy. Arnica Montana 1
eh.gcj1 GILCHRIST J. G. - The Homoeopathic Treatment of Surgical Diseases 1
eh.gfl1 GRIFFITHS Lisa, GEARY Mary - Homeopathic Provings of Bracken 1
eh.gka1 GASKIN A. - Comparative Study on Kent's Materia Medica 1
eh.gl3 GALLAVARDIN Jean-Pierre - Repertory of Psychic Medicines with Materia Medica 1
eh.gl4 GALLAVARDIN Jean-Pierre - Plastic Medicine Homeopathic treatment 1
eh.gm1 GRIMMER Arthur - The Collected Works 1
GRIMMER Arthur H. and FORTIER-BERNOVILLE Maurice - Homoeopathic treatment of
eh.gm2 cancer [1st Indian Ed.] 1

eh.gms1 GRIMES Melanie - Tiger Shark: A Homeopathic Proving of Galeocerdo Cuvier Hepar 1
eh.gms2 GRIMES Melanie - New proving of Meteorite: Fax caelestis allende 1
eh.gms3 GRIMES Melanie- Enallagma carunculatum - A Proving of Tule Bluet Dragonfly 1
eh.gnm1 GRANIER Michel - Conferences upon Homoeopathy 1
eh.gnt1 GRINNEY Tony- A proving of Thiosinamine 1
eh.gsd1 GIBSON Douglas - Studies of Homeopathic Remedies 1
eh.gsd2 GIBSON Douglas - Elements of Homeopathy 1
eh.gsd3 GIBSON Douglas - Fear and Homeopathy 1

eh.gsw2 GUERNSEY William - The homeopathic therapeutics of haemorrhoids - Materia Medica part 1
eh.gsy1 Guernsey H. N.-Keynotes to the Materia Medica
eh.gsy2 GUERNSEY Henry - Application of Principles of Homeopathy to Obstetrics 1
eh.gsz1 GUERNSEY Egbert - Homoeopathic Domestic Practice. [9th Ed.] 1
GENTRY William - Rubrical and Regional Text Book of Homoeopathic Materia Medica Urine
eh.gt2 and Urinary organs 1
eh.gtk1 GUPTA A. K. - The Problem Child and Homeopathy 1
eh.gtr1 GUPTA R. L. - Directory of Disease and Cures in Homeopathy [Vol. 1 2
eh.gvl1 GRAUVOGL, von Eduard - Text Book of Homoeopathy [Part 1-2] 2
eh.gvt2 GUNAVANTE S. M. - The "genius" of homeopathic remedies 1
eh.gy3 GRAY Bill, SHORE Jonathan - Seminar Burgh Haamstede [Netherlands] April 1989 1
eh.gya1 GRAY Alastair - A Homoeopathic proving of Ficus Macrophylla (Moreton Bay Fig) 1
eh.gya10 GRAY A. - A Homeopathic Proving of Bufo rana (Common Toad) 1
eh.gya11 GRAY A., A Homeopathic Proving of Hippocampus kuda (Seahorse) 1
eh.gya12 GRAY A., A Homeopathic Proving of Glycyrrhiza glabra (Liquorice) 1
eh.gya13 GRAY A., A Homeopathic Proving of Sophora microphylla (Kowhai) 1
eh.gya2 GRAY Alastair - A Homoeopathic Proving of Chironex fleckeri (Box Jellyfish) 1

eh.gya3 GRAY Alastair - A Homeopathic Proving of Lampona Cylindrata (White Tailed Spider) 1
GRAY Alastair, PEDERSEN Carol - A Homoeopathic Proving of Melaleuca Alternifolia (Tea
eh.gya4 Tree) 1
eh.gya5 GRAY Alastair - A Homeopathic Proving of Culex pervigilans (Mosquito) 1
eh.gya6 GRAY Alastair - A Homeopathic Proving of Blatta orientalis (Cockroach) 1

eh.gya7 GRAY Alastair - A Homeopathic Proving of Cactus grandiflorus (Night Bloomimg Cereus) 1
eh.gya8 GRAY Alastair - A Homeopathic Proving of Telopea speciosissima (Waratah) 1
eh.gya9 GRAY A. - A Homeopathic Proving of Perla Broome (Broome Pearl) 1
eh.gym1 GEARY Mary - A Homoeopathic Proving of Pteridium aquilinum 1
eh.h1 HAHNEMANN Samuel - Materia medica pura 2

eh.h2 HAHNEMANN Samuel - The Chronic Diseases, their Peculiar Nature and their Homoeopathic 2
eh.h3 HAHNEMANN Samuel - Organon of Medicine 1
eh.h4 HAHNEMANN Samuel - Lesser writings Hahnemann 1
ocate Hahnemannian Advocate - 1896, 1897, 1898 (36 Vol.) 36
nthly Hahnemannian Monthly 43
eh.hcw1 HUTCHISON John - Seven-hundred Redline Symptoms 1
eh.hdj1 HARNDALL J. S. - Homoeopathy in Veterinary Practice 1
eh.he1 HOYNE Temple - Clinical Therapeutics [Vol. 1-2] 2
elf Heal Thyself 63
eh.hhl1 HAEHL Richard - Samuel Hahnemann: His Life and Work. [Vol. 1] 1
eh.hhl2 HAEHL Richard - Samuel Hahnemann: His Life and Work. [Vol. 2] 1

eh.hj1 HIND Jai - Chronic Diseases and Theory of Miasms - Team of Experienced Teachers 1
eh.hl1 HALE Edwin - Special Therapeutics of the new Remedies 1
eh.hl10 HALE Edwin - The Characteristics of the New Remedies [3rd Ed.] 1
eh.hl11 HALE Edwin -Treatment of Disease of Women, especially those causing Sterility 1
eh.hl9 HALE Edwin - Special Symptology of the new remedies Vol 1 1
HILL B. L., HUNT J. G. - The Homeopathic Practice of Surgery, Together with Operative
eh.hll1 Surgery 1
eh.hmw1 HELMUTH William - Surgery and its Adaptation to Homoeopathic Practice 1
eh.hnj1 HUENECKE J-A. - Homeopathic Proving of Queen Charlottes Loon - Gavia immer 1
eh.hnj2 HUENECKE J-A. - Homeopathic Proving of Acer saccharum - The Sugar Maple 1
eh.hnj4 HUENECKE J-A. - Homeopathic Proving of Cygnus X-1 - A Black Hole 1
eh.hnj5 HUENECKE J-A. - Homeopathic Proving of Lepidolite - A Mica Gemstone 1
eh.hnj6 HUENECKE J-A. - Homeopathic Proving of Samarium cobaltum magneticum 1
HUENECKE J-A. - Homeopathic Proving of Didelphis virginiana - The North American
eh.hnj7 Opossum. 1
eh.hnj8 HUENECKE J-A. - Homeopathic Proving of Lanthanum metallicum 1
eh.hnj9 HUENECKE J-A. - Homeopathic Proving of Promethium muriaticum 1
b_Prag Homeopathic Club of Prague - Collection of Provings 1
ald Homeopathic Herald 116
bs Homoeopathic Journal of Obstetrics: Gynaecology and Paedology, The - 1884-1885 4
d_soc_ny Transactions of The Homoeopathic Medical Society of the State of New York 9
s Homoeopathic Physician 91
ord Homeopathic Record 238
ld Homeopathic World, The 20
eh.Homeopa Homoeopathician, The (A journal of pure homeopathy) - 1912 (2), 1913 (1), 1914 (8), 1915
thician (1) 12
thy Homeopathy - 1938, Vol VII 11

eh.hpc2 HEMPEL Charles - A New and Comprehensive System of Materia Medica [Vol. 1-2] 2
eh.hr1 HERING Constantine - Guiding Symptoms of our Materia Medica (Vol. 1-10) 10
eh.hr4 HERING Constantine - The homeopathic domestic physician 1
eh.hs1 HUGHES R., DAKE J. P. - Cyclopaedia of Drug Pathogenesy [Vol. 1-4] 4
eh.hs2 HUGHES Richard - Manual of Pharmacodynamics 1
eh.hs3 HUGHES Richard - The Principles and Practice of Homoeopathy 1

eh.hs5 HUGHES Richard - A Manuel of Therapeutics: According to the Method of Hahnemann 1

eh.hsa1 HANSEN Oscar - A Text-Book of Materia Medica of Rare Homeopathic Remedies: 1
eh.hsj1 HANSEL Jürgen - Ephedra 1
eh.hsw1 HAWKES W. J. - Characteristic Indications for Prominent Remedies 1
eh.htc1 HART Charles - Therapeutics of nervous Diseases 1
eh.htj1 HOUGHTON J., HALAHAN E. - The homeopathic proving of Lac humanum 1
eh.htp1 HATHERLY Patricia - A proving of Cadmium metallicum 1
eh.htp3 HATHERLY Patricia - The Homoeopathic Proving of Lac maternum 1
eh.htp4 HATHERLY Patricia - C4 Trituration of Lac humanum 1
m_med Indian Journal of Homoeopathic Medicine 7
_hom International Foundation for Homeopathy: Case Conference Proceedings - 1995 6
_Ass PROCEEDING - International Hahnemannian Association 41
Res_Trust PROCEEDING - International Homoeopathic Research Trust 1
eh.iwa1 IRWIN Anne - Seven Streams of Taosca Proving 1
eh.iwa2 IRWIN Anne - A Proving of Tory Island Clay. Red Granite Clay 1

eh.j10 JAHR Georg - Family Practice or Simple Directions in Homeopathic Domestic medicine 1
JAHR Georg - The Venereal Diseases, their Pathological Nature, Correct Diagnosis and
eh.j11 Homeopathic Treatment 1
JAHR Georg - Forty years of practice [Translated with Notes and New Remedies, by Charles J.
eh.j2 Hempel, M.D.] 1

eh.J8 JAHR Georg - Homoeopathic Treatment of diseases of Females and Infants at the Breast 1
_hom Journal of the American Institute of Homoeopathy 2
n Journal of Homoeopathic Clinics 25
eh.jht1 JITHESH - Proving of Sida alnifolia 1
eh.jib1 JOSHI Bhawisha - Proving of Xanthoxyllum fraxineum 1
eh.jl1 JULIAN Othon - Materia Medica of new Homeopathic remedies 1
eh.jl2 JULIAN Othon - Materia Medica of Nosodes with Repertory 1
eh.jln2 JOLLYMAN N. W. - Asthma - Causes, Types & Homeopathic Treatment 1
JAIN B. - Pocket Medical dictionary of the principal words used in medicine and the collateral
eh.jnb1 sciences 1
eh.jne1 JONES Eli - Cancer: its Causes, Symtoms and Treatment 1
eh.JST1 JANSEN Ton - The Healing Nature of Plants 1
eh.JST2 JANSEN Ton - The Healing Nature of Trees 1
eh.k2 KENT James - Lectures on Homeopathic Materia Medica [4th Ed.] 1
eh.k4 KENT James - New Remedies, Clinical Cases, Lesser Writings 1
eh.k5 KENT James - Kent Lectures on Homeopathic Philosophy 1
eh.k6 KENT James - Use of the Repertory - How to Study the Repertory 1

eh.k7 KENT James - What the doctor needs to Know in Order to Make a Succesfull prescription 1
eh.k8 KENT James - The Dunham Lectures 1
KERSCHBAUMER Werner - A Homeopathic Proving of the Whole Plant of the Indigenous
eh.kbw1 South African Herb Harpagophy 1
eh.kgp4 KÖNIG Peter, SANTOS Uta - Convallaria 1
eh.kgp5 KÖNIG Peter, SANTOS Uta - Dream Proving of Rhododendron chrysantum 1
KRISHNA KUMAR - Talks on poisons, Metals acids & Nosodes used as Homeopathic
eh.kkp1 Medicines 1
eh.kkp2 KRISHNA KUMAR P. - The women, female problems and their cure 1
eh.kkp3 KRISHNA KUMAR P. - The Man, Sexual Problems and their Cure 1
eh.kkv1 KULKARNI V. - Gynecology and Obstetrics 1
eh.kmy1 KRISHNAMURTHY V. K. - Homeopathy in Accidents and Injuries 1

eh.knl2 KLEIN Louis - Helodrilus caliginosus - Information and Synopsis of a New Proving 1
eh.knl3 KLEIN Louis - Carbon dioxide 1
eh.knl4 KLEIN Louis - Loxosceles Reclusa - The brown Recluse spider 1
eh.knl6 KLEIN Louis - Coriandrum proving 1
eh.knl7 KLEIN L., MANTEWSIWICH E. - Hahnemanian Proving of Argentum Sulphuricum 1
eh.knl8 KLEIN Louis - The Proving of Vanilla planifolia 1
eh.kr2 KNERR Calvin - Drug Relationship 1
eh.ksk1 KANSAL Kamal - The Biochemics 1
eh.ksk2 KANSAL Kamal - Homeopathic Treatment - Constipation 1
eh.ksk3 KANSAL Kamal - Homeopathic Treatment - Dental Diseases 1
eh.ksk4 KANSAL Kamal - Homoeopathic Treatment - Diabetes Mellitus 1
eh.ksk5 KANSAL Kamal - Homeopathic Treatment - Pet Animals 1
eh.ktp1 KAMTHAN P. S. - Cancer - Curable under Homoeopathic Treatment 1
eh.ktp2 KAMTHAN P. S. - Homeopathic therapy of Gout, Arthritis and Rheumatism 1
eh.ktp3 KAMTHAN P. S. - How homeopathy cures Mania, Melancholia and madness 1

eh.ktp4 KAMTHAN P. S. - How to Cure Headache, Facial Neuralgia, Glaucoma, Toothache etc. 1
eh.ktp5 KAMTHAN P. S. - Remedies for Pain & Warts 1
eh.ktp6 KAMTHAN P. S. - Remedies for Skin and Bone Diseases 1
eh.ktp7 KAMTHAN P. S. - Specific Remedies for Respiratory, Cardiac and Urinary diseases 1
eh.ktp8 KAMTHAN P. S. - The Female Prescriber 1
eh.ktp9 KAMTHAN P. S. - The Haemorrhage Controller 1
eh.kts1 KAMTHAN P. S. - The Homoeopathic First Aid Prescriber 1
eh.kzb1 KLOTZSCH Brigitta - Proving of Python regia 1
eh.lcj1 LUCAS Joy - Proving of Leonurus cardiaca 1
eh.lcj2 LUCAS Joy- Proving of the Erythrinus Fish 1
eh.ll1 LILIENTHAL Samuel - Homeopathic therapeutics [2nd Ed.] 1
eh.lmhi Liga Medicorum Homoeopathica Internationalis - 1979, 1988, 1990 3
eh.lp2 LIPPE, von Adolph - Keynotes and Red line Symptoms of the Materia Medica 1
eh.lp3 Lippe A. von-Keynotes of the Homeop. Materia Medica
eh.lpc2 LIPPE, von Adolph - Text Book of Materia Medica 1
eh.lrj2 LAURIE Joseph - The Homoeopathic Domestic Medicine [Vol. 1-2] 2
eh.lrj2a LAURIE Joseph - An Epitome of the Homeopathic Domestic Medicine. 1
eh.lrp1 LE ROUX Patricia - Lac Caninum, remedy of ailments from child sexual abuse 1
eh.lrp3 LE ROUX Patricia - The Acids 1
LUSTIG Didier - The proving of Neptunium muriaticum [Translated into English by Melanie
eh.lsd2 Grimes] 1
eh.lsr6 LEESER Otto - Homeopathic Materia Medica. [Translated by Boyd L. J.] 1
ance Medical Advance 83
eh.mf1 MACFARLAN Donald - Concise pictures of dynamised drugs: personally proven 1
eh.mfj1 MOFFAT John - Homoeopathic therapeutics in ophthalmology 1
MORGAN William - Diabetes mellitus [Its history, chemistry, anatomy, pathology, physiology
eh.mgb1 and treatment] 1
MORGAN William - Diphteria [Its history, causes, symptoms, diagnosis, pathology and
eh.mgb2 treatment] 1
eh.mgb3 MORGAN William - The Signs and concomitant Derangements of Pregnancy 1
MORGAN William - Homoeopathic Treatment of Indigestion, Constipation and
eh.mgb4 Haemorrhoids 1
eh.mgj1 MORGAN John - Hadrian's Wall 1
eh.mgj2 MORGAN John - The Proving of Pearl Taken from the Common Mussel 1
eh.mhg1 MATHEW George - Proving of Phyllanthus amarus 1
eh.mhh1 MALHOTRA H. C. - Care and Treatment - Fistula, Piles 1
eh.mhh2 MALHOTRA H. C. - Menses and Health [A Lady's Manual of Homeopathic care] 1
eh.mhn1 MOHANTY Niranjan - Text book of Homeopathic Materia Medica 1
eh.mjr1 MAJUMDAR P. C. - Appendicitis curable by Medicine 1
eh.mjs1 MOORE James - Dog Diseases Treated by Homeopathy 1
eh.mlm1 MOILOA Motlhabane - Materia Medica of Leucas capensis 1
j_hom_jhd Monthly Journal of Hom. and the Journal of Health 22
eh.mrc2 MARIM Matheus - Simplified Materia Medica of bothrops jararacussu 1
eh.mrr2 MORRISON Roger - Seminar [Part 1] - Burgh Haamstede [Netherlands] Sept 1987 1
eh.mrr3 MORRISON Roger - Seminar [Part 2] - Burgh Haamstede [Netherlands] Sept 1988 1
MORRISON Roger, HERRICK Nancy - Seminar [Part 3] - Leystad [Netherlands] November
eh.mrr4 1991 1

eh.mrz1 MORRIS Catherine - A Proving of Pycnoporus Sanguineus (a south African fungus) 1

eh.mta1 MATHUR K. N. - Systematic materia medica of homoeopathic remedies [1st Ed.] 1
eh.mta2 MATHUR K. N. - Diabetes Mellitus Its Diagnosis & Treatment 1
eh.mtf10 MASTER Farokh - Hair Loss Repertory 1
eh.mtf12 MASTER Farokh - Homoepathic Dictionary of dreams 1
eh.mtf13 MASTER Farokh - Homeopathy in Cancer 1
eh.mtf14 MASTER Farokh - Homeopathy in Cervical Spondylosis 1
eh.mtf16 MASTER Farokh - Lycopodium 1
eh.mtf18 MASTER Farokh - Mysterious Thuja 1
eh.mtf19 MASTER Farokh - Naja Naja Naja [1st Ed.] 1
eh.mtf2 MASTER Farokh - A proving of Moccasin Snake [Toxicophis] 1
eh.mtf20 MASTER Farokh - Perceiving rubrics of the mind 1
eh.mtf21 MASTER Farokh - Sandy Silicea 1
eh.mtf22 MASTER Farokh - Snakes in Homeopathic Grass 1
eh.mtf23 MASTER Farokh - St-Ignatius Bean 1
eh.mtf24 MASTER Farokh - Suppressed Staphysagria 1
eh.mtf25 MASTER Farokh - Sycotic shame 1
eh.mtf26 MASTER Farokh - The Bed Side Organon of Medicine 1
eh.mtf27 MASTER Farokh - The Fascinating Fungi 1
eh.mtf28 MASTER Farokh - The State of Mind that affects Foetus 1

eh.mtf29 MASTER Farokh - Tubercular Miasm Tuberculins [simplified and explained] [2nd Ed.] 1
eh.mtf3 MASTER Farokh - Ammoniums: The Sour Prunes 1
eh.mtf30 MASTER Farokh - Tumours and homoeopathy 1
eh.mtf34 MASTER Farokh - Homeopathic Treatment of Acute Cardio-respiratory Failure 1
eh.mtf36 MASTER Farokh - A Homoeopathic Proving of Bungarus Fasciatus (Banded Krait) 1
eh.mtf37 MASTER Farokh - Bitis arietans - A Homoeopathic Proving 1
eh.mtf39 MASTER Farokh - Echis carinatus - Saw Scaled Viper - A Homoeopathic Proving 1
eh.mtf4 MASTER Farokh - The Web Spinners 1
eh.mtf40 MASTER Farokh - Oxyuranus scutellatus - Taipan - A Homoeopathic Proving 1
eh.mtf7 MASTER Farokh - Agitated Argentums 1
eh.mtf8 MASTER Farokh - Bed-wetting [Enuresis] 1
eh.mtf9 MASTER Farokh - Diseases of the Skin [Including of Exanthemata] 1
eh.mts1 MOUNT S. J. L. - Migraine 1

eh.mtv2 MATHUR P. P. - Common Infectious Diseases with Therapeutic & Repertory in Homeopathy 1
h North American Journal of Homoeopathy 6
_j_hom New England Journal of Homoeopathy 28
eh.nh2 NASH Eugene - Leaders in typhoid fever 1
eh.nh3 NASH Eugene - Regional leaders [2nd Ed.] 1
eh.nh4 NASH Eugene - The testimony of the clinic 1
eh.nh5 NASH Eugene - Leaders for the Use of Sulphur 1
eh.nh6 NASH Eugene - Leaders in respiratory organs 1
eh.nh8 NASH Eugene - Expanded works of Nash 1
eh.nl2 NORLAND Misha - Collected provings 1
NORLAND Misha, FRASER Peter - Galium aparine - The Homeopathic Proving of Cleavers or
eh.nl4 Goosegrass 1
eh.nl5 NORLAND Misha, FRASER Peter - Passer domesticus - The Homeopathic Proving of Sparrow 1

eh.nl6 NORLAND Misha - Cladonia rangiferina - The Homeopathic Proving of Reindeer moss 1
NORLAND Misha, FRASER Peter - Vulcanized rubber - The Homeopathic Proving of Latex
eh.nl7 vulcani 1

eh.nl8 NORLAND Misha, FRASER Peter - Buckyballs - The Homeopathic Proving of Carbo fullerenum 1
NARASIMHAMURTI V. K. - Handbook of Materia Medica & Therapeutics of homoeopathy
eh.nsk1 [1st Ed.] 1
eh.nsr1 NEUSTAEDTER Randall - Clematis Proving 1
eh.nta2 NORTON A. B. - Ophthalmic Diseases and Therapeutics 1
eh.organon Organon - 1878, 1879, 1880, 1881 13
eh.oss1 OLSEN Steven - Trees and Plants that Heal 1
eh.oss2 OLSEN Steven - Pinus contorta - A Hahnemanian Proving with Case Studies 1
eh.ot1 ORTEGA SANCHEZ Proceso - Notes on the Miasms 1
eh.oth1 OSTROM Homer - Leucorrhoea and other Varieties of Gynaecological Catarrh 1
eh.owj1 OWEN Jonice - Strontium carbonicum - The Proving 1
_j_hom Pacific Coast Journal of Homoeopathy 9
eh.pe1 PIERCE Willard - Plain Talks on Materia Medica with Comparisons 1
eh.pet1 PETERSEN Fred - Materia Medica and Clinical Therapeutics 1
eh.pew1 PAIGE H. W. - Diseases of the Lungs, Bronchi and Pleura 1
PULFORD Alfred - Homoeopathic Materia Medica of Graphic Drug Pictures and Clinical
eh.pfa2 Comments 1
eh.pfa3 PULFORD Alfred - Repertory of Pneumonia 1

eh.pks1 PAVRI Sharukh - Essentials of Diabetes Mellitus & its Treatment by Homoeopathy 1
eh.pls1 PAUL S. - Skin Therapeutics 1

eh.plx1 PHELAN Richard - Inaugural Dissertation on Therapeutics. Presented by Julian Winston 1

eh.pnb1 PANDA B. - Significance of Dreams in Homoeopathic Prescribing 1
eh.prj1 POIRIER Jean - Homeopathic Treatment of the Diseases of Heart 1
eh.psj1 PETERS John - A Complete Treatise on Headaches and Diseases of the Head 1
eh.psj2 PETERS John - A Treatise on the Inflammatory and Organic Diseases of the Brain 1
eh.pss1 PALSULE S. G. - Asthma and Blood Pressure 1
eh.pss2 PALSULE S. G. - Dentistry and Homeopathy 1
eh.pss3 PALSULE S. G. - Homeopathic Treatment for E. N. T. Diseases 1
eh.ptj1 PATERSON John - The Bowel Nosodes 1
eh.ptk2 PHATAK S. R. - Materia Medica of Homoeopathic medicines 1
eh.ptx1 PITT Richard - Taxus brevifolia - Pacific Yew 1

eh.ptx2 PITT Richard - Tobacco: An Exploration of its Nature Through the Prism of Homeopathy 1
eh.ptx3 PITT Richard - A New Proving of Petroleum 1

Hom Int Con Quinquenial Homeopathic International Congress 3
eh.rb2 ROBERTS Herbert - Sensations as if 1
eh.rb3 ROBERTS Herbert - The study of remedies by comparison 1
eh.rb4 ROBERTS Herbert - The rheumatic remedies 1
ROBERTS Herbert - The Principles and Practicability of Boenningshausen's Therapeutic
eh.rb5 Pocket Book 1
eh.rb7 ROBERTS Herbert - The Spider Poisons 1

eh.rb9 ROBERTS Herbert - The principles and Art of Cure by Homoeopathy - A Modern Textbook 1
eh.rbp1 ROBBINS Phillip - Vibhuti 1
eh.rbp2 ROBBINS Phillip - Phascolarctos cinereus [Australian Koala secretion] 1
eh.rbp3 ROBBINS Phillip, JANSEN Jean-Pierre - Aristolochia clematis 1
eh.rbp5 ROBBINS Phillip - Insight Meditation 1
ROBBINS Phillip - Evolving Homeopathy. Towards a Developmental Approach to
eh.rbp6 Homeopathy 1
eh.rbp7 ROBBINS Phillip - Sol Proving 1
eh.rcb1 RICHARDSON-BOEDLER Cornelia - The Bach Flower Remedies 1
RICHARDSON-BOEDLER Cornelia - Psychic Causes of Illness: Applying Homeopathy and Bach
eh.rcb3 Flowers Therapy to Psych 1
RICHARDSON-BOEDLER Cornelia - The psychological / Constitutional Essences of the Bach
eh.rcb4 Flower Remedies 1
eh.rde3 RUDDOCK Edward - The Common diseases of children 1
eh.rde4 RUDDOCK Edward - Homeopathic Treatment of Infants and Children 1
eh.rde5 RUDDOCK Edward - The common diseases of Women 1

eh.rde6 RUDDOCK Edward - The Pocket Manual of Homeopathic Veterinary Medicine [1st Ed.] 1
eh.res1 RAUE Charles - Diseases of children 1
eh.rhj1 RUSH John - The handbook of Veterinary homoeopathy 1
eh.rjp1 RAJAGOPALARAO P. - Most Valuable Tips from Masters of Homeopathy 1
ROLLIN R. G. - An Illustrated Repertory of Pains In Chest, Sides and Back: Their Direction and
eh.rlg1 Character, con 1
eh.rlj1 ROWLES Joie- A Proving of Sialia currucoides - Mountain Bluebird 1
eh.rly4 RILEY David - Collected provings 1
eh.rmu1 RIMMLER Uli - The Flight of the Condor - The Andean Condor: Vultur gryphus 1
RENOUX H. - The Proving of Morpho menelaus occidentalis [Translated from French by
eh.rnh1 Michel Zala, M.D.] 1

eh.rnh2 RENOUX H. - The Proving of Helium [translated from French by Gabriella Rammairone] 1
eh.rnh3 RENOUX H. - The Proving of Sequoiadendron gigantea [Translated from French] 1
eh.rnh4 RENOUX H. - The Proving of Ulva lactuca [Translated from French] 1
eh.rnh6 RENOUX H. - Proving of Cuscuta europaea 1
eh.rq1 RISQUEZ F. - Psychiatry and Homeopathy 1
eh.rsi1 ROSSETTI Luiz - Lepidoptera saturniidae 1

eh.rsm1 ROSS Moya, CAMPBELL Sarah - The Homeopathic and Meditative Proving of Emerald 1
ROSENBAUM P. - Lapis Lazuli, a Proving. A Pathogenesy Developed by the Team of Escola
eh.rsp1 Paulista de Homeopatia - 1
eh.rsy1 RAMSEYER A. A. - Rademacher's Universal & Organ Remedies 1
eh.rti2 RASTOGI D. P. - Homeopathic Gems 1
eh.rti3 RASTOGI D. P. - Some Case Reports 1

eh.rti4 RASTOGI D. P. - Use of Indigenous and Other Remedies in Homeopathy as Home Remedies 1
eh.rwp2 RAWAT P. S. - Homeopathy in Acne and Alopecia 1
eh.rwp3 RAWAT P. S. - Homeopathy in Angina Pectoris 1
eh.rwt1 ROWE Todd - Carnegia gigantea a Proving of Saguaro Cactus 1
eh.rwt10 ROWE Todd - A Proving of Salsola tragus - Tumbleweed 1
eh.rwt13 ROWE Todd- A Proving of Geochelone sulcata 1
eh.rwt2 ROWE Todd - Heloderma Suspectum proving 1
eh.rwt3 ROWE Todd - Urolophus Halleri: a Proving of Round Stingray 1
eh.rwt4 ROWE Todd - Cathartes aura: A Proving of Turkey Vulture 1
eh.rwt5 ROWE Todd - A proving of Argemone pleicantha 1
eh.rwt6 ROWE Todd - A Proving of Alligator mississipensis 1
eh.rwt7 ROWE Todd - A Proving of Turquoise 1
eh.rwt8 ROWE Todd - A Proving of Larrea tridentata (Creosote) 1
eh.rwt9 ROWE Todd - A Proving of Roadrunner 1
eh.ry1 ROYAL George - Textbook of Homeopathic Materia Medica 1
eh.rzf1 RITZER F., EBERLE H. - Plutonium - the suppression of the person's nucleus 1
eh.rzf2 RITZER F., EBERLE H. - Scorpio europeus 1
eh.rzf3 RITZER F., EBERLE H. - Aqua hochstein 1
eh.rzf4 RITZER F., EBERLE H. - Excrementum caninum (proving English) 1
eh.rzf5 RITZER F., EBERLE H. - Placenta proving 1
eh.sa1 SOUK-ALOUN P. - Pathogenesis of Brucella melitensis and Melitococcinum 1
eh.sa10 SOUK-ALOUN P. - The Contemporary French Provings 1

eh.sa3 SOUK-ALOUN P. - Provings of the french "comite d?experimentation homéopathique""" 1

eh.sa4 SOUK-ALOUN P. - Unintentional Provings 1
eh.sa6 SOUK-ALOUN P. - Building up of the Materia Medicas and the Repertories 1
eh.sa8 SOUK-ALOUN P. - 2nd Proving of Propranolol 30 CH 1
eh.sa9 SOUK-ALOUN P. - Pathogenesis of Thymulin and Clinical Use in AIDS 1
eh.samkn SAMUEL - Keynotes Samuel 1
eh.sdc1 SHEPARD Cynthia - Homeopathic Proving of Calypte anna (Anna's Hummingbird) 1
eh.sdc2 SHEPARD Cynthia - Homeopathic Proving of Anthopleura xanthogrammica 1
eh.sde2 SCHADDE Anne - Proving of Ozone 1
eh.sde9 SCHADDE Anne - Listening to Stone, Wood and Shell 1
eh.sdj1 SNOWDON Janet - Dreaming Potency 1
eh.sdj2 SNOWDON Janet - The Homeopathic Proving of Heroin 1
SPADA M., ARENA G., NOCIFORA R., MATERA M. - Homeopathic Research Study on
eh.sdm1 Titanium metallicum 1
SEIDENECK Barbara, GREGORICH J., LOCKWOOD A. - Clarity and Intoxication, the Proving of
eh.sdn1 Amethyst 1
eh.sdn2 SEIDENECK Barbara - The Proving of Aquilegia vulgaris - The Common Columbine 1

eh.sdn3 SEIDENECK Barbara - The Proving of the Rocky Mountain Columbine - Aquilegia coerulea 1
eh.sds1 SUDARSHAN S. R. - Repertory of non-malarial fevers 1
eh.sej10 SHORE Jonathan - Investigations into the Psyche of the Spider 1
eh.sej2 SHORE Jonathan - Seminar Glasgow [Scotland] April 1989 1
eh.sej3 SHORE Jonathan - Seminar Hapert [Netherlands] September 1990 1
eh.sej4 SHORE Jonathan - Seminar Hapert [Netherlands] April 1991 1
eh.sej5 SHORE Jonathan - Seminar Glasgow [Scotland] April 1990 1
eh.sel1 STONE Liz - Tyto alba - Barn Owl Feather 1
eh.sfa1 STAPF Johann - Additions to the Materia Medica Pura 1
eh.shc1 SHREEDHARAN C. K. - A concise Materia Medica & Repertory of Nosodes 1
eh.shn4 SHAH Nandita - Benzinum petroleum 1
eh.shs1 SINGH Sapuran - Hering's model cures 1
eh.shx1 SHAH Ronak - Veratrum - An Egoistic Lily [1st Ed.] 1
eh.sjc1 CHATTERJEE Sujit - The Proving of Chocolate 1
eh.sjc2 CHATTERJEE Sujit - The Proving of Ficus indica (Banyan) 1
eh.skj1 STEFANEK J., STEFANKOVA J. - Pestinum. A Remedy for any Future Plague? 1
eh.skn1 SUKUMARAN N. - Main Symptoms of Heart Problems 1
eh.sle1 STIRLING Penelope - The Homeopathic Proving of Crack Willow: Salix Fragilis 1
eh.sle2 STIRLING Penelope - The Proving of Cygnus bewickii 1
eh.sll1 SMAL L. - Homoeopathic Proving of Naja mossambica 1
SMALL Alvan - Manual of Homoeopathic Practice, for the use of Families and Private
eh.sml1 Individuals [6th Ed] 1

eh.sn2 SKINNER Thomas - Homoeopathy in its Relation to the Diseases of females or Gynaecology 1
eh.sna7 SWAN Samuel - Proving Of Ovi Gallina Pellicula - Membrane Of The Egg Shell 1
eh.sne1 SAINE André - Psychiatric Patients - Seminar 1999 [The Netherlands] 1

eh.sp1 STEPHENSON James - Hahnemannian Provings - A Materia Medica and Repertory 1924-195 1
eh.spl1 SCHEEPERS Léon - The Proving of Insulinum humanum 1
eh.spl2 SCHEEPERS Léon - The Proving of Lobelia cardinalis 1
eh.spl4 SCHEEPERS Léon - The Proving of Galium aparine 1
eh.sst5 SMITS Tinus - Inspiring Homeopathy (Materia Medica part) 1
eh.st3 SCHMIDT Pierre - Defective Illnesses 1
eh.st4 SCHMIDT Pierre - The Hidden Treasures of the last organon 1
eh.st5 SCHMIDT Pierre - The art of Case Taking 1
eh.st6 SCHMIDT Pierre - The art of Interrogation 1
eh.stu4 SANTOS Uta - Homeopathic Proving of Adeps boae constrictoris 1
eh.svm1 SIVARAMAN M. S. - Homeopathic Treatment of Asthma 1
eh.svr5 SIVARAMAN M. S. - Ear, Nose and Throat: Troubles cured with Homoepathy 1
eh.svr6 SIVARAMAN M. S. - Dreams and their homeopathic medicines 1
eh.svr7 SIVARAMAN M. S. - Asthma Cured with Homeopathic Medicines 1
eh.svr8 SIVARAMAN M. S. - Epilepsy cured with Homeopathic Medicines 1
eh.svr9 SIVARAMAN M. S. - Haemorrhoids cured by Homeopathic Medicines 1
eh.svu1 SAVULESCU G., CRUMP S. - Proving Quercus robur 1
eh.swc1 SOWTON Christopher - The proving of Tela aranea (Spiderweb) 1

eh.swm1 SANTWANI M. T. - Common ailments of Children and Their Homeopathic Management 1

eh.syk1 SWAYANADAN K. R. - Intestinal Worms 1
eh.syp1 SATYA Paul - Analogy of Pain 1
eh.sze1 SCHULZ Elisabeth - Buteo jamaicensis - Hawk 1
eh.sze10 SCHULZ Elisabeth - Remedy Encounter with Asterias rubens 1
eh.sze2 SCHULZ Elisabeth - Columba palumbus 1
eh.sze3 SCHULZ Elisabeth - Cygnus olor 1
eh.sze4 SCHULZ Elisabeth - Falco cherrug 1
eh.sze5 SCHULZ Elisabeth - Vultur gryphus - Condor 1
eh.sze6 SCHULZ Elisabeth - Test Flight 1
eh.sze7 SCHULZ Elisabeth - The Proving of Holy Ibis 1
eh.sze8 SCHULZ E., SHORE J. - The Proving of Radium bromatum 1
eh.sze9 SCHULZ Elisabeth - Lac humanum Proving [Vol. 1 -2] 2
eh.szs1 SONZ S., STEWART R. - The proving of Musca domestica 1
eh.szs2 SONZ S., SONAM K., STEWART R. - Hippocampus kuda, a Proving of Sea horse 1
eh.szw1 SCHWARTZ W. H. - The Homoeopathic Treatment of Wounds and Injuries 1
TWOHIG J., MARKS B. - Deadly Romance - A homoeopathic proving Latrodectus Hasseltii -
eh.thj1 Red back Spider 1
eh.tkm1 THAKAR M. - The Homopathic Proving of Blatta orientalis 1
eh.tl10 TYLER Margaret - Repertorizing 1
eh.tl2 TYLER Margaret - Pointers to the common remedies 1
eh.tl3 TYLER Margaret - Acute conditions, injuries 1
eh.tl4 TYLER Margaret - Drosera 1
eh.tl7 TYLER Margaret - Different Ways of Finding the Remedy 1
TYLER Margaret - Hahnemann's Conception of Chronic Disease, as Caused by Parasitic Micro-
eh.tl8 Organisms 1
eh.tly1 TAYLOR L. - Homoeopathic Proving of Naja mossambica 1
eh.tmo4 TUMMINELLO Peter - Twelve Jewels 1
eh.tms2 THOMPSON Michael - Venomous Snakes of the World 1

eh.tpi2 TIRASPOLSKI I., TIMOFEEVA T. - Curdlipid - New Monocomponent Homeopathic Remedy 1

eh.tt1 TESTE Alphonse - The Homeopathic Materia Medica 1
TIWARI Shashi - Homoeopathy and Child Care: Principles, Therapeutics, Children's Type,
eh.tws1 Repertory 1
eh.vh3 VITHOULKAS George - Essences of Materia Medica (= vh4) 1
eh.vma1 VARMA P. N., VAID V. - Side effects 1
eh.vma2 VARMA P. N., VAID V - Encyclopaedia of Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia [Vol. 1 & 2] 2
eh.wbt2 WULFSBERG Terje - Three Pieces of Gold 1
phys Transactions of World Congress of Homeopathic Physicians and Surgeons 1

eh.wd1 WARD James - Unabridged Dictionary of the Sensations as if - Part 1 - Pathogenetic 1

eh.wd2 WARD James - Unabridged Dictionary of the Sensations as if - Part 2 - Clinical 1
eh.wda1 WADIA S. R. - Leucoderma, its Homeopathic Treatment 1
eh.wda3 WADIA S. R. - Homeopathic cures asthma 1
eh.wda4 WADIA S. R. - Tonsillites cured by homeopathy 1
eh.wda6 WADIA S. R. - Homoeopathy in Children's Diseases 1
eh.wht1 WRIGHT Craig - Bitis arietans arietans and its venom 1
eh.wkc1 WILKINSON Chris - Hekla Lava 1
eh.wkc2 WILKINSON Chris - The Homeopathic Proving of Venus Stella Errans 1
eh.wkc3 WILKINSON Chris - The Homeopathic Proving of Alabaster 1
eh.wl1 WHEELER Charles - Introduction to the Principles and Practice of Medicine 1
WEILAND J., KÖNIG P., DAUZ G. - Vitis vinifera: White, Austria - Red, Germany - A Proving of
eh.wlj1 Two Homeopathic R 1
WICHMANN J. and the Bergische Homöopathie-Schule - Tyto alba - A Homeopathic Remedy
eh.wmj2 Proving 1
eh.wmj3 WICHMANN Jörg - Fagus sylvatica: Report of Provers 1
eh.wsf1 WOODS Fergie - Essentials of Homeopathic Prescribing 1
eh.wsj1 WINSTON Julian - A proving of Glonoine 1
eh.wt2 WRIGHT-HUBBARD Elizabeth - A Brief Study course in Homeopathy 1
eh.wwa1 WOODWARD A. - Constitutional Therapeutics 1
eh.yl1 YINGLING William - The Accoucheurs Emercency Manual 1
eh.zr2 ZAREN Ananda - Seminar Lelystad [Netherlands] May 1989 1
Total Volume of Books 1544

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